Attendance and Withdrawal - Elgin

ECC Academic Policies

Waiting List

Students may choose to be put on a waiting list to register for a class that’s full (wait listed). Wait listed students should be present during the first 50 minutes of the first class session and identify themselves to the instructor as being on the wait list. Wait listed students who do not attend the first session and who have not contacted the instructor may forfeit their place on the list. Due to safety and equipment concerns, some courses may not be able to accommodate wait listed students in the classroom. Wait listed students should still be present to identify themselves to the instructor as being on the wait list in case a seat opens on the first day of class.

At the beginning of the second class session, those wait listed students who came to the initial class may take the place of those registered students who did not attend or notify the instructor. Wait listed students will be allowed in class based on the order in which they were entered onto the wait list and if they met the first class attendance requirement.

Wait listed students will not be moved into a class after the add period without instructor permission. 


Students are expected to attend all classes in which they are enrolled and to know the attendance policy of each of their instructors. Under no circumstances should a student stop attending class without formally withdrawing. This can result in a failing grade on the student’s permanent record.

Attendance at the first class is expected. Registered students who do not attend the first 50 minutes of the first class session and who have not contacted the instructor to explain the absence must be present at the beginning of the second session, or they will be dropped by the instructor for non-attendance. If a student who missed the first 50 minutes of the first session is unable to attend the second session, it is his or her responsibility to contact the instructor before the second class session or he or she will be dropped for non-attendance. Faculty should not allow students who do not appear on the roster to sit in class after the first class meeting of the second week.

Schedule Changes

If a student wishes to change his or her class schedule after registering, proper forms must be completed in the Registration Center or online at accessecc. Students may make changes in their schedule up until a class meets for the first time in the second week during fall and spring semesters. During summer session, changes may be made up until a class meets for the second time in the first week. Changes which can be made during this time include adding classes, dropping one class and adding another, and changing sections of the same course. Changes will be made only if space for effective instruction is available.


Class withdrawals are processed in the Registration Center or online at accessecc. The college encourages students to discuss their intent to withdraw with their instructor(s).

Students who have attended their classes and withdraw during the time periods designated below receive a grade of "W" (Withdrawal), which carries no academic penalty and is not used in the calculation of the student’s grade point average.

It is the responsibility of every student to calculate the final date for formal withdrawal for each class in which he or she is enrolled according to the schedule below.

Withdrawal Schedule

|Class length in weeks |1 |2 |

Count weeks from the first week of the session in which a class begins. Count days Mon.-Fri. from the first day of the session, not the first day a class meets. Do not count Saturday, Sunday and holidays.

A student who withdraws from a class early in a semester may be eligible for a refund. A student who withdraws from a class may register for that class again if he or she wishes, but cannot take a proficiency test for it until two years after the date the class terminated. 

Administrative Withdrawal

Students may not withdraw themselves from class after the designated withdrawal deadlines.

Students who will be absent for an extended period of time after the withdrawal deadline due to extenuating circumstances (serious illness, military call up) are encouraged to contact the Dean of Students. Under such conditions students must supply documentation to be considered for an administrative withdrawal for the semester. These students may receive a grade of "AW" (Administrative Withdrawal) which carries no academic penalty and is not used in the calculation of the student’s grade point average.

Faculty Initiated Withdrawal

Instructors reserve the right to withdraw a student from class during the withdrawal period due to excessive, unexcused absence.

Plagiarism, Cheating & Other Gross Infractions

Instructors reserve the right to withdraw students from their classes with a failing grade at any point in the semester due to plagiarism, cheating or other gross infractions. Formal charges may be filed in accordance with ECC’s Student Code of Conduct Discipline Procedure.

Incomplete Grades

If, due to emergency circumstances, a student is unable to complete course requirements by the end of the semester or take final examinations, a grade of “incomplete” may be recorded in lieu of a final grade at the discretion of the instructor. All incomplete grades must be completed within 120 calendar days after the end of the semester. A failing grade (F) will be recorded by the registrar for incomplete grades not cleared within 120 days.

Under extreme circumstances, a student may obtain an extension to the 120 day period if the instructor involved files a formal, written extension form in the Records Office.

Grade Reports

Final grade reports are sent to every student at the end of a semester or summer session following final examinations. Grade announcements for short-term courses are mailed throughout the semester. Students with outstanding financial obligations to the college at the end of a semester do not receive a final grade report until the obligation is paid. Final grades are recorded on a student’s permanent record in the Records Office at the end of each semester. Final grades for developmental and general studies courses do not appear on a student’s official college transcript and are not counted in the official grade point average (GPA), but they are mailed to the student. Those grades will appear on a "mixed" transcript or "all history" transcript.

Mid-term grade reports are sent only to students whose course work is at a grade level of “D” or “F”. Students then have the opportunity to take corrective measures with their instructor, counselor, or a tutor in the learning centers. Other students should ask their instructors regarding their progress in class.

Note: Students receiving financial aid should familiarize themselves with the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy.

From the ECC web site



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