Newsletter #2


Volume XXV, Number 3 August/September 2009

News of the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Unit of the N.C. Retired School Personnel

President’s Message

Summer is coming to a close, and I hope that it has allowed you to be active in the things that you like to do. It's been a brief respite for your RSP Executive Board, but we're cranking back up for an exciting 2009-2010 membership year. We're really looking forward to our September 9 meeting. Janet Cowell, our new State Treasurer, will be our guest speaker with a short Q&A session. I've talked regularly to Nick Burn, her assistant, this summer in setting up her visit to our RSP members.

I was invited to speak to the 2009 retirees at a breakfast on June 16 at a new venue, the Children's Museum. There were 129 WSFCS employees who retired this year. If you know someone who retired, invite them personally to come to our September meeting. They need us, and we need them in order for us to continue to protect our benefits as retirees.

I've been "cutting up" this summer. Actually, I've cut the backs off of over 400 Christmas cards with my trusty paper cutter. These cards will be available for our volunteers to pick up in September to write new holiday greetings on the backs and return in November for distribution to nursing homes- Silas Creek Manor, Oak Forest Nursing Center and others if numbers permit. Thank you for bringing these cards to make this project possible. If no one has told you lately how wonderful you are, I'm telling you now!

We will continue our door prizes to give back to so many of you who have given so much over the course of your careers. So be sure to wear your permanent name tag to receive a second door prize ticket. Our September door prizes are: $25 gift cards (2) from the Village Tavern; a Mirabilia cross stitch; drawer liner, bookmark and "doggie" socks; a birthday mug; CHICKEN SOUP...SEARCH AND FIND book; a 10"x13" handcrafted oak frame; 2 French kitchen towels; a fall scarecrow decoration; and 2 American flag banners and a bumper sticker. At this meeting, I hope that we can organize a committee to help with the tickets and the drawings at each meeting to make sure that we use our meeting time efficiently. If interested see me at the meeting.

When you receive this newsletter, I will be in Central America. I will return on August 31. I thank the Executive Board members who have agreed to stuff and mail these newsletters without my being here to help. And I look forward to seeing you again on September 9!

Reba J. Smith, President



Mark your calendar for Membership Meetings at Quality Inn & Suites:

September 9, November 11, January 13

March 10, May 12


At the Pen Pals Luncheon



April 1, 2009 – June 30, 2009

Checkbook Balance 3/31/09 $ 2,215.41

Membership Dues (Payroll Deduction) 343.35

Membership Meeting Reservations 814.00

Web Site Award 50.00

Stamps, penpal books, ticket reimbursement 63.40

Total $3,486.16


NCRSP Delegate/workshop expenses 1,201.51

Postage/Mailings 141.98

Membership Meeting/Refunds 1,122.00

Bank Service Charge 11.00

Donations, Gifts, Flowers, Plaques 561.56

Supplies 45.71

Total $3,083.76 -$3,083.76

Checking Account Balance –6/30/09 $402.40

Scholarship Fund Balance 6/30/09 $3,262.00

Certificate of Deposit 6/30/09 $2,534.55

Total of All Funds through 6/30/09 $6,198.95


August, 2009

Biennial Budget

When the 2009-2010 session of the General Assembly convened in January, legislators knew that they faced a large budget shortfall, but they didn’t know how large until revenue figures were available in April. At that time the budget gap was reported to be $4.5 billion, the largest shortfall on record. This presented a considerable (if not unprecedented) challenge - how to close this large budget gap, and what combination of spending cuts and tax hikes to do it.

After more than six months in what some described as a tumultuous session, legislators approved the budget August 4, more than a month late, in the first of two days of voting. Final passage came on August 5 on a party line vote, with the House voting 65-52 and the Senate 27-18. Governor Perdue signed the budget on August 7. It was signed in private. She signed it with reservations, noting that the traditional public ceremony was unnecessary.

The spending plan includes $19 billion in state revenues and more than $1 billion from federal stimulus money, bringing the total to $20.3 billion, down from the previous year’s budget of $21.3 billion. Stimulus money comes from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The budget includes a tax package that is expected to bring in $990 million.

According to House Speaker Joe Hackney, the money to fill the $4.5 billion budget gap will come from the following sources:

• 40%.......................................Budget cuts

• 30%...................Federal Stimulus money

• 22%...............................................Taxes

• 8%..................................................Fees

NCRSP Enhancements

Retirement Trust Fund - Early in the 2009-2010 Session of the General Assembly, it became apparent that the budget situation would impact our legislative goals and priorities in a negative way. There would be no cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for retirees or actives, and certainly there would be no adjustment of the accrual formula. But there is good news to report. Our legislative goals outlined in a January 2009 joint letter to the Retirement System Board of Trustees recommended that the General Assembly appropriate $29 million to eliminate a deficit in the Teachers’ & State Employees’ Retirement System (TSERS), and to increase the State contribution rate to TSERS to 5% of payroll in 2009-2010, and to 6.0% in the second year of the biennium.

Here is the good news: The budget just adopted on August 5 contains an appropriation of $29 million for 2009-2010, and an appropriation of $160 million for 2010-2011, the second year of the biennium. The $29 million moves the State contribution from 3.36% to 3.57%, and the $160 million appropriation moves the contribution rate from 3.57% to 4.93%. Clearly, then, we have made substantial progress toward moving the State contribution rate to a level which will keep the system solvent for the long term.

State Health Plan – On April 22, the House and Senate adopted Senate Bill 287, a compromise piece of legislation to fund the State Health Plan for the next two years. The changes in the Plan made by this bill were printed in the May issue of Panorama, and were reviewed in considerable detail at the NCRSP State Convention in March.

We now have additional legislation pertaining to the State Health Plan and redounding to the benefit of Plan members. On August 6, House Bill 1274 was passed, making technical and other changes pertaining to the State Health Plan’s Blue Ribbon Task Force and to the State Health Plan for teachers and state employees. The bill passed with an amendment by Senator Tony Rand, Senate Majority Leader. Its purpose is to make sure that Plan members don’t pay more for prescription drugs than they are supposed to pay. It was introduced pursuant to reports that pharmacists wanted to change the language of Senate Bill 287 to allow them to charge Plan members more for certain prescription drugs than they would charge the general public. The amendment states that “A Plan member shall pay the lesser of copayments provided under this subsection or a pharmacy’s cash price to the general public for a particular prescription. The pharmacy benefit manager may remove from the pharmacy network any pharmacy that charges an amount in violation of this subdivision.”

Note: We can attribute the passage of this amendment to the persistent, untiring lobbying efforts of Pam Deardorff and Lacy Presnell, working in concert with representatives from NCAE, NCRGEA, and SEANC.

Finally, it should be reemphasized that the State is still paying the full premium in the State Health Plan, except for retirees who cover a spouse or other family members. For retirees who are Medicare eligible, the premium is now $287.20, up from $272.00. It is considerably higher for those who are not Medicare eligible. To be sure, this is a major benefit.

Bob Severs, Chair

NCRSP Legislative Committee


Enjoying Pen Pals Luncheon


Late summer greetings! I hope your summer has been a good one.

To my knowledge there have been no member deaths since those acknowledged at our May banquet. This is good news! However, there is one death that is being acknowledged in this newsletter which occurred after the April newsletter was published.

My responsibility as your Necrology Chair is that of keeping a record of any member's death which must be reported to the district and state Necrology Chairs. A copy of the obituary for each deceased member must be retained so copies can be forwarded with these reports. These members are remembered during the Memorial Service at the State Convention and at our May banquet.

You are invited to participate by keeping me informed of any member whom you might know who passes during this year. Please refer to your Harvest Times membership list to assure their membership in our organization. Membership is a requirement for reporting at all three levels (local, district and state) and for the memorial service at our May banquet. Your help is appreciated because often the obituary may not include acknowledgement of their membership in our organization. I would rather receive several calls than for you to assume someone else will call. Together we can make sure no one is overlooked.

I will appreciate your participation on this committee this year.

Donna L Staley (336) 788-7060

Hospitality Report

Our next WSFCRSP membership meeting will be on Wednesday, September 9th, 2009, at Quality Inn and Suites on Hawthorne Road. Please check your calendar and mail your reservation now. Mail your reservation and a check for $11.00 per person by Thursday, Sept. 3, so that I may receive it by Saturday, Sept. 5 (This is Labor Day.). I must commit to a definite head count on Monday morning. If it becomes necessary for you to cancel, a refund or credit will be given only if notification is received by Sunday, Sept. 6.

Please Note: If you make a “Pay at Registration Reservation” and do not attend, you will be billed for that amount. We have to pay for the number of reservations to which we commit.

You may arrive as early as 11:15 a.m. to complete all business before the meeting starts at 12:00 p.m., giving you time to visit with your friends. The buffet will be ready at 11:40 a.m. I look forward to seeing you on Sept. 9th.


Gwendolyn D. Andrews - (336) 924-8772

Hospitality Chairman

Pen Pals at Speas


The WSFCRSP Scholarship Committee is proud to announce the 2009 winners of the C. Douglas Carter Scholarships. This year we were able to give (2) $1,000 scholarships to 2 seniors in the WSFC Schools who will be pursuing degrees in education. Donations for the scholarship fund were collected at the meetings, as memorial gifts (especially for Marvin Ward), and to honor Darryl Hunt.

Jordan Smith Hammaker of Rural Hall is a graduate of Reagan High School and will be attending Appalachian State University. Reynita Marcia McMillan of Winston-Salem is a graduate of Carver High School and will be attending Salem College.

Congratulations and good luck to these 2009 scholarship recipients.

Thank you for your donations that make it possible for us to support future educators. Anyone who wishes to make a donation in honor of or in memory of someone should make their checks payable to the WSFCRSP Scholarship Fund. Otherwise, a donation box is always on the registration table at our membership meetings.

Please consider this fund when you are planning for your final wishes. It is a very fitting legacy for your service to the children of this county.

Florence Wiley

Scholarship Committee Chairperson


For the 2009-2010 membership year, we are asking all members to be a part of the membership committee. Tell the retirees you know about our meetings and invite them to come to our September meeting. The WSFCRSP has not reached 400 in a number of years. LET'S DO IT THIS YEAR!!

New retirees should be encouraged to join NEA as a life member and use the payroll deduction method of paying their dues. The monthly deduction is a nominal amount, and your membership does not have to be renewed yearly. It occurs automatically. A simple call to our treasurer or to NCAE to stop the payroll deduction will terminate your membership. You must join the unified organization: the NEA, the NCAE, and the WSFCRSP in order to maintain full membership with benefits (voting, discount card, insurance coverage, etc.). Another advantage of using payroll deduction is that the accidental death benefit from NEA increases from $2,500 for cash paying members to $7,500 for payroll deduction members without any additional cost.

We are encouraging you to become part of the "Retired Education Family". There is power in numbers!!! The first membership luncheon will be held on Wednesday, September 9, 2009, at the Quality Inn & Suites across from Forsyth Hospital. BRING A RETIREE FRIEND. See the Hospitality Report for information on registration.

For membership information and forms, call our local treasurer, Gwen Andrews, at 924-8772, or see her at the September meeting.

Ann K. Councilman - 924-3190

Membership Chairperson


In 2008, NCRSP units from across the state reported 549,552 volunteer hours. That translates into a savings of $11,128,428.00 for the state of North Carolina. That's a lot of money, but it doesn't accurately reflect the real savings when many of our members serve others in unmeasured capacities throughout this community. And we're a larger unit with more members. We want our legislators who determine our COLA increases and health benefits to have a more accurate picture of our contributions to our communities. Please maintain the volunteer hours reporting form sent in an earlier mailing or use your day planner to keep a log of your hours. We will have more forms available at the September meeting. We are undergirding many of the services that add quality to the lives of others. Report those hours!!

Gene Perryman

Community Participation Chairman

More Pen Pals in Action

$tretching Our Dues $


     After the budget committee met on July 6 and prepared the budget for this year, we became painfully aware that we are operating with a "bare bones" budget. It would be great if we increase our membership to generate more money for a few things we need for our meetings. Until we get those new members, we are looking at areas in which we can "cinch our belts". A big budget item which will probably increase this year is the postage for our newsletter. If you would be willing to receive your newsletter online and print the pages you want to keep and/or the registration form to be mailed to Gwen, please provide your e-mail address below and bring it to the meeting or mail it to Reba Smith at 4115 Willmeade Dr., Winston-Salem, NC 27127. These e-mail addresses will only be used for WSFCRSP newsletter and communication purposes.

*    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    Member's name:_______________________


E-mail address:________________________


President Reba J. Smith


Vice-President Jo Anne Goetz


Past President Dr. Nelson L. Shearouse


Secretary Mary Jo Brewer


Treasurer Gwendolyn Andrews


Assistant Treasurer Stephen Danner


Historian/Parliamentarian Walter R. Wiley, Jr.


In Memoriam

Helen H. Nichols

April 4, 2009

Please consider making the WSFCRSP Scholarship Fund your choice as a memorial gift in your final wishes. We need additional resources to continue to support our high school seniors who commit to teaching as a career.


Budget & Finance Gwendolyn Andrews

Stephen Danner


Legislative Robert Severs


Membership Ann K. Councilman


Necrology Donna L. Staley

Retirement Planning/Photography John Shore


Public Relations and

Community Participation A. Eugene Perryman


Newsletter Dr. Lee Beall


Hospitality Gwendolyn Andrews

Nominating Julia L. Johnson

Scholarship Florence G. Wiley


Pen Pal Coordinator Rita Taylor


Website Evan Herreid

Visit our web at or go to state web () and click on Winston-Salem/Forsyth County.

  Reservations for September 9th Meeting

To register, complete and cut out the form below and mail with your check for $11, payable to WSRCRSP by September 3rd, 2009. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend.

Yes, I _________________________ would like to


make reservations for ________, on Sept. 9th, 2009

(# of people)

I have enclosed a check for $______, which is

$11.00 per person. Make check payable to WSFCRSP and mail to: Gwendolyn Andrews

3550 Stimpson Drive

Pfafftown, NC 27040-8609

Make checks payable to: WSFCRSP


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