Held in the The Loco Club,

Southampton Road, Eastleigh.


Saturday 24th March 2018.


Unity House, 39 Chalton Street, London, NW1 1JD.



To be elected To be elected

at at

Conference Conference




Held on Saturday 24th March 2018.

in the The Loco Club,

Southampton Road, Eastleigh.

9th February 2018.

My Ref; No 036601300. RMT Ref;

Your Ref; No

Hi all

Please bring this paperwork to the meeting on the 24th March 2018. Spare copies may not be available at the meeting or conference.

Please fill in the delegates credentials form it’s on page 10, then hand it to the conference secretary. If you fill in your e-mail address you will get a copy of this year’s report and next year’s agenda by e-mail.

Please fill in the “delegates allowance for attending RMT conference”, it’s on page 11 and get the conference secretary to sign it, then hand it to your branch secretary for him to claim the £35 for your branch

The back 8 pages are the draft copy of the conference’s constitution and standing orders, and rule 12 taken from the web site on 08-02-2018

Regards, Andrew Hill.


Please turn off your mobile phone.

1. Opening of Meeting for the inception of Conference.

2. Appointment of President, Secretary and 2 Auditors.

3. Ratify the Constitution and Standing orders.

4. Appointment of Harassment Contact Person for the duration of this Conference.

5. Lead Officers to Address Conference.

6. Member of the National Executive Committee to Address Conference.

7. Guests invited to address Conference

8. The Industrial Organising way forward for this conference.

Including a workshop if time allows

9. Election of Scrutineers. (if required)

10. Elections of Officers by Ballots. (if required)

11. Scrutineers Report on Ballots. (if required)

12. Resolutions.

13. The Format, Venue and Date of Conference 2019.

14. Any Other Business.

15. Close of Conference

Balance Sheet as at the Inception of Conference.

24th March 2018.

Finalised copies will be available at Conference.


|Balance Brought Forward |£000.00 |Stationary & Printing |£000.00 |

| | |Postage & Phone |£000.00 |

|Head Office Grant |£000.00 |Travel-Parking |£000.00 |

|Head Office Payment |£000.00 | | |

| | |Meeting’s Sundries Charges |£000.00 |

|Donations |£000.00 |Conference Room Charges |£000.00 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |President’s Honoraria |£000.00 |

| | |Vice-President’s Honoraria |£000.00 |

| | |Secretary’s Honoraria |£000.00 |

|Other Income |£000.00 |Auditors [2] Honoraria |£000.00 |

| | |E.C. Expenses [2] |£000.00 |

| | | | |

| | |Bank Commission |£000.00 |

| | |Bank Charges |£000.00 |

| | | | |

| | |Sub Total |£000.00 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Bank Interest |£000.00 |Total |£000.00 |

| | | | |

| | |Cash in Hand |£000.00 |

| | |Cash in Bank |£000.00 |

| | | | |

|TOTAL |£000.00 |TOTAL |£000.00 |

We the undersigned, hereby certify that we have examined the whole of the books including Cash Books, Receipt Books, and Bank Statements in connection with the above accounts and are satisfied that the return is a true and correct statement.

| |Auditor. | |Signed |

| |Auditor. | |Signed |

| |Secretary. | |Signed |

Nominations received for

Officers for Conference. 2018-19.

PRESIDENT: __________________ ____________________

SECRETARY: __________________ ____________________

AUDITORS (2): __________________ ____________________

__________________ ____________________



__________________ ________________ __________________

__________________ ________________ __________________

__________________ ________________ __________________

__________________ ________________ __________________

__________________ ________________ __________________

__________________ ________________ __________________


Resolution No.01.

In the name of; Birmingham Engineering Branch.

Seconded by; …………………………………………

This conference notes the recent election for the position of Business Council Representative within Freightliner and congratulates the successful applicant. However, conference believes that this position is too much for one person to cover due to the nature and spread of Freightliner’s business.

Conference therefore request that the NEC instruct the General Secretary to negotiate with Freightliner for an additional seat. The seats should be divided into two constituencies, one North & one South. In addition, we call for position(s) to be subject to re-election on a 3-year basis.

Won; Lost; For………………. Against……………

Resolution No.02.

In the name of; London Anglia and Midland Transport Branch.

Seconded by; …………………………………………

That this grades conference request the NEC, to execute their most extreme influence on the Organising unit, and all Regional Councils, and Branches.

To help reinvigorate the freight transport side of this union with maximum involvement of recruitment at all freight transport depots.

Won; Lost; For………………. Against……………

Resolution No.03.

In the name of; Leeds City Branch.

Seconded by; …………………………………………

That this grades conference asks the NEC to enquire as to what driving hours regulations will apply to HGV drivers, and will we be keeping the drivers CPC after “Brexit”

Should this resolution be adopted by this conference, then to be submitted for consideration to the AGM

Won; Lost; For………………. Against……………

Resolution No.04.

In the name of; Leeds City Branch.

Seconded by; …………………………………………

That this grades conference requests that the NEC provide adequate funding and propaganda resources, to mount a serious recruitment campaign throughout the whole of the freight industry. Such a campaign to be run in conjunction with cooperation from the RMT’s Organising Unit.

Should this resolution be adopted by this conference, then to be submitted for consideration to the AGM

Won; Lost; For………………. Against……………


Members will be aware that this union has a policy of equal opportunity, harassment, and discrimination on the grounds of age, gender, marital status, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, disability, religion, or sexual orientation will not be tolerated.

All members are expected to adhere to the policy whilst attending the conference and breaches of policy will result in disciplinary action being taken. This is expected throughout the period of the conference, both within the conference hall and outside.

Harassment has many forms but the key to recognising this sort of behaviour is that it is considered offensive or unwelcome by the recipient and it is often persistent.

Some forms of unacceptable behaviour are detailed below;

➢ Racially or sexually abusive language or “jokes” and name calling.

➢ Display of offensive written or visual material including graffiti.

➢ Unwanted touching, leering, or even physical assault.

➢ Threats or insulting or abusive behaviour or gestures.

➢ Persistent requests for social contact, even when it has been made clear that this is not wanted. This includes sexual propositions and unwanted comments on dress or appearance.

➢ Use of patronising – offensive titles or nicknames.

➢ Open hostility to any member, including organised hostility.

Any member who feels they have been harassed on any grounds can take action through the special procedure, as set out in the attached guidelines. In the event of such harassment, the Grades Conference Secretary or the Conference Appointment Harassment Contact Person should be the initial point of contact.

R M T Guidelines on Harassment and Discrimination at Conferences.

1. If an individual feels that they have been harassed for any reason, they should raise it in the first instance with the person indicated on the attached statement, at the earliest opportunity. If the individual feels unable to raise the matter directly, they should ask a friend or colleague to do it for them.

2. The role of the first contact person is to council the complainant and explain the avenues open to her/him. If the complainant wishes to take the matter further, the first contact person must raise it with a senior union officer (at least A.G.S.) immediately.

3. Complaints of harassment or discrimination may result in informal or formal action, depending on the expressed wishes of the complainant.

4. When a complaint has been made, the senior officer must immediately set up an investigation with a view to reaching a conclusion within 4-6 weeks. This investigation will involve interviewing witnesses and the parties concerned. A female member will be involved where required.

5. The officer conducting the investigation will present his/her findings to the General Secretary as soon as they are drawn up and the General Secretary will put them before the Council of Executives, stating whether or not the investigating officer is recommending disciplinary action. The Council of Executives will then decide whether or not charges should be brought.

6. The General Secretary will inform both parties concerning any proceeding to be initiated, and appropriate charges will be framed.

7. The General Secretary will then appoint a special sub-committee of the Council of Executives to take the resulting hearing where the charges will be put to the alleged harasser(s).

8. The alleged harasser(s) will be entitled to representation at the hearing.

9. Following the hearing, the special sub-committee will recommend action as appropriate to the full Council of Executives.

10. The final decision concerning disciplinary action will rest with the full Council of Executives.

11. Any member found guilty of harassment may be disciplined under Rule 3, Clause 10(a), or Rule 2, Clause 18, and disciplinary action may result in expulsion.

12. In normal circumstances, this procedure should take no longer than eight weeks to complete.

13. Members should be aware that they are entitled to take a case through legal channels at any time if they choose to do so.

14. Any member who is not satisfied with the way in which their case has been handled, whether the complainant or the alleged harasser, has the right to appeal to the Annual General Meeting.






Saturday 24th March 2018.


Delegates Name; …………………………………………………….

Address; ………………………………………………………………



Home Telephone Number; …………………………………………

Mobile Telephone Number; ………………………………………..

e-mail address;…………………………………………………….....

Member of; ……………………….....…….………….……..Branch.

Branch Secretary; ……………………………………………………

Employer; …………………………………………………..…………

National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers.

Headquarters, 39 Chalton Street, London, NW1 1JD.


Name; ………………………………………….. Mem. No; ……………………. N.I. No; ………………………….

Grade; ………………………… Branch; ………………………………….. Employer; ……………………………...

National Freight and Logistics Industrial Organising Conference.

Held in the Loco Club, Eastleigh, on Saturday 24th March 2018.

Members Name; (Print) ………………………………………. Signature…………………..………………………………………..

Branch Secretary; Name (Print) ……………………………. Signature………….…………………………………………………

Conference Secretary; Name (Print) ……………………….. Signature……………………………….……………………………

When fully complete this form should be forwarded by the Branch Secretary to Head Office.

On receipt £35 will be then be transferred into the branch account

(up to a maximum of 7 delegates, i.e. £245 per branch. Correct as of 02/01/2012)

It will be up to each Branch to decide how much to pay an individual member.

Form FC/6.

A Draft proposal dated 21-07-2017 of the


for the

National Freight and Logistics

Industrial Organising Conference.

1. NAME;

The Conference shall be known as the;

“National Freight and Logistics Industrial Organising Conference.”


a) The objects of the Conference shall be to discuss from time to time matters relative to the welfare of the groups affiliated, and notifying the National Executive Committee of these relevant concerns.

b) To promote Education and Training of, and encourage networking and communication between Delegates, Representatives and Activists.

c) To develop the best standard of union administration for workers in our sector.


a) Conference shall consist of delegates or representatives appointed by affiliated Branches and Regional Councils. Such delegates or representatives shall be from all grades embraced by Employers engaged in the Freight Industry.

b) The Branch affiliations to Conference will be deducted at source by Head Office and paid into the Conference bank account.

c) The expenses of all delegates attending the Conference to be paid by their respective Branches or Regional Council.


a) The Officers of the Conference shall consist of a President, Secretary, two (2) Auditors.

b) A Liaison Committee of six (6) consisting of one (1) member from each group of grades, unless there is a vacancy. The President and Secretary to be ex-officio.

c) The Executive Committee shall consist of the Officers, and the Liaison Committee.

d) The Officers and Liaison Committee shall be elected annually by ballot, to take place on the first day of Conference. All can stand for re-election.


a) The Conference shall be held before the end of April where possible.

b) Conference will welcome invites from Branches and Regional Councils for future Conferences to a nominated venue. A vote will take place at Conference to select the following years Conference venue and date.

c) Conference shall after consultation with the General Secretary fix the venue, frequency, date and duration of its Conference and meetings.

d) The Liaison Committee shall meet when required.

e) The Executive Committee shall meet at 19:30 hours on the evening prior to the Conference.

f) The Conference shall meet from 09:30 hours on the first day, and on the second day from 09:30 hour’s untill12:30 hours, “or as required.”

g) The President and Secretary shall be empowered to call emergency meetings of the Executive Committee.


a) All resolutions must be germane to within the perimeters of this Conference.

b) Items for the Agenda must reach the Secretary at least 8 weeks before the Conference starts.

c) The Agenda to be printed and circulated by Head Office to Branches and Regional Councils, at least 6 weeks prior to Conference starting, to enable them to mandate their Delegates attending Conference.

d) All amendments to Resolutions and or the Agenda must be submitted in writing by the Branch or Regional Council and shall be in the hand of the Conference Secretary not later than the start of the Executive Committee meeting on the eve of Conference.

e) Emergency resolutions can only be accepted when the moving Branch has known about the concern for less than 8 weeks before Conference starting.

f) Two Resolution passed at Conference can be submitted to the Union’s Annual General Meeting each year.


a) All monies received on behalf of the Conference shall be paid into a Unity Trust Bank account in the name of the Conference. Withdrawal cheques to be signed by the President and the Secretary.

b) Conference Secretary shall, within five days of receipt of fees and monies, pay these into the Conference account and shall not retain in his hands not more than £10 for current expenditure. He shall also by dates to be determined, render to the Conference, the General Secretary and every affiliated Branch and Regional Council, a true and accurate account of receipts and expenditure for the twelve months ending the previous 31st December. Signed as a true record by the two Auditors and the Conference Secretary.

c) The expenses of all delegates attending the Conference to be paid by their respective Branches or Regional Council.

d) The Honorariums of the Executive Committee will be paid from the Conference funds at the Executive Committee meeting.

A Draft proposal dated 21-07-2017 of the


National Freight and Logistics

Industrial Organising Conference.

1. The Executive Committee shall meet on the eve of Conference, to discuss apologies, conference finances, and correspondence in and out, minutes of meetings appertaining to conference, speakers, amendments and emergency resolutions. Then to conclude the Conference Agenda. The National Officer and or the National Executive Committee member for the Conference can also attend this meeting.

2. Delegates will assemble punctually at 09.30 for a prompt start to conference.

3. Delegates must have their credentials available for inspection at all times during conference.

4. A Resolution submitted by an affiliated Branch or Regional Council without a delegate at Conference, stands moved formally. Two seconders are required; one of the seconders is requested to speak on the resolution as though they are the mover.

5. No Branch or Regional Council is permitted to move and second the same resolution.

6. Two tellers to be appointed as and when required to ensure an accurate count of all Delegates votes during Conference.

7. The President’s ruling must be strictly obeyed, unless two-thirds of the delegates present vote for a debate on the ruling. A debate will take place, then a vote taken, requiring half plus one to pass.

8. The President does not have any vote, only the casting vote.

9. Three members of the Liaison Committee either volunteer or voted by all the delegates including Liaison Members shall act as the Standing Orders Committee if deemed necessary for the length of Conference.

10. A vote of two-thirds majority of the delegates attending can suspend or exclude from the Conference a Delegate, Representative or visitor whose behaviour is insubordinate or who conducts themselves improperly.

as on the RMT website on 08-02-2018



Number and Titles (General Grades)

1. There shall be established Industrial Organising Conferences to which Branches and Regional Councils with members in the grades referred to below shall affiliate as follows:-

(a) National Road (Freight) Transport Industrial Organising Conference, covering all grades within the Road Freight Transport Industry;

(b) National Bus Workers Industrial Organising Conference, covering all grades within the Road Passenger Transport Industry;

(c) National Industrial Organising Conference of Catering Grades covering all grades within those departments;

(d) National Industrial Organising Conference of Engineering Grades;

(e) National Industrial Organising Conference of Signalling and Operations Grades;

(f)  National Industrial Organising Conference of Train Crews and Shunting Grades;

(g) National Industrial Organising Conference of Station and Associated Grades;

(h) National Industrial Organising Conference of Supervisory, Clerical and other Salaried Grades (including professional and technical and management ranges and all salaried members not catered for in the other Conferences);

(i) National Industrial Organising Conference of Transport Cleaning Workers covering all cleaning grades within all transport sectors;

and such other Conferences as the National Executive Committee may from time to time determine.


2.  The National Executive Committee may dissolve any Industrial Organising Conference, considered to be unnecessary or undesirable and may amalgamate or re-arrange Industrial Organising Conferences.

Items Germane

3. An Industrial Organising Conference shall be confined to matters germane to the grades concerned. An Industrial Organising Conference must conform to national policy as determined by the decisions of the Annual General Meeting or the National Executive Committee.

Primary Role

4.  The primary role of the Industrial Organising Conferences for their delegated sectors is to develop strategies for the better Union organisation of workers in their sectors; develop strategies for learning, education and training of Representatives and activists; develop networking and communication between Representatives and activists; to report on these, and other relevant matters, to the National Executive Committee as proposals in support of the Union’s national organising strategy.


5. An Industrial Organising Conference shall not have executive authority and shall not conduct negotiations with any employer or group of employers. Subject to the other provisions of these Rules, the matters to be dealt with by each Conference will be determined by the affiliated Branches and Regional Councils and the Conference itself.


6. Each Industrial Organising Conference may make by-laws for the government of its affairs, subject to the by-laws being approved by the General Secretary or the National Executive Committee and be strictly consistent with these Rules.

Resolutions to AGM

7. An Industrial Organising Conference shall be eligible to submit two items germane to Conference and carried by that Conference for the agenda of the Annual General Meeting, subject to the provisions of Rule 3, Clause 6, if it so desires. Other decisions of Industrial Organising Conferences shall be placed before the National Executive Committee for consideration, but the Conferences shall have no governing or controlling power over any member, Branch, Regional Council or Official.


8. Except in the case of the Biennial Maritime and Biennial Offshore Industrial Organising Conferences, the expenses of each Conference shall be defrayed by affiliation fees collected from Branches and distributed to each Conference by Head Office. The cost of printing and distribution to Branches and Regional Councils of the circulars convening the Conference, the agendas and the decisions of the Conference shall be borne by the General Fund.

Financial Assistance

9. The National Executive Committee may supplement the income of Industrial Organising Conferences as circumstances warrant.


10. Each Branch and Regional Council shall be entitled to send representatives to each Industrial Organising Conference covering the grades which the Branch or Regional Council has in membership. Each Industrial Organising Conference shall fix the venue and date of its meetings.

Balance Sheet

11. The Secretary shall, by a date to be determined every year, render to every Branch and Regional Council affiliated to the Industrial Organising Conference, and to the General Secretary, a true and accurate account of the receipts and expenditure of the Industrial Organising Conference for the twelve months ended the previous 31st December.

Bank Account and Monies

12.  Each Industrial Organising Conference shall open an account with the Union’s bankers in its own name which shall be operated by means of cheques signed by the President and Secretary. The Secretary shall, within five days from receipt, pay into the bank account every sum received on behalf of the Industrial Organising Conference and shall not retain any sum in excess of £10 for current expenditure.

13.The Secretary shall at all times on demand produce and, if required, deliver up to any Officer of the Union nominated by the General Secretary, all monies, books, papers and documents of the Industrial Organising Conference and the Union held by the Secretary.

Officers’ Remuneration

14. The Officers of the Industrial Organising Conference shall receive such remuneration for their services as may be determined by the Industrial Organising Conference.

Common Property, confidentiality, circulars and addresses

15.The provisions of Rule 10, Clauses 28, 33 and, 34 shall apply to every Industrial Organising Conference and, for the purpose of such application, an Industrial Organising Grades Conference shall be deemed to be a Branch within the meaning of the Rule.

Non Interference

16.  An Industrial Organising Conference shall not interfere in the affairs of the Annual General Meeting or other governing body of the Union or prejudice the right of Branches to nominate candidates or otherwise interfere in any Union election. Neither shall it interfere in the affairs of the annual meetings of the Trades Union Congress or the Scottish Trade Union Congress.

Liaison Committees

17. Each Industrial Organising Conference shall appoint a Liaison Committee of not more than six members representative of all the grades within the Conference to meet once during the year following Conference or at such other time as the National Executive Committee may decide with the appropriate representatives of the National Executive Committee and National Officers:  the cost of any such meeting will be paid from the General Fund. Members of the Liaison Committee shall be paid expenses for authorised meetings in accordance with Rule 14, Clauses 26, 27, 29 & 30.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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