Unit 12 & 13:

Unit 12 & 13:

“Anxiety Disorders & Treatments”

• Anxiety disorders are a class marked by feelings of __________________________________________________

• There are five main types: 1. _________________________, 2. Phobic disorder, 3. OCD, 4. _________________________, and 5. _____________________

• Most who develop one type, are likely to develop another, and studies show around _____________________of the population are affected by these

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

• GAD is marked by a chronic, high level of anxiety that is not tied to _________________________________

• “Worry about yesterday’s mistakes and tomorrow’s problems.”

• Affects ___________________ of the population, includes physical symptoms, and can be prevalent for the lifetime

Phobic Disorder

• Phobic disorder is marked by a ________________________ fear of an object that presents no realistic danger

• Mild phobias are common, but true phobic disorder interferes with daily life

• Most common: _________________________, claustrophobia, brontophobia, _________________________, animals/insects

Panic Disorder & Agoraphobia

• A panic disorder is classified by recurrent attacks of overwhelming anxiety that usually occur suddenly

• The expectation of the attack leads to the development of ____________________

• Population affected is ____________________ and usually happens in late _____________________________________________

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

• OCD is classified by persistent uncontrollable, ______________________ (O) and urges to engage in ________________________________ (C)

• Usually _______________________________________, e.g., worried about germs and cleaning ensues

• Affects ____________ of the population

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

• PTSD involves enduring psychological attributed to the experience of a major event

• First recognized as a disorder in the aftermath of _________________________

• Affects about ___________________, prevalence is twice as high among women

• Nightmares, flashbacks, emotional numbing, alienation, elevated anxiety and aggression

• Number one indicator: ____________________________________________

Biopsychosocial Approach

• ___________________: inherited differences in temperament and susceptibility to anxiety disorders (twin studies), sensitivity, GABA

• _________________: acquired through learning and association, interpretation/perception

• _________________________: social pressures, labels, social norms: ‘weakness’


• __________________: Medications, anti-anxiety, alcohol, valium, Xanax, Ativan

• ______________________: cognitive therapy, Rational emotive behavior therapy, client-centered therapy

• _______________________: classical conditioning, operant conditioning, desensitization

• __________________: Group therapy


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