Activity Bus 20

Assistant Athletic Director 4

Assistant Coaches 6

Athlete Shall 6

Athletic Council 8

Athletic Director 3

Athletic Events 17

Attendance 19

Awards/ Trophies 12

Banners 22

Banquet 13

Board of Education / Philosophy 2

Broadcasting Games 13

Budget 14

Canceling or Postponing Games 13

Clinics 14

Coaches Evaluation 23

Coaching Positions 11

District Teams 9

Due Process 7

Drug & Alcohol 23

Eligibility 9

Emergency sheet 31

End of Season Requirements 14

Equipment 14

Evaluation Forms 24

Events & Dismissals 19

Fund raising policy 21

Fund raising form 32

Games 10, 15

Head Coach 4

Injured Players 16

Insurance 16

Insurance Waiver Form (Accident) 31

Inventory 20

League Meetings 13

Locker Room 17

Lost/Destroyed Equipment Form 28

Maximum Number of Events……………………………....17-18

Meal Policy 22

Music vs. Athletics 20

Passes 21

Post Season Policy 20

Practices 10, 18

Preparation for Contests 15

Principal 3

Purchasing Equipment 20

Scouting 19

Season Record Sheet 30

Team Camp/Summer Camp 22

Team Inventory Sheet 29

Training Room 20

Transportation 19


The interscholastic athletic program shall be an integral part of the total school educational program that has as its purpose to provide educational experiences not otherwise provided in the curriculum. It will develop learning outcomes in the areas of knowledge, skills, and emotional patterns and will contribute to the development of better citizens. Emphasis shall be placed upon teaching through athletics in addition to teaching "skills" of athletics.

The program shall be primarily for the benefit of the students who participate directly or vicariously in them. The interscholastic athletic program shall exist mainly for the value to the students and not for the benefit of the sponsoring coaches or school. The activities and contests involved shall be psychologically and physiologically sound by being tailored to the physical, mental and emotional needs of the youths participating in them. The benefits that a student can derive from playing in athletics may very well influence the rest of his or her life. We should always strive to make the experience of athletics a positive experience. The program should develop and enhance those characteristics most frequently associated with competitive interscholastic programs. Such personal attributes as self-discipline, team work, self-worth, commitment, and responsibility shall be stressed by the athletic staff.

Periodically the entire athletic program should be evaluated to determine how the program can be improved. New sports should be implemented where there is sufficient interest, and sport should be deleted where there is not sufficient interest.

The athletic program is governed by the Department of Education, P.I.A.A., the Board of Education, and District Administration. All coaches should be familiar with the rules and regulations set forth by these organizations and this policy.

Athletic Department - Organization and Rights and Responsibilities

1 District School Board of School Directors

1 The Board of School Directors sets Athletic Policy and guidelines. The Board has the final approval power for all budget and activities.

2 High School Principal

1 The Principal is responsible in all matters pertaining to the athletic program of his school. He/She may delegate some of these powers but such delegation shall not relieve the principal of responsibility for any infraction, by his/her school, of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association.

3 Athletic Director

1 The A.D. shall have the responsibility to organize and maintain the intramural and interscholastic athletic program throughout the District. In this capacity the A.D. is responsible for the following:

1 Establishing schedules

2 Ordering equipment

3 Preparation of athletic budget

4 Recruitment of coaching personnel

5 Maintaining inventories

6 Seeing that the athletic program conforms to all appropriate state and federal regulations

7 Scheduling transportation for athletic events

8 Attending all league meetings

9 Securing necessary personnel to conduct a schedule contest

10 Evaluating the coaching staff

4 Assistant Athletic Director

1 The Administrative Assistant to the Athletic Director shall assist the Athletic Director to organize and maintain the interscholastic athletic program throughout the District. Such assistance will include the following:

1 Establishing schedules

2 Ordering equipment

3 Preparing the athletic budget

4 Recruitment of coaching personnel

5 Maintaining inventories

6 Seeing that the athletic programs conform to all appropriate state and federal regulations

7 Scheduling transportation for athletic events

8 Attending league meetings

9 Securing necessary personnel to conduct a schedule contest

10 Evaluating the coaching staff

5 Head Coaches

1. The head coach in each sport is responsible for planning a continuous program of instruction. This planned program should include written goals and objectives for each developmental level. In sports spanning more than one level, i.e., middle school, j.v. and varsity, the head coach is responsible for the coordination and evaluation of the total program.

2. The head coach must meet with the interested students at the beginning of the season to provide information relative to: (1) practice schedules, (2) policies governing absences, (3) selection of team members, (4) general expectations (grooming, conduct, commitment, attitude, training rules, etc.), (5) health and nutrition, (6) conditioning, (7) game philosophy and rules, (8) eligibility and grading policy, (9) other items deemed necessary by the coach. In addition to reviewing this material verbally, each coach should prepare an information sheet or booklet for each participant. The head coach, at this time, must hand out a list of rules and regulations for all athletes to follow during the season (CODE OF CONDUCT/HONOR CODE). A copy of these rules must be filed, before the season starts, in the A.D.'s office. These rules shall be reviewed by the A.D. The student will sign the "CODE OF CONDUCT/HONOR CODE" and also get his/her parents or guardian to sign it before returning it to the coach.

3. The head coach will be required to hold a meeting for parents early in the season. The meeting should serve two purposes: (1) to provide the parents an opportunity to receive, first-hand, information about the program and the expectations of the coaches; and (2) to provide an opportunity for parents to become acquainted with members of the coaching staff.

4. Each coach, because of his/her position, has the opportunity and responsibility to serve as a model not only for those participating in the program, but also for those assuming the spectator role. His/her actions, comments, speech, and general behavior will have a profound impact on the lives of the athletes with whom he/she is working, on those who aspire to be athletes, and on those who support the program as spectators.

5. All coaches must maintain a fair, unprejudicial relationship with their players and have the physical and emotional welfare of the players uppermost in their minds.

6. The head coach, at the end of the season, shall supervise the storage of all equipment and update the inventory lists. The coach will report any lost or stolen equipment to the A.D. (Lost/Destroyed Equipment Form D).

7. The head coach shall inspect all equipment and fields before and after each practice and immediately report any dangerous equipment or situation to the A.D. or maintenance personnel, if the A.D. cannot be reached.

8. The head coach shall fill out an "Awards Sheet Form " within two weeks from the conclusion of the season. The "Awards Sheet Form" shall be given to the A.D.

9. The head coach shall participate in the Awards Banquet.

10. The head coach shall develop good and safe practice plans for each practice, and keep them on file for the length of the season.

11. A head coach shall never leave any athlete unsupervised! All workouts and practices shall be canceled if no coach is physically present to supervise. The head coach shall inform the A.D. in writing, of all practice and workout sessions; especially special practices. The head coach must be familiar with emergency phone numbers and procedures as well as policies for reporting injuries and athletes returning following an injury. A head coach shall have an athlete’s accident information sheet on file. (Emergency Form)

12. The head coach is responsible for the development of an appropriate conditioning program. A head coach shall never use violent names to describe drills.

13. A head coach should not allow any student to take any school equipment home without the Athletic Director’s knowledge and approval.

14. Head coaches will direct any concerns dealing with general operating policies, scheduling, transportation or interpretation of policies to the A.D. or Administrative Assistant to the Athletic Director. The building Principal is ultimately responsible for all activities in his/her building; therefore, he/she should be apprised of all unusual situations.

15. A head coach may not expel an athlete from the team without first consulting with the A.D. The coach may temporarily suspend a student pending a review with the appropriate administrative personnel.

16. The head coach is responsible for the proper supervision of all students participating in the program. This supervision includes: (1) locker room, before and after practices and contests; (2) practice sessions; and (3) contests. A coach must be the last to leave facilities being used by the athlete (locker room, practice field, floor, pool, court).

17. Appropriate first aid should be administered to any injured athlete by a athletic trainer if available. A head coach or his/her appointee will concentrate on an injured player until it is determined that the player is recovered, or another person in authority takes responsibility. If a trainer is not available, he/she should be notified immediately of the injury. A complete report of the injury must be filed by the coach with the building principal and A.D. within 24 hours. If an athletic trainer has been involved in treating the injury, he/she should assume the responsibility for filing the injury report.

18. The head coach must continually evaluate the program for which he/she is responsible. The head coach should be willing and able to discuss the program evaluations with the A.D.

and other appropriate school personnel. The evaluation should be formative and thus result

In positive prescriptions which will lead to improvements. The evaluations will take place at

Mid-season if needed and a written evaluation at the end of the season.

19. Each head coach is responsible for evaluating the other members of his/her staff. These

evaluations may take place twice per season, but are required to be written at least once

per season. The effective utilization of the staff is ultimately the responsibility of the head

coach. The head coach takes all applications from the A.D. for all vacancies and reviews

and interviews all individuals. (The A.D. will take part in these interviews.) The head

coach then makes recommendations to the A.D. / Administrative Assistant to the Athletic Director.

20. The head coach will not allow athletes to practice until they have had a physical examination and

handed in P.I.A.A. form, “Code of Conduct/Honor Code” and Emergency Form. Failure to do

any of the above; e.g, not having a “Code of Conduct/Honor Code” signed by player and

parent/guardian, is grounds for dismissal and will be brought to the attention of the Board of

School Directors.

21. The head coach will also collect the $25.00 activity fee prior to the first competition date with

another school and have it turned in to the A.D. Students may not compete in a contest or

ride to an away event until the activity fee is turned in.

22. The head coaches of all sports must submit to the Athletic Department their proposed budget no later than December 10th.of each year.

23. Each head coach must complete First aid and CPR. The head coach will also need to have one coach from their Junior High program go through these training courses. All coaches must do the Sudden Cardiac Arrest and Act 126 training as well as an on-line concussion course, or

participate in a one hour training session set up and approved by the school’s Trainer. Football

players will need to watch a concussion video set up by the school’s trainer.

24. Each head coach is responsible to hand in score books and record sheets at the conclusion of each season.

F. Assistant Coaches

1. Each coach, because of his/her position, has the opportunity and responsibility to serve as a model not only for those participating in the program, but also for those assuming the spectator role. His/her actions, comments, speech, and general behavior will have a profound impact on the lives of the athletes with whom he/she is working, on those who aspire to be athletes, and on those who support the program as spectators.

2. The assistant coaches are directly responsible to the head coach and must follow his/her program.

3. All coaches must maintain a fair, unprejudicial relationship with their players and have the physical and emotional welfare of the players uppermost in their minds.

4. The assistant coach shall report any major incident to the head coach and be familiar with emergency phone numbers and procedures.

5. The assistant coach shall be familiar with and follow all rules and guidelines in the Athletic Policy.

G. The Athlete Shall:

1. Respect officials with the expectations that they will enforce all rules.

2. Maintain exemplary conduct at all times.

3. Faithfully complete school work as practical evidence of loyalty to school + team.

4. Treat visiting teams and officials with respect.

5. Give opponents full credit when they win.

6. Be modest and show consideration when one's team wins.

7. Realize that it is a honor and a privilege to represent your school on and team.

Anyone quitting or removed from a team (grades 7 -12) may not participate in another sport or activity during the same season unless consent is given by the coach, athletic director and principal.

8. Sign and follow the rules and regulations set forth by the head coach and the school district.

Sign, along with your parent or guardian, and follow the “Athletes Code of Conduct/Honor Code”. Sign P.I.A.A. forms before the first day of practice.

9. Pay the $25.00 activity fee before team’s first competition against another school or the athlete will not be able to participate or ride the bus to the competition.

10. Report to the head coach any injury sustained during the season.

11. Do not use a piece of equipment unless authorized by the coach.

12. In order to maintain a sound and vital athletic program, certain standards of conduct will be required of all students who desire participation. As a minimum, any student participating on an interscholastic team sponsored by Big Spring School District will be subject to all guidelines as set forth in the Student Policy for Big Spring. There are several offenses which would warrant punishment. In part, the Policy reads:

Students shall be suspended from school and therefore athletics at the discretion of the high school principal. Since individuals and circumstances are usually unique, decisions will be made on the basis of past experience and the circumstances surrounding the incident.

Students may be suspended, expelled, and punished for the following reasons:

a. Insubordination toward any staff member or coach

b. Fighting on school property

c. Using or carrying tobacco products

d. A series of minor rule violations

e. Skipping classes, cafeteria periods or parts thereof

f. Damaging or defacing school property (Includes graffiti).

g. Profanity

h. Theft

i. An unsatisfactory conduct in classes.

j. Any act of misconduct which is interpreted to be of a serious or unusual nature

k. Any unusual or unrequested act, or display, that serves no purpose toward the educational program. (Hazing, bullying or harassing).

l. Displaying or consuming alcoholic beverages, harmful drugs, narcotics, or marijuana (Complete District Drug Policy is located in the student handbook).

m. Personal possession of the above stated items

n. Responsibility for the storage of the above items

o. Convicted for a misdemeanor or felony

13. Athletes may also be suspended/expelled from participation in a game for violations of the Big Spring Athletic Guidelines.

14. Athletes should understand that, at the discretion of the head coach, the athlete may also be temporarily suspended from the team for any of the following reasons:

a. Horse-play

b. Violent activities

c. Insubordination

d. Violations of the head coach's individual rules and regulations

e. Poor or misrepresentation of Big Spring Athletics

15. The student has the right of due process if he is suspended or expelled from any team, or feels he/she has been mistreated in any manner.

16. Due Process Procedures

a. The coach must explain, in writing, within 24 hours of the incident, the reason for the athlete's suspension, expulsion or punishment. One copy is to be handed to the athlete and another to the A.D.'s office. The coach should keep a copy in his files (Use the Athlete Incident Report).

b. Within two weeks of the action, the athlete and/or parent or guardian must ask for a hearing with the A.D. concerning the matter. This request must be in writing and submitted to the A.D.'s office. During this hearing, all participants have the right to be present and to call witnesses on their behalf.

c. If satisfaction by any party is not achieved at this level, any one of the participants can appeal the decision to the Principal's attention. This request should also be put in writing and submitted to the Principal within two weeks of the previous decision.

d. If satisfaction is not achieved at that level, the matter may be brought to the Superintendent's attention. This request should also be written and submitted to the Superintendent within two weeks of the previous decision.

e. If satisfaction is not achieved at that level, the matter may be brought to the Board of School Directors attention. This request should also be written and submitted to the President of the Board of School Directors within two weeks of the previous decision.

17. Athletes are governed by the P.I.A.A. Constitution and its by-laws concerning eligibility. Article 9, Sec. 1, 2, & 3. (See II Eligibility - a.).

H. Athletic Council

1. The Athletic Council is composed of two Board members, two administrators, and two coaches. The Council is chaired by the Athletic Director.

2. The Council meets to discuss programs, policies and practices associated with the athletic program.

3. The Council will make reports to the School Board through the regular administrative process.

4. The Board of School Directors, coaches and administration will elect their representatives at the beginning of each school year.

5. There must be a coach representing a boy’s sport and a coach representing a girl’s sport on the council. If the coaches do not elect new coaches, the coaches from the previous year will be used. If a replacement is needed, one will be assigned by the A.D. until the coaches choose a replacement.

6. Any member of the Council may request a meeting by submitting a written request to the A.D. The meeting will take place in the DAO Conference Room. The time will be set by the A.D. All members will get at least one week's notice of the meeting. Any member wishing to place an item on the agenda must submit it to the A.D. 3 days prior to the meeting date.

7. Only agenda items will be discussed at the meeting.

8. Athletic Council will be scheduled to meet a minimum of two (2) times a year.

II. Athletic Policy - Eligibility

Weekly Eligibility Requirements for all extra-curricular activities (i.e. including, but not limited to, athletics, marching band, jazz band, honors choir, fall play, musical, chorus, and band, but not the Christmas and spring concerts because practice is held during school hours).


Section 1.

To be eligible for interscholastic athletic competition, a student must pursue a curriculum defined and approved by the principal as a full-time curriculum. Where required, this curriculum or its equivalent must be approved by, and conform to, the regulations of the State Board of Education and the Pennsylvania School Code, as well as any local policies established by the local school board.

To be eligible for any extracurricular activity, a student may not fail two or more courses (major or minor). Eligibility shall be cumulative from the beginning of a marking period and shall be reported on a weekly basis. In cases where a student's cumulative work from the beginning of the marking period does not, as of any Friday, meet the standards provided for in this section, he/she shall be ineligible from the following Sunday through the next Saturday for competition, however the athlete may still practice (it is recommended that the beginning of practice is used for studying) but may not travel with the team.

Section 2.

In order to be eligible for interscholastic athletics, a pupil must have passed all but one (1) subject (major or minor) during the previous grading period, except as provided in Section 5. Back work may be made up, providing it is in accordance with the regular rules of the school (incompletes).

Section 3.

In cases where a student's work in any preceding marking period does not meet the standards provided for in Section 2, said student shall be ineligible to participate in interscholastic athletics for the first twenty (20) school days of the next marking period, beginning on the first day report cards are issued, except as provided in Section 5.

Section 4.

New Pupils Must Meet Eligibility Requirements on Curriculum

Pupils who are enrolled for the first time must comply with the requirements of the curriculum rules. The standing required for the preceding week, the preceding marking period, or the preceding year shall be obtained from the records of the last school that the pupil attended.

Section 5.

At the end of the school year, the student's final grades in his/her subjects rather than his/her grades for the last grading shall be used to determine his/her eligibility for the next grading period. A pupil whose work does not meet the standards provided for in Article II, but who attends summer school and corrects his/her deficiencies shall be eligible.

A student may be denied the privilege of participating in interscholastic competition because of conduct which discredits the school. Such action would be taken only after a review of the case by the head coach of the sport, the A.D., and the building principal.

The head coach decides if a student may join a team after the season begins.

A student who is dismissed anytime or quits an athletic team after the first competition may not participate on another athletic team during that sport season. (This includes weight training, etc., for any other sport). This applies only to students in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12.

Note: The Athletic Director's office will, on a weekly basis, provide a list of all students involved in extracurricular activities. All teachers will return these forms to the Administrative Assistant to the Athletic Director by the close of school each Thursday. On Friday, the Athletic Director will inform all staff, coaches, sponsors and students of ineligibility for the following week (Sunday through Saturday). Ineligibility resulting from 9 week's grades will last twenty (20) school days from the day the report cards are issued.

III. District Teams

Grade 9, 10, 11, 12: B/G cross country, B/G swimming, B/G track & field, B/G basketball, softball, baseball, field hockey, football, wrestling, girls volleyball, soccer, golf, cheerleading.

Grade 7 & 8: football, wrestling, field hockey, B/G basketball, girl’s volleyball, B/G track & field, B/G soccer, cheerleading

IV. Place of Practice: (Exceptions must have prior approval of the A.D./Administrative Assistant to the Athletic Director)

Senior High football: Mt. Rock Elem fields

1. Cross Country: Cross country course and surrounding areas

2. Field Hockey : High School field

3. Boys Soccer: High School field

4. Girls Soccer: High School field

5. Senior High basketball: High School gym

6. Junior High Football: Mt. Rock field

7. Junior High Wrestling: Middle School wrestling room

8. Senior High Wrestling: Mat room at Fitness Center

9. Swimming: High School Pool

10. Baseball: High School Baseball field (inclement weather; Mt. Rock Gym)

11. Track: track field (inclement weather – Middle School Gym)

12. Volleyball: High School gym

13. Junior High B/G Basketball: Middle School + Mt. Rock gyms

14. Softball: High School or Mt. Rock field (inclement weather – Mt. Rock gym)

15. MS Field Hockey: Mt. Rock Elementary field

16. MS Volleyball: High School gym

17. MS B/G Soccer: High School soccer fields

18. MS Track & Field: High School track, middle school fields (inclement weather – MS Commons

19. Golf: Eagle’s Crossing Golf Course

20. Cheerleading: Areas designated by the Athletic Director

V. Place for Games

1. Football - All games for all grade levels will be played on the senior high stadium field.

2. Cross-country . . . . . . . . . . . . . established course at HS

3. Field Hockey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hockey field at high school

4. Senior high basketball . . . . . . . high school gym

5. Jr. High basketball . . . . . . . . . . middle school gym

6. Senior high wrestling . . . . . . . . high school gym

7. Swimming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pool

8. Baseball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . baseball field

9. Track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . track field

10. Volleyball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . high school gym

11. Softball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . high school or Mt. Rock Elementary fields

12. Golf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eagle’s Crossing Golf Course

13. M.S. Field Hockey . . . . . . . . . . Mt. Rock Elementary field

14. M.S. Volleyball . . . . . . . . . . . . . high school gym

15. M.S. Wrestling . . . . . . . . . . . . middle school or high school gym

16. Soccer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . high school field or stadium

17. MS Soccer ~ boys . . . . . . . . . . high school fields

18. MS Soccer ~ girls . . . . . . . . . . high school fields

19. M.S. Track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . track field

VI. Coaching Positions

Head coach may place assistants where they deem necessary:

Varsity or Junior Varsity (JV)

Number of assistants:

a. H.S. football 6

b. 7th & 8th grade football 3

c. Cross-country 0

d. Basketball (boys) 2

e. Basketball (girls) 2

f. 7th, 8th basketball (boys) 2

g. 7th, 8th basketball (girls) 2

h. Wrestling 2

i. Jr. High wrestling 2

j. Swimming. 2

k. Baseball 2

l. Track & field 4

m. Field Hockey 2

m. Softball 2

o. H.S. volleyball 2

p. M.S. volleyball 2

q. Soccer Boys 2

r. Soccer Girls 2

s. Jr. High Soccer – boys 2

t. Jr. High Soccer – girls 2

u. Jr. High field hockey 2

v. Jr. High track & field 3

w. HS cheerleading 1

x. MS cheerleading 1

y. Golf 0

z. 7th, 8th cross country 1

VII. Coaches Salaries: Part of Collective Bargaining Agreement

VIII. Awards

A. Letters will be presented by the head coach at the conclusion of the season.

B. The guidelines for earning a letter/award in each of the several interscholastic sports are as follows:

1. Football - 1/2 of total quarters played

2. Boys Basketball - 1/2 of total quarters played

3. Baseball - 1/2 of total innings played

4. Track - B/G - Number of points established each year by the coach dependent upon number of dual meets (Invitational & District) in which the team or individual participates

5. Cross-country - B/G - Point system - same as track

6. Wrestling - Total number of points scored (Established by head coach)

7. Girls Basketball - 1/2 of total quarters played

8. Field Hockey - 1/2 of total quarters played

9. Swimming - B/G - Point system determined by the number of meets held (Established by head coach)

10. Volleyball - 1/2 of the total games played

11. Softball - 1/2 of the total innings played

12. Cheerleading - by season

13. Soccer - 1/2 of the total games played

* The coach in all of the above sports has the final determination and discretion whether or not a boy or girl has qualified for an award. If a boy or girl makes the squad in their junior year and also in his or her senior year, even though he or she does not participate in the required amount of quarters or has not earned enough points in the sport, he or she can be awarded a letter. Athletes/managers may receive a letter at the coach's discretion.

The following letter/award may be given:

a. Varsity - letter with an insignia of the individual sport (A student may receive one letter per sport in which the student has earned the award and a bar for each additional year the student lettered.)

b. Junior Varsity - may receive a certificate of participation

c. Junior High/Middle School - may receive a small maroon/gold felt letter for each year of participation in a sport

C. Athletic Trophies

1. No athlete will be considered for an award if he/she has demonstrated poor character, conduct, and sportsmanship within or outside the school.

2. Authorized awards:

a. Ken Devor Award: Baseball + Football player may receive as a sportsmanship award. Voted by the coaches. (Trophy)

b. Pete Naugle Award: Any member of the football team who best exemplifies the characteristics of Pete Naugle. Selected by football coaches. (Trophy)

c. Harold Reed Award: Senior wrestler who shows leadership, positive attitude, and good sportsmanship. Selected by wrestling coaches. (Plaque)

d. Jerry Brooks Academic Excellence Award: Males or females who are involved

in at least 2 varsity sports and earn a minimum of 3 varsity letters during his/her

high school career and have a cumulative GPA of 3.8 or higher based on a

4.0 scale. The student athlete also must possess good citizenship and


e. Rick Gilliam Award: Displays good character traits, maintains at least a 2.0 GPA, Senior

who participates in and loves Football and/or wrestling for three years of their H S career, continues education after H S, Shows an interest in working with younger kids in some capacity and shows determination to better himself and his team.

f. Ben Bloser Award: Given to a cross country and/or track athlete

g. Sportsmanship Awards: Plaques presented by the Big Spring Boosters Association to the team member in each sport. Voted by team members within one month of the conclusion

of the season.

h. Individual Sports Awards:

1. M.V.P. in each sport: Selected by the coaches of each sport

2. Special awards must be approved by the principal and the A.D.

3. Senior Award - All seniors will receive an individual award at the conclusion of each sports season for each sport in which they participated. A.D. must approve award.

D. Athletic Awards Banquet

The Banquet will be scheduled by the principal A.D. and Booster President.

IX. League Meetings

1. The principal, A.D., and/or Administrative Assistant to the Athletic Director will represent our District at all league business meetings in which our school is involved.

X. League Scouting Passes

1. League scouting passes will be issued by the A.D. All passes must be returned to the A.D. at the end of the season. These passes should not be used by personnel outside the school. (Special exceptions may be made by H.S. Principal or A.D.).

XI. Broadcasting

1. Broadcasting of games will be done with the approval of the principal and/or A.D.

XII. Canceling or Postponing Events

1. Athletic events will be postponed or canceled by the principal or A.D. If possible, the coach should be consulted. The A.D. will notify the schools involved, the officials involved, radio stations, TV, newspapers, etc.

2. There will be NO middle school or high school practices or events on any early dismissal due to weather.

3. There will be NO home or away middle school practices/games/events on any cancellation of school due to weather.

4. The Superintendent, Principal and Athletic Director will communicate to determine in a timely manner the feasibility of holding high school practices and games/events (home or away) on a day that school has been canceled. If they are in agreement that the weather conditions have sufficiently improved, practices and/or games could be held. All practices must be held or scheduled by the coaches so the practice concludes by 5:00 pm. **Coaches cannot hold a mandatory practice in case of inclement weather. If an athlete misses practice, there will be no penalty. Games and events will be played at their regularly scheduled times. The other school and the bus contractor must also be in agreement if games or events are to be held as scheduled.

XII. End of Season Requirements

1. At the end of each sport season, the head coach will submit the following information to the A.D.:

a. Score of each contest

b. Outstanding individuals

c. Awards Sheet

d. A complete and accurate inventory and a list of missing equipment

e. It will be up to the head coach to collect fees for missing equipment and lost equipment from the athlete.

f. Evaluation forms of all assistants

g. Scorebooks/Game Sheets

2. Coaching checks may be withheld at the request of the Athletic Director when end of season requirements are not submitted in a timely manner.

XIV. Clinics

1. Conference and clinic forms must be filled out and presented to the principal four weeks in advance for consideration.

2. Clinics and conferences will not exceed the budget allocation. Refer to contract.

3. School vehicles may be used for transportation to and from clinics, and should be scheduled as far in advance as possible. Only school personnel attending the clinics can drive or be passengers in the school vehicles.

XV. Equipment

1. All equipment will be distributed to the head coach who will be responsible to distribute the equipment to the players and to collect it at the end of the season.

2. Missing equipment will be paid for by the athlete to whom it was issued. (Check with A.D. for price). Money will be submitted to the A.D.'s office.

3. Athletes will keep washable equipment clean.

4. Surplus equipment will be kept in the equipment storage area.

5. All items of equipment will be numbered prior to issue.

6. Care and storage of equipment is the responsibility of the head coach.

7. No student may be in the equipment room without supervision from a coach.

XVI. Budget and Expenditures During the Season

1. Coaches will follow the athletic budget as approved.

2. All purchases and expenditures will be made through the A.D.

3. A purchase order must be issued for all purchases. (Including and especially club account orders).

4. A list of items purchased through club accounts will be submitted to the A.D.'s office.

5. Coaches may require their athletes to purchase uniform items not provided by the school district. The following guidelines must be followed:

a. Coaches must make the athletes aware of such requirements as far in advance of the season as possible.

b. Athletes must be informed of the cost of the item and know that purchase of the item does not guarantee that the individual will become a member of the team in sports in which "cuts" are made to determine team members.

c. Coaches must provide the opportunity for the athletes to earn money or credit toward the purchase of the item through fund raising efforts.

*No athletic item should be purchased by anyone for anyone without the A.D.'s knowledge.

XVII. Games

1. Coaches will report, as required, for games, practices, meetings, etc.

2. Athletes will not enter locker rooms, competition areas, and practice areas prior to the coach's arrival.

3. Coaches are responsible for reporting results of the contest to the paper, radio, and T.V. immediately following all home events.

4. It is the responsibility of the coach to have an early dismissal time announced. (Times must have the principal's approval).

5. No athlete is allowed out of class before the announced early dismissal time.

6. Class coverage for all away events will be assigned by the building level administrator in which the coach teaches. Coaches should verify class coverage with the building level administrator and the individual who has been assigned to cover their class on the day of the dismissal.

XVIII. Preparation for Contests

1. Football

a. The Field will be lined by the groundskeeper.

b. Players benches will be set up by the groundskeeper.

c. Yard sticks will be set out by the groundskeeper.

d. Field house and press box will be put in order by the groundskeeper.

e. Clean up of the field will be provided by the school.

f. Scouting phones will be set up by the coaches.

2. Cross Country

a. The course will be laid out marked by the coach.

b. The starter will be provided by the school.

3. Field Hockey

a. The field will be lined by the groundskeeper.

b. Players benches and score tables will be put out by the groundskeeper.

4. Basketball

a. Bleachers will be prepared by the custodians.

b. Chairs and score tables will be set up by the custodians prior to the JV contest.

c. The floor will be mopped prior to the contest by the custodian.

d. The chairs and score tables will be put away immediately after the contest or the following morning by the custodians.

5. Wrestling

a. Bleachers will be prepared by the custodian.

b. The chairs, and score table will be set up prior to the contest by the custodians.

c. The floor will be mopped prior to the contest by the custodian.

d. The chairs, and score table will be put away immediately after the contest by the custodians.

e. Mats will be set up and put away by the coaches and wrestlers.

6. Swimming

a. Lane markers, score table and microphone will be set up prior to the contest by the coaches.

b. The coaches will clean up the above items immediately after the contest.

7. Baseball/Softball

a. The field will be lined by the groundskeeper. Mowing of the field will be done by groundskeeper.

b. Player's benches will be set up by the groundskeeper.

8. Track

a. The track and field events will be lined by groundskeeper.

b. The P.A. system and press box will be put in order by the announcer.

9. Soccer

a. The field will be laid out and lined by the groundskeeper.

b. Players benches and score table will be put out by the groundskeeper.

XIX. Insurance

2 Big Spring School District does not carry general medical insurance on student athletes. It is your responsibility to have adequate health insurance to cover athletic related injuries. The District will assume no responsibility for medical expenses resulting from athletic injuries.

3 An interscholastic sports coverage insurance policy is provided for each athlete participating in supervised and sponsored activities. It is paid for by the District and offered on an “excess” basis to your primary health insurance policy. All athletes are automatically covered by this secondary policy. The policy has some limits and is a primary excess policy only. It is your responsibility to initially submit any claim to your regular health insurance policy.

4 In addition, the District does provide parents with the opportunity to purchase voluntary student accident coverage. Two supplemental plans are offered through American Management Advisors, Inc,: school time coverage or 24 hour coverage. Student accident coverage can help you manage the possibility of out-of-pocket expenses. Enrollment forms and additional information are available by contacting the Athletic Director.

5 Parents are responsible to accept any financial liability not covered under the District’s policy incurred by your child/athlete as a result of an accident or injury while he/she is an athlete of Big Spring School District.

XX. Injured Players

1. It is the responsibility of the trainer to fill out our accident reports and turn them in to the office the following day.

2. The coaches/trainer should see that transportation is provided to the doctor or hospital. The athlete's parent/guardian, trainer, coaches, or school personnel must accompany the athlete.

3. The coaches/trainer will notify player's parents or guardian as soon as possible.


XXI. Locker Room

1. Discretion should be used by the coaches in giving managers their keys to school facilities.

2. A coach shall be the first to enter and the last to leave the locker room area. All lights, showers, and doors shall be checked by a coach before his/her departure. The coach is responsible for locking the doors.

3. The coaches will check locker rooms following each event.

4. Students are responsible for all personal items or equipment. It is strongly recommended that each student athlete obtain a personal lock and safely secure these items during all practices and games. THE SCHOOL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST OR STOLEN ITEMS.

XXII. Approved Athletic Events

The maximum number of athletic events which may be scheduled will follow the PIAA rules and regulations. It is at the discretion of the Director of Athletic as to the exact number of games and scrimmages scheduled within these PIAA rules and regulations.

A. The scheduling of all events will be done by the A.D. and submitted to the Board of School Directors for approval.

B. Changes in the schedule because of weather conditions or other emergencies will be made by the A.D. or the principal.

C. The suggested number of events are as follows:

1. Football – varsity 10

Scrimmages 2

JV 8

Jr. High 8

2. Field Hockey - (V & JV) 18

Scrimmages 2

Hockey Play Day 1

MS Field Hockey 12

3. Cross Country B/G 14

Scrimmages 2

Invitationals 3

MS Cross Country 8

4. Basketball B/G 22

Scrimmages 2

Tournaments 2 (included in 22)

7th, 8th, & 9th 12

Scrimmages 0

5. Wrestling - (V & JV) 22

Scrimmages 2

Tournaments 3 (included in 22)

7th, 8th, & 9th 12

Scrimmages 0

Tournaments 2 (included in 14)

6. Swimming B/G 16

Invitationals 2

Scrimmages 0

7. Baseball - (V) 20

Scrimmages 2

JV 20

8. Track B/G 16

Scrimmages 2

Invitationals 4

MS Track 7

9. Volleyball - (V & JV) 22

Scrimmages 2

Tournaments 3 (included in 22)

MS Volleyball 12

Scrimmages 0

10. Softball 20

Scrimmages 2

JV 20

11. Soccer (V & JV) 18

Tournaments 2 (included in 18)

Scrimmages 2

Junior High 12

12. Golf 16

Scrimmages 2

D. Any team or individual that qualifies for after-season tournaments or playoffs shall be permitted to do so with approval of A.D. and principal.

Scrimmage - a practice game/meet in which another school is involved, officials are present and paid only a nominal fee for transportation. Coaches play all players and coaches can be on the field or floor and stop or replay situations to teach or show mistakes or fundamentals. Scores/times/points are kept but results are not published or counted toward overall records.

Play-Day - a competition held between 3 or more school with all games or events played on the same day and at the same site. All teams play each other in a round robin fashion. Usually team championships are not awarded, and an entry fee is usually required.

Tournaments - a competition held between 4 or more schools. Games or events all held on two or more consecutive days, and all teams do not play each other. Team championships and individual awards are presented at the conclusion of the events. An entry fee is usually required.

XXIII. Practice

1. Practice sessions are requested by the Department of Education and P.I.A.A.

2. Activities will not be scheduled on Sunday.

3. No coach will involve an athlete in two sports at the same time without permission of the A.D.

4. When volunteer or non-school personnel are used at practice, this will be done with approval of the Board of School Directors.

5. After practice, the head coach is responsible to see that all equipment is put away.

6. Night practices will end at 9:30 p.m. Students will be out of the building by 9:45 p.m.

7. A coach must be present at all practices.

8. Coaches shall work out a practice schedule prior to the season when a facility must be shared. This schedule shall be submitted to the A.D. Practice shall be scheduled one week in advance and filed with the A.D.

9. High school teams may practice a total of 3 hours per school day during the regular season. Middle school teams may practice a total of 2 hours per day during the regular season.

10. Athletes should dress in appropriate attire for their sport, similar to the uniform worn during competition, for practices. Athletes should not be “topless” or in a “sports bra” but should be appropriately covered. Shirts should cover fronts, backs and sides of athletes and should be able to be tucked in. Shirts should have at least an inch wide strap over each shoulder. Shorts should be at an appropriate length-2inch inseam. The dance team will follow the sports teams’ attire for practice. Swimming will be the only exception.

11. Athletes are unable to remove clothing during competition so they should learn to accommodate the

clothing during practices. Being fully clothed shows respect for yourself, teammates, the school and others

who may be observing the practice. Also adhering to a dress code may lessen the risk of skin cancer for

athletes practicing outdoors.

XXIV. Release From Class

A. Students shall not be released from class other than for travel time for away games.

B. Coaches - When a game conflicts with a coach's teaching schedule, it is the coach's responsibility to notify the principal two (2) days in advance to secure coverage.

XXV. School Attendance and Participation in Activities

A. Any students participating in school sponsored activities (practice, game or competition) occurring on a school day must be in school before 8:58 for high school and 9:15 am for middle school of that day. Any tardy to school beyond the hour of 8:58 a.m. up to 11:30 a.m. will be considered a half-day of absence. Students in extra-curricular activities must report to school before 8:57 a.m. or they will be ineligible for practices, games or performances that day. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE ABOVE WILL NECESSITATE THE STUDENT BEING EXCLUDED FROM THE NEXT SCHEDULED COMPETITION. (The Farm Show will be considered an educational trip if proper office approval is granted before the student attends the Show. Students will be eligible on that day. Only one (1) day will be approved.)

XXVI. Scouting

A. School vehicles may be used for scouting purposes.

B. If school transportation is not available, the school will pay mileage with prior approval of the principal and A.D.

C. Use of the school vehicles should be scheduled as far in advance as possible. The school cars will be scheduled with the athletic director using the appropriate form stating the driver and destination. When the exact name of the driver is not known, the driver's name and passengers will be given as soon as possible.

XXVII. Transportation

A. The A.D. will arrange transportation for all athletic events.

B. Coaches using their personal cars to transport students must have permission slips for students. Signed permission slips are to be given to the coach or A.D. in advance of the event. In such instances, the coach's personal auto insurance policy provides coverage for the student-athlete.

C. Students will ride to and from a school sponsored event in mode of transportation provided by school. Students may not deviate in their mode of transportation unless he/she previously presents a written statement signed by a parent or guardian. This permission statement must be approved by the faculty sponsor of the event. Athletes are required to return from an event with the faculty sponsor, parent, or guardian. Any exceptions must be approved in advance by the high school principal and athletic director.

D. No student may be used as a driver to or from an athletic event.

E. No student will drive school vehicles.

XXVIII. After School Transportation

A. An activity bus will be provided for students participating in approved after school activities.

B. The activity buses will leave the Fitness Center and High School at 5:30 pm and meet at the Middle School to depart at 5:40 pm.

XXIX. Training Room

A. Athletes will not use training room facilities unless accompanied by a coach or trainer.

B. No medical supplies are to be taken out of the training room unless authorized by coach or trainer.

C. All waste should be placed in waste receptacles. It is important to keep the room neat. No horseplay will be tolerated.

XXX. Purchasing Equipment

A. All purchases must be through the A.D. and the principal.

B. A purchase order must be used for ALL PURCHASES.

C. When listing items for bid, coaches should be very specific, using current catalogs.

XXXI. Evening Events and Use of Stadium

All events scheduled for the stadium field shall be approved by the A.D.

XXXII. Locking Football Field

The responsible coach will lock the stadium field gates following each practice or event.

XXXIII. Inventory

An inventory of all equipment must be provided by the head coach and submitted to the A.D. two (2) weeks following the last event of the season and/or at the time of budget submission.

XXXIV. Music and Athletic Participation

Students shall have the right to participate in all aspects of the athletic and music programs. Conflicts between these programs should be resolved in the best interest of the students through a conference between the parties involved and the appropriate building principal or A.D. The meeting should take place before the event.

XXXV. Post-Season Policy

The primary function of any coach attending state competition is for the purpose of supervising Big Spring athletes.

1. Coaches will be released from their normal teaching duties to attend all sessions of state competition if a student on his/her team is competing at the event.

2. The Head Coach and any high school assistant skill level position coach, who has

an athlete qualify, shall be eligible to attend the state competition with the

recommendation of the Athletic Director in conjunction with the building Principal.

(Whenever possible, at least one coach of the same gender as the athlete, should

accompany the athlete to such competition).

XXXVI. Fund Raising Policy

1. All fund raising activities must have prior approval of the A.D. and the building principal.

2. Games of Chance

a. Traditional raffles such as game ball raffles and meat or turkey raffles.

b. "_________________-A-Thons" used to raise money in which an athlete or individual competes against him/herself (i.e., Bike, Walk, Read, Lift, etc.)

3. NOT Permitted Games of Chance

a. Raffles or games of chance in which cash prizes are awarded (i.e., 50-50 raffle).

b. Any wagers/bets that involve individual or team competitions to determine prizes/pledges (i.e., win-pin pledges).


XXXVII. Pass Policy

A. Only the following people will be allowed into an event without payment:

1. Bus drivers of visiting teams

2. Officials

3. Chain People (Football)

4. Inter-League Council Pass – 2 per pass

5. Announcer

6. Score keepers

7. Visiting bands, directors, and chaperones

8. Full time District employees – ID Badge (two per badge)

9. Police

10. Press

11. Ticket people

12. Ambulance personnel - limit 4

13. Concession stand personnel (Boosters). Must be working that event.

14. Competing teams

15. Visiting cheerleaders and chaperones

16. Coaches of participating teams

17. Non-playing participants of the same sport-same season

XXXVIII. All Sports Pass

An All Sports Pass will be made available to the public at a 50% discount. The pass will be valid for all sporting events at home. The pass will be sold only during the weeks between the beginning of football season and the first home football game.

XXXIX. Meal Policy

When an athlete has advanced to post-season state tournament level or an invitational/conference event, approved by the Board of School Directors, in which the athlete and coaches will require meals, the following allotment for meals will be given:

Breakfast $ 6.00

Lunch $ 8.00

Dinner $10.00

1. Coaches must allot money in their individual sports budgets.

2. Amount budgeted will not be exceeded.

3. Students must obtain receipts, sign, and hand into their coach. Coaches included must do the same.

4. Coach will present all receipts to the A.D. as soon as possible following the event.

5. Students/coaches will only be reimbursed up to the maximum allotment.

6. The coach will receive a check for the amount to be reimbursed and will be responsible to reimburse his/her athletes.

XL. Banners in the High School and Middle School Gyms

Banners will be placed in the high school or middle school gyms for the following:

✓ Individual State Champions – name on a list banner with other State Champions

✓ 1000 points – name listed on banner

✓ 100 wins – name listed on banner

✓ League Champion and Co-Champion teams – entered on the Mid Penn Division Champions Banner

✓ First team All-State or All-American – athlete’s name on the individual awards banner

✓ League Team Champions, Co-Champions and District Champions – also receive their picture outside the gym.

✓ Team State Champions – Receive a banner of their own and picture in the Commons with team names

All banners will be approved by the high school or middle school principal before being placed in the gym.

XLI. Team Camps/Summer Camps

Any of our athletic teams that attend "team" summer camps at colleges or universities at their own expense or through student activity fundraiser money must be approved by the Board of School Directors by the first Board of School Directors meeting in June. Transportation to and from these camps will be provided by coaches driving school district owned vehicles or buses provided by the school bus contractor. Other than providing school owned vehicles, the school district will not fund the cost of transportation for these "team summer camps." Athletes will have their bags checked by coaches or school staff before departing.

XLII. Drug and Alcohol Policy

All student athletes will be subject to discipline as per Board of School Directors' approved drug and alcohol policy. (Coaches or athletes may obtain this policy by contacting the district administration office or referring to the Big Spring High School Student and Parent Handbook.)

In addition, all coaches may address their individual drug & alcohol team policies in their individual "Code of Conduct". However, they may not supercede the Board of School Directors' approved drug and alcohol policy.


Appraisal reports will become a part of the coach’s permanent file. The report should assist in decisions which require a record of the coach's performance.

Purpose: The overwhelming purpose of our coach’s appraisal form is to improve the instruction our athletes receive. Other purposes of the appraisal form include:

1. Creating a climate to achieve individual improvement.

2. Affording an opportunity to identify quality coaching and quality instruction.

3. Providing an opportunity to identify potential leadership.

4. Providing interchange of ideas between the coach and the administration.

5. Identifying the needs for clinics and staff meetings.


1. The head coach will be evaluated/rated by the Director of Athletics.

2. The Director of Athletics and head coach will pool their efforts in the appraisal of assistant coaches.

3. The assessment on coaching performance will be completed at the conclusion of the season.

4. The intent of the assessment and appraisal is to help a coach become a better coach and to assist the coach in areas which do need improvement.


Name_____________________ Sport & Level _______________ Position ___________

Evaluator _____________________________ Date _______________________

*This form is to be filled out by the Athletic Director for Head Coach within one month of the end of the season. The coach shall receive one copy and another shall be on file in the Athletic Director’s office. The head coach may also keep a copy.

NA = Non Applicable S = Satisfactory NI = Needs Improvement


1. Does the coach present an acceptable appearance to the players, the NA S NI

Faculty and Administration?

2. Does the coach present an acceptable image toward the community? NA S NI

3. Does the coach communicate well with the players? NA S NI

4. Does the coach communicate well with the community? NA S NI

5. Does the coach communicate well with the faculty? NA S NI

6. Does the coach communicate well with the media? NA S NI

7. Does the coach follow the guidelines in the Athletic Policy? NA S NI

8. Does the coach properly take care of the equipment? NA S NI

9. Does the coach properly take care of the physical facilities? NA S NI

10. Does the coach take an active role in the current and future NA S NI

educational guidance of the athletes?

11. Does the coach teach fundamentals & techniques properly and adequately? NA S NI

12. Does the coach communicate well with his assistants? NA S NI

13. Does the coach communicate well with the A.D. and Administration? NA S NI

14. Does the coach organize the “out-of-season” conditioning well? NA S NI

15. Does the coach organize scrimmages well? NA S NI

16. Does the coach organize practices well? NA S NI

17. Does the team perform in an organized manner? NA S NI

18. Does the coach organize a solid “out-of-season” program? NA S NI

19. Does the coach keep a good updated inventory list? NA S NI

20. Does the coach properly take care of awarding letters and other NA S NI

individual recognition?

21. Has the coach written a good, well stated Code of Conduct for the athletes? NA S NI

Additional Comments

Recommendations for next year

Head Coaches Comments:

Head Coach _____________________________________________ Date __________________________

Athletic Director ___________________________________________ Date __________________________

• All coaches have the right to appeal this evaluation to the High School Principal and then to the Superintendent.


Name______________________ Sport & Level ___________________Position _____________

Evaluator _____________________________ Date _______________________

*This form is to be filled out by the Athletic Director for Head Coach within one month of the end of the season. The coach shall receive one copy and another shall be on file in the Athletic Director’s office. The head coach may also keep a copy.

NA = Non Applicable S = Satisfactory NI = Needs Improvement


1. Does the coach present an acceptable appearance to the players, the NA S NI

Faculty and Administration?

2. Does the coach present an acceptable image toward the community? NA S NI

3. Does the coach communicate well with the players? NA S NI

4. Does the coach communicate well with the community? NA S NI

5. Does the coach communicate well with the faculty? NA S NI

6. Does the coach communicate well with the media? NA S NI

7. Does the coach follow the guidelines in the Athletic Policy? NA S NI

8. Does the coach properly take care of the equipment? NA S NI

9. Does the coach properly take care of the physical facilities? NA S NI

10. Does the coach take an active role in the current and future NA S NI

educational guidance of the athletes?

11. Does the coach teach fundamentals & techniques properly and adequately? NA S NI

13. Does the coach follow the head coach’s program and guidelines? NA S NI

14. Does the coach communicate well with the head coach and other NA S NI


Additional Comments

Recommendations for next year

Head Coaches Comments:




Head Coach ___________________________________________ Date __________________________

Assistant Coach Date

Athletic Director _________________________________________ Date ___________________________

• All coaches have the right to appeal this evaluation to the High School Principal and then to the Superintendent.


** This form is to be filled out by the head coach and given to the athlete **

Coach ________________________ Sport & Level ___________________________


Note: Please make all checks payable to “Big Spring School District” and hand in to the Athletic Director’s Office.


Coach _______________Date ______________ Level ___________ Sport _________________

Quantity Item (Be specific) Color Numbers Size (s) Make Condition

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This sheet shall be updated at the end of each season and submitted to the

Athletic Director’s office.


Team: Year: Overall record:

Team Captains: Head Coach:

Assistant Coaches:

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Emergency Sheet

Please check your preference regarding your child’s name/photograph:

____ YES ____ NO Student name/photograph may be used in the school paper or local newspaper.

____ YES ____ NO Student name/photograph may be used on the school district’s web page.

• Emergency card/authorization for each athlete must accompany the athlete at all times.

• The card for each athlete should be carried in the first-aid kit for each sport.

• The card for each athlete should be readily accessible to the coach, trainer, or emergency personnel.

• Prior to the start of each sport, the card for each athlete should be reviewed by the coach/trainer/athletic director or any other medical personnel for completeness.

• Include emergency phone numbers or significant medical history.

Please complete the information below prior to participation in each sports’ season:

Name: _____________________________________________________ Date of birth: _______________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________

City, State, Zip: ___________________________________________ Email________________________________

Telephone: _____________________________________________ Blood Type: ___________________________

In case of accident or emergency, please contact:

Name: _____________________________________________________ Relationship: ________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Home Phone: __________________ Work Phone: __________________ Cell: _______________ Beeper _________

Pre-Existing Circulatory/Pulmonary Conditions: ________________________________________________________

Diabetes: ________________________________________ Inhalers: ______________________________________

Allergies or Allergic Reactions: _____________________________________________________________________

Medications being used: __________________________________________________________________________


Date of Tetanus Immunization: _____________________________________________________________________

Other Pertinent Information: _______________________________________________________________________


Emergency Contact Telephone Number of Family Physician: _____________________________________________

Permission to Treat: _____________________________________________________________________________

(Signature of Parent/Guardian)


A primary excess policy is purchased for each athlete. It is paid for by the Big Spring School District. You are encouraged to have other health insurance. The School District Insurance has some limits and is a primary excess policy. If you have questions, please ask the individual coach or call the Director of Athletics.

- We have additional insurance Yes __________ No __________

Our Insurance Company’s Name is: _________________________________________________________________


I will accept responsibility for any financial liability not covered under the Big Spring District Athletic Policy incurred by _______________________________ as a result of an accident or injury while he/she is an athlete of Big Spring School District. I shall not subscribe for the school insurance plan since my health and accident insurance coverage will be adequate to provide complete protection.

Parent/Guardian: _____________________________________________________ Date: ______________________

Fund Raising Project / Raffle

Planning and Accounting Form

SPONSORING ORGANIZATION(S) ____________________________ Dates of Sale: From ________ to ________

SPONSORING INDIVIDUAL ____________________________________ Initial Date of Submission _______________



BUILDING _______________________________ Grade _________________ # of Students _____________________

COMPANY(S) INVOLVED ______________________________________ Salesperson ________________________

ADDRESS _________________________________________________ Phone __________________

COMPANY (S) INVOLVED ______________________________________ Salesperson ________________________

ADDRESS _________________________________________________ Phone ___________________


ANTICIPATED $ (Pre-sale) ACTUAL $ (Post-sale)

Item Costs: Item Costs:

$ ___________for _______________ P.O.# ____________ $ ________for ________ P.O.# $___________for _______________ P.O.# ____________ $ ________for _______ P.O.# ____________

$ __________ for _______________ P.O.# _____________ $ ________ for ________P.O.# ____________

$ __________ for _______________ P.O.# _____________ $ _________for _______ P.O.# ____________

Total Costs $ ________________________________________ Total Costs $ ___________________________

Other Costs $ ________________________________________ Other Costs $ ________________________ Item selling price $ ___________________ Item selling price $ __________________

Number of Items ________________________ Number of items ____________________ Total Selling Price $_____________________________ Total Selling Price $ ___________________

Gifts or Donations $ _____________________________ Gifts or Donations $ ___________________

Disposition of unsold items ______________________________ Disposition of unsold items __________________

TOTAL NET PROFIT $______________________________ TOTAL NET PROFIT $ ____________________



Approval: _______________ Date: ___________________ Approval: _____________ Date: ________

Modifications: ______________________________________ Modifications ____________________________

Rejection: _________________ Date : __________________ Rejection : _____________ Date: ___________

Reason : __________________________________________ Reason : ______________________________

__________________________________________ _____________________________________


DATE OF POST-SALE (ACCOUNTING) RESUBMISSION: _______________________________________________

SUBMITTED BY (SPONSOR): _____________________________________________________________________

RECEIVED, UNDERSTOOD, AND ACCEPTED BY (PRINCIPAL): _____________________________________

DATE: _____________________________________

When completed……this form should be kept in the building office.


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