Atlanta Motor Speedway

Atlanta Motorsports Park November 3, 2018Registration FormName: Street Address: City: State: Zip Code: Cell #: E-Mail: Division: Car#: Color: INEX #: Transponder #: Driver Entry:$100.00$Transponder Rental: $25.00$Total: $All information must be completed or driver will be relegated to rear of line-up for FeatureSeparate form must be completed for each competitor entryCrew and Spectators included with competitor entry feePre-registration ends October 26th at 4:00pm. Pricing after this time increases to $150.00 Payment Information:Visa/Mastercard/Discover #: Exp.: 3 digit code: Billing Address: I authorize Atlanta Motor Speedway to charge the credit card listed above $Credit Card Authorized Signature: Date: Checks to be made out to Atlanta Motor SpeedwayMail to:Atlanta Motor SpeedwayAttn: Finance DepartmentP.O. Box 500Hampton, GA 30228Forms with cc payment may also be faxed to 770-707-7854 Payments are non-refundable and non-transferrable ................

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