Attendees: Dorthey Hurst/Chair

Capt. R.L. Moorman/Zone 5 Asst. ZoneCmdr

Selena Swoope/Zone 5 Insp./Public Safety

Capt. McGee/Zone 6

Lt. Little/Zone 6

Adam Abbate/Zone 5 Prosecutor

Alcohol License Review

1. Dad’s Garage – Parking question – needed 118 – assembly usage (only using upper floor) special variance for 80 spaces – can be “stacked” for 115.

Unanimous vote to support applicant

2. Gus’s World of Famous Fried Chicken – Sylvia Wright

Seat 109 – S – Th 11-9 F& S 11-11

Beer and Wine – Open 7/20/15

Question re: “strategy” for large conventions, traffic, families

Serve beer and wine – ADNA recommended

Unanimous vote to support applicant

3. Minero

Beer, wine and alcohol S – Th 11-10 F& S 11-11

Concept for this one will be authentic Mexican / Casual Dining / Professional Chef driven concept

Unanimous vote to support applicant

4. Sports Coliseum/Live Entertainment

Will come before full body on Monday for change of agent.

5. Habano Cigar Lounge

Application does not conform to Castleberry Hill landmark regulations. Questions regarding hours, validity of restaurant, distance requirements. Applicant withdrew application for revision to be submitted in July.

6. Urban Fix Kitchen

Vegetarian menu with Asian influence

Unanimous vote to support applicant and asked to attend 4th Ward West neighborhood meeting

911 Discussion (Complaints)

Calls not being dispatched. DortheyHurst asked for investigation into some calls.

Neighbor called on 5/30. Did not get dispatched for a long time. One call not dispatched for 2 hours (Dorthey). They are having dispatch problems.

Another resident reported that he called 911 for an emergency health problem for his wife who is on dialysis. He was put on hold and had to deal with the emergency by himself. He does not know when or if they returned to the phone.

Action for Dorthey – phone calls to discuss “not following up” when asked for info on calls.

Will have someone from 911 come in and talk about how they are going to take care of problems.

Zone 6 – Capt. McGee

Crime down for last 3 – 4 weeks. Making good arrests, but they keep repeating crimes.

Lt. Little

Crime down.

Zone 5 – Capt. Moorman

Leading city in crime reduction. Special problems with festivals, etc. Birthday bash this weekend.

Increased vehicle break-ins – school out. 11pm – 4am crime – increased break-ins.

Special problem areas: Greyhound Bus Station and Underground.

Discretionary people being used on Peachtree.

Peachtree & Baker – Caught bank robber today (6/18/15).

Asking for ideas – rmoorman@.

Kyle/ADNA met an officer who said he was supposed to be going from parking lot to parking lot. APD should not be patrolling private parking lots and private parking garages.

Clean car campaign works a little. Parking lots need to have private security attendants. Parking lots and parking decks – Most break-ins.

Would like to know particular properties where most crime is occurring so something can be done to encourage owners to fix security issues.

Zone 5 – every person who breaks into a vehicle has an average of16.7 previous arrests.

Idea – Possible security ratings for private parking lots and parking garages.

Zone 5 – Adam Abbate, Prosecutor

A. Gregory Jones – (cocaine for 5 years) banished within 4 streets - “sounds” like entire Zone 5. Filing probation revocation petition – will go to hearing. Preponderance of evidence standard – video, photos, etc. Arrested 5/9/15. Because banishment is special circumstance that may put him back in jail, will do further investigation.

B. 3 buys total any period of time – property seizure can be enforced.

Zone 5 Question:

By Sky Wheel – Guy BBQingout of back of his truck and selling food. Unlicensed vendors selling everything.Vendors position themselves between street car and horses. Need to be controlled. Called 911.

Peach Mart – robbery – arrest made.

Court Watch

Can info be sent out ahead of time for planning? Yes

Gangs summit open to public Saturday, June 27th.


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