POLK'S - AlaskaWeb
Containing Alphabetical Lists of Business Firms and Private Citizens of the Towns of—
Anchorage, Cordova, Dawson, Fairbanks, Juneau, Ketchikan, Mayo, Nenana, Nome, Petersburg, Seward, Skagway, Valdez, White Horse and Wrangell
Lists of Business Firms and Residents in the Towns and Villages of the Territories
And a Complete Business Directory of Alaska
and Yukon Territories
(Member Association of North American Directory Publishers)
71 Columbia St., Seattle, Wash.
Volume XII of R. L. Polk & Co.'s, Inc., Alaska-Yukon Gazetteer and Business Directory is herewith presented to its friends and patrons with the belief that it fully measures up to former editions in completeness of information in its various departments; the efforts of the publishers to that end have been very careful and painstaking and they have been unsparing of expense in producing a work that will prove a source of pride to the citizens as well as to themselves.
The Directory is one of the foremost enterprises of any community. It is generally referred to by the press of the whole country as a semi-public institution of great value. The Directory is more than a mere list of names of residents—giving their various occupations and addresses—it is an invaluable guide to the community for its people and for the stranger within its gates. It not only deals with the people, but with the government, public institutions and various other organizations. It is a recognized standard work of reference, and becomes the most reliable history of the community and its citizens. As there is no other publication which gives the information contained in the Directory, there is probably no other publication in which all of the people are so vitally interested.
A library of Directories of the principal cities of the United States and Canada is maintained by the publishers at 71 Columbia St., Seattle, Wash., for the free use of our patrons. As the latest Directories are issued they will be added to the library, thereby keeping it up to date from year to year. We extend a eordial invitation to each and every one of our subscribers to make use of this library and to consult the Directories on file here, either in person or by mail.
The publishers take this opportunity of thanking the citizens of Alaska and Yukon Territory for the valuable assistance rendered in the way of furnishing information concerning themselves and friends for this Directory and also the public spirited and progressive, professional and business men for the support given in the way of patronage.
This Directory is placed in the Directory Libraries throughout the United States and Canada and in many of the larger hotels in New York, Chicago and other large cities, where it serves the public as a valuable book of reference and the community it represents as a splendid standing advertisement, for no other publication can convey such an idea of the community, its business interests and all the various institutions and organizations.
R. L. POLK & CO., INC., Compilers and Publishers,
71 Columbia Street, Seattle, Wash.
Note: The more important places only, are included in this index.
Alaska Alphabetical List of Cities
and Towns 103
Alaska Classified Business Directory 535 Alaska Territorial Alphabetical List
of Names 441
Alaska Territorial Government 31
Anchorage 37
Classified Business Directory 535
Cordova - 115
Dawson, Y. T 473
Fairbanks - 147
Juneau 201
Ketchikan - 251
Mayo, Y. T 504
Nenana 329
Nome 346
Petersburg 366
Seattle Advertising Department 595
Seattle Classified Business Direc-
tory 653
Seward 379
Skagway 405
U. S. Officers in Alaska - 31
Valdez -~ 426
White Horse, Y. T 515
Wrangell .". 435
Yukon Alphabetical List of Cities
and Towns 469
Yukon Classified Business Directory 535
Yukon Territorial Alphabetical List
of Names 531
Yukon Territorial Government 469
Yukon Territory 467
Alaska Moving Picture Corp 55
Alaska Publishing Co 40
Alaska Railroad, The 460-461
Anchorage Daily Times.. 40
Anchorage Drug Co 54
Anchorage Hotel 47
Anchorage Supply Co. 41
Bank of Alaska 42
Bank of Anchorage 46
Bennett, H. C. 44
Bolte, Carl W. 45
Brown & Hawkins Corp 43
Cribb, Harry Inc 54
Healy River Coal Corp 55
Koda-Graph Shop 48
Lewis, R. E 49
Loussac's Drug Store 50
McGinnis, D. L 55
New Method Tailors-Cleaners, Inc. 56
Parish Cycle Co 51
Pioneer Sheet Metal Works 56
Romig, R. H 52
Shonbeck, A. A 53
Alaska Public Utilities 120
Bank of Alaska 118
Cordova Abstract & Realty Co 120
Cordova Sheet Metal Works 121
Jones Laundry Inc 121
Northern Drug Co 122
Northwestern Hardware Co 122
Osborne, Ben 123
Windsor Hotel 119
Arcade Cafe 478
Cribbs, W. M 479
Dawson News Publishing Co 478
Klondike Thawing Machine Co 476
McFarlane, John 479
Rochester Grill, The 480
Rochester Hotel 477
Spence, John N 480
Avakoff & Brown 155
Davis, H. C 156
Ellis, J. O. . 161
Fairbanks Clothing Co 156
Fairview Hotel 157
First National Bank of Fairbanks.. 150
Gilcher, W. H 157
Hotel Alaska 151
Independent Lumber Co . 158
International Hotel 158
Lavery & Bailey 159
Lewis, Fred Machine Shop 159
Mcintosh & Kubon.... 155
Mack, E. H. Co., The 160
Model Cafe , 160
Nordale Hotel 152
Pioneer Hotel 161
Pirate Ship 161
Red Cross Drug Store 102
Samson Hardware Co 153
Sheldon's Garage 162
Variety Store ~.~ 163
Wilbur, A. L .: 154
Alaska Electric Light & Power Co. 208
Behrends, B. M. Bank 214
Behrends, B. M. Co. Inc 214
Empire Printing Co 207
First National Bank of Juneau 206
George Bros. ..: 209
George Michael 209
Juneau Dairy 215
Juneau Lumber Mills 215
Nugget Shop, Inc., The 210
St. Ann's Hospital 210
Taku River Co .". 212
Twin Glacier Camp 212
Winter & Pond Co 216
Wright Shoppe 213
Beegle, Jno. R. & Co 268
Bon Marche, The 268
Citizens Light, Power & Water Co. 262
Electric Laundry . .*...-. 268
Fishermen's Store, The 264
Harris, Dick 259
Heckman, J. R. & Co 269
Howard, E. C 260
Ketchikan Alaska Chronicle 261
Ketchikan Cold Storage Co 262
Ketchikan Iron Works 271
Ketchikan Lumber & Shingle Co... 273
Ketchikan Marine Railway 270
Ketchikan Power Co 263
Ketchikan Spruce Mills, Inc 263
Krause & Bucey 269
Miners & Merchants Bank 258
New England Fish Co 265
Northern Machine Works 270
Ryus Drug Co. . 266
Stedman Hotel ~ 267
Sully Planing Mill & Cabinet Works 270
Talbot & Spaulding 273
Thompson, H. R. 271
Thwaites Photo Shop 272
Tongass Trading Co. 272
Coghill, W. A. 334
Cooney Hotel 332
Healy River Coal Corp. 333
Nenana Gardens 334
Rexall Store, The 335
Simson, Abe 335
Thompson, A. D 335
Alaska Shop 382
Bank of Seward 383
Brosius, Cal M. 388
Dougherty, Hugh 385
Orlander, C. E 388
Seward Daily Gateway 384
Seward Drug Co 389
Seward Machine Shop 389
Seward Steam Laundry 390
Sexton Hotel 387
Sexton, Sylvia - 387
Urbach, Leon , 385
Van Gilder Hotel 386
Ask, C. W. & Sons 410
Bank of Alaska 409
Golden North Hotel 410
Kirmse's Curio Shop 411
Pullen House, The 408
Ricbter, E. H 411
White Pass & Yukon Route 462-466
Puckett, Wm. A 518
Taylor & Drury, Ltd 519
White Horse Fharmacy: 521
White Horse Weekly Star 521
White Pass Hotel 520
Bank of Alaska
Alaska Steamship Co 458-459
Art Craft Engraving Co s 611
Bowles Co. 635"
Bradner Company, The 644
Brown, Edwin J 648-649
Castle, A. M. & Co 637
Centennial Mill Co. .. 643
Colby & Dickinson, Inc 606-607
Cragin & Co 636
Crowe, F. T. & Co 602-603
Ehrlich-Harrison Co 630-631
Emerson, H. S. Co 645
Fairbanks Morse & Co 634
Fuller, W. P. & Co 626
Galbraith & Co 600-601
Goodrich, B. F. Rubber Co 646
Hofius Steel & Equipment Co 612-613
Holt Manufacturing Co 605
Hood Tractor Co 652
Hotel Frye - 627
Hydraulic Supply Mfg. Co 622
Kristoferson, A. Inc : 640
Lang, F. S., Manufacturing Co 628-629
Link-Belt, Meese & Gottfried Co 616
Lowman & Hanford Co 614-615
Modern Appliance Co.. 620
Northern Bond & Mortgage Co 596
Northwest Testing Laboratories-632-633
Olympic Fur Co 647
Perine Machinery Co 621
Petkovits ^r Co 650
Post-Intelligencer Co. ; 609
Power Plant Engineering Co 604
Puget Sound Marble & Granite Co. 651
Richardson & Holland Inc ... 641
Roebling's, John A. Sons Co. of Cali-
fornia 639
Schwabacher Bros. & Co., Inc 623
Seattle Boiler Works 610
Seattle National Bank 598-599
Seattle Tent & Awning Co 597
Sherman Clay & Co 608
Sherman Printing & Binding Co 642
Simonds Saw & Steel Co 638
Trick & Murray 618-619
Williams, O. B. Co 624-625
Wright & Smith Machine Works.- 617
Your Advertisement
Would Be Constantly Before The Public—The Buyers—Twenty-four Hours a Pay—Three Hundred and Sixty-five Pays a Year—Every Year.
-Think It Over
The name "Alaska" is derived from the native word "Al-ay-ek-sa," thought to mean "The Great Land," or "Mainland."
This region was first visited in 1741 by two Russian officers, Bering and Chirikov. Following their visit came Russian traders and trappers, and in 1774 Spanish explorers came as far as the southeastern shore, and in 1778 an English expedition headed by Capt. James Cook made extensive coast surveys. Kadiak Island was the scene of the first settlement, made by the Russians in 1784, while they founded Sitka in 1804, and made it the capital in 18C5.
In 1867 Alaska was purchased by the United States for$7,200,000, but its development was limited until the discovery of gold in Yukon Territory in 1896 caused an influx of prospectors, and proved to the world that "Seward's Folly" had been a most intelligent purchase. -
Alaska lies between the meridians of 130° west longitude and 173° east longitude, and between the parallels of 51° and 72° north latitude. The Arctic Ocean is the northern boundary, while on the west are the Arctic Ocean, Bering Strait and Bering Sea. The southern boundary is the Gulf of Alaska and the Pacific Ocean, and Yukon Territory and British Columbia adjoin it on the east.
The total area of the territory is about 590,884 square miles, or approximately one-fifth of the area of the United States. The price paid to Russia was less than two cents per acre. Alaska's coast line is 26,000 miles Ion g. / ,860 miles greater than the Atlantic seaboard of the United States.
The physical features are many and varied. Mountain and plain, barren wastes and fertile valleys, fields of ice and grass covered reaches, great rivers and lakes and multitudes of small creeks all go to make up the surface configuration.
Alaska contains the highest mountain in North America, Mt. Mc-Kinlev, 20.400 feet high. Other high mountains are Mt. YYrangell, 19,000 feet: Mt. St. Elias, 16,000 feet, and Mt. Crillon, 15,000 feet/"
The Yukon, the largest Alaskan river, is the fifth river in size in North America.
Alaska's geographic position and extent give it physical conditions which show great contrasts in climate between the various parts of the Territory. Three-quarters of its area lies within the North Temperate Zone, and one-quarter north of the Arctic Circle.
The portion lying adjacent to the Pacific Ocean has a heavy precipitation (averaging about 90 inches per year), a rather high mean annual temperature (35° to 48° F.), cool summers (mean temperatures 50° to 55° P."), and mild winters (mean temperatures 20° to 35° P.). The inland province lying beyond the coastal ranges has a semi-arid climate, with rainfall of but 9 to 15 inches, summers with temperatures of from 50° to 58° F., and cold winters, the mean temperature ranging from zero to 15° below. The third division includes that portion tributary to the Arctic Ocean, which records the smallest rainfall in the Territory, from 6 to 8 inches a year. The average summer temperature is from 40° to 45° P., while the winters range from 10° to 16° F.
The government census of 1920 gave Alaska a population of 55,036. This shows an apparent decrease of 9,320 since 1910. These figures were taken as of January 1, the middle of winter, when only permanent residents could be enumerated, and the thousands who annually go to Alaska for employment in the summer, miners, cannery employees, and other workers are not included.
The growth of several of the cities since the last official census, the onenins: of The Alaska Railroad, with the new towns and settlements which follow transportation, and the increase shown in various industries warrant the statement that Alaska at present shows a substantial gain over the 1910 census figures.
|Minerals— |1922 |1867 to 1923 |
|Gold | $ 7,730,000 |$ 335,394,993 |
|Copper | 9,833,444 |144,733,810 |
|Silver | 730,000 |8.399,589 |
|lin | 4,650 |943,622 |
|Lead | 36,120 |746,438 |
|Antimonv | |237,500 |
|Coal | 450,000 |2,750,460 |
|Miscellaneous | 250,596 |3,221.540 |
|Total | $19,034,790 |$ 496,427,950 |
|Fish Products— | | |
|Salmon | $31,203,564 |$ 464,369,968 |
|Halibut | 746,758 |17,247,894 |
|Cod | 132,100 |10,226.703 |
|Herring | 2,448,726 |9,809,351 |
|Shellfish | 325,344 |1.211.982 |
|Trout | |115.990 |
|Whalebone | |1.104,832 |
|Fertilizer | 157,578 |1,566,825 |
|Oil | 292,140 |6,928,497 |
|Miscellaneous | 82,432 |4,442,437 |
|Total | $35,388.64? |$ 517,014,479 |
|Furs | 3,561,291 |97,382,359 |
|Miscellaneous | 231,529 |2,531,025 |
|Grand Total | $58,531,025 |$1,113,355,813 |
Although agriculture is something to which the ordinary person does not give much thought in connection with Alaska, it is nevertheless rapidly developing in several parts of the Territory.
The Department of Agricidture maintains five experiment stations, at Sitka (headquarters), Fairbanks, Rampart, Kodiak and Matanuska, where experiments to determine which species of grain, fruits or vegetables are best suited to the various localities, and to the different climatic conditions are being carried on. and this work is doing- a great deal t encourage agriculture in the Territory.
The principal areas where agriculture can successfully be conducted are the valleys of the Yukon and Tanana rivers in the interior, the Susitna and Matanuska valleys, extending from Cook Inlet toward the interior, some of the valleys along the Copper River, and on the west side of the Kenai Peninsula.
A hybrid strawberry, developed by the experiment station, has proven successful, while barley, winter rye and wheat have been grown in the interior wherever the snowfall is deep enough to protect the grain from the severe temperature. Spring wheat growing, with a species also produced by the experiment station, has been successfully undertaken in the Tanana and Matanuska valleys.
Native grasses for the most part provide the hay crops. The more common and hardier garden vegetables such as radishes, turnips, kale and lettuce can be grown nearly anywhere. Other vegetables grow along the coast and in the interior if care is used in selecting garden sites with reference to shelter and sun. So far, corn, beans, melons, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc., have not been grown under ordinary conditions. The Fairbanks region alone produces about 10,000 bushels of potatoes yearly, enough to supply the local demand. Currants, raspberries, loganberries and gooseberries grow well, especially along the coast region.
Stock raising as yet is on a small scale, but the various experiment stations are introducing blooded cattle and sheep, the Galloway and Milking Shorthorn cattle proving the best to withstand climatic conditions. Hog and sheep raising is also being successfully followed, especially in the Tanana and Yukon valleys, where native grass and hay are easilv produced.
By ERXEST P. WALKER Chief Fur Warden and U. S. Game Warden
Propagating land fur bearing animals in Alaska in captivity has developed an important industry in blue fox ranching on islands, a lesser industry in pen-raising of silver foxes, and an infant but promising industry in raising minks and martens in pens.
At the beginning of 1923 there were about 152 island blue fox farms, and during 1923 a number of others have been established. Islands of from 40 acres to 10 square miles along the southern coast are used for blue fox ranches. Here the animals run at liberty, choose their own mates, and make their own dens. One or more caretakers distribute feed to them daily. Fish—fresh, dried, smoked, or salted—constitutes the basic feed, supplemented in many instances with mushes of cereals and cracklings.
The raising of blue foxes in pens has not developed extensively, but is now being undertaken by a number of operators.
The blue fox babies sometimes number 14 to the litter and thev aver-age from 5 to 7. The animals are killed for their skins during November and December.
Two regions of Alaska have fox farmers associations, similar to the livestock associations of the states.
Silver foxes are raised in pens. In the summer of 1923 there were about 25 such ranches, with more starting. Selective breeding is improving the strain of the animals, and experience has been gained which bids fair to enable this to become an important industry.
Minks have been successfully raised in pens by two parties in Alaska. At the end of the 1923 summer there were four parties holding minks for propagating purposes and others are entering the business as soon as they can obtain stock.
The raising of martens in captivity has not been a marked success in Alaska, but at least four parties are engaging in the undertaking and others are entering as rapidly as breeding stock can be obtained.
Muskrat and beaver raising is being undertaken by some and contemplated by many.
Bv ERXEST V. WALKER Chief Fur Warden and U. S. Game Warden
There is no portion of Alaska that does not have one or more forms of game and fur. These resources have played an important part in the progress of the Territory and no little part with respect to the world at large. Much of the exploration and prospecting has been possible only by the fact that the presence of fur and game enabled the prospector, explorer and traveler to "live off the country.''
The natives originally lived largely by game and fur, and since the white man has opened a market to them they have profited even more bv the fur. Alaska annually produces land fur valued at about $2,OC0,-CCO.OO.
The value of the game is not so easily computed, as it is consumed locally and does not materially enter the markets. The meat is an important item of food to all but the larger communities, which have ready access to domestic meat supplies, and even in these the meat markets feel a decided loss in patronage during the game season.
The recreational value of wild life to Alaskans is not so stressed as game in other regions, but as an attraction to the "outsider'' for hunting, photographing, and studying it is unsurpassed.
For the purpose of describing the distribution of the wild life of the Territory and its accessibility to the visitor it is convenient to divide the region into seven divisions.
Southeastern Alaska comprises the Alexander Archipelago and the strip of mainland from Dixon Entrance to Yakutat. In this region are found the big brown, grizzly, and black bears, deer, mountain goats, beavers, minks, land otters, ermine, muskrats. foxes and wolves.
South Central Alaska is composed of the mainland for about 150 miles inland from Yakutat west to Cook Inlet, and adjacent islands. The same animals are found in this region as in Southeastern Alaska, and in addition moose, mountain sheep, and caribou occur in certain portions.
The Kodiak—Afognak Island group off the southern coast has the big brown bears, foxes, land otters and ermine.
The Alaska Peninsula has the brown and grizzly bears, caribou, foxes, land otters, minks and ermine.
(IMl'3-2-1) K. L. POLK & CO.'S. INC.
The Aleutian Islands have no game with the exception of Cnimak, which has the same animals as the Peninsula. The remainder of the chain has only red and blue foxes.
Interior Alaska embraces most of the Yukon and Kuskokwim River drainages. It has caribou, and moose in most portions, grizzly and brown bears, mountain sheep, foxes, land otters, beavers, minks, martens, muskrats and ermine.
Arctic Alaska as here used means the Arctic slope. Caribou, mountain sheep, grizzly and polar bears, red and Arctic foxes, wolverines and ermine occur in the region.
"Waterfowl nest throughout the Territory, particularly in the northern half, where there are important breeding grounds. At numerous points along the sea coast are large colonies of sea birds. Various forms of ptarmigan and grouse are found, practically throughout the Territory, often in great abundance.
The brief sketchy outline of distribution given herein does not pretend accurately to bound the ranges of the animals, but rather merely to indicate the general region in which they may be found. Often there are considerable tracts within the general outlined range where—because of local conditions— the animals do not occur.
Queries regarding wild life subjects may be addressed to the Biological Survey, Juneau, Alaska.
By COLOXEL JAMES GORDON STEESE, E. R. G. S. Chairman, The Alaska Railroad
The U. S. Government Railway Project in Alaska was originally reported upon by the Alaska Railroad Commission, appointed by President Taft in 1912, and headed by General Jay J. Morrow, now Governor of the Panama Canal. Upon receiving authority by the Act of March 12. 1914, to go ahead with location, construction, etc., the President placed supervision of the project under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior and designated the Alaskan Engineering Commission as the construction agency to be permanently resident in Alaska to handle the work. After additional surveys and investigations, the President selected the route in the spring of 1915. and active construction continued since that date except for greatly curtailed activity during the "World War. On the 15th of July, 1923, the late President Harding drove a golden spike at the north end of the Tanana River Bridge, Xenana. Alaska, thereby officially completing the construction of The Alaska Railroad.
The distance from Seward to Fairbanks, over the operated line, is 470.3 miles. Spurs to the Eska, Jonesville, and Chickaloon coal mines in the Matanuska District, and to the Healy River coal mines in the Xenana District, aggregate an additional 46 miles of standard gauge. A four and one-half mile narrow gauge spur to the Moose Creek coal mines and a 39-mile narrow gauge branch from Fairbanks to the gold creeks as far as Chatanika bring the total operated mileage up to 560 miles. The Alaska Railroad also operates a River Boat Service on the Tanana and Yukon Rivers between Xenana and Holy Cross, a distance of 750 miles, carrying passengers, mail, express, and freight.
It has through billing agreements covering freight service from Seattle or Tacoma to points on the Yukon River and its principal tributaries between the International Boundary at Eagle and Bering Sea at St. .Michael. It also has an agreement covering automobile service on the Richardson Highway from Fairbanks to Chitina and Yaldez, 410 miles. In addition, it operates telegraph and telephone lines, coal mines, docks, power plants, hospitals, hotels, and commissaries.
In 1915, Seward and Fairbanks were flourishing towns, each being the distributing center for an immense hinterland. Seward received its supplies all the year round by ocean service from Seattle. Fairbanks received all its supplies by river boat during the open season of navigation. The country between was an almost uninhabited wilderness. The onlv overland route then in existence was the Richardson Highway, some 200 miles to the eastward of the route selected for the railroad. It was necessary therefore to develop and carry various agencies along with the actual railroad construction. Ocean docks, towns, and camps, machine shops, hospitals, schools, etc., all had to be provided. Rolling-stock, construction equipment and supplies of all kinds had to be shipped in from Seattle. Such supplies were then carried inland by boat or pack-horse in summer and by horse-sled or dog-team in winter.
In the actual construction, clearing of right of way, grubbing, grading, excavation and other kinds of labor which could be standardized, were let out to station-men. All tools, powder, camp equipment, subsistence supplies, etc., wer.e rented or sold to the station-men by the railway supply department. Building of bridges, snowsheds, laying of track, etc., were performed on force account. Several large steel bridges were fabricated and erected by contract, the piers and approaches being built on force account.
The entire transportation situation in the Territory has been changed by the completion of The Alaska Railroad. Whereas, heretofore it had been necessary for all supplies for an entire year to be shipped up the Yukon River during the short summer season, with the attendant heavy charges for interest on investment, insurance, storage, deterioration, and depreciation, it is now possible to distribute the same shipments throughout the entire year. Frequently shipments missed the last boat, causing great inconvenience and even distress.
For example, in the fall of 1920 an important bridge was ordered for a stream crossing about 28 miles out of Fairbanks. This bridge was shipped from Seattle to St. Michael in the summer of 1921 soon after navigation opened. It caught the last boat up the river. An earlv freeze-up caught this boat 200 miles short of destination. As it would have cost $135 per thousand board feet for freighting over the snow, the bridge
as well as all other supplies lay there till the summer of 1922, when it
reached Fairbanks, was freighted overland and erected. Meanwhile,
about $1200 was spent on patching up the old bridge to carry the 1921
traffic. Last winter, a 250-foot highway bridge was taken down, using
the ice as false-work, freighted three miles by bob-sled to The Alaska
(1^23-24) 11. U POLK & CO.'S. IXC.
Railroad, hauled about 4C0 miles over the Alaska Range into the interior, freighted 12 miles again over the snow by bob-sled and re-erected over another river, again using the ice as false-work, and all in iess than 90 days.
In another case, a rush order of 200 tons of heavy mining equipment left Seattle in January of 1923. In sixty days, these supplies traveled 1600 miles by ocean freighter to Seward. 470 miles by rail to Fairbanks, and 86 miles by bob-sleds drawn by caterpillar tractors over the Richardson Highway and tributaries to final destination. Without The Alaska Railroad, that equipment would have landed in Fairbanks during the summer of 1923, where it would have lain till mid-winter of 1924 when snow conditions would permit it to be handled over the last 43 miles of sled-road tributary to the Richardson High wax*.
With the completion of The Alaska Railroad, a most remarkable circular tour through the interior of the Territory is now possible. This tour includes a 1600-mile ocean voyage from Seattle or Vancouver up the Inside Passage, then across the Gulf of Alaska, through Prince
William Sound, and up Resurrection Bay to Seward, touching at all Alaskan ports ; then 470 miles over The Alaska Railroad to Fairbanks: then 320 miles over The Richardson Highway to Chitina; then 130 miles over the Copper River & Northwestern Railway to Cordova; and then a 1400-mile return ocean voyage through Prince William Sound, the Gulf of Alaska, and the Inside Passage. This tour was formally inaugurated last summer by the Brooklyn Daily Eagle party of 70 people, over half of them being ladies. The entire tour requires three weeks from Seattle back to Seattle and costs about $350, all expenses included.
Leaving Seward, The Alaska Railroad crosses the Chugach Range through two passes amidst snow-covered mountains, glaciers, and lakes, then follows the shore of Turnagain Arm to Anchorage, Mile 114. It then follows Knik Arm, crosses the Matanuska Valley, and follows up the Susitna River to the summit of the Alaska Range through Broad
Pass. Mile 313, elevation 2337 feet. Several large glaciers are passed within a stone's throw of the track. There are tunnels, trestle spirals, and one complete loop where the track makes two reversed horse-shoe bends and then crosses under itself. The Susitna River is crossed upon a simple steel truss of 504-foot span. Hurricane Gulch is crossed upon a steel arch of 384-foot span, 300 feet above the creek.
After leaving Broad Pass. The Alaska Railroad follows down the north slope of the main Alaska Range, past Mt. McKinley National Park, through the Nenana and Healy River Canyons, and across the Tanana River bottom to Nenana. At Nenana the Tanana River is crossed on a 700-foot bridge, 45 feet above highest high water. The railroad then follows up the valley of Coldstream, across a low divide, and into Fairbanks.
The important work of furnishing food for the nation's stomach and mineral wealth for her pockets are two of the main industries in which Alaska is engaged. From the depths of the ocean she brings the food and from the depths of the earth the gold and silver, and each year the wealth of the ocean grows larger till now the value of her products annually outshaclows the value of the mineral production.
The largest center of the fishing industry in Alaska is Ketchikan on the Southeastern tip of the panhandle. To this growing port, year in and year out, a large fleet of fishing vessels, varying in size from the small one-man trolling boat to the large ocean-going schooners and steamers, bring their catches of delicious sea-food.
The hundreds of vessels which operate from Ketchikan all the year round are occupied mainly in the catching of halibut, but in the summer months many hundreds more go out in the search for the highly-prized salmon, millions of which are canned during the time they appear in the spawning season.
The halibut banks in Alaska are the most extensive in the world, covering as they do the territory from Cape Chacon, near Dixon's Entrance, to the Aleutian Islands on the westward. The smaller boats hover in the protection of the inside waters while the larger vessels venture far out from the protecting islands into the Alaskan Gulf and the Pacific Ocean.
In considerable contrast to the fishing fleets of other parts of the world, the Alaskan fishermen are almost wholly independent of sails for propulsion. All depend upon petroleum for the fuel to take them to the fishing grounds and return. For the purpose of economy and in order to extend their steaming radius the larger vessels are now installing the modern fuel-oil burning Diesel engines to replace the former gasoline and distillate motors.
The market at Ketchikan for halibut is a highly competitive one, with nearly all the prominent dealers represented. The fish, on arrival, are sold to the highest bidder by the auction system. There are two cold storage plants in Ketchikan. It is the Alaska home of the
New England Fish Company, which besides operating a large cold storage, handles many thousands of pounds of fish through its cannery, mild cure, and fresh fish plants. The cold storage, handling many millions of pounds of fish annually, is a source of interest and amazement to visitors.
The Ketchikan Cold Storage Company, owned by local capital, and catering to independent fish dealers and fishing vessels, operates another large plant in town. Besides their facilities for freezing and storing fish, the two companies have a large combined ice-freezing capacity. The ice is used by the fishing vessels to keep their fish in a fresh condition until they are sold and unloaded. In addition, the two cold storage plants freeze several million pounds of herring annually for bait.
The halibut in a fresh state is shipped to the Pacific Coast, the Middle West and Eastern markets and in a frozen state goes to many countries besides the L\ S. It is frozen in a most sanitary and careful manner in the summer months of plenty to provide for the times of decreased production during the winter.
Halibut fishing, at its height during the favorable weather of the warmer months, has been continued to a considerable extent during the winter spawning- months to the unmistakable detriment of the industry. Taking note of this, the Canadian and L\ S. governments have at last approved as have all persons engaged in the business, and taken steps to apply, a closed season on halibut fishing. This they hope, will materialize by 1924 and thus protect the future against depletion of the valuable resource.
Sablefish fishing is a growing branch of the fishing industry. This fishery is capable of great development. Heavy quantities can be produced, although at the present time the greater price brought by halibut has the effect of causing most of the fishermen to avoid the sablefish banks, which are located north and south off Cape Ommaney, in prefer-ence to the grounds where halibut abound. It is salted, kippered, smoked or shipped in the fresh or frozen state.
Almost incomprehensible is the amount of salmon canned in Alaska each year. There are seven canneries in the city of Ketchikan and twenty-five more in the district adjacent to it, and there are scores of others distributed over the territory. Each cannery annually puts up a pack of from twenty thousand to two hundred thousand cases of salmon during the three summer months the}' operate.
The majority of the salmon canned is caught by traps, gill nets, seines, and some by trollers. Ketchikan is essentially a Pink salmon district. Great schools of these fish go up Ketchikan Creek, which runs through the city, on their way to the spawning grounds. A government hatchery has just been built on this stream to assist in the propagation of the salmon.
The salmon fishing industry is also in fear of depletion and its followers are looking forward to the creation of a reserve to perpetuate the supply and stabilize the business through government regulation and limitation of packs and the improvement of the quality by careful governmental inspection during the canning" season.
About seven varieties of salmon are caught in Alaskan waters. Of these the King salmon is the most valuable commercially, bringing high prices in the Eastern markets in either a fresh or frozen state. The King salmon is the only variety that may be caught in any month of the year. In the Fall and Winter and early Spring they are found mainly in the inside passages and bays and in the late Spring and Summer in the open ocean off Baranoff and Prince of Wales Islands.
The mild curing of King salmon is carried on to a large extent during the summer months, when practically all of the largest and fattest Red King salmon are carefully salted in large tierces and shipped to the eastern United States. The King salmon is one of the gamiest fish that swim and the big ones, often weighing twenty-five to fifty pounds, put up merry battles with the trollers who seek to land them on the small lines with which they fish. Only a small percentage of King salmon are produced by traps.
The White King salmon, just as plentiful as the Red, and just as nutritious, bring a much lower price by reason of their lighter hue. This handicap of color also prevents their being mild-cured to any extent. The Alaskan mild-curers, though far from the eventual consumers of their product, are looking forward to the time when the large tonnage which is produced here, and the superiority of its quality will bring the jobbers to Ketchikan to inspect and purchase their requirements, thus bringing the article more directly to the eventual retail purchaser.
The herring industry is capable of enormous expansion. 'Csed mainly for bait by the salmon and halibut fishermen, the abundant supply is cured for food purposes only to a comparatively small extent.
In addition to the fish mentioned as of considerable commercial importance, the Alaskan waters abound with Ling, Gray and Red Cods, Black Bass, and Soles. There are some large proven fiat fish grounds near Ketchikan, at present practically untouched, but bound to be the basis of a business that will be of large proportions in future years.
The high rugged range of mountains paralleling the southern coast of Alaska as far north and west as Cook Inlet is the dividing line between two distinct types of forest growth. The region south of the range is one of excessive rainfall and moderate temperatures and here is found the "Coast Forest,v a dense growth of western hemlock. Sitka spruce and cedar of great commercial importance.
The region north of this range, which includes most of the Territory, has greater extremes of temperature and a moderate rainfall, and is only partially timbered. The forests consist of light stands of white spruce, black spruce, birch, cottonwood and larch, and are known as the "Interior Forests.7' The timber is small and will not come on to the general lumber markets in quantity, but will be used locally and to excellent advantage in connection with the development of the agricultural and mining resources of the broad regions over which it is found.
This type of forest growth occurs in Southeastern Alaska and the Prince William Sound region, a coastal strip of mainland and adjacent island groups about 1,000 miles long. The commercial-sized timber is found from tidewater to an average elevation of 2,000 feet and as the country is mountainous it forms narrow' strips and bands along the lower slopes of the mainland and hundreds of islands. The typical stand is a mixture of hemlock and Sitka spruce, together with small amounts of western red cedar or Alaska cedar, the hemlock forming 65 per cent and the spruce 20 per cent of the timber volume. The average merchantable volume per acre over wide areas is 20,000 board feet, but 50,000 board feet per acre for individual logging units is very common. Patches of pure Sitka spruce with volumes ranging to 100,000 board feet per acre are numerous and these supply the great bulk of the saw timber now being cut in Alaska.
Sitka spruce is the most valuable tree of Alaska and one of the best all-purpose woods of the United States. It has the best liber for paper pulp of any Pacific Coast wood and the lumber is in good demand for many uses ranging from packing boxes to airplane construction. The trees are very large, having at maturity a diameter of about 6 feet and a height of 200 feet.
The hemlock in Alaska is smaller and of somewhat poorer quality than that found in Oregon and Washington and this, together with a longer freight haul precludes it from competing in the general lumber markets. Western hemlock is a very satisfactory pulp wood, especially for newsprint paper and the vast quantity found in Alaska is principally valuable for this use. Trees at maturity reach an average diameter oi about 4 feet and a height of 150 feet.
The cedars are quite valuable for specialized forms of lumber, shingles and telephone poles. Alaska cedar or "yellow cedar" is little known in the lumber trade, but its qualities indicate it to be an excellent furniture and cabinet wood.
The timber of the coast forest is readily accessible, due to the hundreds of islands, the very sinuous coast lines and the network ot sheltered sea channels in the region where it is found. Seventy-five per cent of the commercial timber is estimated to be within 2)/i miles of navigable waters.
The estimated timber volume of the coast forest is as follows:
Species Board Feet Per Cent
Western hemlock . 55,250.000,000 65
Sitka spruce 17,000,000.000 20
Western red cedar 4,250.000,000 5
Alaska cedar - 4,250,000,000 5
Others 4.250,000,000 5
Total 85,000,000.000 100
Alaska has practically no patented timber lands. Most of the commercial forests of the coast region have been designated as Xational Forests, which are managed by the Federal Government on a basis o-continuous forest productivity.
The Chugach National Forest lies in the Prince William Sound region, contains 5,200,000 acres and has a total timber stand of 6 billion board feet. The total length of shore line of the two forests is 12,000 miles.
The National Forests are administered by the Forest Service, Department of Agriculture. The district forester stationed at Juneau, directs all forest service activities in the Territory. Forest supervisors stationed at Ketchikan and Cordova are in charge of the Tongass and Chugach forests, respectively, and forest rangers, who report to the supervisors, have headquarters in various coast towns where there is much forestry business with the public.
As all activities are immediately along the coast, eight sea-going launches are maintained by the forest service for the use of its personnel.
The timber and all other resources of the national forests are available for use. Timber can be purchased in practically any amount desired, water power can be developed under the general form of federal license, agricultural lands may be homesteaded and mineral lands prospected and patented, community centers can be alienated under the town-site laws, and lands can be occupied under permit for trade and industry with the provision that permanent industrial projects can secure title to lands so occupied.
The use made of National Forest resources and lands is indicated by the following:
550 million board feet of timber has been cut from the forests since 1909 for local use and for export as lumber from the Territory. The annual cut is constantly increasing and will exceed 45,000,000 board feet in 1923. Most of the commercial sawmills of Alaska secure their timber supply from the national forests.
20 permits and licenses for the development of water power for industrial use and public utility have been issued.
305 homesteads and numerous mining claims have been taken up.
137 small islands have been leased for the raising of blue foxes and other fur bearing animals.
89 canneries and other fishing establishments, the majority of which represent investments of $100,000 to $500,000, have been constructed on lauds held undei permit.
550 permits covering land occupancy for miscellaneous uses have been issued.
10 town sites and industrial sites have been patented.
The Federal Government, through the Department of Agriculture, has constructed to date 153 miles of roads and trails at a cost of $974,370.00, to assist in forest development. 600,000 acres of pulp timber has been cruised and mapped and 25 power sites surveyed to show the possibilities for the paper industry.
Timber is advertised for sale at its appraised value. The prices now being received are about as follows:
Spruce $1.50 to $2 per M
Cedar (either species) 1.50 per M
Hemlock '. 1.00 per M
Any species
Hemlock ....
lc to l^c per linear foot
60c per 100 cubic feet (1 cord)
30c per 100 cubic feet (1 cord)
The main features of the policies and regulations regarding the disposal of timber from the Xational Forests of Alaska are as follows :
The timber only is offered for sale, title to the land remaining in the United States to insure future timber growth.
Timber units exceeding $100 in stumpage value are advertised for sale by sealed bids as required by law.
The timber is paid for in small installments as cutting proceeds and on the basis of a measurement of the cut material by a forest officer.
Logging areas are clear cut of all merchantable material except that not more than 5 per cent may be reserved by the forest service for reseeding purposes.
Small quantities of timber for current use can be purchased as needed or larger quantities commensurate with the operator's milling capacity can be placed under contract for cutting throughout a period of years.
The form of contract being offered to paper manufacturers provides a 30-year supply of timber, not exceeding 2 billion board feet, for the size of plant contemplated and the reserve of an additional 15-year supply to be placed on the market at the end of the 30-year period. The stumpage prices are to be readjusted at 5-year intervals to make them conform with the then prevailing prices being received for similar timber in the region.
6. The number of plants dependent upon national forest timber will be limited to conform to the timber growing capacity of the milling region, thus insuring permanency of industries by guarding against timber depletion.
The great future timber industry of Alaska is the manufacture of pulp and paper. The extensive forests are primarily valuable for this use and the Territory has other resources and natural advantages for the industry.
The local national forests can produce about 2,000,000 cords of pulp wood annually in perpetuity. This is sufficient to make 1,330,000 tons of newsprint, which is over one-half of the total present requirements of the United States.
An abundance of cheap power is of great importance to the development of the newsprint industry and this is available on the southern
coast of Alaska in the form of water power. Investigations made to date of power resources indicate that the 450,000 horsepower necessary to mill the potential yearly supply of pulpwood is available and that
(102:5-24) R. L,. POLK & CO/S. INC.
the greater part of it can be developed at a low unit cost. It occurs in units of 5,000 to 35,000 horsepower, the power house sites are located at the edge of tidewater and high lakes at shor- distances inland provide excellent water storage space.
An example of the better sites is Cascade Creek at Thomas Bay on the Tongass Forest. A lake with an elevation of 1,487 feet is located two miles inland from navigable water. 22.000 continuous horsepower can be developed without the use of a storage dam by tapping the lake 200 feet below the surface with a tunnel. The estimated cost of development is $48 per horsepower.
In some cases power from two or more sites can be concentrated easily at one point. At the head of Speel River Arm of Port Snettisham, Tongass Forest, 4 large sites occur within a radius of 4 miles. Two of these sites with a capacity of 50,000 horsepower can be developed for $40 per horsepower.
A systematic study is being made of the water power resources by the forest service. Fifteen stream gaging stations are maintained on important power streams and actual surveys of twenty-five sites have been completed to date. The estimated costs of development of the sites surveyed range from $40 to $125 per horsepower.
All power sites are on publicly owned land and can be licensed for a 50-year period under the provisions of the Federal Water Power Act.
Other local features conducive to the development of the paper industry in Alaska are:
The mills will be located on tidewater with the advantage of cheap water transportation for log's to the plant and for the product to market. Prince Rupert, British Columbia, the western terminus of the transcontinental Grand Trunk Railroad, is only 45 miles by sheltered waterways from the south boundary of Southeastern Alaska. Seattle is only 600 miles distant by water.
The cost of losing is low. as much of the merchantable timber can be reached from tidewater without constructing expensive logging improvements.
The climate permits of logging for 8 to 9 months and of mill operation and shipping throughout the year.
The region is readily accessible to such large centers for mill and woods labor as Seattle, Tacoma and Portland.
The word "Alaska" has been synonymous with "gold"' for many years. However, in the mining developments of the past few years, gold has been overshadowed by copper.
The total production of gold in 1922 was $7,730,000, while that of copper was $9,833,444, these two metals making approximately 92 per cent of the total mineral production for the year.
At Juneau successful methods of treating low-grade gold ores have been worked out, and these are now handled in large quantities. The Chichagof mine on Chichasrof Island is maintaining: its normal outmit of high-grade gold ore. The opening of The Alaska Railroad has quickened interest in several districts adjacent to the road, and many properties are expected to develop rapidly from now on. This is especially true of the Willow Creek district.
Gold ore of high grade, free milling qualities has been found in the Hope district in the Turnagain Arm region.
A small production of gold is had in the Fairbanks region from some small quartz mines. As in other places, this district has been held back by lack of adequate transportation, and the opening of the Alaska Railroad will result in a revival of extensive operations here.
In some parts of the interior gold dredges are operating successfully, and extraction of the precious metal by this process is a growing feature of the industry.
The silver yield so far has come from ores whose chief value has been their gold or copper contents. In the Kantishna region, north of \It. McKinley, is a district which holds good prospects as soon as a means of adequate transportation is found.
Another important silver district is at Hyder, at the head of Portland Canal.
Small amounts of lead, platinum and quicksilver have been produced, incidental to operations in other metals.
Copper ore in very extensive reserves has been found at many points, and in the near future Alaska will rank second to none as a copper-producing land. The Kennecott mine at Kennecott is now ranked as one of the larger producing mines of America, while Latouche Island has been a proven field for several years.
The Seward Peninsula, of which Nome is the commercial and supply point, is a land rich in mineral resources, and one which has not yet nearly reached the maximum of production. Gold dredges are operating successfully on placer ground, and several hydraulic plants are also working
In the Port Clarence region are the largest known deposits of tin in America.
Coal is a new industry, which, like the others, is being aided by the new means of transportation. The Matanuska and Xenana fields, both located on The Alaska Railroad, are now producing high-grade coal in commercial quantities, and other fields will soon be developed.
Indications of oil are visible in many different districts, notably in the Cold Bay region, on the Alaska Peninsula, where several large companies are now drilling. Other promising fields are at Katalla, where several producing wells are in operation, and in the Yakataga field.
In the district surrounding Point Barrow, oil indications are very prevalent, but the great distance and lack of facilities for transportation are holding up development for the present time.
ARCTIC MIXING DISTRICT: Located across the divide from Cape York, and commencing at the mouth of the Arctic River. The principal creek on which gold has been found is Tuttle Creek.
BOXAXZA MINING DISTRICT: Commences at Nome and runs e 22 miles along Norton Sound. There are four rivers in this district, viz.. Flambeau, Eldorado, Bonanza and Solomon: all of these rivers.
including the many creeks tributary thereto, show gold deposits. Solomon is the p o and shipping point.
BRISTOL BAY MIXING DISTRICT: Located on a bay of same name, 700 miles se of Nome. Xushagak is the p o and shipping point of the district.
CAPE XOME MINING DISTRICT: Extends e and w of Nome, along the Bering Sea, and into the interior. The Nome, Sinrock and Snake are the rivers that run through the district; all of which, including their tributaries, have gold deposits. Among the noted creeks on which gold has been found are Anvil, Dexter, Lindbloom, Glacier, Sunset. Snowgulch and many others. Nome is the shipping point and p o of the district.
CHICHAGOF ISLAND: Here are located the Chichagof mines, one of the largest high-grade gold ore producers in the Territory. The development of other properties nearby is also anticipated.
COPPER RIVER MINING DISTRICT: Along the Copper River and n of Yaldez. the p o. Gold, copper and coal are found in considerable quantities, and petroleum springs have been located where the oil floats out in paying- amounts. The oil can be piped to shore, or even to ships. The coal is semi-anthracite in quality, and excellent for steaming purposes. Mail and steamer communications at Yaldez, with Alaska and States points.
COUNCIL: This mining district is the oldest on the Seward Peninsula, with the one exception of the Fish River mining district organized in 1881, which took in the whole of the Seward Peninsula. Ophir Creek, the principal creek in the district, is twenty-five miles long, with numerous tributaries. The principal tributaries are Crooked Creek, Dutch Creek, Oxide Creek, Sweetcake Creek and Guy Creek. The most notable of the other streams in this district are Melsing Creek, which empties into the Neukluk at Council City: the Casa-de-Paga, twenty-five miles long and tributary of the Neukluk, coming- in about eighteen miles above Council. Among the others are Gold Bottom Creek, Camp Creek, Mystery Creek, "Warren Creek. Elkhorn Creek, Richler Creek. All these creeks are producers or prospect well, but are mostly low grade and require machinery or the high line ditch to work. '
In addition to gold the Council district has galena, copper, talc and tin.
CRIPPLE MINING DISTRICT: Is located w of the Cape Nome district, extending along the Bering Sea and into the interior. The Cripple and Rodney Rivers flow through the district into the Bering-Sea. Nome is the p o and shipping point.
DUTCH HARBOR MINING DISTRICT: Includes Unalaska and other islands of the Alaska Peninsula. P O and shipping point of the district is Unalaska.
EAGLE: Is on American Creek and its tributary. Discovery Fork.
FAIRHAYKX MINING DISTRICT: Embodies the district of the north slope of the Arctic watershed of the Seward Peninsula, lying south of Good Flope Bay. The principal rivers are the Immachuck, Good Flope, Keewalik and Candle Creek.
FORTY MILE: The Forty Mile mining region is roughly described as 350 miles in length and 200 miles in width, extending as it does from the Yukon watershed to the Alaska range on the south, and for a long distance east and west. As considered in this article, it includes practically all of the Xebesna River region and the White River country. In those parts of the territory, however, the overshadowing prospect is not gold, but copper. The producing creeks are Chicken, lack Wade, Squaw Canyon, Steel and Franklin.
GOOD HOPE MIXING DISTRICT: Is located at the head waters of Good Hope River and includes several smaller tributaries which show rich gold deposits.
GOODPASTER MIXING DISTRICT: Comprises the district lving east of the headwaters of the Charley River and Forty Mile, and extending as far as the Tanana River. The principal creeks are Michigan, Grande, Bear, Solly, Monte Cristo, Wisconsin, Caribou, Capital and Big Swede, all tributaries of the south fork of the Good-paster River.
HOT SPRIXGS MIXING DISTRICT: Lies west of the Tanana district. The producing creeks are Eureka, Glen Gulch, Seattle Bar, Skookum, Sullivan, Thanksgiving, What Cheer Bar, Woodchopper, American and Big and Little Boulder, discovered in 1916. Hot Springs is the postoffice and distributing point.
HYDER: X'ew developments have placed this district, located at the head of Portland Canal, among the important silver districts of the Territory.
JLX'EAL': The Juneau mining district is distinctly quartz. Annually the properties within this portion of Alaska are becoming- greater producers.
Several famous properties are located in this district and exemplify instances of what can be done in the way of developing rich Alaska quartz properties with the proper capital and judicious management. They have demonstrated that low-grade ore propositions may, by judicious handling, be made to pay large profits. Day after day, operations continue unceasingly in these big mines and thousands of people are sharing indirectly in the big profits that are being- obtained.
KEXAI PEXIXSULA: Gold mining on Kenai Peninsula is at the present time still in its infancy, although since 1896 it has been producing, and even before that time the presence of gold was known to many prospectors.
The most important gold producing creeks within the district are: Resurrection Creek, Bear Creek, Sixmile Creek, Glacier Creek, Copper Creek and Falls Creek. At the head of Falls Creek there are some promising quartz prospects.
KEX"X'ECOTT: Many good copper properties are being developed near Kennecott and McCarthy, while the Kennecott mine bids fair to become the greatest American copper producer in a short time.
KETCFIIKAX': In the Ketchikan mining district copper is the mo«t important metal. Gold and silver values are the next. Both the latter are found separately and in connection with the copper ores. Other metals, such as lead, zinc and nickel, are found but will be mined, if at all, only as by-products.
On the south side of Hetta Inlet, the south slope of Copper Mountain, on the north slope of Copper Mountain and other points within the district there has been much development of copper properties.
Although gold is not extensively mined within the district it has been found in the vicinity of the town of Dolomi, thirty-six miles west of Ketchikan, at Hollis, Gravina Island, Dall Island, Revillagigedo Island and at other points in the vicinity of the town of Ketchikan.
KOUGAROK: Great future is in store for the Kougarok mining district, according to well posted mining men from Alaska.
The best gold-bearing creeks are: Arizona, Coffee. Canyon, Coarse Gold, Dahl, Discovery, Garfield, Iron, Kougarok, Macklin, North Fork. Ouart, Tavlor, Turner, Virginia, YYindv, Winter and Winona.
KOYUKUK MIXING DISTRICT: On river of same name and to the north of Tanana. Among the creeks on which the richest deposits have been found are Myrtle, Slate. Alder, Gold, Rosy, Hungarian and Twelve Mile, but many others show good results. The gold is found in gravel and on the bedrock, which is mostly slate. Tanana is the nearest postoffice and shipping point, on the Yukon River.
McKINLEY: McKinley Lake gold mining district is twenty-three miles from Cordova on the Copper River & Northwestern Railway. It is three miles from Alganik to the heart of the mining district. A good water route also offers from Cordova via Eyak Lake through connecting sloughs and rivers across a portion of the Copper River flats.
MANOOK MIXING DISTRICT: Lies between the Yukon and Tanana Rivers, 600 miles northwest of Dawson, Y. T. The creeks in the region along which gold has been found are Eureka, Big Manook. Little Manook Jr., Garnet and Hoosier. The postoffice and shipping point of the district is Rampart.
MATANUSKA: The opening of The Alaska Railroad is expected to greatly further the development of the Matanuska coal fields, which are already producing in commercial quantities. Anchorage is the supply and banking point for this district.
NENANA: The Nenana field, near Healy, is producing a good supply of coal, and the completion of The Alaska Railroad, which runs through the field will do much towards bringing this field to the front.
NOME AND SEWARD PENINSULA: Seward Peninsula embraces one of the best gold producing camps in Alaska. Very often we hear of Seward Peninsula and the Nome mining district spoken of as one, while in reality the Nome district covers a very small portion of Seward Peninsula.
NORTON BAY MINING DISTRICT: Is located on Norton Bay to the east of Nome. Some prospecting has been done, and in nearly every instance gold has been found. The country is heavily timbered and there is a sufficiency of water for sluicing purposes. The nearest postoffice is Golov.in.
PORT CLARENCE: The largest district in area on the Seward Peninsula is the Port Clarence. It has varied mineral resources, and considerable prospecting work is being done. The famed tin country is within the confines of this district, and beyond doubt producing tin mines will soon be operated there. Other mineral resources are cinnabar, galena and copper.
The most noted gold creeks of this district are: Alder, American, Bluestone, Dease, Gold Run and Sunset.
PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND: Prince William Sound and the country around Valdez is one of the coming copper bonanza fields of the world. On all of the sound shores and islands the metal outcrops, and each year's prospecting and development expand the extent of the known ore deposits. Latouche Island and Knight Island seem to be permeated with copper ore, and other islands, while they have been less explored, are known to be of similar formation and to carry copper lodes. The mainland on all sides of the sound is also streaked with copper deposits.
RAMPART: The Rampart region is in the central part of Alaska, near the intersection of the one hundred and fiftieth meridian and the sixty-fifth parallel. It is in the western part of the large area—embracing approximately 40,000 square miles—delimited by the Yukon and Tanana Rivers and by the international boundary, 300 miles to the east, and is located where the distance in a north and south direction between the two rivers is hardly 50 miles.
SINROCK MINING DISTRICT: Is located on the Bering Sea, west of the Cripple district, and extends along the sea from Cape Rodney to Cape Wolly. The Sinrock is the principal river flowing through the district. Nome is the postoffice and shipping point.
SITKA: The Baranof and Chichagof Islands, the two most westerly islands of the Alexander archipelago, form what is known as the Sitka mineral district. This is essentially a quartz district.
SUSITNA: Prospecting- in the upper Susitna region has produced visible results in several localities, but the territory is so vast that much of it is wholly untouched, although miners have explored it for a decade.
Yaldez Creek, an east tributary of the Susitna, above "The Forks," where the Chulitna from the west and the Talkeetna from the east unite with the main Susitna River, is the best creek so far found.
Near the source of the Chulitna, northeast of Mt. McKinley, apparently rich quartz deposits of gold and copper have been found, besides coal. No remarkable placer discoveries have been reported in that district, but it has been prospected very little.
On the Tokositna, south of Mt. McKinley, several promising discoveries have been made. The work done indicates that the deposits are very rich. This district lies just over a low, narrow divide from the creeks of the upper Kahiltna.
TANANA: The district is a rich one, offers ample scope for the operations of practical mining men, a good field for the capitalist, and many opportunities await thrifty business men there.
Fairbanks is the principal town in the district.
The creeks discovered in the early history of the camp are all panning out well, and among those which show up rich and extensive in placers are Dome Creek. Little Eldorado, Bear and Ester, near Fairbanks: the Delta, about 80 miles above Chena, and the Kantishna, a tributary of the Tanana River about 80 miles below Chena, indicating that the district is an extensive one.
The advent of the government railroad and consequent tapping of the Xenana coal fields makes it possible to develop many low grade propositions which could not be profitably worked under former conditions.
TOLOVAXA MIXING DISTRICT: Comprises the headwaters of the Tolovana River and its tributaries, of which the most promising are Livengood, Mike Hess and Olive creeks. Fay in this district was discovered in the fall of 1914.
TOPKUK MINING DISTRICT: Lies between Golovin Bay and Nome River, taking its name from the Topkuk River, on a branch of which., Daniels Creek, the discovery of gold was first made.
VALDEZ: The belt of slaty, gold-producing rocks in which the mines of this region occur is of great extension east and west, lying north of and more or less parallel to the coastal copper belt. From Valdez, where it is well exposed, it can be traced easterly to and across the Copper River Railway about mile 90, and up the valley of Bremner River; westerly it skirts the northern shores of Prince William Sound, with promising prospects at the Susitna and Willow Creek, a distance of 200 miles. It is a difficult region to prospect. The long rock slopes reach higli up the hillsides and are usually covered with a dense growth of brush, where not also timbered, so that rock exposures are often few and far between. As a usual thing the veins are of comparatively small size, but with high gold values. Promising locations have been made to the east and west of Valdez, which town boasts the Cliff Mine, which has paid dividends from the first run of the mine and has been self-sustaining from the start.
AYRANGELL: The Wrangell mining district extends from Cape Fanshaw to Bradfield Canal and includes Kuiu, Kupreanof, Mitkof. Zarembo, Etelin, Wrangell and several of the smaller islands. To the present time there has not been any general prospecting of this section, and for this reason little development work has been done with the exception of at the Olympic mine.
At the head of Duncan Canal are several copper prospects and gold-bearing ledges.
YEX'TX'A: Yentna is the name given to the placer mining district lying south of Mt. McKinley and embracing generally several thousand square miles. The name is taken from the chief river of the region which forms a direct route into the gold fields from Cook Inlet—by boat in summer, on snow-covered ice in winter.
Y'LTKOX: In this belt are many localities which are known to be gold-bearing. The general features of the occurrence of gold placer in the various camps of this field are similar, though the local variations are sufficient to bring about differences in mining values. Thus, in the Klondike, the high bench g'ravels, or "white channel" as they are called locally, have proved large producers. The high gravels in the Chicken Creek basin of Forty Mile have also yielded considerable gold, but those of the Rampart region, up to the present time, have not been found to carry mining values under the present conditions. Forty Mile probably has advantage over the Klondike in the water supply, but its placers have thus far proved not nearly so rich.
Capital at Juneau
Governor—Scott C Bone
Secretary to Governor—L L Harding
Surveyor General and Territorial Secretary—Karl Theile
Attorney General—John Rustgard
Treasurer—Walstein G Smith
Commissioner of Education—L D Henderson
United States Land Office
Field Division (headquarters, Anchorage) Chief—Geo. A. Parks Division 1. Frank A Boyle, register, Anchorage Division 2. John Sundback, ex-officio register, Xome Division 3. Included in Division 1
Dvision 4. Robert W Taylor, ex-officio register, Fairbanks
United States Bureau of Mines
Supervising Mining- Engineer for Alaska—B D Stewart, Anchorage
United States Bureau of Education
Commissioner of Education—J J Tigert, Washington, D. C.
Superintendent of Education for Alaska—W T Lopp, Alaska Bldg., Seattle, Wash.
Alaska Road Commission
President—Col. James G. Steese, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., Juneau
Secretary and Disbursing Officer—Lieut Pierre Agnew, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., Juneau
The Alaska Railroad
General Manager—Col Lee H Landis, Anchorage
Chief Engineer—Maj J C Gotwals, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., Anchorage
Division No. 1
Judge—Thomas M Reed, Juneau
Clerk of Court—John H Dunn, Juneau
United States [Marshal—George D Beaumont, Juneau
United States Attorney—Arthur G Shoup, Juneau
United States Commissioners—V A Paine, Juneau: Felix Gray, Douglas; Edward G Morrissey, Ketchikan; Jos J F Ward, Skagway; Wm G Thomas, Wrangell; O W Granquist, Petersburg; Sol Ripinsky, Haines; R W DeArmond, Sitka; Chas F Sanford, Hyder; S A Plumley, Craig: C P Case, Tenakee; H H Delamater, Hoonah; E A Axelson, Yakutat: F A Hills, Chichag~of; Edward Marsden, Metlakatla; U S Rush, Kasaan.
Division No. 2
Judge—G J Lomen, Nome
Clerk of Court—John Sundback, Nome
United States Marshal—Morris W Griffith, Nome
United States Attorney—Fred Harrison
United States Commissioners—C W Thornton, Nome; C D Brower, Barrow; Duncan MacDonald, Candle; C O Steiner, Council; Geo L Stanley, Kiana; Geo F Marsh, Haycock; Wm H Thomas. Tigara; Capt Claude S Cochran, United States Revenue Cutter Bear, Nome
Division No. 3
Judge—E E Ritchie, Valdez
Clerk of Court—W N Cuddy, Valdez
United States Marshal—H P Sullivan, Valdez
United States Attorney—Sherman Duggan, Valdez
United States Commissioners—N E Bolshanin, Unalaska; James M Lathrop, Kodiak; P T Padden, Dillingham; R V Anderson, Seldovia; A J Adams, Cordova; H W Nagley, Talkee-tna; Fred Phillips, Illiamna; F C Friffield, Unga; Chas C Naughton, Katalla; Carl Almy, Valdez; W H Rager, Anchorage ; A F Nelson, Chisana; Curtis R Morford, Seward; C H Sundmacher, McCarthy; YYm Nielsen, Koggiung, O A Nelson, Chitina.
Division No. 4
Judge—Cecil H CI egg, Fairbanks Clerk of Court—Robert YY Taylor, Fairbanks United States Marshal—G B Stevens, Fairbanks United States Attorney—Guy B Erwin, Fairbanks United States Commissioners—L E Bonham, Bethel; John C Boyle, Circle; Chas M Browning, Hot Springs; M R Boyd, Fairbanks; -Andrew M Bainbridge, Livengood; Edgar Brooker, Kantishna: Thomas G Carter, Beaver; Chas E M Cole, Jack Wade, W J Cribbee, Napimute; A J Dayton, Ruby; John J Donovan, Healy Fork; Wm E Garrett, Rampart; A J Griffin, Richardson; Frank E Howard, Tanana; Geo \V Fluey, Wiseman; C D Leckie, Nenana; W E Green, McGrath; Wm Harber, Fort YTikon; Robert E Steele, Eagle; Christian Bolgen, Ophir; E J Stier, Flat
Asrent Alaska Fisheries—Dennis AYinn, Seattle, Wash Superintendent—Harry J Christoffers, Seattle, Wash. Assistant Agents—Edward M Ball Juneau; Shirley A Baker, Cordova; Lemuel G Wingard, Ikatan; C S Townsend, inspector, Fairbanks.
Steamboat Inspection Service
Local Inspector of Hulls—Geo H Whitney, Juneau Local Inspector of Boilers—John New-marker, Juneau Local Inspector of Hulls—Chas H White. St Michael Local Inspector of Boilers—Sabine L Craft, St Michael
Lighthouse Service—16th District
Superintendent—Walter C Dibrell, Ketchikan
Agronomist in Charge—C C Georgeson, Sitka Assistants—G W Gasser, Fairbanks; W T White, Kodiak; B L Schneider, Matanuska.
Biological Survey
In charge Reindeer grazing investigations and Fur Wardens— L F Palmer
Assistant in grazing investigations and Fur Warden—H W Johnston
Field Assistant Alaska Reindeer investigation—Elmer T Fors-ling, Nome
In charge investigations of Caribou Herds and Fur Warden—
O J Murie, Fairbanks Reservation Warden and Fur Warden—Donald Stevenson, Cn-
Chief Fur Warden and S Game Warden—Ernest P Walker, Juneau
Fur Warden— R C Steele. Seattle, Wash. Weather Bureau
Meteorologist in Charge—R C Mize, Juneau
District Forester—Chas H Flory, Juneau
Supervisor Tongass National Forest—C T Gardner, Ketchikan Supervisor Chugach National Forest—W J McDonald. Cordova
Assistant District Engineer—C W Cheatham, Juneau
Collector—John C McBride, Juneau U. S. Coast Guard
Coast Guard Cutter Unalga. Headquarters. Juneau, Lieut-Commander John Boedeker. commanding
DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Immigration Service
Inspector in Charge—Wm G Strench. Ketchikan Immigrant Inspectors—Wm J Armstrong. Ketchikan: Chas M LaRue, Skagway; Wm A Wade, Hyder
Board of Education
President—Gov. Scott C. Bone
Members—F J Hunt, Ketchikan; E E Chamberlin, Seward; C W Brown, Xome; M D Snodgrass,, Fairbanks
Banking Board
President—Gov. Scott C Bone Secretary—AValstein G Smith Member—Karl Theile
Board of Trustees, Alaska Pioneers' Home
Chairman—Gov. Scott C Bone Secretarv—Robert W DeArmond, Sitka Treasurer—Lockie McKinnon, Juneau Superintendent of Home—Theodore Kettleson, Sitka
Board of Medical Examiners
President—J H Romig, Nenana
Secretary-Treasurer— H C DeVighne, Juneau
Members—F L Goddard, Sitka Hot Springs; Curtis Welch, Xome; Wm Ramsay, Council; Frank R Dela Vergne, Fairbanks ; F B Gillespie, Kennecott; J B Beeson, Anchorage
Board of Dental Examiners
President—Dr E H Kaser, Juneau Secretary-Treasurer—Wallace E Peterson, Ketchikan [Members—H L Hedger, Fairbanks; J W Bayne, Nome; E F German, Anchorage
Board of Pharmacy
President—Wm E Britt, Juneau
Vice President—R T Kubon, Fairbanks
Secretarv-Treasurer—X R Walker, Ketchikan
[Members—W H_ Caswell, Cordova; C G Brinker, Xome; Russell Herman, Yaldez; F W Dunham, Fairbanks; Wm Ramsay, Council
Fish Commission
Chairman—Gov. Scott C Bone Secretary—P H Gildea, Juneau
Members—Calvin Flazelet, Cordova; John R Heckman, Ketchikan ; H E Ellsworth, Seward Superintendent—Edwin Wentworth, Juneau
Board of Regents, Agricultural College and School of Mines
[Members—Robert Lavery, Robert Bloom, P J Rickert, Mrs Luther C Hess, [Morton E Stevens, Milton D Snodgrass, Leopold David, J A Mcintosh
Board for Promotion of Uniform Laws
[Members—J C [Murphy, Anchorage; John A Clark, Fairbanks. \Y II Whittlesev, Seward
Board of Road Commissioners
Chairman—Gov. Scott C Bone Secretary—Karl Theile Member—Walstein G Smith
Divisional Boards of Road Commissioners
Division No. 1.—J C Hayes, Juneau; Joseph Ulmer, Ketchikan Division No. 2.—\Y J Rowe, Nome; J J Keenan, Nome Division No. 3—Anton Eide, chairman, Seward Division No. A—Mel Sabin, Fairbanks
Board of Relief of Destitution
Chairman—Gov. Scott C Bone
Advisory Members—First division, Arthur Shoup, Geo D Beaumont, Juneau; Second division, Fred Harrison, M Griffiths, Nome: Third division, Sherman Dusrsran, Harvev P Sul-livan, Yaldez; Fourth division, Guy B Erwin, G B Stevens, Fairbanks
Board of Children's Guardians
Division No. 1: Members—T M Reed, Geo Beaumont, Mrs
Martha Kashevaroff, Juneau Division No. 2: Members—G J Lomen, M Griffiths, Mrs Bella
Julian, Nome
Division No. 3: Members—E E Ritchie, Harvey P Sullivan,
Yaldez; Mrs T J Donohoe, Cordova Division No. 4: Members—Cecil H Clegg, G B Stevens, Mrs
L C Fless, Fairbanks
What We Can Do For You
We address envelopes and wrappers of every description, from your lists or our records.
We compile authentic mailing lists of trades, professions and every line of business. All are guaranteed as to accuracy and delivery.
We execute fac-simile typewritten letters promptly. A very superior grade of work.
Matching perfectly the body of the letter.
R. L. Polk & Co., Inc.
71 Columbia Street
Seattle, Wash.
City of Anchorage
ANCHORAGE is at the very center of things in Alaska. It is the center of shipping by water and rail; the center of rich mining districts; the center of ideal climatic conditions; the center of tourist travel; the center of the oil fields; the center of many industries, and the headquarters of the Alaska Railroad.
Starting as a wilderness in 1915, this little citv bv the sea has grown to a population of more than 2500 contented, prosperous people, with others coming constantly.
Anchorage has a location that has no peer. To the eastward some 14 miles the Chugach mountains stand as silent sentinels and 65 miles away toward the setting sun the Alaska range—the Fairy mountains—presents a view never to be erased from the memory. The monarch of North American mountains, crowned with the eternal snows, is plainlv visible to the north—Mount McKinley, 20,300 feet in height.
Situated at the head of ocean navigation on Cook's Inlet, Anchorage is back of the Alaska range, and therefore misses the excessive rains of the coastal section, is drier than Colorado, warmer than Montana, and as healthy as any spot in the world.
Anchorage is one of the newest towns in America, having been incorporated only two years ago, and having been begun and operated by the L'nited States government for rive vears. It is also one of the most progressive—electric light plant, water
works and telephone system operated by the city; sewer, concrete sidewalks, surfaced streets, as fine a fire department (paid) as any city in the world of its size, a public school of all grades, churches and beautiful homes.
Willow Creek quartz mining district is contiguous to Anchorage, with nine mills operating successfully, over $2,000,000
(1923-24) K. L. POLK & CO.'S. INC.
production since 1(J08, ore averaging $30 per ton and upwards. Electric power from the great Eklutna Power Project will soon be available. The veins are all fissures and are traced in some instances for two miles. Considering short working season, the production is remarkable. The past winter several deep tunnels were driven.
Cache Creek placer district is tributary to Anchorage, and in this promising field several outfits are at work. With roads to the properties a great impetus will be seen.
The Matanuska and Chickaloon coal fields with unlimited possibilities are at our very doors. Xear Anchorage is the only large stand of hardwood birch timber on the Pacific coast. An interest is being shown in these forests of fine timber for furniture, inside finishing, etc., and this will be a large industry here within the next few years.
Some Things You Will Find in Anchorage:
Hospitality of the old south. Solidity of the east. Progressiveness of the new west.
Enthusiasm and community spirit of a high order.
One daily newspaper—Anchorage Daily Times.
Three banks with deposits of a million and a half dollars.
Four churches with the welcoming hand.
One fish packing plant.
Two drug stores.
Two lumber yards.
Finest hospital in the territory.
Dozens of mercantile establishments.
Five apartment houses with all modern conveniences.
Eight hotels, electric lights, steam heat, etc.
Two laundries.
Three bakeries.
One hundred and twenty-five automobiles,, private and public.
Thirty miles of streets and roads.
Six fraternal organizations.
A live woman's club.
A Chamber of Commerce with a punch.
Ten restaurants.
Assessed valuation of Anchorage property $2,500,000, and yet a taxation rate of only 12 mills to the dollar—reduced last year.
A steady annual payroll of one and one-half millions.
A public library.
A baseball league (3 teams).
Skiing and skating clubs.
Tennis club and other outdoor sports.
One motion picture producing corporation.
Two moving picture theatres.
A bar association.
City Officials
Mayor—M J Conroy
Treasurer and Clerk—Wm A English
City Council—j j Longacre. A C Craig, A A Shonbeck. Chas Bush, Wm PI Pioward, R S Temme.
Buyers' Guide
Anchorage, Alaska
Representing the Business, Commercial and Manufacturing Interests of the City
(1923-24) K. L. POLK & CO.'S. INC.
Anchorage Daily
E. L. BEDELL, Editor-Manager
The Times has the largest circulation of any paper west of Juneau. Goes into practically every home in the Railroad Belt. The Times supports all civic movements and is a leader in town affairs. The Times is Republican in politics, Member of The Associated Press and features local news. The Times is an ardent supporter of The Alaska Railroad and a booster for all local business promotions of a legitimate nature.
Write the Anchorage Times for Particulars Regarding Anchorage and Vicinity
Anchorage Supply Company
P. O. Box 1646
Anchorage, Alaska
Our Policy Is Money Transferred to
"Absolute Safety" All Parts of the World
Alaska's Branch Banking System
Bank of Alaska
Largest Capitalized Bank In the Territory
Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $225,000
Banks Operated at
Member American Bankers' Association U. S. Depositary For Postal Savings
H. D. WALBRIDGE, Chairman New York
E. A. RASMUSON, President Alaska
R. N. MOYER, Vice-President Anchorage
T. S. SCOTT, Vice-President Cordova
G. W. UPSHAW, Vice-President Wrangell
W. A. PRIES, Vice-President Skagway
We Pay 4 Per Cent We Rent
On Your Savings Safety Deposit Boxes
g; EST 1900) S
The Sourdough's patronage, coupled with sound business principles, is responsible for the modern, well-stocked stores we operate today. We study his problems as we do our own; know what he needs — and have it "on the job" when he wants it. He likes our service—and we can help you, too, Mr. Cheecako!
(1923-24) 14. L. POLK & CO-'S, INC.
H.C. Bennett
Sanitary Plumbing
Carl W. Bolte
Sporting Goods Guns and Ammunition
Crockery, Glassware and Cooking Utensils Hunters, Trappers and Prospectors Supplies
(1923-2 4) R. L. POLK & CO.S. INC
Bank of Anchorage
CHAS. E. BROWN, President
H. S. BALDERSTON, Vice-President
E. R. TARWATER, Cashier
J. L. McNAL.LY, Asst. Cashier
First National Bank Seattle National Bank Dexter Horton National Bank National Bank of Commerce Union National Bank
American National Bank
Chase National Bank Harriman National Bank
F. I. REED, Propr.
Leading Hotel
12x20 Contact Prints, $1.50 8x10 Contact Prints, 50c
Enlargements of The Famous Mt. McKinley 7x1 1 to 14x20, $1.00 to $2.50
Artistic Views Hand Colored at Reasonable Prices
GEO. Im. JOHNSON, Propr.
Builder of
Steel and Stone Construction Work
Z. J. LOUSSAC, Proprietor
Victor and Pathe Phonographs and Records Eastman Kodaks Likly's Leather Goods Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens Eversharp Pencils Conklins Non-Leakable Fountain Pens Wearever Rubber Goods Pyralin and Parisian Ivory Imported and Domestic Perfumes Books and Stationery
Indian Motorcycles and Bicycles
■ ■ ■
Remington and Underwood Typewriters and Supplies
■ ■ ■
Typewriter, Motorcycle and Bicycle Repairing
■ ■ B
Robert H. Romig
fFire, Theft, Collision Public Liability Property Damage
MY MOTTO: Service and Satisfaction to Client and Insurance Company
707 4TH STREET P. O. BOX 1728
Telephone 152 Anchorage, Alaska
The Giant Powder Co., Consolidated
ANCHORAGE °utins wear
heney Neckwear
The Anchorage Drug Co.
Fresh Augustine & Kyer Candies
Just Received
Everything Usually Carried in a First Class Drug Store VICTROLAS—RECORDS
Send Us Your Mail Orders
The Store
Harry Cribb, Pres. and Gen'l Manager Francis M. Cribb, Secy.-Treas.
Sash, Doors, Plate Glass, Window Glass Builders' Hardware Building and Roofing Papers
Telephone 152
Alaska Moving Pictures
A. E. LATHROP, Pres. A. H. McDONALD, Treas.
R. L. DeGRAFF, Sec.
A. E. LATHROP, President Anchorage
R. D. DONALDSON, Secretary Healy Forks
A. H. McDONALD, Treasurer Anchorage
GEO. PRESTON Fairbanks
Mines at Healy Forks Offices at Anchorage and Fairbanks
Society Brand Clothes
Sport, Fishermen's, Hunting and Outing Wear Stetson Hats, O'Donnell Shoes, Cheney Neckwear
Indestructo Luggage
New Method Tailors-Cleaners, he.
Pioneer Sheet Metal Works
Airtight Heaters Iron Pipe and Fittings
Yukon Stoves Stoves and Ranges
ANCHORAGE AGENTS Lang Stoves and Ranges Estate Stove Co.'s Heatrola Heaters
Corner Fifth Avenue and C Street Post Office Box 1714
acct ~ accountant
add addition
adv - advertisement
aero mech airplane mechanic
agt _ - - agent
agrl imps agricultural implements
al alley
apts apartments
appr - - apprentice
archt architect
assn - association
asst assistant
attndt - - attendant
auto mech auto mechanic
av avenue
bgemn .— - baggageman
bet between
bkbndr _ bookbinder
bkpr - _ bookkeeper
bldg — building
blk block
blksmith blacksmith
blvd boulevard
brkmn brakeman
Bway Broadway
cabtmkr cabinetmaker
car repr car repairer
carp carpenter
cashr _ cashier
chauf - - chauffeur
ehkr - checker
elk - clerk
coir — collector
com commission
comnr commissioner
cond _ conductor
confr confectioner
contr _ contractor
cor _ corner
corres correspondent
ct _ court
ctr cutter
dep deputy
dept department
dispr dispatcher
dist _ _ district
dom _ domestic
dr drive
dftsmn _ draftsman
drsmkr _ dressmaker
e , east
electn electrician
elev elevator
eng „ _ _. engineer
engr _ engraver
exp messr „. express messenger
fnshr finisher
A _ floor
frt freight
ft foot
gard gardener
Eds goods
sen _ general
Sto grocer
h - — house
lns insurance
msP' inspector
int rev internal revenue
mv investments
ij - junior
Kpr keeper
[a - - lane
■ab laborer
|ndrs _ laundress
lino opr -. linotype operator
"thog lithographer
mach — — machinist
mach hd machine hand
mtrsmkr mattress maker
mdse _ _ merchandise
ciecn - mechanic
Biessr - messenger
mkr .._ maker
minr , milliner
mfg ... * manufacturing
mfr _ manufacturer
mgr — manager
mkt market
mldr _ molder
mtrmn _ motorman
n north
ne - northeast
nr _ near
ns _ „ north side
nw northwest
opr operator
opp opposite
pkr packer
pntr peinter
pk _ park
p'trnmkr patternmaker
pdlr „ peddler
pharm pharmacist
photog _ photographer
phys ~ physician
pi _ place
plstr _ plasterer
pimbr plumber
P O post office
pres president
p'resmn pressman
prin _ principal
propr _ , proprietor
P S public school
publr publisher
RMS ~ railway mail service
r _ , rooms or boards
rpr repairer
rep „ representative
restr _ restaurant
Rev _ _ - _ reverend
R D rural delivery
s south
se southeast
sec secretary
ship elk _ shipping clerk
slsmn salesman
slswn _ saleswoman
smstrs „ „ seamstress
solr solicitor
ss _ south side
sw _ southwest
spl special
sta _ _ _ station
stmftr steam fitter
sten stenographer
stero - stereotyper
supt superintendent
surv surveyor
tlr _ tailor
tlrs _ tailoress
tchr teacher
tel opr telephone operator
telg opr _ telegraph operator
tmstr teamster
tndr tender
ter terrace
tkt _ ticket
trnmn trainman
trav traveling agent
treas _ treasurer
undtkr _ undertaker
uphlr ._ upholsterer
vet surg veterinary surgeon
v-pres vice president
vulc vulcanizer
whsemn warehouseman
whse _ warehouse
w _ west
ws west side
whol wholesale
wid widow
wkr worker
wks ^ works
the word "street" is always understood
Abbott Wm A elk The ARR Abbott W M
Abercrombie Harry G steward The ARR Hosp Abramson Gus labThe ARR Abrashin Morris carp The ARR
Adams Archie eng
Adams Arthur messr The' ARR
Adams A O acct The ARR
Adams Carlotta S lndrs Pioneer Steam Lndy
Adams D R aud The ARR
Adams John S lab
Adams M L eng The ARR
Adams R R miner
Adams T N lab The ARR
Adams Wm mach The ARR
Adams Wm A lab
Agbaba Michl M lab The ARR Aker J F lab The ARR
ALASKA MOVING PICTURE CORPORATION, A E Lathrop Pres, A H McDonald Treas, R L De Graff Sec (See P 55)
ALASKA PUBLISHING CO, E L Bedell Mgr, Publishers Anchorage Daily Times (See p 40)
Alaska Railroad Hospital The J B Beeson chf surg
ALASKA RAILROAD THE, Lee H Landis Gen Mgr (See adv at end Alaska Territorial List of Names)
Alaska Steamship Co A H McDonald agt Alaska Transfer Co (Alfred Benson) Albee L C lab The ARR Albritson Karl lab The ARR Albritton R O elk The ARR Alexander Merle H tchr
All Saints Episcopal Church Rev Burdette Landsdowne pastor Allegrini Saml driller The ARR Allen Bernice L elk John Wachowitz Allen E F
Allen Hugh P expmn Allen Jerry T (USA)
Allen Transfer (Jas Pierce Erick Olsen) expmn
Allenbaugh Edna lndrs Pioneer Steam Lndy
Allison Amos S
Almv Carl lawyer
Alton Thos lab The ARR
American Hotel (C R Booth)
American Legion Jack Henry Post No 1 meets 2d and 4th Wednesday at Royal Cafe 8pm Arthur E House adj Anastasios Pekatur lab The ARR Anchorage Bakery (I T Losey)
ANCHORAGE BOTTLING WORKS (H C Hall), Soda Water Manufacturers and Bottlers of Cereal and Carbonated Beverages
ANCHORAGE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, E M Spalding Pres, A H McDonald V-Pres, E F Jesson Sec-Treas, Members National Chamber of Commerce Bureau
Anchorage Co-Operative Stores Co Frank Bayer pres Chas Bal-hiser sec gro
ANCHORAGE DAILY TIMES, E L Bedell Editor-Manager (See p 40)
Anchorage Drug Co (A H McDonald) Anchorage Fire Department Ray T Larson chief
ANCHORAGE HOTEL, F I Reed Propr, The Leading Hotel of Anchorage, Steam Heat, Electric Lights and Every Modern Convenience, Rooms En Suite and Single With Baths (See p
Anchorage Packing Co W H James mgr fish canners Anchorage Public School
Anchorage Shrine Club meets 1st Monday R S Temme pres R H Romig sec
ANCHORAGE SUPPLY CO (Ray C Larson), Lumber, Sash, Doors and Glass, Plaster, Lime, Cement and Building Supplies (See p 41)
Anderson Andw T carp Anderson Chas lab The ARR Anderson Chas A ship elk Anderson C F lab The ARR Anderson Emil nshermn Anderson Ernest lab The ARR Anderson Fred J miner The ARR Anderson Geo E elk Anderson Jacob cook The ARR Anderson Jos carp The ARR Anderson Laurence O lab The ARR Anderson Oscar (Ship Creek Market) Anderson Oscar W carp The ARR Anderson Sophus lab The ARR Anderson Victor C elk The ARR Anderson Walter L boilermkr The ARR Andresen Clark D elk
Andrews John D Andrich John lab The ARR Angeli John miner The ARR Angelo B lab The ARR Angelos Thos caretkr The ARR Annable G C cook The ARR Apostoles Tony barber J D Lander Apostolos Spiros foremn The ARR Archer Wm lab The ARR Arenberg Herman F blksmith Armstrong Thos F mach The ARR Arnason John lab The ARR Arnold C C eng The ARR Ashton Anna E Mrs dry gds Aster W lab The ARR Austin Edw whsemn The ARR Austin Wm mariner
AVAKOFF & BROWN (Harry Avakoff, Jas V Brown), Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Cut Glass, Silverware, Manufacturers of Nugget and Ivory Jewelry, Beads and Souvenirs (See adv in Buyers' Guide beginning of Fairbanks)
Aveno Jas foremn The ARR Avram Jas lab The ARR Axe Leslie brkmn The ARR Bades Chas lab The ARR Bacon C G (Lauritz & Bacon) Bagoy John firemn The ARR Bagoy Peter lab The ARR Bailey Geo E foremn The ARR Bailey Ira S pntr Bailey J S eng The ARR Bailey Lulu V elk The ARR Baker Geo A lab The ARR Baker Geo F (Ship Hotel) Baker H L lab The ARR Baker Jos L firemn Baker W A lab The ARR Balabanoff Nick lab The ARR Balch Henry A lab The ARR Balderston A D foremn The ARR
BALDERSTON HENRY S, V-Pres Bank of Anchorage
Balderston Inez cook The ARR Baldwin Alice cook The ARR Baldwin W AC gro
Balhiser Chas sec Anchorage Co-Operative Store Co Balios Jas lab The ARR Ball Park
Balls Alfred G paymaster The ARR Balton J K Mrs elk F S Gordon
BANK OF ALASKA, E A Rasmuson Pres, R N Moyer V-Pres,
J Nieminen Asst Cashr (See p 42) BANK OF ANCHORAGE, Established 1916, Chas E Brown
Pres, H S Balderston V-Pres, E R Tarwater Cashr, J L Mc-
Nally Asst Cashr (See p 46) Banon Edw M lab The ARR Barber Guy B rprmn The ARR Barclay John lab The ARR Bardsley A A mech The ARR Barndollar B H acct The ARR Barnell Beal lab Barnell Beal jr Barnes A M miner Barnett Earl W firemn The ARR Barnhart Carl Barrett Edw lab The ARR Barrington J lab The ARR Barry Belletta hair drsr Barthoff J H lab The ARR Bartholf Harvey
Bartholf R Lee nurse The ARR Hosp
Bartholf Sara M
Bartley Geo lab The ARR
Bartholomew Frank carp The ARR
Bassanto Geo lab The ARR
Bassett R O jr
Bauer E F civ eng The ARR
Baugh Clarence wtr The ARR
Baumberger A firemn The ARR
Baunton Charlotte cook The ARR
Baxter Henry newsdlr
Baxter Nill
Baxter Victor driver
Bayer Carol
Bayer Frank pres Anchorage Co-Operative Store Co
Bayles Isadore clothing
Bazinet Edw lab The ARR
Beal Geo W electn The ARR
Beck Chris miner
Beck Wm lab The ARR
Beckwith Anna cook The ARR
Beckwith E A lab The ARR
BEDELL EDGAR L, Editor-Manager Anchorage Daily Times
Beebe Herbt eng The ARR
Beeson John B phys chf surgeon The ARR Hosp
Beet Wm A (White House Hotel)
Beggs Robt lab The ARR
Belanger Chas miner The ARR
Belanger Ludger foremn The ARR
Belarski Emil J miner The ARR
Bell Annie (wid Wm)
Bell Jos H foremn
Bellano Michl A lab The ARR
Bellemore A lab The ARR
Belmont Edw miner
Beman Raymond A caro
Bender J A whsemn The ARR
Bender J M lab The ARR
Bendick John P lab The ARR
BENNETT H C, Sanitary Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting, Pipe and Fittings, Plumbing Supplies and Plumbing Contractor (See p 44)
Benson Alfred (Alaska Transfer Co)
Benson Margaret
Benson Marius expmn
Beran Paul elk The ARR
Beran Ruth Mrs confr
Berg Edw C mach The ARR
Bergdol Edw carp
Berger Valentine lab The ARR
Berggren Ernest firemn The ARR
Bernhardt Carl taxicabs
Berrisford M V tel opr The ARR
Berry B E electn The ARR
Berry E B lab The ARR
Berry Frank O city electn Berutto Edw soft drinks Berven J O
Bete Wm lab The ARR
Beten Michl lab The ARR
Bevers Thos S eng Anchorage Fire Dept
Bibber G A tmstr The ARR
Bieri Saml carp The ARR
Bigelow John Y carp The ARR
Bigelow Wm miner
Bigoff Danl lab The ARR
Bilger G W watchmn The ARR
Bisel Chas L eng The ARR
Bittner Edw bgemn The ARR
Black Chas C blksmth
Black Sidney miner
Black Wm lab The ARR
Blankenship C E lab The ARR
Bleier Alfonse lab The ARR Bliss Harold L carp Block John lab Blodgett Victor V miner Bloom M L brkmn The ARR Bloom Nicholas lab The ARR Bloomer Paul fire chief The ARR Bloomquist Isaac ptrnmkr The ARR Bly Evelyn timekpr The ARR Blyth Homer A dentist Bodin Albt lab The ARR Bodin Even lab The ARR Bogue Roy A mach Bolans Fred lab TheARR Bolmer Edmund J porter
BOLTE CARL W, Hardware, Sporting Goods, Guns and Am-munitionj Crockery, Glassware and Cooking Utensils, Stoves and Ranges (See p 45)
Bolton Jas lab The ARR
Bonnett Wm supplymn The ARR
Bonni Alex lab The ARR
Booth Chas R (American Hotel; Booth & Lynch)
BOOTH & LYNCH (C R Booth, M H Lynch) Real Estate and Rentals
Borand Bert greenhouse Borell Arthur miner TheARR Borg John lab TheARR Borg Peter carp The ARR Bostrom O miner TheARR Botts Edw (Northern Hotel) Botts Edw G foremn TheARR Boudreau Wm J whol gro Bovaird Jas carp TheARR
Bower Bert lab TheARR
Bowker Jennie (wid Wm)
Bowman Anna Mrs dry gds
Bowman Fred E blksmith
Boyanchek J B mach TheARR
Boyle Frank A register U S Land Office
Boyle M A metal wkr TheARR
Brabazon Wm lab TheARR
Brady John G forest ranger U S Forest Service
Bragaw Robt S cigars
Bragaw Robt S jr acct TheARR
Brailey Bertha Mrs furn rms
Brakke A T bgemn TheARR
Brandon Hazel mlnr
Bray Geo lab
Brayford Fredk W eng TheARR Breeze Wm lab TheARR Brennan Jas rd master TheARR Brennan J J brkmn TheARR Brewington W L lab TheARR Brewster Ephraim lab TheARR Brewster Mayme tchr Bridge Louis miner TheARR Briggs E G lab TheARR Brink John driller TheARR Brison Jas carp TheARR
Brock Thos miner
Bronsky T J cranemn TheARR
Brooks Henry A lab TheARR
Brooks J Wallace mach TheARR
Brooks Nevie R Mrs nurse TheARR Hosp
Broomer Fred lab TheARR
Brouillard Arthur J mach TheARR
Brown Albt lab TheARR
Brown A H
BROWN CHARLES E, Pres Brown & Hawkins Corp, Pres Bank of Seward, Pres Bank of Anchorage
Brown Felix clothing Brown Jesse cook TheARR Brown J M firemn TheARR Brown Richd
Brown Thos A lab TheARR Brown Wilferd D lab
BROWN & HAWKINS CORP, Chas E Brown Pres, T W Hawkins (Seward) Treas, General Merchandise (See p 43)
Brusilias Gust lab TheARR Buckley Walter lab TheARR Buckner J E lab TheARR Buckner P wtr TheARR Budich Geo lab TheARR Bunos Steven foremn TheARR Bunton J D lab TheARR
Burge Henry lab TheARR Burke Alfred W lab TheARR Burke Estelle M Mrs elk Burke Martin lab TheARR Burke M A lab TheARR Burnett G N asst aud TheARR Burns Jas pumpmn TheARR Butin Josephine sten Butler E D eng TheARR Butler Wm insp TheARR Butterfield Frank W timekpr TheARR Buttery Arthur lab TheARR Byrne Jas lab TheARR Byrne L P elk TheARR Bystedt Gust lab TheARR Cadwallader Chas L taxicabs Cain Thos lab TheARR
Callaghan Jerry barber
Callahan Thos W eng TheARR
Callas Andw lab TheARR
Callbreath J K pumpmn TheARR
Callely Thos lab TheARR
Callin Jack taxicabs
Camalieson P lab TheARR
Cameron M O Mrs tel opr U S Tel & Tel Co
Camp Frank P journalist
Campbell F P mldr TheARR
Campbell J R foremn TheARR
Campbell M D foremn TheARR
Campbell Richd lab TheARR
Campbell Saml lab TheARR
Cann Chas photog
Cannon Edw lab TheARR
Caper Matthew lab TheARR
Caplitt C S wtr TheARR
Capp Henry insp TheARR
Cappers S N lab TheARR
Caraway Frank D surv TheARR
Carey J C cranemn TheARR
Carey Roland R lab TheARR
Carey Thos lab TheARR
Carland Michl firemn TheARR
Carlson Albt lab TheARR
Carlson Aug lab TheARR
Carlson A B carp TheARR
Carlson Chas blksmith TheARR
Carlson Edw (Inlet Hotel)
Carlson Henning firemn TheARR
Carlson John lab TheARR
Carlson Robt
Carlson Sigrid wtrs TheARR Hosp
Carlson S J firemn TheARR
Carlson Victor dairy
Carlquist Frank J ins agt
Carlquist Fred E jeweler
Carmody John A (Madden & Carmody)
Carnegie J H lab TheARR
Carolan D L pumpmn TheARR
Carpenter Hazel Mrs tel opr U S Tel & Tel Co
Carpenter Josephine Mrs
Carr B E lab TheARR
Carroll Chas S lab TheARR
Carruthers David lab TheARR
Carstens Packing Co meats
Carver J H cranemn TheARR
Casey C lab TheARR
Cash Saml lab TheARR
Caspar Wm J mach TheARR
Cavall John driller TheARR
Cavanaugh John Q firemn TheARR Hosp
Cavanaugh Peter J powdermn TheARR
Cavanaugh Thos lab TheARR
Cay Ernest cranemn TheARR
Cedar Carl WT mach TheARR
Celestine F lab TheARR
Cesare T powdermn TheARR
Chalk Julius lab
Chalman Fred lab TheARR
Chalmers C A lab TheARR
Chapin Franklin H eng TheARR
Chapman Geo H lab TheARR
Chappell G M lab TheARR
Chase R D disbursing agt TheARR
Chatriand Leon brkmn TheARR
Chectisaw Andw miner TheARR
Cheesrnan W M lab TheARR
CHENEY NECKWEAR, Donald L McGinnis Distributor
Cheney Ruby Mrs lndrs Pioneer Steam Lndy
Chernaeff S P foremn TheARR
Chessey Freeman lab TheARR
Chesterman H driver TheARR
Chicaloon Real Estate Co Inc Dick Rinehart mgr
Chilegan Harry lab TheARR
Chiolerio A miner TheARR
Chisholm John slsmn
Chisholm J A linemn TheARR
Chovin J E (Chovin Supply Co)
CHOVIN SUPPLY CO (J E Chovin, F A Martin), Electric Apparatus and Supplies, Electricians
Christensen Chris
Christensen Oscar lab TheARR
Christensen W S eng TheARR
Christenson Leslie lab TheARR
Christian Science Society meets Sunday 11 A M Sunday school 12:15 and Wednesday evening at 8 P M in Christian Science Society Church
Christianson G lab TheARR Christopherson John lab TheARR
City Hotel (Mike Zakula) Clark Chas C carp TheARR Clark D R lab TheARR Clark Ella
Clark G A lab TheARR
Clark H H carp TheARR
Clark John J lab TheARR
Clark Jos T chf eng TheARR
Clark L R lab TheARR
Clark Ora Mrs
Clark W F eng TheARR
Clarke J M mldr TheARR
Clarkston U S lab TheARR
Clausen Chris carp TheARR
Claveau Fred pntr
Claveau P F foremn TheARR
Clayson Wm mens furngs
Clayton C M mach TheARR
Clayton Mabel Z Mrs elk TheARR
Cleghorn Walter elk TheARR
Cleveland Josephine
Coates Chas A lab TheARR
Cobb Jas lab TheARR
Cochrane H L lab TheARR
Coffey John lab TheARR
Cohen P W carp TheARR
Cola.gross! Jesse L foremn TheARR.
Cole Minard lab TheARR
Cole Ross R dispr TheARR
Coleman Wm lab TheARR
Coll Jas blksmith TheARR
Collier Clare elk P O
Collings Albt Y elk The ARR
Collins Archibald boilermkr TheARR
Collins Jerome J lab TheARR
Collins John M (Crescent Hotel^
Collins W H blksmith TheARR '
Colwick Wm C agt TheARR
Connolly Michl wtr TheARR
Connor Jas miner TheARR
Connors E C foremn TheARR
Connors Thos
Connors W H mach TheARR
Conroy John lab TheARR
Conroy Michl J mayor of Anchorage lawyer
Conroy Thos J miner
Considine Lee lab TheARR
Conway Jos H 2d hd gds
Conway Richd carp TheARR
Cook Chas S lab TheARR
Cook John lab TheARR
Cook John M elk P O
Cook Michl wtr TheARR
Cook Peter A mgr U S Tel & Tel Co
Cooper Frank (Cooper & Vogt)
Cooper & Vogt (Frank Cooper R C Vogt) barbers
Cope Fred cook Wright & Olsen
Corbett Thos A firemn The ARR
Corcoran Peter lab The ARR
Corliss Lester P elk The ARR
Cornelius J M lab TheARR
Cornelius Roy timbermn TheARR
Corrigan Thos lab TheARR
Cotty A J lab The ARR
Coughlin J E rodmn TheARR
Courser Elsie M elk A E Ashton
Courtney J J eng TheARR
Couture Delpphis expmn
Covich A driller TheARR
Cox Frank D lab TheARR
Cox Limer lab TheARR
Cox Richd lab TheARR
Coyne Michl lab TheARR
Craig A C foremn TheARR
Craig Emily H Mrs nurse TheARR Hosp
Crane D W lab TheARR
Craven Delia
Crawford Ivan expmn
Crawford John H eng TheARR
Crescent Hotel (J M Collins)
Crest Apartments (Jos A Lawton)
CRIBB HARRY, Pres-Gen-Mgr Harry Cribb Inc
CRIBB HARRY INC, Harry Cribb Pres-Gen Mgr, Building Material, Sash, Doors, Mouldings and Millwork, Plate and Window Glass Builders Hardware, Building and Roofing Paper (See p 54)
CROCKER U G, Dry Goods and Clothing, Women's Furnishing Goods, Shoes and Hosiery
Cronin M J Mrs Crough F S eng TheARR Crova Jesse lab TheARR Crowley Michl foremn TheARR Crowley P H eng TheARR Cruikshank Wm lab TheARR Crukovich Eli lab TheARR Crutcher Jesse B sten TheARR Culbertson Delia M (wid Russell) Culbertson Edw R foremn Culbertson E M trucker TheARR
Cullen John H lab TheARR Culver Alvin mach TheARR Culver Edw carp TheARR Cunningham Daniel carp TheARR Cunningham Frank B brkmn TheARR Cunningham John T trainmaster TheARR Cunningham Wm C agt TheARR Currier Ellen cook TheARR Currier H A foremn TheARR Curtan Thos lab TheARR Cusel Peter lab TheARR
Dagen John P lab TheARR
Dahl John M dental mech
Dahl Oliver carp
Dahl Robt lab TheARR
Dahle Otto lab TheARR
Dale H A lab TheARR
Dalz Bernard lab TheARR
Dammert Helen wtrs Wright & Olsen
Dancer Ray lab TheARR
Daniels F foremn TheARR
Darien Manuel lab TheARR
Darling J Elmer carp
David Leopold (Ray & David)
Davidson Wm lab TheARR
Davies Purly O brkmn TheARR
Davies Wm lab TheARR
Davis Grace Mrs
Davis I N
Davis Jas timbermn TheARR
Davis J M lab TheARR
Davis Thos firemn TheARR
Davis Wm W lab TheARR
Daxon Danl S eng The ARR
Dean F F lab The ARR
Dean Wm B carp
DeCourcy M H plmbr The ARR
Deegan M eng The ARR
Dehon Eli (Pioneer Steam Laundry)
Deigh Vida elk F S Gordon
Deigman Frank carp The ARR
Delahide John L first aid miner U S Bureau of Mines
Delaney J J acct The ARR
Delaney Mary C elk The ARR
Dellasega Baptiste wtr The ARR
Dellitt C A lab The ARR
DeLon Eli
DeLong J S foremn The ARR DeMoore Lon
Demos John cook G Pappadis Denny Wm C lab The ARR Densmore C A firemn The ARR
DENTAL CLINIC INC THE (Dr C A Pollard, Dr G V Gregory) McKinley Block
Denton Claude G Rev pastor First Presbyterian Church
Dessery V D lab The ARR
Devlin Edw lab The ARR
Diamond Chas firemn The ARR
Diamond Jos; B janitor The ARR
Dick Howard C lab The ARR
Dies G Mrs cook The ARR
Dill Chas lab The ARR
Dillon Florence Mrs lndrs Pioneer Steam Lndy
Dillon Rolla M mach The ARR
Dingle Wm P capt U S Medical Corps
Dis Chas bricklyr
Divyak Mich
Dlouhy Jos
Dohrmann Henry C elk Felix Brown Dolan Jas lab The ARR Donald C L wtr The ARR
DONALDSON ROBERT S, Sec Healy River Coal Corporation
Donaldson Wm C firemn
Donovan John J foremn The ARR
Doohan Patk lab The ARR
Dool Burt A foremn Pioneer Steam Lndy
Dorwin Wm T rodmn The ARR
Dorwin W J pumpmn The ARR
Dougherty Hugh caretkr The ARR
Dougherty Wm mach The ARR
Doumakis Thos foremn The ARR
Dout H L mach The ARR
Downer Arthur J agt The ARR
Downey D W brkmn The ARR
Downing J W lab The ARR
Doyle Thos D lab The ARR
Dragisch Jos miner
Driscoll Jas carp The ARR
Driscoll Ray J lab The ARR
Dujmovich Geo lab The ARR
Dumas Geo wtr The ARR
Dunbar A V tmstr The ARR
Duncan Geo carp The ARR
Duncklee E A lab The ARR
Dunn M R firemn The ARR
Dunn Robt firemn
Dunnean John lab The ARR
Durham W L elk The ARR
Duryea Elbert lab The ARR
Eagle Hotel (Mrs Madge Elliott)
Eagles John D lab The ARR
Eamond Gerald firemn The ARR
Earhart L B linemn The ARR
Ebbert Roy O eng
Eburn Ernest cook The ARR
Eckmann C M furn Edelmann John lab The ARR Edmunds Fred miner The ARR Edmunson Julius B carp Edmunson Marion G miner Edwards Robt F rodmn The ARR Edwards Wm carp Edwardsen Hank lab The ARR Eggen Edw Eggen Jos
Eggen O O lab The ARR Eggersgluess Ernest A gard The ARR Eggerue Ole lab The ARR Egoroff Michl lab The ARR Eichhorn Julius lab The ARR Ek Oscar pntr The ARR Elkins T A lab The ARR
ELKS LODGE NO 1351, J J Delaney E R, F A Martin Sec
Ellingsen E lab The ARR
Elliott Madge Mrs (Eagle Hotel)
Elliott Myrton lab The ARR
Elmes Byron C eng The ARR
Elmslie Al lab The ARR
Elzay Merle lab The ARR
Enatti Wm miner The ARR
Enette Jos V janitor The ARR
English John lab The ARR
English Wm A City Clerk and Treasurer
Engstrom Adolph lab The ARR
Engstrom A Mrs cook The ARR
Ensley H M mach The ARR
Ericksen Chas lab The ARR Ericksen Saml foremn The ARR Erickson Albt lab The ARR Erickson Alex lab The ARR Erickson Anthony lab The ARR Erickson Carl firemn The ARR Erickson Chas pumpmn The ARR Erickson Elmer janitor Erickson John H linemn The ARR Erickson N A pntr The ARR Erickson Sidney lab The ARR Eriksson John lab The ARR Ervin E Wells bkpr First National Bank Ervin Martha H elk
Ervin Winfield cashr First National Bank Esden Herbert G master mariner Eubanks W R lab The ARR
Evans Edwin E firemn The ARR Evans H N paints Evans John firemn The ARR Evans Robt lab The ARR Everett Fred cook The ARR Everson Carl lab The ARR Ezi Wm lab The ARR Fairman Wm lab The ARR Farsky John lab The ARR Feakes Fred D lab The ARR Felder Herman lab The ARR Felix J C pumpmn The ARR Fels Hugo carp
Ferlekas Michl G lab The ARR Ferraris Lawrence lab The ARR Ferrell Fred C mech The ARR Ferrell Jacob W electn The ARR Ferry Danl lab The ARR Fey Clarence driver Pioneer Steam Lndy Fields Robt miner The ARR Figurelli Saml lab Filppula Herman pntr The ARR Fink Herbert S miner The ARR Finley Jas H barber Finley S B insp The ARR
First National Bank Winfield Ervin cashr
First Presbyterian Church Rev C G Denton pastor
Fisher D J lab The ARR
Fitzgerald Paul H foremn The ARR
Fitzgerald P carp The ARR
Fitzwilliams Basil mach The ARR
Flanagan W J lab The ARR
Flanigan Thos J carp The ARR
Fleckenstein F J miner The ARR
Fleckenstein J B carp The ARR
Fleckenstein Lawrence miner The ARR
Fleckenstein S lab The ARR
Flynn F lab The ARR
Foasberg Carl slsmn
Fonck Jesse foremn The ARR
Fondahu.Edmund lab The ARR
Foran Robt M carp The ARR
Ford John W pntr The ARR
FORD SALES AND SERVICE, A A Shonbeck, Authorized Sales and Service
Forgerson L lab The ARR Forker Frank S miner Fosnes Martin lab The ARR Foss Geo lab The ARR Francis R A carp The ARR Fraser J W miner The ARR
Freeman Marie
Frisco Cafe (F C Wilson R S Timme)
Frodenberg Arthur
Fross J W opr The ARR
Frost T J eng The ARR
Funaro D lab The ARR
Furniotu Jas lab The ARR
Gabin Nellie housekpr Crescent Hotel
Gabrielsen Gunnar lab The ARR
Gagnon Geo V lab The ARR
Gagula Danl L lab The ARR
Gaines Ray lab The ARR
Gale J W lab The ARR
Gallagher Jas lab The ARR
Gallagher John lab The ARR
Gallegly John H lab The ARR
Gardner S E lab The ARR
Garofalos Peter lab The ARR
Garvin Dorothy lndrs Pioneer Steam Lndy
Gaskill Burt E eng The ARR
Gegold Max barber
Gelles Gus broker
George Christ lab The ARR
George Gus shoemkr
George Michl lab The ARR
George Wm lab The ARR
Germain Armand firemn
Germain Frank lab The ARR
Gerow J A lab The ARR
Gezovich Raso (Gezovich & Glomazich)
Gezovich & Glomazich (Raso Gezovich Steve Glomazich) restr Giacchero Carlo lab The ARR
. ... T» i i_n :j.U TM ADD
uidsuii raui uus-anum i tie AiClC
Gicas John cook The ARR
Giffin Chas H lab The ARR
Giles Ernest lab The ARR
Gill Oscar S mach The ARR
Gill Victor firemn The ARR
Gillman G A pntr The ARR
Gillespie Emma cook The ARR
Gitas Gust lab The ARR
Gitchell Fred (Gitchell Hotel)
Gitchell Hotel (Fred Gitchell)
Glasgo John lab The ARR
Gleason Frank carp The ARR
Gleason Jas lab The ARR
Glenn Frank lab The ARR
Glomazich Steve (Gezovich & Glomazich)
Glossop H F slsmn
Golden Henry lab The ARR
Goldman B wtr The ARR
Goodart Henry K miner The ARR
Goodell Huie miner Goodin Jos tmstr The ARR Goodlataw John lab The ARR Goodrich Marian E cook The ARR Gordon Frank S gen mdse Gordon Stuart H electn The ARR Gordon Wm C lab The ARR Gosser J S watchmn The ARR Gottstein J B whol gro
GOTWALS JOHN C MAJOR, Chief Engineer The Alaska Railroad
Grahm R R lab The ARR Grandin Edw lab The ARR Granfors Otto
Grant Frank electn The ARR
Grant Orvel H lab The ARR
Grapsos Gust lab The ARR
Gray Arthur B foremn The ARR
Gray Chas W mach The ARR
Gray Thos L pntr The ARR
Green Geo lab The ARR
Green J Lindley lawyer
Greenberger Anna cook The ARR
Greenberger L wtr The ARR
Greenfield Florence elk The ARR
Greer Albt lab The ARR
Greer Jas lab The ARR
Gregory G V (Dental Clinic Inc)
Gregson Henry lab The ARR
Grenfell W P brkmn The ARR
Gresti Vittorrio lab The ARR
Griffin Bessie N elk The ARR
Grisham Robt foremn The ARR
Grover Ilona M sten U S Bureau of Mines
Grover Ralph J pntr The ARR
Grubach Alex elk
Grubl Adam lab
Gudmund Wm lab The ARR
Gush Fred cook The ARR
Gustavsen H driller The ARR
Guthrie Archie W brkmn The ARR
Haag A elk The ARR
Hackman Saml pntr The ARR
Hadfield A K driver
Hagen Alex boilermkr The ARR
Hagstrom Carl lab The ARR
Hague Louise Mrs elk
Hague Wm E metal wkr The ARR
Haigono Jas lab The ARR
HAINES T W, Mgr Anchorage Supply Co
Halastis John lab The ARR
Haldane Wm caulker The ARR
Hale Earl lab The ARR
Haley L A barber
Hall E S tmstr The ARR
Hall Frank cook
Hall Henry C (Anchorage Bottling Works) Hall O A
Halmas Jas lab The ARR Hals Arnold lab The ARR Halvorsen Chris lab The ARR Hamilton Effie V Mrs nurse The ARR Hamilton F L pntr The ARR Hamilton Mary attndt
Hammel Harry M asst cashr First National Bank
Hammer Wm bgemn The ARR
Hammontree C O garage
Hanan Abdul restr
Hanratty Peter lab The ARR
Hansen F A eng
Hansen Jas lab The ARR
Hansen John lab The ARR
Hansen Peter lab The ARR
Hanson Henry miner The ARR
Hanson John lab The ARR
Hanson Thos lab The ARR
Harden P L pumpmn The ARR
Harding E G chainmn The ARR
Harding Fanny M elk The ARR
Harding Gordon
Hardy Allan H lab The ARR
Hardy Allen H fur warden Bureau of Biological Survey
Hardy Edw lab The ARR
Hardy L B boilermkr The ARR
Harger Wm C cook
Harlan Tas lab The ARR
Harmon Louis foremn The ARR
Harp David lab The ARR
Harper Chas lab The ARR
Harpole Claude G lab The ARR
Harpp Danl tmstr
Harrington C W guard U S jail
Harrington Otis E firemn The ARR
Harris E lab The ARR
Harris Fred
Harris Mary sten H A Tucker
Harris Wm lab The ARR
Harrison E firemn The ARR
Harrison Maybelle Mrs beauty parlors
Harrison Pearl Mrs hairdrsr Mrs M Harrison
Hart Wm F lab The ARR
Hartback Chas pntr The ARR
Hartley Kirk P guard U S jail
Hartley Leon W (Hartley & Wanamaker)
HARTLEY & WANAMAKER (L W Hartley, Neil Wana-maker), Hardware, Furniture and Sporting Goods, Agents for Hudson and Essex Automobiles
Harvard C S surv The ARR Haug Knute miner The ARR Hauge Richd L miner Haun W Henry lab The ARR
HAWKINS THOS W, Treas Brown & Hawkins Corp, res Seward
Haycock John lab The ARR Hayes Edw mach The ARR Hayes Harry lab The ARR Haynes E W lab The ARR Heacock Jas L carp The ARR Head Chauncey lab The ARR Head Fred lab The ARR
HEALY RIVER COAL CORPORATION, A E Lathrop Pres, R D Donaldson Sec, A H McDonald Treas (See p 55)
Heaney Glen R
Heath C N lab The ARR
Heerman Emma J nurse The ARR Hosp
Hegberg Emil firemn The ARR
Hegelstad T O lab The ARR
Hegg Louise Mrs elk F S Gordon
Heilman E F mach The ARR
Heino Henry miner
Heldman Geo M lab The ARR
Hemen Howard F electn The ARR
Henning Edw elk The ARR
Henry Edw J
Henry Peter brkmn The ARR
Hensen F A eng The ARR
Hermann Russell R pharm
Hermanson Tohn lab The ARR
Hermen Dell blksmith The ARR
Heron Chas E mach The ARR
Heron J L mach The ARR
Heron T J foremn The ARR
Herrick Robt lab The ARR
Hewitt Arthur J acct The ARR
Hewitt Dennie E mach The ARR
Hickey David lab
Hickey N E cook The ARR
Higgins H U Max estimator The ARR
Higgins Smith watchmn The ARR
Higgins Thos lab The ARR
Hill Carl wtr The ARR
Hill John E lab The ARR
Hill J Harry timekpr The ARR
Hill Wm lab The ARR
Hill W P T spl coal mining eng U S Bureau of Mines Hines Martin J carp The ARR Hines Thos lab The ARR
Hjelm Olaf carp The ARR Hoesk Theo miner The ARR Hoff Fred (Hoff & McDannel)
Hoff & McDannel (Fred Hoff Abner J McDannel) stationers
Hogen M K lab The ARR
Hoheisel Jos firemn The ARR
Holden Paul firemn The ARR
Holmberg Ole driller The ARR
Holmes Clyde A lab The ARR
Holmes John lab The ARR
Holmes J E foremn The ARR
Holmes Michl cook The ARR
Holoff Aleck lab The ARR
Holoff Nick lab The ARR
Holt E B lab The ARR
Hook Edith L osteopath Horning Wm S miner Horton H S lab The ARR Horton L B trucker The ARR Hosking Morton lab The ARR
HOTEL ANCHORAGE, F I Reed Prop, The Leading Hotel of Anchorage, Steam Heat, Electric Lights and Every Modern Convenience, Rooms En Suite and Single With Baths (See p 47)
HOUSE ARTHUR E, Advertising, Art Service, Direct Mail Advertising, Window Display Advertising, Window Display Cards, Advertising Posters
Houle E J lab The ARR
Houle W H lab The ARR
Howard Bertley supt B & B The ARR
Howard Brice H agt Pacific Steamship Co
Howard Henry eng The ARR
Howard John lab The ARR
Howard Mary J Mrs
Howard Robt Z lab The ARR
Howard W H acct The ARR
Howe Ellen cook The ARR
Howe Fred W foremn The ARR
Howe Geo A miner
Howe Geo A jr cook The ARR
Howe John lab The ARR
Howie J I mach The ARR
Hubbard Elizabeth nurse The ARR Hosp
Huff Chas cook
Huff C M lab The ARR
Huffman J L lab The ARR
Hugg H L disp The ARR
Hugh Herman miner The ARR
Hughes Erba elk
Hughes Waitesel firemn The ARR
Hull Anna M sten The ARR
Hummel Edw lab The ARR
Hummell Celia E sten The ARR
Hummell Mae O bkpr Alaska Publishing Co
Hunt Martin E lab The ARR
Hurley Julian asst U S atty
Hurley Robt C elk The ARR
Huslik Bruno foremn The ARR
Hussey P J asst fire chief The ARR
Hutchinson Minnie tel opr U S Tel & Tel Co
Hutoff Harry cranemn The ARR
Hutt Wm C
Illsley F F eng The ARR
Ince J A whsemn The ARR
I O O F Anchorage Lodge No 8
INDESTRUCTO LUGGAGE, Donald L McGinnis Distributor
INDIAN MOTORCYCLES, Parish Cycle Co Agents
Ingalls Ralph C lab The ARR
Ingram Floyd E brkmn The ARR
Inlet Hotel (Edw Carlson)
Irenberg Herman blksmith
Irwin B E carp The ARR
Isaac Chas W lab The ARR
Isaacson Harvey lab The ARR
Jackson Elmer miner The ARR
Jackson Irene wtrs Robt Kavara
Jackson John lndv
Jacobs Michl A lab The ARR
Jacobsen Martha cook The ARR
Jacobsen Wm T carp
Jacobson Ingwold lab The ARR
Jacobson Philip lab The ARR
Jahn Wm lab The ARR
Takeman Wm lab The ARR
James Thos foremn The ARR
James W H mgr Anchorage Packing Co
Janich Chas cigars
Jarvi Axel
Jasperson Peter lab The ARR
Jeffries Jos eng The ARR
Jeffries M Mrs
Jeknich Danl lab The ARR
Jenkins Geo L cond The ARR
Jensen Antone carp The ARR
Jepson Peter carp The ARR
JESSEN E F, Cartoonist Alaska Publishing Co
Joaquin Frank miner
Johansen Clarence lab The ARR
John A M nurse
Johns H J miner The ARR
Johnson Albt miner
Johnson Alex lab The ARR
Johnson A B car foremn The ARR
Johnson Brent lab The ARR Johnson Carl lab The ARR Johnson Carl I lab The ARR Johnson Chas lab The ARR Johnson C B trucker The ARR Johnson Edw cook The ARR Johnson Emil lab The ARR Johnson Eric miner Johnson Eug baker Johnson Flory elk Johnson Frank G lab The ARR Johnson Geo cook
JOHNSON GEORGE L (The Koda-Graph Shop)
Johnson Harry lab The ARR Johnson Helmer lab The ARR Johnson Hjalmer brkmn The ARR Johnson Howard firemn The ARR Johnson H W lab The ARR Johnson John lab The ARR Johnson John G lab The ARR Johnson John S carp The ARR Johnson Jos foremn The ARR Johnson J W wtr The ARR Johnson N E lab The ARR Johnson Oscar lab The ARR Johnson Peter lab The ARR Johnson S S lab The ARR Johnson T E lab The ARR Johnson Victor lab Johnson Vincent
Johnston Archibald lab The ARR Johnston A F eng The ARR
j uinio i*\j±x j v-»mi iau i nv. x ii.v±v
Johnston W firemn The ARR
Johnstone Jas agt
Jones Al S janitor The ARR Hosp
Jones E G brkmn The ARR Jones Fred driller The ARR Jones Harry wtr The ARR Jones Harry T lab The ARR Jones H G lab The ARR Jones John miner The ARR Jones J H eng The ARR Jones Oliver cond The ARR Jones Thos pntr The ARR Jones W S timekpr The ARR Jordan Remi cook the ARR Jose Wm L barber J H Finley Jurovich Danl lab The ARR Jurovich Michl lab The ARR Jussa Nellie M Mrs
Kacer Louis lab The ARR
Kacerosky John lab The ARR
Kail Geo lab The ARR
Kaliman Geo pumpmn The ARR
Kamada K lndy
Kanaley Michl lab The ARR
Kanter Andw driller The ARR
Kappler L H brkmn The ARR
Karaiscos Angelis J lab The ARR
Karonfsky Jos elk Harry Sidenberg
Kartak Chas G firemn The ARR
Kast Henry lab The ARR
Kavanaugh Harry C chief of police
Kavara Robt restr
Keehn Jos lab The ARR
Keeley Patk J carp
Keever Frank lab The ARR
Kegler E F lab The ARR
Keist Sam
Kelley J F lab The ARR Kellogg Harry lab The ARR
Kelly Chas lab The ARR Kelly Frank
Kelly Frank M elk The ARR
Kelly F D lab The ARR
Kelly Hugh foremn The ARR
Kelly John foremn The ARR
Kelly Milo eng
Kelly Wm P lab The ARR
Kemp Chas L asst City Clk
Kennedy Bros (J F and D O) men's furngs
Kennedy D O (Kennedy Bros)
Kennedy Forest foremn The ARR
Kennedy Geo whsemn The ARR
Kennedy Guy E firemn The ARR
Kennedy Jas F (Kennedy Bros)
Kennedy John lab The ARR
Kennedy Katherine Mrs
Kennedy M S foremn The ARR
Kenney B lab The ARR
Kenyon Ida F Mrs
Keogh Edw carp The ARR
Keok Herman tmstr The ARR
Kerr Susie lndrs Pioneer Steam Lndy
Kettler W lab The ARR
Kieffer Jos miner The ARR
Kiel F Mrs cook The ARR
Kierstine C E lab The ARR
Kilgore S C carp The ARR
Kilgour Geo lab The ARR
Kilkenny Emma Mrs
Kilkenny P F lab The ARR
Kimball Vera F elk The ARR
Kimura Harry clnr Kimura Katsuyo lndywkr K Kamada King A G Mrs cook The ARR King Jos lab The ARR King Jos H optician Kinney Harry A elk KinofT Wm eng The ARR Kinsella John F lab The ARR Kirby W P wtr The ARR Kirkpatrick M H lab The ARR Kitos Jas lab The ARR Knapp Jacob C blksmith The ARR Knight Frank L cond The ARR Knoell W V insp The ARR Knutson John lab The ARR Knzevich Michl lab The ARR Kobuchi Ray
Koch Geo foremn The ARR Kocoff Peter lab The ARR
KODA-GRAPH SHOP, Geo L Johnson Prop, Photographer, Artistic Views Hand Colored, Alaska Pictures, Amateur Work Developed and Printed (See p 48)
Kolaris Nicholas lab The ARR Konieczny Anton lab The ARR Kopelio John wtr The ARR Koppi Leo lab The ARR Koppitz Geo H chkr The ARR Koski Anton miner The ARR Koslosky Isaac furs Kosoff WTm lab The ARR Koss Louis miner The ARR Kosto Peter lab The ARR Kovac Thos powdermn The ARR Kovacevich Eli lab The ARR Krantz Amos lab The ARR Krasevich Saml lab The ARR Krassnitzer Michl lab The ARR Krause Oscar E cook Robt Kavara Krefting Chas firemn The ARR Kribsosija Eli billiards Krintila Matthew shoemkr Krober Jacob L lab The ARR Kroger John lab Krogh Estelle E elk PO Krolofr John lab The ARR Krtinich Geo lab The ARR Krueger E F lab The ARR Kruger J lab The ARR Kucil Jas lab
Kukalis John lab The ARR Kulel John B lab The ARR Kunzman Henry lab The ARR
Kuoil Jas lab The ARR Kupoff Chas lab The ARR Kurfman Jas lab The ARR Kvas Anton elk Labana John lab The ARR LaBelle A P boilermkr The ARR Lachevich Buto driller The ARR Lamb Albt
Lamb C M carp The ARR Lambert Chas E lab The ARR Lampi Eno driller The ARR Land Henry lab The ARR Lande Magnus lab The ARR Lander J D barber
LANDIS LEE H, Gen Mgr The Alaska Railroad
Landsdowne Burdette Rev pastor All Saints Episcopal Church
Landstrom Andw J car repr The ARR
Lane John lab
Lane W H lab The ARR
LANG STOVES AND RANGES, Pioneer Sheet Metal Works Distributors
Lange Carl J eng The ARR
Langeland Saml lab The ARR
Laning R G lab The ARR
LaPorte J D lab The ARR
Larsen C N brkmn The ARR
Larsen Lyle W
Larsen T O carp The ARR
Larson C A lab The ARR
Larson C W lab The ARR
Larson E W lab The ARR
Larson Ida M Mrs gro
Larson Tos B storekpr The ARR
Larson Otto lab The ARR
LARSON RAY C (Anchorage Supply Co)
LARSON RAY T, Transfer, Storage, Coal and WTood, Chief Anchorage Fire Dept
LaRue F E mach The ARR Lasky Harry tlr
LATHROP AUSTIN E (The Empress Theatre), Pres Alaska Moving Pictures Corp, Pres Healy River Coal Corporation
Lauritz Lee (Lauritz & Bacon)
Lauritz & Bacon (Lee Lauritz C G Bacon) pntrs
LaVerne Frank cook Robt Kavara
Lavrnich Michl lab The ARR
Lawrence Sidney
Lawrence W D blksmith The ARR
Lawton Jos A (Crest Apartments)
Lay Oscar lab The ARR
Leach Danl J mach The ARR
Leakos Steven foremn The ARR
Learv Noal A
Lee Geo C lab The ARR
Lee Geo S carp The ARR Lee Walter lab The ARR Lefever Geo C insp The ARR LeFevre J S lab The ARR Legault U A firemn The ARR Lehmann Paul E linemn The ARR Leonard Peter lab The ARR LeRouge J S lab The ARR Level Claude linemn The ARR Levin Ernest miner Lewis Archie A cond The ARR Lewis Geo lab The ARR Lewis Robt B firemn The ARR
LEWIS R E, General Contractor (See p 49)
Lien Henry L eng Lillij strand Arthur elk Limbarger Norman L contr Lind John tlr Harry Nelson Lindberg Edw stmftr The ARR Lindquist Henry brkmn The ARR Lindsay Jack
Lindsey Edw insp The ARR Lindskog Robt lab The ARR Linger Albt lab The ARR Link Adam lab The ARR Links Lila L student Links Wm T (Matson & Links) Linn Matthew lab The ARR Linnsfan Lars lab The ARR Lippert P D foremn The ARR Liska Alexander miner The ARR Liston Amon mach The ARR Livingstone C A lab The ARR Loberg John lab The ARR Lockead R C lab The ARR Lockhart G L
Lockwold Martin janitor The ARR Loew Walter lab The ARR Lof Oscar cook The ARR Lofquist Carl A stmftr The ARR Logan E D cook The ARR Logan John foremn The ARR Lohnes J K cranemn The ARR Loken Hennie cook The ARR
Long Harry A cond The ARR Longacre John linemn Longsore John L eng The ARR Longworth R D lab The ARR Losey Ira T (Anchorage Bakery) Lothrop Robt tel opr U S Tel & Tel Co
Lottsfeldt Carl elk ARC Loudermilch Robt C undtkr Lounsbury Fredk K aud The ARR
LOUSSAC Z J (Loussac's Drug Store), Sec Evan Jones Coal Co
LOUSSAC'S DRUG STORE (Z J Loussac), Prescription Specialists, Kodaks and Supplies, Stationery, Phonographs and Records, Likly Luggage (See p 50)
Love Frank lab The ARR Lowe H C timekpr The ARR Lowell L W cook The ARR Lubbe Fred R miner The ARR Luckow R C jr autos Lund Chas
Lund J E lab The ARR Lundh Albt mach The ARR Lundstedt John carp The ARR Luoma S R lab The ARR Lycette Edw lab The ARR Lyle Annie smstrs Lynch John wtr Robt Kavara Lynch M H (Booth & Lynch) Lyons S I eng The ARR Lystad Lile Mrs wtr The ARR
McAllan J L
McAtee T F agt The ARR McAuley A St J timekpr The ARR McAvoy Thos carp The ARR McCafTerty Patk firemn The ARR McCall A W lab The ARR McCallie John H dentist McCambridge Merle D trucker The ARR McCann J lab The ARR McCann Robt T rodmn The ARR McCannert E G carp The ARR McCarthy Jas L blksmith The ARR McCarthy Jerry lab The ARR McCarthy P W Mrs cook The ARR McCarty J L driller The ARR McCay A Danl lab The ARR McClain E elk The ARR McClain John lab The ARR McClellan G B brkmn The ARR McClure Jos brkmn The ARR McConhey Thos guard U S jail McCormack Patk lab The ARR McCrimmon Alex carp The ARR McCulgon Geo lab The ARR McCullough Geo
McCutcheon C J foremn The ARR McDannel Abner J (Hoff & McDannel) McDannell Casey McDaniels Eug porter The ARR McDonald Al carp The ARR
McDonald Alex H (Anchorage Drug Co) agt Alaska S S Co
McDonald Barbara Mrs matron The ARR Hosp
McDonald Danl pntr The ARR
McDonald D P foremn The ARR
McDonald G F janitor The ARR
McDonald Jas cook The ARR
McDonald John lab The ARR
McDonald P J eng The ARR
McDonnell N restr
McFadden A S Mrs
McFarland Wm lab The ARR
McGee T D foremn The ARR
McGibney Frank
McGill Jas foremn The ARR
McGillivray John foremn The ARR
McGINNIS DONALD L, Clothing, Haberdashery, Hats and Shoes (See p 55)
McGlothern Leonard lab The ARR McGrath John lab The ARR McHugh Edw foremn The ARR Mclsaacs J J (Seattle Hotel) Mclvor A lab The ARR McKechnie Neil lab The ARR McKenery J carp The ARR McKenzie D A cook The ARR McKenzie D J cond The ARR McKenzie John mach The ARR McKenzie Mary G cook The ARR McKeown Peter lab The ARR McKinney W D lab The ARR McKinnon Danl lab The ARR McKnight C lab The ARR McLaughlin Leo driller The ARR. McLaughlin P J linemn The ARR McLeod John lab The ARR McLeod M C lab The ARR McMahill Edw V McMahill Pinkney M McMahon Catherine E McMahon Harry lab The ARR McMahon John lab The ARR McMahon Peter brkmn The ARR McManiman Patk foremn The ARR McManus Amyel lab The ARR McMasters George McMetre W J lab The ARR McMichael Fred carp The ARR McMullen G B lab The ARR McMullen John lab The ARR McMullen M E lab The ARR
McNALLY J L, Asst Cashr Bank of Anchorage
McNamara W J lab The ARR
McNeil J W lab The ARR
McNeill Catherine Mrs wtrs The ARR
McNeish Saml sec foremn
McNiece Saml foremn The ARR
McNulty Louis lab The ARR
McNutt John M
McPhail Angus lab The ARR
McRae Christene cook The ARR
McVeifty Edw M expmn
MacDonald Donald chf drftsman The ARR
MacDonald John wtr The ARR
MacDonald Malcolm J acct The ARR
MacDonald Wallace P electn U S Tel & Tel Co
Maclean Richd carp The ARR Macomb H N lab The ARR Macwiz John lab The ARR Madden D E (Madden & Carmody) Madden Patk H lab The ARR
Madden & Carmody (D E Madden J A Carmody) cigars Maddos Al lab
Madnick John lab The ARR Madsen Albert lab The ARR Madsen Anna cook The ARR Madsen Arne lab The ARR Madsen A N foremn The ARR Madsen Nels brkmn The ARR Maehl Chas watchmn The ARR Magill Jos A fishermn Magnesales Geo lab The ARR Maher Thos lab Mahle Edw lab Mahle Paul C lab The ARR Mailloux Jos miner Maki John lab The ARR Makris T G foremn The ARR Mangum Eugene wtr The ARR Manning W M lab The ARR March C F boilermkr The ARR Margetis Thos
Marinoff Steven lab The ARR Marion J A driver The ARR Markle Geo E mach The ARR Markstrom Carl lab The ARR Marley Alice
Marr Wm miner The ARR
Marsch Paul A elk The ARR
Marsdon H J mach The ARR
Marsh Arthur H elk
Marshall Louis bootblk
Marten Asa T carp The ARR
Martin Carl E supt Street and Water Dept
Martin D K pumpmn The ARR
Martin Frank H janitor The ARR
Martin Fred miner The ARR
Martin Fredk A (Chovin Supply Co) Martin F E plmbr The ARR Martin F R brkmn The ARR Martin John cook The ARR Martin John E lab The ARR Martin N W lab The ARR Martin Sue Mrs drsmkr Martini Roy lab The ARR Martinovich Tony firemn The ARR Martinsen Hans cannerywkr
Mason Chas L chf elk The ARR
Masonic—Anchorage Commandery No 2, regular conclaves 1st and 3d Tues, D B Rose em com, R O Scott rec
Masonic—Anchorage Chapter No 3,RAM, regular convocations 2d and 4th Tues, J J Longacre H P, Ray O Scott sec
Masonic—Anchorage Chapter No 8 O E S, regular meetings 1st and 3d Mon, Louise Eckmann W M, Eva Cunningham sec
Masonic—Anchorage Lodge No 221 F & A M, stated communications 2d and 4th Thurs 8 p m, R D Chase W M, Sol Silverman sec
Matheson Chas A eng^The ARR Mathewson Ray A elecn The ARR Mathewson Wm R elk The ARR Matich Geo
Matson B O cook The ARR
Matson John lab The ARR
Matson Victor (Matson & Links)
Matson & Links (V Matson W T Links) restr
Mattie C A
Mattson A B lab The ARR Mauros Gus lab The ARR Maxwel Fred B mach The ARR Mayne John whsemn The ARR Meehan J H blksmith The ARR Meehan Robert J janitor Melickian A H lab The ARR Mendes Minna
Meredith Edward lab The ARR Merenda Jos soft drinks Merkuris G A lab The ARR Merino Nick
Merrill Jacob lab The ARR Metzdorf C R foremn The ARR Metsdorf Dewey W whsemn The ARR
MEYER A H L, Sec-Treas Brown & Hawkins Corp
Meyer John J (North Pole Bakery) Meyer Mabel J elk The ARR Meyers August lab The ARR Mezzacappa Tony lab The ARR Michick Steven lab The ARR Middleton Earl E lab The ARR Mihoky Chas boilermkr The ARR
Mikami Geo janitor The ARR Miljevich John lab The ARR Mill W E
Miller Benj lab The ARR
Miller Burgon foremn The ARR
Miller Edw lab The ARR
Miller H A carp The ARR
Miller H C lab The ARR
Miller H K agt The ARR
Miller Ira S carp
Miller J E tmstr The ARR
Miller Ketch carp
Miller M G cook The ARR
Miller Oscar
Miller Peter lab The ARR Miller Philip lab The ARR Mills Henry A carp
Minnis John mach The ARR
Mitchell Hiram W janitor
Mitchell Isabelle N wtrs Robt Kavara
Moe Gust lab The ARR
Moehring Albt T slsmn
Moline Ernest lab The ARR
Moller A K foremn The ARR
Monahan P J lab The ARR
Monan Edw J mach The ARR
Mondor Emmett
Montgomery J D lab The ARR
Montijo Danl lab The ARR
Moor Danl H lab The ARR
Moore Andre Mrs Moore Edw G lab The ARR Moore E M lab The ARR Moore Geo lab The ARR Moore Geo R eng The ARR Moore G V baker The ARR Moore Jerry E porter The ARR Moore John lab The ARR Moore John J C cond The ARR Moore J K firemn The ARR Moore Marion C tchr Moreland John lab The ARR Morgan Thos carp The ARR Morgan W J foremn The ARR Morris Abe mach The ARR Morrisey Patk lab The ARR Morrison Frank lab The ARR Morrison Geo A Mrs cook The ARR Morrison Hotel (Mrs Mary Morrison) Morrison John tinsmith Morrison Mary Mrs (Morrison Hotel) Morsendo Jos
Mortimer Chas W foremn The ARR Mosher Eve (Mosher & Smith)
Mosher & Smith (Eve Mosher Marie Smith) hairdrsrs Motschman R A lab The ARR Mourens G
MOYER RALPH N, V-Pres Bank of Anchorage
Moynihan Patk lab The ARR Mozee Benj B supt Native Schools Mucha F W lab The ARR Mulcahy Neal lab The ARR Mulcahy Wm F asst aud The ARR Mullins Nathan O mach The ARR Mumford Geo F elk The ARR Murphy Frank lab The ARR Murphy John J lab The ARR Murphy J C
Murphy Katie wtrs The ARR Murphy Michl D brkmn The ARR Murphy Patk J lawyer Murphy R D foremn The ARR Murray J J car insp The ARR Murray Patk lab The ARR Murray Wm carp The ARR
MURRY T V, Sec-Treas New Method Tailors-Cleaners Inc MURRY WM T, Pres New Method Tailors-Cleaners Inc
Myers John
Myers W lab The ARR Myhrberg Rex E carp The ARR Myhre A D carp The ARR Nadon J R lab The ARR Nagorski Jas lab The ARR Nakkio Robt lab The ARR Namur Brun eng The ARR Namuro Harry lab Nancheff P V lab The ARR Nash Jos janitor The ARR
Naughton Peter lab The ARR Naugle Ralph B lab The ARR Neal G F lab The ARR Needham N S foremn The ARR Nehf H L
Neilsen Axel lab The ARR Neilsen Einar lab The ARR Neilson Oscar C blksmith The ARR Nelson Albt firemn The ARR Nelson Anthony E driller The ARR Nelson Anton miner The ARR Nelson Axel lab The ARR Nelson Carl M lab The ARR Nelson Chas driller The ARR Nelson Chas O foremn The ARR Nelson Emerick T wtr The ARR Nelson E K lab The ARR Nelson Fred mach The ARR
Nelson Geo P cook The ARR Nelson Harry tlr Nelson Helmer lab The ARR Nelson John powdermn The ARR Nelson John carp The ARR Nelson J V elk The ARR Nelson Mollie cook The ARR Nelson M janitor The ARR Nelson Nels M carp The ARR Nelson Nels W lab The ARR Nelson N P foremn The ARR Nelson Peter lab The ARR Nelson T W eng The ARR Nelson W R dftsmn The ARR Ness Harry lab The ARR Nestor Michl lab The ARR
NEW METHOD TAILORS-CLEANERS INC, W T Murry Pres, H F Stoy V-Pres, T V Murry Sec-Treas, Tailors and Cleaners (See p 56)
Newberg Emil lab The ARR Newman John lab The ARR
Nichols R H agt The ARR Nichols W A lab The ARR Nicholson Jas M foremn ARC Nickey Robt
Niemi Aug stmftr The ARR NIEMINEN J, Asst Cashr, Bank of Alaska
Noble Harry J firemn The ARR Noble Jas lab The ARR Nolan S J wtr The ARR Noonan John lab The ARR Norby J A cranemn The ARR Nord John powdermn The ARR Nord Oscar lab The ARR Nordgren Geo carp Norris Ralph B electn The ARR North Pole Bakery (J J Meyer)
Romig Agt
Northern Hotel (Edw Botts) Nottveit Iver Brkmn The ARR Novachek J F carp The ARR Nugent Thos lab The ARR Nyberg S O insp The ARR Nyblom John lab The ARR Nylen Geo miner The ARR Nylund John lab The ARR O'Brien Amalie Mrs O'Brien Bert miner The ARR O'Brien Jos lab The ARR O'Brien Patk lab The ARR O^Brien Thos lab The ARR O'Bryan Jessie dry gds
O'Bryan Mary Mrs O'Connell Hank firemn The ARR O'Dale Thos M wharfinger The ARR O'Donnell Frank mach The ARR O'Donnell Hugh lab The ARR O'Donnell Jas lab The ARR Officer Asa lab The ARR O'Hagen Michl lab The ARR Ohls Werner lab The ARR Ohnhauser Leo lab The ARR Ohrbeck Mantor lab The ARR Ohrem Chas lab The ARR O'Langan P H lab The ARR Olansson Torgel lab The ARR Oldfin E C elk The ARR Olin H P
Oliver Arthur E lab The ARR Oliver T Scott storekpr The ARR Oliver W H firemn The ARR Olsan Chas E supt of schools Olsen Edw E watchmkr Olsen Erich (Allen Transfer) Olsen Peter (Wright & Olsen) Olsen Simon P carp The ARR Olson D S lab The ARR Olson Edw lab The ARR Olson Emil driller The ARR Olson Geo cook Olson John W lab The ARR Olson Peter J carp The ARR Olson Saml
Olsson G Carl lab The ARR O'Neill Arthur C mach The ARR O'Neill Fred M mach The ARR O'Neill John eng The ARR Onofrio J Marino Orr Jessie
Orr Thos K cook The ARR Hosp Ortman Aug F lab The ARR Osborn Harold elk The ARR Osborn J N lab The ARR O'Shaughnessy Chris lab The ARR O'Shea Frank cond The ARR Oskolkoff Steve P eng Pioneer Steam Lndy Ostrander Stephen W lab The ARR Owen John lab The ARR
Pacific Coast Steamship Co Brice H Howard agt Packebush Robt firemn The ARR Pafelis Thos lab The ARR Pagonis Jas lab The ARR Palmer C W elk The ARR
Palmer Halvert O asst ens: Anchorage Fire Dept Palmer H C brkmn The ARR
Palmer P A lab The ARR
Pannon J F lab The ARR
Panucina Michl restr wkr Robt Kavara
Pappadis Geo restr
PARISH CYCLE CO (T N Parish), Indian Motorcycles and Bicycles, Remington and Underwood Typewriters and Supplies, Typewriter, Motorcycle and Bicycle Repairing (See P 51)
PARISH TRUMAN N (Parish Cycle Co)
Pariso John pumpmn The ARR Parker Chas L mach The ARR Parker Frank E gro Parker Glen
Parks Geo A chief of field div U S Land Office
Parmenter Albt F miner
Parnattoni Saml cook
Parrish Jos lab The ARR
Parsons Fred (Parsons Hotel)
Parsons Hotel (Fred and Jack Parsons)
Parsons Jack (Parsons Hotel)
Patten Jonn lab The ARR
Patterson David L
Patterson Geraldine wtrs G Pappadis
Pavich John lab The ARR
Peabody L J lab The ARR
Pearson A R lab The ARR
Pearson Edw lab The ARR
Pearson Swan firemn The ARR
Pedersen Chas expmn
Pedersen Jas lab The ARR
Feirce Vincent H elk The ARR
Pelcher Chas
Peltier W M agt The ARR
Peltzer Chas H lab The ARR
Fennel! f rank lab The ARR
Pennington John W miner
Pennoyer Henry lab The ARR
Pererell Edw orderly The ARR Hosp
Peretti John lab The ARR
Perlman Chiam lab The ARR
Perry Al lab The ARR
Perry A F elk The ARR
Perry Wm V pumpmn The ARR
Peterkin Thos eng The ARR
Peters A E lab The ARR
Peters M F foremn The ARR
Petersen Walter lab The ARR
Peterson Andw lab The ARR
Peterson Constance J elk The ARR
Peterson C Fredk dairy
Peterson Gus M lab The ARR
Peterson J H presmn Alaska Publishing Co
Peterson Peter lab The ARR
Peterson Roy electn
Peterson Thora Mrs Peterson Thoralf Petri Frank lab The ARR Petroff Marion lab The ARR Petrosso Emilio lab The ARR Petrovich Chris lab The ARR Petty M A dispr The ARR Peyser Maud Mrs dry gds Pevser Max tlr
Pfeil Emil blksmith The ARR Phillip S E lab The ARR Phillips Chas miner The ARR Picotte Jos eng The ARR Pierce Jas (Allen Transfer) Pike Gertrude cook The ARR Pilcher I W foremn The ARR Pioneer Hall
PIONEER SHEET METAL WORKS (Henry Pope, Henry Wolf), Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Workers, Stoves and Ranges, Furnaces and Iron Pipe and Fittings (See p 56)
Pioneer Steam Laundry (Eli Dehon)
Pioneers of Alaska Anchorage Igloo No 15 meets every Friday
night Henry Sogn pres C R Booth sec I Bayles treas Pisa Jos lab The ARR Pisacic Helen wtrs Gezovich & Glomazich Plechash Louis lab The ARR Poscgas Geo lab The ARR Polasek Jos lab The ARR Poletto Santo driller The ARR Pollard C A (Dental Clinic Inc) Pollock Carl D eng The ARR Pomeroy E D lab The ARR POPE HENRY (Pioneer Sheet Metal Works) Popiduk Michl driller The ARR Poppoff Vassil lab The ARR Porter Edwin P lab The ARR Porter E E timekpr The ARR Porter Frank J tmstr Porter Harry H mldr The ARR Porter John carp The ARR Posth F lab The ARR Potter Geo E chkr The ARR Potter Harvey lab The ARR Powell Geo A cook The ARR Powless L A carp The ARR Pradella Jos elk Jos Merenda Prather A N elk The ARR Presley J C lab The ARR Prew Fred E cranemn The ARR Price Amanda Mrs restr Price Chas lab The ARR Price David lab The ARR Price John S plmbr The ARR
Price Lois E elk The ARR
Price Michl carp The ARR
Price Thos C lawyer
Price Wm lab The ARR
Prpich Jos lab The ARR
Prpich Michl lab The ARR
Puggo Jas lab The ARR
Quinn David A lab The ARR
Quinn John F lab The ARR
Quinn Robt whsemn The ARR
Quinton C E barber L A Haley
Race Walter M
Radich Saml foremn The ARR
Radovich Eli powdermn The ARR
Raganovich Milo lab The ARR
Rager Wm H lawyer U S Commissioner
Raich Matt billiards
Raivo Frank cigars
Rasmussen A P mach The ARR
RASMUSON E A, Pres Bank of Alaska
Rathbun Walter R wire chief U S Tel & Tel Co
Ratliffe Jas R lab The ARR
Rawson John gro
Ray Geo driller The ARR
Ray L V (Ray & David) res Seward
RAY & DAVID (L V Ray, Leopold David) Lawyers
Raymond Bessie C Mrs
Raymond Beulah smstrs
Raynor F Edna elk The ARR
Raynor Sidney film opr
Reane Thos lab The ARR
Receor Stephen lab The ARR
Reddy John foremn The ARR
Redwood Frank pumpmn The ARR
Redwood Harriett Mrs
Reece Carrie A elk The ARR Hosp
Reece Leila sten
Reed Earl G caretkr The ARR
REED FRANK I (Hotel Anchorage)
Reed Grant agt The ARR
Regan Matt pumpmn The ARR
Reiter J M mech The ARR
Remcke Annette music tchr
Remi Jordan cook The ARR
Renault Philip lab The ARR
Rendell Loris smstrs
Renner John carp The ARR
Reno Floyd lab The ARR
Rentfro Jonn L plmbr
Rentscheler G W lab The ARR
Rex Harvey E lab The ARR
Rhinehart J H lab The ARR
Rhodes Steven R (Rhodes & Willard)
Rhodes & Willard (S R Rhodes A W Willard) 2d hd gds
Richards Henry lab The ARR
Richardson D F brkmn The ARR
Richardson Geo E lab The ARR
Richie Robt lab The ARR
Richmond C E confr
Richter Bath House (Geo Valaer)
Richter Ernest miner
Riley Harry foremn The ARR
Riley Thos lab The ARR
Rinaldi Josephine Mrs (Washington Hotel)
Rinehart Dick mgr Chicaloon Real Estate Co Inc
Ringstad Peter H bkpr
Rivers Carl eng The ARR
Rivers Victor E eng The ARR
Roach L D elk Alaska Steamship Co
Robarts J E soft drinks
Roberts Chas miner
Roberts C B lab The ARR
Roberts Jean
Robinson Enos lab The ARR Robinson R B pntr The ARR Rodenberg A F gro Roderick John brkmn The ARR Rodgers V S firemn The ARR Rogers Henry lab The ARR Rohde A C caulker The ARR Rolakes Efine N lab The ARR Rolfs H J watchmn The ARR
ROMIG ROBERT H, Specializing in Insurance Service, Accident, Health, Life, Fire, Automobile, Workmen's Compensation, Bonds and Liability Insurance Adjustor, 707 4th, Tel 152, Res Tel 170 (See p 52)
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Rose David S asst trainmaster The ARR
Rose Geo H elk The ARR
Rose Louis baker The ARR
Rosenbauer Jay D lab The ARR
Roseta Danl lab The ARR
Rosness J eng The ARR
Ross Ernest A carp The ARR
Ross H W contr
Ross John lab
Ross John T janitor
Ross Louise sten
Ross Scott lab The ARR
Rouse C C cook The ARR
Royal Cafe (John and Nick Sultan)
Ruane Austin lab The ARR
Rudyk Saml lab The ARR
Rupert Jonn P lab The ARR
Russell Oueenie elk The ARR
Russell Norman brkmn The ARR
Rust Geo lab The ARR Rutback Edw lab The ARR Ryan Geo cook Ryan Jas lab The ARR Ryan John firernn The ARR Ryan J F lab The ARR Rystad I carp The ARR
St Clair Jas foremn The ARR Saare Kal lab The ARR Saarela Hj aimer carp Sagen Geo lab The ARR Sager Chas brkmn The ARR Samas Thos lab The ARR Sampson Edw lab The ARR Samson Oscar cook The ARR Sanders C W firemn The ARR Sapp Jas R acct The ARR Saunders Otis lab The ARR Savola Emil carp The ARR Schafer Jean
Schechter Wm lab The ARR Scheiber C G lab The ARR Schell Layton elk U S Tel & Tel Co Schiek John R cond The ARR Schiffer C H lab The ARR Schiro Herman pntr The ARR Schmidt Carl acct The ARR Schmitbauer Jos soft drinks Schodde Fred H cigars Schou Fred lab The ARR Schuber John miner The ARR Schultz Catherine elk A E Ashton Schultz Harry E Schultz L lab The ARR
kJVllUklllV^ J X X XX WXXXv^WX
Schwarz Geo F lab The ARR
SCOTT RAY O, Foreman Alaska Publishing Co
Seaburg Aug carp The ARR Seattle Hotel (J J Mclsaacs) Seeley Lawlor lab The ARR Seelman Ted lab The ARR Seely Jos C chf acct The ARR Sellander C J lab The ARR Seller Harry G lab The ARR Seprovich Tony lab The ARR Serrick Wm miner The ARR Sessions A Richard elk Settle Carl pntr The ARR Settle Geo lab The ARR Settle Jos lab The ARR Severns Olive Mrs Severson Geo driller The ARR Seymour Rex S lab The ARR Shackleton J lab The ARR
Shader Harry W mach The ARR Shank Frank brkmn The ARR Shanklin R E cook The ARR
Sharp Maurice L coal analyst U S Bureau of Mines
Sharp Ray lab The ARR
Sharpless Seth K asst trainmaster The ARR
Sheehan Thos M foremn The ARR
Sheehan Thos S brkmn
Shetfabarger Maxwell M lab The ARR
Sherlock Jas J miner
Sherman W A barber L A Haley
Sherrell Lee R lab The ARR
Sherwin W R carp The ARR
Shibley A L lab The ARR
Shinn Moses mech The ARR
Ship Creek Market (Oscar Anderson) meats
Ship Hotel (Geo Baker)
SHONBECK ARTHUR A, Agent For Giant Powder Co Consolidated, Dealer in Hay and Grain, Gasoline, Kerosene, Oils and Greases, Authorized Ford Dealer (See p 53)
Sidenberg Harry men's furngs Siebenthaler F A wtr The ARR Siebenthaler John M carp The ARR Silverman Sol asst storekpr The ARR Simmons Fred J lab The ARR Simmons W S carp The ARR Simms Chas J reprmn The ARR Simms John
Simons Adam eng The ARR
Simonson Hans lab The ARR
Simonson Ingebrigt S plmbr The ARR
Simonson Rasmus I lab
Simonson Solomon wtr The ARR
bimonton J L foremn The ARR
Sims John lab The ARR
Simson Lipmen gen mdse
Sinclair M W carp
Skarstad David carp The ARR
Skidiff Geo lab The ARR
Skogman Carl lab The ARR
Skyhock Cloyd F firemn The ARR
Slater John B lab The ARR
Slavin Lawrence lab The ARR
Sluder Jesse D tmstr
Small Alice Mrs cook The ARR
Small Geo D mach The ARR
Smick J L lab The ARR
Smith A G carp The ARR
Smith Babe
Smith C E trucker The ARR Smith E L lab The ARR Smith Frank H insp The ARR Smith Geo C lab The ARR
Smith Jas janitor The ARR Smith J K lab The ARR Smith J Roy lab The ARR Smith L F timekpr The ARR Smith Marie (Mosher & Smith) Smith Mary M wtrs Smith T J lab The ARR Smith Wm lab The ARR Smith W A firemn The ARR Snider Alice cook The ARR Snider Gerritt foremn The ARR Snyder Barbara wtrs Snyder Harry M lab The ARR Soderberg Alvin lab The ARR Soderquist Edw lab The ARR Socha Stanley car repr The ARR
SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES, Donald L McGinnis Distributor
Sodoma Leo lab The ARR
Sofoulis J A cook The ARR
Sogn Harold E elk
Sogn Henry S asst post master
Sohler Wm lab The ARR
Solberg Jonas lab The ARR
Solomon Jacob tlr
Spacek Chas lab The ARR
Spach Fred J dftsmn The ARR
Spadaro Frank foremn The ARR
Spalding Chas S miner
SPALDING E M, Physician and Surgeon, Masonic Temple
Spath Karl lab The ARR Spencer Wm G blksmith The ARR Sperstad Edw K miner The ARR Speybrook Leo pntr The ARR
Q_:..1_ T 1„U T"U ~ ADD
OpiIlK J VV 1mM—
Davis John boatbldr Metlakatla Davis L M gen mdse Dolomi Dawson Wm N Kenai Day Jos Tenakee
Dayton A J (Red Cross Drug Co) U
S Comnr Ruby DeArmond R W U S Comnr Sitka Debien Chas trapper Beaver deBlondeau J H strawberry grower
Deep Sea Salmon Co fish canners
Hoonah DeGrande S rancher Haines Deitsch Geo F lab The ARR Meta-
Delamater H H U S Comnr Hoonah Delon Philip I postmaster Holy Cross DeMar Fred Fort Yukon Demeree E J postmaster Tyee DeMichale Michaele Fort Yukon Demmert Bros gen mdse Shakan Demmert Geo postmaster Bayview Dempsey Michl lab The ARR Mata-nuska
Demytt Leo J Douglas
Denek Christ lab K C Corp Kennecott
Denhart Paul (Stewart & Denhart)
Richardson Dennis Peter lab K C Corp Kennecott Denny L D eng The ARR Healy Depue R dep U S Marshal St Michael Deschamps J lab K C Corp Kennecott Desormier Jas trapper Beaver DeVane Thos J Ruby DeVane Willis gen mdse Ruby deWeiss Henri janitor K C Corp La-
DeWitt Lawrence miner Gulkana Diederick Theo postmaster Tanana Diggs Robt postmaster Jonesville Dillon J S cond The ARR Curry Dimidoff T F Sitka Dineen John storekpr K C Corp Kennecott Dodd John Nolan Dodge Wm Hoonah
Doherty John miner K C Corp Kennecott
Dolan Peter lab The ARR Matanuska Dome Creek Mining Co Eagle Dcminque Frank Douglas Donaldson Carl lab K C Corp La-touche
Donnelly Harry gen mdse Iditarod Donovan John JUS Comnr Healy
Doogan Theo J Douglas Dorey Fred Hyder
Dorwin W J pumpmn The ARR Montana
Dot^on Theresa Mrs postmaster Am-alga
Doty & Linton gen mdse Baranof Douglas Dairy Douglas Douglas Frank lab K C Corp Kennecott
Douglas Steam Laundry Douglas Douglas Wm C shift boss K C Corp Kennecott
Dove Theo miner Eagle
Dew Peter miner Wiseman
Downer A J agt The ARR Girdwood
Drager Karl A logger Kodiak
Drain Fredk in chg St Luke's Indian
Mission Salchaket Dreher Andw gro Haines Driffield F C postmaster Unsra Drossis Agelos lab The ARR Matanuska
Duban Saml (English Feger & Du-
ban) gen mdse Hughes Dudney Clarence dep U S Marshal
Dugan R H Hot Springs Dugdell W H fox breeder Katalla
Duggin Edwin J miner K C Corp La-
touche Dull John A Eek Island Duncan John miner Rampart Dunklee Marie T postmaster Sitka Dunn John W lawyer Ruby Durkin Harry Ruby Duvall J Wm logger The ARR Indian Dwyer J J dep U S Marshal Brooks Dwyer V L postmaster gen mdse
Eagan Danl F (Eagan & Griffin)
Eagan & Griffin (D F Eagan E F Griffin) gen mdse Meehan
Eagle-Dawson Stage Line (John B Powers) Eagle
Eagle Trading Co (Clyde A Thompson) Eagle
Eagles Hall Ruby
Early O N gen mdse Yakutat
Eaton Geo miner Wiseman
Eaton Perry Kodiak
Eberly & Arnold lbr mfrs Katalla
Edwards Albt E gen mdse Fortuna Ledge
Edwards A dockmn AGMCo Thane Edwards Bros gen mdse Cripple Eggert W C mach K C Corp Kennecott
Elden John dep coir in chg TJ S Customs Fortymiie Ellamar Mining Co gen mdse Ellamar Ellingson Knute miner Wiseman Elliott W D agt The ARR Matanuska Ellis Jesse H mech K C Corp Kennecott
Emard M gen mdse Richardson Emerson Oscar miner Tanana Engberg Victor carp K C Corp La-touche
Enge John (Treadwell Bakery) Tread-well
Englar D R gen mdse Chitina English Feger & Duban (W D English Los Freger Sam Duban) gen mdse Bettles English Wm D (English Feger & Duban) postmaster Bettles Envall Gus eng The ARR Indian Episcopal Church Rev Geo E Howard
pastor Sitka Estabrook Harvey Hot Springs Evans Jas postmaster Metlakatla Evans John W Koyukuk Evans Thos miner Rampart Everman B J lab The ARR Matanuska Erickson Aaron firemn K C Corp Kennecott
Erickson A F postmaster Latouche Erickson Eva wtrs The ARR Curry Erickson John B miner K C Corp
Kennecott Erickson Victor miner Eureka Er^ey Michl miner Bonnifield Erskin Alvin C Kodiak Erskin E Hildred Mrs tchr Kodiak Erskin W J Co gen mdse Kodiak Eureka Trading & Saw Mill Co lbr
Everson Emil (Olson & Everson) Eureka
Faddis W R gen mdse McCarthy
Faherty Jas Douglas
Fairbanks Richardson Stage (Roy Lund) Richardson
Falsted John J Afognak
Farley Michl Wiseman
Farrell Jas H gen mdse Iditarod
Feger & Duban (Los Feger Saml Duban) gen mdse Koyukuk
Feger Los (English Feger & Duban) Bettles
Felder & Gale gen mdse Akiak Felder John W (Felder & Gale) postmaster Bethel Fenton Warren GUS Mineral surv
Ferguson Frank R postmaster Shung-
XI Elk
Ferrin Al (Pratt & Ferrin) Hope
Ferris Jas miner Beaver
Ferry Hugh lab The ARR Matnuska
Fese Leo miner K C Corp Latouche
Feusi John furn Douglas
Fidalgo Island Packing Co fish can-
ners Herendeen Bay Fields G H Klawock Filson Thos Sitka
Fince Steve miner K C Corp Kenne-cott
Fink Andw A trapper Hot Springs Finley S B car insp The ARR Healy Finnan Carol T emp K C Corp Kenne-cott
First Presbyterian Church Rev R A
Buchanan pastor Sitka First Territorial Bank of Alaska P
R Bradley (Juneau) pres Douglas
Fish Al trapper Eagle
Fish Frank trapper Eagle
Fish Hatchery (Territorial) F R
Lucas supt Afognak Fisher D J lab The ARR Healy Fitt John Stephens Village Fitzpatrick John lab K C Corp Latouche Flat City Hotel Flat Fleming Geo A fox breeder Latouche Foley Harry miner Wiseman Foord Jas C postmaster Myers Chuck Footmen John trapper Hot Springs Ford W roadhouse Hot Springs Forrest Earle M postmaster Akiak Forsell C A timekpr K C Corp Kenne-cott
Fort Egbert Post J P O'Callaghan caretkr Eagle
Foss Harold postmaster Iliamna
Foster Frank Fort Yukon
Foster Wm trapper Hot Springs
Fox Walter C phys Eagle
Foy Geo miner Beaver
Frame Grover Hyder
Frame John W U S Comnr Hyder
Frame J Wm Chitina
Frank Carl Wiseman
Frank Jas R Eureka
Franklin Packing Co fish canners Latouche
Fransen G Wiseman
Freeburn Jas L postmaster Chichagof
French Carl Haines
Friffield F C U S Comnr Unga
Fri?k Peter trapper Circle
Fritsch Aug miner Eagle
Froelich Arthur (Froelich & Kohmer) Eagle
Froelich & Kohmer (A Froelich H
Kohmer) mining Eagle Fujita Thos M restr Wrangell Fullerton Jas E gen mdse Iditarod Gaither B W missionarv (Episcopal)
Gale J W pumpmn The ARR Canyon Galen Jas Chitina
Gallagher H P agt The ARR Gilmore
Gallivas F A J gen mdse Douglas
Gamble John E Sitka
Garhom Henry rancher Haines
Garland M firemn The ARR Curry
Gam Adolph W Douglas
Garn Mary Douglas
Garrett Wm E U S Comnr Rampart
Garrison D J whsemn K C Corp Latouche
Garwood Chas Chitina
Gastonguav Emil M mgr AGMCo Thane
Gebich Eli miner K C Corp Kennecott Gelineau J Richd (Sealey & Gelineau) Latouche
Georgeson C C in chg U S Experimental Station Sitka
Georgeson Margaret T weather observer Sitka
Gerald Knute Ruby Gerhart C B gen mdse Pymute Gestner Mack A tlr Haines Getchell Geo dep U S Marshal Douglas
Gibbon Frank firemn K C Corp Latouche
Gibbs Austin lab The ARR Mata-
Gibbs Bertha cook The ARR Mata-
Gibson Jas Mrs lndrs Haines Gilbert Wm miner Nolan Gilkey Norman F postmaster Tread-well
Gill John L postmaster Cape Fan-shaw
Gill M S miner Eureka Gill W T elk The ARR Curry Gillespie F B phys Kennecott Gillespie G E assayer K C Corp Latouche
Gillis M (Mahan & GiHis) Livengood Gillman M A foremn The ARR Mata-
Gilmore T J foremn The ARR Mata-nuska
Giroux Al Hot Springs
Gish Victor S postmaster Mile Seven
Glacier Creek Gold Mining Co H G Knight mgr Haines
Glacier Mining Co Haines
Glad Harold mach K C Corp Kennecott
Goddard A C rancher Haines Goddard Fred L sanitarium Sanitarium Goetz John Rampart Gold Bullion Mining Co Wasilla Goodwiek S W cook The ARR Broad Pass
Grahn Carl emp K C Corp Kennecott Grammer L E U S mineral surv Ko-diak
Grand The (Geo Mutchler) soft drinks Flat
Grant Frank lab The ARR Indian
Graves F H reprmn K C Corp Latouche
Graves H A Treadwell
Grav Arthur B foremn The ARR Healy
Gray Felix U S Comnr Douglas
Gray Nocholas Kodiak
Green Butte Mine McCarthy
Green Danl (Hot Springs Roadhouse) Hot Springs
Green Geo (Alaska River Navigation Co) McGrath
Green Jas R miner Eureka
Green V O dep U S Marshal Wiseman
Green W E U S Comnr McGrath Greene B A Mrs opr The ARR Broad
Greene W H agt The ARR Broad
Greenfield R A reprmn K C Corp Latouche
Gregorioff Sanafont carp Afognak Griffin A J postmaster Richardson Griffin Edw F (Eagan & Griffin) Meehan
Griffin Geo W U S Comnr Richardson
Griffith Elizabeth postmaster Gul-kana
Griffith E Mrs (Chitina Hotel) Chitina
Grosvold Andw postmaster Sand Point
Gruber Frank miner K C Corp Latouche
Grubich Michl miner K C Corp Latouche Grundler Gus Douglas Guerin J R Douglas Gularthe Manuel Flat
Alaska Territorial List of Names— Continued
Gulkana Trading Co gen mdse Gul-kana
Gullufsen Geo lab K C Corp Latouche Gunz Emma nurse Fort Tukon Gurtler E O gen mdse Montevideo Guy Job shift boss K C Corp Latouche
Guy's Drug Store (Guy L Smith) Douglas
Haarvie Arnulf gen mdse Poorman Hackmeister E Douglas Hadley J P postmaster Kotzebue Hagan Jas dep U S Marshal Nenana Haggerty Valentine Haines Haines Hotel (Stephen Sheldon) Haines
Haines Packing Co fish canners Let-inkoff
Haines Telephone Co Haines Haldane B A gen mdse Metlakatla Haley Chas tmstr Sitka Haley Jas (Haley & Strum) Fort
Tukon Haley Julia curios Sitka Haley Thos Sitka
Haley & Strum (Jas Haley & Chas
Strum) gen mdse Fort Yukon Halferty Z T postmaster Kodiak Hall J A Hyder Halvorsen L K gen mdse Craig Hamilton Doc miner Eagle Hamilton O J electn Sitka Hana Geo fox breeder Latouche Handley Chas M miner Porcupine Handy M E bakery Tenakee Handy & Sharik mining Haines Hansen E elk U S Experimental Station Sitka Hanson N G postmaster hdw Haines Harber Wm L postmaster U S Comnr
Fort Yukon Harden P L pumpmn The ARR Willow
Hardmann E E Wasilla Harlor Donald M phys K C Corp Latouche
Harman W A agt The ARR Wasilla Harries Eug T postmaster Toft3r Hart Frank asst cashr K C Corp Latouche
Hartwig Wm dep IT S Marshal Hot Springs
Harvey Saml miner Circle Haslam Peter miner Wiseman Hately Alexander game warden Mc-Grath
Hawkesworth Chas W postmaster
Hydaburg Hawley F L miner Rampart Haycock John carp The ARR Curry Headquarters The cigars Tanana Healy Harry freighter Fort Yukon Hearn Edw miner Richardson Heckman H E & Co gen mdse Loring Hegberg Emil firemn The ARR
Heimbach Edw R Wasilla Heins A B postmaster Snettisham Heinman Roy No Grub Creek Heitman Aug lab Kodiak Hellenthal T A Treadwell Henrickson Arthur hlpr K C Corp Latouche
Henry T J gen mdse Sitka Hensley Roy miner Salchaket Herbert John (Oberg & Herbert) Candle
Herbst John trapper Hot Springs Herm Willis rancher Haines Herning M A Wasilla Herning O G mining Knik Heron J L dep U S Marshal Bethel Herrick Robert lab The ARR Healy Hesn Louis miner K C Corp Latouche Hewitt Fearn eng K C Corp Kenne-cott
Hewson Moses A gen mdse Metlakatla
Hibbs C E (C E Hibbs & Co) postmaster Craig
Hibbs C E & Co (C E Hibbs) gen mdse Craig
Higgins Geo blksmith K C Corp Latouche
Higgins Harry carp Haines Higgins Jos lab The ARR Matanuska Hill C G fox breeder Sanitarium Hill Earl G storekpr K C Corp Latouche
Hill E Coke lawyer Ruby
Hill Jas E dep U S Marshal Seldovia
Hill John miner K C Corp Kennecott
Hill M nurse Aletna
Hill Oren F postmaster Hyder
Hillar Geo (Munson's Roadhouse & Trading Post) Salchaket
Hilliard J J dep coir in chg U S Customs Eagle
Hillman Henry Ruby
Hillman O G (Kane & Hillman) Hoonah
Hills F A U S Comnr Chichagof Hinchman Geo W gen mdse Haines Hirst Bernard gen mdse Sitka Hirst-Chichagof Mining Co mining
Chichagof Hjort Peter reprmn K C Corp Latouche
Hodgson T W foremn K C Mines Latouche
Hoffman A Frank dep U S Marshal
Matanuska Hoffman Fred H trapper Hot Springs Hoffman Geo gen mdse Bethel Hoffman Geo roadhouse Natamute Hoffman M T Mrs women's furng gds
Hofstad Birgitte Mrs postmaster Doyhof
Hogan Harry Hyder
Hogan Ole foremn The ARR Matanuska
Hogan Thos lab K C Corp Kennecott Holden Paul lab The ARR Curry Holgate Wm farmer Haines Hollander Genidal lab K C Corp Latouche
Holland Geo lab K C Corp Latouche Holm Oscar tlr Sitka Holmberg Mary C postmaster Sanitarium
Holstrom John (Holstrom & Rosenberg) Circle
Holstrom & Rosenberg (John Holstrom Frank Rosenberg) mining Circle
Hoizer John miner Nolan Holy Cross Mission Holy Cross Hood John Nolan
Hoonah Fox Co fox breeders Hoonah Hoonah Packing Co fish canners
Hoonah Horton Henry Port Moller Horton Truman A (Horton & Moore)
Fort Yukon Horton & Moore (Truman A Horton)
gen mdse Fort Yukon Hoskins Wm shoemkr Haines Hotch Danl Haines Hotch & Son gen mdse Klukwan Hot Springs Roadhouse (Danl Green)
Hot Springs Hot Springs Telegraph Co Hot Springs Houts Abbie Mrs sanitarium Bell
Island Hot Springs Howard David fishermn Sitka Howard Frank E U S Comnr Tanana Howard Geo E Rev pastor Episcopal
Ch Sitka Howard Jas fishermn Sitka Howard John pumpmn The ARR
Broad Pass Howell Sylvester Hot Springs Huddleston Frank Hot Springs
Huey Geo W U S Comnr Wiseman Humphries A H acct K C Corp Ken-necott
Humple Harry wtr The ARR Curry Hunter Hotel (Emil Uberti) Doug-las Hunter H Roy postmaster Fortuna
Ledge Hunter S C Haines Huntington Jas gen mdse Hughes Huntington Jas trader Alatna Hurlburt Milo postmaster Seldovia Hurley John miner Wiseman Hydaburg Trading Co gen mdse
Hydaburg Hyder Commercial Co gen mdse
Hyder Lumber Co Hyder
Hyland M brkmn The ARR Broad
Iback & Ross fox breeder Hoonah Tditarod Telephone Co Flat Illicman Chas Goose Creek Independent Lumber Co Fuby Irish Chas miner Bettles Irvine Harry W Douglas Israelson Ernest miner K C Corp La-touche
Italio T M gen mdse Yakutat Ivenoff Stephen reindeer breeder
Shaktolik Iverson Louis miner Rampart Jackson Effie postmaster Salchaket Jackson Frank trapper Fort Yukon Jackson N E lab K C Corp Kennecott Jackson Robt farmer Hot Springs Jacobsen E M ranger U S Forest
Service Katalla Jacobsen Peter lab K C Corp Kennecott
Jacobsen T J fishermn Sitka Jacobsgaard Nettie S postmaster Kiviguk
Jakeman Wm lab The ARR Matanuska
Jarman Wm Mrs Douglas Jensen Chris carp K C Corp Kennecott
Jensen Goodman miner Windham Jensen John H Flat Jerue Alex gen mdse Anvik Jesse's Grocery Ruby Jetlund Matt miner K C Corp La-touche
Jette Julius Rev pastor St Aloysius
Catholic Church Tanana Johansen Anton saw mill Seldovia Johansen Bros gen mdse Chicken Johnson Alvin B reprmn K C Corp
Latouche Johnson Andw trapper Fort Yukon Johnson Axel miner Eagle Johnson A logger The ARR Indian Johnson Carl foremn ARC Talkeetna Johnson C A lab The ARR Matanuska Johnson Edw miner Circle Johnson Edw L eng K C Corp Kennecott
Johnson Eric dep U S Marshal Council
Johnson Ernest miner Bettles Johnson Frank miner Ruby Johnson Fred fishermn Sitka Johnson G A mill wkr K C Corp
Kennecott Johnson Henry reprmn K C Corp Latouche
Johnson Louis Wood River Johnson Mary Mrs Sitka Johnson Michl Gulkana Johnson N E logger The ARR Indian Johnson Otto miner K C Corp Latouche
Johnson Peter C fishermn Sitka Johnson P O lab K C Corp Kennecott Johnson Sandy miner Circle Johnson & Olson fox breeders Sitka Johnston E C storekpr U S Bureau of Fisheries St Paul Island
Johnston Jas W phys Sitka Jones B miner Rampart Jones Chas Ruby-Jones Harry Haines Jones M W lab K C Corp Kennecott Jones Robt miner Wiseman Jones W W Ruby
Jorgensen Einar lab K C Corp Latouche
Jorovich Michl min^r K C Corp Kennecott
Josephson Martin miner Bettles Joule Tony postmaster Tf.gara Jualin Alaska Mines Co mining Jualin Junz Henry Sleetmute Kadiak Fisheries Co gen mdse Kodiak Kalb E J lab K C Corp Kennecott Kaliman Geo pumpmn The ARR Curry
Kandal Wm miner Wiseman
Kane Louise H Mrs postmaster (Kane & Hillman) Hoonah
Kane L saw mill Hoonah
Kane & Hillman (L H Kane O G Hill-man) Hoonah
Kansby Jos lab K C Corp Kennecott Karadelnikoff Frank lab K C Corp Latouche
Karadich Jerry miner K C Corp Kennecott
Kashaveroff N P Rev (Russian Orthodox
Kaska Jas logger Haines
Katich Geo S miner K C Corp Latouche
Katoff Thos miner K C Corp Latouche Kauch Vincent lab K C Corp Kennecott
Kavanaugh H C dep U S Marshal
McCarthy Kay Geo Flat Kay Jas Flat
Kaznakoff John miner Sitka Kearney J E lab K C Corp Kennecott Kechergin Gregory weather observer
St Paul Island Keith R W Hyder Kelderhouse Chas lab Eagle Kelleher P J miner Wiseman Keller & Dunning lbr mfrs Seldovia Kelley J M lab The ARR Matanuska Kelley W H Treadwell Kelly Dennis lab K C Corp Latouche Kelly Frank M postmaster Eska Kelly Ira W postmaster Chomly Kellv Jas miner Wiseman Kelly J F lab The ARR Windy Kelly J F postmaster gen mdse
Miller House Kelly Mines Co Wasilla Kemp John A (J A Kemp & Co) postmaster Steel Creek Kemp J A & Co (John A Kemp) gen
mdse Steel Creek Kennedy E P postmaster Speel River Kennedy Jas F Teller Kennedy Peter (Commercial Hotel)
Chitina Kennedy Wm Tanana Kennedy W L cook The ARR Matanuska
Kennecott Copper Corporation mining Latouche
Kepper Michl emp K C Corp Kennecott
Keppler Geo cook The ARR Matanuska
Keritis Gus lab K C Corp Kennecott Kern Frank gen mdse Holy Cross Kettelson Theo supt Alaska Pioneers
Home Sitka Khalio A carp AGMCo Thane Kilburn L W agt Alaska Steamship
Co Douglas Kilgore A M Flat Kincaid Saml T miner Ruby King C R Rev Kodiak King Ernest (King & King) Bettles
Alaska Territorial Xdot of Name*—-Continued
King Jas Haines
King Jas jr fishermn Haines
King Jos Haines
King Matthew lab The ARR Mata-
nuska King Nick Douglas King Roy (King & King) Bettles King Thos gen mdse Charlie Creek King & Katz fox breeders Craig King & King (Ernest and Roy King)
fox breeders Bettles Kinoff Jas lab K C Corp Latouche Kingston John Fort Yukon Kinne A B postmaster Council Kirberger Ernest postmaster and
gen mdse Kake Kircheiner Chas Sitka Kirkham Jas O carp Douglas Klaich Vuko repr K C Corp Latouche Klawock Commercial Co gen mdse
Klawock Kleffen John miner Wiseman Klerck Alfred steward K C Corp Latouche
Klimesch & Watson gen mdse Anvik Klontech Chas game warden Sitka Klukwan Mercantile Co gen mdse Klukwan
Knezedich Michl lab K C Corp Kennecott
Knight H G mgr Glacier Creek Gold
Mining Co Haines Knoell W V insp The ARR Curry Knudsen Saml expmn Sitka Knudtson T G lab The ARR Mata-
Koch Danl mech K C Corp Kennecott Kodiak Hotel (Paul Morrison) Kodiak
Koen Chas JUS Comnr St Michael Kohmer Herman (Froelich & Koh-
mer) Eagle Komedal Alfred gen mdse Unga Kostrometinoff Peter gen mdse Sitka Kostrometinoff Peter jr Sitka Kotzau John miner Beaver Kotzebue Fur Trading Co gen mdse
Kotzebue Kovich Thos miner Wiseman Kozachuk David lab K C Corp Latouche
Kraft Benj (Otto Kraft & Son) Kodiak
Kraft Emil Kodiak
Kraft Otto (Otto Kraft & Son) Kodiak
Kraft Otto & Son (Otto and Benj)
gen mdse Kodiak" Kraft Pauline Kodiak Kreger Henry eng Aletna Kreiger Herman miner Beaver Krober Jos L phys Eska Krogh Oliver O postmaster Mata-
Kronquist Axel fire chf Douglas Kuettner A H postmaster Killisnoo Kufer Henry barber Douglas Kulper Baker & Moldenhauer fox
breeders Latouche Kuskokwim Dredging Co mining McGrath
Kuskokwim Mining & Dredging Co
Kuskokwim Kuskokwim Times newspaper To-
La Belle Fred Ruby Lahey T D Haines Lahr Jas M bkpr Latouche Laitila J Mrs Douglas Lamson F A Chitina Landberg Hans lab The ARR Mata-nuska
Lane Andw H miner Eureka Lane Travis P asst eng K C Corp Latouche
Landsberg Robt miner K C Corp Kennecott
Lanke Peter gen mdse Dome Lanterman Hilman fox breeder
Chatham La Porte Thos miner Rampart Larchelt Robt L Wrangell Larimore Louis miner Bettles Larson Fred B firemn K C Corp Kennecott
Lashley Barney Salchaket Lathrop Jas M U S Comnr Kodiak Laurie Bros (John and Saml) clothing
McCarthy Laurie John (Laurie Bros) McCarthy Laurie Saml (Laurie Bros) McCarthy Laverty Arthur A Chitina Laviosa Arthur B fox breeder Latouche
Laviosa & Nielsen fox breeders Ellamar
Lawlor John lab The ARR Mata-nuska
Lawson Capp miner Wiseman Lawson Frank Mrs Wiseman Lawson Gus trapper Beaver Layer E deaconess Aletna Leach Frank (Circle Hot Springs) Circle
Learn Geo A Rev pastor Baptist Ch Kodiak
Leckie C D U S Comnr Nenana LeCoump A M watchmn The ARR
Chicaloon Lee Edw Y restr Tanana Lee O E (Powers & Lee) Circle Legg Louis Hyder Leibes H & Co gen mdse Barrow Lenvick H R wtr The ARR Curry Lersten J S bakery Sitka Levy W S gen mdse Kiana Lewis David M gen mdse Ruby Libby McNeill & Libby fish canners
Lidstrom J wtr The ARR Curry Lindberg H asst U S Experimental
Station Sitka Lindenberger Packing Co fish cannery
Craig Lindsay Geo Tanana Lindsay J P postmaster Klawock Lingo Archie watchmn The ARR
Chicaloon Link Adam lab The ARR Indian Linklater Archie trapper Fort Yukon Linton Ethel postmaster Baranof Linwall Ludvig K miner K C Corp
Kennecott Littlepage J D Hyder Livie John Treadwell Lloyd C W elk K C Corp Kennecott Lloyd Ernest Rampart Loeser M Mrs miner Rampart Lom'mel Walter assayer K C Corp
Long Arthur cond The ARR Curry Loof A T warden U S Bureau of Fisheries Nushagak Lord Victor Hot Springs Lorenson Fred fox breeder Afognak Lottsfeldt Carl disbursing elk Alaska
Road Com Chitina Lou Ingevald fox breeder Afognak Love J C postmaster Dillingham LOOM Tanana Lodge No 1426 Al Nobbs sec Tanana
Lucas Ford R supt U S Bureau of
Fisheries Afognak Lukens W W asst supt Alaska Road
Comn Takotna Lund Olof miner Eureka Lyden Anthony A postmaster Healy
Lynch Oscar foremn ARC Wasilla Lyons Frank postmaster Nulato Lyseli Geo carrier P O Eagle McAlpine W W Homer McCahey Patk Ruby
McCalgon Walter T miner K C Corp Latouche
McCann John lab K C Corp Kennecott McCarthy Mercantile Co J B O'Neill
mgr McCarthy McCarthy Paul W agt The ARR Tal-
McCartney Si miner Circle McCauly Wm miner Beaver McClane Donald mach Ruby McCormick E miner Beaver McCoy L B fox breeder Sitka McCracken Andrew watchmn The
ARR Chicaloon McCraky John Copper Center McCrary & Ibach Trading Co gen
•mdse Copper Center McCutcheon H E cond The ARR Bird McDaniel R B hlpr K C Corp Kennecott
McDonald D dep U S Marshal For-
tuna Ledge McDonald John lab The ARR Bird McDonald John Hyder McDonald J A postmaster gen mdse
McDonald T W dep U S Marshal Hyder
McGavock Jas mech K C Corp Kennecott
McGee Bert freighter Ruby McGinley Howard G tchr Kodiak McGinley Laura Mrs tchr Kodiak McGlashan Hugh gen mdse postmaster Akutan McGrath Chas M gen mdse Sitka McGrath Wm foremn The ARR Mata-nuska
JVxcGraw Jas rancher Haines Mclnnis Danl cond The ARR Curry Mcintosh Geo mech K C Corp Latouche
Mclntyre Robt miner Wiseman McKechnie Neil lab The ARR Mata-nuska
McKinnon Abe asst supt Alaska Road
Com Chatanika McLain Thos P dep U S Marshal
McLaughlin Wm miner Circle McLaughlin W D mining Richardson McLean Alben F Haines McLean Arthur master mariner U S
Bureau of Fisheries Sitka McMahon John lab The ARR Mata-
McMullen Peter dep U S Marshal McGrath
McNulty Jos postmaster Sitka
McPhail Angus lab The ARR Curry
McPherson J A fox breeder Ellamar
McRoberts Richd Sitka
McWilliam-Bourke John miner Eagle
Mabry Harry Sitka
MacCreary C P reprmn K C Carp Latouche
MacDonald Duncan dep U S Marshal
Candle Mackivitz Oscar R Cleary Madsen Chas postmaster Kanatak Magids Boris postmaster Deering Magids Saml gen mdse Kotzebue Magnusen Chris master mariner Kodiak
Magnuson Swan P Dome Mahan Thos (Mahan & Gillis) Liven-good
Mahan & Gillis) (Thos Mahan M Gillis) gen mdse Livengood
Mahle Otto miner Kodiak
Maki John C miner K C Corp Kennecott
Makino Saml baker K C Corp Kennecott
Malcolm Hiram Strelna Malleahy Thos miner Beaver Malm Anna Mrs Eagle Malm Marie Eagle
Malmi Herman lab The ARR Mata-nuska
Manning Jake Douglas
Markikis Chris miner K C Corp Latouche
Marsan Edw miner Bettles Marsden Edw U S Comnr Metlakatla Marsh Geo F U S Comnr Fortuna Ledge
Marshall Robt meats McCarthy
Martin Andw farmer Douglas
Martin Ernest miner Wiseman
Martin Henry Treadwell
Martin Henry E miner Fort Yukon
Martin John fishermn Sitka
Martin dale J C dep coir in chg U S
Customs Craig Martinson Martin lab The ARR Mata-
Marzan Arthur mail carrier Mason Reuben trapper Fort Yukon Mason Willoughby trapper Fort Yukon
Mather Archie trapper Eagle Mather Ervin trapper Eagle Matheson Wm fishermn Ft Yukon Mathison R L postmaster Hope Matlock Geo mining Eagle Matthews Jos miner Bettles Mauer Peter Hot Springs May John Goose Creek Mayerhofer Jacob logger The ARR Indian
Mayo Alfred H miner Rampart Mayo Benj trapper Rampart Mayo Chas ■miner Rampart Mehas Theros lab The ARR Mata-nuska
Meier C J gen mdse Gulkana Mellick A H master mariner U S
Bureau of Fisheries Unalaska Mellin John postmaster Kiana Mello Manuel miner Beaver Mercier Ralph lab K C Corp Latouche Merril M E eng K C Corp Kennecott Merrill E W photog Sitka Metlakatla Commercial Co gen mdse
Metschler E A eng K C Corp Kennecott
Mettenperg Jos miner Bettles Metzger John (John Metzger & Co)
postmaster Fox Metzger John & Co (John Metzger)
gen mdse Fox Meyer Otto Circle
Meyers Cyril L opr K C Corp Kennecott
Michell Gordon C supt of schools Douglas
Miller Antone trapper Rampart
Miller A A miner Wiseman
Miller Burgon foremn The ARR Curry
Miller Frank fuel Eagle
Miller Geo L miner Tanana
Miller H R agt The ARR Birchwood
Miller John postmaster Dempsey
Miller Robt lab K C Corp Kennecott
Miller Saml miner Eagle
Miller Stanley miner K C Corp Latouche
Milligaa Fred Ruby
Millmore House (Sam Sing) turn rms Sitka.
Mills C Jay fishermn Sitka
Mills L Mae Sitka
Mills Waldo C Sitka
Mills Wm P pres Wm P Mills & Co
Ino Sitka Mills Wm P Co Inc W P Mills pres
gen mdse Sitka Missapowitz Henry Wiseman Mitchell G W miner Rampart Mitich John lab K C Corp Latouche Mittendorff Aug H postmaster Nusha-
Mogen Geo L lab K C Corp Kennecott
Alaska Territorial List of Names— Continued
Mohr Esther J Mrs sten K C Corp Kennecott
Mooney Albt E lab K C Corp Kennecott
Mooney R elk K C Corp Kennecott Moore E C agt The ARR Clear Moquawkie Commercial Co gen mdse
Moquawkie Morian Patk lab The ARR Matanuska Morey A G postmaster Chitina Morgan Geo gen mdse Oghagemute Morgando Steve lab K C Corp Kennecott
Morris Annie emp K C Corp Latouche Morris Caldwell lab K C Corp Kennecott
Morris J D emp K C Corp Kennecott Morris Paul jr lab K C Corp Latouche Morris Richd trapper Beaver Morris Thos lab K C Corp Kennecott Morris Wilbur emp K C Corp Kennecott
Morrison John G hotel Haines Morrison John G jr Haines Morrison Paul (Kodiak Hotel) Kodiak Morrison Robt carp Kodiak Morrison Robt roadhouse Hope Morrison Wm lab K C Corp Kennecott Mortimer Geo miner Circle Mosier Albt G postmaster Gypsum Muller A gen mdse Kake Muller Peter Kodiak Murphy D A U S Comr Beaver Murphy Frank lab The ARR Curry Murphy Frank miner Salchaket Murphy W P Hot Springs Murphy W P phys U S Bureau of
Fisheries St George Island Murray Michl Hot Springs Murray Robt miner Eagle Mutchler Geo Flat Myers ADS postmaster Ellamar Myers Chas wharfinger Kodiak Myers Geo T postmaster Chatham Myers Geo lab The ARR Matanuska Myers G W sanitarium Circle Mygatt Henry asst agt U S Bureau of
Fisheries St Paul Island
Nafsted J M Tonsina
Nagel Carl trapper Hot Springs
Nagle F R Hyder
Nagley Horace W U S comnr postmaster and gen mdse Susitna Nagozruk A postmaster Wales Naughton Chas C U S comnr Katalla Naumann Wm postmaster Taku Harbor
Nelson Alfred miner Rampart Nelson A F U S comnr Chisana Nelson Bert lab K C Corp Latouche Nelson Danl gen mdse Kasaan Nelson Edith J postmaster Kasaan Nelson Emerick lab The ARR Matanuska Nelson Fred Wasilla Nelson Gus Eagle
Nelson Ingeval lab K C Corp Kennecott
Nelson John S M mgr Chitina Cash Store Chitina
Nelson Louis lab The ARR Matanuska Nelson N (Beaton & Nelson) Circle Nelson O A U S comnr Chitina Nelson Peter trapper Fort Yukon Nelson & Smith gen mdse Koyukuk Nevada Andw lab K C Corp Kennecott Nevans John paints Ruby Newell Richd lab The ARR Matanuska
Newton Arthur L miner Beaver Nicholls Fred Chitina Nichols Elworth trapper Beaver Nichols Herman miner Hot Springs Nichols Jas A postmaster Barrow Nichols Wm miner Eureka Nicholson Danl freighter Circle
Nicholson O J miner Beaver Nicklett Nick McGrath Nicley W J foremn The ARR Matanuska
Nieding B B mgr K C Corp Kennecott Nielsen Wm U S comnr Koggiung Nielson Anna Ruby Nielson John B lab K C Corp Latouche
Niemi Andw trapper Hot Springs Ninnis Melville electn The ARR Curry Nixon Fork Sawmill McGrath Nizina Mines Co Nizina Nohle Norman Kodiak Nolan Thos B eng K C Corp Kennecott
Nollner O R gen mdse Loudon Nordlind Andw Candle Nordstrom Al mech K C Corp Latouche
Norman Albt lab K C Corp Latouche
Norton John Kodiak
North Pacific Trading & Packing Co fish canners Klawock
Northern Commercial Co Chas Jones mgr gen mdse Ruby
Northwestern Fisheries Co fish canners Kenai
Notilla Toiva Flat
Noyes Island Packing Co fish cannery Craig
Nyman A F mach Kodiak Oakes Glen wharfinger Treadwell Oars Austin lab The ARR Matanuska Oberg Chas (Oberg & Herbert) Oberg N W logger The ARR Indian Oberg & Herbert (Chas Oberg John
Herbert) gen mdse Candle Oborne Eli lab The ARR Matanuska O'Brien Dennis Fort Yukon O'Brien Wm trapper Fort Yukon Obrubki Michl miner K C Corp Latouche
O'Callaghan John P caretkr Fort Egbert Post Eagle
O'Connor Michl J warden U S Bureau Fisheries Haines
Odell Risden M gen mdse Haines
O'DonnelJ Michl lab K C Corp Kennecott
Okrayt & Son Kodiak Olin Fred Ruby
Oliver D lab K C Corp Kennecott Olsen Bessie Mrs lndy Circle Olsen C E cond The ARR Curry Olsen Hagen miner Rampart Olsen Henry McCarthy Olsen Martin sawmill Baranof Olsen O S Hot Springs Olsen Victor foremn K C Corp Kennecott
Olson Aug Douglas Olson Benj (Olson & Everman) Eureka
Olson Edw trapper Eagle
Olson John miner Eagle
Olson Nels lab The ARR Matanuska
Olson Victor trapper Beaver
Olson & Everman (B Olson E Everman) mining Eureka
Omo F E lab Eagle
O'Neil C M electn K C Corp Latouche
O'Neil Steve miner Susitna
O'Neill J B mgr McCarthy Mercantile Co McCarthy
Ongstad Peter H postmaster Port-lock
Orchard John tchr U S Bureau of Fisheries St George Island
Osborne C E acct K C Corp Kennecott
Oshima Geo trapper Beaver
Oslund Erik expmn Haines
Ott A miner Rampart
Ott Chas (Ott & Scheele) Eagle
Ott & Scheele (Chas Ott J W Scheele) gen mdse Eagle
Otterson Oscar miner Beaver
Ottosen John fox breeders Sitka
Overgaard I lab K C Corp Kennecott
Owens Edw Fort Yukon
Owens Edw miner Salchaket
Owl Restaurant Douglas
Pacific American Fisheries Co fish
canners King Cove Pacific Steamship Co G L Smith agt
Pacific Steam Whaling Co fish canners Hunter Bay Padden P T U S comnr Dillingham Padgett J H electn K C Corp K^fine-cott
Page T D carp Haines Pajoman Chas W gen mdse Afognak Palackas Loukas lab K C Corp Kennecott
Palm John mail carrier Circle Parker N E lab K C Corp Latouche Parks E W gen mdse Park Partridge F H Hoonah Pasno Mabel Mrs Bettles Patten & Abbes fox breeders Fan-shaw
Patterson E gen mdse Shungnak Patterson N F lab The ARR Matanuska
Patton Frank prospector Beaver Paul Gabe Treadwell Paulson John Gulkana Paykull K R farmer Haines Pavkull Wm farmer Haines Peck Chas R gen mdse Flat Pedersen Sander postmaster Shakan Pedro Mary E wtrs The ARR Curry Pentalieff A Rev pastor Russian Orthodox Ch Sitka
Peratovitch Robt J gen mdse Klawack Perkins Wm S postmaster Yentna Perry Alfred Ruby Pestrikoff Elka carp Kodiak Pestrikoff Harlempi carp Kodiak Petellin Emelian P postmaster gen
mdse Afognak Petellin Zoa E tchr Afognak Petersen Chris postmaster Tokotna Peterson Anton blksmith K C Corp
Kennecott Peterson Carl miner Wiseman Peterson Chas fox breeder Afognak Peterson C J gen mdse Gilmore Peterson Geo H dep supvr U S Forest
Service Sitka
Peterson H C asst U S Bureau of
Fisheries St Paul Island Peterson John A fox breeder Craig Peterson John H gen mdse Sitka Peterson L T fox breeder Sitka Peterson Martin Tanana Peterson Neils Fort Yukon Petry Chas warden U S Bureau of
Fisheries Chignik Pfaffle Edw H (Pfaffle & Co) Council Pfaffle & Co (Edw H Pfaffle) gen
mdse Council Phillips C B watchmn The ARR Chic-
Phillips Florence K cook The ARR Matanuska
Phillips Fred U S comnr Iliamna
Phillips Jos Hot Springs
Phillips Morton P lab The ARR Matanuska
Pierson John fuel Eagle Pillar Bav Fox Co fox breeders Pillar Bay
Pincidas Saml lab K C Corp Latouche Pingle Henry Nolan Pinkham J E lab The ARR Matanuska
Pinta Bay Mining Co sawmill mining Chichagof
Pioneers of Alaska Igloo No 5 D W Lewis pres W W Jones sec Ruby
Pioneers of Alaska Igloo No 13 C L Vawter pres J C Dahn sec Tanana
Pitka Harry Ruby
Pitsenberger J N fox breeder Hyda-burg
Pitsenberger T D fox breeder Hyda-burg
Plem Louis lab K C Corp Latouche Plumley S A S comnr Craig Polley Wm E meats Haines Pompalf Jos M miner Circle Popovich John miner Wiseman Porcupine Gold Mining Co Haines Porter Edwin lab The ARR Matanuska
Porter Howard H gen mdse Iditarod Porter Wallace postmaster Haycock Powers Geo (Powers & Lee) Circle Powers John B dep U S marshal Eagle
Powers & Lee (Geo Powers O E Lee) mining Circle
Pratt H M (Pratt & Ferrin) Hope
Pratt & Ferrin (H M Pratt Al Ferrin) gen mdse Hope
Premier Gold Mining Co Ltd Hyder
Presbyterian Church Rev Geo J Beck pastor Hoonah
Presbyterian Church Ruby
Presbyterian Mission Church (for natives) Haines
Presley BeVan supt K C Corp Latouche
Price F gen foremn Alaska Road Com Eagle
Pride Geo miner Rampart
Prim A J lab K C Corp Kennecott
Proctor A H supt Pribilof Islands U
S Bureau Fisheries St Paul Island Proctor Lois L tchr U S Bureau of
Fisheries St Paul Island Pryde Harry A dep U S marshal
Pugh Claude F agt CR&NWRy McCarthy
Pukosh Wm miner K C Corp Kennecott
Queen O K gen mdse Unalaska Quinn Edw miner Susitna Quinn E B wtr The ARR Curry Radovich Peter miner Wiseman Radovick Weija trapper Hot Springs Rafferty John Wiseman Rahmstorf Julius postmaster gen
mdse Rampart Rampa Louis lab K C Corp Kennecott Ramsey Jas Douglas Randall Geo hotel Eagle Randle Almond Eagle Ranson Gus cook The ARR Broad
Rapich Eli miner K C Corp Kennecott Rarovich Andw M bakery Valdez Ray Chas W lab The ARR Matanuska Read R L miner K C Corp Kennecott Red Cross Drug Co (A J Dayton) Ruby
Redwood Frank pumpmn The ARR Cantwell
Reed W N dep U S marshal Dillingham
Reeth W H miner Akiak Reid John carp K C Corp Latouche Renisch Chas tinsmith Circle Renner Clyde Bird Creek Reno Jos gen mdse Girwood Richards Richd miner K C Corp Latouche
Richards John W eng K C Corp Latouche
Richardson C D gen mdse Poorman Richardson Edw miner Windham Richert Geo lab K C Corp Kennecott Ringseth Paul gen mdse Livengood Ringstad O H lab K C Corp Kennecott
Rinocky Frank trapper Beaver Ripinsky Sol gen mdse U S comnr Haines
Ritchie Marie E nurse K C Corp Latouche
Alaska Territorial list of Name*—-
Rivers Florence M postmaster Flat Road H Mrs soft drinks Wiseman Roberts John postmaster Franklin Roberts Jos F trapper Beaver Roberts R G gen mdse Candle Roberts T W miner K C Corp Kennecott
Roberts Wm miner Rampart Roberts & Co gen mdse Klawock Robertson E A mining Eagle Robertson Wm expmn Douglas Robinson Hilkey mgr Robinson &
Greenberg postmaster Candle Robinson S E Mrs Eagle Robinson & Greenberg H Robinson
mgr gen mdse Candle Robson Henry H Tanana Roe Edw Bell Island Hot Springs Roe Geo Est of gen mdse Bell Island
Hot Springs
Roe Wm Bell Island Hot Springs Roehl & Neilson gen mdse Ikatan Roell R W electn K C Corp Kennecott Rogers R L fox breeders Latouche Rogers Thos M prospector Afognak Roi Geo gen mdse Sunrise Roll Ferdinand gen mdse Sitka Roll Geo gen mdse Hope Rooney John Wiseman Roosevelt Teddy miner Beaver Rose Antone S trapper Fort Yukon Rosenberg Frank (Holstrom & Rosenberg) Circle Rosenblatt Leah tchr Eagle Ross Danl dep U S marshal Unalaska Ross Harry mining Eagle Ross W E gen mdse Howkan Ross W E Mrs fox breeder Sitka Rossbach Frank Woodchopper Creek Rossi C miner K C Corp Latouche Roth John farmer Haines Rothacher Bessie R postmaster Iditarod
Rothe Ralph emp K S Corp Kennecott Rowe Alden postmaster Hot Springs Roy Horace bakery Sitka Rozenstein Yael gen mdse Hyder Ruby Lumber Co Ruby Rush U S U S comnr Kasaan Russell Jas lab The ARR Matanuska Russell O P gen mdse Stephens Village
Russell Wm mining Eagle
Russian Orthodox Church Rev N P Kashaveroff pastor Kodiak
Ruthschow Wm gen mdse Cold Bay
Rutzebeck Hans farmer Haines
St Aloyslus Church Rev Julius Jette S J pastor Tanana
St Clair Jas Wasilla
St James Mission (Episcopal) Tanana
St Luke's Indian Mission Fredrick
Drain in chg Salchaket St Stephen's Episcopal Church Fort
St Stephen's Hospital (St Stephen's Episcopal Church) Fort Yukon
Sabin Martin farmer Hot Springs
Sadler Chas lab AGMCo Thane
Sadlier J W Thane
Salmon River Trading; Co gen mdse Hyder
Samovich Steve lab K C Corp Kennecott
Sampson Alfred lab K C Corp Kennecott
Sampson Benj lab K C Corp Kennecott
Sarauelson Oscar C Bethel Sanborn Cutting Co fish canners Kake Sandman John ftshercnn Sitka ganford Chas PUS comnr Hyder Sara Peter reindeer breeder Akiak Sargent Fred Kodiak Sarvela John Sitka
Savage John miner Eureka Scanland Louis W radio opr Fort Yukon
Schaefer Gus (Schaefer & Brown) Bethel
Schaefer & Brown (Gus Schaefer Jas
Brown) gen mdse Bethel Scheele John W (Ott & Scheele) Eagle Scheneck Jas postmaster Hollis Schmaltz Gerasim Rev pastor Greek
Orthodox Ch Afognak
Schneider Bert L asst in chg U S Experimental Sta Matanuska Schneider O L Matanuska Schotter Frank Hoonah Schroeder Fred Fort Yukon Schultz Chas W postmaster Beaver Schultz Paul gen mdse Beaver Schulz Herman miner K C Corp Latouche
Schwenn Fred lab K C Corp Kennecott
Scott A R miner Windham
Scott Robt fox breeder Craig
Scott W E jr lab K C Corp Kennecott
Scudder Henry C storekpr U S Bureau
of Fisheries St George Island Seaholm Alex Hot Springs Sealey Chas (Sealey & Gelineau) Latouche
Sealey & Gelineau (Chas Sealey J R
Gelineau) gen mdse Latouche Seguin Wm Fox
Sellander C J lab The ARR Curry Senor Andw trapper Stephens Village Seppi Frank Hyder Seteroporolis Vasilios lab K C Corp Kennecott
Sevewright Rex farmer Hot Springs Seward Thos opr K C Corp Latouche Sey Martha Douglas Seyler Louis Flat Shade Orie elk Tanana Shanks John Hot Springs Sharatine Tschon Afognak Sharkey Tony lab K C Corp Latouche Shaughnessy Thos postmaster gen
mdse Solomon Shaver Fay R tchr Haines Sheldon Jackson Museum Sitka Sheldon Jackson School (native)
Sheldon Stephen (Haines Hotel) Haines
Shelp Archie fox breeder Tokeen Shepard R J farmer Haines Sheppard N D postmaster Andreafsky Sheratine Nicholas carp Afognak Sheridan Fredk C barber Sitka Sherman E H dep U S marshal Tena-kee
Shipp Frank supt Alaska Road Com Chitina
Sholin Edwin E fox breeder Chichagof
Sholl B J lab K C Corp Latouche Short Lynn roadhouse Fort Yukon Shortley M E bakery Seldovia Shotter Geo R fox breeder Hoonah Shrey Fred meatctr Sitka Shudshift Arnie Douglas Shumaker F A fox breeder Latouche Shuraveloff Simeon carp Kodiak Shuraveloff Walter Kodiak Simel Max gen mdse Cripple Simmons C A postmaster gen mdse
Chisana Simon Henry tmstr Eagle Simonds H L fox breeder Katalla Simonds & Shotter fox breeders Hoonah
Simpson Benj confr Metlakatla Simpson Peter boatbldr Sitka Sing Lee gen mdse Chichagof Sing Sam (Millmore House) Sitka Singer H G postmaster and guide Kenai
Singleton John A postmaster St Timothys
Siranson Oscar Candle Sirr Benj miner Bettles Sitka Hospital Sitka Sitka Public School Sitka Sitka Water & Light Co Sitka Sitka Wharf & Power Co Sitka Sizeland Jas lab The ARR Matanuska Skof Agnes postmaster Cleary Slade Carl steward K C Corp Latouche
Slate Creek Mining Co Chitina Slaven Frank Woodchopper Slavin Frank mgr Slavin & Co Circle Slavin & Co Frank Slavin mgr gen mdse Circle
Slayter Saml chef The ARR Curry Slisco John miner Wiseman Slisco Martin miner Wiseman Slovarp John cook The ARR Curry Smart John trapper Salchaket Smart S J lab The ARR Matanuska Smeaton John gen mdse Sleetmute Smith A C Haines Smith Chas Eagle
Smith Chas R fox breeder Hydaburg
Smith E E.Douglas
Smith Frank M gen mdse Bettles
Smith Fred miner Beaver
Smith Geo Akiak
Smith Guy L (Guy's Drug Store)
postmaster Douglas Smith Jas A drugs Sitka Smith John gro Hoonah Smith John lab K C Corp Kennecott Smith Jos A farmer Haines Smith J E prospector Haines Smith Lynn dep U S Marshal Flat Smith Martin lab K C Corp Latouche Smith Mary S nurse K C Corp Latouche Smith Michl Fort Yukon Smith Sumner S postmaster Chicka-loon
Smith W R Haines
Snider Gerrit Wasilla
Snook W C dep U S Marshal Unga
Snow Frank Haines
Snyder Edw (Tenakee Hot Springs)
postmaster gen mdse Tenakee Snyder Roy F McCarthy Soboleff Vincent gen mdse Kootzen-
Solvic Olaf trapper Beaver Sorrels Jas F Haines Soucier Frank contr Haines Spain Wm R Douglas Spargles Geo jr eng Kanatak Spein Peter reindeer breeder Akiak Spencer J postmaster and gen mdse
Berry Landing Spies Michl lab The ARR Matanuska Spinks Isaac gen mdse Bettles Spraner Adel M lndrymn The ARR
Springer Margaret wtrs The ARR Curry
Stabler Howard D lawyer Sitka Stade Henry A (Central Roadhouse) Circle
Staklo R H lab K C Corp Kennecott Stanfield Helgar Haines Stanich O'Brian miner Wiseman Stanich Saml miner Wiseman Stankus Julius pilot Circle Stanley Geo L U S Comnr Kiana Stanley Louis V miner Circle Stanyar Edw foremn AGMCo Thane Stark P cook The ARR Curry Startsoff A farmer Sitka Stecker G A postmaster Quinhagak Stedman C F fox breeder Kake Steel Robt E postmaster U S Comnr Eagle
Steele Nels cook The ARR Curry Steffanson Thos roadhouse Eureka Steiner C O U S Comnr Council
Stephen Walter M eng K C Corp Kennecott
Sterick A electn AGMCo Thane Stevens Frank miner Eureka Stevenson Donald H fur warden Bu
of Biological Surv Unalaska Stevenson Jas roadhouse Bettles Stewart Claude Chitina Stewart Jas (Stewart & Denhart)
Richardson Stewart & Denhart (Jas Stewart Paul
Denhart) mining Richardson Stewart & McDonald fox breeders El-
Stier EJUS Comnr Flat
Stivers E R dep coir in chg U S Customs St Michael
Stokes Alfred mech K C Corp Latouche
Stone Floyd agt The ARR Windy Strauss Louis postmaster Unalaska Strelic J gen mdse Richardson Stribu Geo lab K C Corp Kennecott Stride Sidney farmer Haines Strite Ruth Mrs gen mdse Long Strong Peter lab The ARR Indian Strum Chas (Haley & Strum) Fort Yukon
Stubbs Duke E fox breeder Nancy Sturrock Thos P prospector Beaver Subartee Manuel Flat Sullivan Michl J miner Eureka Sulzer Chas A gen mdse Sulzer Summerville Peter trapper Eagle Sundmacher Chas H U S comnr McCarthy
Sunny Point Packing Co fish canners Chomly
Sutphen Edw miner Wiseman Sutter Edna nurse K C Corp Kennecott
Swanson Chas miner Rampart Swanson Ernest O fox breeder Port
Alexander Swanson E E Rampart Swanson Fred gen mdse Unalakleet Swanson T E emp K C Corp Kennecott
Swartzenberger W Mrs Douglas
Swarva Geo Douglas
Sweasey Enos prospector Beaver
Swift Fred miner Wiseman
Taggert Chas C postmaster Deadwood
Talroff Saml lab K C Corp Kennecott
Tanana Commercial Co (Peter and A G Vachon) Tanana
Tanner Harry Hyder
Tanninos Chris miner K C Corp Latouche
Tate Agnes Mrs gen mdse Cleary Tattran Herbt reindeer breeder Shak-tolik
Taylor C E postmaster Uyak Tenakee Hot Springs (Edw Snyder) Tenakee
Thayer John A forest ranger Craig Theehy Marcel miner Wiseman Thlinket Packing Co fish canners Funter
Thomas Jos E lab K C Corp Kennecott
Thomas R C blksmith K C Corp Kennecott
Thomas S G dep U S Marshal Sitka Thomas Wm emp K C Corp Kennecott
Thomas Wm H U S Comnr Tigara Thompson Clyde A (Eagle Trading
Co) Eagle Thompson John L gen mdse Hadley Thompson J C lab The ARR Matanuska
Thompson Martin bakery Sitka Thompson Wm S postmaster and gen
mdse Kokrines Tierney G M foremn The ARR Eska Tilson Alfred fishermn Sitka Tilson Thos fishermn Sitka
Alaska Territorial List of Names— Continued
Tilson Thos jr Sitka Tirpin Thos blksmith K C Corp La touche
Tives Gene lab The ARR Matanuska Tjosevig Nils McCarthy Tobin Wm Hyder
Tolonen.A W eng K C Corp Kennecott
Tolovana Mill & Tram Co sawmill Livengood
Tolovana Trading Co gen mdse Tolovana
Tomlinson P W gen mdse Franklin Torras Saml emp K C Corp Kennecott Torvin Getrox miner K C Corp Latouche
Tower House (Jos Anicich) hotel Tanana
Townsend F R (Carson & Townsend) Hoonah
Traeger Chas A gen mdse postmaster
Unalakleet Traub C G postmaster Chicken Tread well Bakery (John Enge) Tread-well
Trefzger Hardy fox breeder Yakutat Tregoning K A fox breeder Latouche TreiScheldt John carp Sitka Treischeldt Nicholas eng Sitka Treischeldt Peter Sitka Trosper Homer D lab The ARR Broad Pass
Truax Elva housekpr The ARR Curry
Turnbull A H miner Eagle
Turnbull Eliza M Mrs weather observer Eagle
Turner Geo gen mdse Anvik
U S Cable Office Douglas
U S Cable Office Sitka
U S Customs J J Hilliard coir Eagle
U S Experimental Station Terry White supt Kodiak
U S Experimental Station Rampart
LT S Experimental Station C C George-son in chg Sitka
U S Naval Radio Station Kodiak U S Navel Radio Station Sitka Vachon A G (Tanana Commercial Co) Tanana
Vachon Louise postmaster Tolovana Vachon Peter (Tanana Commercial
Co) Tanana Valdez Creek Placer Mining Co Gul-
Valier Louis farmer Hot Springs VanAtta C H supt U S Bureau of
Fisheries Yes Bay VanHoivels H postmaster Sumdum Vandenweyer H
Vasalis John lab K C Corp Kennecott
Vaughn F B Teikell Vawter C L Tanana Veach Chas lab K C Corp Kennecott Veidt CK&Co gen mdse Katalla Verhonick Albt freighter Ruby Vicery Chas W elk K C Corp Kennecott
Vick Theo asst IT S Bureau of Fisheries St Paul Island
Viken Paul carp K C Corp Kennecott
Voelkl Jos Haines .Vogel Geo Haines
Vogel Ida M Haines
Vogel Timothy Haines
VonScheele Herman gen mdse Afog-nak
Wacker Eug postmaster Wacker Wade Wm A dep coir U S Customs Hyder
Wade W W agt The ARR Moose Creek
Wagner Louis logger Tenakee Waiczumas Benj farmer Haines Walker Jas A gen mdse Holy Cross
Wallace Langley (Alaska Rivers Navigation Co) McGrath
Wallen Ivor postmaster Chignik
Walsh John miner Eureka
Walsh Jos hoistmn K C Corp Latouche
Walsh Patk miner Eureka Walton H H rancher Haines Walton Jos Matanuska Walton Rudolph Sitka Wanamaker H S miner Wiseman Ward Chas lab K C Corp Latouche Ward C lab The ARR Indian Ward John A postmaster Klukwan Ward Jos trapper Fort Yukon Warne Edwin farmer Haines Warsing F M dep U S Marshal Candle
Warwick Jack W fur warden Bu of
Biological Surv Flat Washington-Alaska Military Cable &
Telegraph System Geo Barnett in
chg Circle Washington-Alaska Military Cable &
Telegraph System Fort Yukon Washington-Alaska Military Cable &
Telegraph System Gulkana "Washington-Alaska Military Cable &
Telegraph System Haines Washington-Alaska Military Cable &
Telegraph System Hot Springs
Washington-Alaska Military Cable &
Telegraph System Tanana Watson M Kotzebue Watters Wr L janitor The ARR Curry Watts Vernon miner Wiseman Wavell Arthur Windham Weatherell T P postmaster Takeetna Webbenfurst Chas miner Beaver Webster Andw B dep U S Marshal
Webster Danl postmaster Nolan Webster Edw miner Eagle W7eeks Jas lab The ARR Matanuska Wehren Jos sawmill Douglas Weiss A J gen mdse Iditarod Weiss R lab The ARR Matanuska Welch Fred F gen mdse Chatanika Welch Richd lab K C Corp Kennecott
Wells Curtis trapper Fort Yukon Welsh Jos miner Rampart Weltzin J A gen mdse Little Eldorado
Werline John trapper Fort Yukon Weschenfelder Eug mgr Treadwell
Grocery Treadwell West Coast Trading Co gen mdse
Westerlund Joel trapper Hot Springs Wettach Shelton gen mdse Ruby Whelpley F E fox breeder Myers Chuck
Whipple Chas H postmaster Thane Whitaker Saml G roadhouse Haines White Chas H U S insp of hulls St Michael
White David H postmaster Katalla White Frank C Fort Yukon White G O postmaster Palmer White Harry O asst U S Experimental Station Kodiak
White Jas clothing Cripple White John freighter Nolan White John L postmaster Dome White J A gen mdse Dahl White W T asst in chg U S Experimental Station Kodiak Wick L emp K C Corp Kennecott Wickersham L S postmaster McKin-ley
Widman W S sawmill Takotna Wiehl John miner Rampart Wilcox A D farmer Wiseman Wiley Robt W Haines Wilkes Jos miner Beaver Willett Geo dep U S Marshal Craig
Williams Frank P gen mdse postmaster St Michael Willis Anna D Mrs gen mdse Ruby-Willis A V Kokrines Willis Edw C billiards Long Wiloughby Chas L gen mdse Katalla Willow Creek Mines Wasilla Wilmoth Howard E postmaster gen
mdse Wasilla Wilson C H postmaster Kantishna Wilson Edw gen mdse Unga Wilson Jas miner Wiseman Wilson John logger The ARR Indian Wilson J R lab K C Corp Kennecott Wilson L P & Co gen mdse Klawock Windsor Hal electn AGMCo Thane Winer Chas miner Nolan Winfield Edwin A postmaster gen
mdse Teller Wingard Lemuel G asst agt U S Bureau of Fisheries Bethel Wold Clara wtrs K C Corp Latouche Wolfe L H dentist Latouche Woll J E miner Wiseman Wood Cyril P Flat Wood Riley J carp Shungnak Wood John C dep U S Marshal Ruby Woodman Isaac W lab K C Corp Kennecott
Woodman Wm trapper Circle Woods Ira agt The ARR Iditarod Woolard E H Hot Springs
Workman Harper miner Nolan Worthington John lab K C Corp Latouche Wortman Chas E Sitka Yager N Mrs roadhouse Chitina Yamada M wtr K C Corp Kennecott Yanette Herman trapper Beaver Yanette Wm trapper Beaver Yantiss S A miner Rampart. Yasuda Frank gen mdse Beaver Yates D W Windham Yates Sylvia S Mrs postmaster Windham
Yehl Chas miner Wiseman
Young Anna C Mrs dry gds Iditarod
Young A W cond The ARR Eklutna
Young Bert Ikatan
Young Bros (John and David) gen
mdse Sitka Young David (Young Bros) Sitka Young F M postmaster Nation Young H S gen mdse Kenai Young John (Young Bros) Sitka Young Ralph fox breeder Sitka Youngberg Chas miner Wiseman Youngs F E dep U S Marshal Tal-
keetna York Jas Sumdum York John miner Windham Yost C F miner Eagle Yurioff Kuzman dairy Afognak Zander Carl miner Hot Springs
(1923-24) R. L. POLK & CO.'S, INC.
Polk's Publications
Banker's Encyclopedia (Directory) of the United States and Canada Architects' and Builders* Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, Pa. Dental Register and Directory of the United States and Canada. Medical Register and Directory of the United States and Canada* Real Estate Register and Directory of U. S. and Canada. National Iron and Steel Blue Book.
City and County Directories and State Gazetteers
ALABAMA Birmingham Mobile Montgomery, and 6 others
ALASKA Alaska and Yukon Gazetteer
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R, L. Polk & Company, Inc.
Msiliaf Lists, Addressing sad Msiliaf
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Transportation Department
Representing the Various Modes of Transportation to and through Alaska and Yukon Territory
4a S
0923-24) R. L. POLK & CO.'S, INC.
When You Think Alaska— Think Alaska Steamship Company
Summer Cruises That Are Different
The *'Inside Passage*' Cruise, ten to twelve days—
The Prince William Sound Cruise, sixteen to eighteen days—
The New Golden Belt Line Tour, twenty-three to twenty-five days—
Alaska Steamship Company
For Sailings, Fares and Descriptive Map Folder, Write to
JOHN H. BUNCH, Traffic Manager
When You Think Alaska— Think Alaska Steamship Company
If It's Transportation To or From
Alaska Steamship Company
With its Fleet of 1 2 Modern Steamers IS PREPARED TO SATISFACTORILY SERVE YOU
For Full Information, Rates, Sailing Dates, Etc., Write to
JOHN H. BUNCH, Traffic Manager
"Come to the Top of the World"
Southwestern Alaska, traversed by THE ALASKA RAILROAD, offers great inducements to those on pleasure bent. Best game and fish districts in the western hemisphere— moose, goat, sheep, caribou, brown and black bear; ducks, geese, ptarmigan and grouse; trout, grayling and white fish.
Peer of scenic attractions, Mount McKinley, monarch of North American mountains, visible for 300 miles along the railroad, towering 20,300 feet over a National Park of 2,600 square miles—an unexplored wilderness of wild life. Then there are Spencer Glacier, Nenana river canyon, and miles and miles of wild and magnificent scenery.
For those seeking a location there are gold, silver, copper, and coal in abundance; or wide valleys of agricultural lands, producing grain and vegetable crops; or trapping, fox farming, reindeer grazing, and many other industries. Look over the map below—a domain one-fifth the size of all the states.
Deeartmrnt Of The Interior
Hubert V%*k,Seererai>y
t0 mzm&s*
MadeByOMacft AporovedP^^ " chairman
Trains northbound leave Seward and Anchorage every Monday and Thursday at 8 o'clock; and southbound leave Fairbanks and Nenana every Tuesday and Friday at 7 o'clock. THE ALASKA RAILROAD also operates river steamers between Nenana and Holy Cross, leving Nenana every Wednesday.
THE GOLDEN BELT TOUR—in over the railroad and out over the Richardson Highway—affords the tourist a diversity of travel and scenery and really enables the seeing of Alaska, 750 miles in 5 days.
For illustrated folder, or any other information, write THE ALASKA RAILROAD at any of the addresses given below:
Anchorage, Alaska. 422 Bell St. Terminal, Seattle, Wash.
6127 Interior Bldg., Washington, D. C.
The People's Railroad "At the Top of the World"
You Can Take The Trip The President
Took In Alaska
During the summer of 1923 the way has been blazed by the President of the United States and Mrs. Harding with party of 70; by 30 Congressmen and their wives; by the Brooklyn Eagle party of 40 men and 40 women; and by scores of other parties numbering from 2 to 25.
From the steamer's gang plank at Seward the traveler is now taken in safety and comfort by the United States Government over a standard gauge railroad through unexcelled scenery to the very heart of this last frontier of our nation at Fairbanks, away up near the Arctic Circle.
THE ALASKA RAILROAD, now completed, makes all this possible, with coaches, sleeping, dining, and observation cars, also a fine hotel at night stop-over at Curry, for the convenience of travelers.
Here in this northern wonderland during the summer the days practically have no ending. On the longest day a ball game is played in Fairbanks at midnight! Think of the opportunities thus afforded for long and delightful days of fishing, hiking, horseback riding, and sightseeing.
During the winter months the air is invigorating and conducive to the outdoor sports of skating, dog-sledding, skiing, etc.. and the Northern Lights (aurora borealis) are worth going far to behold. Trips on THE ALASKA RAILROAD may be made with comfort any month of the year. The central portion of the railroad belt, for instance, boasts a climate drier than Colorado, warmer in winter than Montana, and as healthy as any place in the world.
Mountain and rushing torrent, tunda and glacier, and the vast silences of this wild wonderland are now opened to the enjoyment of mankind oy means of THE ALASKA RAILROAD.
The Mount McKinley Route
ALASKA, ATLIX and the YUKON are to our generation what California and the days of '49 were to the then generation. But the trail of ?49 is but a memory, whilst in traveling to Dawson or Atlin one sees not alone many evidences of the memorable rush to the Klondike and here and there the old trail, but the very route followed is that taken by these mad seekers for gold.
"Men from the sands of Sunland;
Men from the woods of the West; Men from the farms and the cities,
Into the Northland we pressed. Gray beards and striplings and women.
Good men and bad men and bold. Leaving our home and our loved ones.
CrvinQ- exultingrlv—Gold !"
o o ••••
—Robert W. Service.
river steamers of the most modern type traverse the mighty Yukon and its tributaries for over three thousand miles: lake steamers, whose speed and comforts equal those of the ocean vessels, sail the waters of Lake Atlin. the beauty spot of the world/'
There is probably no trip in the world so unusual—so interesting— so intensely worth while as that to Alaska, Atlin and the Yukon. Every mile is of vivid interest.
The ride by rail over the coast range is thus interestingly described bv John J. Underwood in his book—"Alaska—An Empire in the Making :"
"This road * * * is one of the greatest engineering feats in the world. A trip over it is one to be remembered. It is full of thrills from the time the train enters the Skaguay River Valley till the top of the summit is reached. The austere mountains above, the flower-bestrewn valley below, make the journey a most captivating one. The train at times glides along the side of a sheer wall, with a cliff of rock hundreds of feet high on one side and the dark depths of an abyss on the other. The rocks jut out at sharp angles from the precipitous wall on the side of the roadbed and it appears as though the speeding cars must dash over the cliffs, but they swing around a curve and the train continues on its sinuous ascent. Water that is hungry green and later white with foam is seen here and there all along the route, and in one place, just beyond a dark tunnel, a very high bridge has been thrown across a chasm at the bottom of which rages the Skaguay River crashing over the boulders to the sea."
Along" the shores of sun-kissed lakes and mountain streams, banked bv great masses of fireweed, larkspur, asters, marguerites and other wild rlowers, the train continues on its way until the upper end of Lake Bennett is reached—and here is the now deserted town, also named Bennett.
For twenty-seven miles the railway follows the ever-winding shores of this Ir.ke, the rose-colored mountains on the opposite side rising" sheer out of the water to a height of 5,000 feet or more. The ride along the shores of this beautiful Northland lake is one long remembered. En route the 60° of north latitude is crossed—the boundary between British Co-llumbia and the Yukon Territorv.
At the foot of Lake Bennett is Carcross—called by the Indians, "the place where the Caribou cross." Here the train crosses the most northerly swing- bridge on the American continent. Carcross is the transfer point for the Atlin Lake region.
The prospector's ceaseless quest for gold and his finding it has resulted in much of the scenic grandeur on this continent being made known. And the discovery of gold in the Atlin district has added a new wonderland—a lake country of incomparable beauty and grandeur. ''The Beaut}- Spot of the World," several travelers have called it, and, indeed, it is—and more, too.
Continuing the trip by rail from Carcross, following more rivers and passing little lakes, the train stops at Miles Canyon. From here the passenger is given a view of this intensely interesting and historic gorge. About five miles beyond, and the trip by rail comes to end at White Horse, 111 miles from Skaguay, on the Lewes or Fifty Mile River—the headwaters of the Yukon. Connection is made here with the steamers of the White Pass & Yukon Route for Dawson.
From White Horse to Dawson is a sail of 461 miles and takes about forty hours. But it is a voyage that is unique—different from any you may have taken before. To begin with, it is on one of the world's great rivers, and, too, it is farther northward than any river trip on this continent, if not in the world.
There are many points of interest on the voyage. Lake LeBarge, made famous by Robert Service's ballad, "The Cremation of Sam Mc-Gee;" the tortuous Thirty-Mile River, where navigation in this Northland is seen at its best; Cassiar bar, where gold placer mining was first done in the Yukon country in the early 80's and up on the mountain side near by lies buried one of the discoverers; Tantalus Butte—now to the left, now to the right, sometimes ahead and again astern; Five Finger Rapids, Rink Rapids, Fort Selkirk, near the site of the old Hudson's Bay Post, destroyed by the Indians in 1851 ; Victoria Rock, so named on account of resembling" the profile of Queen Victoria; the Pelly Ramparts and other interesting points.
The Five Finger Rapids are of more than ordinary interest. Here the river narrows. Five huge hulks of rock rise sheer. The river rushes between them. The steamer is headed for the middle "finger/' To the passengers it appears the boat is surely going to hit one of the rocks, but to their great relief the boat, guided by the hand of the skillful pilot, "straightens out" and the Five Finger Rapids are astern. Shooting these rapids is a thrilling experience.
Executive and Accounting Departments
F. C. Elliott, President Conway Building, Chicago, 111.
H. Wheeler, General Manager Alaska Building, Seattle, Wash.
G. H. Miller, General Auditor Skaguay, Alaska
Traffic Department
J. L. Burnside, General Agent 509 Alaska Building, Seattle, Wash.
G. B. Edwards, General Agent Dawson, Y. T.
J. G. Blanchard, District Passenger Agent Skaguay, Alaska
Miss L. Zwergel, Tourist Agent 1729 Conway Building, Chicago, 111.
J. H. Rogers, Agent Skaguay, Alaska
J. A. Fairborn, Agent ....Mayo. Y. T.
E. J. Farr, Agent 211 Winch Building, Vancouver. B. C.
J. Lipscombe, Agent Atlin, B. C.
Booklets, folders and other literature, also information as to rates, service, sailings, etc., promptly furnished upon application to any of the above mentioned officials of the Traffic Department.
Yukon Territory is the official name for what is called by some the Canadian Yukon. Alaska is the western boundary, and on the south it adjoins British Columbia. On the north lies the Arctic Ocean, and on the east the district of Mackenzie, with the Rocky Mountains as the dividing line. Th)PL.area4s207,076 square miles.
The Yukon Basin has been the scene of prospecting operations since the late seventies, principally on the bars of the Stewart River. In 1896, when George Carmack made his wonderful discovery on Bonanza Creek, near what is now Dawson, the real rush started. During 1897 and 1898 thousands flocked here, drawn by the lure of gold, and the Royal Northwest Mounted Police estimated the population of the Territory at not less than 50,000.
After the great rush this population dwindled until now the Territory contains about 5,000 people. This is a permanent population, however, composed of people who are working hard to further the growth of the Territory.
The Territory is now steadily progressing in mining, the methods of the early prospectors have given way to more scientific and economical practices. Several large companies are now engaged in mining by hydraulic processes and by dredges, working over the early diggings. The gold yield for the year ending March 1, 1922, the latest available official figures, was $1,231,000, while about $700,000 in other minerals was produced. The total quantity of gold produced in Yukon Territory now reaches the enormous sum of over $200,000,000.
Besides gold, copper is found in many places, notably near White Horse Rapids. Small amounts of nickel, chromium and antimony have also been found.
The forest trees consist of the white and black spruces, the aspen and balsam poplars and a species of birch. No pine or fir trees were noticed. The lower ridges and the slopes of the higher ones up to a height of 3,500 feet above the sea, are generally wooded, and stunted spruces occur sparingly on the highest points in the district. The valley flats are only partly wooded. Groves of spruce and poplar occur at intervals, but alternate with bare swamps and marshes too soft to support a forest growth.
The white spruce is the most important for general purposes in the district. It is usually small on the ridges, seldom exceeding a foot in diameter, but in the valley flats occasional specimens attain a diameter of over twro feet and a large proportion of the logs cut for lumber measure from nine to fifteen inches across. The supply for the mills at Dawson is obtained mostly from the flats and islands along the upper Yukon, and from the Klondike Valley, and is ample for all purposes for many years to come. The Klondike is bordered at intervals all the way from its mouth to the mountains by groves and small tracts of spruce forests of surprising size and quality considering the latitude, and supplies of well grown spruce timber are also available from all the larger tributaries of the Upper Yukon as well as from the main valley and can be easily and cheaply floated down to Dawson.
The supply of large timber on the producing creeks themselves is limited, but the bordering ridges are nearly everywhere, except on the higher points, clothed with an open forest of small spruce, birch and poplar ranging from a few inches to a foot or more in diameter. A portion has been destroyed by forest fires, but sufficient remains to furnish all the firewood and most of the lumber required for mining purposes for a considerable time.
The rapid inroads made by miners and prospectors on the timber of all the hills along the creeks tributary to the Klondike threatened at one time to create a famine in the matter of fuel. These fears, however, were soon dispelled by the discovery of a good quality of bituminous coal in several sections of the country, up as well as down the Yukon from Dawson. These several mines proved themselves to be more valuable than any gold mine, and with the advent of capital and machinery were soon opened up and made productive. The result is that today Dawson has a number of large coal yards with supplies on hand that should carry the community through the severest possible winter if snowed up and unable to get out for wood. The price of coal at Dawson is low when compared with the cost of other commodities in the country, as well as the cost of production.
There is no fear of a shortage of wood for fuel, as the upper river sections of the Yukon is known to be filled with dense forests of fine timber, good for lumber as well as fuel, and which will take several generations to exhaust.
Agriculture is rapidly coming to the fore. While the more tender vegetables cannot be raised, extensive quantities of oats, flax, barley, rye and turnips are grown, while sufficient potatoes are raised to take care of the domestic demand. Over 30,000 square miles are available for agricultural purposes.
The climate of Yukon Territory is one of the most healthful to be found anywhere. While the winters are long and cold, they are not severe, due to the absence of high winds and storms, and to the fact that it is a dry climate, the precipitation being only 15 inches annually. Spring and summer are delightful. From the middle of May to the first week in August it is "The Land of the Midnight Sun," with no darkness, warm pleasant days, and delightfully cool nights.
The Yukon, the largest river of the North, and the fifth largest in North America, is the principal means of transportation.
The White Pass & Yukon Railway makes connection with tidewater at Skagway, Alaska, and runs to White Horse, 111 miles north. From here steamers run down the Yukon to Dawson, 461 miles, through some of the most diverse and interesting scenery in the world. Many other rivers are navigable, and afford a cheap means of transportation to many outlying communities.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Commander Yukon Territory—E Telford Inspector Dawson—Richard Field Inspector White Horse—Wm J Moorhead
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police force of the Yukon Territory consists of fifty officers and men with outposts at the following places—Carcross, Forty Mile, Granville, Keno Hill, Mayo,. Summit and White Horse
Territorial Court
Court sits every day except Saturday and Sunday between 1st and 25th of each month at Dawson
Members Yukon Council
White Horse—Robert Lowe (speaker)
Mayo—J E Ferrell
Klondike—W E Currie
Clerk of Council—J A H M Maltby
Mine Recorders and Recording Officers
Dawson—P M Kelly, R L Gillespie Selkirk—Wm Schofield
Duncan (Mayo)—D R McLennan, F J Berton White Horse—Wm James
Yukon Territorial Government Officials
Commissioner—Hon Geo P MacKenzie Territorial Treasurer—J A H M Maltby Territorial Secretary—J A H M Maltby Supt Works and Buildings—Jas McNeill Medical Health Officer—W E Thompson Chief Preventative Officer—E S Ironside License Inspector—J A H M Maltby
Federal Government Officials
Commissioner—Hon Geo P MacKenzie Comptroller—G A Jeckell
Legal Advisor and Public Administrator—John Black
Collector of Customs—Alexander Forrest
Crown Prosecutor—Chas E McLeod
Clerk of the Territorial Court—John Black
Asst Clerk of the Territorial Court—H G Blankman
Sheriff—Geo Brimston
Crown Timber and Land Agent—Hon Geo P MacKenzie Indian Agent—John Hawksley
AISHIHIK VILLAGE. A native settlement on the Dalton trail and Aishihik Lake, 90 m s of Pelly, the nearest trading post, and 70 nw of Champagne, the nearest p o.
ALBERTA. A roadhouse and stage station on the Stewart River and on the White Horse-Dawson winter trail, 103 m se of the latter, banking point, and 73 nw of Pelly, nearest p o
ALKI CREEK. A mining settlement on a creek of the same name, 20 m se of Dawson, the banking point. Hunker is the p o.
ARLINGTON ROADHOUSE. A roadhouse 7 m e of Dawson, the banking point and p o, on the Granville road.
BAKER. A mining settlement on a creek of the same name near Dawson, the banking point and p o.
BARKER CREEK. A mining settlement on a creek of the same name, a tributary of the Stewart River, 20 m from its mouth, 90 s of Dawson, the nearest banking point, and 2 below Scroggie Creek, the p o.
BARLOW. A roadhouse on the Stewart River, 85 m above its mouth, at its confluence with the McQuesten River, 95 cross country se of Dawson, the banking point, and 40 ne of Black Hills, its nearest p o.
BEAR CREEK. A mining settlement on a creek of the same name, a tributary of the Klondike River and on the Granville road, 6 m e of Dawson, the banking point and p o. Telephone connections and daily stage to Dawson. Mail semi-weekly.
BEAR CREEK. A roadhouse on a creek of the same name near its confluence with the Dezadeash River,"and on the White Horse-Kluane trail, 110 m w of White Horse, the banking point, 50 w of Champagne, the nearest p o.
BIG SALMON. A trading post and telegraph station on the Yukon River at the mouth of the Big Salmon River, 100 m n of White Horse, the nearest banking point, and 50 se of Car-macks, the nearest p o. The center of a district which includes the north and south forks of the Big Salmon River, Moose, May, Fish, and Bear creeks and numerous other tributaries, all of which show rich gold deposits.
BISHOP CREEK. A station on a creek of the same name and on the White Horse-Dawson winter trail, 32 m s of the latter, the banking point, and 7 s of Radford, the nearest p o.
BLACK HILLS. (For names see Tentorial Alphabetical List.) A p o and mining settlement on a creek of the same name, a tributary of the Stewart River, and on the White Horse-Dawson winter trail, 56 m (air line) se of the latter, the nearest banking point. Wells Fargo & Co express. Dominion Telegraph Service. Stage communication weekly to Dawson and White Horse during open season of navigation and semi-weekly during closed season.
BONANZA. Pop 100. A disc p o and mining settlement, also known as Grand Forks, first settled in 1897, at the junction of Bonanza and Eldorado creeks, and on the White Horse-Dawson winter trail, 14 m s of the latter, the p o, banking and shipping point. The town is lighted by electricity from the Dawson Electric Light & Power Co's plant at Dawson. Yukon Telephone Syndicate connections with Dawson.
BRAEBURN. A roadhouse on Klusha Creek and stage stop on the White Horse-Dawson winter trail, 85 m nw of the former, its nearest banking point, and 45 se of Carmacks, the nearest p o.
BRITTANIA CREEK. A mining settlement on a creek of the same name, a tributary of the Yukon River, 3 m above the mouth of Thistle Creek. The nearest p o is Stewart River.
BURWASH CREEK. A mining settlement on a creek of the same name, a tributary of the Kluane River, 10 m w of Lake Kluane. 190 nw of White Horse, banking point and nearest p o.
BUXTON MISSION. A settlement on the Yukon River, 52 m nw of Dawson, the banking point. Forty Mile is the p o name.
CALCITE. Pop 20. A steamboat landing on the Yukon River, 55 m s of Dawson, the banking point, and 15 nw of Stewart River, the nearest p o. Quartz mining is the principal industry.
CANYON. A flag station on the W P & Y Route, 106 m n of Skagway, Alaska, 5 m s of White Horse, nearest banking point and p o.
CANYON. A roadhouse on the Aishihik River at its confluence with the Dezadeash River, and on the White Horse-Kluane trail, 80 m w of Wrhite Horse, the banking point, and 20 w of Champagne, the nearest p o.
CANYON CITY. A mining settlement on the White River near the mouth of the Generic River, 225 m s of Dawson, the banking point, and 45 s of Stewart River, the nearest p o.
CARCROSS. (For names see Territorial Alphabetical List.) Called Caribou by the White Pass & Yukon Route; name changed to Carcross by p o in 1904. A station on the W P & Y R, 42 m s of White Horse and 67 n of Skagway, Alaska, both banking points. A number of very rich quartz mines are being operated within a few miles of here. Carcross is the transfer point for the Atlin mining district and is fast becoming known among tourists and sight-seeing parties as presenting some of the most beautiful scenery on the continent. Has an Anglican church, good general store and one of the finest hotels in the North. Telg, W P & Y R and Dominion Telegraph Service.
CARIBOU. A mining settlement, also known as Dominion, on Dominion Creek, a tributary of the Indian River, and on the Dawson-Granville road, 30 m se of Dawson, the nearest banking point.
CARIBOU. A station, also known as Caribou Crossing, on W P & Y Route, 67 m n of Skagway, Alaska, and 44 s of White Horse, the banking point. Carcross is the p o name.
CARIBOU CROSSING. Known also as Caribou. P o name is Carcross.
CARMACKS. (For names see Territorial Alphabetical List.) Pop 75. A p o, also called Tantalus, first settled in 1885, on the Yukon River at the mouth of the Nordenskiold River, and on the White Horse-Dawson Winter trail, 131 m s of Dawson, banking and supply point. W F & Co Exp. Dominion Telegraph Service.
CARR GLYNN. A telegraphone flag station on the Macrae
*->±J U.1 KJX 111V V V J. \JC J- XVUUIC) \J XXX yj *- J- U^UlVy K/ lltl v_/ a ^juuviuv
and 13 sw of White Horse, the nearest banking point and p o.
CHAMPAGNE, (For names see Territorial Alphabetical List.) A p o and trading station on the White Horse-Kluane trail, 60 m w of W^hite Horse, the banking and supply point. Has an Anglican church. Mining and trapping are the principal industries. Stage semi-monthly to White Horse, and monthly to Kluane.
CHECHACO HILL. A mining settlement on Bonanza Creek near Dawson, the banking point and p o.
CHICO. A station on the winter trail from Lower Labarge to Carmacks. its nearest p o, 30 m n of the former.
CLEAR CREEK. A mining settlement on Clear Creek, near its confluence with the Stewart River, 110 m above its mouth, 150 se of Dawson, banking point, and 35 ne of Black Hills, its nearest p o.
COAL CREEK. A mining settlement on a creek of the same name, a tributary of the Yukon River, 50 m nw of Dawson, the banking point, 11 e of the Yukon River and 6 n of Forty Mile, the nearest p o. The coal mines of the Northern Light, Power & Coal Co are located here.
COFFEE CREEK. A steamboat landing, telegraph station and wood camp on a creek of the same name at its confluence with the Yukon River, 110 m s of Dawson, the banking point, and 40 s of Stewart River, the nearest p o.
COMMERCIAL CENTER. A settlement on the south fork of the Big Salmon River, 50 m n of White Horse, the nearest banking point and p o, and 10 e of Eureka Landing, the shipping point on the Hootalinqua River. It is the commercial point for the Big Salmon mining district.
CONRAD. A mining settlement on Windy Arm, 54 ra s of White Horse, the banking point, and 12 se of Carcross, the nearest p o.
COWLEY. A telegraph flag station on the W P & Y Route, 95 m n of Skagway, Alaska, 16 s of White Horse, nearest p o and banking point.
DALTON HOUSE. A settlement, also known as Dalton Post, on the Krotahini River and the Dalton Trail, 75 m nw of Skagway, Alaska, the nearest banking and shipping point and p o.
City of Dawson
DAWSON. Pop estimated 1000, is the capital and the largest city of the Yukon Territory, and is in the center of the famous Klondike placer district, which today has, together with other nearby tributary placer districts, almost as many people engaged actively in mining and trading.
Dawson has a fine large public school with kindergarten, intermediate and high school branches. Many graduates from the Dawson high school have entered Toronto, and other universities, and have been most highly commended for the splendid ground work received here. Dawson also has St. Mary's Catholic school. More than 200 children attend the two schools. The
Administration building, Carnegie Library, Postoffice, and other public buildings would be a credit to any city. Most of the buildings are heated with steam or hot water. The city has many hotels with first class accommodations, and with running water, flush toilets and baths and other services the year round. The city has modern electric light, water and other public utilities. Telegraphic communication is had the year round by Dominion land Avires, American government radio and cable service, and the White Pass Railway Company's land lines, giving communication with all points of the world, including chief portions of Alaska and the Yukon Territory. The city has fine wharves, splendid steamer service the full length of the Yukon, connecting on the south with rail line to Pacific tidewater. Modern sawmills, telephone system, ship yards, machine shops, boiler works
and a large brewery are among the facilities. Six fine modern dredges, including the largest in the world, work within a few miles of Dawson. Some are at the very edge of the city, and have a capacity of 15,000 cubic yards of auriferous gravel daily. Numerous hydraulic works also are carried on. The city has four churches, including those of the Presbyterian, Catholic and Anglican. The city enjoys a large tourist business every season, and is the commercial and outfitting centre for extensive mining, fur trading and other operations. The fox raising industry has developed in the country recently, and many large fox farms with numerous fine animals are in full operation near the city. Greyling, salmon and other fishing, duck, grouse and other hunting, including that for moose, caribou, bear and mountain sheep afford splendid diversion summer and winter. Numerous large farms are under cultivation within a few miles of Dawson, and hundreds of tons of hay, potatoes, turnips and other root crops are raised and marketed in Dawson and on the steamers and at roadhouses. Wild and cultivated flowers grow in profusion. Dawson's gardens are the surprise of the many visitors. Lettuce, radishes, peas, cauliflower, cabbage and celery are particularly thrifty, and cannot be excelled for crispness and tenderness. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and other berries grow successfully, and the last two mentioned are gathered near here annually from wild vines in abundance. The gold shipments from Dawson annually aggregate approximately five million dollars. The city has many fine fraternal halls and homes, including those of the Masons, the Eagles, the Moose, the Odd Fellows and the Arctic Brotherhood. A modern, steam-heated picture theatre affords ample accommodations for the amusement loving public.
City Officials
Police Magistrate—Hon C D Macaulay Clerk—John Black
Firm Abbreviations
B & B Ltd—Burrall & Baird Ltd
R C M P—Royal Canadian Mounted Police
The N N W Corp Ltd—The New Northwest Corporation Ltd
Buyers' Guide
Dawson, Y. T.
Representing the Business, Commercial and Manufacturing Interests of the City
The Holt Caterpillar Tractor, which has revolutionized the hauling system at the Silver Camp at Keno Hill, Mayo, in the Yukon Territory, by cutting hauling costs much below half that of any other methods.
Only Authorized Holt Dealers in Yukon Territory and Tributary Territory of Alaska
Klondike Thawing Machine Co.
The Store That Sells Most Everything
We are Authorized Ford Dealers and Distributors for all territory in Yukon, north of 30 miles south of 63 degrees latitude.
The Famous Rochester Grill Run in Connection
The Feasting Place of Cheechakos and Sourdoughs, Merchants, Miners, Tourists and All
And Complete a la Carte Service, Including Everything to Be Found in the Most Modern City at Less Than Metropolitan Prices, and
Especially for Its
Obtainable in Few Places in the World, and Served the Year Round, including:
Comprised Entirely of Yukon Grown Products
Native Game and Meats Are Served at the Same Prices as Other Meat Orders— No Advance Charge to Transients— Service Unexcelled. Meals, 75 cents up, including Soup, Tea, Coffee, Cocoa and Dessert without extra charge
HARRY GLEAVES, Propr. First Avenue, DAWSON, Y. T.
A four-page paper and is the oldest established newspaper in the world's most famous placer gold field, and is the only daily newspaper published in the Yukon Territory. It reaches every camp and cabin in the vast North, and has the confidence of a people who are noted as being among the world's most
liberal buyers.
Sty? Imtramt Hwttifl
A 1 2 to 24-page paper, 90 per cent reading matter, is the Official Gazette of the Yukon Territory and is read by practically every miner, prospector and trapper in Yukon, the Forty-Mile, Eagle and Circle Districts of Alaska
The Best Medium for Advertisers, They Cover the Field Thoroughly
Advertising Rates on Application DAWSON, Y. T.
City Water Contractor
Express, Dray and Transferman
Teaming and Grading Contractor
The Rexall Store
W. M. CBIBBS, Owner
Third Avenue, DAWSON, Y. T. Phone 70
Adams Hugh M eng
Albert Solomon miner
Albini D miner THE NNW Corp Ltd
Aldercroft Wm garage
Allen Emma bkpr Northern Commercial Co Ltd
Allen Irene J
Allen Robt L tmbr insp
Anderson Andw T lab Yukon Gold Co
Anderson Edw
Anderson Emily Mrs cigars
Anderson Fred
Anderson J A fishermn
Ansett Wm J gard
ARCADE CAFE (Harry Gleaves) Noted For Its Dinners and Big Game Meats (See p 478)
Archibald Jas foremn Yuyon Gold Co
Ardern L lab Yukon Gold Co
Arnold Alfred F miner
Ashlund J lab Yukon Gold Co
Atkins Clarence
Atkinson C T miner
Aurora House (Mrs Addie Skelton)
B & F STORE (Joseph D Gadoua) Edward B Houghtaling Mgr, Cigars and Tobacco, Stationery, Periodicals, Magazines, Soda Fountain and Lunch Room, Confectionery
Bain W C constable RCMP
Baird Andw pres Dawson Elec Light Co and Dawson City Water & Power Co Ltd sec-treas Burrall & Baird Ltd asst treas The New Northwest Corp Ltd
Bakke Thos lab
Ballentine Elizabeth Mrs
Ballentine Martha wtrs
Baltas Elizabeth Mrs nurse
Bancroft E L winchmn Yukon Gold Co
Banks Frank miner
Baptist John miner The NNW Corp Ltd
BARBER HERBERT, Garage, Cars for Hire, Mgr Rochester Grill
Barnes C Stuart elk Barnes George H
Barrette F miner The NNW Corp Ltd Beaulieu Michl miner The NNW Corp Ltd Beckwith Richd trapper
Bell Wm librarian Dawson Free Public Library Benton M W lab Berry Jas
Berton Francis G mining recorder
Best Jas miner
Best Tremaine tlr
Betts Henry W chf elk customs
Betzner S B lab Yukon Gold Co
Bigg Walter
Biggs A A
Biggs Wm blksmith
Bird Thos lab Yukon Gold Co
Birely Louis D boat bldr
Birmingham Claude
Bishop Fredk W watchmn Yukon Gold Co Bittancourt J A foremn Yukon Gold Co Bizyak J lab Yukon Gold Co Black Chas B lawyer
BLACK GEORGE, Member of Parliament
BLACK JOHN, Legal Advisor and Public Administrator Yukon
Territory, Clerk Yukon Territorial Court BLANKMAN HAROLD G, Asst Clerk of the Territorial Court
Bloomer Oscar lab Yukon Gold Co
Blouin Arsene miner
Blouin E Mrs cook Yukon Gold Co
Blouin L A foremn Yukon Gold Co
Bogen May Mrs elk
Boich Michael lab Yukon Gold Co
Bolder M miner The NNW Corp Ltd
Bolduc J Edmund miner
Booth Chas lab B&BLtd
Bossuyt Chas meats
Bossuyt Eva
Boulay Antone
Boullion A lab Yukon Gold Co Boutillier Chas F farmer Boutillier Wm Boyce Nina Mrs bakery Boyle Chas Mrs
Bradshaw W R lab Yukon Gold Co
Braga Dominick miner The NNW Corp Ltd
Brennan Wm oiler The NNW Corp Ltd
BRIMSTON. GEORGE, Sheriff Yukon Territory
Brindamour Mitchell
Brine L H constable RCMP
Brock Frank timber agt
Broggio L welder The NNW Corp Ltd
Broom Chas miner
Brophe Chas
Broughton Saml
Brown Garnet watchmn B&BLtd
Brown Geo L miner The NNW Corp Ltd
Brown Jas miner
Brown Jas miner
Brown John lab Yukon Gold Co
Brown Lucille
Brown Mary E Mrs
Brown Peter lab B&BLtd
Bruce Wm miner The NNW Corp Ltd
Bruhalski John caretkr
Buchanan J lab Yukon Gold Co
Buhro H lab Yukon Gold Co
Bundy Nellie (wid Dell)
Bunting Saml miner The NNW Corp Ltd
Burdick Edw C barber
Burich Philip lab B&BLtd
Burke John Mrs
Burkhard Chas F bakery
Burrall & Baird Ltd WHS McFarland mgr Andw Baird sec-treas mining
Bussell Henry miner
Buteau Peter lab Yukon Gold Co
Byers Thos lab Yukon Gold Co
Cadieux Birdie (wid Jos)
Cale Geo T carp
Cameron Angus J miner
Cameron Chas driller Yukon Gold Co
Campbell Felix winchmn B&BLtd
Campbell Jas lab Yukon Gold Co
Carlson C H foremn Yukon Gold Co
Carlson Emma C cook
Carlson Louis miner
Carlton Luke miner
Carr Fredk miner
Carroll Jas S
Carroll John M eng
Carruthers H B C pay elk RCMP
Carson Anna housekpr
Cascade Steam Laundry Gus Johnson mgr
Case John miner
Cedar Geo lab B&BLtd
Chapman Ernest driver Cascade Steam Lndy
Chapman H lab Yukon Gold Co
Chapman O lab Yukon Gold Co
Charlton Thos miner
Chevrette Eug lab
Chisholm Alex
Christian Science Hall
Church Ella Mrs hsekpr Royal Alexander Hotel
Clark Adelia Mrs
Clark-Hendra May Mrs
Clarke Fred W lab Yukon Gold Co
Clewley R H constable RCMP
Coates D H (Coates & Kastner)
Coates & Kastner (D H Coates O F Kastner) mail carriers
Cobb Margaret M lndy
Coffey Geo T res mgr Yukon Gold Co
Collette J B lab Yukon Gold Co
Colley Harry wldr B&BLtd
Collier Harry miner
Collins John A mining
Collins W F lab
Conlin Isabelle (wid T P) Coombs H W cook Yukon Gold Co Cooper Frank cook Yukon Gold Co Corbeil Canille janitor Corps E J miner
Corriveau H L lab Yukon Gold Co
Cosgrove Frank
Cowden Harry D miner
Craig Benj F elk P O
Craig Clarence W
Craig Geo D shoemkr
Craig John A
Craig Robt
Cramer Steve lab
Creamer Philip S elk Northern Commercial Co Ltd Creamer Richd C
Creamer Richd W elk The NNW Corp Ltd
CRIBBS W M, "The Rexall Store", Drugs, Kodaks and Supplies, Stationery, "Liggett's Chocolates" and All of Service's Works (See p 479)
Cronin Daniel J carp Cross Alice F Mrs
Cunningham Betsy Mrs lndrs Cascade Steam Laundry Cunningham Peter opr The NNW Corp Ltd Currie Daniel lab Currie Wm K lab B&BLtd
Currie W E member from Klondike Yukon Council
Curtis Chas S elk
Cushman Hank trapper
Cuthbert Wm J gro
Cutting Mary H Mrs
Dahl John miner
Daly Jeremiah sergt in chg RCMP Daoust Felix farmer Davies Maggie Davin Thos E chkr
Dawson Amateur Athletic Association F H Elliott mgr Dawson Curling Club
Dawson City Water & Power Co Andw Baird pres A E Lee mgr
DAWSON DAILY NEWS, Dawson News Publishing Co Publrs (See p 478)
Dawson Electric Light & Power Co Ltd, Andw Baird pres A E Lee mgr
Dawson Fire Department R C McLaren chief Dawson Free Public Library Wm Bell librarian Dawson Hardware Co (M H Jones)
DAWSON NEWS PUBLISHING CO, C R Settlemier Editor, O F Kastner Mgr, Publishers Dawson Daily News (See p 478)
Dawson Public School Dawson Thos miner
Dav Michl miner
DeLage J miner The NNW Corp Ltd DeLage Wm opr The NNW Corp Ltd DeLagrave Dolor tlr Deroches J miner The NNW Corp Ltd DesBrisay John lab Yukon Gold Co DesBrisay Paul miner The NNW Corp Ltd DesLeuriers John B elk
DEVER ARTHUR H, V-Pres Dawson News Publisher Co
Devig Nick lab Yukon Gold Co
Devine Alice Mrs
DeWolfe Percy C mail carrier
Dickson H G (Dickson & Dickson)
Dickson T A (Dickson & Dickson)
Dickson & Dickson (H G and T A Dickson) surv
Dieo Peter cook Yukon Gold Co
Dillon Jas tmstr
Dines John musician
Diven Alice M Mrs cook Yukon Gold Co
Dixon Harry
Dixon John H mach
Dixon Thos
Dogue H wldr The NNW Corp Ltd
Dominion Telegraph Service
Donald J A mgr Northern Commercial Co Ltd
Donohue Nicholas J
Donovan Timothy carp
Doran Edw F foremn Yukon Gold Co
Dorr S M citv circulator Dawson News Publishino- Co
Douglas Alex
Douglas Walter miner The NNW Corp Ltd
Doyle Thos
Drabeson J lab
Drugan Chas lab
Drugan Thos lab Yukon Gold Co
Drugan Wm lab Yukon Gold Co
Dubois A dredgemaster B&BLtd
Dubois Dona Mrs (Occidental Hotel)
Duckworth Robt lab Yukon Gold Co
Duffy Edw miner
Dugoff Thos miner
Dunlap Ambrose foremn Yukon Gold Co
Duroche Saml miner
Dzugaeff Thos mech Herbt Barber
Earsman Geo M miner Eckersley John C fishermn Edwards E J (Edwards & Winaut) Edwards Geo B agt
Edwards & Winaut (E J Edwards Herbt Winaut) furn Egan Jerry miner The NNW Corp Ltd Ellengsen Earl A photog
Elliott Fred H mgr Dawson Amateur Athletic Assn Elliott Wm
Elliott Wm H lab Elliott Wm J miner Ellis J E sergt RCMP Elwell Edw miner
England Edw miner The NNW Corp Ltd
Erickson H lab Yukon Gold Co
Etzel Frank
Evanglista Chas miner
Farr Jas R flour and feed
Farr Philip wood dlr
Farrer Geo
Faulkner Victoria
Feltchner John cook Yukon Gold Co Fende Frank lab B&BLtd Fenning H miner The NNW Corp Ltd Fenton F M supt Yukon Gold Co Ferguson Wm N driver
Ferrell J E member from Mayo Yukon Council Field Richd insp Filion Arthur farmer
Fillmore Leland oiler The NNW Corp Ltd
Findley Geo H Rev pastor St Andrews Presbyterian Church
Finlaison E O mgr Bank of Montreal
Finley Wm lab Yukon Gold Co
Finnie John miner
Firth Thos A real est
Flammand Felix miner The NNW Corp Ltd Fletcher John
Fontain David wood chopper Forbes David
Fordal G lab Yukon Gold Co Forest W trapper
FORREST ALEXANDER, Collector of Customs Yukon Territory
Forrest Emil eng
Forrest Thos miner
Fortier Ovid lab Yukon Gold Co
Forward Dorman winchmn B&BLtd
Foss Fred miner
Fotheringham David H Steamer Klondike
Fournier Archie dairy
Fournier Jos (Summit Roadhouse)
Fowlie Gavin carp
Fox Richd A carp
Francis Harry A wood dlr
Francis Saml lab
Franich Bros (Peter and Michl) restr
Franich Michl (Franich Bros)
Franich Peter (Franich Bros)
Fransen Peter W winchmn The NNW Corp Ltd
Fraser Earl lab
Fraser John R
Fraser Rodney E pntr
Fraternal Order of Eagles Hall
Frates F lab Yukon Gold Co
Frazer Jas miner The NNW Corp Ltd
Freeman Hotel (Mrs Minnie Whitmore)
FRENCH MODEL STORE (Mme Emilie Tremblay) Dry Goods, Millinery and Notions, Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Goods King se cor 3d Av
Frooks Andw miner
Frooks Belle Mrs
Frooks Fred miner
Fulton Geo E foremn
Furgeson W miner The NNW Corp Ltd
G W V A Hall
Gadoua Jos D (B & F Store) bakery Gage Chas driver
Gagne Phileas Rev pastor St Marys Church Gagnon H miner The NNW Corp Ltd Gaudet Paul nurse St Marys Hosp Gavenlock W miner The NNW Corp Ltd Geek L foremn B&BLtd Gibson David lab Gilker J R carp
Gillespie Archie A elk Canadian Bank of Commerce
Gillespie Laura tchr
Gillespie Margaret student
Gillespie Richd L mining recorder
Gillis Alex J dentist
Gladwin B W foremn B&BLtd
Glendenning H B constable RCMP Gloslie Chris supt The NNW Corp Ltd Godin David
Golden Jas lab Yukon Gold Co
Gordon A A (Occidental Hotel)
Government Ferry
Graham Frank miner
Granger J P gard St Marys Hospital
Grant Chris
Grant John H elk Northern Commercial Co Ltd Grant Mary Mrs wall paper Gravelle Alec lab Yukon Gold Co Greenaway Thos miner The NNW Corp Ltd Greenaway Walter
Gremie Geo miner The NNW Corp Ltd Guder Fred oiler B&BLtd Guillemette E miner The NNW Corp Ltd Guilmette Donne baker J D Gadoua Guite J P (Royal Alexandra Hotel) Gulliford Dora (wid John) Hagstrom Helmar miner Hall Marj one M tel opr
Halliday Milfred R foremn Yukon Gold Co Hamilton Hugh
Hamilton Thos lab Yukon Gold Co
Hammer Conrad
Hand Arthur mach B&BLtd
Hanna Jos mens furngs
Hansen Odin
Hansen John winchmn The NNW Corp Ltd Harding C miner The NNW Corp Ltd Hardy R lab Yukon Gold Co Harkins Geo
Harold Mary F asst mgr Cascade Steam Laundry Harramura Fred cook B&BLtd Harrington John miner Haughton Bruce R
HAWKSLEY JOHN, Indian Agent Yukon Territory
Hawn Edw lab Yukon Gold Co
Heggem Hans oiler The NNW Corp Ltd
Hegstrom Hilmer opr Yukon Gold Co
Henderson Grant miner
Henderson H C assayer Yukon Gold Co
Hendrickson G firemn Yukon Gold Co
Herbster F J lab Yukon Gold Co
Hickey Edw E lab B&BLtd
Hickling Fred carp
HIGHLAND MARY MINE, John McFarland Pres-Mgr
Hoggan Dorothy tchr
Hoggan John master mariner
Hoggan John W miner The NNW Corp Ltd
Holbrook S C farmer
Hollenbeck John roadhouse
HOLT TRACTORS, Klondike Thawing Machine Co Distributors
Hooker Jas E oiler B&BLtd
Hooker Robt oiler The NNW Corp Ltd
Horsfall Ada wtrs
Horsfall Rose lndrs Cascade Steam Lndry
Hoskings A J lab Yukon Gold Co
Houghtaling Edw B mgr B&F Store
Houghton Bruce miner
Howes Geo foremn B&BLtd
Huff Jerry billiards
Hughes Jas guide
Hughes Thos lab Yukon Gold Co
Hull F lab Yukon Gold Co
Hunter C F lab Yukon Gold Co
Hutchinson Jas foremn B&BLtd
Inkster Wm carp
Irvin Saml miner
Irving J G foremn Yukon Gold Co
Iseman Harry B
Jacobs A C lab Yukon Gold Co
Jackson Elmer miner
Jeanneret Chas pres-mgr Jeanneret Jewelry Co Ltd
JEANNERET JEWELRY CO LTD THE, Chas Jeanneret Pres-Mgr, Jeweler, Diamonds, Watches, Native and Outside Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass and Novelties, Engraving and Jewelry Manufacturing
JECKELL GEORGE A, Comptroller Yukon Territory
Jensen Peter oiler The NNW Corp Ltd Johnson Chas driller Yukon Gold Co Johnson Eric lab B&BLtd Johnson Fred piper Yukon Gold Co
JOHNSON GEORGE F (Klondike Thawing Machine Co)
Johnson Gus mgr Cascade Steam Laundry
Johnson Swan lab B&BLtd
Johnston Robt J barber
Jolicoeur Godfroid farmer
Jones Matthew H (Dawson Hardware Co)
Jorgensen Morten tlr
Joswold Ole blksmith B&BLtd
Joy J B staff sergt RCMP
Juneau Edw winchmn B&BLtd
Kaiser Chas hdw
Kannabek Jos miner
Karpunen P miner The NNW Corp Ltd
KASTNER O F (Coates & Kastner) Mgr Dawson News Publishing Co
Kaulback Chas lab B&BLtd
Kawahara S cook The NNW Corp Ltd
Kawakami Shuzaburo notions
Kazinsky John P winchmn Yukon Gold Co
Kazinsky John P jr lab Yukon Gold Co
Kazinsky Louis lab Yukon Gold Co
Keating Josephine smstrs
Keeling Celia I Mrs baths
Kellerman A linemn B&BLtd
Kelly K G elk Bank of Montreal
Kelly Philip M mine recorder
Kemp Ernest miner
Kennedy Duncan lab Yukon Gold Co
Kennedy Jas lab B&BLtd
Ker Marguerite Mrs lndrs Cascade Steam Lndy Kerr Geo linemn B&BLtd Kilbride Fred winchmn The NNW Corp Ltd King Walter lab
Kinney Margaret nurse St Marys Hospital
Kinsey Olive A student
Kirby C miner The NNW Corp Ltd
Kirk Alexandra Mrs
Kirk John lab B&BLtd
Kline John
KLONDIKE THAWING MACHINE CO (Geo F Johnson) "The Store That Sells Most Everything", Sole Agents in Yukon and Alaska for Holt Caterpillar Tractors, Ford Dealers and Authorized Service (See p 476)
Knaus Fred lab B&BLtd
Knudson P A (Royal Alexandra Hotel)
Kondroski A lab B&BLtd
Korbo C Mrs cook Yukon Gold Co
Korbo John mach B&BLtd
Korbo Martin tmstr Yukon Gold Co
Korbo Mildred sten Yukon Gold Co
Koslosky Jos lab
Kotilainen W lab Yukon Gold Co
Kuback Wm
Kunze Bertha Mrs cook
Kunze Bonnar electn
Kunze Edw opr Yukon Gold Co
Kunze J B lab Yukon Gold Co
Kunze W E Mrs cook Yukon Gold Co
Kviten Jos piper Yukon Gold Co
Labbe Jean L
Lachappelle J O phys pres-mgr Northern Fox Ranch Co Ltd
Lamore U miner The NNW Corp Ltd
Lamotte Francois
Lamotte Jos wood chopper
Langevin J B lab
Langley Jas lab
Lanoff Jas lab B&BLtd
Larsen Emil lab Yukon Gold Co
Larsen G miner The NNW Corp Ltd
Lawson Thos cook RCMP
Lean David sergt major RCMP
Learmont Jack (Principal Hotel)
LeBlanc W miner The NNW Corp Ltd
LeBlond G miner The NNW Corp Ltd
Leblond Stanley tmstr Yukon Gold Co
LaBrosse J miner The NNW Corp Ltd
Lee Alfred E mgr Dawson Electric Light & Power Co Ltd and Dawson City Water & Power Co Ltd
Lee Allan E welder The NNW Corp Ltd Lee Geo miner The NNW Corp Ltd Lemieux Jos tmstr B&BLtd Lemoine Adlard driver J D Gadoua Lenez Peter lab
Lennon John miner The NNW Corp Ltd
Lennon R lab Yukon Gold Co
Lepine Henry wood chopper
Leroux T J lab B&BLtd
Leroux Z lab B&BLtd
Leslie Geo H miner
Lindahl Lillian wtrs
Lister Harry B foremn Yukon Gold Co
Lister Theo electn
Little Harry S trapper
Lloyd Jas C miner
Lnoff Jas mech Herbt Barber
Lord Gilbert lab Yukon Gold Co
Loveridge Wm E foremn Yukon Gold Co
Lowden Wm C lab The NNW Corp Ltd
Lowe Edw lab Yukon Gold Co
LOWE ROBERT, Speaker, Member from White Horse Yukon Council
Lowe Rufus C miner Lowry Geo constable RCMP Lowry Henry
Loyal Order of Moose Hall
Lude John mach Yukon Gold Co
Lund J miner The NNW Corp Ltd
Luyckens Louis miner
Lynch Thos miner The NNW Corp Ltd
McAndrew Patk trapper
McCain C H Mrs cook Yukon Gold Co
McCarter Alex Post Master
McCormick Saml livery stable
McCown Jean Mrs
McCoy Hattie Mrs baths
McCrimmon J miner The NNW Corp Ltd
McCroal Jas miner
McCuish Murdoch miner
McCutcheon John foremn Yukon Gold Co
McDonald Alex B supt The NNW Corp Ltd
McDonald Daniel H tmstr B&BLtd
McDonald Jas C lab Yukon Gold Co
McDonald Roderick winchmn B&BLtd
McDonnell C M foremn Yukon Gold Co
McDonnell Harry M dredgemaster The NNW Corp Ltd
McEdwards J miner The NNW Corp Ltd
McElfish Thos S
McFarland Warren H S mgr New North West Corporation Ltd mgr Burrall & Baird Ltd
McFARLANE JOHN, Pres-Mgr Highland Mary Mine, City Water Contractor, City Garbage Contractor, Teaming and Grading Contractor, Express, Dray and Transferman (See p 479)
McGillivary John miner
Mclver Murdoch J acct
McKay D J driller Yukon Gold Co
McKean A D lab B&BLtd
McKee J T dredgemaster Yukon Gold Co
McKenzie A lab B&BLtd
McKenzie Wm F elk P O
McKim S C liquor vender
McKinnon Malcolm oiler B&BLtd
McKinnon M J miner The NNW Corp Ltd
McLaren Elizabeth
McLaren Robt C chief Dawson Fire Department
McLean Alex carp
McLean D L lab Yukon Gold Co
McLean J W 2d hd gds
McLean R lab Yukon Gold Co
McLellan Saml dredgemaster B&B Ltd
McLennan John tmstr B&B Ltd
McLennan M miner The NNW Corp Ltd
McLeod Agnes M (wid Chas R)
McLEOD CHARLES E, Crown Prosecutor
McLeod David W miner
McLeod Donald C acct B&BLtd
McLeod H Gordon acct Bank of Montreal
McMillan Daniel miner The NNW Corp Ltd
McNeill F A lab B&BLtd
McNeill Jas H supt works and buildings Yukon Territory
McRae D M foremn Yukon Gold Co
McRae M Mrs cook Yukon Gold Co
MACAULEY CHARLES D, Judge Territorial Court
MacDougall Jas keeper Northern Fox Ranch Co Ltd
Mack John tlr
MacKeen Alex D miner
MacKeen A P teller Canadian Bank of Commerce MacKENZIE GEO P, Commissioner of the Yukon Territory
Maclennan Alex M miner Maclennan John F drugs
MacMillan W A A gen supt The NNW Corp Ltd Maddocks Edw dept mgr Northern Commercial Co Ltd Magnuson J L foremn Yukon Gold Co Magretta John miner Mahon Henry
Majenpaa M miner The NNW Corp Ltd
Malstrom Harold lino opr Dawson News Publishing Co
MALTBY JOHN A M H, Territorial Sec and Treas Yukon Territory, Clerk of Yukon Council
Manchester Donald lab Yukon Gold Co
MANCHESTER M D, Electrical Supt Yukon Gold Co
Manuel Teddy miner Marcoux Jos driver
Marcoux Napoleon tmstr Yukon Gold Co Marcus Frank lab The NNW Corp Ltd Marsh Chas L mining
Marshall Wm miner The NNW Corp Ltd
Martin L G nurse St Marys Hospital
Martineau J miner The NNW Corp Ltd
Masonic Temple
Matheson Saml miner
Mayer H W foremn Yukon Gold Co
Mellish John lab Yukon Gold Co
Mellish John M lab
Mellon O lab Yukon Gold Co
Melville Wm R
Mercier A miner The NNW Corp Ltd Merrill F lab Yukon Gold Co Meyer C H foremn Yukon Gold Co Miller H L meat ctr Waechter Bros Co Mills Chas W eng
Moffat Geo blksmith Yukon Gold Co Moll Paul miner The NNW Corp Ltd Moon Geo L lab Yukon Gold Co Moore Chas F lab
Moore Nora Mrs cook Yukon Gold Co
Moore Wm A dredgemaster The NNW Corp Ltd
Moore Wm H lab Yukon Gold Co
Moquin Victor supt The NNW Corp Ltd
Morgan J W
Morgan Margaretta Mrs
Morishige Frank cook B&BLtd
Morlock Geo W barber
Morrah Frank lab B&BLtd
Morse Harry
Morse R A watchmkr Jeanneret Jewelry Co Ltd
Moskeland J E moat bldr
Munro Daniel foremn Yukon Gold Co
Murphy J C piper Yukon Gold Co
Murphy Walter mech Yukon Gold Co
Murray J R messr Canadian Bank of Commerce
Murray Wm J firemn Northern Commercial Co Ltd
Nacke H jeweler Jeanneret Jewerly Co Ltd
Nadeau Fredk lab
Naskedoff Geo lab Yukon Gold Co
Nee Jos M
Nelson Geo oiler The NNW Corp Ltd Nelson J M lab Yukon Gold Co
Newman Thos winchmn The NNW Corp Ltd
Nordling Hannah (wid Otto)
Nordling Oscar lab Yukon Gold Co
Nordling Paul lab Yukon Gold Co
Nordstrom A J lab B&BLtd
Norman C J harness mkr
Norman Henry lab Yukon Gold Co
Northern Commercial Co Ltd J A Donald mgr
Northern Fox Ranch Co Ltd J O Lachapelle pres-mgr
Oakden Wm blksmith ,
O'Brien F miner The NNW Corp Ltd
O'Brien J winchmn The NNW Corp Ltd
Occidental Hotel (A A Gordon Mrs D Dubois)
Odegard Carrie Mrs cook Yukon Gold Co
Odegard O lab B&BLtd
Odell Odin lab B&BLtd
Odon Hans lab B&BLtd
Ogburn Robt H supt Yukon Gold Co
Oglow Jas cigars and tobacco O'Keefe Michl wtr B&BLtd Oleson Anna P Mrs music tchr Oleson Ole driller Yukon Gold Co Oleson Richd A jeweler Olsen A oiler The NNW Corp Ltd Osborn Frank lab B&BLtd
OSBORN FRANKLIN H, Asst Territorial Sec and Treas Yukon Territory
Osborn Franklin H jr lab
Osborn Owen
Paddock Chas H
Paddock Geo A
Paddock Wm S greenhouse
Pasquin Christopher N lab Yukon Gold Co
Pastor Frank lab Yukon Gold Co
Patton Jas miner
Payson C C miner
Peek Henry M miner
Peltonen Frank shoemkr
Penny Patrick
Peter H E jeweler
Peterson John miner The NNW Corp Ltd
Peterson Michl firemn Yukon Gold Co
Peterson P H firemn Yukon Gold Co
Philip Chas S dry gds
Pickering Thos miner
Pierce Henry lab
Pigeon S oiler Yukon Gold Co
Pluth John tmstr B&BLtd
Pohl Geo whse foremn B&BLtd
Pontaletta P miner The NNW Corp Ltd
Pool Jas A oiler B&BLtd
Popovich Michl oiler Yukon Gold Co
Poulin G oiler The NNW Corp Ltd
Poulin Romeo lab
Powell D E mach B&BLtd
Powell Frank C acct Yukon Gold Co
Price Eug lab Yukon Gold Co
Price Louis
Ransley Alfred janitor P O
Ray Harry lab Yukon Gold Co
Razee Nellie
Rea Frank lab B&BLtd
Reardon David miner
Reardon Stephen carp Yukon Gold Co
Redmond Chas lab
Redmond Ernest J lab
Redmond Margaret M
Redmond Wm H lab Yukon Gold Co
Rendell Wm J v-pres The NNW Corp Ltd
REXALL STORE THE (W M Cribbs) Drugs (Sec p 479)
Reynolds Geo C rancher
Rice Fredk lab Yukon Gold Co
Richardson W lab Yukon Gold Co
Rickard Edw C gen mdse
Risberg C A miner The NNW Corp Ltd
Risco J miner The NNW Corp Ltd
Ritzman Peter
Rivers Chas
Robertson Duncan C miner Robinson R C opr Yukon Gold Co
ROCHESTER GRILL THE, Herbert Barber Mgr, Headquarters for Big Game, Mountain Sheep, Moose, Caribou and Cub Bear (See p 480)
ROCHESTER HOTEL (Andrew Rystogi), Dawson's Leading Tourist's Resort, Headquarters for Big Game Hunters and Mining Men, Touring Cars and Automobiles for Hire (See P 477)
Rogers Leland O mech Dawson Fire Dept
Rosman John T
Rossan Jos opr Yukon Gold Co
Rosseau Amie oiler B&BLtd
Rousseau Peter miner
Roy Paul dredgemaster B&BLtd
Royal Alexandra Hotel (J P Guite P A Knudson)
Royal Canadian Mounted Police E Telford Commander Yukon
Territory Ruiter Chas N Runacres E lab B&BLtd Rupe Margaret nurse St Marys Hospital Ryan David miner Rystogi Adam bakery RYSTOGI ANDREW (Rochester Hotel) Rystogi Frances
St Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev G H Findley pastor St Laurent Peter miner
St Mary's Church (Roman Catholic) Rev Phileas Gagne pastor
ST MARY'S HOSPITAL, Sisters of St Anne in Charge
St Mary's School Sisters of St Anne in chg
St Paul's Anglican Church
Sampson Wm
Samuelson Martin lab
Samuelson S M elk Bank of Montreal
Sando J miner The NNW Corp Ltd
Sauer Geo lab The NNW Corp Ltd
Sauer Jos wtr B&BLtd
Saunders Danl tmstr B&BLtd
Schemer Birdie W .bkpr Waechter Bros Co
Schemer Henry J mgr Waechter Bros Co
Schink C E timekpr Yukon Gold Co
Schofield Fanny
Schubert Christopher lab Yukon Gold Co Schwartz J P carp RCMP
Scott Jane A Mrs nurse Scott Jos W tmstr Scougale Jas A dry gds Scougale John Seargent J cook Searle Edgar H
Seeley Alex elk Northern Commercial Co Ltd Segbers Hiram B elec supt The NNW Corp Ltd Segbers J A (Yukonia Hotel)
Seguin Alarie J dept mgr Northern Commercial Co Ltd
Seguin John eng
Semple Robt miner
Sence L lab Yukon Gold Co
SETTLEMIER C R, Editor Dawson Daily News
Sharkey Owen foremn Yukon Gold Co
Sharp Harry broker
Shaw Wm miner
Sibbald Geo lab Yukon Gold Co
Sim Robt miner The NNW Corp Ltd
Simmons Geo lab Yukon Gold Co
Simons Louisa Mrs bakery
Sinclair H miner The NNW Corp Ltd
Sipkus John wood dlr
Skelton Addie Mrs (Aurora House)
Skelton Harry H driver Dawson Fire Dept
Skistad Nels lab B&BLtd
Skoropata Steve winchmn B&BLtd
Sloane Sarah tchr
Smith C miner The NNW Corp Ltd
Smith Jonas lab Yukon Gold Co
Smith Spurgeon W electn
Smith Thos miner
Solvig G (Westminster Hotel)
Sorenson Wm lab B&BLtd
Span Tony driller Yukon Gold Co
SPENCE JOHN N, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Teas, Coffees and Spices, Smoked, Cured and Salt Meats, Canned Goods, Flour and Feed, Fruit and Vegetables (See p 480)
Starvis T wtr The NNW Corp Ltd
Steers E E cook Yukon Gold Co
Stephens Chas corporal RCMP
Stepp Joshua E slsmn
Stevens Geo lab
Stevens John tmstr B&BLtd
Stevenson Geo
Stevenson John prospector
Stingle Jos W eng Northern Commercial Co Ltd Stone Chas T Stone Michl lab
Strathie Wm H (Yukon Sheet Metal Works)
Stringer Isaac O Rt Rev bishop Yukon Anglican Church
Sugyana Jas cook The NNW Corp Ltd
Sullivan A miner The NNW Corp Ltd Sullivan Chas
Summit Roadhouse (Jos Fournier) Sundeen Alex trapper Sundlin J lab Yukon Gold Co Svendson S foremn B&BLtd
Tani Geo cook Yukon Gold Co
Tarailom Nick oiler Yukon Gold Co
Tate Jas lab Yukon Gold Co
Taylor Albt B miner The NNW Corp Ltd
Telford Edw commander Yukon Territory RCMP
Tennant Chas I
Thomas Theo miner
Thompson Geo lab Yukon Gold Co
Thompson W E phys medical health officer Yukon Territory
Thomson D C mgr Canadian Bank of Commerce
Thornback Margaret Mrs
Thorne F lab Yukon Gold Co
Thurgood Ernest corp RCMP
Tilling Rose E
Totty Ada
Totty Benj missionary Totty Chas student Totty Martha
Townsend Alfred mach B&BLtd
Towrnsend H Emma
Townsend Turner N E florist
Townsend Wm miner
Trana Edw linemn B&BLtd
Tremblay Emilie (French Model Store)
Tretault Alfred h Front nr Albert
Tretsiak Josephine nurse St Mary's Hospital
Troberg Erick A mining
Troberg Ralph E student
Troberg Walter elk
Turcotte Geo miner The NNW Corp Ltd Turnbull Archie miner Turnbull John mining Twirdall O lab B&B Ltd
Union Bakery (Conrad Hammer) Upp D C auto repr Vagliano Max wtr B&BLtd Vale Anna housekpr
Vananzio Cicero blksmith Yukon Gold Co Vernon Geo
Vesco J P (V Vesco & Son) Vesco Vincent (V Vesco & Son)
VESCO VINCENT & SON (Successors to Frank & Vesco), Diamond Merchants and Manufacturers of Klondike Jewrfry, P O Box 435
Vetterich Otto miner The NNW Corp Ltd Vifquain Chas F elk Vilbrun Henry miner
Waechter Brothers Co Henry J Schemer mgr meats Walters J B electn
Warner Geo dredgemaster The NNW Corp Ltd
Watch Theo piper Yukon Gold Co
Watson Fred W lab Yukon Gold Co
Watson Geo constable RCMP
Watson G lab Yukon Gold Co
Waugh Elizabeth (wid Aaron)
Way Frank T
Welch B G foremn Yukon Gold Co
West J A boilermkr
Westerbrook Geo lab
Westminster Hotel (G Solvig)
White Jack lab B&BLtd
White Vincent P lab
Whiting A A lab B&BLtd
Whitmore Minnie Mrs (Freeman Hotel)
Wickman E M lab B&BLtd
Wickman Len foremn B&BLtd
Williams Alice M
Williams Geo N mining
Williams Jas miner
Williams Lyman lab Yukon Gold Co
Williams Wm winchmn The NNW Corp Ltd
Wilson Elizabeth Mrs
Wilson Emma L (Yukon Hotel)
Wilson Jas F mining
Wilson Thomas miner
Winaut Herbt (Edwards & Winaut)
Winklebeck Elsie lndrs Cascade Steam Laundry
Winram T J miner The NNW Corp Ltd
Wolfe Chas
Woodburn Edw A
Wright E L lab Yukon Gold Co
Wynen Jos miner The NNW Corp Ltd
Wynen Louise C Mrs dressmkr
Wyness Gladys tel opr
Wyness John
Yokada Y mach
Young C J constable RCMP
Yukon Gold Co Geo T Coffey res mgr
Yukon Hotel (E L Wilson)
Yukon Sheet Metal Works (Wm Strathie)
Yukon Telephone Syndicate Ltd Andrew Baird pres A E Lee mgr
Yukonia Hotel (J A Segbers) Zenier Chas lab
Zukoff Thos miner The NNW Corp Ltd
DAWSON DOME. See Moosehide Mountain.
DE WETTE. A flag station on the W P & Y Route, 84 m n of Skagway, Alaska, 27 s of White Horse, the nearest banking point, 17 n of Carcross, its nearest p o, and 5 s of Robinson Station.
DOME, THE. Elevation 4,250 ft. The nearest mountain in Klondike mining district. Noted for its midnight parties during the latter part of June to view the midnight sun, one of the many attractions sought by tourists.
DOMINION. A mining settlement and disc p o on a creek of the same name, a tributary of the Indian River, and on the Dawson-Granville road, 30 m se of Dawson, the nearest banking point and p o.
DONJEK. A roadhouse and trading post on a river of the same name at its confluence with the White River, the head of navigation on the latter, and on the Dawson-Chisana trail 162 m s of Dawson, the nearest banking point, and 60 s of Stewart River, its nearest p o.
DUBLIN GULCH. A mining settlement on a creek of the same name, 200 m e of the mouth of the Stewart River and 250 e of Dawson, the nearest banking point. Mayo is the nearest p o.
DUGDALE. A flag station on the W P & Y Route, 99 m n of Skagway, Alaska, 12 s of White Horse, the nearest banking point and p o, and 10 n of Robinson Station.
DUNCAN CREEK. A mining settlement on a creek of the same name, at its confluence with the Mayo River, a tributary of the Stewart River, 200 m e of the mouth of the latter, 250 e of Dawson, the nearest banking point, and 40 ne of Mayo, its nearest p o.
EAR LAKE. A flag station on the W P & Y Route, 107 m n of Skagway, Alaska, 4 s of White Horse, nearest banking point and p o.
ECLIPSE ROADHOUSE. A roadhouse JA m above the mouth of Hunker Creek, on the Dawson-Granville road, 10 m se of Dawson, the nearest banking point and p o.
ELDORADO CREEK. A mining settlement on a creek of the same name, 10 m s of Dawson, the banking point and p o.
ENSLEY CREEK. A mining settlement on a creek of the same name near Dawson, the banking, commercial point and p o.
EUREKA CREEK. A mining settlement on a creek of the same name, a tributary of the Indian River, 46 m s of The Forks and 4 m off the White Horse-Dawson trail. Mail weekly.
EUREKA LANDING. A station on the White Horse-Dawson winter trail and a steamboat landing at the head of navigation on the Hootalinqua River, 52 m n of White Horse, the nearest banking point and p o, 28 s of Hootalinqua and 10 w of Commercial Center.
FIVE FINGER RAPIDS. On the White Horse-Dawson River route on the Yukon River, 10 m s of Yukon Crossing.
FORKS, THE. A mining settlement at the junction of the right and left forks of Eureka Creek, a tributary of the Indian River, and on the White Horse-Dawson winter trail.
FORT CONSTANTINE. A fort on the Yukon River, 52 m sw of Dawson, the nearest banking point, and across the river from Forty Mile, the nearest p o.
FORT CUDAHY. See Forty Mile.
FORT RELIANCE. An abandoned fort on the Yukon River, 10 m n of Dawson, the nearest banking, commercial point and p o.
FORT SELKIRK. A telegraph station and trading post, also known as Selkirk, formerly an outpost of the R C M Police, on the Yukon River, 176 m se of Dawson, the nearest banking point, and across the river from Pelly, its p o.
FORTY MILE. (For names see Territorial Alphabetical List.) Pop 22. A p o and mining settlement, first settled in 1884, on a river of the same name at its confluence with the Yukon River, 52 m nw of Dawson, the banking point. Gold mining is the principal industry. Some very rich placer diggings are located on Chickenv Falls, Gate, Glacier, Herbert, Log Cabin, Miller and Wade creeksv all tributaries of Forty Mile River. It is a government telegraph station and has a blacksmith shop, general store, 2 hotels, roadhouse and Anglican Church. A Canadian customs office and a corps of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police are also located here. Wells Fargo & Co express. Do-minrott Telegraph Service. Stage weekly in winter to Eagle, Alaska and Dawson, Y T.
FORTY MILE. A mining settlement and district on a river of the same name, which Res both in the Yukon Territory and the Territory of Alaska. This was one of the first placer camps in the North and considerable mining is still carried on. The principal creeks are Chicken, Jack Wade, Squaw and Canyon. A village by the same name at the confluence of the Forty Mile and Yukon rivers is the nearest p o and shipping point, which is also 52 m nw of Dawson, the nearest banking and supply point.
FORTY-ONE MILE ROADHOUSE. A roadhouse on the Dawson-Glacier Creek trail, 41 m sw of Dawson, the banking point, and 19 ne of Glacier Crereky the nearest p o.
FOURTH OF JULY CREEK. A mining settlement on a creek of the same name in the Kluane mining district, 150 m w of White Horse, the nearest banking point and p o.
FRASER FALLS. A trading post at Fraser Falls on the Stewart River, 200 m e of its mouth, 270 e of Dawson, the nearest banking point, and 30 e of Mayo, the nearest p o.
GALENA CREEK. A mining settlement on a creek of the same name, one of the principal creeks in the Duncan mining district, 200 m e of the mouth of the Stewart River and 250 e of Dawson, the nearest banking point. Mayo is its p o.
GLACIER CREEK. (For names see Territorial Alphabetical List.) Pop 90. A p o and mining settlement on a creek of the same name, a tributary of the Sixty Mile River, 60 m via summer trail and 75 via winter trail, sw of Dawson, the banking point. Mining is the principal industry, gold having been found on Glacier, Miller and Big and Little Gold creeks in the vicinity. Mail stage to Dawson semi-monthly.
GLENBOYLE. A disc p o, logging and mining settlement on the north fork of the Klondike River, 26 m ne of Dawson, the p o, banking and commercial point. The hydro-electric generating plant of the Canadian Klondike Power Co is located here.
GOLD BOTTOM. See Hunker.
GOLD RUN. Pop 100. A mining camp, first settled in 1898, on Gold Run Creek, 55 m se of Dawson, the banking point. Placer mining is the only industry. Granville is the nearest p o.
GRAND FORKS. See Bonanza.
GRANVILLE. (For names see Territorial Alphabetical List.) Pop 150. A p o and mining settlement on Dominion Creek at the mouth of Gold Run Creek, 55 m se of Dawson, the banking and shipping point. It has a general store and 2 road-houses. Telephone connections with Dawson and the Klondike mining district. Mail stage semi-weekly to Dawson.
GRAVEL LAKE. A mining settlement on a lake of the same name near Clear Creek, a tributary of the Stewart River, 75 m above its mouth, 85 m cross country, se of Dawson, the banking point, and 35 ne of Black Hills, its nearest p o.
HAGGART CREEK. A mining settlement on a creek of the same name, 200 m e of the mouth of the Stewart River and 250 e of Dawson, the nearest banking point. Mayo is the nearest p o.
HALFWAY ROADHOUSE. On the Dawson-Forty Mile winter trail, 25 m nw of the former.
HENDERSON CREEK. A mining settlement on a creek of the same name, a tributary of the Yukon River, 4 m n of Stewart River, the p o, at the mouth of a river of the same name.
HIGHET CREEK. A mining settlement on a creek of the same name, a tributary of the Stewart River, 200 m e of its mouth, 250 e of Dawson, the nearest banking point, and 40 nw of Mayo, its nearest p o.
HOOTALINQUA. A steamboat landing and telegraph station on the White Horse-Dawson River route at the confluence of the Hootalinqua, Teslin, Thirty Mile and Yukon Rivers, 80 m n of White Horse, the nearest banking point and p o.
HOOTCHI. See Hutshi Village.
HUMES. A station on the White Horse-Dawson winter trail, 112 m se of the latter, the banking point. Black Hills is the nearest p o.
HUNKER. (For names see Territorial Alphabetical List.) Pop 50. A p o and mining settlement, also known as Gold Bottom, first settled in 1898, at the confluence of Hunker and Gold Bottom creeks, and on the Dawson-Granville road, 35 m nw of Granville and 20 se of Dawson, the banking point. Has a public school, general store and hotel. Mining is the principal industry. The Yukon Gold Co has a dredge working 2]/2 m belo\v, and the Canadian Klondike Mining Co's dredge is about 4 m up Hunker Creek. Yukon Telephone Syndicate, connections with Dawson and the Klondike mining district. Semi-weekly mail stage to Granville and Dawson.
HUTSHI VILLAGE. An Indian village, also known as Hootchi, on the Dalton trail, which runs from Chilkat to Pelly, and on Hutshi Lake, 210 m s of Pelly, 70 nw of White Horse, the banking point, 12 n of Champagne, the nearest p o.
INDIAN RIVER. A mining settlement, roadhouse and stage station on a river of the same name, and on the White Horse-Dawson winter trail, 28 m se of the latter, the banking point, and 3 se of Radford, the nearest p o.
ISAAC CREEK. A steamboat landing, wood camp and telegraph station on the Yukon River 47 m below Pelly, the nearest p o.
ISHIITH. A native settlement on the Dalton trail and on Ishiith Lake, 75 m s of Pelly, the nearest trading post, and 85 nw of Champagne, the nearest p o.
JENSON ROADHOUSE. A roadhouse on Dominion Creek, at the mouth of Jenson Creek, 30 m se of Dawson, the banking point and nearest p o.
KENO HILL. Pop 600. (For names see Territorial Alphabetical List). A p o and silver mining camp 160 m e of Dawson, banking point, and 40 n of Mayo, shipping point. Here are located the mines of the Treadwell Yukon Co and Keno Hill Ltd, both of which are producing high-grade ore, averaging 250 ounces of silver to the ton. Keno Hill Ltd shipped out 3500 tons in
1922 and will aggregate 9800 tons in 1923, while the body of ore in sight in both properties indicates a doubling of this in 1924. Automobile stage to Mayo. Wireless telephone connections with Dawson and Mayo.
KIRKMAN CREEK. Pop 40. A disc p o and mining settlement on a creek of the same name, a tributary, right limit, of the Yukon River, 97 m s of Dawson, the banking point, and 25 s of Stewart River, nearest p o.
KLONDIKE CITY. A suburb of Dawson, lying s of same across the Klondike River. For names see Dawson.
KLONDIKE MINING DISTRICT. Is one of the richest placer mining district in the world. Commences at Dawson, runs s along the Yukon River to Indian River and e from Dawson along the Klondike River, including many smaller tributaries. Hunker, Bonanza, Sulphur, Dominion, Gold Run, Bear and many other smaller creeks are included in the district. Dawson is the banking, commercial point and p o.
KLUANE. A disc p o and mining settlement, also known as Silver City, first settled in 1904, on Lake Kluane at the mouth of Silver Creek, 150 m w of White Horse, the nearest banking and shipping point, and 90 w of Champagne, nearest p o. Monthly stage to Champagne and White Horse.
LANSDOWNE. A flag station on the W P & Y Route, 75 m n of Skagway, Alaska, 36 s of White Horse, the nearest banking point, and 8 n of Carcross, the nearest p o.
LAPIERRE HOUSE. A settlement at the confluence of the Waters and Bell rivers, the latter a tributary of the Porcupine River, and on the winter portage trail from the Porcupine to the Peel and Mackenzie rivers, 250 m ne of Dawson, the banking point, and 60 w of Fort McPherson, N W T, the nearest p o.
LAST CHANCE. A mining settlement and disc p o on Hunker Creek at the mouth of Last Chance Creek, and on the Dawson-Granville road, 10 m se of Dawson, the p o and banking point.
LEWIS. A telegraph and flag station on the W P & Y Route, 81 m n of Skagway, Alaska, 30 s of White Horse, the nearest banking point, and 14 n of Carcross, its nearest p o.
LITTLE RIVER. A roadhouse and stage station on a river of the same name and on the White Horse-Dawson winter trail, 41 m n of White Horse, the nearest banking point and p o.
LITTLE SALMON. A trading post on the Yukon River at the mouth of the Little Salmon River, 120 m n of WThite Horse, banking point, and 20 e of Carmacks, the nearest p o.
LIVINGSTON CREEK. A mining settlement and disc p o on a creek of the same name, a tributary of the Big Salmon River, 70 m ne of White Horse, the nearest banking and supply point and p o.
LORNE. A flag station on the W P & Y Route, 79 m n of Skagway, Alaska, 32 s of White Horse, the nearest banking point, and 12 n of Carcross, its nearest p o.
LOVETT GULCH. Pop 30. A mining district on a gulch of the same name, a tributary of Bonanza Creek, 4 m s of Dawson, the nearest banking point and p o.
LOWER BONANZA. That part of the Bonanza Creek mining district which is below Bonanza.
LOWER DOMINION. Pop 135. A disc p o and mining settlement, first settled in 1898, on Dominion Creek, at the mouth of Australia Creek, 36 m se of Dawson, the p o and banking point, and 6 below Dominion. Presbyterian Church. Yukon Telephone Syndicate, connections with Granville, Hunker, Dawson and the Klondike mining district.
LOWER LABARGE. A steamboat landing and telegraph station at the northern end of Lake Labarge, 375 m se of Dawson, the capital, and 50 n of W7hite Horse, the nearest banking point and p o.
LUTE RIVER ROADHOUSE. The second relay station on the WThite Horse-Dawson winter trail, 44 m n of White Horse, the nearest banking point and p o.
MAYO. Pop 600. A p o (p o name Mayo Landing), trading post and mining settlement, also known as Mayo River Crossing, situated at the confluence of the Mayo and Stewart Rivers, 170 miles above the mouth of the latter in Eastern Yukon, 240 miles by river from Dawson, the nearest banking point.
Mayo is the shipping point for the rich Keno Hill silver mining camp, which from present indications promises in course of development to rival the famous Cobalt mine, as some ore shipped from here the past year has run as high as 1000 oz. of silver to the ton and the average of all shipments has been over $200 to the ton. In 1921 a few tons were shipped. In 1922 there were 2300 tons shipped, in 1923, 9800 tons, and 1924 the estimate of the present operators is in excess of 25000 tons.
At present there are upwards of five hundred silver locations taken up and new discoveries are constantly being made.
Mayo has three general stores, a drug store, two hotels, two restaurants, a saw mill in course of construction, electric lights and telephone service. A station of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police is located here.
Regular steamboat service is maintained by the White Pass & Yukon Route during the period of open navigation, and during the winter months a mail service is in operation by dog teams.
Abbott Nathan miner
Abbott Wm
Adair John miner
Alguire Daniel tmstr
Alverson John miner
Anam Olaf shoemkr
Anderson Emil
Anderson Jas A prospector
Anglican Church Rev F H Buck pastor
Arbitinor Steve
Arnold Alfred F miner
Ballentine David W chief Mayo Fire Dept
Barker Edw H master mech Treadwell Yukon Co Ltd
Beaupre Jos elk J E Benet
Bellerby John foremn
Benet J E gen mdse
Benet & LeFebre Fred LeFebre mgr saw mill Berton F J mine recorder Biseak Jos miner Bisner Ferdinand miner Bisner Geo
Blackmore Saml tmstr
Boerner C A elk Northern Commercial Co Ltd Bond Jack bar tender J E Benet Bouvette Louis miner
Bradley F W pres Treadwell Yukon Co Ltd
Bramlev Wm miner
Broadway Hotel (Saml Tunnicliffe)
Buck Frank H Rev pastor Anglican Church
Burns B miner
Burrett A miner
Butijer Matthew miner
Cameron Benj Cantin Frank miner Cantin Jos lab Carscallen Frank miner Chipman Wm W phys Churchward Guy S sheet metal wks Churchward Philip E Clemont Floyd
Clifton Jos W elk Taylor & Drury Ltd Cody Jas agt Northern Commercial Co Ltd Collins Thos carp Combs Lee carp Cooley John S Cordery Geo
DeChamplein Ernest eng
Dempster John staff sergt RCMP
Desjardin Alsed carp
Dorbolo John miner
Douglas Frank P elk J E Benet
Douglas Hannah Mrs
Douglas Wm L govt vender
Doyea Frank greenhouse
Dube Fortuna orderly Mayo General Hosp
DuBois Jos barber
Dynen Jeff
Elwell Edgar H
Erickson A miner
Faulkner John T lab
Fawcett John prospector
Ferrell J Emmett member Yukon Council real est Fisher Robt miner Fluhman Fredk Flynn Michl
Forbes Kenneth A millwkr Forrey Geo miner Foss Fred
Galbraith Findley lab Gammon Albt lab Gauvin Wilfred W miner Genert O carp Gill Fred R mining Gillespie Richd L mining recorder Godbout Gervias P miner Goulet Octave
Greenfield Jas (Greenfield & Pickering)
Greenfield & Pickering (Jas Greenfield J E Pickering) freighters Grugan Frank elk J E Benet Hardy Thos Hare W S photog
Hargreaves W B eng Treadwell Yukon Co Ltd Hayden Raymond miner
HIGHLAND MARY MINE, John McFarland Pres-Mgr
Hoder Jas lab Hoder Jos
Hoffman Grant miner
Hoggan Dorothy E tchr Mayo Public Sch
Holle Dora elk J E Benet
Hollenbach Anthon A
HOTEL ROYAL ALEXANDRA (Oscar Letourneau), The Leading Hotel of the Mayo and Famous Keno Hill Mining Districts
Hoyne Martin J
Ives E G (Silver King Mine)
Jackson Thos
Jahnke Albt mining
Johanson Jos
Johnson Andw
Johnson Fred miner
Johnson Hans R miner
Johnson Ole
Jones Nora Mrs nurse Mayo General Hosp
Jones Richd W Joyal Eli
Keating Thos miner
KENO HILL LTD, Col O B Perry (N Y City) Pres-Gen Mgr, F R Short Resident Mgr, Mining
Kimbel Edw carp
Kinsey Agnes J Mrs bakery
Ladd Thos H
Leiveillier Louis miner
Lerebre Fred saw mill
Lesperance N A welder
LeToureau Gideon carp
Letourneau Oscar (Hotel Royal Alexandra)
Levace Raoul
Lindahl Augusta Mrs
Lindquist Magnus mining
Longton Jos
McCoffery Jos F prospector McCown Malcolm driver McDonald John porter J E Benet
McDougall Elizabeth nurse in chg Mayo General Hosp
Mclvor Patk lab
McKay Thos prospector
McKinnon Jas lab
McKinnon Peter T prospector
McLaren Malcolm farmer
McMaster John D miner
McVicar Archie
Maclennan D R drugs
Maelisch M miner
Mallette Isaac miner
Martin Archibald A miner
Matheny C D millwright
Matheson Adolphine sec-treas Mayo Utilities Co Ltd Matheson D A pres-mgr Mayo Utilities Co Ltd Maynard John miner
Mayo Fire Department D W Ballentine chief
Mayo General Hospital Elizabeth McDougall nurse in chg
Mayo Public School
Mayo Utilities Co Ltd D A Matheson pres-mgr Adolphine Matheson sec-treas
Merriman Chas E miner
Middlecoff Elmer mining
Miller Geo H mining
Mitchell Fanny (wid Fred) bakery
Morgan Jos
Morneau David miner
Morris Chas
Morrison Hector miner
Mowatt Alexander
Negreau Clara Mrs
Nicol Alexander J miner
Niddery Norman miner
Noble Hugh
Northern Commercial Co Ltd James Cody agt O'LOANE RICHAED M, Mgr Taylor & Drury Ltd
s~- :
Painter Isaac
Parker John F lab
Peterson Chris miner
Phillips Jas E mining
Pickering J E (Greenfield & Pickering)
Portlock Wm miner
Powers Thos
Profeit Alec A firemn
Rasmuson Rudolph mining
Ray Irvin F elk Northern Commercial Co Ltd
Reddy Alfred
Reinhardt Harry W acct
Rich Cora Mrs
Rich Gilbert R miner
Ringle Stephen
Rivet L H Rev pastor St Joseph's Church
Roar Harry
Rockney Chas
Ross John A prospector
Royal Canadian Mounted Police John Dempster staff sergt in chg
St Joseph's Church Rev L H Rivet pastor
Scott R J constable RCMP
Schellinger A K eng
Shasta Massa cook Mayo General Hosp
Short F R res mgr Keno Hill Ltd
Silver King Mine (EG Ives)
Smith John V prospector
Smith Jonas miner
Snell Coleman L sawmill
Spence John miner
Spence Robt
Steeves Rupert S carp
Stewart Alexander mining
Sturgeon Chas farmer
Sunderland Floyd E wtr
Taylor Isaac managing dir Taylor & Drury Ltd
TAYLOR & DRURY LTD, Isaac Taylor Managing Director, Wm S Drury V-Pres and Sec, Gen Mdse (See p 519)
Titus Lewis whsemn Treadwell Yukon Co Ltd Tormey W prospector
Treadwell Yukon Company Ltd F W Bradley pres Livingston
Wernecke gen supt Tresidder Chas prospector Tunnicliffe Saml (Broadway Hotel) Turgeon Chas trapper Turner John prospector Vanagare Johan gard Frank Doyea Volkman B M (Yukon Saw Mill Co)
Walby Wm prospector Waters W C postmaster
Wernecke Livingston gen supt Treadwell Yukon Co Ltd
White Stanley J bkpr
Whitney Frank A elk Taylor Drury Ltd
Williamson Thos trapper
Yamashita Thos cook
Yukon Gold Company Col O B Perry gen mgr
YUKON SAW MILL CO (F S Neill, B M Volkman), Lumber Manufacturers and Logging Operators, Offices and Mills Mayo and Dawson, Logging Camps Mayo Lake
Zucco Antonio miner
MILES CANYON. A flag station on the W P & Y Route, 105 m n of Skagway, Alaska, and 6 s of White Horse, the nearest banking point and p o.
MINTO. A roadhouse and station on the White Horse-Dawson winter trail, 155 m se of the latter, the banking point, and 21 nw of Pelly, the nearest p o.
MINTO BRIDGE. A disc p o and mining settlement on the Mayo-Duncan trail at the confluence of the Minto Creek and the Mayo River, a tributary of the Stewart River, 180 m e of the mouth of the latter, 240 e of Dawson, the banking point, and 10 n of Mayo, its shipping point and p o. Mining is the principal industry.
MONTAGUE, A roadhouse stage station on the White Horse-Dawson winter trail and the Nordenskiold River, 107 m n of White Horse, the banking point, and 25 s of Carmacks, the nearest p o.
MONTANA CREEK. A station on a creek of the same name, a tributary of the Indian River, and on the White Horse-Dawson winter trail, 295 m nw of the former, 34 se of the latter, the banking point, and 9 se of Radford, the nearest p o.
MOOSEHIDE MOUNTAIN. Elevation 3270 feet. Also known as Dawson Dome. Noted for its midnight parties during the latter part of June to view the midnight sun, one of the many attractions sought by tourists.
NANSEN CREEK. Pop 30. A mining settlement ott a creek of the same name, 46 m w of Carmacks, the nearest supply point and p o.
NINE MILE. A mining settlement on a creek of the same name, a tributary of the Indian River, 9 m from its mouth, 25 s of Dawson, the banking point, and 9- w of Radfordr the nearest p o.
NORDENSKIOLD. A roadhouse and stage station? on Ktushna Creek and on the White Horse-Dawson winter trail, 63 m n of White Horse, the nearest banking point and p o.
OGILVIE. A landing and telegraph station on the Yukon River opposite the mouth of the Sixty Mile River, 48 m s of Dawson, the nearest banking point, and 22 n of Stewart River, its nearest p o. Dominion Telegraph Service.
OLD REID HOUSE. A settlement on the Stewart River, 100 m se of Dawson, the banking point. Black Hills is the nearest p o.
OPHIR. A mining settlement on a creek of the same name, near Dawson, the banking point and p o.
PARIS. Pop 25. A p o and mining settlement on Dominion Creek, first settled in 1901, 32 m se of Dawson, the banking point, and 3 below Caribou (Dominion). Yukon Telephone Syndicate.
PARTRIDGE CREEK. A mining settlement on a creek of the same name, a tributary of Clear Creek, near its confluence with the Stewart River, 110 m above its mouth, 150 e of Dawson, the banking point, and 35 ne of Black Hills, its nearest p o.
PELLY. (For names see Territorial Alphabetical List.) Pop 120, Natives and whites. A p o and stage station on the White Horse-Dawson winter trail on the left limit of the Yukon River opposite Selkirk, 174 m se of Dawson, the nearest banking point, and 214 nw of White Horse, also a banking point. Anglican Church. Dominion Telegraph Service. Stage to White Horse and Dawson, semi-weekly in winter.
PELLY CROSSING. A station on the White Horse-Dawson winter trail, 131 m se of the latter, the banking point, and 45 nw of Pelly, its nearest p o.
PENNINGTON. A telegraphone flag station on the W P & Y Route at the boundary between British Columbia and Yukon Territory, 52 m n of Skagway, Alaska, its nearest banking point, and 16 s of Carcross, its nearest p o.
PUEBLO. A telegraphone flag station, trading post and mining settlement, also known as Pueblo Mines, at the northern terminus of the Macrae Spur of the White Pass & Yukon Route, 11m nw of Macrae and 19 w of White Horse, the nearest banking point and p o.
QUARTZ CREEK. See Radford.
RADFORD. (For names see Territorial Alphabetical List.) Pop 65. A p o and mining settlement, first settled in 1899, on Quartz Creek, 25 m se of Dawson, the banking and shipping point. Anglican and Catholic churches. Yukon Telephone Syndicate. Stage several times a week in winter to Bonanza, Eldorado Creek and Dawson and once a week to Dawson in summer.
RAMPART HOUSE. Pop 200. Whites and natives. A landing at the head of navigation on the Porcupine River, near the international boundary, 225 m (air line) n of Dawson, the nearest banking point, and 235 ne of Fort Yukon, the nearest p o. A customs office and a station of the RCMP are located here. Mail four times a year.
RINK RAPIDS. On the White Horse-Dawson River route on the Yukon River, 7 m s of Yukon Crossing.
RITCHIE'S. A landing on the Yukon River, 150 m nw of Pelly. Stewart River is the nearest p o.
ROBINSON STATION. A roadhouse (formerly a p o) and flag station on the W P & Y Route, 89 m n of Skagway, Alaska, 22 s of White Horse, the nearest banking point and p o, and 22 n of Carcross, also a p o.
ROCK CREEK ROADHOUSE. A roadhouse on a creek of the same name at its confluence with the Klondike River, and on the Dawson-Granville road, 11 m e of Dawson, the nearest banking point and p o.
RUDE CREEK. A mining settlement on a creek of the same, name, a tributary of the White River, which empties into the Yukon River, 98 m below Selkirk and 10 above Stewart River, the nearest p o.
SCROGGIE CREEK. (For names see Territorial Alphabetical List.) A p o and mining settlement on a creek of the same name, at its confluence with the Stewart River, 22 m from its mouth and on the White Horse-Dawson winter trail, 100 m s of Dawson, the banking point.
SELKIRK. Pop 150, natives and whites. A steamboat landing and telegraph station, also known as Fort Selkirk, on the Yukon Ri ver near the mouth of the Pelly River, 214 m n of W^hite Horse, 176 s of Dawson, both banking points, and across the river from Pelly, its p o.
SELWYN. A station on a river of the same name at its confluence with the Yukon River and on the government telegraph line between Dawson and Atlin, B C, 150 m se of Dawson, the banking point, and 36 w of Pelly, the nearest p o.
SILVER CREEK. A mining settlement on a creek of the same name near Kluane.
SIXTY MILE. A roadhouse, mining settlement and landing on the Yukon River at the mouth of Sixty Mile River, 48 m s of Dawson, banking point, and 20 n of Stewart River, the nearest p o.
STEAMBOAT BAR. A mining settlement near Clear Creek.
STEVENS. A station on the White Horse-Dawson winter trail, 94 m se of the latter, the banking point, and 38 se of Black Hills, the nearest p o.
STEWART CROSSING. A station on the White Horse-Dawson winter trail 75 m se of the latter, the banking point, and 19 se of Black Hills, the nearest p o.
STEWART RIVER. (For names see Territorial Alphabetical List.) Pop 25. A p o and mining settlement, first settled in 1897, at the confluence of the Stewart and Yukon Rivers, 70 m s of Dawson, nearing banking point It is also a government telegraph station on the line between Atlin, B C, and Dawson. It is the supply point for Barker, Black Hills, Donahue, Henderson, Scroggie and Thistle Creeks. Boat connections with Dawson, Mayo and White Horse semi-weekly during the summer. Mail semi-weekly.
SULPHUR. A disc p o and mining settlement on a creek of the same name, 37 m se of Dawson, the banking point, and 17 se of Hunker, the nearest p o. Stage to Granville, Hunker and Dawson.
SUMMIT ROADHOUSE. A roadhouse on King Solomon Dome on the Dawson-Granville road, 28 m se of Dawson, the nearest banking point, and 8 s of Hunker, its nearest p o.
SWEDE CREEK. A mining and fox farming settlement on a creek of the same name, a tributary of the Yukon River, 7 m sw of Dawson, the nearest banking point and p o.
TAGISH. Pop 35, natives and whites. A government telegraph statioft and Indian reservation on Tagish River between Lakes Marsh and Tagish, 50 m sw of White Horse, the nearest banking point, and 25 ne of Carcross, its nearest supply point and p o.
TAKBINI. A roadhouse and stage station, the first relay stop on. the White Horse-Dawson winter trait, 22 m nw of White Horse, the nearest banking point and p o.
TANTALUS. See Carmacks,
TEN MILE* A mining settlement on a creek of the same name, 59 m s of Dawson, the banking point, 11 sw of Ogilvie, the shipping point on the Yukon River, and 22 se of Glacier Creek, the nearest p o.
TEN MILE ROADHOUSE. A roadhouse on the Dawson-Glacier Creek summer trail, 50 m ne of Glacier Creek and 10 s of Dawson, the banking point and nearest p o.
TESLIN. Pop 125, of which 25 are whites. A disc p o and trading post on a lake of the same name, at the headwaters of the Teslin River, 50 m se of White Horse, the banking point and p o reached by steamer four times a year. Mining and trapping are the principal industries. An Anglican Mission is located here.
THIRTY MILE. On the Dawson-Glacier summer trail, 30 m ne of Dawson, the nearest banking point and p o.
THISTLE CREEK. Pop 20. A disc p o and mining settlement on a creek of the same name at its confluence with the Yukon River, 90 m s of Dawson, the banking point, and 22 s of Stewart River, the supply point.
TRAIL GULCH. A mining settlement on a gulch of the same name, a tributary of Bonanza Creek, Al/2 m s of Dawson, the nearest banking point and p o.
TRONDYKE MINING DISTRICT. See Klondike Mining District.
TWENTY-FOUR MILE ROADHOUSE. A roadhouse on the Dawson-Glacier Creek summer trail, 36 m ne of Glacier Creek and 24 s of Dawson, the banking point and nearest p o.
UPPER BONANZA. That part of the Bonanza Creek mining district, which is above Bonanza.
UPPER LABARGE. A steamboat landing at the southern end of Lake Labarge, 425 m se of Dawson, the capital and 10 n of White Horse, the nearest banking point and p o.
UPPER PELLY. Pop 175, of which 25 are whites. A trading post on the Pelly River, at the mouth of the Ross River, 450 m by water ne of White Horse, the nearest banking point, and 250 se of Pelly, the nearest p o.
WATSON. A flag station on the W P & Y Route, 59 m n of Skagway, Alaska, 52 s of White Horse, both banking points, and 8 s of Carcross, its nearest p o.
WEST DAWSON. A suburb of Dawson w across the Yukon River, and connected therewith by government ferry, making hourly trips. For names see Dawson.
WETTELEA. See De Wette.
WHEATON. Pop 20. A quartz mining settlement on a river of the same name, 72 m s of White Horse, the nearest banking point, and 22 w of Carcross, its nearest supply point and p o.
WHEELERS. A roadhouse and stage station on the White Horse-Dawson winter trail, 127 m se of the latter, the banking point, and 24 se of Black Hills, the nearest p o.
WHELAN. A landing on the Yukon River, 186 m se of Dawson, the banking point and 10 e of Pelly, the nearest p o.
C1923-24) R. Li. POLK & CO.'S, INC.
Association of North American Directory Publishers
Members of Directory and Reference Media Department of Associated Advertising Clubs
of the World
J. Martin Gardner, Pres.
76 Church Street, Toronto, Canada.
Ik I* Polk, Jr., 1st V-Pres.
431 Howard Street, Detroit, Mich.
S. A. Manning, 2nd V-Pres.
S3 Lyman Street, Springfield, Mass.
B. J. Loranger, Secy—Treas. 524 Broadway, cor. Spring St., New York City, N. T.
R. It. Polk, Detroit. R. H. Donnelley, Chicago. W. I*. Richmond, Yonkers. Alvln B. Boyd, Reading. R. W. Lovell, Montreal. W. O. Torchiana, Phila. W. O. Foote, Atlanta. W. H. Lee, New Haven. D. W. Bowman, Akron. O. D'W. Marcy, Boston.
General Of floes: 524-528 Broadway, cor Spring St., Hew Tork City
vi T£? Association of North American Directory Publishers is composed of reputable City Directory Publishers, organized for the general advancement of the directory business. Any person, corporation or firm engaged in business as owner and publisher of a City Directory in the United States or Canada, who shall qualify as competent to gather information and compile a City Directory and furnish satisfactory references, is eligible to membership. The objects of the Association are:
First. The advancement of the Directory business and the improvement of Directories by the interchange of ideas and the exchange of experienced employes.
Second. To provide protection to the public against fraudulent advertising schemes which operate under the name of Directories, and to drive unprincipled promoters of the same out of business.
Third. To provide permanent and profitable employment to competent, industrious anl honest Directory canvassers and compilers.
Fourth. For the mutual protection and advancement of the established and prospective interests of all who may become members, by personal advice and assistance of members as may be mutually satisfactory, desirable or advisable, and by such other means as may, from time to time, be shown to be wise, proper and lawful.
All members of this association have subscribed to the following
1. To consider, first, the interest of the user of the book.
1. To subscribe to and work for truth, honesty and accuracy in all departments.
2. To avoid confusing duplication of listings, endeavoring to classify every concern under such headings as best describe it, and to treat additional listings as advertising, to be charged for at regular rates.
3. To increase public knowledge of what directories and reference media contain; to study public needs and make directories and reference media to supply them; to revise and standardize methods and classifications so that what is wanted may be most easily found, and the directory and reference media be made to serve their fullest use as business and social reference books and directories of buyer to seller and seller to his market.
4. To decline any advertisement which has a tendency to mislead or which does not conform to business integrity.
5. To solicit subscriptions and advertising solely upon the merits of the publication.
6. To avoid misrepresentation by statement or inference regarding circulation, placing the test of reference publicity upon its accessibility to seekers as well as on the number of copies circulated.
2. To co-operate with approved organizations and individuals engaged in creative advertising work.
7. To avoid unfair competition.
10. To determine what is the highest and largest function of directories and reference media in public service and then to strive in every legitimate way to promote that function.
•100.00 BSWABO will be paid by the Association for the arrest and conviction of any person or persons engaged in publishing, collecting or canvassing for any fraudulent or "fake" Directory.
City of White Horse
WHITE HORSE. Pop 500. It is the Yukon terminus of the White Pass & Yukon Railway and is situated at the head of navigation of the Yukon River; 111 miles from Skagway. White Horse is the distributing point for all of the Southern Yukon, including the upper Yukon, Hootalinqua, Big Salmon, Pelly and White River mining camps and trading posts, also the Lake Teslin country. It is also the headquarters and outfitting point for the big game hunters going into the Kluane, Mount Logan and McMillan districts and is the center of one of the finest big game countries in the world, where are found mountain sheep, moose, caribou and grizzly, brown and black bear: at this point guides, pack-trains and everything necessary for hunting trips can be secured. White Horse carries a special
appeal to the tourist, from its close proximity to such historical and scenic points as White Horse Rapids, Miles Canyon and Lake La Bar«e which can be reached from here both bv auto and motor boat, also for the hunter and fisherman as the adjacent country is teeming with small game, birds, waterfowl, salmon, trout, grayling and pike. It is also in the center of the mineral resources of the Southern Yukon as gold, silver and lead mining is carried on from seven to twenty miles away. Platinum and placer gold are found in the Kluane district. Rich copper deposits are located within eight miles of the town, and lignite coal is found all over the territory, and at present large deposits are being opened up near Carmacks.
Firm Abbreviations
B Y X Co—British-Yukon Navigation Co R C M P—Royal Canadian Mounted Police
The City Directory
places the city on the) map and is its only representative to the world beyond its own gates.
^ It is the city's catalogue of business and represents the city, its citizens and institutions in every corner of these United States.
€]f It is the logical means of publicity in advertising the city, its manufacturing industries, its advantages and resources.
The men who direct the affairs of progressive and up-to-date business institutions recognize the fact that the City Directory tells the story of the city's life and keeps it before the public as no other publication does or can.
CI Its Classified Business Section furnishes a list of all trades, professions and pursuits, constituting a special trade directory or buyers' guide and is the best advertising medium on earth.
Buyers' Guide
White Horse, Y. T.
Representing the Business, Commercial and Manufacturing Interests of the City
Hunters' and Miners' Supplies
Sales and Service
White Horse Yukon Territory
Complete Outfitters for Big Game Hunters
Branches at
White Pass Hotel
Headquarters for the
Big Game Hunters
of the
Yukon Territory
Where the White Railroad Meets the Yukon
Convenient to the Kluane and Macmillan Big Game Districts
Whitehorse Pharmacy
Always Fresh
Safety Deposit Boxes White Horse, Y. T.
F. H. DOREE, Publisher ESTABLISHED 1900
The White Horse Weekly Star
Is the Only Newspaper in the Entire
Advertisers who want to reach the readers of this large Territory can do so by using the columns of
application. Sample copies free.
White Horse Yukon Territory
The Gateway to the Klondike, Livingstone, Mayo, Kluane, White River and Other Yukon Mining Districts.
When You Think of
Our Specialties:
Seattle's Lar^ Catalogues, Booklets,
Modem Printing Trade Papers,
PIant Magazines
General Commercial Job Printing
Think of
Nothing Too Large, Too Small, nor Too Good Jor us to Handle
71 Columbia Street
Sixth Floor Poison Building
& Binding Co. Main 2244
Adam Jas cook RCMP
Adams C W master Stmr Alaska BYNCo
Aitken Robt M joiner BYNCo
Alguire Jas R (White Horse Steam Laundry)
Allan D R wtr BYNCo
Allen John wtr BYNCo
Allison J firemn BYNCo
Andelburg Peter boat bldr
Andrews Thos wtr BYNCo
Arctic Trading Co P Martin mgr gen mdse
Arias Alfred chf cook BYNCo
Armour A emp BYNCo
Atherton Chas T pres White Horse Curling Club
Atkinson C eng BYNCo
August R emp BYNCo
Austin S guide
Baker Jas miner
Barrett Edw opr
Basiren C emp BYNCo
Bass E constable RCMP
BAXTER CHARLES H, Guide to The Big Game Country of Yukon and Alaska, Saddle and Pack Horses, Camp Outfits For Parties, Information Regarding the Game Districts Will Be Furnished By Correspondence
Baylis A W msngr BYNCo Bebbelthwaite S emp BYNCo Bell Jas L police magistrate Bellamy John emp BYNCo Bellinger W W constable RCMP Bingham C emp BYNCo Bingham J H joiner BYNCo Blaker Percy pipe ftr BYNCo Blatta E constable RCMP Bolderston J lab BYNCo Boss Fred lab
Bourne J P chf eng BYNCo Bray J lab BYNCo British Yukon Navigation Co Brown A firemn BYNCo Brown Jas A
Brown Pearl Mrs (Commercial Hotel)
Bryden Roderick
Burden W W janitor BYNCo
Burnett Frederic J lab BYNCo
Burns P & Co Ltd Thos C Richards mgr meats
Calvert G L emp BYNCo
Calvert R L emp BYNCo
Campbell M master Steamer Dawson BYNCo
Carlson Mathias miner
Cederberg F emp BYNCo Chambers Geo driver
Chambers Harry fur buyer
Chantler Wm G carp
Chapman C H constable RCMP
Chatterton Robt emp BYNCo
Christian Science Society
Christensen O firemn BYNCo
Church of England Rev A J Shirley pastor
Church of the Sacred Heart
Churchill L lab BYNCo
City Cafe (Geo Yoshida)
Coghlan C M master Steamer White Horse BYNCo
Collector of Customs Saml Coulter
Commercial Hotel (Mrs Pearl Brown)
Conlin J G constable RCMP
Corbett S firemn BYNCo
Coulter Saml coir of customs
Cousins L millmn BYNCo
Cowley W master Steamer Nasutlin BYNCo
Crocker W J steward BYNCo
Croft G emp BYNCo
Crook R carp BYNCo
Culbertson Agnes (wid Edw)
CULBERTSON NORMAN E, Medical Supt in Charge White Horse General Hospital
Custer J cook BYNCo Cyr Tony
Dalby V wtr BYNCo
Daughters of the Empire (Imperial Order) Yukon Chapter Mrs Helen MacPherson regent Mrs Florence Culbertson sec Moose Hall
Davis H wtr BYNCo
Davis L C lab BYNCo
DeAudrey Earl emp BYNCo
DeHaven E E firemn BYNCo
Denver H A firemn BYNCo
Derby H carp BYNCo
Dominion Telegraph Office G S Fleming dist supt DOREE F H, Editor-Publisher White Horse Weekly Star
Drummiller Wm
DRURY WM S, V-Pres-Sec Taylor & Drury Ltd
Dunbar Geo emp BYNCo Dwyer C emp BYNCo Earl W J cook BYNCo Earle Robt M tmstr Elliott John eng Elliott Wm carp BYNCo Elvy S V emp BYNCo Faire A firemn BYNCo Fenwick S emp BYNCo Ferguson Peter lodging house Ferre G R cook BYNCo Field G wtr BYNCo
Flatt V wtr BYNCo
Fleming Geo S dist supt Govt Telg Office
FORD AUTOMOBILES, Wm A Pnckett Authorized Dealer (See p 518)
X \Ji LiV.1 J OS JCA.ni LWi n iinv J.XVJl OV \JV11 J-J-VJO^'
Fowler Gilbert foremn BYNCo
French John carp
Fukiu Yamakicki cook BYNCo
Fyfe K R teller Canadian Bank of Commerce
Galpin Wm G prin White Horse Public Sch
Galway M firemn BYNCo
Gardner J A mate BYNCo
Gartley B C firemn BYNCo
Gaudin Jas R P supt eng BYNCo
Glover J W constable RCMP
Gordon W D supt BYNCo
Gould A R joiner BYNCo
Government Assay Office Wm C Sime assayer in chg
Gray Fred electn
Gray N C emp BYNCo
Grieve W A firemn BYNCo
Griffith Thos rigger BYNCo
Guion E steward BYNCo
Gussfield A tinsmith BYNCo
Haines A H chf elk stores BYNCo Haley G wtr BYNCo Hall A H tinsmith BYNCo Hall E J firemn BYNCo Hallett A lab BYNCo Hallicher Harry emp BYNCo Hamacher E J photog Harbottle Frank E confr Hardie Robt lab BYNCo Harkin Geo purser BYNCo Harling E lab BYNCo Hartnett W I lab BYNCo Hatcher Wm emp BYNCo Hawke R messmn BYNCo Head A C sergt RCMP Hepburn S steward BYNCo Herding J A pilot BYNCo
Higgins Laurence vendor Government Liquor Store
Honess E S wtr BYNCo
Honess T G mate BYNCo
Huffstuler H firemn BYNCo
Huggins Cecil emp BYNCo
Hukill Mavis lndrs
Humphreys Fred steward BYNCo
Hunt E S wtr BYNCo
Hurlander F emp BYNCo
Hyde T B chf eng BYNCo
Ingram Wm carp BYNCo
Jackson David mariner
Jackson Jas master mariner Jackson Thos emp BYNCo James R watchmn BYNCo Jensen N C boilermkr BYNCo Johnson Chas (Regina Hotel) Johnson E carp BYNCo Johnson H W wtr BYNCo Jones Robt lab Jorgensen J emp BYNCo Kane Stanley janitor Kastner Otto F mail contr Kent J T eng BYNCo Kern R W eng BYNCo King A A purser BYNCo Knapp H W emp BYNCo
Lafuente J emp BYNCo
Langholz Fred E
Langille G emp BYNCo
Larssen P chf eng BYNCo
Lauderdale Jas chf eng BYNCo
Leary W emp BYNCo
Leason Frank M lab
Lee Thos lab BYNCo
Looney H G pilot BYNCo
Lowe Robt (Robt Lowe & Co)
Lowe Robt & Co (Robt Lowe) hay and grain
Loyal Order of Moose White Horse Lodge No 1320 Wm F Watson dictator Herbt MacPherson sec meets 2d and last Tuesdays
McAllister J firemn BYNCo
McAuley J firemn BYNCo
McBurnie H carp BYNCo
M^Cann J S master Steamer Yukon BYNCo
MsCleery R corporal RCMP
McClennon Saml emp BYNCo
McDermott D emp BYNCo
McDonald Murdo G ship carp BYNCo
McDonald R emp BYNCo
Mclver J emp BYNCo
Mclver Kenneth fishermn
McKay Danl pilot BYNCo
McLaren John A sec White Horse Curling Club
McLean Alex 2d mate BYNCo
McLeod A M mate BYNCo
McMahon W R constable RCMP
McMillan P D steward BYNCo
McNutt Geo carp BYNCo
McPhee J 2d mate BYNCo
McPherson John longshoremn BYNCo
McRae J emp BYNCo
McRae K D emp BYNCo
MacBride W D paymaster BYNCo
MacKay Donald master mariner MacLean D J mate BYNCo Maclennan Archie D lab BYNCo Maclew Jas firemn BYNCo
MacMurohv Donald E messr Govt Telg Office
MacMurphy Vera C elk
Mahar Wm lab
Marcil C B chf eng BYNCo
Marcotte Edwin barber
Marion N pilot BYNCo
Marquis H W pntr BYNCo
Marshall J I eng BYNCo
Martin ECT firemn BYNCo
Martin G S emp BYNCo
Martin Patk mgr Arctic Trading Co
Martin W S longshoremn BYNCo
Masonic—F & A M White Horse Lodge No 46 Robt M Aitken W M J B Watson sec C J Maclennan treas meets 3d Monday of each month
MACPHERSON H G (White Horse Pharmacy)
Miller Fred firemn BYNCo
Miller F W constable RCMP
Mills G E firemn BYNCo
Milne Mary nurse White Horse Gen Hosp
Mitchell W J firemn BYNCo
Moir G B eng BYNCo
Monteith A carp BYNCo
Montford J firemn BYNCo
Montgomery T emp BYNCo
Moorhead Wm J insp
Morgan C emp BYNCo
Morrison E master Steamer Canadian BYNCo
Mouret Tony cook BYNCo
Muirhead Donald A chf elk BYNCo
Murray Frank pilot BYNCo
Murray J D mate BYNCo
Murray Norman carp BYNCo
Murray P S blksmith BYNCo
Nash Peter emp BYNCo
Newcomb Ralph pilot BYNCo
Newmarch J C mgr Canadian Bank of Commerce
Newson H wtr BYNCo
Nicholas R constable RCMP
Nofstger A emp BYNCo
O'Connor Dennis blksmith O'Connor D B driver BYNCo O'Connor D B Mrs janitress BYNCo Oliver John Ostenstead Ole lab Owen E H eng BYNCo Page P wtr BYNCo Pattison J firemn BYNCo Pauvis Wm lab
Peters Jas mining
Peterson John emp BYNCo
Peterson Robt foremn BYNCo
Petrie Les emp BYNCo
Phelps Willard L lawyer
Porter Jas tlr
Povoas W J lab BYNCo
PUCKETT WM A, Fur Dealer and Exporter, General Outfitter for Hunting Parties, Miner's Supplies, Light and Heavy Hardware, Guns and Ammunition, Fox Breeder and Dealer in Breeding Stock, Ford Automobiles, Sales and Service (See p 518)
Purdie J R constable RCMP Raabe Geo pilot BYNCo Racy F mate BYNCo Rae Alex eng BYNCo Reddick Robt
Reddick Robt Mrs matron RCMP Redpath Jas steward BYNCo Regina Hotel (Chas Johnson) Rhind C F elk BYNCo
Rhodes Jessie matron White Horse Gen Hosp Richards J D fuel
Richards Thos C mgr P Burns & Co Ltd
Richardson A wtr BYNCo
Rife S wtr BYNCo
Roberts M emp BYNCo
Roberts Sarah
Robinson Geo cook BYNCo
Roils H longshoremn BYNCo
Rose Geo eng BYNCo
Rose John foremn BYNCo
Roy W firemn BYNCo
Royal Canadian Mounted Police A C Head staff sergt
Ryder Geo N elk
Ryder Roland driver
Salmon B J wtr BYNCo
Sansom John L
Saunders Richd
Schneider Hugo shoes
Scotland John chf eng BYNCo
Scott John H agt BYNCo
Seabrooks C I eng BYNCo
Sewell John gen mdse
Seymour G wtr BYNCo
Shaw W H steward BYNCo
Shea C emp BYNCo
Shirley J Alvin Rev pastor Church of England Short K wtr BYNCo Short L C purser BYNCo
SIME WM C, Assayer in Charge Government Assay Office
Simlett Justina tchr White Horse Public Sch
Skaling J emp BYNCo
Smith Camden G eng BYNCo
Smith J P sten BYNCo
Smith J R emp BYNCo
Smith Wm carp BYNCo
Somerton E J wtr BYNCo
Spreen A C purser BYNCo
Stankus Julius pilot BYNCo
Stanley Geo C pntr BYNCo
Stead Jas watchmn BYNCo
Steamer Alaska (BYNCo) C W Adams master
Steamer Canadian (BYNCo) E Morrison master
Steamer Casca (BYNCo) J O Williams master
Steamer Dawson (BYNCo) M Campbell master
Steamer Nasutlin (BYNCo) W Cowley master
Steamer White Horse (BYNCo) C M Coghlan master
Steamer Yukon (BYNCo) J S McCann master
Stewart A E foremn BYNCo
Stewart Hance lab BYNCo
Stewart J F constable RCMP
Stewart J L sec White Horse Tennis Club
Stoddart T J jeweler
Storer Wm wtr BYNCo
Stuart Albt pntr
TAYLOR ISAAC, Managing Director Taylor & Drury Ltd
TAYLOR & DRURY LTD, Isaac Taylor Managing Director, Wm S Drury V-Pres-Sec (See p 519)
Thomas Roderick guide
Thomas R G longshoremn BYNCo
Thompson E cook BYNCo
Tidbury E emp BYNCo
Tidd C B corporal RCMP
Tipping C B mate BYNCo
Todd E W cook BYNCo
Todd R emp BYNCo
Trenel Jos lab BYNCo
Trenel T 2d mate BYNCo
Trudel P carp BYNCo
Tyson Geo cook BYNCo
Vey Fredk eng
Vey W C chf eng BYNCo
VIAUX A K MRS (White Pass Hotel)
Vinall L A corp RCMP
Voss Albt cook
Vout A lab BYNCo
Walker. Geo A foremn BYNCo
Wall W emp BYNCo
Waller Frank mate BYNCo
Walsh Fred emp BYNCo
Walsh T P steward BYNCo
Warren E emp BYNCo
Watson John B opr Dominion Telg Service
Watson Wm S storekpr BYNCo
Weise John sec foremn
Weise Theresa B Mrs housekpr White Pass Hotel Wetherell H wtr BYNCo Whaley L A wtr BYNCo
White Horse Curling Club John A McLaren sec W^hite Horse General Hospital N E Culbertson medical supt in WHITE HORSE PHARMACY (H G Macpherson), Drugs, Stationery, Toilet Articles, Tobaccos, Souvenirs, Candies, Sporting Goods, Fishing Tackle and View Postal Cards (See p 521)
White Horse Presbyterian Church
White Horse Public Library Vera MacMurphy librarian
White Horse Public School Wm G Galpin prin
White Horse Steam Laundry (J R Alguire)
White Horse Tennis Club J C Newmarch pres J L Stewart sec
WHITE HORSE WEEKLY STAR, F H Doree Editor and Publisher (See p 521)
WHITE PASS HOTEL (Mrs A K Viaux) The Leading Hotel and Hunters Headquarters for the White Horse and Kluane Big Game Country (See p 520)
Whitney J P mining
Wild A firemn BYNCo
Williams John O master Steamer Casca
Williams Jos acct
Williams Owen lab BYNCo
WTilson D W purser BYNCo
Wilson Edw carp
Wilson Frank G carp BYNCo
Wilson Frank R lab BYNCo
Wilson H G wtr BYNCo
Wilson R S steward BYNCo
Wilson Susan S (wid Jos W)
Wilson Walter emp BYNCo
Woods G M eng BYNCo
Woods W chkr BYNCo
Wright R emp BYNCo
Wright W J cook BYNCo
Yoshida Geo (City Cafe)
Young Fred L mach BYNCo
WIGAN. A flag station on the W P & Y Route, 105 m n of Skagway, Alaska, and 6 s of White Horse, the nearest banking point and p o.
WOUNDED MOOSE. A station on the White Horse-Daw-son winter trail, 50 m se of Dawson, the banking point and 30 se of Hunker, nearest p o.
YUKON CROSSING. A roadhouse, stage and telegraph station, also known as Mackay, on the White Horse-Dawson winter trail where it crosses the Yukon River, 238 m se of Dawson, 152 n of White Horse, the nearest banking point, and 22 n of Carmacks, its nearest p o.
Yukon Territorial Alphabetical
List of Names
Adair John Keno Hill Adams Geo C Granville Adams John Selkirk Albertson John T Black Hills Alcorn Robt Black Hills Amerson Geo Keno Hill Anaslaff Christopher Black Hills Anderson J A Keno Hill Anderson Simon P Forty Mile Anderson Wyraan miner Carcross Anglican Church Carcross Ardon Lawrence L Black Hills Armstrong- Wm Kluane Atkinson Wm Pelly Austin Arthur R fox breeder Carcross Babcock John Glacier Creek Bachman John Keno Hill Back Frank H Carmacks Back Henry Carmacks Baker John Carmacks Barlow Ole Gold Run Barlow W supt Chooutla Industrial Indian School Carcross
Barnier Jos Granville Barrett Edw Lower Le Barge Barrett Frank miner Granville Barry Wm Glacier Creek Barton Jas firemn Keno Hill Ltd Keno Hill
Bayess Robt Big Salmon Beadey Stephen Granville Beamard Wm Black Hills Beauchamp Jos Kluane Beaulieu Michl Granville Beaume Hoe Ogilvie Beckers Theo miner Carcross Begs: Jas P emp BYNCo Carcross Belney Louis Cowley Benton Marvin W Gold Run Berg Ole restr Keno Hill Berglund Alfred Gold Run Bernier Alfred miner Granville Bernier Damasi miner Gold Run Bertrand Nicholas Gold Run Bertzner Saml Black Hills Bgonnis Ellif Granville Big Thing Mine Carcross Bindle H miner Keno Hill Bird Thos Gold Run Bishop Jas Porcupine Blater Edw corp in chg RCMP Car-cross
Boich Geo Gold Run Boich Michl miner Keno Hill Bokseth Peter Pelly Bond Saml Keno Hill Bonebrake Allen C Teslin Bones Morley E Kluane Borbeck Duncan prospector Carcross Boron Henry Teslin Boulyer Matthew Keno Hill Bower Fred miner Keno Hill Bowitte Louis Keno Hill Boyle Wm tmstr Keno Hill Ltd Keno Hill
Brady Patk lab Minto Bridge Bramley Wm Keno Hill Brefolt Chas Keno Hill Brennan Jas Keno Hill Brennan Wm G Granville Brewster Jas Keno Hill Bridgewater John E Glacier Creek Brijde Andw J Teslin Brockman Henry Black Hills Broderson Arthur Black Hills Broggio Louis Gold Run Broom Chas Ogilvie Broween Louis Black Hills Brown Alexander N Teslin
Brown Geo R Carmacks Brown Jas Black Hills Brown John Black Hills Bruce /m Porcupine Buchanan Wm Gold Run Buchard Theophilo Keno Hill Bungate Jas Glacier Creek Bunyan Jos Gold Run Burbank Oscar O Kluane Burns John T Black Hills Burt E C constable in chg RCMP Granville
Buteau Paul lab Dominion Buteau Peter Gold Run Butterfield Ernest tmstr Carcross Buttle Jas L Pelly Cameron Chas lab Keno Hill Ltd Keno Hill
Cameron Geo Granville
Cameron Jas Keno Hill
Campbell Edw Granville
Campbell Jas Black Hills
Card Stephen trapper Stewart River
Caribou Hotel (E W Gideon) Carcross
Caribou Mine Carcross
Carlison Matthew Teslin
Carlton Luke Black Hills
Carney P E emp BYNCo Carcross
Carpenter John H Black Hills
Carr Fredk Black Hills
Carter Blair B Keno Hill
Case John Keno Hill
Cathro Wm Selkirk
Cesaroni Venanzio Keno Hill
Chambers Geo Teslin
Chambers H postmaster Champagne
CHAMBERS SSBBMAK E, Postmaster and Operator Dominion Telegraph. Service, Carcross
Chandelois Jos Granville
Chapman Frank Pelly
Charlton Thos Black Hills
Chasni Frank Minto
Chauvin Archie gen mdse Keno Hill
Chisholm Jas H Keno Hill
Chooutla Industrial Indian School W
Barlow supt Carcross Churchill Wm Teslin Clark Frank W Black Hills Clark Wm Keno Hill Clements Elsie Granville Clethero Wm Teslin Cochran Howard blksmith Carcross Cody Andw miner Keno Hill Coe Emily R Granville Coigdarripe Louis tmstr Carcross Cole Chas Teslin Cole Howard Black Hills Collins Jas Black Hills Collins John A postmaster Glacier
Collins Thos H Granville Comstock Geo A Granville Connoly Patk Granville Constans Richd Black Hills Coomb ,Wm Black Hills Coombs Lee Keno Hill Copeland Wm T Teslin Coutts Chas Keno Hill Cox Jas Pelly Crosly G H McMillan River Crossley Geo Pelly Cunningham David Keno Hill Cyr Macine Cowley Daglish Hamilton Keno Hill Dahl John miner Hunker Creek Dahneke Wm Black Hills Dail Geo miner Carcross Danker Jos Keno Hill
Yukon Territorial Ust of Name*— Continued
Davidson Arthur Minto
Davidson Newton Black Hills
Davies Leander Cowley
Davis M Mrs cook Keno Hill Ltd Keno Hill
Dean H constable RCMP Keno Hill
Delhi Thos lab Hunker Creek
Devig- Nicolai Black Hills
Devlin Robt Black Hills
DeWitt Dawson B opr Dominion Telegraph Service Stewart River
Dickson Adam linemn Dominion Telegraph Service Carcross
Dickson Alfred Carcross
Dickson Ole Kluane
Dickson Thos A Kluane
Diebold John J Glacier Creek
Dillon John miner Keno Hill
Dogue Harry Granville
Dominion Telegraph Service Sherman
E Chambers opr Carcross Donohue John Glacier Creek Dorbolo John Keno Hill Dorreen Edw Black Hills Douglas Alex Glacier Douglas Walter Keno Hill Douglas Wm Keno Hill Drake Albt B Black Hills Draper Peter cook Keno Hill Ltd
Keno Hill
Dubois Amede miner Bear Creek
Dulin Michl Glacier Creek
Dunnett S miner Keno Hill
Edgett L W wtr BYNCo Carcross
Egan Jeremia Granville
Elliott Wm J Keno Hill
Ennis Robt H Granville
Erickson Axel Keno Hill
Erickson Leonard Keno Hill
Erwin Edw miner Keno Hill
Everton S emp BYNCo Carcross
Fanning John Forty Mile
Farquarhson Chas Ogilvie
Farr Jas A Granville
Five Fingrer Coal Co office Dawson mines Tantalus Butte near Car-macks on Yukon River 260 m above Dawson
Flamond Felix Granville
Forbes Alex miner Keno Hill
Forbes Wm H Keno Hill
Forrest Jesse Forty Mile
Forrest Thos Granville
Fothergill Christopher Ogilvie
Fournier Gene roadhouse Bear Creek
Frana Cimer Granville
Fraser W agt Wells Fargo & Co Exp Carcross
Frieberg John A "Stewart
Gagnon Albt Granville
Galbraith Findley Granville
Galena Hotel (Harry Yamasaki) Keno Hill
Gallagher Michl Granville Gannon Albt Keno Hill Gardner R 2d mate BYNCo Carcross Gash Geo E Teslin Gauvin Wilfred Keno Hill Geary Wm F Teslin Geddis Geo H Teslin Geoffray Alphonse Granville Gideon Edw W (Caribou Hotel) Car-cross
Gillespie Isaac L pntr Carcross Girard Vitall Black Hills Gleeson Danl Keno Hill Good Chas Carcross Good Hiram Carcross Good Holwan Carcross Good Reid Carcross Good Robt Carcross Gordon Alex Keno Hill Gordon Andw miner Keno Hill Gordon J miner Keno Hill Gotel Rosina Granville Gough Frank Stewart River
Goulat Octave Black Hills Goulter Frank Carmacks Go van Wm Granville Gramland Magnus Cowley Gramley Jas Keno Hill Grant R C emp BYNCo Carcross Grant Victor G real est Keno Hill Grant W wtr BYNCo Carcross Gray Copper Hotel (Wm F Powell)
Keno Hill Greaves Robt B postmaster Keno Hill Greenway Thos Carcross Greer L T Stewart River Grill John Granville Grindburgh Cornelius Glacier Creek Groshell Stephen Black Hills Guerin Napoleon Stewart River Gwyne Thos Stewart River Hadey Harold Granville Hale Martin L Granville Hall R P postmaster Pelly Halliday M R shift boss Keno Hill
Ltd Keno Hill Hallidav Roy Black Hills Hamilton Thos Black Hills Hammond S eng Keno Hill Ltd Keno
Hanson Christopher Black Hills Harris Edw W lab Carcross Hawthorne John miner Keno Hill Hayden Horace J Kluane Hayden Wm Minto Hayes A R miner Keno Hill Healey Albt C Big Salmon Hecland Julius J Black Hills Hecland Silas J Black Hills Heffring Harry Stewart River Hegstrom John Pelly Henderson Robt miner Keno Hill Herbert Frank Black Hills Herbster F J miner Keno Hill Heme Donald Black Hills Hicks Albt Glacier Creek
HIGHLAND MART MUTE, John Mc-Parlane Fres-Mgr, Xeno Kill
Hill Chas F Black Hills Hoder Jos miner Keno Hill Hogan Paul S Keno Hill Holmes John Black Hills Homer Stephen Granville Hunt Joshua D Glacier Creek Hunter Chas F Black Hills Hunter Lucille Mrs Keno Hill Hurst Fred Glacier Creek Jacquot Eug Kluane Jacquot Louis Kluane Janes B mate BYNCo Carcross Jefferson F M wtr BYNCo Carcross Jensen Chas miner Keno Hill Jensen Peter Granville Jepherson Hans Glacier Creek Johnson Hans B Minto Johnston Seth Granville Johnstone Alfred Keno Hill Johnstone John Black Hills Jones Benj Black Hills Jorhenson Ferdinand Black Hills Joslin Wm Black Hills Joswold Ole blksmith Granville Jucco Desraden Black Hills Kaiser Lucin Teslin Karting J emp BYNCo Carcross Keating Thos miner Keno Hill Keely Benj F miner Carcross Kennedy Geo Carmacks Kennedy Patk miner Carcross Keno Hill Ltd mining Keno Hill Kerr Geo miner Keno Hill Kimbal Edw Granville King B W emp BYNCo Carcross King Olaf Montague Kingscote R P McMillan River Kingston Jas Porcupine River Kingston John Porcupine River Kinnan John A Keo Hill Kotslainen Wm Black Hills Kreft Chas Teslin Kromur Paul Black Hills
Krug Herman A Keno Hill Labroue Herman Granville Lafmoree Philip Glacier Creek Lafontaine Wilfred Forty Mile Lagvois Londe Black Hills Lakinaw & Tagish Mines Carcross Lamb Albt E Keno Hill Langham Wm Pelly Laning O S gen mdse Keno Hill Lanoff Jas Granville Larsen John miner Keno Hill Larson Emil Ogilvie Laska Jos Minto Lauderdale Jas eng Carcross Lawrence John C gen mdse Stewart River
Lawton Saml Black Hills LeBeauf Albt Stewart River Leduc Saml Granville Lee Allan miner Keno Hill Lefevre John B Stewart River Leland Austin McMillan River Lelieure Jos Ogilvie Lemere Uric Granville Lenee Louis Black Hills Lenin Jas Granville Lesprance Alex gen mdse Glacier Creek
Letnes Lorns Stewart River Lind Gust Glacier Creek Lindstrom Adolph Stewart River Longtin Jos Keno Hill Loveland Danl Stewart River Loveridge Wm Black Hills Lychons Louis Glacier Creek Lychons Otto Glacier Creek Lynch Thos Keno Hill Lyons Jas D Keno Hill McCall Chas Cowley McCleery Robt Teslin McClellan John Granville McConnell Chas tmstr Carcross McCrimmon Harry Keno Hill McCusbie John Granville McDade Geo Carmacks McDermid Richd miner Stewart River McDonald Allan D blksmith Keno Hill Ltd Keno Hill
McDonald Ambrose miner Keno Hill McDonald Chas miner Keno Hill McDonald Jas miner Keno Hill McDonald John miner Keno Hill McDonald J master Steamer Tutshi BYNCo Carcross
McDonald Neil (McDonald & Moses)
Old Crow McDonald Rodney miner Keno Hill McDonald & Moses (Neil McDonald Peter Moses) fur dlrs Old Crow via Fort Yukon McFadden Hugh Stewart River McGillivray J W emp BYNCo Car-cross
McGlashan Fred T miner Carcross McGrath John A Granville McGrath Lawrence postmaster Hunker
McHugh John Keno Hill
Mclnnis Angus Keno Hill
Mcintosh Geo Kluane
Mcintosh Simon miner Keno Hill
Mclntyre Wm Keno Hill
Mclver Kenneth Cowley
Mclvor Patk miner Keno Hill
McKay Thos Keno Hill
McKay Wm Granville
McKinnon Andw Kluane
McKinnon Jas Keno Hill
McKinnon Peter miner Keno Hill
McLaine Hugh D Granville
McLaughlin Jas Stewart River
McLaughlin Patk miner Keno Hill
McLean Alex Granville
McLean Archibald mining recorder
Carcross McLean Danl Keno Hill McLean John miner Keno Hill
McLellan John eng Keno Hill Ltd
Keno Hill McLeod Angus Keno Hill McLeod Jas sub coir Canada Customs
Forty Mile McLeod King miner Keno Hill McMillan A A postmaster Radford McMillan Howard postmaster Car-
McMillan John Keno Hill McMullin Danl Granville McNeil Donald Granville McRae Katherine M Minto MacCourtlandt P Carmacks MacEdwards John P Granville MacLennan Archie Kluane Maguin Victor Granville Marsh Chas L postmaster Black Hills Martin Albt Cowley Martin Archie Keno Hill Martin Emil Granville Martin Kathleen Selkirk Mason Reuben Porcupine River Mason Willoughby Porcupine River Matheson Chas Keno Hill Matson Chas miner Keno Hill Mattson C I McMillan River Mawhinnay John Minto May Saml Kduane Mayer Leason F Cowley Mealings J emp BYNCo Carcross Melhus Gertrude Granville Mengies Jos H Selkirk Mercier Anable Granville Meredith Edw miner Keno Hill Merrill Fred W Forty Mile Middleton Burnett Glacier Creek Miller Chas E Carmacks Miller Fred A Teslin Miller Jas Selkirk Miller John P Glacier Creek Miller Oscar Keno Hill Minton Peter Glacier Creek Moe John Porcupine River Moore Wm A Granville Moreau Saml Keno Hill Morrison Angus Carcross Morrison Hector miner Keno Hill Morrison Jos fishermn Carcross Moses Peter (McDonald & Moses) Old Crow
Mosher Stephen Forty Mile
Mourier Peter Pelly
Mowat Alex miner Keno Hill
Murphy Michl Teslin
Murray Norman Granville
Murray Thos Carmacks
Naubauer Michl J Carmacks
Nazzareno Peter Granville
Nelson Neils C Kluane
Niddery Norman Keno Hill
Nordling Oscar miner Keno Hill
Nordstrom Andw Granville
Norman Andw miner Keno Hill
Norman Carl J Granville
Northern Lights (quarterly) a missionary publication Shirley Barlow editor Carcross
Obester Michl Keno Hill
O'Brien Jas Keno Hill
O'Brien John Granville
O'Brien Wm miner Keno Hill
Odell Oden Granville
O'Donnell Edw Pelly
Okata Geo cook BYNCo Carcross
Olsen Chris Black Hills
Olson Chas miner Keno Hill
Olson John Cassiar
Onek Mining Company Ltd Keno Hill
Ostrude Harold Teslin
Ottaway J miner Keno Hill
Otto Wm Cowley
Owens Patk Glacier Creek
Palmer R H gen mdse Keno Hill
Partridge Otto H mining Taku Arm
Carcross Paster Frank Black Hills Pavisic Michl Keno Hill
Yukon Territorial List of Namei— Continued
Payson Chas C Glacier Creek Pechie John Black Hills Pelton R L purser BYNCo Carcross Person Oloff Glacier Creek Peterson John Black Hills Peterson John Glacier Creek Pierrot E J emp BYNCo Carcross Pike Oscar Black Hills Pinder Beauchamp Keno Hill Plissv Chas miner Keno Hill Poulson Otto Black Hills Powsey Alfred Black Hills Prosser F wtr BYNCo Carcross Proulx Eli J fox breeder Carcross Quirdell Otto Bear Creek Radford Wm Black Hills Ray Frank Black Hills Reckness Ole miner Keno Hill Reinhardt H W acct Keno Hill Ltd Keno Hill
Renald Alfred Big Salmon Richardson John Black Hills Ricord Pete Pelly Roal Louis Black Hills Roberts E S corp in chg RCMP Keno Hill
Rochon Jos Glacier Creek Roden Chas A Stewart River Rogers R C whsemn Keno Hill Ltd
Keno Hill Rose Louis Black Hills Rose Oliver Pelly Rosenburgh John Carmacks Rosenfeld Jacob Granville Ross J H miner Keno Hill Rouse Arthur Glacier Creek Roy Jos rancher Scroggie Creek Royal Canadian Mounted Police Edw
Blater corporal in chg Carcross Royal Canadian Mounted Police W C
Waters constable in chg Forty Mile Royal Canadian Mounted Police E C
Burt constable in chg Granville Royal Canadian Mounted Police E S
Roberts corporal in chg Keno Hill
Rudolph Herman Teslin
Rumble Willard Teslin
Rumble Wm Teslin
Rusk R C postmaster Paris
Rutledge Robt Cowley
Ruvane M miner Keno Hill
Ryan David miner Hunker
Sabistan Wm Granville
Sakato Masa Granville
Sakrison Arvie Granville
Salbey Jos Little Salmon
Sandeen Swan cook Yukon Gold Co
Keno Hill Sarillo Louis miner Carcross Schafer Abraham Porcupine River Schellinger Alfred K eng Yukon Gold
Co Keno Hill
Schofield Wm mine recorder Selkirk Schogren Gus Minto Scholly John Stewart River Schulz Oscar A Porcupine River Schulze^Albt P Forty Mile Schwanekamp Bernard J miner Car-cross
Schwartz Alfred G Granville Scott Alfred Carcross Scott Reginald Porcupine River Searle Edgar H Glacier Creek Shand David C (Stewart Hotel) Stewart River Shiraishi Y emp BYNCo Carcross
Short F R mgr Keno Hill Ltd Keno Hill
Simmons Aubrey Carcross
Simmons Geo T eng Carcross
Simmons J A fox farmer Carcross
Sinyed Clemen Keno Hill
Skals Henry Teslin
Skelly Gilbert prospector Carcross
Sketch Frank Kluane
Simley Steven Stewart River
Smith C C miner Keno Hill
Smith Chas Selkirk
Smith Geo H Stewart River
Smith Thos Forty Mile
Smythe Emma Mrs postmaster Stewart River
Snure E G Teslin
Sowala Saml miner Keno Hill
Span Tony miner Keno Hill
Sparks Geo Glacier Creek
Spratley John Glacier Creek
Steamer Gleaner (BYNCo) Carcross
Steamer Tutshi (BYNCo) J McDonald master Carcross
Stephen Geo F Black Hills
Stephen John O Stewart River
Stephens Geo McMillan River
Stephens John Granville
Stevens Geo Selkirk
Stevenson Geo Granville
Stewart Allen foremn Yukon Gold Co Keno Hill
Stewart Hotel (David Shand) Stewart River
Stewart John A foremn Keno Hill Ltd Keno Hill
Stewart Raymond Keno Hill
Stewart Wm Stewart River
Stockton John Glacier Creek
Sullivan J miner Keno Hill
Sullivan Thos Big Salmon
Sutherland Hugh miner Keno Hill
Sutherland Wm Keno Hill
Swanson David Forty Mile
Swinehart Guy C Stewart River
Taddie A T gen mdse postmaster Granville
Tate Jas Granville
TAYLOR & DRUS7 LTD, Isaac Taylor Managing" Director, Wm S Drnry V - Pres - Sec, Selkirk, Carmacks, Pelly River, Teslin Lake (See p 519)
Thompson Franklin H postmaster Forty Mile
Townsend Nort gen mdse Keno Hill
Treadwell Yukon Co Ltd F W Bradley pres Livingston Wernecke gen supt Keno Hill
Turner H wtr BYNCo Carcross
Tweit E O Granville
VanCleave Chas M roadhouse Keno Hill
Veale Alex Thistle Creek
Wallace John prospector Carcross
Walsh Jos miner Keno Hill
Ward F C postmaster Scraggie Creek
Ward John telg opr Hootalinqua
Waters W C constable in chg RCMP
Forty Mile Watson Matthew gen mdse Carcross Wells Fargo & Co Express W Fraser
agt Carcross Williams John foremn WP&YR Car-cross
Williamson Thos miner Keno Hill Wilson H miner Keno Hill Wolfe Emil miner Keno Hill Yamasaki Harry (Galeno Hotel) Keno Hill
Names appearing under headings marked thus * are only inserted when specially contracted for.
Abstracts of Title CORDOVA ABSTRACT & REALTY CO (See p 120) Cordova
MACK E H CO THE (See p 160)
Cloudy Chas L
Advertising Agents
Brailey Bertha Mrs Crest Apartments Braxton House Cliff Apartments DeVighne Apartments Juneau Apartments Juneau Sea View Apartments Reck Apartments Rogers Gladys Spickett Apartments Brown Frieda Myers Lina Mrs
Art Goods and Ornaments
Cleveland Ardell Mrs
Anchorage Anchorage Cordova Juneau Juneau Juneau Juneau Juneau Juneau Juneau Ketchikan Ketchikan
Automobile Accessories and Supplies
SHONBECK A A (See p 53) Anchorage
Dawson Y T
SHELDON'S GARAGE (See p 162) Fairbanks
KRAUSE & BUCEY (See p 269) Ketchikan
Automobile Garages
(See Also Garages)
Hammontree C O Aldcroft Wm BARBER HERBERT
Farnsworth Ira
McCaul T J
KRAUSE & BUCEY (See p 269)
Ellsworth H E
Automobile Livery
Anchorage Dawson Y T Dawson Y T Fairbanks Fairbanks Juneau Ketchikan Seward
Anchorage Dawson Y T Dawson Y T Fairbanks
Automobile Manufacturers and Dealers
Luckow R C jr
SHONBECK A A ................
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