Name CHM1 Exam 4 Review

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CHM1 Exam 4 Review


1. Structure of the atom

a. Proton


b. Neutron


c. Electron


2. Atomic symbols

+ 1 amu

0 1 amu


0 amu

C Mass number (protons + neutrons) 12 4+ charge 6 atomic number (# protons)

3. Isotopes a. Average atomic mass = Sum of (isotope masses x percent abundances)

4. The major experiments a. Cathode Ray Tubes and the discovery of the electron ? J.J. Thompson i. Relative charge of the electron b. Oil drop experiment ? absolute charge of the electron ? Milikin c. Discovery of Neutrons ? Chadwick d. The Gold foil experiment ? Rutherford i. Most of the mass of the atom is in a small portion of the atom ii. The center of the atom must be positive

5. Atomic Models a. The Plum pudding model b. Bohr's model i. Similar to the solar system ii. Electrons jump from one orbit to another 1. Ground state 2. Excited states 3. Energy is absorbed when electrons jump out 4. Energy is emitted when electrons jump in. We observe light colors in some cases 5. Emission line spectra can be observed throughout the Electromagnetic spectrum a. IR ? low energy, long wavelength (>800 nm) b. Visible, colors, 800-400 nm, ROYGBIV c. UV ? high energy, short wavelengths ( ................

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