Att chat may25th 2016

att chat may25th 2016

Reference Number: 742345472379410640

DATE/TIME: 2016-05-25 14:34:41

Your chat transcript:

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Ronnie G : Hello! Thanks for choosing AT&T Chat.

Ronnie G : Hello, my name is Ronnie G. I'll be happy to assist you.

Ronnie G : Neil, are we connected?

neil : hi ronnie my internet went up to xxx but only last week did my speed increase,

Ronnie G : Alright!

neil : 54$

Ronnie G : If I understand you correctly Neil, you have a question about your internet service. Is that correct?

neil : my modem had an issue for over 1 year

Ronnie G : I am so sorry for that.

Ronnie G : I can help you with that!

Ronnie G : May I have your account number, please?

neil : yes i was charged for high speed

Ronnie G : Okay!

Ronnie G : I will surely help you with the same.

Ronnie G : May I have your account number, please?

neil : my security answer is al pacino,dont kno number

Ronnie G : No problem, please help me with your registered home phone number and email address associated with U-verse account.

neil : 510-843-5425 storm@

Ronnie G : Thank you for the information.

Ronnie G : Neil, I have checked your account and see that currently you have 12MBPS internet at monthly price of $54.00+taxes. May I know do you still have internet connectivity concern?

neil : it became fast only last week

Ronnie G : Correct!

neil : ive been aying 54 for months

Ronnie G : Right now you have 12MBPS internet (maximum available speed in your area)

neil : yes but ive been paying for slo speed for months at high price

Ronnie G : I am so sorry for that. Also your data usage limit has been increased form 250GB to 600GB

neil : so i request refund

Ronnie G : Now you can use 600GB data.

Ronnie G : Alright!

Ronnie G : May I know how much credit you are looking for?

neil : at least 6 months ,the difference between 36 and 54

Ronnie G : Alright!

Ronnie G : I can see that you have landline service with us as well.

Ronnie G : May I know how much do you pay for it?

neil : im not sure its minimul tho

Ronnie G : Thank you for the information.

Ronnie G : Any approximate idea?

neil : 8$/month?

Ronnie G : Perfect!

Ronnie G : I have gone an extra mile for you and talked to my Manager about your concern and good news for you that I am applying $20.00 credit on your account for one month.

Ronnie G : Rest credit you will receive in your future bill. I would like to inform you that I can get you the same phone number with U-verse voice unlimited home phone service at just $9.99+taxes and this price will be good for next 24 months.

neil : 20$ doesnt equal my cost increase for slower internet can u tell me how long ive been paying 54/month

Ronnie G : It is for 6 months.

Ronnie G : Please be assured that I'll do whatever it takes to get your issue resolved.

Ronnie G : Your area has been upgraded to the latest technology.

Ronnie G : Advantages of U-verse Voice are 1- U-verse Voice provides local and long distance calling for one low price, 2- You can place and receive calls using your existing telephone equipment, 3- You will receive voicemail integrated with your home phone and AT&T wireless, and 4- Access to over 20 calling features.

neil : 18$ times 6 months &eq; 104$

Ronnie G : No, it would be $108 for 6 months and you will receive the rest credit in your next bills.

Ronnie G : Neil, I will go ahead and and apply $18.00 credit for the current month.

neil : THEN U WILL REFUND ME 1084?

Ronnie G : Correct!

neil : 108$

Ronnie G : Yes.

Ronnie G : Please allow me a moment, while I apply the credit on your account.

neil : ok,what will be my landline charge?

Ronnie G : With U-verse voice unlimited home phone it would be $9.99+taxes.

Ronnie G : Unlimited calls anywhere within the United States with no long distance charges.

Ronnie G : Unlimited calls to Canada, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands with no long distance charges.

Ronnie G : Advantages of U-verse Voice are 1- U-verse Voice provides local and long distance calling for one low price, 2- You can place and receive calls using your existing telephone equipment, 3- You will receive voicemail integrated with your home phone and AT&T wireless, and 4- Access to over 20 calling features.

neil : does this affect my lifeline service?

Ronnie G : Let me explain it to you.

Ronnie G : The regular price for U-verse voice unlimited is $30.00+taxes and as you are most valued customer of AT&T I will apply $20.01 promotional discount and you just need to pay $9.99+taxes. This price will be good till next 24 months.

Ronnie G : You will get the same number with advanced features of U-verse voice home phone.

neil : does it affect my lifeline?

Ronnie G : No.

Ronnie G : I would like to inform you that there would be onetime $49.00 activation charges but as you are loyal customer of AT&T I will provide you $50.00 reward card, in order to reimburse the activation charges.

Ronnie G : Shall I go ahead and apply credit and setup the U-verse voice unlimited home phone service on your account?

neil : will i be charged both for lifeline and uverse voice?if so what is my due paymnt/month

Ronnie G : No, your landline service will port into U-verse voice home phone and your monthly price for 12MBPS internet and U-verse voice unlimited would be $63.99+taxes.

neil : i need this in writing in order to confirm

Ronnie G : Sure!

Ronnie G : We do not have the ability to email transcript copies, however you are given the option to print or email this transcript. A printer or email icon is located in the lower left hand corner of your chat window.

Ronnie G : Is this your correct landline number 5108435425 ?

neil : theres refund there internet theres lifeline theres voice i need it all itemized ronnie

Ronnie G : Alright!

Ronnie G : I would like to inform you that you will receive a confirmation email from our end on your email address that is neilmarcus@

neil : im not saying yes til i read it

Ronnie G : Which includes credit and charges for new U-verse home phone service in detail.

neil : ok ronnie but nothing til i sign it

Ronnie G : Sure!

neil : if i say yes,do i phone you?

Ronnie G : Yes, you can.

Ronnie G : If you wish I can arrange a call from my Supervisor.

neil : im speech impaired,,no phone me

Ronnie G : Else I can process the order right away for you.

Ronnie G : Alright!

Ronnie G : Prices could go up anytime; let me place your order today so you don't miss out on this great offer.

neil : no...i need to review document first

Ronnie G : Sure!

neil : bye ronnie,thankyou

Ronnie G : You are welcome.

Ronnie G : Just wanted to confirm Neil.

Ronnie G : Would you want me to make that change on your account right now as we might not have those options available for you later.

neil : not til i get it in writing

Ronnie G : I understand that Neel.

Ronnie G : *Neil

Ronnie G : I completely respect your decision.

Ronnie G : It was my goal to fully resolve your issue to the best of my ability and ensure you are happy.

Ronnie G : Is there anything else I can help you with? I'd be glad to assist.

neil : i would like the refund now tho

Ronnie G : Sure!

Ronnie G : I've applied the credit on your account for you and I'd like to inform you that I've personally taken care of your concern for you.

Ronnie G : I assure you, you do not have to contact us again for the same issue. I've documented the issue to your account to make sure that this is taken care in future as well.

neil : ok bye bye

Ronnie G : Thank you for being the best part of AT&T. Take good care of yourself & have a wonderful time with your family and friends ahead!!

Ronnie G : Thank you for being an AT&T customer. To exit this chat, please click the X button on this chat box.

Ronnie G : Bye bye Neil.

Reference Number: 724612553739192532

DATE/TIME: 2016-05-26 11:16:57

Your chat transcript:

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AT&T : Hello! Thanks for choosing AT&T Chat.

Mary Grace D : Hello, my name is Mary Grace D. I'll be happy to assist you.

Mary Grace D : How can I help you?

neil : yes ,mary,i had a long chat yesterday can u look it up?

Mary Grace D : Sure. Please allow me a moment to check for it.

Mary Grace D : Hi Neil! Thank you for waiting. I understand that the previous chat is all about the credits that should be applied on your account and you were also discussing about having U-verse home phone service. Is that correct?

neil : yes i received 20 $ cr today it was suosed to be 116$ for my increased bill but slower speed for 6 months

Mary Grace D : Thank you for confirming. I apologize for the inconvenience that this has caused you. I will have it noted. I will be more willing to check the details of your account so I can better assist you with this. I can help you with that.

Mary Grace D : As I checked, yesterday, there was credits applied for the current bill. Since the previous representative promised that you will have credits every month to compensate the inconvenience, on the next bill, you will still have credits.

neil : thnkyoumary

Mary Grace D : You are most welcome. Please allow me a moment to complete my notes on the account.

neil : i have question,,what am i now aying for my landline?

Mary Grace D : I'm afraid that your landline is not U-verse and don't have access over your regular landline account.

Mary Grace D : Would you like me to connect you to the specialist who can access your regular landline account to have it check for you?

neil : oh ok. yesterday he tried to sell me uverse voice

neil : yes pls connect me

Mary Grace D : Yes. I saw that too. Are you interested to have U-verse home phone?

Mary Grace D : Sure.

Mary Grace D : Before I transfer you to a specialist that can assist you with your request; Is there anything else I can assist you with?

neil : ok

neil : is there a special price folr homebound internet users?

neil : i am disabled

Mary Grace D : I totally understand your point on this, Neil. As I checked, you have the highest available speed in your area.

Mary Grace D : I can see that you already have discount on your internet plan.

Mary Grace D : How I wish I can give you another discount, I have applied it already since I really want to help you have the lower rate.

neil : what is the discount i have?

Mary Grace D : You have $5 discount every month. The regular monthly rate of the service is $59 plus taxes.

neil : thnku mary big help


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