Greek Gods and Goddesses: You’re the Expert

Norse Mythic Figures:

Become the Expert!

Prior to reading our Anglo myths, it is important that we become familiar with the gods and goddesses, heroes, and other figures, their domains, and important traits. This will also be a chance for you to become the “class expert” on the gods or goddesses that will be assigned to you. You will ultimately become the class reference when we discuss your gods or goddesses in our myths.

First, I will assign each of you two gods or goddesses or heroes or mythic figures who are significant to the course. Then, you will complete the following steps:

1. Below is a list of web links to help you complete the research guide. You should use these sites exclusively, however, if you have any glitches with the sites, please see me during class.


2. Using the sites above, please complete the Research Guide on the next page. This Research Guide must be completed AND approved by Mr. Kristofic before completing the class expert cards.

3. Once your Research Guide has been approved, you may complete your ars memorativa cards based on the format on pgs 3 and 4 of this document. I have provided an example on pg. 4.

4. When the project is finished, you will present your cards to the class and will become the “class expert” for your gods or goddesses.

Ars Memorativa Card

Research Guide

Your name: _______________________________ Kristofic’s approval initials _______

|God/goddess name 1: |God/goddess name 2: |

|Domain: |Domain: |

|Relationship to other deities or mortals: |Relationship to other deities or mortals: |

|Problems with other deities or mortals: |Problems with other deities or mortals: |

|Character flaws: |Character flaws: |

|One fascinating fact or claim to fame: |One fascinating fact or claim to fame: |

Deity Expert Rubric

Ars Memorativa Card

| |Card includes visual cues |Card is weak in the |Card is weak in two of |Card is weak in three or|

|Content: |and reverse-side |following area: |the following areas: |more of the following |

| |explanations to all of the |( god/goddess’s name |( god/goddess’s name |areas: |

|80% |following: |( domain |( domain |( god/goddess’s name |

| |( god/goddess’s name |( relationship with other |( relationship with |( domain |

| |( domain |deities |other deities |( relationship with |

| |( relationship with other |( problems with other |( problems with other |other deities |

| |deities |deities |deities |( problems with other |

| |( problems with other |( character flaws |( character flaws |deities |

| |deities |( one fascinating fact or |( one fascinating fact |( character flaws |

| |( character flaws |claim to fame |or claim to fame |( one fascinating fact |

| |( one fascinating fact or |(22) |(19) |or claim to fame |

| |claim to fame | | |(15) |

| |(25) | | | |

| |One mistake in punctuation,|Two to three mistakes in |Four to five mistakes |More than five mistakes |

| |spelling, and |punctuation, spelling, and|in punctuation, |in punctuation, |

|Conventions |capitalization |capitalization |spelling, and |spelling, and |

| |(5) |(4) |capitalization |capitalization |

|20% | | |(3) |(2) |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

God/Goddess: ____________________________

| |Card includes visual cues | Card is weak in the |Card is weak in two of |Card is weak in three or|

|Content: |and reverse-side |following area: |the following areas: |more of the following |

| |explanations to all of the |( god/goddess’s name |( god/goddess’s name |areas: |

|80% |following: |( domain |( domain |( god/goddess’s name |

| |( god/goddess’s name |( relationship with other |( relationship with |( domain |

| |( domain |deities |other deities |( relationship with |

| |( relationship with other |( problems with other |( problems with other |other deities |

| |deities |deities |deities |( problems with other |

| |( problems with other |( character flaws |( character flaws |deities |

| |deities |( one fascinating fact or |( one fascinating fact |( character flaws |

| |( character flaws |claim to fame |or claim to fame |( one fascinating fact |

| |( one fascinating fact or |(22) |(19) |or claim to fame |

| |claim to fame | | |(15) |

| |(25) | | | |

| |One mistake in punctuation,|Two to three mistakes in |Four to five mistakes |More than five mistakes |

| |spelling, and |punctuation, spelling, and|in punctuation, |in punctuation, |

|Conventions |capitalization |capitalization |spelling, and |spelling, and |

| |(5) |(4) |capitalization |capitalization |

|20% | | |(3) |(2) |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

Total Score: _____/60

Extra Credit (+5) YES – or – NO

EXAMPLE: Ars Memorativa Card


God: The Titan, Prometheus.

Domain: Previously Olympus, but he was eventually chained to a pillar on the side of Mount Kaukasos by Zeus.

Relationship to other Deities: Brother to Epimetheus, trusted general to Zeus. He was the son of the Titan Iapetus. He created mankind out of clay with the help of his brother. He is said to have used his foresight to help deliver Athena from Zeus’ head.

Problems with other Deities: He was kicked out of Olympus after he stole fire from the gods, wrapping it in a fennel stalk and taking it down to mankind. He also taught humans how to cheat the gods out of giving them too much sacrificial meat at the altar.

Character Flaws: He was ambitious and too compassionate toward man. He also crossed Zeus, who was more powerful than he.

One fascinating fact or claim to fame: Prometheus was supposedly able to predict the future, and may have accepted the punishment because he knew that he would someday be freed from the pillar by Heracles.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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