Curriculum VitaeCam Escoffery, PhD, MPH, CHESProfessorDepartment of Behavioral Sciences and Health Education (BSHE) Rollins School of Public Health1518 Clifton Road, N.E., 5th FloorAtlanta, Georgia 30322Telephone: (404) 727-4701 / Fax: (404) 727-1369Email: cescoff@emory.eduEDUCATION2002University of Georgia, Athens, GeorgiaPh.D., Health Promotion and Behavior1995Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, GeorgiaM.P.H., Health Promotion and Education1992Emory University, Atlanta, GeorgiaB.S., Biology and PsychologyCERTIFICATION1995Certified Health Education Specialist (C.H.E.S.)PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE2020-presentProfessor & Vice ChairDepartment of Behavioral Sciences and Health Education,Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, GA2013-2019Associate Professor with tenureDepartment of Behavioral Sciences and Health Education,Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, GA2007-2013Assistant Professor (tenure-track)Department of Behavioral Sciences and Health Education, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, GA2004-2007Clinical Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Behavioral Sciences and Health Education, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, GA2000-2004Senior Associate FacultyDepartment of Behavioral Sciences and Health Education, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, GA1995- 2000Instructional SpecialistDepartment of Behavioral Sciences and Health Education, Southeastern Institute for Training and Evaluation, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory UniversityHONORS AND AWARDS1988Rotary Club Outstanding Area Scholar Scholarship1991Psi Chi Psychology Honor Society, Emory University 1992Mortar Board Society, Emory University1998Delta Omega National Honorary Society for Public Health, Rollins School of Public Health2000Phi Delta Kappa International Society for Professionals in Education, University of Georgia2000National Institute on Drug Abuse Dissertation Funding2003Early Career Award, American Public Health Association, Public Health Education and Health Promotion Section2011National Cancer Institute’s Research to Reality Mentorship Program, Mentor2013Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE), Presidential Citation2019Society for Behavioral Medicine, Leadership Institute2020President, Society of Public Health EducationPUBLICATIONSPEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES (*published with a student co-author)*Kilpatrick, N., Frumkin, H., Trowbridge, J., Escoffery, C., Geller, R., Rubin, L., Teague, G., & Nodvin, J. (2002). The environmental history in pediatric practice: A study of pediatricians’ attitudes, beliefs, and practices. Environmental Health Perspectives, 110(8), 1-5. Escoffery C., Miner, K.R., & Alperin, M. (2003). Ten informative web sites on distance education. American Journal of Health Behavior, 27(4), 464-465.*Escoffery, C., McCormick, L., & Bateman, K. (2003). Development and process evaluation of a web-based smoking cessation program for college smokers: Innovative tool for education. Patient Education & Counseling, 53, 217-225. Escoffery, C., Trowbridge, J., & Miner, K.R. (2004). Conducting small-scale community assessments. Journal of Health Education, 35(4), 238-242.Escoffery, C., Miner, K.R., Adame, D.D., Butler, S., McCormick, L., & Mendell, E. (2004). Internet use for health information among college students. Journal of American College Health, 53(4), 183-188. *Escoffery, C., Leppke, A.M., Mettler, E., Robinson, K.B., Miner, K.R., & Smith, I. (2005). Planning and implementing a public health professional distance learning program: A case study. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 8(1). *Bland, A., Kegler, M.C., Escoffery, C., & Malcoe, L.H. (2005). Understanding childhood lead poisoning preventive behaviors: The role of self-efficacy, subjective norms, and perceived benefits. Preventive Medicine, 41(1), 70-78. *Kegler, M.C., Escoffery, C., Groff, A., Butler, S., & Foreman, A. (2007). A qualitative study of how families decide to adopt household smoking restrictions. Family and Community Health, 30(4), 328-341. Escoffery, C., DiIorio, C., Yeager, K., McCarty, F., Robinson, E., Reisinger, E., Henry, T., & Koganti, A. (2008). Use of computers and the internet for health information by patients with epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior, 12(1), 109-114. Kegler, M.C., Escoffery, C., & Butler, S. (2008). A qualitative study on establishing and enforcing smoking rules in family cars. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 10(3), 493– 497. Escoffery, C., Glanz, K., & Elliott, T. (2008). Process evaluation of the Pool Cool Diffusion Trial for skin cancer prevention across two years. Health Education Research, 23(4), 732-743. Kegler, M., Escoffery, C., Alcantara, I. Ballard, D., & Glanz, K. (2008). A qualitative examination of home and neighborhood environments for obesity prevention in rural adults. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 5, 65. Escoffery, C., Kegler, M.C., & Butler, S. (2009). Formative research on creating smoke-free homes in rural communities. Health Education Research, 24(1), 76-86. *DiIorio, C., Escoffery, C., Yeager, K. McCarty, F., Robinson, E., Reisinger, E., Henry, T., & Koganti, A. (2009). Evaluation of WebEase: An epilepsy self-management website. Health Education Research, 24(2), 185-197. *DiIorio, C., Escoffery, C., Yeager, K., Koganti , A., Reisinger, E., & McCarty, F., Henry, T., Robinson, E., Kobau, R., & Price, P. (2009). WebEase: Development of a web-based epilepsy self-management intervention. Preventing Chronic Disease, 6(1), A28. Butler, S., Kegler, M., & Escoffery, C. (2009). Parental perspectives on anti-smoking discussions with adolescents in rural African American households, Preventing Chronic Disease, 6(2), A43.*Escoffery, C., Glanz, K., Hall, D., & Elliott, T. (2009). A multi-method process evaluation of a skin cancer prevention diffusion study. Evaluation & the Health Professions, 32(2), 184-203. *Walker, E.L., Welxer, B., DiIorio, C., Escoffery, C., McCarty, F., & Yeager, K.A. (2009). Content and characteristics of goals created during a self-management intervention for people with epilepsy. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 41(6), 312?–?321. Hannon, P.A., Fernandez, M.E., Williams, R., Mullen, P.D., Escoffery, C., Kreuter, M., Pfeiffer, D., Kegler, M., Reese, L., Mistry, R., Bowen, D. (2010). Cancer control planners’ perceptions and use of evidence-based programs, Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 16(3):E1-8. Allen, J.D., Coronado, G.D., Williams, R.S., Glenn, B., Escoffery, C., Fernandez, M., Tuff, R., Wilson, K.M., & Mullen, P.D. (2010). A systematic review of measures used in studies to assess acceptability of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. Vaccine, 28, 4027–4037. *Hall, D.M., Escoffery, C., Nehl, E., & Glanz, K. (2010). Spontaneous diffusion of an effective skin cancer prevention program through web-based access to program materials. Preventing Chronic Disease, 7(6), A125. *Berg, C. J., Parelkar, P. P., Lessard, L., Escoffery, C., Kegler, M. C., Sterling, K. L., & Ahluwalia, J. S. (2010). Defining “smoker”: College student attitudes and related smoking characteristics. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 12(9), 963-969. DiIorio, C.K., Bamps, Y.A., Edwards, A.L., Escoffery, C., Thompson, N. J., Begley, C.E., Shegog, R., Clark, N.M., Selwa, L., Stoll, S.C., Fraser, R.T., Ciechanowski, P., Johnson, E.K., Kobau, R., & Price, P.H., for the Managing Epilepsy Well Network. (2010). The Prevention Research Centers’ Managing Epilepsy Well Network. Epilepsy & Behavior, 19, 218-224. Kegler, M.C., Escoffery, C., Alcantara, I., Hinman, J., Addison, A., & Glanz, K. (2010). Perceptions of social and environmental support for healthy eating and physical activity in rural Southern churches. Journal of Religion and Health, 51(3):799-811. *Keebaugh, K., Escoffery, C., Lu, C., & Marcus, M. (2011). Demographic predictors of organic food purchase among university students. International Journal of Child Health and Human Development, 3(4), 435-451.Berg, C. J., Lessard, L., Parelkar, P. P., Thrasher, J., Escoffery, C., Kegler, M. C., Goldade, K., & Ahluwalia, J. S. (2011). College student reactions to smoke-free policies in public, on campus, and at home. Health Education Research, 26(1), 106-118. Escoffery, C., Kegler, M., Alcantara, I., Wilson, M., & Glanz, K. (2011). A qualitative examination of the role of small, rural worksites in obesity prevention. Preventing Chronic Disease, 8(4):A75. *DiIorio, C., Bamps, Y., Reisinger Walker, E, & Escoffery, C. (2011). Results of a randomized controlled trial: Evaluating WebEase, an online epilepsy self-management program. Epilepsy & Behavior, 22, 469-474. *Narula, S., Berg, C. J., Escoffery, C., & Blecher, E. (2012). College student smoking in South Africa: Smoking patterns, attitudes, and perceived consequences of tobacco policies. Journal of Public Health in Africa, Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy, S1:005. *Kegler, M., Escoffery, C., Bundy, L. Berg, C., Haardoerfer, R., Yembra, D., & Schauer, G. (2012). Pilot study results from a brief intervention to create smoke-free homes, Journal of Environmental and Public Health.Escoffery, C., Kegler, M.C., Glanz, K. Graham, T., Blake, S., Shapiro, J., Mullen, P.D., & Fernandez, M. (2012). Evidence-based recruitment strategies for the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 42(3), 235-241. *Brock, M., *Northcraft, L., Escoffery, C., & Greene, B.L. (2012). Musculoskeletal health in South GA Farmworkers: A mixed methods study. Work, 43(2), 223-36.Escoffery, C., Carvalho, M., & Kegler, M.C. (2012). Evaluation of the Prevention Programs that Work curriculum to teach use of public health evidence to community practitioners. Health Promotion Practice, 13(5), 707-15.Carvalho, M., Honeycutt, S., Escoffery, C., Sabbs, D., Glanz, K., & Kegler, M.C. (2013). Balancing fidelity and adaptation: Implementing evidence-based chronic disease prevention programs. Public Health Management and Practice, 19(4):348-56.Berg, C. J., Bundy, L., Escoffery, C., Haard?rfer, R., & Kegler, M. C. (2013). Telephone-assisted placement of air nicotine monitors to validate self-reported smoke-free home policies. Public Health, 127(4):342-344.*Stanley, S., Hurlbert, M., Ricci, C. Arriola, K.J., & Escoffery, C. (2013). Reducing barriers to breast cancer care through Avon patient navigation programs. Journal of Management and Practice, 19(5):461-7.Shegog, R., Bamps, Y.A., Patel, A., Kakacek, J., Escoffery, C. & Johnson, E. (2013). Managing Epilepsy Well: Emerging eTools for epilepsy self-management. Epilepsy & Behavior, 29(1):133-140.Escoffery, C., Bundy, L., Carvalho, M. Yembra, D., Haardoerfer, R., Berg, C., & Kegler, MC. (2013). Thirdhand smoke as a potential intervention message for promoting smoke-free homes. Health Education Research, 28(5), 923-30.Hannon, P.A., Maxwell, A.E., Escoffery, C., Vu, T., Kohn, M., Leeman, J., Carvalho, M.L., Pfeiffer, D.J., Dwyer, A., Fernandez, M.E., Vernon, S.W., Liang, L., & DeGroff, A. (2013). Use of evidence-based interventions in the National Colorectal Cancer Control Program. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 45(5), 644-8.Rodgers, K., Kegler, M.C., Escoffery, C., Akintobi, T., Haard?rfer, R., Thompson, W., & Evans, D. (2013). A model for strengthening collaborative research capacity: Illustrations from the Atlanta Clinical Translational Science Institute. Health Education & Behavior, 41(3), 267-74.Haynes, V., Escoffery, C., Wilkerson, C., Bell, R., & Flowers, L. (2014). Adaptation of a cervical cancer education program for African American couples in the faith-based community. Preventing Chronic Disease, 11, 130271. Escoffery, C., Rodgers, K., Kegler, M.C., Haard?rfer, R., Howard, D., Liang, S., & Pinsker, E. (2014). A systematic review of special events to promote breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screening. BMC Public Health, 14, 274.*Escoffery, C., Rodgers, K., Sessler, M., Pinsker, E., Kegler, M.C., & Haard?rfer, R. (2014). A grey literature review of special events for promoting cancer screenings. BMC Cancer, 14, 454. *Berg, C. J., Barr, D.B., Stratton, E., Escoffery, C., & Kegler, M. C. (2014). Attitudes toward e-cigarettes, reasons for initiating e-cigarette use, and changes in smoking behavior after initiation: A pilot longitudinal study of regular cigarette smokers. Open Journal of Preventive Medicine, 4(10), 789-800.Berg, C., Escoffery, C., & Kegler, M.C. (2015). Cigarette users’ interest in using or switching to electronic cigarettes or smokeless tobacco for harm reduction, cessation, or novelty: A cross-sectional survey of U.S. adults. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 17(2), 245-55.Escoffery, C., Rodgers K.C., Haard?rfer, R., Howard, D., Roland, K., Castro, G., Wilson, K., & Kegler M.C. (2014). Key informant interviews of special events to increase cancer screening in the U.S. Health Education Research, 29(5), 730-9.Maxwell, A.E., Hannon, P.A., Escoffery, C., Vu, T., Kohn M, Vernon, S.W., & DeGroff, A. (2014). Colorectal cancer screening promotion and provision: a comparison of Colorectal Cancer Control Program grantees and non-grantees. Preventing Chronic Disease, 11:E170.Kegler, M., Bundy, L., Haardoerfer, R., Escoffery, C., Berg, C., Yembra, D., Kreuter, M., Hovell, M., Williams, R., Mullen, P., Ribisl, K., & Burnham, D.? (2015). A minimal intervention to promote smoke-free homes among 2-1-1 callers: A randomized controlled trial.? American Journal of Public Health, 105(3):530-7.Escoffery, C., Hannon, P., Maxwell, A.E., Vu, T., Leeman, J., Dwyer, A., Mason, C., Sowles, S., Rice, K., & Gressard, L. (2015). Assessment of training and technical assistance needs of Colorectal Cancer Control Program Grantees in the U.S. BMC Public Health, 15, 49.Glanz, K., Escoffery, C., Nehl, E., & Elliott, T. (2015). Randomized trial of two dissemination strategies for a skin cancer prevention program in aquatic settings. American Journal of Public Health, 18:e1-e9.Escoffery, C., Kenzig, M., & Hayden, C. (2015). Getting the most out of professional associations. Health Promotion Practice, 16(3), 309-312.Leeman, J., Calancie, L., Hartman, M.A., Escoffery, C., Herrmann, A.K., Lindsay, E., Tague, L.E., Moore, A., Wilson, K.M., Schreiner, M., & Hodge, C.S. (2015). What strategies are used to build practitioners' capacity to implement community-based interventions and are they effective?: A systematic review. Implementation Science, 10:80.Escoffery, C., Fernandez, M, Shuting, S., Vernon, S, Maxwell, A., Allen, J., Dwyer, A., Hannon, P., Kohn, M., &, DeGroff, A. (2015). Patient navigation in a national Colorectal Cancer Control Screening Program. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 21(5), 433-40. Hyden, C., Escoffery C., & Kenzig, M. Identifying and applying for professional development funding. (2015). Health Promotion Practice, 16(4):476-9. *Allen, C., Escoffery, C., Satsangi, A., & Brownstein, J.N. (2015). A Little Fish in a Big Pond:” strategies to improve the integration of community health workers into health care teams. Preventing Chronic Disease, 12, 150199.*Escoffery, C., Bamps, Y., Thompson, N., LaFrance Jr., C., Stoll, S., Shegog, R., Buelow, J., Shafer, P., McGee, R., & Hatfield, K. (2015). Development of an Epilepsy Self-management Instrument for Adults with Epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior, 50, 172-183. *Escoffery, C., Bamps, Y., Thompson, N., LaFrance Jr., C., Stoll, S., Shegog, R., Buelow, J., Shafer, P., McGee, R., & Hatfield, K. Factor analyses of an Adult Epilepsy Self-Management Measurement Instrument (AESMMI). Epilepsy & Behavior, 50, 184-9.Kellstedt, D.K., Ory, M., Wood, R., Escoffery, C., & Carvalho, M. (2015). Mini-Grant Demonstration Projects: A community approach to increase physical activity. Texas Public Health Journal, 67(4), 13-16. *Arriola, K.R., Hermstad, A., Flemming, S., Honeycutt, S., Carvalho, M.C., Cherry, S.T., Davis, T., Frazier, S., Liang, S., Escoffery, C., & Kegler, M.C. (2016). Promoting policy and environmental change in faith-based organizations: Outcome evaluation of a mini-grants program. Health Promotion Practice, 17(1):146-55.Escoffery, C., Bundy, L., Haardoerfer, R., Berg, C.J, Savas, L., Williams, R.S., & Kegler, M.C. (2016). A process evaluation of an intervention to promote home smoking bans among low income households. Evaluation and Program Planning, 55, 120-125.Kegler, M., Haardoerfer, R., Bundy, L., Escoffery, C., Williams, R., & Mullen, P. (2016). Challenges in enforcing home smoking rules in a low-income population: Implications for measurement and intervention design. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 18(5): 976-981.Kegler, M.C., Berg, C.J., Escoffery, C., Haardoerfer, R., & Mullen, P. (2016). Do partial home smoking bans signal progress toward a smoke-free home? Health Education Research, 31(1):24-35.*Allen, C., Brownstein, J.N., Satsangi, A., & Escoffery, C. (2016). Capacity building and training needs for community health workers working in health care organizations. ?Journal of Community Medicine & Health Education, 6(1). *Escoffery, C., Helmers, S.L., Bamps, .Y, & McGee, R. (2016). Differences in epilepsy self-management behaviors among young and older adults. Neurological Disorders and Epilepsy, 3(1):1015. *Lowe, K., Berg, C.J., Mertens, A., & Escoffery, C. (2016). Distinct health behavior and psychosocial profiles of young adult survivors of childhood cancers: A mixed methods study. Journal of Cancer Survivorship: Research and Practice, 10(4), 619-32.*Escoffery, C., Kegler, M.C., Bundy, L, Yembra, D., Owolabi, S., Kelley, D., & Mabry, D. (2016). Evaluation of smoke-free foster care education for foster and adoptive caregivers. Child Welfare, 93(5), 105-16. *Escoffery, C., Patterson, A., Parris, N., Kirsch, L., Frank, C., & O'Connor, J. (2016). Assessment of physical distress, unmet needs, and receipt of care plans among cancer survivors in Georgia. Journal of the Georgia Public Health Association, 6(2). Henry Akintobi, T., Evans Wilkerson, D., Rodgers, K., Escoffery, C., Haard?rfer, R., & Kegler, M. (2016). Assessment of the Building Collaborative Research Capacity Model: Bridging the community-academic researcher divide. Journal of the Georgia Public Health Association, 6(2). *Allen, C., Satsangi, A., Brownstein, J.N., & Escoffery, C. (2016). Community health workers as allies in hypertension self-management and medication adherence. Preventing Chronic Disease, 13, 16023.*Rodgers, K.C., Haard?rfer, R. Escoffery, C., Ayala, M., Rodriguez, J. A. (2016). Qualitative study of an health fairs to increase cancer screening in the U.S. from Key Informant Interviews. MOJ Public Health. 4 (2).Comeau, D., Escoffery, C., Friedman, A., Ziegler, T., & Blumberg, H. (2017). Improving Clinical and Translational Research Training: A qualitative evaluation of the Atlanta Clinical and Translational Science Institute KL2 Mentored Research Scholars Program. Journal of Investigative Medicine, 65(1), 23-31.Haard?rfer, R., Berg, C.J. Escoffery, C., Bundy, L., Liang, S., Hovell, & M., Kegler, M.K. (2017). Development of a scale assessing Beliefs about Thirdhand Smoke (BATHS). Tobacco Induced Diseases, 17(15), 4.*Leeman, J., Candacie, L., Kegler, M.C., Escoffery, C., Herman, A., Thacker, E., Hartman, M.A., & Fernandez, M. (2017). Developing theory to guide building practitioners’ capacity to implement evidence-based interventions. Health Education & Behavior, 44(1):59-69.Patzer, R. E., Smith, K., Basu, M., Gander, J., Mohan, S., Escoffery, C., Plantinga, L., Melanson, T., Kalloo, S., Green, G., & Berlin, A. (2017). The ASCENT (Allocation System Changes for Equity in Kidney Transplantation) Study: a randomized effectiveness-implementation study to improve kidney transplant waitlisting and reduce racial disparity. Kidney International Reports, 2(3):433-441.Helmers, S.L., Kobau, R., Sajatovic, M., Jobst, B.C., Privitera, M., Devinsky, O., Labiner, D., Escoffery, C., Begley, C., Shegog, R., Pandey, D., Fraser, R.T., Johnson, E., Thompson, N.J., Horvath, K.J., for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Managing Epilepsy Well Network. (2017). Self-management in epilepsy—Why and how you should incorporate self-management into your practice. Epilepsy & Behavior, 68, 220–224. Wagner, J.L., Modi, A.C., Johnson, E.K., Shegog, R., Escoffery, C., Bamps, Y., Austin, J.K., Schultz, R.J., MapelLentz, & Smith, G. (2017). Self-management interventions in pediatric epilepsy: What is the level of evidence? Epilepsia, 58(5):743-754.Honeycutt, S., Hermstad, A., Carvalho, C., Arriola, K.J., Ballard, D., Escoffery, C., & Kegler, M. (2017). Practice to evidence: Using evaluability assessment to generate practice-based evidence in rural south Georgia. Health Education & Behavior, 44(3):454-462. Williamson, R., Cherven, B, Gilleland Marchak, J., Edwards, P., Palgon, M. Escoffery, C., Meacham, L.R., & Mertens, A.C. Meaningful use of an electronic personal health record (EPHR) among pediatric cancer survivors. Applied Clinical Informatics, 15;8(1):250-264.Savas, L.S., Mullen, P.D., Hovell, M.F., Escoffery, C., Fernandez M.E., Jones, J.A., Cavazos, J., Gutierrez Monrol, J.A., & Kegler, M.C. (2017). A qualitative study among Mexican Americans to understand factors influencing the adoption and enforcement of home smoking bans. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 19(12), 1465-1472.*Escoffery, C. Mullen, P.D., Rogers, B.G., Bundy, L., Owolabi, S., Haardoerfer, R., Williams, R., Savas, L.S., Kegler, M.C. (2017). Coaching to create a smoke-free home in a brief secondhand smoke intervention. Health Education Research, 32(6), 555–568. Escoffery, C., Liang, S., Rodgers, K., Haardoerfer, R., Gilbertson, K., Heredia, N., Gatus, L.S., & Fernandez, M. (2017). Process evaluation of health fairs promoting cancer screenings. BMC Cancer, 17:865.Escoffery, C., Kenzig, M., Hyden, C., & Hernandez, K. (2018). Capitalizing on social media for career development. Health Promotion Practice, 19(1):11-15. *Escoffery, C., Bidwell, J., McGee, R., Mynatt, E., & Frazier, C. (2018). Review of mobile applications for epilepsy self-management. Epilepsy & Behavior, 81, 62-69.Escoffery, C. (2017). Gender similarities and differences for ehealth behaviors among U.S. adults. Telemedicine and ehealth, Aug.*Patzer, R., Basu, M., Smith, K., Plantinga, L., Mohan, S., Escoffery, C., Joyce Kim, J., Melanson, T., & Pastan, S. (2018). Awareness of the New Kidney Allocation System among United States dialysis providers with low waitlisting. American Journal of Nephrology, 47(2):115-119.Haardoerfer, R., Kreuter, M., Berg, C.J., Escoffery, C., Hovell, M., Mullen, P.D, Williams, R., & Kegler, M.C. (2018). Cessation and reduction in smoking behavior: Impact of creating a smoke-free home on smokers. Health Education Research, 33(3), 256-9. *Kim, J.J., Basu, M., Plantinga, L., Pastan, S.O., Mohan, M., Smith, T., Melanson, T., Escoffery, C.,& Patzer, R.E. (2018). Awareness of racial disparities in kidney transplantation among healthcare providers in dialysis facilities. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 13(5):772-781. *Ochoa, C., Haardoerfer, R., Escoffery, C., Stein, K., & Alcarez, K. (2018). Examining the role of social support and spirituality on the general health perceptions of Hispanic cancer survivors. Psycho‐Oncology, 27(9),2189-2197. *Hermstead, A., Honeycutt, S., Carvalho, M., St. Clair, S., Hodges, T., Escoffery, C., Kegler, M.C., & Arriola, K. (2018). Social environmental correlates of health behaviors in a faith-based policy and environmental change intervention. Health Behavior & Education, 45(5), 672-681.Mainor, A., Leeman, J., Shannon, J., & Escoffery, C. (2018). Scaling-up and tailoring the “Putting Public Health in Action” Training Curriculum. Health Promotion Practice, 19(5), 664-672. *Escoffery, C., Lebow-Skelley, E. Haardoerfer, R., Boing, E., Udelson, H., Wood, R., Hartman, M., Fernandez, M.E., & Mullen, P.D.? (2018). A systematic review of adaptations of evidence-based public health interventions globally. Implementation Science, 13:eau, D., Alvarez, J., Bhatti, P., Paulsen, D.F., Quarshie, A., Escoffery, C., Ofotukun, I, Eisen, H., Ziegler, T.R., & Blumberg, H. (2018). Building diverse careers in clinical and translational research: Evaluation of a certificate program in translational research. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, (2)1, 38-47.Pathak, N., Tomolo, A., & Escoffery, C. (2018). Improving team-based care coordination delivery and documentation in the electronic medical record: Implementation of a care coordination template pilot. Federal Practitioner, 35(10):32-39.*Allen, C., Escoffery, C., Haardoerfer, R., & McBride, C. (2018). Factors influencing not perceiving family health history assessments as important: opportunities to improve dissemination of evidence-based population screening for cancer. Public Health Genomics, 21(3-4):144-15.Thompson, T., Kreuter, M.W., Caito, N., Williams, R., Escoffery, C., Fernandez, M.E., & Kegler, M.C., (2019). Implementing an evidence-based tobacco control program at five 2-1-1 call centers: An evaluation using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research. Tobacco Control, 21(2):180-187.*Escoffery, C., Lebow-S, Udelson, H., Boing, E., Fernandez, M. Wood, R., & Mullen, P. (2019). A scoping study of frameworks for adapting public health evidence-based interventions. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 9(1):1-10.Kegler, M.C., Haardoerfer, R., Bundy, L., Escoffery, C., Williams, R.S., Hovell, M., Kreuter, M., & Mullen, P.D. (2019). Moderators of establishing a Smoke-Free Home: Pooled data from three randomized controlled trials of a brief intervention, Journal of Community Health, 44(1):121-126.*Biello, S., Tomolo, A., Abraham, C., Escoffery, C., Lang, D., Sawyer, C., & Thomas, N. (2019). A qualitative evaluation of caregiver support services offered through the Cognitive Disorders Specialty Care Education Center of Excellence at the Atlanta Veterans Affairs Health Care System, Preventing Chronic Disease, 16:180156. *Vu, M., Luu, M. N., Haard?rfer, R., Berg, C. J., Escoffery, C., & Bednarczyk, R. A. (2019). A multilevel analysis of factors influencing the inaccuracy of parental reports of adolescent HPV vaccination status. Vaccine, 37(6):869-876. *Madigral, L., & Escoffery, C. (2019). E-Health behaviors among U.S adults with chronic disease. JMIR, 21(3).*Comeau, D., Palacios, N., Talley, C., Walker, E., Lang, D., Escoffery, C., & Thompson, W. (2019). Community engaged learning in public health:? An evaluation of utilization and value of student projects for community partners. Pedagogy in Health Promotion, 5(1), 3-13.Wang, C., Boyd, R., Mitchell, R. Wright, W.D, McCracken, C., Escoffery, C., Patzer, R.E., & Greenbaum, L.A. (2019). Development of a novel mobile application to detect urine protein for nephrotic syndrome disease monitoring. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 19, 105.McGee, R., Spruill, T., Johnson, E., Thompson, N., Janevic, M., Liu, H., Quarells, R., Fraser, R., Escoffery, C., & Sajatovic, M. (2019). Depression and quality of life among African Americans with epilepsy: Findings from the Managing Epilepsy Well (MEW) Network integrated database. Epilepsy & Behavior, 94, 301-306.*Escoffery, C., Kegler, M.C., Reihman, K., Watson, L., Halpin, S., Preiss, S., Fisher-Bone, M., Rhiness, C., & Wiggins, E. (2019). Facilitators and barriers to HPV vaccine promotion among Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs): A consolidated framework for implementation research analysis. Preventing Chronic Disease, 16, 180406.*Vu, M., Bednarczyk, R.A., Escoffery, C., Getachew, B., & Berg, C.J. (2019). Human papillomavirus vaccination among diverse college students: Who receives recommendation, who initiates, and what are the reasons? Health Education Research, 1;34(4):415-434.Sales, J.M., Escoffery, C., Hussen, S.A., Haddad, L.B., Phillips, A., Filipowicz, T., Sanchez, M., McCumber, M., Rupp, B., Kwiatkowski, E., Psioda, M.A., & Sheth, A.N. Integrating PrEP into Family Planning Services at Title X Clinics in the Southeastern US – Phase 1. JMIR Research Protocol, 8(6):e12774.*Kegler, M.C., Anderson, K., Bundy, L.T., Knauf, D., Halfacre, J., Escoffery, C., Cramblit, A., & Henderson, P. (2019). A qualitative study about creating smoke-free home rules in American Indian and Alaska Native households. Journal of Community Health, 44(4):684-693. *Anderson, K., Kegler, M., Bundy, L., Henderson, P., Halfacre, J., & Escoffery, C. (2019). Adaptation of a Brief Smoke-Free Homes Intervention for American Indian and Alaska Native Families. BMC Public Health, 19(1):981.Quon, R., Andrew, A., Schmidt, S., Escoffery, C., Schommer, L., Chu, F., Henninger, H., Keith Nagle, K., Streltzov, N., & Jobst, B. (2019). Self-management practices associated with quality of life for adults with epilepsy. Journal of Neurology, 266(11):2821-2828.Hannon, P., Annette E. Maxwell, A.E., Escoffery, C., Vu, T., Kohn, M., Rice, K., Dillon-Sumner, L., Mason, C., & DeGroff, A. (2019). Adoption and implementation of evidence-based colorectal cancer screening interventions among CRCCP Grantees. 2009 – 2015, Preventing Chronic Disease, 2019;16:180682.Escoffery, C., Gilleland Marchak, J., Haardoerfer, R., Meacham, L., Williamson Lewis, R., Udelson, H., Edwards, P., & Mertens, A. (2019). Scalability of Cancer SurvivorLinkTM: A Cluster Randomized Trial among Pediatric Cancer Clinics. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 85:10581. DeGroff, A., Gressard, L., Glover-Kudon, R., Rice, K., Escoffery, C., Gersten, J., & Butterly, L. (2019). Assessing the scalability of a patient navigation intervention for colonoscopy using RE-AIM. BMC Health Services Research, 19, 803.Guan, Y., Neil, E., Condit, C., Escoffery, C., Bellcross, C.A., & McBride, C.M. (2019). Willingness to decrease mammogram frequency among women at low risk for hereditary breast cancer. Scientific Reports, 9(1):9599.Guan, Y., Condit, C.M., Escoffery, C., Bellcross, C.A., & McBride, C.M. (2019). Do women who receive a negative BRCA1/2 risk result understand the implications for breast cancer risk? Public Health Genomics, 22(3-4), 1-8.Quarells, R.,Shallcross, A., Escoffery, C., Spruil, T., Montesdeoca, J., Diaz, L., Payano, L, & Thompson, N. (2019). Depression self-management in people with epilepsy: Adapting Project UPLIFT for underserved populations. Epilespy & Behavior, 99, 106422. Barrington, W.E, Degroff, A., Melillo, S., Vu, Th., Cole, A., Escoffery, C., Askelson, N. Seegmiller, L., Koopman Gonzalez, S., & Hannon, P. (2019). Patient navigator reported patient barriers and delivered activities in two large federally-funded cancer screening programs. Preventive Medicine, 129S:10585.*Vu, M., Escoffery, C., Srivanjarean, Y., & Berg, C. (2020). Acculturation and exposure to secondhand smoke in the home among Vietnamese immigrants in metropolitan Atlanta. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 22(3):580-587.Bundy, L.T., Haardorfer, R., Kegler, MC, Owolabi, S, Berg, C., Escoffery, C., Thompson, T., Mullen, PD, Williams, R., Hovell, M., Kahl, T., Harvey, D., Price, A., House, D., Booker, BW, & Kreuter, MW. (2020). Disseminating a Smoke Free Homes program to low-income households through 2-1-1: Results of a national impact evaluation. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 22(4):498-50.Lipscomb, J., Escoffery, C., Gillespie, T., Henley, S.J., Smith, R., Chociemski, T., Almon, L., Jiang, R., Sheng X., Goodman, M., & Ward, K. (2020). Improving screening uptake among breast cancer survivors and their first-degree relatives at elevated risk to breast cancer: Results and implications of a randomized study in the state of Georgia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(3). Wang, C., Escoffery, C., Patzer, R.E., McCracken, C.E., Ross, D., Michelle Rheault, M., Al-Uzri, A., & Greenbaum, L.E. (2020). A dual efficacy-implementation trial of a novel mobile application for childhood nephrotic syndrome management: The UrApp for childhood nephrotic syndrome management pilot study /protocol (UrApp Pilot Study). Pediatric Nephrology, 21(1):125.Escoffery, C., Johnson, L., McGee, R., Olorundare, E.I, Geiger, D., Quarells, R.C., & Thompson, N.J. (2020). Epilepsy self-management behaviors among African Americans with epilepsy. Epilepsy and Behavior, 109, 107098.*Brock, K.E., Allen, K. Barton, C., Shapiro, R., Weintraub, B., Wasilewski-Masker, K., Escoffery, C., & Johnson, K. A methodologic approach to conducting a statewide community needs assessment of pediatric palliative care and hospice resources:. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, S0885-3924(20)30199-8.*Johnson, K., Allen, K. E., West, W., Williams-Kirkwood, W., Wasilewski-Masker, K., Escoffery, C., & Brock, K. E. (2020). Strengths, gaps, and opportunities: Results of a statewide community needs assessment of pediatric palliative care and hospice resources. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, S0885-3924(20)30202-5.Sales, J.M., Escoffery, C., Hussen, S.A., Haddad, L.B., Phillips, A., Filipowicz, T., Sanchez, M., McCumber, M., Rupp, B., Kwiatkowski, E., Psioda, M.A. (2020). Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Integration into Family Planning Services at Title X Clinics in the Southeastern United States: A Geographically-Targeted Mixed Methods Study (Phase 1 ATN 155). JMIR Research Protocols, 8(6):e12774.Sheth, A.N., Hussen, S.A., Escoffery, C., Haddad, L.B., Powell, L., Brown, N., Filipowicz, T.R., McCumber, M., Sanchez, M., Renshaw, L., Psioda, M.A., & Sales, J.M. (2020). Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Integration Into Family Planning Services at Title X Clinics in the Southeastern United States: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Hybrid Type I Effectiveness Implementation Study (Phase 2 ATN 155). JMIR Research Protocol, 9(9):e18784.Magua, W., Basu, M., Pastan, S.O., Kim, J.J., Smith, K., Gander, J., Mohan, S., Escoffery, C., Plantinga, L.C., Melanson, T., Garber, M.D., &Patzer RE. (2020). Effect of the ASCENT Intervention to increase knowledge of kidney allocation policy changes among dialysis providers. Kidney International Report, 5(9):1422-1431.*Vu. M., Raskind, I. G., Escoffery, C., Srivanjarean, Y., Jang, H. M., Berg, C. J. (2020). Food insecurity among immigrants and refugees of diverse origins living in metropolitan Atlanta: The roles of acculturation and social connectedness. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 10(6):1330-41.Magua, W., Basu, M., Pastan, S. O., Kim, J. J., Smith, K., Gander, J., Mohan, S., Platinga, L.,C., Melanson, T., Escoffery, C., Garber, M.D., & Patzer, R. E. (2020). Effect of the ASCENT intervention to increase knowledge of kidney allocation policy changes among dialysis providers. Kidney international reports, 5(9), 1422-1431.Li, J., Berg, C.J., Weber, A., Vu, M., Nguyen, J., Haard?rfer, R., Windle, M., Goodman, M., Escoffery, C. (2020). Tobacco use at the intersection of sex and sexual identity in the US, 2007-2020: A meta-analysis. 2020. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, S0749-3797(20)30437-2.?Gilleland Marchak, J., Cherven, B., Williamson Lewis, R., Edwards, P., Meacham, L., Palgon, M., Escoffery, C., Mertens, A.C. (2020). User-centered design and enhancement of an electronic personal health record to support survivors of pediatric cancers. Supportive Care in Cancer, 8, 3905-3914.*Vu, M., Berg, C. J., Escoffery, C., Jang, H. M., Nguyen, T. T., Travis, L., Bednarczyk, R. A. (2020). A systematic review of practice-, provider-, and patient-level determinants impacting Asian-Americans’ human papillomavirus vaccine intention and uptake, Vaccine, 38(41):6388-6401. Guan, Y., McBride, C.M., Rogers, H., Zhao, J., Allen, C.G., & Escoffery, C. (2021). Initiatives to scale up and expand reach of cancer genomic services outside of specialty clinical settings: A systematic review. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 60(2):e85-e94.Sales, J. M., Escoffery, C., Hussen, S. A., Haddad, L. B., McCumber, M., Kwiatkowski, E., Filipowicz, T., Psioda, M.A., & Sheth, A. N. (2021). Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Implementation in Family Planning Services Across the Southern United States: Findings from a Survey Among Staff, Providers and Administrators Working in Title X-Funded Clinics. AIDS and Behavior, 1-12.Coleman, C. G., Sales, J. M., Escoffery, C., Piper, K. N., Powell, L., & Sheth, A. N. (2021). Primary Care and Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Services in Publicly Funded Family Planning Clinics in the Southern United States. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 1-8. Sajatovic, M., Wilson, B., Shegog, R., B S Briggs, F., Escoffery, C., Jobst, B.C., Johnson, E.K., Fraser, R.T., Quarells, R.C., & Spruill, T.M. (2021).The Managing Epilepsy Well (MEW) network database: Lessons learned in refining and implementing an integrated data tool in service of a national U.S. Research Collaborative. Epilepsy & Behavior, ;115:107650.Piper, K.N., Escoffery, C,, Sales, J.M, & Sheth, A.N. (2021). Models of HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Care Used in Title X Family Planning Clinics in the Southern U.S. Journal of Adolescent Health, 68(3):480-487.Li J, Berg CJ, Weber AA, Vu M, Nguyen J, Haard?rfer R, Windle M, Goodman M,& Escoffery C. (2021). Tobacco Use at the Intersection of Sex and Sexual Identity in the U.S., 2007-2020: A Meta-Analysis. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 60(3):415-424.Gilleland Marchak, J., Halpin, S.N., Escoffery, C., Owolabi, S., Mertens, A. C., & Wasilewski Masker, K. (2021). Using formative evaluation to plan for electronic psychosocial screening in pediatric oncology. Psycho-oncology, 30(2):202-21.Vu, M., Huynh, V. N., Berg, C. J., Allen, C. G., Nguyen, P. H., Tran, N., Srivanjarean, Y., & Escoffery, C. (2021). Hepatitis B testing among Vietnamese in metropolitan Atlanta: The role of healthcare-related and acculturation-related factors. Journal of Community Health, in press. Earl, V., Beasley, D., Ye, C., Halpin, S.N., Gauthreauz, N., Escoffery, C., Chawla, S. Barriers and Facilitators to Colorectal Cancer Screening in African-American Men. Digestive Diseases and Science, in press).Risendal BC, Hébert JR, Morrato EH, Thomson CA, Escoffery C.N, Friedman DB, Dwyer AJ, Overholser LS, Wheeler SB. Addressing COVID-19 Using a Public Health Approach: Perspectives From the Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, in press. Sales JM, Escoffery C, Hussen SA, Haddad LB, McCumber M, Kwiatkowski E, Filipowicz T, Sanchez M, Psioda MA, Sheth AN. Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Implementation in Family Planning Services Across the Southern United States: Findings from a Survey Among Staff, Providers and Administrators Working in Title X-Funded Clinics. AIDS & Behavior, in press.Coleman CG, Sales JM, Escoffery C, Piper KN, Powell L, Sheth AN. Primary Care and Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Services in Publicly Funded Family Planning Clinics in the Southern United States. Journal of General Internal Medicine, in press.Escoffery, C., Foster, M., Fernandez, M.E., Haardoerfer, R., & Mullen, P.D. Are training and experience adapting evidence-based interventions associated with self-efficacy and attitudes? A cross-sectional survey of students and practitioners with varying levels of adaptation experience. Health Promotion Practice, in press.Sharma, K., DeGroff, A., Hannon, P., Maxwell, A., & Escoffery, C. Evidence-based interventions and colorectal cancer screening rates: The Colorectal Cancer Screening Program, 2015-2017. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, in press.*Li, J., Huang, D., Windle, M., Escoffery, C., Wang, W., Li, X., Tao, K., Haard?rfer, R., Li, S., Yan, H., Berg., C.J. Minority stress, depression, and cigarette smoking among Chinese gay versus bisexual men: Two-group structural equation model analyses. BMC Public Health, in press.UNDER REVIEW Maxwell, A., Juzhong, S., Sharma, K., Hannon, P., DeGroff, A., Hohl, S.D., & Escoffery, C. Uptake of evidence-based system interventions to promote colorectal cancer screening: A survey of 355 clinics in the National Colorectal Cancer Control Program, 2015-2018. Translational Behavioral Medicine, under revision.Vu, M., Bednarczyk, R.A., Escoffery, C., Ta, D., Huynh, V. N., & Berg, C.J. U.S. Vietnamese Parents' HPV Vaccine Decision-Making for Their Adolescents: An Exploration of Practice-, Provider-, and Patient-Level Influences. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, submitted.McGee, R., Olorundare, E.I, Thompson, N.J., Escoffery, C., Quarells, R.C. Perceptions of a mindfulness-based cognitive therapy intervention: Focus group findings examining acceptability for African Americans with Epilepsy. Evaluation and Program Planning, revised.*Escoffery, C., Carvalho, M., Sansangti, A., Hannon, P., Annette E. Maxwell, A.E., Vu, T., Mason, C., Dwyer, A., Leeman, J. Mixed methods study of the role of partnerships in screening promotion in the CRCCP Program. Journal of Community Health, submitted.BOOKSEscoffery, C., & Miner, K. (1997). Epi Map: A step by step guide. Soquel, CA: ToucanEd Publications.Alperin, M. & Escoffery, C. (2001). Using Epi Info 2000: A step-by-step guide. Soquel, CA: ToucanEd Publications. Alperin, M. & Escoffery, C. (2003). Using Epi Info 2002: A step-by-step guide. Soquel, CA: ToucanEd Publications.Grim, M., & Escoffery, C. (Editors). (2015). The Health Education Specialist: A Companion Guide for Professional Excellence (7th Ed.). Whitehall, PA: National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc.BOOK CHAPTERSEscoffery, C. (2010). Chapter VI: Serve as a Health Education Resource Person. The Health Education Specialist: A companion guide for professional excellence (6th ed.). National Commission for Health Education Credentialing: Whitehall, PA.Escoffery, C., & Carvalho, M. (2015). Chapter VI: Serve as a Health Education/Health Promotion Resource Person. The Health Education Specialist: A companion guide for professional excellence (7th ed.). National Commission for Health Education Credentialing: Whitehall, PA.Bidwell, J., Mynatt, B., Frazier, C., Kovitch, E., Escoffery, C. (2017). Self-reporting technologies for supporting epilepsy treatment. Seizures. In Tech: Croatia.Fernandez, M.E., Mullen, P.D., Leeman, J., Walker, T.J., Escoffery, C. (2018). Evidence-based cancer practices, programs, and interventions. In Chambers, D., Vinson, C., & Norton, W. (Editors), Advancing dissemination and implementation research in cancer care, Oxford University Press.Escoffery, C., Green, L. Implementation. In: Green, L, Kreuter, M., & Gielen, A. (Editors), Health Promotion and Planning: An Educational and Environmental Approach, John Hopkins Press.MULTIMEDIA PRODUCTSCost Effectiveness of Community HIV Programs: A Real World Guide to the Method. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. May 2004.Basics of Tobacco Control: Pathway to Change. Tobacco Technical Assistance Consortium. Rollins School of Public Health. 2005.Enhancing Program Performance through Evaluation. National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. April 2007.TECHNICAL REPORTSEscoffery, C. (1995). An assessment of computer use, knowledge and attitudes of public health workers in Georgia. Emory University, Master’s Thesis. Miner, K., Alperin, M., & Escoffery, C. (1996). Lessons Learned from Georgia INPHO. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Escoffery, C., Sunnarborg, K. & Thomas, B. (1995). An Evaluation of TISB’s State Chronic Disease Prevention, and Health Promotion Database/Clearinghouse Activities. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA.Escoffery, C. (2002). Efficacy of an internet smoking cessation program for college students. University of Georgia. Doctoral Dissertation.Escoffery, C., Carvalho, M., Schilsky, A., & Howard, D. (2005). Pool Cool Program: 2004 Process Evaluation. Submitted to the Pool Cool Diffusion Trial, as part of a National Cancer Institute Grant.Escoffery, C., Leppke, A., Young, M., Fortenberry, R, & Mobley, B. (2006). Pool Cool Program: 2005 Process Evaluation. Submitted to the Pool Cool Diffusion Trial, as part of a National Cancer Institute Grant. Escoffery, C., Young, M., Dowling, M., & Scanlin, K. (2007). Pool Cool Program: 2006 Process Evaluation. Submitted to the Pool Cool Diffusion Trial, as part of a National Cancer Institute Grant. Expert Panel on Community Health Promotion, Community Health Promotion Expert Panel Meeting, Community Health and Program Services Branch, along with the Division of Adult and Community Health, Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention. (2007). Recommendations for the Future Efforts in Community Health Promotion, Report of National Expert Panel on Community Health Promotion.Escoffery, C., Kegler, M., Glanz, K., Blake, S., Graham, T., Tungol, M.L., & Keeley, R. (2009). Inventory and Assessment of NBCCEDP Interventions. Submitted to Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, CDC.GRANTS2020-2025Co-Investigator, Testing a Low Cost Population- and Theory-Based Outreach Intervention to Engage Ovarian Cancer Survivors and their Close Relatives to Consider Genetic Services, National Cancer Institute.2019-2024Principal Investigator, Managing Epilepsy Well Coordinating Center (SIP 19-002), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Barbara Jobst (MPI), $1,996,159.2019-2024Principal Investigator, Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network (SIP 19-005), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/NCI, $1,496,870.2019-2024Co-Investigator (Deputy Director), Emory Prevention Research Center, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Michelle Kegler (PI), $3,740,135.2019-2020Co-Investigator. Implementing Trauma Informed Care In Hiv Primary Care In The Southeast. 2018-2023Principal Investigator, SurvivorLink: Scalability of an Electronic Personal Health Record for Cancer Survivors and Caregivers at Pediatric Cancer Centers, National Cancer Institute Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (NCI R01CA218389), Ann Mertens (MPI), $3,694,661.2018-2019Principal Investigator, Evaluating Education Tools to Support Pediatric Cancer Survivor Care, National Cancer Institute (NCI R01CA218389 Supplement), Ann Mertens (MPI), $147,972.2018-2019 Principal Investigator, Colorectal Cancer Control Program (CRCCP) Evaluation Activities, Alliance for Reducing Cancer, Northwest (ARC NW), University of Washington Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network Subcontract, $60,000.2018-2020Co-Investigator (Implementation Scientist), C&E Exemplars Research Partner: Vaccine Exemplars, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Matt Freeman (PI), $1,500,000.2018-2023Co-Investigator (Implementation/Behavioral Scientist), Reducing Disparities among Kidney Transplant Recipients (NIMHD R01 MD011682), Rachel Patzer (PI), $1,734,503.2017-2018Principal Investigator, Qualitative Study of the 80% by 2018 Initiative/National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable (NCCRT), American Cancer Society, $29,899.2017-2020Co-Investigator (Implementation Scientist), Integrating PrEP into Family Planning Services at Title X Clinics in the Southeastern US. National Institutes of Health, Adolescent Medicine Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions (ATN), Jessica Sales and Anandi Sheth (PIs), $1,989,484.2016-2018Co-Investigator, Assessment of Care Coordination Activities for High-risk Veterans Utilizing a Template Integrated in the Electronic Health Record, Neha Pathak (PI).Veterans Administration Health Services Research and Development (HSR&D), $19,928.2015-2022Co-Lead, Winship Cancer Institute, Intervention Development, Dissemination and Implementation Developmental Core, National Cancer Institute (P30CA138292), Michelle Kegler (PI), $125,000.2015-2019Co-Investigator (Implementation Scientist), Evaluation of Racial Disparities in Access to Kidney Transplantation in New National Kidney Allocation Policy. National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (R01MD010290), Rachel Patzer (PI), $2,117,534.2014-2019Co-Investigator, Adapting Evidence-Based Epilepsy Self-Management Programs for Blacks in Georgia (SIP 14-07), Subcontract to Morehouse School of Medicine, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Nancy Thompson (PI), $809,645 direct.2014-2019Consultant, UNC Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Jennifer Leeman (PI).2012-2019Principal Investigator, Increasing Reach and Implementation of Evidence-based Programs for Cancer Control. Subcontract to the University of Texas-Houston, Pat Mullen and Maria Fernandez (PIs). National Cancer Institute. (NCI R01 Dissemination and Implementation Research R01CA163526-05), $499,593.2016-2017Co-Investigator, Mobile Point-Based Reward System for Pediatric Epilepsy Self-Management, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta - Children’s Center for Neurosciences Research (CCNR) and Goizueta Foundation, $50,000. 2016-2017Co-Investigator, FQHC HPV Vaccine Implementation Qualitative Analyses, American Cancer Society, $21,799.2014-2016Co-Investigator, Managing Epilepsy Well Coordinating Center. Subcontract to Dartmouth University, $489,845 direct.2014-2017Co-Investigator, Cognitive Disorders Specialty Care Education Center of Excellence. Atlanta Veterans Administration (VA) Medical Center, Veterans Administration, Ann Tomolo (PI), $1,500,000- Interagency Personnel Agreement IPA, $69,319.2014-2017Principal Investigator, Patient Navigation Metrics for Colorectal Cancer, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Interagency Personnel Agreement, $47,533.2014Principal Investigator, Evidence-based Public Health webinar series. Healthcare Georgia Foundation, $7,000.2014Principal Investigator, CDC’s Community Guide Putting Prevention into Practice Training. Kittery Point Solutions, $8,000.2013-2018Principal Investigator, Alliance for Reducing Cancer Northwest SIP 09-002, Evaluation of Implementation of Cancer Screening Evidence-based Interventions among CDC’s Colorectal Cancer Control Program. University of Washington, Peggy Hannon (PI), $265,000.2011-2016Co-Investigator, Brief Interventions to Create Smoke-Free Home Policies in Low-Income Households. National Cancer Institute (U01CA154282), Michelle Kegler (PI), $1,263,916.2011-2012Principal Investigator, Smoke-free Foster Homes Project. National Cancer Institute, U01CA154282-01, $123,000.2010-2014Principal Investigator, SIP 10-030 Evaluating Special Events for Cancer Screening, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (SIP 10-30), $750,000.2009-2014Co-Principal Investigator, Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network (CPCRN), Michelle Kegler (Co-PI). National Cancer Institute/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (SIP 2-09), $1,500,000.2009-2014Co-Investigator and Faculty Lead of the Training Core, Emory Prevention Research Center (EPRC), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (5U48DP001909-03), Michelle Kegler (PI), $1,910,495.2011-2013Co-Investigator, SIP 11-044: State Registries as Platform for Screening High-Risk Cancer Survivors and Families, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Joe Lipscomb (PI), $300,000.2009-2010Principal Investigator, Formative Research in Development of a Guide to Create Smoke-free Homes for African Americans. Emory Winship Cancer Institute, $12,500.2009-2014Co-Investigator, Preventing Depression in People with Epilepsy: An Extension of Project UPLIFT, National Institutes of Health (NIH), Nancy Thompson (PI), $475,237.2009-2014Co-Investigator, Managing Epilepsy Well: Self-Management Intervention Research Coordinating Center, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (SIP 11-09), Colleen DiIorio-Nancy Thompson (PI). 2009-2011Co-Investigator, Building Collaborative Research Capacity (Recovery Act Limited Competition -- ACTSI supplement, NIH/NCRR (3UL1RR025008-03S1), Michelle Kegler (PI), $599,998.2007-2012Co-Investigator and Evaluator, Atlanta Area Clinical and Translational Science Institute, National Institutes of Health (1UL1RR025008-01), Research Education, Training and Career Development (Evaluator), David Stephens (PI), $5,425,620. 2007-2009Co-Investigator, Managing Epilepsy Well: Self-Management Intervention Research Coordinating Center, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U48 DP000043-03 - SIP 5-07), Colleen DiIorio (PI), $148,427. 2006-2009Principal Investigator, Inventory and Assessment of National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP) Interventions, Special Interest Project, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U48 DP000043-03 – SIP 1), $500,000.2005-2009Co-Investigator, Using Distance Technology for Treating Depression in People with Epilepsy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U48 DP000043-03 - SIP 7) Nancy Thompson (PI), $397,648. 2002-2007Principal Investigator, National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, NBCCEDP Program Evaluation Training Series. ORC Marco, Kathleen Miner (Co-PI) , $412,692.2005-2007Co-Investigator, Use of Computer Multimedia to Develop an Epilepsy Self-Management Program, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (5 U48 DP000043-03 - SIP 2), Colleen DiIorio (PI), $399,316. 2004-2009Co-Investigator, Prevention Research Centers’ Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network, for Disease Control and Prevention Centers (5 U48 DP000043-03 - SIP 16), Karen Glanz (PI), $2,464,428.2004-2007Co-Investigator (Process Evaluator Lead), Process Evaluation of the Pool Cool Diffusion Trail, National Cancer Institute (R01CA092505-03), Karen Glanz (PI), $621,433.2004-2005Co-Investigator, Emory Prevention Research Center, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Karen Glanz & Michelle Kegler (PIs), $1,121,292. 2003-2005Co-Investigator, A Qualitative Study of Household Smoking Policies, National Cancer Institute (R21CA098484-01A1), Michelle Kegler (PI), $200,000.2002-2007Co-Investigator and Lead Evaluator, Emory Mentored Clinical Research Scholars Program, NIH National Center for Research Resources (5K12 RR 017643), Henry Blumberg (PI), $1,120,895.2001-2004Principal Investigator, Evaluation of an Internet Smoking Cessation Program for College Students. National Institutes on Drug Abuse (DA14396-01), $54,000. 2004-2005Instructional Designer/Trainer, Emory Center for Public Health Preparedness, Association of Schools of Public Health, Kathleen Miner, Melissa Alperin (PIs), $986,730.Curriculum Specialist, Prostate Cancer Education Project, Dabney Evans, Kathleen Miner (PIs). Georgia Division of Public Health (through Cobb County Board of Health), $165,143.Instructional Designer, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Applied Research (Prevention Effectiveness CD-ROM), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Anne Haddix, Kathleen Miner (PIs), $224,063.2001-2004Community Needs Assessment Consultant, Evaluator. National Tobacco Control Training and Technical Assistance Consortium (TTAC), Kathleen Miner (PI). Annually: American Cancer Society, $ 886,783. American Legacy Foundation, $ 1,410,000. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, $ 2,076,758.1997-1999PE 101 Coordinator (PI), PE 101 Health Education Course. Emory Physical Education Department, $31,310.1996-1998Training Faculty, Georgia INPHO Project II, Kathleen Miner (PI). Robert W. Woodruff Foundation, $468,000.1996-1998Co-I & Evaluator, Resource Mothers Program, Jane Trowbridge (PI). Georgia Department of Human Resources $99,000.1995-1997Co-I & Evaluator, Evaluation of the SIIS Project, Kathleen Miner (PI). Georgia Department of Administrative Services, $99,400. 1995Co-I & Evaluator, Georgia Statewide Multiprotocol Health Information Network, Kathleen Miner (PI). National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), Department of Commerce, $40,000.MENTORED GRANTS2020-2023Megha Shah, MD (Co-Sponsor), Better Together: Leveraging Primary Care and Social Network Resources to Create A Patient-Centered Approach to Improve Diabetes Among Immigrant Communities, National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, 1K23MD015088-01, $152,388.2020-2022Caitlin Allen, MPH (Co-Sponsor), Improving Family Cancer History Collection Using Social Network, Human Centered Design, and Implementation Science Approaches, National Cancer Institute, F99, $47,020.2020-2025Jennifer Mascaro, PhD (Co-Sponsor), A Feasibility Study of Chaplain-Delivered Compassion Meditation for Patients Receiving Stem Cell Transplantation, National Center For Complementary & Integrative Health, K01, $127,484.2020-2023Howa Yueng, MD (Co-Sponsor), Epidemilogy, impact and experience of acne in transgender persons. National Institute of Arthritis and Musculosketelatal and Skin Diseases, 1K23AR075888-01A1, $157,7882019-2020Milkie Vu, MPH (Co-Sponsor), Vietnamese American Parents’ HPV Vaccine Uptake for their Adolescent Children, F31, National Cancer Institute, $45,016.2019-2024Chia-Shi Wang, MD (Co-Sponsor), A novel mobile application for childhood nephrotic syndrome management (K23), National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, $189,860.2019-2020Caitlin Allen, MPH (Co-sponsor), The Role of Family Network Structures and Support in Family Cancer History Collection among African American, HIP/Georgia CTSA Student Seed Grant Award, $4,500.2018-2019Caitlin Allen, MPH (Sponsor), Exploring the Role of Community Health Workers in Improving Uptake of Family Health History Assessment among Patients and Providers, HIP/Georgia CTSA Student Seed Grant Award, $4,494.INVITED PRESENTATIONSEscoffery, C. eHealth: Health Communications and the Internet. Health Communication Symposium, Georgia Public Health Association, Atlanta, GA, August 21, 2002.Escoffery, C. Using Technology to Deliver Technology & Training. Second Annual TBEducation and Training Network, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Reaching Key Audiences Through Innovative TB Education and Training Methods, Atlanta, GA, August 8, 2002.Escoffery, C. Web-based Health Communications & Health Literacy. Health Literacy Conference, Breast Health Connection of GA, Macon, GA, January 21, 2003.Escoffery, C. Behavior Change and Health Communication Theories. CDC Corporate University, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, June 2-3, 2003.Escoffery, C. Academic and Community Partnerships. TB Education and Training Network Third Annual Conference, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, August 15, 2003.Escoffery, C. Introduction to Community Needs Assessment. CDC University, Department of Organizational Development, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, February 19-20, 2004.Escoffery, C. Behavior Change and Health Communication Theories. CDC Corporate University, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, March 15-16, 2004.Escoffery, C. The Latest in Health Education Theory: Transforming Your Health Education Practice for Effective Outcomes. 22nd DHPE/CDC National Conference on Health Education and Health Promotion and SOPHE Midyear Conference, Orlando, FL, May 5, 2004.Escoffery, C. Grantwriting. Leadership Institute in Public Health Preparedness. Rollins School of Public Health, Atlanta, GA, May 18, 2004.Escoffery, C. Needs Assessments and Focus Groups. TB Education and Training Network Fourth Annual Conference, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, August 11, 2004.Escoffery, C. Web-based Communications. Georgia Hospital Association Conference: Health Literacy:Opportunities, Strategies and Solutions, Marietta, GA, August 31, 2004.Escoffery, C. Needs Assessment: A Tool for Program Planning. CDC Domestic Violence Prevention Enhancements and Leadership Through Alliances (DELTA) National Training: Taking the Next Step in Prevention Work, Atlanta, GA, March 1-2, 2005.Escoffery, C. Grantwriting. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Rollins School of Public Health, Atlanta, GA, Feb. 7-8, 2005.Escoffery, C. Grantwriting. National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention. Atlanta, GA, February 7-8, 2006.Escoffery, C. Grantwriting that Gets Results. Society for Public Health Education, Pre-Conference Workshop. Las Vegas, NV, May 4, 2006.Escoffery, C. Behavior Change and Communications Theory Course. Centers Disease Control and Prevention’s Corporate University Health Communications, Atlanta, GA, June 20-21, 2006.Escoffery, C. Designing Chronic Disease Programs that Work. Cam Escoffery, Ritesh Mistry, Zul Surani, Debbie Pfeiffer, Michelle Carvalho, Maria Fernandez, & Peggy Hannon. 2009 National Academy of Chronic Disease Directors. Seattle, Washington, March 26-27, 2009.Escoffery, C. Applying Self-efficacy, Social Networks and Goal Setting in Behavioral Change Interventions. Art and Science of Health Promotion Conference, Hilton Head, SC, March 18, 2010.Escoffery, C. Translating Evidence-based Recommendations into Communities. Art and Science of Health Promotion Conference, Hilton Head, SC, March 19, 2010.Escoffery, C. The Application of Training and Technical Assistance in Translating Evidence-based Practices into Communities. Association for Prevention Teaching and Research, Washington, DC, March 26, 2010. Escoffery, C., Mercer, S. Assessing Readiness to Advance Public Health Policies. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Community Guide Strategy Workshop, New Orleans, LA, January 24, 2011.Wilson, K., Escoffery, C., Carvalho, M., Fuller, T., Fernandez, M., Hamilton-McGregor, M., Mercer, S. Providing Technical Assistance for Using Evidence. CDC Project Officer Training Workshop for the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Atlanta, GA, June & July 2010. Escoffery, C., Carvalho, M. Translation: Adopting and Adapting Evidence-Based Practice. National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP) and Colorectal Cancer Control Program (CRCCP) Program Directors and Data Managers Meeting, Atlanta, GA, October 21, 2011.Escoffery, C. Designing Implementation Science Research. Introduction to Implementation Science and Cancer Control Program Planning Workshop - Instituto Nacional del Cancer (Argentina NCI), Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 5, 2014.Leeman, J, Escoffery, C. Tools of the Trade: Putting Public Health Evidence into Action. National Cancer Institute (NCI) Research to Reality Webinar, February 24, 2015.Leeman, J, Escoffery, C., Mullen, P. Understanding the Issues: How to Use Community Assessment, Evidence, and Theory to Inform Your Cancer Control Approaches. George Washington University Mentoring Program Webinar, September 14, 2015.Melillo, S., Escoffery, C. Implementing Priority Evidence-based Interventions for Program Success. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Colorectal Cancer Control Program 2015 Business Meeting, Atlanta, GA, October 14, 2015.Leeman, J., Escoffery, C. National Academy of Chronic Disease Director’s Cancer Council Communication Training. January 20, 2016.Leeman, J., Escoffery, C., Decosimo, K., Mainor, A. Putting Public Health Evidence into Action. American Cancer Society. September 21, 2016.Escoffery, C., Powe, N. 2017 CHES Review Preparation Course. Society for Public Health Education, April 1-2, 2017.Escoffery, C. Implementation science. Health Services Research Day, Emory University, May 10, 2017.Escoffery, C. Evidence-based Approaches to Cross-sector Collaborations. Georgia Division of Public Health, Chronic Disease University, October 17, 2017.Escoffery, C. Systematic Review of Adapted Evidence-based Interventions Globally, Society for Implementation Science in Nutrition, May 10, 2018.Escoffery, C. Selecting the Best Combination of Evidence-based Interventions. National Comprehensive Cancer Control Business Meeting and 20th Anniversary Commemoration, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. September 10, 2018.Escoffery, C. Implementation science overview and tools. LGBT Health Policy and Practice: Graduate Certificate Program. July 14, 2020.PRESENTATIONS Escoffery, C., Miner, K., Alperin, M., Filozof, E. An Assessment of Computer Use, Knowledge, and Attitudes of Public Health Practitioners in Georgia. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, October 30, 1995.Sunnarborg, K., Escoffery, C. Internet Resources for Health Educators. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY, November 20, 1996.Miner, K., Alperin, M., Escoffery, C., Trowbridge, J., Zupp, P. Evaluation Methodology for Georgia INPHO. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY, November 20, 1996.Escoffery, C., Trowbridge, J., Miner, K. Evaluation of Ten Georgia Resource Mothers Programs. Poster Presentation. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, November 10, 1997.Trowbridge, J., Escoffery, C. Incorporating Technology into the Classroom, Society for Public Health Education, Washington, DC, November 14, 1998.Escoffery, C., Trowbridge, J., Miner, K., Vatthyam, R., Muse, M. An Environmental Health Education Intervention for Children: Application of the PRECEDE Model. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 10, 1999.Escoffery, C., McCormick, L, Haney, D., Lawrence, T. Motivational Interviewing with Adolescent Smokers: A Process Evaluation. American Public Health Association, Boston, Massachusetts, November 14, 2000.Haney, D., McCormick, L., Escoffery, C., Lawrence, T. Implementation of stage-based motivational strategies for adolescent smoking cessation. American Public Health Association, Philadelphia, PA, November 11, 2002.Escoffery, C., McCormick, L., Childress, K. Process Evaluation of a Web-Based Smoking Cessation Program for College Students. American Public Health Association, Philadelphia, PA, November 11, 2002.Escoffery, C., McCormick, L., Childress, K. Impact of a Web-Based Smoking Cessation Program for College Students. American Public Health Association, Philadelphia, PA, November 12, 2002.Escoffery, C., Miner, K.R., Adame, D., Butler, S. College Students’ Health Seeking Behaviors on the Internet. American Public Health Association, San Francisco, CA, November 17, 2003.Filipowicz, R., Alperin, M., Smith, I.E., Escoffery, C. Evaluation Strategies for a Distance Based Master of Public Health Program. American Public Health Association, San Francisco, CA, November 17, 2003.Escoffery, C., Hines, P., Alperin, M., Filipowicz, R. Roadmaps to Success for Course Management and Teaching in a Distance Education Program. American Public Health Association, San Francisco, CA, November 17, 2003.Alperin, A., Miner, K.R., Duggan, C., Drenzek, C., Escoffery, C., Council, A.D., Brunet, J., Smith, I.E., Joy, E. Taking the G-TRAIN: A Collaborative Approach to Tracking Workforce Needs in Georgia. American Public Health Association, San Francisco, CA, November 17, 2003.Butler, S., Kegler, K., Escoffery, C., Foreman, A., Groff, A., Fowler, J. Promoting Smokefree Homes in Rural Georgia: The TURF Project. Georgia Public Health Association. Augusta, GA, September 7, 2006.Arthur, B., Kegler, M., Escoffery, C., Scanlin, K., Alcantara, I., Darrell, S., Grant, J., Glanz, K. Exploring How Churches Support Healthy Lifestyles. Georgia Public Health Association. Augusta, GA, September 7, 2006.Escoffery, C., Kegler, M., Butler, S., Groff, A., Foreman, A. Adopting Household Smoking Bans: Suggestions for Messages from Qualitative Research. American Public Health Association, Boston, MA, November 7, 2006.Kegler, M., Escoffery, C., Alcantara, I., Feldman, L., Wrensford, L., Glanz, K. An Exploration of How the Home Environment Influences Healthy Eating in Rural Families. American Public Health Association, Boston, MA, November 6, 2006.Kegler, M., Escoffery, C., Butler, S., Groff, A., Foreman, A. Understanding how rural families make decisions to adopt household smoking bans. World Conference on Tobacco or Health, Washington, DC, July 14, 2006.Alcantara, I., Kegler, M., Escoffery, C., Scanlin, K., Morris, C., Reynolds, P., Hotz, J., Glanz, K. Exploring the Influence of Faith-Based Organizations on Physical Activity in Rural Southwest Georgia. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC, November 6, 2007.Escoffery, C., Carvalho, M. Prevention Programs that Work: Evidence-based Health Promotion. Georgia Federation for Professional Health Educators (GFPHE), Atlanta, GA, February 29, 2008.Escoffery, C., Carvalho, M. Translating Evidence-based Recommendations. National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program, Program Directors’ Meeting, Atlanta, GA, May 13, 2008.Escoffery, C., DiIorio, C., Yeager, K., McCarty, F., Reisinger, E., Robinson, E., Wexler, B., Henry, T., Koganti, A. An Online Epilepsy Self-Management Program (WebEASE): Development and Process Evaluation. Society for Public Health Education. Chicago, IL, May 23, 2008.Escoffery, C., Kegler, M., Blake, S., Glanz, K., Graham, T. The Landscape of NBCCEDP Professional Development Activities. NBCCEDP Professional Development Training, Houston, TX, October 23, 2008.Escoffery, C., Carvalho, M., Mistry, R., Surani, Z., Pfeiffer, D., Fernandez, M. Designing Health Promotion Programs that Work. Society for Public Health Education, San Diego, CA, October 25, 2008.Hannon, H., Williams, R., Fernandez, M. and the Evidence-based Approaches Workgroup, CPCRN. Cancer Prevention Planners’ Use of Evidence-based Approaches. 2nd Annual NIH Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation: Building Research Capacity to Bridge the Gap From Science to Service, Bethesda, MD, January 28, 2009.Escoffery, C., Hall, D., Nehl, E., Glanz, K., Elliott, T. Process Evaluation of Pool Cool Program Implementation. 2nd Annual NIH Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation: Building Research Capacity to Bridge the Gap From Science to Service, Bethesda, MD, January 28, 2009.Escoffery, C., Glanz, K., Nehl, N. Concordance between Data Sources in Process Evaluation Data for the Pool Cool Diffusion Trial. Society for Behavioral Medicine, Montreal, Canada, April 24, 2009.Escoffery, C., Kegler, M., Blake, S., Graham, T., Glanz, K. Analysis of the Use of Evidence-based Cancer Prevention Strategies in the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program. American Public Health Association, Philadelphia, PA, November 11, 2009.Smith, I, Akintobi, T.H., Hayes, B., West, A., Escoffery, C. Atlanta Clinical Translational Science Institute: An Evaluation Framework. American Evaluation Association, Orlando, FL, November 12, 2009.Escoffery, C., Hayes, B. Measuring Partnership Functioning Within the Atlanta Clinical and Translational Science Institute (ACTSI). American Evaluation Association, Orlando, FL, November 12, 2009.Smith, I., Tsui, C., Lee, E.K., Escoffery, C., Akintobi, T.H. Animated Social Network Analysis of Patterns of Collaboration in the Atlanta Clinical and Translational Science Institute (ACTSI). American Evaluation Association, Orlando, FL, November 12, 2009.Escoffery, C., Hinman, J. Community-based Participatory Research (CBPR): Principles and realities. TB Education & Training Network 10th Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, August 10, 2010.Escoffery, C. Translation of Evidence-based Cancer Prevention Strategies within The National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program. Winship Cancer Institute Cancer Control and Population Sciences Program. Atlanta, GA, August 12, 2010.Berg, C. J., Parelkar, P. P., Lessard, L., Escoffery, C., An, L. C., Thomas, J. T., Ahluwalia, J. S. Defining “smoker:” College student attitudes and related smoking characteristics. Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Denver, CO, November 2010.Berg, C. J., Lessard, L., Parelkar, P. P., Escoffery, C., An, L. C., Thomas, J. T., Ahluwalia, J. S. College student reactions to smoke-free policies in public, on campus, and at home. 2010 Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Denver, CO, November 2010.Carvalho, M., Escoffery, C., Wrensford, L., Kegler, M. SW GA Communities adapting evidence-based programs. Georgia Public Health Association, Atlanta, GA, April 12, 2011. Carvalho, M., Escoffery, C., Rodgers, K., Daniel, S., Kegler, M. Translating evidence into action through collaborative for health (TEACH): Using a mini-grants and technical assistance approach to promote healthy behaviors in SW GA. Prevention Research Centers 2011 Annual Conference, April 12, 2011.Carvalho, M., Honeycutt, S., Escoffery, C., Wrensford, L., Kegler, M. Southwest Georgia communities adapting evidence-based programs. 2011 Georgia Cancer Summit: Looking Back....Moving Forward. Macon, GA, June 17, 2011.Escoffery, C., Kegler, M. Brief interventions to create smoke-free home policies in low-income households. CPCRN Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, October 5, 2011.Stanley, S., Escoffery, C., Jacob-Arriola, K., Smith, S., Hurlbert, M. An inventory of Avon Foundation for Women Breast Cancer Navigation Programs, Global Breast Cancer Conference, October 2011.Murphy, F., Hinman, J., Kegler, M., Akintobi, T., Escoffery, C., Thompson, W., Rodgers, K., Evans, D., Jacobs, D. A model for building capacity for collaborative research with community-based organizations and academic partners. Prevention Research Centers Program Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, November 2011.Bundy, L., Escoffery, C., Kegler, M., Berg, C., Haard?rfer, R., Yembra, D. Pilot study results from a brief intervention to create smoke-free homes. Midyear Conference Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE), Nashville, TN, April 13, 2012.Carvalho, M., Escoffery, C. Adapting evidence-based approaches for communities. National Cancer Institute Research to Reality Mentorship Program Webinar Training, April 25, 2012.Escoffery, C. Evaluation of Community Events. California Department of Public Health’s Cancer Detection EWC Contractors’ Spring Conference, Sacramento, CA, May 31, 2012.Hannon, P.A., Escoffery, C., Maxwell, A., Vu, T., DeGroff, A., Kohn, M. Colorectal Cancer Control Program: Use of evidence-based strategies to increase screening. CDC Cancer Conference, Washington, DC, August 2012.Bundy, L., Escoffery, C., Kegler, M., Berg, C., Haardorfer, R., Carvalho, M. Yembra, D. Thirdhand smoke as an intervention message for creating smoke-free homes. American Public Health Association, San Francisco, October 29, 2012.Escoffery, C., Rodgers, K., Kegler, M., Howard, D., Haardoerfer, R., Pinsker, E., Liang, S., Sessler, M. Evaluating special events for cancer screening: A systematic review. Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE), Orlando, FL, April 19, 2013.Mullen, P., Escoffery, C., Hartman, M. Using Data to Select and Adapt Evidence-Based Programs, Strategies and Policies. National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, July 12, 2013.Yembra, D., Bundy, L., Burnham, D., Berg, C., Escoffery, C., Haardorfer, R., Genkin, B. Owolabi, S., Kegler, M. A successful outreach strategy for identifying low income households that allow smoking in the home: Partnering with united way 2-1-1. American Public Health Association, Boston, MA, November 5, 2013.Birnbaum, J., Commanday, A., Escoffery, C., McCracken, C., Lam, W., Shane, A. Assessment of a smartphone otoscope for learning to diagnose and manage acute otitis media. 2013 AMA Research Symposium, National Harbor, MD, November 15, 2013.Rice, K., Gressard, L., DeGroff, A., Hannon, P., Vu, T., Maxwell, A., Escoffery, C. Implementation of systems approaches for integrating public health and primary care delivery to increase colorectal cancer screening. Academy Health, San Diego, CA, June 9, 2014.Escoffery, C. Lessons learned about community special events to increase cancer screening. CDC Division of Cancer Prevention and Control’s Program Directors Meeting, Atlanta, GA, August 14, 2014.Carvalho, M, & Escoffery, C. Implementing evidence-based programs with quality and fidelity. CDC Division of Cancer Prevention and Control’s Program Directors Meeting, Atlanta, GA, August 14, 2014.Bundy, L, Kegler, M., Haardorfer, R., Escoffery, C., Berg, C., Yembra, D., Kreuter, M., Hovell, M.F., Mullen, P., Williams, R., Ribisl, K., Burnham, D. Results from a Brief Intervention to Promote Smoke-Free Homes among 2-1-1 Clients. American Public Health Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA, November 16, 2014.Escoffery, C., Hannon, P., Maxwell, A.E., Vu, T., Leeman, J., Dwyer, A., Mason, C., Sowles, S., Rice, K., Gressard, L. Building grantees' capacity to implement evidence-based approaches for cancer control within the CDC's Colorectal Cancer Control Program (CRCCP). American Public Health Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA, November 18, 2014.Maxwell, A.E., Hannon, P.A., Escoffery, C., Vu, T., Kohn, M., Vernon, S.W., DeGroff. A. Colorectal cancer screening promotion and provision by Colorectal Cancer Control Program grantees. American Public Health Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA, November 16, 2014.Escoffery, C., Bamps, Y., Thompson, N., LaFrance Jr., C., Stoll, S., Shegog, R., Buelow, J., Shafer, P., McGee, R., Hatfield, K. Development and field-testing of an epilepsy self-management instrument for adults with epilepsy. American Epilepsy Society, Seattle, WA, December 8, 2014.Escoffery, C., Carvalho, M. Part 1: How to Find Health Initiatives that Work, Putting Public Health Evidence into Action. Healthcare Georgia Foundation, January 26, 2015.Escoffery, C., Carvalho, M. Part 2: Balancing the Evidence with Your Community Needs, Putting Public Health Evidence into Action. Healthcare Georgia Foundation, February 3, 2015.Escoffery, C., Carvalho, M. Part 3: Implementing and Evaluating with Quality and Fidelity, Putting Public Health Evidence into Action. Healthcare Georgia Foundation, February 18, 2015.Haardorfer, R., Kegler, M., Bundy, L, Escoffery, C., Berg, C., Fernandez, M., Williams, R., Hovell, M.F. Do partial home smoking bans signal progress toward a smoke-free home? 16th World Conference on Tobacco or Health, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, March 19, 2015.Haard?rfer, R., Kegler, M., Bundy, L., Escoffery, C., Berg, C., Fernandez, M., Williams, R., Hovell., M. Progression toward a Smoke-Free Home: The Role of Partial Bans. Poster presentation at the 16th World Conference on Tobacco or Health 2015, Abu Dhabi, UAE, March 17-21, 2015. Hermsted, A., Jacob Arriola, K., St. Clair, Shauna, Honeycutt, S., Carvalho, C., Cherry, S., Davis, T., Frazier, S., Escoffery, C., Kegler, K. Promoting policy and environmental change in faith-based organizations: organizational level findings from a mini-grants program. Georgia Public Health Association Meeting, Atlanta, GA, April 13, 2015.Shannon, J., Leeman, J., Carvalho, M., Escoffery, C., Bernal, S. Putting Public Health Evidence in Action. APHA Learning Institute, American Public Health Association, Chicago, IL, October 31, 2015. Escoffery, C., Liang, S., Rodgers, K., Haardorfer, R., Hennesay, G., Gilbertson, K., Fernandez, M., Gatus, L. Guidance on designing health fairs for promoting cancer screening: Lessons learned from evaluation of 7 health fairs. American Public Health Association, Chicago, IL, November 2, 2015.Allen, C., Escoffery, C., Satsangi, A., Brownstein, N. Integration of community health workers into care teams for patients with hypertension. American Public Health Association, Chicago, IL, November 3, 2015.Allen, C., Escoffery, C., Satsangi, A., Brownstein, N. A Little Fish in a Big Pond: strategies to improve supervision and support for community health workers. American Public Health Association, Chicago, IL, November 3, 2015.Boy, A., McKeen, A., Escoffery, C., Udelson, H., Greenbaum, J. Evaluation of a training curriculum for healthcare providers on the commercial sexual exploitation of children. Academy on Violence and Abuse 2015 Global Scientific Summit, Jacksonville, FL., November 5, 2015.Fernandez, M.E., Hartman, M., Mullen, P.D., Wood, R., Escoffery, C., Bartholomew, L.K. IM Adapt Online: An interactive tool for finding and adapting evidence-based cancer control interventions. Poster presentation, Innovations in Cancer Prevention and Research Conference, Austin, TX, November 10, 2015.Savas, L.S., Mullen, P.D., Hovell, M., Cavazos, J., Escoffery, C., Kegler, M.C., JoAnn Gutierrez, J., Fernandez, M.E. Formative research for a smoke-free homes (SFH) intervention for Hispanic Texan households. Poster presentation, Innovations in Cancer Prevention and Research Conference, Austin, TX, November 10, 2015.Pathak, N., Tomolo, A., Escoffery, C. Assessment of care coordination activities for complex care management of veterans utilizing a care coordination module. 8th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health. Washington, DC, December 15, 2015.Patterson, A., Escoffery, C., Hotz, J., Paris, N.M., Meyer, D.L., Giblin, J.M., Michaud, K.S., Kirsch, L.J., Wilson, B.J., Fournier, J., Helmer, C., Comer, C., Kines, J., Heddon, M.A., Sidman, T., Moon, T.M., Cannady, R. Provider-survivor communication: Identifying and addressing unmet needs. 2016 Cancer Survivorship Symposium: Advancing Care and Research, American Society of Clinical Oncology. San Francisco, CA, January 15, 2016.Mullen, P.D., Escoffery, C.T., Fernandez, M.E., Hartman M.A., Wood, R.J., Bartholomew, L.W. Translating Intervention Mapping for program adaptation (IM Adapt) to an interactive web-based format with decision support. Society for Public Health Education. Charlotte, NC, March 29, 2016.Fernandez, M.E., Mullen, P.D., Hartman, M.A., Wood, R.J., Escoffery, C.T., Bartholomew, L.W. IM Adapt Online: An Interactive tool for finding and adapting evidence-based cancer control programs. Oral Presentation at the 22nd International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) World Conference on Health Promotion, Curtiba, Brazil, May, 2016.Smith, K., Gander, J., Basu, M., Pastan, S., Mohan, S., Escoffery, C., Plantinga, L., Kalloo, S., Green, G., Berlin, A., Renville, G., Browne, T., Turgeon, N., Caponi, S., Krisher, J., Patzer, R. Intervention Development for the Allocation System Changes for Equity in kidNey Transplantation (ASCENT) Study. 2016 Transplant Congress, June 13, 2016.Lipscomb, J., Escoffery, C., Gillespie, T., Henley, J., Goodman, M., Smith, R.A., Chociemski, T., Almon, L., Ward, K.C. Randomized study of high vs. low intensity intervention for screening higher risk breast cancer survivors and first-degree relatives. 2016 Biennial Cancer Survivorship Conference, Washington, DC, June 18, 2016.Patterson, A.K., Escoffery, C., Khalaf, M., Giblin, J., Ramachandran, K., Cannady, R. Unmet needs and distress levels for Georgia’s Survivors. 2016 Biennial Cancer Survivorship Conference, Washington, DC, June 18, 2016.Escoffery, C., DeGroff, A., Satsangi, A. Proposed indicators for monitoring and evaluating patient navigation for colorectal cancer screening. American Evaluation Association, Atlanta, GA, October 28, 2016.DeGroff, A., Gressard, L., Rice, K., Glover-Kudon, R., Robie, J., Gersten, J., Butterly, L., Escoffery, C. Assessing the scalability of a cancer screening patient navigation intervention using RE-AIM. American Public Health Association, Denver, CO, November 1, 2016.Mullen, P.D., Leeman, J., Wood, R., Escoffery, C.T., Pichardo, M., Fernandez, M.E. Availability of evidence-based cancer prevention and control interventions and policies: A critical review. American Public Health Association, Denver, CO, November 1, 2016. Patterson, A., Escoffery, C., Khalaf, M., Cannady, R., Ramachandran, K., Giblin, J., Hopson, C. Assessing needs among cancer survivors in Georgia. American Public Health Association, Denver, CO, October 31, 2016.Escoffery, C., Lebow-S, E., Fernandez, M. Wood, R., Mullen, P. A scoping study of program adaptation frameworks for evidence-based interventions. 9th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation, Washington, DC, December 14, 2016.Haardorfer, R., Berg, C., Escoffery, C., Mullen, P., Williams, R., Hovell, M., Kegler, K. Impact of creating smoke-free homes on smokers. Society for Nicotine and Tobacco Research. Florence, Italy, March 9, 2017.Olorundare, I., Nellum, A., McCloud, C., McGree, R., Hunter-Jones, J., Thompson, N.J., Quarells, R.C., Escoffery, C. Using cognitive interviews to adapt an epilepsy self-management instrument for African Americans. Xavier University Health Disparities Conference, New Orleans, LA, March 2017. Thompson, T., Kreuter, M., Caito, N., Williams, R., Fernandez, M., Escoffery, C., Kegler, M. Implementing an evidence-based tobacco control program at five 2-1-1 call centers: an evaluation using the consolidated framework for implementation research. National Conference on Tobacco or Health, Austin, TX, March 23, 2017.Abraham, C., Tomolo, A., Escoffery, C. Department of Veterans Affairs Specialty Care Education Center of Excellence (SCECoE): An Inter-professional Collaborative Practice Model. Quality and Safety for Nurses National Forum, Chicago, IL, May 30, 2017.Escoffery, C., Leeman, J. Putting public health evidence into action, Nebraska Association of Local Health Directors, Lincoln, NE, June 1, 2017.Escoffery, C., Carvalho, M., Satsangi, A., Mishkin, G., Owolabi, S., Hannon, P., Vu, T., Maxwell, A.E., Mason, C. Mixed methods study of the role of partnerships in advancing screening promotion in the Colorectal Cancer Control Program (CRCCP). 2017 CDC National Cancer Conference, Atlanta, GA, August 14, 2017.Escoffery, C., DeGroff, A., Satsangi, A. Process indicators for the implementation of patient navigation for colorectal cancer screening and treatment. 2017 CDC National Cancer Conference, Atlanta, GA, August 16, 2017.Hannon, P., Maxwell, A., Escoffery, C., Vu, T., Kohn, M., Dillon-Sumner, L., Mason, C. Adoption, implementation and maintenance of evidence-based colorectal cancer screening interventions among CRCCP grantees. 2017 CDC National Cancer Conference, Atlanta, GA, August 14, 2017.Ochoa, C., Haard?rfer, R., Escoffery, C., Stein, K. Alcaraz, K.I. Examining the role of social support and spirituality on the health status of Hispanic cancer survivors. American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Tenth AACR Conference on The Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved, Atlanta, GA, September 2017.Mainor, A.G., Decosimo, K.D., Leeman, J., Escoffery, C., Farris, P., Shannon, J., Winters-Stone, K., Williams, B. Scaling-up Evidence in Action: A collaborative process to effectively extend the reach of an evidence-based decision making curriculum for local practitioners. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 5, 2017. Escoffery, C., Lebow-Skelley, E., Udelson, H., Elaine Boing, E., Fernandez, M.E., Wood, R. A Scoping study of program adaptation frameworks for public health. American Public Health Association, Atlanta, GA, November 7, 2017.Escoffery, C., Mullen, P., Fernandez, M.E., Lebow-Skelley, E., Haardorfer, R., Reece, D. Udelson, H., Elaine Boing, E., Wood, R., Liang, S., Hartman, M. Systematic review of adaptation processes for public health evidence-based interventions. American Public Health Association, Atlanta, GA, November 7, 2017.Escoffery, C., McGee, R., Bidwell, J., Sims, C., Kovitch, E., Frazier, C. Elizabeth D Mynatt. Mobile App Review for Epilepsy Self-management, American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA)Workshop on Interactive Systems in Health Care (WISH), 2017.Escoffery, C. Similarities and differences for eHealth Behaviors among U.S. Adults by age groups. Society for Public Health Education, Columbus, OH, April 5, 2018.Escoffery, C., Mullen, P., Fernandez, M.E., Lebow-Skelley, E., Haardorfer, R., Wood, R., Liang, S., Hartman, M. Systematic review of adaptation processes for public health evidence-based interventions, 10th Annual Conference on Dissemination and Implementation on Health, Arlington, VA, December 6, 2017.Vu, M, Berg, C., Escoffery, C., Bednarczyk, B. Perceptions of HPV vaccine and predictors of vaccine recommendation and initiation among college students in Georgia. 39th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, LA, April 11, 2018.Allen, C.G., Escoffery, C., Haardoerfer, R., McBride, C.M. Multi-level influences on not perceiving family health history-taking as important: The role of cancer risk. 39th Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, LA, April 11, 2018.Escoffery, C. Overview of the MEW Network and epilepsy self-management across the life span. Partners Against Mortality in Epilepsy, Washington DC, June 17, 2018.Magua, W., Basu, M., Escoffery, C., Melanson, T., Pastan, S., Plantinga, L., Patzer, R. Improving Provider Knowledge of a Kidney Transplant Policy Change: A Dialysis Facility-Based Effectiveness-Implementation Study. AcademyHealth, Seattle, WA, June 24, 2018.Kalokhe, A., Piper, K., Riddick, C., Lucas, J., Schiff, J., Getachew, B., Escoffery, C., Sales,J.M. Barriers and facilitators to implementation of trauma-informed cared in anurban HIV treatment center in the Southern United States. International AIDS Conference. Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 2018.Vu, M., Escoffery, C., Berg, C. J. An examination of measures of acculturation in relation to secondhand smoke exposure among Vietnamese immigrants in Atlanta. Poster presentation at the 2018 International Cancer Education Conference, Atlanta, GA, October, 2018. Leeman, J., Rohweder, C., Escoffery, C., Black, M., Brenner, A., Wangen, M. A multi-component strategy to support broad-scale implementation of evidence-based colorectal cancer screening interventions. American Public Health Association, San Diego, CA, November, 2018.Allen, C., McKinney, L., Bethea, B., McBride, C., Escoffery, C., McCray, G., Akintobi, T. Exploring the roles of CHWs in improving uptake of family health history assessment among patients and providers: implications for cancer risk reduction and prevention among minority populations. 11th AACR Conference on The Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved, New Orleans, LA, November 3, 2018.Vu, M., Luu, M., Haard?rfer, R., Berg, C., Escoffery, C., Bednarczyk, R. Inaccuracy in parental reports of adolescent human papillomavirus vaccination: A multilevel analysis of the influences of state-level and parent-level factors. Poster presentation at the 11th American Association for Cancer Research Conference on the Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved, New Orleans, LA, November 12, 2018.Escoffery, C., Haardoerfer, R., Marchak, J., Halpin, S., Chow, E., Sadak, K., Kent, D., Landier, W., Mertens, A. Use of children’s oncology group (COG) guidelines among pediatric late effect clinics: The role of inner and outer setting factors. 11th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation, Washington, DC, December 3, 2018.Escoffery, C., Riehman, K., Watson, L., Preiss, A., Marcie Fisher-Borne, M., Halpin, S., Rhiness, C., Wiggins, E., Kegler, M.C. Facilitators and barriers to the implementation of the HPV VACS (Vaccinate Adolescents against Cancers) program: A consolidated framework for implementation research analysis. 11th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation, Washington, DC, December 3, 2018.Barrington, W., Escoffery, C., Maxwell, A., Vu, T., Hannon, P. Associations between patient navigation activities and number of women navigated within a large federal cancer screening program. 11th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation, Washington, DC, December 5, 2018.Madrigal, L., Escoffery, C. E-Health Behaviors among U. S Adults with Chronic Disease: Panel Study. Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington DC, March 6, 2019.Guan, Y., Pencea, I., Condit, C., Escoffery, C., Bellcross, C., McBride, CM. Are women at low hereditary risk for breast cancer willing to decrease mammogram frequency? Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington DC, March 7, 2019.Guan, Y., Condit, C., Escoffery, C., Bellcross, C., McBride, CM. Population genetic risk screening: will women at low hereditary risk understand and believe their results? Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington DC, March 9, 2019.Escoffery, C., Madrigal, L. E-Health Behaviors and Literacy among U. S Adults. Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington DC, March 8, 2019.Vu, M., Raskind, I. G., Escoffery, C., Srivanjarean, Y., Berg, C. J. Food insecurity among immigrants and refugees of diverse origins living in metropolitan Atlanta: The roles of social connectedness and acculturation. Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC, March 9, 2019.Vu, M., Luu, M, Haardoerfer, R., Berg, C.J., Escoffery, C., Bednarczyk, R.A. Inaccuracy in parental reports of adolescent human papillomavirus vaccination: A multilevel analysis of the influences of state-level and parent-level factors. Society for Public Health Education, March 28, 2019.Allen, C.G., McKinney, L., Bethea, B., Escoffery, C., McCray, G., Akintobi, T., McBride, C.M. (2019, March). Engaging community health workers to shape the narrative in family health history collection. Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC, March 2019.Bharath, A., Sathian, U., Zmitrovich, A., Escoffery, C., Preeti, J. Attitudes and Practices of Caregivers Related to Oral Antibiotic Administration and Resistance, Antimicrobial Stewardship Conference Poster, May 30, 2019.Gilleland Marchak, J., Mertens, A.C., Effinger, K.E., Haard?rfer, R., Escoffery, N.C., Kinahan, K.,? Freyer, D.R., Chow, E.J., Sadak, K.T. Current transition practices for survivors of childhood cancer: A report from the Children’s Oncology Group (COG). North American Symposium on Late Complications after Childhood Cancer, Atlanta, GA, June 2019.Effinger, KE, Haard?rfer, R, Escoffery, NC, Landier ,W, Gilleland Marchak, J, Hendershot, E, Sadak, KT, Eshelman-Kent, D, Kinahan, K, Freyer, DR, Chow, EJ, Mertens, AC. Current Cancer Survivorship Practices: A Report from the Children’s Oncology Group (COG). North American Symposium on Late Complications after Childhood Cancer, Atlanta, GA, June 2019.Bethea, B., Allen, C., McKinnery, L., Escoffery, C., McCray, G., Akintobi, T., McBride, C. Family Health History: CHWs Definitions, Patient Conversations and Potential Role in Digital Documentation. National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing and New Media, Atlanta, GA, August 14, 2019.Fernandez, M.E., Mullen, P., Escoffery, C. Systematic adaptation of evidence-based interventions: an intervention mapping approach. Society of Implementation Research Conference’s 5th Biennial Conference, Seattle, WA, September 14, 2019.Mullen, P.D., Escoffery, C., Foster, M., Haardoerfer, R., Fernandez, ME. Building capacity for program adaptation competencies: Findings from the IM-adapt baseline participants. 12th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation, Arlington, VA, December, 4, 2019.Piper, K., Haardoefer, R., Escoffery, C., Sheth, A., Sales, J. Exploring the heterogeneity of factors that may influence implementation of PrEP in family planning clinics: A latent profile analysis. 12th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation, Arlington, VA, December, 5, 2019.Escoffery, C., Johnson, L., McGee, R., Quarells, R., Thompson, N., Geiger, D. Self-management behaviors among African Americans with epilepsy. American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, December 7, 2019. Madrigal, L., Escoffery, C. Advancing the Science of Program Adaptation for Health Promotion. Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE). Atlanta, GA, March 18, 2020.Escoffery, C. Implementation Science Overview - Demystifying Implementation Science, Theories and Methods. Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE). Atlanta, GA, March 18, 2020.Madrigal, L., Escoffery, C., Haard?rfer, R. Patterns of e-health behaviors: A latent class analysis. Society of Behavioral Medicine. San Francisco, CA, April 1, 2020. [cancelled]Sales, J., Piper, K., Escoffery, C., Sheth, A. Where can Adolescent girls go for PrEP: Examing PrEP providing practices of funded Title X family clinics across the Southern US. Society for Adolescent Health, San Diego, CA: March 12, 2020.Earl, V., Escoffery, C., Halpin, S., Gauthreaux, N., Chawla, S. Influence of masculinity on colorectal cancer screening behavior in african american men - a mixed-methods study. Chicago, IL, Digestive Disease Week, May 4, 2020. [cancelled]Ash, M., Palmer, P., Sharma, A., Escoffery, C., Mascaro, J. Utilizing the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research to evaluate a team-based compassion training intervention. Mind and Life Summer Research Institute, Virtual Conference, June 8, 2020.Besera ,G., Vu, M., Escoffery, C., Dimacali, D., Burks, A., Jang, H.M., Hall, K.S. Providers’ perspectives on refugee women’s utilization of sexual and reproductive health services in Georgia. Oral presentation at the North American Refugee Health Conference, Cleveland, OH, June 2020.Sajatovic, M., Wilson, B., Shegog, R., Escoffery, C., Spruill, T.M., Jobst, B.C. The Managing Epilepsy Well (MEW) Network Database: Lessons learned in refining and implementing an integrated data tool in service of a national U.S. research collaborative. American Epilepsy Society, December 4, 2020.Escoffery, C., Allen, C., Madrigal, L., Sekar, S., Haardoerfer, R., Mertens, A. Systematic review of outer setting domains within dissemination & implementation theories and models. 13th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation, December 15, 2020.?Guan, Y., McBride, C., Rogers, H., Zhao, J., Allen, C., Escoffery, C. Initiatives to scale up and expand reach of cancer genomic services outside of specialty clinical settings: A systematic review. 13th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation, December 15, 2020.PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS1994-1998American Association of Health Education (AAHE)Georgia Public Health Association (GPHA)1994-presentGeorgia Federation of Professional Health Educators, Inc. (GFPHE), GA-SOPHE Chapter1994-presentAmerican Public Health Association (APHA)1994-presentSociety For Public Health Education (SOPHE)2005-2018American Evaluation Association (AEA)2005-presentAtlanta-area Evaluation Association (AAEA)2017-present Society for Behavioral Medicine (SBM)2018-present Global Implementation Society (GIS), Founding MemberPROFESSIONAL SERVICENational/Regional Elected Offices1996-1997Georgia Public Health Association (GPHA), Annual Meeting Program Workshops Committee2000-2001 Co-Vice President, Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE)2001-2002Board of Trustees, Society for Public Health Education2003-2004Awards Committee Chair, Public Health Education & Health Promotion Section, American Public Health Association (APHA)Board of Trustees, Society for Public Health Education, Membership and LeadershipBoard of Trustees, Society for Public Health Education, Professional Development2019-presentPresident Elect, Society for Public Health Education (President in 2020, Past President in 2021)National Professional Service (Expert Panels, Advisory Committees)1997-1999Membership Co-Chair, Public Health Education & Health Promotion Section, APHA1988Panelist, 1998 Health Education in the 21st Century, Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC)2004 Member of the Ad Hoc Health Promotion Focal Point Committee, 2004 Report of the Ad Hoc Committee: The Recommendation to Establish a Health Promotion Focal Point, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)2007Member of Expert Panel, 2007 Expert Panel on Community Health Promotion, Community Health Promotion Expert Panel Meeting, Community Health and Program Services Branch, along with the Division of Adult and Community Health, Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention2008-2016Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) Annual Meeting MentorMember, National Cancer Institute’s Geographic Management Program GMap-3/BMaP-3 Evaluation/Needs Assessment Core CommitteeExpert Panel, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP) Evaluability Assessment2011-2012Training Impact Task Force Member, Council on Linkages, Public Health Foundation2012-2013Advisory Committee Member, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Community Guide to Preventive Services Toolbox 2013-2014Workgroup Member, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Decision and Implementation Support System 2015-2016Advisory Member-Reader’s Panel, National Community Health Worker’s Competency Project2015-2016Systematic Review Consultation Team Member, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Community Guide to Preventive Services Multicomponent Interventions to Increase Cancer Screening2017-2018Expert Panel Member, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Epilepsy Self-Management Curriculum for Community Health Workers2017-2018Systematic Review Consultation Team Member, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Community Guide to Preventive Services Interventions engaging Community Health Workers to promote Cancer Screening2017-2018Advisory Board Member (1 of 5), National Cancer Institute, Implementation Science, Qualitative Research in Implementation Science (QUALRIS)2018-2019Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) 2019 Planning Committee, Abstract CommitteeJuly 2018Subject matter expert, Comprehensive Cancer Control National Partnership 2018 HPV Vaccination Initiative, American Cancer SocietyApril 2019Invited researcher, National Cancer Institute, Survivorship Research Agenda: Evidence-Based Approaches for Survivorship Care: Where are the Research Gaps? State/Local Service:2002-2003 Chair, Website and Technology Committee, Georgia Federation of Professional Health Educators, Inc. (GFPHE)2002-2003 Chair, Strategic Planning Committee, Georgia Federation of Professional Health Educators, Inc. (GFPHE)2002-2008 Chair, Membership Committee, Georgia Federation of Professional Health Educators, Inc. (GFPHE)2010-2017Rollins School of Public Health Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) Review Workshop, presenter2010-presentGeorgia State Cancer Control Consortium (GC3) Plan, Early Detection and Screening Committee2011-2013Susan G. Komen Greater Atlanta Affiliate, Community Profile Committee2014-presentGeorgia State Cancer Control Consortium (GC3) Plan, Survivorship Committee2014-presentGeorgia Cancer Oncology Research and Education (GA CORE), Cancer Survivorship Needs Assessment Project2017-presentAdvisory Board, GA Society for Public Health Education (GA SOPHE)2017-presentGeorgia Colorectal Cancer Roundtable MemberAbstract Reviewer:American Public Health Association Annual Meeting – Public Health Education & Health Promotion SectionGeorgia Public Health AssociationSociety for Public Health EducationSociety for Behavioral MedicineCDC/ACS Bicentennial Cancer Survivorship ConferenceJOURNAL REVIEWS AND EDITORIAL POSITIONSJournal Reviewer:American Journal of EvaluationAmerican Journal of Health BehaviorAmerican Journal of Public HealthApplied Clinical InformaticsBMC Public HealthBMC CancerBMC Medical Research MethodologyBMC Women’s HealthCancerCurrent Medical Research and OpinionEpilepsiaEpilepsy and BehaviorEvaluation & the Health ProfessionsHealthcareHealth Education and Behavior Health Education ResearchHealth Promotion PracticeHealth and Quality of Life OutcomesImplementation ScienceJournal of Cancer EducationJournal of Georgia Public Health AssociationNicotine & Tobacco ResearchPatient Education and CounselingPediatricsPreventive MedicinePreventing Chronic DiseasePLOS OnePsycho-OncologyPublic Health ReportsPublic Health Management & PracticeTobacco ControlTranslational Behavioral MedicineEditorial Positions:2014-presentEditorial Board, Health Education & Behavior2006-presentReview Board, American Journal of Health Behavior2013-presentReview Board, Health Behavior and Policy Review2012-2018Associate Editor, Health Promotion Practice2013Editorial Board, Special Issue on Health Promotion Practice on Promising Practices on Tobacco for Asian Americans and Native Hawaiians and Pacific IslandersGRANT REVIEWSCenters for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Extramural Research Program, 2009.ZonMw (Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development), Prevention programs grants.Emory Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network (CPCRN) Mini-grants, 2005-2014.National Cancer Institute/National Institutes of Health, Small Grants for Behavioral Research in Cancer Control Study Section, 2012.Emory University, University Research Committee Grants Program, 2014.National Cancer Institute/National Institutes of Health, Cancer Management and Health Behavior Study Section, 2014-2015. Winship Cancer Institute, Emory University. Winship Invest Grants, 2015.Emory University Centers for AIDS Research Grants, 2016.Emory University’s University Research Center (URC) Grants, 2017.National Institutes of Health, Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health Study Section ad hoc reviewer, 2017-2019.National Institutes of Health, HDM-59 Strategies to Increase Delivery of Guideline-Based Care to Populations with Health Disparities Special Emphasis Panel (SEP), 2018.ACADEMIC SERVICE ACTIVITIESEmory University:2010-2014Winship Cancer Institute, Strategic Planning, Community Outreach Committee2010-presentAtlanta Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (Emory-CTSA), Research Education, Training and Career Development Executive Committee2012-2015Winship Cancer Institute, Cancer Education Committee2015-2017Emory Faculty Council2015-presentWinship Cancer Institute, Intervention Development, Dissemination and Implementation Core, Co-Lead2012-presentExecutive Board Member, Research, Education and Training and Development core, Georgia Clinical and Translational Science Alliance2016-presentLearning Outcomes Committee, Emory University2017, 2018Annual Health Services Research Day, Emory University, Poster Judge2018-2019Committee Member, Emory University Planning Committee, Student ExperienceRollins School of Public Health: 2004-2005Member, DrPH Committee2005-presentMentor, RSPH Mentoring Program2007-2008RSPH Information Technology Committee2007-2008Claudia Nance Rollins Building Committee2010-2014 MyEmory Campaign2011-2012Member, BSHE Chronic Disease Faculty Search Committee2013-2014Member, BSHE Chair Search Committee2011-2015RSPH Faculty Council, BSHE representative2016RSPH Practicum Awards2018-2019Chair, Search Committee for the Associate Dean of Public Health PracticeDepartment of Behavioral Sciences and Health Education:2001 BSHE Thesis Committee2003 BSHE Website Committee, Chair2003-presentMember, BSHE Curriculum Committee2008-presentMember, BSHE Admissions Committee2010-2012Member, BSHE Chronic Disease Search Committees2013-2014Member, BSHE Chair Search Committee2014-presentMember, BSHE Communications Committee2017-2018Co-chair, BSHE Faculty Search CommitteeTEACHINGRollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Department of Behavioral Sciences and Health Education1997 BSHE 534: Health Education Protocol Preparation2000-2009BSHE 520: Introduction to Behavioral Sciences and Health Education Theories2008BSHE 560R: Introduction to Grant writing2000-present BSHE 524: Community Needs Assessment 2009-presentBSHE 590R: BSHE Program Planning Capstone2016-presentBSHE 725: Intervention Development (Doctoral)Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Executive/Career MPH Program2000-2009BSHE 534D: Research Design & Grant PreparationUniversity of Georgia, Health Promotion & Behavior1998-1999HPRB 4400: Health Promotion PlanningGUEST LECTURES2014 Physician Assistant’s Community Health Course, Overview of Community Assessment2015 BSHE 720: Doctoral Theory Course, Evidence-based Public Health2015 HGC 815: Genetics Counseling Research, Qualitative Data Analysis2016 EPI 590R: Implementation Science, Implementation Science Methods and Measures2016 EPI 56: Monitoring and Evaluation, Behavioral Sciences Theory2016Quality Scholars Program, Atlanta Veterans Administration Medical Center, Program Evaluation2017 School of Medicine, Health Services Research Course, Overview of Implementation Science2017 Quality Scholars Program, Atlanta Veterans Administration Medical Center, Program Evaluation2018 BSHE 520, Theories in Health Education and Behavioral Sciences, BSHE 710, Approaches to Health Promotion. BSHE 542 Socio-behavioral Measurement?(2 sections)2018 School of Medicine, Health Services Research Course, Overview of Implementation ScienceDOCTORAL COMMITTEES AND MENTORINGMentoring Training2019BSHE Mentoring Training , Rollins School of Public Health 2017Team Science, Michelle Bennet, NIH, Atlanta Clinical and Translational Science InstituteMentoringRollins School of Public HealthCandis HunterEnvioronmental Health, RollinsFall 2016 Qualifying Exam DOCTORAL ADVISING:YearNameDegreeUniversityStatus2019-presentSwathi SeharPhDBSHE, RollinsPre-candidacyDOCTORAL COMMITTEE:YearNameDegreeUniversityRole2019-presentMilkie VuPhDBSHE, RollinsCommittee MemberF31 Co-sponsor2020-presentCaitlin AllenPhDBSHE, RollinsCommittee MemberF99/K00 Co-sponsor2020-presentLillian MadrigalPhDBSHE, RollinsDissertation Chair2020-presentMinh LuuPhDBSHE, RollinsDissertation MemberPOST DOCTORAL MENTORING:YearNameDegreeRoleUniversityStatus2018Jon BidwellPhDCommittee MemberInteractive Computing/GA Institute of TechnologyPostdoc Boston Children’s Hospital2019Shauna FlemingPhDCommittee MemberBSHE, Rollins School of Public HealthResearch Scientist, University of Chicago2019Jingjing LiPhDCommittee MemberBSHE, Rollins School of Public HealthCDC Prevention Effectiveness Fellowship2020Juan RodriguezPhDCommittee ChairBSHE, Rollins School of Public HealthCDC Director of the CDC Public Health Cancer Genomics Program & EpidemiologistTHESIS COMMITTEESYearNameTitleRole20182018201820172017201620152015201520142013Jasmine LucasEmily WigginsDahnide WilliamsMichael SavaElaine BoingDeAndra MorrisGrace HennesayKincaid LoweCaitlin AllenGrace SchroerLogan KirschFactors Influencing PrEP Interest in Women across 4 Community Clinics in GeorgiaA socio-ecological approach to the uptake of an online breast cancer genetic referral screening tool in GeorgiaKnowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of hypertension among African Americans in the Southeastern U.S. known as the “Stroke BuckleTypologies of Decisions-makers in the ICUAssociations between Marital Status and Patient-Reported Physical and Mental Health among Breast Cancer Survivors in Georgia Health Care Utilization among Asthmatic Emerging Adults Mindfulness and Project UPLIFTHealth Behaviors of Young Adult Cancer Survivors in a Southeastern Cancer CenterIntegration of Community Health Workersinto Hypertension Self-Management and Medication Adherence"What do you want waiting for you?" A qualitative study of patient advocate involvement in cancer research“Con Amor Aprendemos": Evaluating a Cervical Cancer Educational Intervention in El SalvadorMemberMemberMemberChairMemberMemberMemberMemberChairChairChair2013Kari BannonExploring attitudes, norms, and perceived control of sun-protective behaviors in student athletesMember2011Sandte StanleyAn inventory of?women breast cancer patient navigation programs among Avon Foundation granteesChair2011Seema ShahDiabetes care in India: Physician practices and perspectivesChair2011Natasha LudwigA membership evaluation of the Hispanic Health Coalition of GeorgiaChair2011Shana NarulaSouth African college student attitudes regarding smoke-free policies in public spaces, private spaces, and on campusMember2010Gelicia SistrunkElectronic medical record needs assessment for sports medicine (CMPH Special Studies Project)Chair2010Arletha WilliamsBuilding evaluation capacity in public health community-based organizations serving minority populationsMember2010Lori Northcraft Megan BrockMusculoskeletal health in South Georgia farmworkers: A mixed methods studyChair2009Kati CopperOrganic and sustainable food purchase and consumption among Emory University undergraduate and graduate studentsChair2009Maria HernandezImpact that interpreters have on Latino patients seeking access to care and maintaining a continuity of careChair2008Nancy VitoOpportunities to address mental health: a needs assessment for the CDC’s Division of Sexually Transmitted Diseases PreventionChair2008Cathy HoulihanDo we practice what we teach? teaching assistants as role models in health educationChair2008Patricia OdumPsychosocial interventions for siblings of children with cancer: A review of the literatureChair2008Kendra LathamNeeds assessment towards the development of a self-esteem curriculum for a community school & the Center for Adolescent Girls in Cochabamba, BoliviaChair2008Lisa WatsonAssessment of healthcare barriers for Hispanic immigrants in GeorgiaChair2008Jessica KepfordPutting evidence into practice: An evaluation of a training for teen pregnancy prevention organizationsMember2007Jill AugustineUnsafe alcohol practices in fraternity and sorority students: an analysis of data from the National College Health Assessment SurveyChair2007Mary BrachulaThe role of diet and birth weight in the false positive rate for the MCAD deficiency testChair2007Nicole DubrielSpeak Up: A qualitative study of refugee youth as medicalChair2006Moe AungA study on monitoring systems of Life Skills-based HIV/AIDS education in MyanmarChair2006Kaebah OrmeEnglish Avenue community needs assessmentChair2006Marta KarlovAssessment of a neighborhood’s perception about health, park utilization, and community social dynamicsChair2006Tiffany TaylorSIDS Risk Reduction Strategies of NICU Healthcare ProvidersMember2005Rebecca Carter“Grow Healthy Together”: An evaluation of a Healthy Families CampaignChair2005Kimberly HinerAttitudes and knowledge of campus smoking policies among college undergraduates at a Southeastern universityChair2005Leia Isanhart. HIV workplace services and policies in a Malian textile enterprise: An assessment of STI/HIV health service needsChair2005Amanda ReichAn ecological study of risk factors for child neglect in GeorgiaChair2005Gwendolyn WersnerbachSudden Infant Death Syndrome: A study of the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of African American infant caretakers in Atlanta, GAMember2004Cassandra MartinFormative evaluation of the Get Smart: Know When Antibiotics Work CampaignChair2004Anuska AndinoAn evaluation of the services, resources and needs of the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta? Asthma Center for educationMember2004Pranay RanjanAn assessment of leadership development competencies in Health Policy and Management programsChair2004So Kuen YueAssets resource inventory related to health communication within the Chinese community in AtlantaChair2003Amit RaghavenAn assessment of attitudes towards training, continuing education, and workforce development among CDC laboratory personnelChair2003Pamela Buffington RedmonAlcohol use as students transition from high school to college and variables associated with college alcohol useChair2003Lindsay A. WitmerMotivational factors associated with a worksite physical fitness programChair2003Allison SiplerA process evaluation of the Prevention Alliance for Tobacco Control and Health CoalitionMember2002Sandra Segrest Van SantAn analysis of existing New Jersey child health clinic (CMPH Special Studies Project) Chair2002Ana SolerImpact Evaluation Of Fit Kids?(CMPH Special Studies Project)Chair2002Rachel V. WoodAn evaluation of the Georgia Prostate Cancer Education Project: Eight case studies detailing the redesign of the trainingChair2002Angela BlandThe relationship between beliefs, norms, self-efficacy, and behaviors for lead poisoning preventionMember2002Nancy HoodUsing standards to improve practical evaluation: A training evaluationMember2002Claire R. SchusterAn assessment of perceived social support systems among Mexican mothers of youngMember2001Karen CarneyAn assessment of reasons for transfer to a nursing home facility: A secondary analysis of data from the community care services program of the Georgia Mountain areaChair2001Amy ComptonAssessing the relationships among functional health literacy, diabetes knowledge, and self-efficacy of diabetic members of a managed care organizationChair2001Julie SheenA community-based approach to diabetes education(CMPH Special Studies Project)Chair2001Kimberly Zimmerman A formative evaluation of motivational and communication factors affecting the delivery of training to public health advisors Chair2001Charlene LigginsA quantitative assessment of the attitudes, knowledge, and informational needs of South Carolina family physicians concerning environmental and occupational health issuesMember2000Misha N. KilpatrickAssessing Georgia pediatricians’ attitudes, beliefs, and practices regarding environmental history-takingMember1998Elena BertolottiHispanic participation in an Atlanta area Resource Mothers Program: A Descriptive study focusing on program activity, client characteristics and birth outcomesMember1998Leslie TeachAn evaluation instrument to test health-related web sitesMember1998Heather KotlerA qualitative inquiry of the effect of social support on the determination of life choices among teen mothers in Fulton County, GeorgiaMember1997Allison HillmanA qualitative case study of a paid Resource Mothers Program in Atlanta, GeorgiaMember 1997Julia SmithAn assessment of computer usage, knowledge, and attitudes of Georgia county public health workersMember1996Dabney EvansA comparison of birth outcomes of infants born to Resource Mothers program participants and matched non-participants in Atlanta, GeorgiaMember12/1/20 ................

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