Notes for 3-3 and Chapter 4

Section 3-1: Cell Theory _________- the smallest basic structural and function unit of all living organisms._________________- first person to discover dead cells in cork bark with a microscope_________________- first person to discover living cells________________- the cell theory is composed of three partsAll organisms are made up of _____________.All existing cells are produced by other living ______________. The cell is the most basic unit of ________________.Cell Diversity- cells are highly variable in their size, shape and organization which depends upon their function Cell _____________ is limited due to relationship between the cells internal volume and its surface area. Cells are dependent on their outer surface for all transport of materials into and out of the cell. As the size of a cell increases, the volume increases at a faster rate than the surface area. This eventually leads to a situation where a cell can no longer transport the necessary materials across its membrane. This simple process limits cell size. All cells share certain characteristics:– Cells tend to be microscopic.– All cells are enclosed by a membrane.– All cells are filled with cytoplasm.Types of CellsThere are two types of cells_________________- simple cells lacking a nucleus or other membrane bound organelles (ex. Bacteria) _________________- more complex cells which contain a nucleus and membrane bound organelles (ex. Plant and animal cells) -The _____________ is a distinct central organelle that contains the cell’s genetic material in the form of DNA-9829807543165MAIN IDEAEukaryotic cells have a ____________Eukaryotic cells have _____________Prokaryotic cells do not have a ___________Prokaryotic cells do not have_____________4000020000MAIN IDEAEukaryotic cells have a ____________Eukaryotic cells have _____________Prokaryotic cells do not have a ___________Prokaryotic cells do not have___________________________- these are the internal structures of a cell that help the cell undergo various processes245745082550Section 3-2: Structures and OrganellesCells have and internal structure:________________- is the semi-fluid environment inside the plasma membrane________________- is a supporting network of long, thin protein fibers which has many functions:supports and shapes __________helps position and transport ____________provides ____________assists in cell ______________aids in cell ________________Cells have a plasma membrane that acts as the body guard of the cell.Several organelles are involved in processing proteins___________- stores genetic information___________- located within the nucleus. Site of ribosome productionThere are two types of __________________________:____________ endoplasmic reticulum (ribosome)____________ endoplasmic reticulum _________________ link amino acids to form proteins. (RER)_________________ are membrane bound sacs that hold materials.Other organelles have various functions:________________- converts food particles (sugar) into usable energy (ATP)________________- stores enzymes and waster products (mainly in plants) ________________- processes and packages substances produced by the cell ________________- digest molecules, old organelles, and other substances________________ are tubes found in the centrosomes.Centrioles help divide __________.Centrioles form __________ and _______________.Plant cells have cell walls and chloroplasts.A _____________ provides rigid __________________________________ convert _______________ energy to ______________ energy. (glucose)Cells are organized to form the following:_____________- collections of cells all organized to carry out a specific function (ex. Muscle tissue) _____________- several types of tissues all acting together to perform a specific function(ex. Stomach, lung, liver, etc.) _____________- a group of organs that work together to perform a specific task -233045384810Cells form_______________tissues form_______________ organs form____________________020000Cells form_______________tissues form_______________ organs form____________________(ex. Digestive system, reproductive system, respiratory system, etc.)-57785-210820020000-6064536209250rightbottom38100092710000Bacterial CellAnimal CellPlant CellAll CellsCell MembraneRibosomeCytoplasmMitochondriaNucleolusNucleusDNACell WallProkaryoticEukaryoticOrganelleIllustrationTrick/Analogy to RememberFunctionProkaryote(Bacterial cell)EukaryotePlant Animal1.Cell wall 25400806452.Cell membrane3.Cytoplasm609601651004. Cytoskeleton5.Vacuolecentertop6.NucleuslefttopOrganelleIllustrationTrick to RememberFunctionProkaryote(Bacterial cell)Eukaryote Plant Animal7.Nucleolus8. Ribosomeslefttop9. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER)12707366010. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER)11.GolgiApparatuslefttop12. VesicleOrganelleIllustrationTrick to RememberFunctionProkaryote(Bacterial cell)EukaryotePlant Animal13.Lysosomes14. Centrosomes1816107302515. Centrioles2413005778516. Mitochondriacentertop17. Chloroplastscentertop ................

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