Doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2830r0

IEEE P802.11

Wireless LANs

|Minutes of the IEEE P802.11 Full Working Group |

|Date: 2007-11-12 |

|Author(s): |

|Name |Company |Address |Phone |email |

|Stephen McCann |Nokia Siemens Networks Roke |Old Salisbury Lane, Romsey, Hampshire, |+44 1794 833341 ||

| |Manor |SO51 0ZN, UK | |k |

IEEE 802.11 Plenary Meeting – Session #106

Hyatt Regency, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

November 12th-16th, 2007

IEEE 802.11 Opening Plenary, Monday 12th November 2007

Presiding chair: Stuart J. Kerry (NXP Semiconductors) opened the meeting at 13:53 EST.

1. Approve/modify joint opening agenda (11-07-2485r4)

1. The only difference between r3 and r4 is an update to the interim meetings and the addition of document number for Donald Eastlake’s mid-week plenary presentation.

2. Ask the WG for permission to run for March elections, since the chair and vice-chairs have will have already served 4 terms in March 2008. Under LMSC rules they have to ask for permission. This will be done today.

1. Question (Q): What is a term

2. Answer (A): March – March 2 years later, in even years

3. Following neither discussion nor dissent the agenda was approved by unanimous consent.

2. July 2007 Minutes (11-07-2278r5)

1. Review and approve joint minutes from the San Francisco meeting. These were postponed from the September 2007 meeting, due to corrections to the CSIRO patent discussion, in section 10 (11-07-2278r5).

2. Stephen McCann highlighted the changes requested by IEEE legal counsel and IEEE 802 executive meeting (Monday 12th November 2007).

3. Count of voting members in the room: 128

4. Motion to approve minutes: For 102, Against 0, Abstain 11 (Approved 100%)

3. September 2007 Minutes (11-07-2507r0)

1. Review and approve joint minutes from the Waikoloa meeting

2. Following neither discussion nor dissent these minutes were approved by unanimous consent.

4. Attendance

1. The chair then asked for those attending for the first time, 7 responded out of a total of 236 people in the room.

2. Attendance (together with affiliations) at this meeting is shown in Annex

3. A.

5. Financials (11-07-2809r0)

1. Discussion and description of current financial statement. The September 2007 meeting in Waikoloa, Hawai’i, USA, generated a reasonable profit of over $18,000.

6. Policies and Procedures (11-07-2803r1)

1. Please check the IEEE 802.11 WG membership list which is now on the website.

2. Attendance is required to obtain voting rights. Voting rights are only granted at plenaries.

3. Patent Policy

1. Slide #10 of 11-07-2803r1 was read out by the WG vice-chair.

2. Slides #11, 12 and 13 have already been noted in the 802 opening plenary and also indicated within the agenda.

3. Slide #14 was read out by the WG vice-chair.

4. Slides #15 and #16 were also noted by the WG vice-chair.

4. Patent FAQ

1. Please review these slides for all current procedures and information together with:

1. Patent FAQ -

2. LoA Form -

5. Affiliation

1. If you do not provide your affiliation then your rights can be withdrawn. Please see: for further information.

6. Anti-Trust

1. Please note the following anti-trust statements

7. Ethics

1. Please note the following ethics statements

8. No questions about any of this.

7. Call for essential Patents

1. The chair called for essential patents and there were none.

2. Regarding the IEEE 802.11r patent issued raised by a member from AT&T in September 2007, AT&T have now provided a LoA, which has been posted to the IEEE-SA site. This is recognized and accepted. This issue is now closed. IEEE 802.11r chairman accepted this.

8. Permission to run as candidates for March 2008 WG chair elections

1. This is not an election, just permission to run from the WG.

2. Move that the 802.11 Working Group gives permission for Stuart J. Kerry to run for a 5th term as IEEE 802 Working Group Chair in the March 2008 Plenary session.

3. Moved: Al Petrick, Second Arial Aron

4. Question (Q): I urge the WG to vote for these motions. I think that anyone who is interested should be allowed to run, regardless of their qualities. We are all volunteers.

5. For 95, Against 9, Abstain 6 (Motion passes 91.35%)

6. Move that the 802.11 Working Group gives permission for Al Petrick to run for a 5th term as IEEE 802 Working Group Vice-Chair in the March 2008 Plenary session.

7. Moved: Harry Worstell, Second Richard Kennedy

8. For 93, Against 0, Abstain 10 (Motion passes 100%)

9. Move that the 802.11 Working Group gives permission for Harry Worstell to run for a 5th term as 802 Working Group Vice-Chair in the March 2008 Plenary session.

10. Moved: Al Petrick, Second Clint Chaplin

11. For 87, Against 5, Abstain 9 (Motion passes 94.57%)

12. In January 2008, the Chair will ask for nominees for all sub-groups chairs.

13. Q: Will the top two vice-chair votes stand as vice-chairs.

14. Chair: Not necessarily, as I hope to change the structure of the WG executives.

9. IEEE 802 EC Opening Meeting Issues summary

1. Discussion about non-conflicted 802 members. This is about whether you are, or not, conflicted on any issue concerning 802.20.

2. IEEE-SA have received a letter from CSIRO. It’s not clear whether this meets the PatCom (Patent Committee) conditions. They are not sure what actions should be given to PatCom. This of course raises the bar for TGn.

3. Concentration banking. This will affect the 802.11 and 802.15 treasuries. These treasuries will now have to go through the IEEE process. A financial review is due on March 6th 2008.

4. The San Francisco attendance (1611) nearly met the record attendance at a meeting (1625).

5. Issues arose about cancelling credit card payments. You must go to Face to face as opposed to cancelling through your credit card company. Face to face may have to consider charges for people who cancel in this manner.

6. Food and beverage is costing a lot. Please can all members try and restrict the amount of items they consume. It is one goodie per person please.

7. There are no rules about how the P&P rules should be interpreted for the previous voting about the permission for 4 terms+ chairs to re-run in the March 2008 elections.

8. There is an issue about individuals “being conflicted”.

9. Monday and Tuesday nights are tutorials. Please see the postings about these.

10. None of us are allowed to make any judgments about patent statements whatsoever. Only IEEE legal counsel can do this.

11. Interim meetings:

1. May 2008: Jacksonville, Florida, USA

2. September 2008: Waikoloa, Hawai’i, USA

3. January 2009: Open at the moment

4. May 2009: Montreal, PQ, Canada

5. Problems with US hotels, which are now expecting more payments for meeting rooms. The Waikoloa hotel has given us a very good offer. September 2008 is very busy and hotels realize this. IETF is also having the same problem.

Stuart Kerry handed over the chair to Al Petrick

10. 802 PARs

1. There are 4 PARS under consideration as mention in the Agenda. Please send any comments to Al Petrick, by 5pm Tuesday.

11. Tutorials

1. There are 2 tonight (Monday) and 3 tomorrow evening (Tuesday).

12. Wireless Network Update

1. The network has been up and down today.

13. Voter Membership & Documentation (11-07-2799r1)

1. Harry Worstell (AT&T Labs Incorporated)

2. There are currently 206 voting members in IEEE 802.11

3. Please note use the attendance server at .

4. The attendance links are on the right hand side.

5. Network information is also in this document.

6. Please remember to use the local website, as opposed to the external one.

7. Please remember to ask to be a voter. You have to submit a request.

8. Please note, you can only be a voting member if you state your affiliation.

14. WG Opening Reports & Goals for the week

1. P&P (11-07-360r4)

2. Publicity & Timelines

1. Please can all sub group chairs send updates to Stephen McCann by Thursday evening

3. Technical Editor

1. ANA (11-07-1942r10)

Al Petrick handed chair back to Stuart J. Kerry


5. 3 presentations this week

6. TGk (11-07-2822r0)

1. Now going into 2nd re-circ Sponsor Ballot this week.

7. TGmb

1. There are 2 interpretations requests this week. Note, clause in 802 P&P rules now state that all interpretations must now go to the IEEE 802 executive committee. Hence motions must be made in the IEEE 802 closing meeting, which now must be backed dated to November 2005.

8. TGn

9. Letter ballot #115 results: 310 voted

10. 240 yes, 43 no, abstain 27, (84.81% approval)

11. Chair: The IEEE-SA standards board has a statement about this regarding the CSIRO patent. 802.11n PAR will continue as if nothing has happened, until we receive confirmation from IEEE-SA.

12. TGp

1. Basically doing comment res this week.

13. TGr (11-07-2720r0)

1. Go to re-circ sponsor ballot this week.

14. TGs (11-07-2630r2)

15. Need technical editor this week and hope to go to LB this week

16. TGT

17. TGu (11-07-2786r1)

1. Comment resolution and liaison issues this week.

18. TGv (11-07-2728r0)

1. Comment resolution this week.

19. TGw

1. Meet to resolve comments from LB #114, which will be dealt with this week.

20. TGy (11-07-2464r2)

1. The chairman is not available at the moment. Continuing conditional approval to go to Sponsor Ballot by the end of the week.

21. TGz (11-07-2761r0)

1. Technical presentations this week.

22. QSE SG

1. Two meeting slots this week. Address comments from poll since the September 2007 meeting. Further Consideration of the PAR and 5Criteria to move towards task group status.

23. VHT SG

1. 8 submissions this week. Drafting of a PAR will be possibly postponed. One presentation has come from WFA (Wi-Fi Alliance) 2792r0, which is effectively a liaison which has been forwarded by the WG chair and accepted the SG chairman. WFA reserve the right to update this document, which may occur in January 2008.

2. Here is the email which was received from the WFA:

Dear Stuart,

In July 2007 the IEEE 802.11 WG requested that the Wi-Fi Alliance provide usage models to assist the 802.11 VHT effort. The Wi-Fi Alliance subsequently formed a Study Group to develop an appropriate input. I am now pleased to liaise the preliminary output of this effort back to the IEEE 802.11 WG.

The attached file has been approved by the Wi-Fi Alliance as an interim deliverable. It is planned that a final version be made available in time for the IEEE 802.11 WG meeting in Taiwan in January 2008.

The Wi-Fi Alliance reserves the right to significantly modify the document between now and January 2008. We also expect that the document will need continuing refinement over the coming years as the industry develops a better understanding of the how higher capability wireless technology can be used.

One purpose of providing an interim deliverable is to allow review from the IEEE 802.11 WG membership. The Wi-Fi Alliance would appreciate feedback from the WG on the completeness of the usage model categories, the usage models and the formatting of the usage models

Yours sincerely,

Andrew Myles

Chairman of the Wi-Fi Alliance

24. Note: Attached file is document 11-07-2765r0

25. VTS SG (11-07-2785r1)

1. The IEEE 802 executive committee is worried about passing up frame errors through higher layers as proposed by this SG. The SG chair accepted this note.

2. WG Chair: Please can other sub-group chairs be aware of this situation.

26. IMT-A Ad Hoc (11-07-2500r0)

1. Bruce is now voting on behalf of IEEE 802.11 in joint 802 IMT-A meetings. IEEE 802.18 is the clearing house for all IEEE 802 documents and comments. At the end of this week, IEEE 802.18 will then review these documents at the IEEE 802 executive committee and ask for them to be forwarded to ITU.

15. AOB

1. Chair: Full attendance credit will be given to this meeting slot, as the network has been broken.

2. We are now in recess.

Wednesday, 14 November 2007

IEEE 802.11 Mid Week Plenary

Presiding chair: Stuart J. Kerry (NXP Semiconductors) opened the meeting at 10:37 EST.

210 people present.

16. Approve/modify joint opening agenda (11-07-2211r4)

1. 2491r2 is now on the server from Donald Eastlake

2. TGr is finished for the week, so the agenda needs to change.

3. There is a request for the TGr slot AM1, Thursday to be given to TGs. No objection to this change.

4. There is also a new motion for TGr, in new business.

5. Following neither discussion nor dissent the agenda was approved by unanimous consent.

17. Policies and procedures

1. Please note that this meeting is still operating under Monday’s P&P rules

18. Call for Essential Patents

1. Call for essential patents

2. No items raised.

19. CAC

1. Reminder about 7.30pm meeting on Thursday

20. Attendance Recording

1. Please remember that we are using the old attendance system.

21. Documentation

1. Please make sure you login and logout correctly on the document server. Additionally, please remember to go to the IEEE 802.11 documents, not just the IEEE 802 page.

22. Other Announcements

1. Incoming liaison from SA2

1. Liaison is on the server as document 11-07-2831r0

2. The chair then asked TGu to address this liaison and the TGu chair accepted.


3. 802 PAR comments

4. No comments have been received on any of the 4 PARS mentioned on Monday

23. Liaisons

1. 802.18 : Radio Regulatory Tag (11-07-2872r1)

1. Please note the EU regulation changes to 5GHz operation. This will affect all RLAN products sold in the EU. There are various dates, after which different requirements apply.

2. Q: How does this affect US regulations

3. A: Not sure yet, but it may well do in the future.

2. 802.19 (11-07-2869r0)

1. Q: I understand that 16h has some new co-existence simulations teleconferences on slide #5, with operates with unmodified 11y. 11y has never participated in these calls. Its individuals from 11y who have attended. Do you have any more information on this?

2. A: Sorry, I don’t know.

3. 802.21 (11-07-2879r0)

4. Bluetooth SIG

5. No response, 1st call

6. Wi-Fi Alliance

1. A preliminary technical input came into this 802.11 meeting and more will come in January. This is great co-operation.

2. However, the QSE Study Group has decided not to continue with their PAR which is very disappointing for future co-operation.

3. Chair: I’d also like to thank Jim Petronovich, on behalf of myself and the Wi-Fi Alliance chairman

7. IETF (11-07-2873r0)

8. ISO JTC1/SC 6

1. Next activity within JTC1 is the ballot resolution meeting in London (British Standards Institute - BSI) in Jan/Feb 2008. This is resolve comments between the joint collaboration between IEEE and ISO. Most countries voted yet, except for China and France. A related item is a meeting on Thursday 5pm in EC boardroom to discuss the US position within ISO.

9. TIA

1. Steven Whitesal (the normal liaison) has now resigned from this position. This is now the 2nd call.

24. New Business

1. TGr Motion

1. Move to approve the contents of 11-07-2624-05-000r-d8-comments.xls as the comment resolutions for Recirculation Sponsor Ballot of IEEE 802.11r Draft 8.0

2. Moved Clint Chaplin, Second Harry Worstell

3. For 92, Against 0, Abstain 17 (Approved 100%)

25. Announcement

1. The IEEE 802 excutive committee is requesting a survey for international events, which will be posted to the 802.11 email mail reflector. Please fill this out if you can this week:


26. Joint Interchange: 11-07-2491-02-0wng-wlan-segregated-data-services.ppt

1. Q: Are you going to co-ordinate activities with only 802.1? I think that something like an 11y type solution may be necessary for all of 802. These segregated services need to work across the network.

2. A: Yes, indeed.

3. Q: There is still some resistance to doing cross working group solutions to things and hence I think you need to be a bit more creative with other WGs.

4. A: I’m open to suggestions about changing the motion.

5. Q: Have you presented this within WNG this week.

6. A: No, because I did this in the September 2007 meeting

7. Q: Ok, so I assume that this is the usual problem of everyone being too busy

8. A: Yes, it appears so.

9. Chair: I would be willing to sponsor something at the 802 level, if the presenter so wishes.

27. Any Other Business

1. International Venue Survey

1. Please fill this in, as mentioned earlier

2. Q: It looks as though you have to use the same login as the Face to Face registration.

3. A: Yes, indeed.

2. Terahertz technology

1. There was a presentation in WNG, about concerns regarding Terahertz technology regulations. If anyone is interested in helping with a liaison from 802.11 to 802.18, then please contact the WNG chairman, or the 802.11 secretary.

3. Chair: We are now in recess.

Friday, 21st September 2007

IEEE 802.11 Closing Plenary

Call to order at 08:14 EST by Stuart J. Kerry (NXP Semiconductors). Late start due to audio visual problems.

28. Announcements

1. 175 people in the room.

29. Agenda (11-07-2211r5)

1. Chair explained the changes from r4 and explained letter ballot and sponsor ballot motions coming up.

2. No objection to approving the revised agenda.

30. Patents

1. Please note that this meeting is still operating under Monday’s P&P rules

2. Call for Essential Patents.

3. No items raised.

1. P&P

1. Nothing received this time. Please email Al Petrick (Vice-chair) if anyone has any comments.

2. Attendance Server

1. Vice-chair: We have reverted to the old system for this session, due to a system crash on Monday at the September interim session. IEEE is working to resolve the new system for the Taipei meeting.

3. Documentation

1. Please remember to use the correct 802.11 document menu on and not the 802 document menu.

2. Please also review the membership list on the main website. If you have questions about attendance or voting status, please look at this list.

3. Affiliations have been tightened up within IEEE. Your affiliation must now be declared and please ensure it is sent to Harry Worstell (vice-chair). If you do not declare your affiliation, your voting rights will be suspended.

4. WG Reports

1. Publicity

1. Nothing

2. Timelines

1. The secretary presented the updated timeline chart, which was updated on Thursday evening and is now live on the website.

2. Question (Q): The date on the top of the online form needs to be corrected

3. Answer (A): Ok, that will be sorted out shortly.

3. Technical editor (11-07-2810r1)

1. Still waiting for TGw, TGs and TGv editorial updates

2. Three editorial positions are open, especially TGs. If you wish to volunteer for this, please see Donald Eastlake (TGs Chair)

3. No questions.

5. Session Location

1. Straw Poll: Do you like this location and would want to come back

2. For: 78, Against: 52

Chair handed over to Harry Worstell

6. WG Committee Reports

1. WNG SC (11-07-2930r1)

1. The secretary gave this presentation on behalf the WNG SC chair.

2. No questions for WNG

2. TGk (11-07-2926r0)

1. Comment ( C ) : Couple of typos noted, so report will be updated to r1

1. slide #2 : February 2008 instead of 2007

2. slide #5 : 2008 instead of 2007

3. TGmb (11-07-2920r0)

1. 2 interpretation requests dealt with at this meeting.

2. No questions for TGmb

4. TGn (11-07-2925r0)

1. Completed LB #115 3 weeks and have been working on comments since then.

2. Please note the changes to the TGn Ad Hoc meeting structures.

3. There have also been significant changes to the TGn schedule, which has also been reflected in the new timeline web page, as mentioned earlier.

4. No questions for TGn

5. TGp (11-07-2923r0)

1. 17 presentations this week, resulting in 107 resolved comments this week.

2. no questions for TGp

6. TGr (11-07-2877r0)

1. Resolved remaining sponsor ballot comments. Draft 9.0 is now in progress.

2. The editor has logistical problems with the draft around January 2008, so TGr will not have much to do in January 2008. Hence there is a rather complicated procedure for proceeding as shown in the report.

3. No questions for TGr

7. TGs (11-07-2915r0)

1. Still looking for a technical editor. Hence it has been hard to go to LB this week.

2. No questions for TGs

8. TGT (11-07-2741r0)

1. 5 submissions this week. They are still resolving LB 101 comments.

2. No questions for TGT

9. TGu (11-07-2917r0)

1. Question: What is the difference between 3GPP SA1 and SA2.

2. Answer: SA1 determines requirements; SA2 is development of protocols and algorithms.

3. 8 submissions this week. Currently have resolved 624 out of 948 comments

4. 2 ad-hocs planed before the Taipei session

5. No questions for TGu

10. TGv (11-07-2927r0)

1. Of 2000 comments, 1500 are technical. 650 comments have been resolved so far and there are another 750 comments to go into the next draft. Hence 650 are left to resolve.

2. No questions for TGv

11. TGw (11-07-2921r0)

1. Sponsor ballot pool has been opened. Anyone can become a member, if you are a member of IEEE-SA. The pool is open until early January 2008.

2. No questions for TGw

12. TGy (11-07-2753r2)

1. Many discussions this week, with other task groups. All letter ballot comments have been resolved. Draft 6.0 is now ready to go to re-circulation sponsor ballot.

2. No questions for TGy

13. TGz (11-07-2907r0)

14. Adopted draft D1.0 this week.

15. No questions for TGz

16. QSE SG (11-07-2851r0)

1. Since only 50 people contributed to the poll, which closed prior to this meeting, combined with lack of direction within the study group, it has been decided to adjourn the study group.

2. No questions for QSE

3. Chair: Hence this study group is dissolved and I would like to thank the chair Bob O’Hara.

4. SG Chair: Please note that there is now also precedent for study groups to say that there is no work to be done.

17. VHT SG (11-07-2904r0)

1. The Wi-Fi Alliance (WFA) contributed with a document on ‘use cases’.

2. No questions for VHT

18. VTS SG (11-07-2912r0)

1. WG Chair: Please note that study groups (SGs) exist from plenary to plenary, and not every 6 months. Hence the motions for VTS and VHT need to be reviewed

2. Q: I would also request that the template for the IEEE 802 executive committee meeting is corrected.

3. A: Ok, it will be looked into.

19. IMT-Advanced Ad Hoc (11-07-2928r0)

1. Finalize the contents of a document which will hopefully go to the ITU. IEEE 802.18 is the editor of this document, but it still requires approval from IEEE 802.11 and then subsequently the IEEE 802 executive committee. There will then be a WG18 meeting in January 28th 2008, Geneva, Switzerland to finalize the text.

2. C: I would also like to thank everyone in the Ad hoc group who has contributed to this document.

3. C: This output document going to ITA, will be defended by Bruce Kraemer on behalf of IEEE 802.11

4. Chair handed back to Stuart J. Kerry

7. Working Group Motions

1. Teleconference motion

1. Move to empower the following IEEE 802.11 TG(s)/SG(s)/Ad-Hoc(s) to hold teleconference calls beginning no sooner than November 26, 2007 through 15 days past the end of the March 2008 Plenary Session.

|Group |Start Date |Frequency |Time |

|Task Group “k” |29 November 2007 |Weekly |12:00 ET |

|Task Group “n” |28 November 2007 |Weekly |11:00 ET |

|Task Group “p” |29 November 2007 |Weekly |15:00 ET |

|Task Group “r” |5 December 2007 |Weekly |11:00 ET |

|Task Group “s” |21 November 2007 (already approved) |Once |17:00 ET |

| |11 December 2007 |Once | |

| |9 January 2007 |Once | |

| |23 January 2007 |Once | |

|Task Group “T” |29 November 2007 |Bi-Weekly |12:00 ET |

|Task Group “u” |17 December 2007 |Once |22:00 ET |

| |2 January 2008 |Once |10:00 ET |

|Task Group “v” |29 November 2007 |Once |13:00 ET |

| |6 December 2007 |Once |13:00 ET |

| |13 December 2007 |Once |13:00 ET |

| |18 December 2007 |Once |18:00 ET |

| |3 January 2008 |Once |18:00 ET |

| |10 January 2008 |Once |18:00 ET |

|Task Group “w” |N/A |N/A |N/A |

|Task Group “y” |27 November 2007 |Bi-weekly |13:00 ET |

| |27 March 2008 |Once |13:00 ET |

|Task Group “z” |27 November 2007 |Once |10:30 ET |

| |11 December 2007 |Once | |

| |8 January 2008 |Once | |

|VHT-SG |3 January 2008 |Once |11:00ET |

|VTS-SG |  |Weekly |11:00 ET |

2. Moved: Harry Worstell Second: Al Petrick

3. Approved by unanimous consent

2. Empowerment Motion

1. Move to empower the 802.11 WG, Task Groups, SGs, and SCs to hold meetings during the January 2008 Interim Session to conduct business as deemed necessary.

2. Moved by: Al Petrick, 2nd: Harry Worstell

3. Approved by unanimous consent

3. TGk sponsor ballot

1. Motion: to forward document 07/2927r1 as the report to the 802 Executive Committee (EC) on the requirements for conditional approval to forward 802.11k to REVCOM.

2. Moved: Richard Paine, Second: Peter Ecclesine

3. Q: Please can you check the revision number of the document.

4. A: Yes, it is r2.

5. Q: Is it in order that this document refers to another one.

6. A: Yes, that is fine.

7. For 78, Against 0, Abstain 5 (Motion passes 100%)

4. TGk

1. Move to approve the 11k SB #1 Comment Resolutions in document 07/2642r9.

2. Moved: Richard Paine, Second Peter Ecclesine

3. For 73, Against 0, Abstain 5 (motion passes 100%)

5. TGk

1. Move to approve a 15 day procedural LB to approve comment resolutions for TGk SB Recirculation #2.

2. Moved on behalf of TG.

3. For 77, Against 0, Abstain 4 (motion passes 100%)

6. TGmb

1. Move to approve doc: 11-07/2248r1 as the interpretation response to interpretation request on TCLAS elements as specified in section

2. Moved on behalf of TG

3. Q: How many people were in TGmb this week

4. A: About 10 people

5. For 59, Against 0, Abstain 14 (motion passes 100%)

7. TGn

1. Request TGn be authorized to conduct an ad hoc meeting for the purpose of resolving comments received during WG letter ballot 115 on TGn Draft 3.0, to be held 10, 11, 12 (Thu, Fri, Sat) January 2008 with the preferred venue being Taipei. Or, if not deemed feasible (ASAP) Switch to the alternate site and days to be held 8, 9, 10 (Tue, Wed, Thu) January 2008 At a Cisco provided venue in San Jose. Request an ad-hoc

2. Moved on behalf of TG

3. Approved by unanimous consent

8. TGu

1. Move to approve an IEEE 802.11u ad-hoc meeting in Hong Kong, from January 10th – 11th 2008

2. moved on behalf of TGu

3. approved by unanimous consent

9. TGu

1. Note: This is a result of a liaison invitation to attend 3GPP SA2 #63 in Athens at this time. Move to approve an IEEE 802.11u ad-hoc meeting in Athens, Greece from February 19th – 21st 2008.

2. moved on behalf of TGu

3. Approved by unanimous consent

10. TGw

1. Believing that all the conditions for a recirculation of P802.11w have been satisfied, to request the 802.11 Working Group authorize a 15-day Working Group Recirculation Ballot on P802.11w D4.0.

2. Move on Jesse, Second Clint

3. Approved by unanimous consent

11. TGy

1. Move to authorize a 15-day Working Group Recirculation Letter Ballot of P802.11y draft 6.0, asking the question “Should the P802.11y draft 6.0 be forwarded to sponsor ballot?

2. Move on behalf of TG.

3. For 71, Against 0, Abstain 3 (motion passes 100%)

12. TGy

1. Motion: To approve document 07/2733r0 as the report to the 802 Executive Committee (EC) on the requirements for conditional approval to forward 802.11y to sponsor ballot.

2. Moved on behalf of TG

3. For 69, Against 0, Abstain 3 (motions passes 100%)

13. TGy

1. Move to conduct a 15-day recirculation LB on Draft P802.11y_D6.0 to commence as soon as practical after the closing of the fifth recirculation letter ballot and conditional on that ballot passing.

2. Moved on behalf of TG

3. Approved by unanimous consent

14. VHT SG

1. Move to request the IEEE 802.11 Working Group to extend the VHT Study Group.

2. Q: I’m unhappy that the WG chair, is recommending changes to a SG motion, so that the process is easier within the IEEE 802 executive committee. Perhaps you should allow the original motion to go forward and present it to the IEEE 802 executive committee as it is.

3. Chair: I’m just trying to guide the process along.

4. Point of order: The motion was from the SG. Has there been a formal motion to amend.

5. Chair: The motion is not on the floor yet. Please put it back to the original motion

6. Original Motion: Move to request the IEEE 802.11 Working Group to extend the VHT Study Group for 6 months.

7. Point of order: I believe that this motion is actually on the floor. Hence I ask for the chair to rule this out of order, as it conflicts with the IEEE 802 policies and procedures.

8. Chair: The motion is therefore out of order. I would entertain another motion from an individual to carry this process forward.

9. Move to request the IEEE 802.11 Working Group to extend the VHT Study Group.

10. Moved Eldad Perahia, Second Dave Bagby

11. For 73, Against 0, Abstain 3 (motion passes 100%)

15. VTS SG

1. Chair: The original motion has not been accepted, so the VTS chair has been asked to bring a new one

2. Move to request the IEEE 802.11 Working Group to extend the VTS Study Group

3. Moved Ganesh Venkatesan, Second Eldad Perahia

4. For 68, Against 2, Abstain 5 (motion passes 97.14%)

16. IMT-A Ad Hoc

1. Move to approve documents 18-07-0084-00_IMT-Advanced_Eval_d5.doc , 18-07-0083-00-0000_IMT-Advanced_Reqrmnt_2_d5.doc and report our acceptance to WG18.

2. Moved Bruce Kraemer, Second Darwin Engwer

3. For 59, Against 0, Abstain 12 (motion passes 100%)

17. Segregated Data Services

1. Move to approve and forward to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee for their approval in March the creation of a “WLAN Segregated Data Services” Study Group to consider how best to meet requirements as follows in 802.11 and how best to coordinate such activities with 802.1: labeling 802.11 frames per service; security of data within such services; and the configuration and management of such services.

2. Moved Donald Eastlake, Second Stephen McCann

3. Q: I thought that the IEEE 802 executive committee requires the WG to vote within that week for a SG. I think that the IEEE 802 executive committee will ask for a re-vote in March 2008.

4. C: I speak against this motion. Looking at the presentation, I don’t know if IEEE 802.11, as a layer 1 and 2 standard, is the appropriate place for this work to occur. I don’t think it fits within the link layer. If you associate this concept of attaching to multiple services within layer 2, I don’t think it will work. It may be similar to VLANs in Ethernet, but I still don’t think there is an exact match. I do appreciate that a study group may be the place to discuss this, but I don’t think that this subject has come far enough along to even create a study group.

5. C: I find myself conflicted on this issue. I am in favor of the concept, but I think the study group is not enough to provide true segregated data services across all 802 technologies. Again this appears to be more of an 802 issue, as opposed to 802.11. Indeed we have seen three issues this week which are really cross 802 issues.

6. C: I speak in favor of this motion. IEEE 802.3 is a great success story and it does rely on VLANs. Hence since 802.11 is seen as a wireless Ethernet, I think we need the same functionality within 802.11. This is a very important group to pursue.

7. C: Perhaps the word “association” within the mid-week plenary presentation was not appropriate, as it does not mean IEEE 802.11 association. As mover, I am happy to delay this motion until March 2008.

8. C: I’m still not sure about the earlier VLAN comment. This motion is about segregate data services, not VLANs. I think a better definition of the study group would be better.

9. C: I think most of this concept is already under way within IEEE 802.1. Additionally there is also a way of carrying VLAN information within 802.11, as indeed stated within the mid-week plenary presentation. However, if this study group were to ask to duplicate 802.1 functionality within 802.11, then that may be more reasonable.

10. Chair: The precedence stated by the earlier commenter, is not true. Sometimes PAR and study groups can be formed up to 2 sessions in advance. I would like to ask for a straw poll on this. I appreciate that the motion is on the floor.

11. Straw Poll: Yes: to proceed with this motion, No: more time is required for this motion.

12. C: Hence this is an informal way of asking to withdraw this motion?

13. Yes 16 , No 39

14. Chair: Hence I think we should wait with this motion.

15. C: I would like therefore to withdraw the motion.

16. No objection to withdrawing the motion and this item will now be on the agenda for March 2008.

8. AOB

1. Taipei Hotel Reservation

2. Please note the email from Bob Heile about the Howard Hotel in Taipei, regarding the issue of cheaper rates being available on the internet. Please adhere to this.

3. C: I’d like to say that we should question the efficiency of Tour Hosts with this meeting.

4. C: I note that I have been charged for the first night.

5. Chair: Yes, Please note that you will be charged for the first night, and please re-call that Tour Hosts did sort this out for the Cairns meeting.

9. Next Meeting

1. The next meeting is in Taipei, Taiwan from January 13th – 18th 2008 and the agenda for this meeting will be document 11-07-2884r0.

10. Adjournment

1. The meeting is adjourned without objection at 10:34 EST.

Annex A : Attendance & Affiliation

|IEEE 802.11 Attendees for the November 2007 Session |

| |

| | | | |

|lastname |firstname |middlename |affiliation |

|Ariyavisitakul |Sirikiat Lek | |Broadcom |

|Camps-Mur |Daniel | |NEC |

|Fujinami |Makoto | |NEC Corporation |

|Sharon |Ariel | |NTIA/ITS |

|Britz |David |M |AT&T |

|Cypher |David | |nist |

|Ellis |Michael |R |BBC |

|Marshall |Bill | |ATT Labs Research |

|Miller |Robert |R |AT&T |

|Nagata |kengo | |NTT |

|Rosdahl |Jon |W |CSR |

|Ashley |Alex | |NDS Ltd |

|Baker |Dennis |J |self employed |

|Buttar |Alistair | |Motorola |

|Chan |Douglas | |Cisco Systems |

|Emmelmann |Marc | |TU Berlin |

|Erceg |Vinko | |Broadcom |

|Falk |Lars |P |TeliaSonera |

|Fechtel |Stefan |A. |Infineon Technologies AG |

|Hart |Brian | |Cisco Systems |

|Hiertz |Guido |Roland |Philips |

|Hong |Yong-Geun | |ETRI |

|Inoue |Yasuhiko | |NTT |

|Kato |Masato | |Broadband Solutions B.U. |

|Kim |Eunkyo | |LG Electronics |

|Kobayashi |Mark |M |Broadcom Corp |

|Landt |Jeremy | |Transcore |

|Livshitz |Michael | |Metalink |

|Malinen |Jouni | |Devicescape Software, Inc. |

|Mani |Mahalingam | |Avaya Inc. |

|Oyama |Satoshi | |Hitachi |

|Peiris |Bemini Hennadige |Janath |Wireless Communications |

|Sakoda |Kazuyuki | |Sony Corporation |

|Stephens |Adrian |P |Intel Corporation Ltd |

|Wentink |Menzo | |Conexant |

|Yamada |Akira | |NTT DoCoMo |

|Yang |Sihoon | |LG Electronics |

|Yoshida |Seiji | |NTT-MCL, Inc. |

|Armstrong |Lee | |US Dot |

|Audeh |Malik | |Tropos Networks |

|Bae |Dong Suk | |LG Electronics |

|Bahr |Michael | |Siemens Enterprise Communications |

|Bai |Fan | |GM |

|Bajko |Gabor | |Nokia |

|Benveniste |Mathilde | |Avaya Labs |

|Bjerke |Bjorn |A |Qualcomm, Inc |

|Bumiller |George | |Research In Motion |

|Cardona |Javier | |cozybit Inc. |

|CHEN |CHIH-CHANG | |Ralink Technology, Corp. |

|Choi |Nakjung | |Seoul National University |

|Crowley |Steven | |DoCoMo USA Labs |

|Engwer |Darwin | |Nortel Networks |

|Feinberg |Paul | |Sony Electronics Inc. |

|Gast |Matthew | |Trapeze Networks |

|Gloger |Reinhard | |Nokia Siemens Networks |

|Hansen |Christopher |J |Broadcom |

|Ji |Lusheng | |AT&T |

|Kafle |Padam |L |Nokia |

|Kenney |John | |VSC2 |

|Kicherer |Max | |BMW Group |

|Kraemer |Bruce | |Marvell |

|Kumar |Rajneesh | |Cisco Systems |

|Lauer |Joseph | |Broadcom Corporation |

|LEE |CHOONGHO | |Seoul National University |

|Lin |Paul | |Ralink |

|Loc |Peter | |Marvell Semiconductor |

|Luo |Haiyun | |Azalea Networks |

|Maida |Anthony |F |3e Technologies International, Inc. |

|Mesecke |Sven | |BUFFALO |

|Montemurro |Michael | |Research in Motion |

|Noens |Richard |H. |Motorola |

|Okada |Hiraku | |Niigata Univ. |

|Paine |Richard |Henry |Boeing |

|Park |JungSoo | |ETRI |

|PERAHIA |Eldad | |Intel Corporation |

|Pirzada |Fahd | |Dell |

|Razoumov |Leonid | |AT&T |

|Roy |Richard | |Connexis |

|Schultz |Don | |Boeing |

|Shao |Huai-Rong | |Samsung Electronics |

|Sharma |Neeraj | |Intel |

|Tolpin |Alexander | |Intel Corporation |

|Tsao |Alvin | |MediaTek |

|VARLET-ANDRE |Mathieu | |BT |

|Xie |Zhen | |Atheros Communications, Inc. |

|Adachi |Tomoko | |Toshiba Corporation |

|Alexander |Thomas | |VeriWave, Inc |

|Andrus |David | |Apple, Inc. |

|Busch |Alexander | |BMW Group |

|Bussey |Chris | |Qualcomm |

|Canpolat |Necati | |Intel Corp |

|Cook |Charles |I |Qwest |

|Dickey |Susan |R |Caltrans |

|Doi |Yoshiharu | |SANYO |

|Durand |Roger | |Research In Motion |

|duvvuri |srinivasa | |atheros communications |

|Ecclesine |Peter | |Cisco Systems |

|Gilb |James |P. K. |SiBEAM |

|Gong |Michelle |X. |Intel |

|Gupta |Pratibha | |Atheros Communications |

|Hamilton |Mark | |Polycom |

|Harkins |Dan | |employee |

|Hassel |Vegard | |Telenor |

|Hassel |Vegard | |Telenor |

|Hinsz |Christopher | |Motorola |

|Huang |Robert | |Sony |

|Jeon |Ho-In | |Kyung-Won University |

|Jeon |Hongseok | |ETRI |

|Kakani |Naveen |Kumar |Nokia |

|Kim |Jae-Hyon | |Samsung |

|Kurihara |Thomas |M |IEEE |

|Lerner |Gregory | |Texas Instruments |

|Levy |Joseph | |InterDigital Communications LLC |

|Liu |I-Ru | |Accton Technology Corporation |

|Matsumoto |Taisuke | |Panasonic |

|McCann |Stephen | |Nokia Siemens Networks |

|Mehta |Pratik | |Dell |

|Portaro |James |D |NeTeam Systems |

|Ptasinski |Henry | |Broadcom |

|Qian |Luke | |Cisco |

|Safonov |Alexander | |LG Electronics |

|Sanwalka |Anil | |Neesus Datacom Inc |

|Seok |Yongho | |LG Electronics |

|Singh |Harkirat | |Samsung |

|Smith |Graham |K |DSP Group |

|sood |Kapil | |Intel |

|Stephenson |Dave | |Cisco Systems, Inc. |

|Suzuki |Hideyuki | |Sony Corporation |

|Tan |Teik-Kheong | |GCT Semiconductor |

|Thomson |Allan | |Cisco Systems |

|Thrasher |Jerry | |Lexmark International Inc. |

|Varshney |Prabodh | |Nokia |

|Wang |Qi | |Broadcom Corporation |

|Yamamoto |Takeshi | |NEC |

|Yang |Zhiyu | |Marvell Semiconductor Inc. |

|Backes |Floyd | |Autocell |

|Bansal |Amit | |Wipro-Newlogic |

|Braskich |Tony | |Motorola Inc. |

|Chokshi |Ronak | |Marvell Semiconductors Inc. |

|Chu |Liwen | |STMicroelectronics |

|Cole |Terry |L |AMD |

|Coleman |Ryon |K |3eTI |

|Cooklev |Todor | |Hitachi America Ltd. |

|Denteneer |Theodorus | |Philips |

|Eastlake |Donald |E |Motorola |

|Fischer |Matthew | |Broadcom |

|Fisher |Wayne | |ARINC, Inc |

|Hu |Wendong | |STMicroelectronics |

|Huimin |Zhang | |Huawei |

|Hunter |David | |Panasonic |

|Jetcheva |Jorjeta | |Firetide, Inc. |

|Kahn |Michael | |Fluke Networks |

|Kain |Carl | |USDOT |

|Kavner |Douglas | |Raytheon |

|Ketchum |John | |Qualcomm Incorporated |

|Lee |Jae Young | |LG Electronics |

|Liang |Zongchuang | |SAMSUNG CHINA R & D Center |

|Malarky |Alastair | |Mark IV Industries |

|Matta |Sudheer | |Trapeze Networks |

|Miyoshi |Hidekazu | |Innovation Core SEI, Inc |

|Nikula |Eero | |Nokia |

|Petrick |Al | |Colubris networks |

|Rai |Vinuth | |CAMP |

|Raissinia |Alireza | |Qualcomm Inc. |

|Reuss |Edward | |Plantronics, Inc. |

|SON |JIN HO | |LG Electronics |

|Sreemanthula |Srinivas | |Nokia |

|Stanley |Dorothy | |Aruba Networks |

|Strutt |Guenael | |Motorola |

|Trachewsky |Jason |A |Broadcom Corporation |

|Ueda |Satoshi | |Sony LSI Design Inc. |

|Vlantis |George | |STMicroelectronics, Inc. |

|Williams |Kyle | |Robert Bosch LLC |

|Worstell |Harry |R |AT&T |

|Yee |Peter | |NSA/IAD |

|Zhao |Meiyuan | |Intel Corporation |

|Zhu |Jing | |Intel Corporation |

|Zuniga |Juan-Carlos | |InterDigital Communications LLC |

|Afifi |Hossam | |INT |

|Cam-Winget |Nancy | |Cisco Systems |

|DU |LEI | |NTT DoCoMo |

|Hattig |Myron |P |Intel |

|Jamsa |Tommi | |Elektrobit |

|Jokela |Jari | |Nokia |

|Kruys |Jan | |Cisco |

|Meyer |Klaus | |Atmel |

|Meylemans |Marc | |Intel Corp |

|Mlinarsky |Fanny | |octoScope |

|Montenegro |Gabriel | |Microsoft |

|Pankratov |Denis | |LG Electronics |

|Poisson |Sebastien | |Qualcomm |

|Rayment |Stephen | |BelAir Networks |

|Roebuck |Randy | |OmniAir |

|Tokubo |Eric | |Motorola |

|Van Nee |Richard |D.J. |Qualcomm |

|van Zelst |Allert | |Qualcomm |

|Venk |Ganesh | |Intel Corporation |

|Victor |Dalton | |Broadcom |

|Zaks |Artur | |Texas Instruments |

|Bagby |David | |Calypso Ventures, Inc. |

|Calderon |Peter |J |Zhone Technologies |

|de Vegt |Rolf | |QUALCOMM, Inc. |

|Kwak |Joe | |InterDigital |

|Marin |Janne | |Nokia |

|MCNEW |JUSTIN |p |TechnoCom |

|Myles |Andrew | |Cisco |

|Nadeem |Tamer | |Siemens Corporate Research |

|Qi |Emily |H |Intel |

|Sargologos |Nicholas |J |Member |

|Smith |Matt | |Atheros |

|Walker |Jesse |Randall |Intel Corporation |

|Dhaliwal |Upkar | |Future Wireless Technologies |

|Hassan |Amer | |Microsoft |

|Kim |Youngsoo | |Samsung |

|Kneckt |Jarkko | |Nokia |

|Munaka |Tatsuji | |Mitsubishi Electric |

|Sherlock |Ian | |Texas Instruments |

|Blanchard |Colin |W |BT Group |

|Hillman |Garth | |AMD |

|Kennedy |Richard | |ETS-Lindgren |

|Shiamda |Shusaku | |Yokogawa Co, |

|Simon |Francois |Y |DoT |

|Chen |Lily | |NIST |

|Eyvazkhani |Mahbod | |Principal Scientist |

|Merrill |Mark | |NETGEAR |

|Qu |Huyu | |Hand Held Products |

|Chaplin |Clint | |Samsung Electronics |

|de Courville |Marc | |Motorola |

|El-Bakoury |Hesham | |NortelNetworks |

|Epstein |Joe | |Meru Networks |

|Goldsmith |Andrea | |Quantenna Communications, Inc |

|Kerry |Stuart |J |NXP Semiconductors |

|Narasimhan |Partha | |Aruba Networks |

|Duserre |Anne-Sophie | |Orange - France Telecom |

|Moorti |Rajendra | |Broadcom Corp |

|Whetten |Frank | |Boeing |

|Astrin |Arthur | |Astrin Radio |

|Worsham |James | |AT&T |

|Lansford |Jim | |Alereon |

|Li |Jun | |Thomson Inc. |

|Shao |Chunju | |China Mobile |

|Watanabe |Wataru | |Mitsumi Electric co., Ltd. |

|Barr |John | |Motorola |

|Choudhury |Abhijit |K |Cisco Systems |

|Huh |Jiyoung | |LG Electronics |

|Lou |Hui-Ling | |Marvell |

|Mandhana |Taroon | |Microsoft Corp |

|Ngo |Chiu | |Samsung |

|Patel |Vijay |M |Andrew Corporation |

|Shin |Heung Soo | |LG Electronics |

|Emeott |Stephen | |Motorola |

|Fanfelle |Robert | |Marvell |

|Kim |Yongbum | |Broadcom |

|Kinney |Patrick | |Kinney Consulting LLC |

|Lele |Abhijit |M |Samsung |

|Matsuno |Craig | |Attendee |

|Nabar |Rohit |U |Marvell |

|O'Hara |Bob | |Cisco Systems |

|Park |Minyoung | |Intel Corp. |

|Raab |Jim | |Dell |

|Shen |Gang | |Alcatel Shanghai Bell |

|Simons |John | |Hitachi |

|Wang |Shu | |LG Electronics |

|Watanabe |Fujio | |NTT DoCoMo |

|Wright |Charles |R |Azimuth Systems, Inc. |

Annex B : Working Group Officers

|Name |Position |Phone, eMAIL & Affiliation |

|Stuart J. |IEEE 802.11 Working Group (WG) Chair |NXP Semiconductors |

|Kerry | | |

| |Mail: |c/o: NXP Semiconductors, |Phone:   |

| | |1109 McKay Drive, M/S 48A SJ, | |

| | |San Jose, CA 95131-1706, | |

| | |United States of America | |

|Al |WORKING GROUP - 1st Vice-Chair / Treasurer |Jones-Petrick & Associates |

|Petrick | | |

| |Policies & Treasury |+1 (321) 235-3269 |

| | |al@ |

|Harry R. |WORKING GROUP - 2nd Vice-Chair |AT&T Labs, Inc. |

|Worstell | | |

| |Attendance, Ballots, Documentation & Voting |+1 (973) 236-6915 |

| | |hworstell@research. |

|Stephen |WORKING GROUP - Secretary & Publicity |Nokia Siemens Networks |

|McCann | | |

| |Minutes, Reports, & Communications |+44 (1794) 833341 |

| | | |

|Terry |WORKING GROUP - Technical Editor |Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. |

|Cole | | |

| |Standard & Amendment(s) Coordination | |

| |WORKING GROUP - ANA LEAD |+1 (512) 602-2454 |

| |802.11 Assigned Numbers Authority |terry.cole@ |

|Name |Position |Phone, eMAIL & Affiliation |

|Teik-Kheong |WNG Standing Committee - Chair |GCT Semiconductor, Inc. |

|"TK" | | |

|Tan | | |

| |Wireless Next Generations |+1 (408) 480-0431 |

| | |tktan@ |

|Name |Position |Phone, eMAIL & Affiliation |

|Richard H. |Task Group K - Chair |The Boeing Company |

|Paine | | |

| |Radio Resource Measurements |+1 (206) 854-8199 |

| |(802.11k Amendment) | |

| | |richard.h.paine@ |

|Al |Task Group MB - Chair (TEMPORARY) |Jones-Petrick & Associates |

|Petrick | | |

| |802.11 Accumulated Maintenance Changes |+1 (321) 235-3269 |

| | |al@ |

|Bruce P. |Task Group N - Chair |Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. |

|Kraemer | | |

| |High Throughput |+1 (321) 427-4098 |

| |(802.11n Amendment) | |

| | |bkraemer@ |

|Sheung |Task Group N - VICE-Chair |SiBEAM, Inc. |

|Li | | |

| |High Throughput |+1 (408) 245-3120 |

| |(802.11n Amendment) | |

| | |sli@ |

|Lee |TASK GROUP P - Chair |US Department of Transportation |

|Armstrong | | |

| |Wireless Access for the Vehicular Environment |+1 (617) 620-1701 |

| |(802.11p Amendment) | |

| | |LRA@ |

|Clint |Task Group R - Chair |Samsung |

|Chaplin | | |

| |Fast Roaming |+1 (408) 239-3348 |

| |(802.11r Amendment) | |

| | |clint.chaplin@ |

|Donald E. |Task Group S - Chair |Motorola, Inc. |

|Eastlake 3rd | | |

| |Mesh Networking |+1 (508) 786-7554 |

| |(802.11s Amendment) | |

| | |donald.eastlake@ |

|NEERAJ SHARMA |Task Group T - Chair |Intel Corporation |

| |Wireless Performance |+1 (503) 712-7458 |

| |(802.11.2 Recommended Practice) | |

| | |neeraj.k.sharma@ |

|Stephen |TASK GROUP u - Chair |Nokia Siemens Networks GmbH & Co. KG |

|McCann | | |

| |InterWorking with External Networks |+44 (1794) 833341 |

| |(802.11u Amendment) | |

| | | |

|DOROTHY v. |TASK GROUP V - Chair |Aruba Networks |

|sTANLEY | | |

| |Wireless Network Management |+1 (630) 836-9734 |

| |(802.11v Amendment) | |

| | |dstanley@ |

|JESSE WALKER |TASK GROUP w - Chair |Intel Corporation |

| |Protected Management Frames |+1 (503) 712-1849 |

| |(802.11w Amendment) | |

| | |jesse.walker@ |

|PETER ECCLESINE|TASK GROUP Y - Chair |Cisco Systems, Inc. |

| |3650-3700 MHz Operation in USA |+1 (408) 527-0815 |

| |(802.11y Amendment) | |

| | |petere@ |

|MENZO WENTINK |TASK GROUP Z - Chair |Conexant Netherlands BV |

| |Direct Link Setup |+31 65 183 6231 |

| |(802.11z Amendment) | |

| | |menzo.wentink@ |

|Name |Position |Phone, eMAIL & Affiliation |

|ELDAD PERAHIA |VHT SG - Chair |Intel Corporation |

| |802.11 Very High Throughput |+1 (503) 712-8081 |

| | |eldad.perahia@ |

|GANESH |VTS SG - CHAIR |Intel Corporation |


| |802.11 Video Transport Streams |+1 (503) 264-0637 |

| | |ganesh.venkatesan@ |

Annex C : Minutes

This Annex contains references to all IEEE 802.11 SC/TG/SG & Ad Hoc group minutes from this meeting. Please note that they are NOT subject to the approval of these minutes, but are confirmed and approved by their individual group in the opening meeting at their next session.

|WG |TE |07-2830r0 |

|WNG SC |SCC |07-2931r0 |

|TGK |TGC |07-2832r1 |

|TGMB |TGC |07-2922r0 |

|TGN |TGC |07-2829r0 |

|TGP |TGC |07-2941r0 |

|TGR |TGC |07-2828r2 |

|TGS |TGC |07-2826r0 |

|TGT |TGC |07-2858r0 |

|TGU |TGC |07-2856r0 |

|TGV |TGC |07-2800r0 |

|TGW |TGC |07-2840r0 |

|TGY |TGC |07-2827r0 |

|TGZ |TGC |07-2919r1 |

|QSE SG |SGC |07-2851r0 |

|VHT SG |SGC |07-2905r0 |

|VTS SG |SGC |07-2911r0 |

|IETF AHC |SGC |n/a |

|IMT AHC |SGC |07-2928r0 |




This document constitutes the tentative minutes of the IEEE 802.11 full working group for the November 2007 plenary session at Atlanta, Georgia, USA.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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