Rona Milch Novick - Yeshiva University

578 Adams Avenue 500 West 185th Street, BH305

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Ph. D., Clinical Psychology, May 1985

Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey

M. S., Clinical Psychology, May 1983

Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey

B. A., Psychology, January, 1978

State University of New York at Binghamton


Family Therapy Supervision and Consultation Certification, May 1992

Ackerman Institute, New York, Program in Clinical Supervision and Consultation


Yeshiva University – Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration

New York, NY

Director, Fanya Gottesfeld Heller Doctoral Program Sept 2008- Present

• Coordinated recruitment, admissions and all aspects of program content and process for program culminating in an Doctor of Education degree in Jewish Education and Administration

• Initiated annual doctoral student orientation to ease transition for incoming students, foster community amongst learners and inculcate strong educational values of scholarship and empiricism

• Worked closely with Dean and faculty to regularly review and amend program content and policy

• Redesigned the Doctoral Comprehensive Exam to better reflect and evaluate competencies related to successful doctorate completion

• Initiated Doctoral Digest newsletter

• Continued and expanded Doctoral Colloquium Series to include an annual Research Review poster session

• Advised and mentored students through the doctoral program, mediated issues regarding special circumstances/special needs students, faculty/student conflict and students’ struggles to meet program demands

• Further codified the dissertation process, developing rubrics for multiple components, and offering on-line tutorials in various critical skill areas (i.e. writing a comprehensive literature review)

• Facilitated faculty discussions regarding re-design of the doctoral program and initiated discussions regarding on-line and distance learning options

Associate Professor 2008 -???dates

• Teaching graduate courses on the Masters and Doctoral levels in Educational Psychology, Diverse Learners in Jewish Schools, Guidance and Systems of Student Support, Families and Schools, Dissertation Proposal Seminar, Social Issues in Jewish Day Schools, Positive Behavior Support

• Participated in re-design of Master’s Program

Senior Fellow, Institute for University School Partnership July 2007-present

• Coordinated BRAVE bully reduction and social leadership development initiative, an applied research project to address bullying in Jewish day schools. This included training professionals from participating schools at an annual multi-day Institute, providing on-site consultation, development of research protocols, and management of both research and implementation teams.

• Provided consultation regarding positive behavior support to selected schools

Hidden Sparks Professional Development Programs 2006-present

Co-Educational Director

• Developed and implemented teacher coaching program for addressing needs of diverse learners in Yeshiva and Day school settings

• Developed training materials and manuals

• Contributed to development of Learning Lenses course, 5 day training for teachers integrating contributions of temperament, ecology, behavior and learning on student success

North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System

Voluntary Attending Faculty, Department of Psychology 2010-present

Associate Professor of Psychology in Child Psychiatry 2006 - 2010

Albert Einstein College of Medicine

• Provide seminars to pediatric and psychiatric residents in variety of areas including child development, child psychopathology, parenting, and cognitive behavioral approaches

Coordinator of Psychological Services 2000 – 2006

Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Schneider Children’s Hospital

• Supervised staff, coordinated hiring and placement, determined professional development programs

Director, Clinical Programs and Services, Alliance for School Mental Health 1999-2007

• Coordinated numerous grant-funded outreach programs to public and private schools including Project Liberty post 9-11 trauma services, school violence and bully prevention, and behavioral consultation. Personnel and budget management as well as training and supervision.

• Developed and implemented BRAVE bully prevention program

• Developed and implemented UpBeat Resiliency program

Coordinator, The Parenting Center 1993 – 2000

• Developed and offered workshops in positive parenting

Director of Training, Clinical Child Psychology Internship 1991 - 1999

• Coordinated all aspects of accredited and highly competitive pre-doctoral internship, including recruitment and training curriculum development, evaluation and placement.

Senior Psychologist, Adolescent Pavilion and Outpatient Services 1991 – 1999


Children's Treatment Team Coordinator and Staff Psychologist 1988 - 1991

Child and Adolescent Day Hospital,

Beth Israel Medical Center, New York, New York 1984 - 1988

Supervising Psychologist, Inpatient and Outpatient Psychiatry

University Hospital, Stony Brook, New York 1983 – 1984

Teaching Hospital Psychologist, Psychiatry and Neurology Department


1985 Psychology Licensure, New York State, # 8439-1


• BRAVE (Bully Reduction/Anti-Violence Education) – outcome evaluation of bully prevention programming in Jewish day schools and descriptive and correlational studies of bullying and the social environment. This large research initiative has included creation of a data set on bullying and social aggression in Jewish day schools containing over 4,000 surveys from students at over a dozen schools. A smaller data set includes teacher surveys. The self-report data has allowed evaluation of base rates and correlates of bullying, school climate and program impact. Study data is utilized in on-going changes and improvements in the BRAVE program. Several doctoral students have added to or utilized segments of the project and data for dissertation research.

• Parents Response to Year in Israel. An internet based study of parents whose children participated in the Pelcovitz evaluation of the year of study in Israel. The study includes exploring the impact on families of change in their children’s religious practices.

• Hidden Sparks Professional Development Process Evaluation – Action research initiative engaging teachers and coaches in evaluating process of implementing differentiated instruction and supports for diverse learners.


Juried Publications

Novick, R. M. (in press). Rewriting tragedy: Understanding the cast of characters in the bullying drama. Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless. Accepted for publication November, 2011.

Novick, R. M. (in press). Compelling Reasons to Battle Bullying and Lessons from the Field. Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless. Accepted for publication, April, 2012.

Novick, R. M. (2010). German bystander inaction during the Holocaust: Lessons learned from social psychology and teachable moments for today's students. Prizm. 1(2), 83-86.

Novick, R.M. & Isaacs, J. (2010). Telling is compelling: The impact of student reports of bullying on teacher intervention. Educational Psychology, 30 (3), 283-296.

Koplewicz, H.S., Vogel, J.M., Solanto, M.V., Morrissey, R.F., Alonso, C. M., Abikoff, H.,

Gallagher, R. & Novick, R. M. (2002). Child and parent response to the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 15(1), 77-85.

Hoffman, A. S., Schwarts, H. I. and Novick, R. M. (1986). Catatonic reaction to accidental haloperidol overdose: An unrecognized drug abuse risk. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 174, (7), 428-430.

Harris, S. L., Wolchik, S. A., and Novick, R. E. (1983). Changing the speech of autistic children and their parents. Child and Family Behavior Therapy, 4.

Harris, S. L. & Milch, R. E. (1981). Training parents as behavior therapists for their autistic children. Clinical Psychology Review, 1, 49-63.


Novick, R. M. (2011). Consolation and healing from traumatic loss: The powerful comfort of haftarah of Ekev. In D. Feldman & S. Halpern (Eds.).

Novick, R.M. (in press). Evidence-based bully prevention in Jewish schools: The BRAVE experience addressing problematic social behaviors and building social leadership.

In J. Kress (Ed.) Spirituality and Social Emotional Learning in Jewish Schools. New York: Union of Reformed Judaism Press.

Novick, R. M. ( ) Bullying in Jewish schools. In M. Sokolow & D.Schnall (Eds.). The Azrieli Papers: Dimensions of Orthodox Jewish Day School Education. New York: Ktav Publishers.

Novick, R. M., & Glanz, J. (2011). And they shall do that which is right and good. An overview of Jewish special education in North America: From exclusion to inclusion. In International Handbook of Jewish Education. H. Miller, L.D. Grant, & A. Pomson, (Eds). New York: Springer.

Novick, R. M. & D’Amico, P. D. (2007). Opening our eyes: Facing discomfort to grow past trauma. In Danieli, Y. & Dingman, R. (Eds.), On the ground after September 11th: Mental health responses and practical knowledge gained. New York: Haworth Press.

Starr, R.Z., Novick, R.M. & D’Amico, P.D. (2003). Problems and solutions in sustaining school-based behavior management programs. In Robinson, K.E. (Ed.), Advances in school-based mental health interventions. Kingston, NJ: Civic Research Institute.


Niderberg, D. K., Novick, R. M. & Kruger, K. (2012). Igniting hidden sparks: Metacognition to empower teachers and learners. Jewish Educational Leadership, 10(2), 13-18.

Cahn, J., & Novick, R. M. (2010) Policy and pedagogy: Complementary school approaches to 21st century technology issues. Jewish Educational Leadership, 9 (1).

Novick, R. M. (2008). A Brave journey. Jewish Educational Leadership, 6(2), pages?

Novick, R. M. (2008). Bullying in Jewish schools. Jewish Educational Leadership, 6(2), pages?

Article on disabilities in ou magazine

Novick, R.M. Parenting. Youth Mental Health Update, 7(1), 1-5, 1994.

Novick, R. M. (1998). Helping your child make friends. Secaucus, NJ: Childswork/Childsplay.

Unpublished Work and Manuscripts In Preparation

Novick, R.M. Myths

Isaacs, J. , Glueck, B., Borgen, C., & Novick, R. M. Bystander behavior and social cognition as predictors of bullying behaviors.

Jenny, Rona and Ilana article


Juried presentations (Including poster sessions) add aera

Novick, R. M. (2012, January). Schools as resilience builders before, during and after trauma. Presented at IPREDII, International Conference for Preparedness to Emergencies and Disasters, Tel Aviv, Israel.

Turetsky, I., Novick, R.M., & Isaacs, J. (August, 2011). Pro-social bystander behavior and self-esteem. Presented at American Psychological Association Conference, Washington, DC.

Borgen, C., Glueck, B., Isaacs, J., & Novick, R. M. (May, 2011). Bystander behavior and social cognitions as predictors of bullying behaviors. Presented at Biennial Conference of the Society for Research in Child Development, Vancouver, CA.

Novick, R. M. (2011, January). Megtacognitive strategies: Clinic and school applications for children. Presented at the Nefesh Association of Orthodox Mental Health Professionals International Conference, Jerusalem, Israel.

Novick, R.M. & Goldstein, N. (2010). Family response to students’ year of study in Israel. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Network for Research in Jewish Education, New York, N.Y.

Novick, R. M., & Isaacs, J. (2010, May). Preliminary outcome of the BRAVE bully prevention/social leadership development program in faith-based schools. Presented at Conference of the National Conference of the American Education Research Association, Devner, CO.

Isaacs, J., & Novick, R. M. (2010). Telling is compelling: The impact of student reports of bullying. Presented at the International Conference of the Society for Research in Adolescence. Philadelphia, PA.

Novick, R. M. (2009, June) Self-Initiated and minimally supported PBS in Jewish schools. Presented at conference of Network for Research in Jewish Education, New York, NY.

Glanz, J. & Novick, R. M. (2009, June) Disability awareness and attitudes towards inclusion in Jewish day schools. Presented at conference of Network for Research in Jewish Education, New York, NY.

Goldberg, S. J. & Novick, R. M. (2009, April). Engaging faculty in transformative professional development intitatives: The Institute for University School Partnership and BRAVE experience. Presented at the Professional Development Schools National Conference, Daytona Beach, FL.

Novick, R. M. (2009, January). Cognitive behavior therapy with anxious children, Presented at the Nefesh Association of Orthodox Mental Health Professionals International Conference, Jerusalem, Israel.

Novick, R. M. (2008, January). Innovative cognitive behavioral techniques with children. Presented at the International Nefesh Association of Orthodox Mental Health Professionals International Conference, Jerusalem, Israel.

Novick, R. M. (2008, January). Positive behavior supports in schools. Presented at the Nefesh Association of Orthodox Mental Health Professionals International Conference, Jerusalem, Israel.

Novick, R. M. (2008, December). Family-School partnerships, Presented at Nefesh Association of Orthodox Mental Health Professionals, Stamford,CT..

Novick, R. M. (2008). Bully prevention in Jewish schools, Presented at Annual Conference of the Network for Research in Jewish Education, Cleveland, OH.

Novick, R. M. (2004, January). Trauma response in schools. Presented at the Nefesh Association of Orthodox Mental Health Professionals International Conference, Jerusalem, Israel.

Novick, R. M. (2004, January). Bully prevention: Challenges for religious school settings. Presented at the Nefesh Association of Orthodox Mental Health Professionals International Conference, Jerusalem, Israel.

Novick, R. M. (2004, July). Partnerships for bully prevention: Consulting from outside the school system. Presented at Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, July 28, 2004.


Novick, R. M. (2010, January). Family-School Collaboration, National Jewish Day School Conference, New Jersey.

Diverse Learners, National Jewish Day School Conference, Los Angeles, February, 2011.

Bully prevention in schools. 7th National Conference on Advancing School-Based Mental Health Programs, Portland, September, 2003.

Bully prevention in religious school settings. Nefesh National Conference, Virginia, 2002.

Family matters: Parenting across the lifespan. Nefesh National Conference, Virginia, 2002.

Identification and amelioration of anxiety disorders in school settings. 5th National Conference on Advancing School-Based Mental Health Programs, Atlanta, September 2000.

Supporting broadened applications of functional assessment in educational settings. Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New Orleans, November, 2000.

.Food in Families and Judaism. Eating Disorders in Adolescents: Addressing the Problem in the Jewish Community. Long Island Jewish Medical Center, October 2000.

Development of parent education programs. American Psychological Association, San Francisco, August, 1998.


Scholar in Residence, Yeshiva University Shavuot Yarchei Kallah, May, 2012

Goucher College Educational Conference Keynote Speaker, May, 2012

Board of Jewish Education Professional Development Conference, November, 2010

Lauretta Bender Awardee Lecture, Queens Children’s Psychiatric Center, November, 2010

Scholar in Residence, Five Towns YU Shabbaton, November, 2010

Scholar in Residence, Seattle Jewish Community, December, 2008.

Raising Children to Respect Themselves and Others, Ohel and Five Towns JCC, December, 2008.

Time Management for Frum Families, Yarchei Kallah for Rebbetzins, Yeshiva University, Center for Jewish Future, November, 2008.

The Impact of the Year In Israel, National Jewish Learning Disabilities Conference, 2008.

Family-School Collaboration,, National Jewish Learning Disabilities Conference, 2008.

In-law Issues. Sephardic Women’s Group of Great Neck, September, 2008.

Yachad Family Shabbaton, Family communication, Sibling Issues and other lectures, Summers 2007 & 2008.

Myths and facts of bullying:. Invited keynote address, Gaucher University, Maryland, 2006.

Mean girls and bad boys: Sagamore Children’s Psychiatric Center, 2005.

Post-traumatic stress in children and adolescents. Sagamore Children’s Psychiatric Center, 2005.

Ramifications of children’s mental illness. Responding to the Challenge of Children’s Mental Health, New York State Public Health Association and Vytra Health Plans, New York, 2005.

Parent-child communication. SHARP program of Hebrew Academy of Nassau County, 2004.

Aggressive behavior in children: Strategies for teachers. UJA Federation of Westport, Weston, Wilton and Norwalk Connecticut,2004.

Time management for today’s religious family. Orthodox Union Positive Jewish Parenting Conference, Chicago, Il, 2003.

Empirically Based School Bully Prevention. Grand Rounds, Zucker Hillside Hospital, 2003.

Positive discipline. Orthodox Union Positive Jewish Parenting Conference, Monsey, 2002.

What every child needs: Building bridges between therapists, families and schools. The Institute for Advanced Professional Training at Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services, NY, 2001.

Top ten tips for healthy families. Jewish Parent Advocate Coalition Parent Empowerment Conference, New York, 2001.

Scholar in Residence, Building strong relationships. Congregation Ahavas Achim, Highland Park, New Jersey, 2000.

School Bullying. Grand Rounds, North Shore University Hospital, 1999.

Disciplining the preschool child. Invited keynote lecture, Nursery School Consortium, 1998.

Peer pressure and teenagers. Community Parenting, Henry Waldinger Memorial Library, 1998.

Living in a dangerous world: How to talk to children. Child Abuse Prevention Services Annual Conference, New York, 1998.

Mother-in-law, daughter-in-law relationships. Sandsport-Shoshana Hadassah,, 1998.

Family communication. Temple Beth El, Great Neck, New York, 1996.

Parenting in the 21st century. Association of Directors of Private Preschools, June 21, 1995.

Discipline that works. UJA Federation, Young Women’s Division, November 1995.

Raising children in a dangerous world. District 30, Board of Education, New York, 1995.

Self esteem. Nassau County Pediatric Society, 1995.


Technology and Jewish Schools, Lookstein Center Journal, 2011

Bullying in Jewish Schools. Lookstein Center Journal, 2008.

Bullying Impact and School Responses, Interview for CBS The Early Show, March 26, 2004.

Bullying and adult violence. Interview for Korean Television documentary, April, 2005.

The School-Aged Child, monthly column in Long Island Parents and Children, 2000-2007.

When TV can traumatize. Interviewed and quoted in , March 25, 2003.

The September 11th Anniversary. Interviewed for BBC news coverage, September 9, 2002.

The BRAVE program. Interviewed on Channel 12 News, January 18, 2001.

Making it work when adult children return home. Interviewed and quoted in Blairsville, Pennsylvania Dispatch, February 12, 1999.

My kid’s a sore loser. Interviewed and quoted in Sesame Street Parents Magazine, Feb, 1999.

Let kids flights of fancy soar. Interviewed and quoted in Newsday, July 10, 1999.

Girls just want to grow up. Interviewed and quoted in Newsday, September 1, 1999.

How to raise motivated children. Interviewed and quoted in Family Life, October, 1999.

When kids are cruel. Interviewed for Good Housekeeping, March, 1998.

Stress management. Invited interview, Channel 12 News, April 16, 1998.

Positive discipline. Segment on Father Tom cable television show, June 9, 1998.

When you disagree on discipline. Interviewed and quoted in Woman’s Day, August 4, 1998.

When jitters become phobias. Interviewed and quoted in New York Family, September, 1998.

Fun and frolic by appointment. Interviewed by NY Daily News, January 21, 1996.

Homework hassles. Family Guidance television show, Cablevision, February 16, 1996.

Children in hospitals. Appearance on Eye Witness News, May 23, 1996.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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