Making Research Count (University of York)

Making Research Count (University of York) in collaboration with the University of Hull




Attachment Theory and Attachment-based Interventions

Dr David Howe, Emeritus Professor of Social Work

University of East Anglia

(Chair – Paul Dyson, Independent Social Worker)

Attachment theory focuses on the bond formed between a child and its primary caregiver, and on the way in which this influences the emotional development of the child. Knowledge of attachment theories can help social workers in their assessments, and determine pathways, and therefore can make a significant difference to longer term outcomes. Two presentations will be given at this seminar.

In the first, there will be a brief outline of normal psychosocial development in the context of ‘good enough’ parent-child relationships, including mention of secure attachments, affect regulation, and Perry’s model of neurosequential development. Having sketched the developmental picture under optimal conditions, the talk will then consider the developmental consequences for children who suffer abuse, neglect and relational trauma. Parents whose caregiving is described as hostile, helpless, neglectful and out-of-control tend to report difficult and distressed relationship histories themselves. Some of the mechanisms that link the parents’ own experiences of difficult childhoods and their current helpless, neglectful caregiving will be explored.

The second presentation builds on the principles outlined in the first. The principles of attachment-based assessments and interventions will be briefly outlined as they relate to primary, secondary and tertiary interventions. The concept of sensory, somatic and affect ‘regulation’ will be mentioned including a (very) short note on Perry’s Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT).

Dr David Howe is Emeritus Professor at the University of East Anglia, Norwich. He has research interests in emotional development, developmental attachment theory, and child abuse and neglect. His more recent publications include Attachment Theory for Social Work Practice (1995), Attachment Theory, Child Maltreatment and Family Support: a practice and assessment model (1999, with colleagues), Adoption, Search and Reunion: the long term experience of adopted adults (with Julia Feast, The Children’s Society 2000 and BAAF 2004), Child Abuse and Neglect: attachment, development and intervention (2005), The Emotionally Intelligent Social Worker (2008), and Attachment Across the Lifecourse: A brief introduction (2011).

Paul Dyson is an Independent Social Worker and Researcher. He is the Independent Chairperson of the Hull Safeguarding Children Board, and has conducted Serious Case Reviews in both Children and Adult Services. He worked for Local Authority Social Care services for thirty years. Since leaving Local Authority work he has sought to integrate his core interests of social work practice and management alongside research and teaching of social work. He has had a long association with Making Research Count initially as a Local Authority contact, but also as an interim Coordinator and contributor to local and national events.

The seminars in this series are free for nominated staff from member agencies of Making Research Count (York) - see overleaf for details – and open to staff from other agencies at a fee of £50 per seminar. A Booking Form can be found overleaf – please return to your Making Research Count (York) contact in your agency if you come from a member agency.

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NAME: ………………….……………………………..………………….………………………….……………………….……

JOB TITLE: ………….………….…………………………………………………………………………………….……………….






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Any particular requirements (access, diet etc) ..………….…………………………………………………………………………………….

Please tick as appropriate

❑ I am a nominated member of staff from a member agency of Making Research Count (University of York)* and my attendance has been agreed

by the MRC Contact for my agency – see below – and so there is no charge

❑ I am not a member of MRC

( I enclose a cheque for £50 payable to ‘University of York’ ( please issue an invoice

Invoice and Purchase Order Number if applicable, to be sent to (if address different to above):



Name: …………………………………………..…………… Tel: ……………………….....……….…….…………..……...

(Fees are only refundable for cancellations received more than 21 days before the event)

*MRC Member agency staff applying for a FREE nominated place should return this form direct to their named Contact (see below for details).

Please return Booking Form to:

Jane Phythian, Making Research Count (University of York), Dept. of Social Policy & Social Work, University of York, Heslington, YORK, YO10 5DD

Email: Tel: 01904 321237


List of Children’s Services Contacts for Making Research Count (University of York) agency members

City of York Council Christine Shipley 01904 553 026

East Riding Angela Grasby 01482 396 411

Hull Janice Barnby 01482 318 479

Leeds Rachael Simoes 0113 2475 769

North East Lincolnshire Ros Garrod-Mason 01472 298 435

North Yorkshire Vikki Lewis 01609 533 258

Wakefield Aga Knowles 01924 305 690


Tuesday 22nd May 2012

12.30pm – 4pm

(registration from 11.45am)

A light lunch will be provided

Dennison Centre, 173-175 Cottingham Road, Hull HU5 2EG

Booking Form

Attachment Theory

Tuesday 22nd May 2012


This event is aimed at staff with policy, operational or training responsibilities for the development and delivery of children’s services in social work and social care, as well as those working in health and education.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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