The Arms Trade Treaty

ATT SPONSORSHIP PROGRAMME: APPLICATION FORM (STATE)WORKING GROUP MEETINGS AND 2nd CSP6 INFORMAL PREPARATORY MEETING (14 – 17 APRIL 2020)Please submit the following documents to the ATT Secretariat at e-mail: info@ by 02 March 2020: Note Verbale signed by the relevant Government institution;Completed application form;Copy of the applicant’s passport; and Copy of applicant’s health insurance policy (if applicant has one).Please type or use BLOCK LETTERSSTATE INFORMATIONName of State PERSONAL INFORMATIONFamily NameFirst NameMiddle/OtherDate of BirthGender (tick box)Male FORMCHECKBOX Female FORMCHECKBOX NationalityMinistry/Department/AgencyPosition/Job titleE-mailMobile Phone NumberWork Phone NumberContact AddressEMERGENCY CONTACTNamePhone NumberRelationshipTRAVEL AND INSURANCE INFORMATIONAirport of Departure/ReturnDo you have a Schengen Visa?Yes FORMCHECKBOX No FORMCHECKBOX If ‘yes’, when does it expire?If ‘no’, do you need a Visa Letter to assist your application for a visa?Yes FORMCHECKBOX No FORMCHECKBOX If ‘yes’, what is the location (address or city) of the embassy/consulate that you are applying for a visa from?Do you need to travel to another country to obtain a visa?Yes FORMCHECKBOX No FORMCHECKBOX Do you have health insurance that will cover you on this trip?Yes FORMCHECKBOX No FORMCHECKBOX PASSPORT DETAILSName (as in Passport)Passport NumberDate of IssueDate of ExpiryPlace of IssueType of passport (e.g. diplomatic)OTHER INFORMATIONPlease describe how your work will benefit from participation in the ATT meetings: ................

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