TeacherConnection Lesson Plan, Elem

TeacherConnection Lesson Plan

| | |

|Duration: |Materials Needed: |

|2 hours |Instructor computer with projection to screen or TV |

| |PowerPoint presentation (optional) |

| |Computers for teachers |

| |Internet Explorer on all computers |

| |Log-in slips |

| |Handouts |

| |Sign-in sheet |

| |Faculty list with employee ID numbers |

|Audience: | |

|Secondary teachers | |

Before the class

1. Make sure each computer has Internet Explorer. If desired, make an alias (or shortcut) on the desktop for easy access.

2. Make sure each computer can access the internet.

3. Make copies of teacher materials.

4. Set up the sign in table with the following: sign-in sheet, log-in slips, handouts, pens

Opening (5 minutes)

• Have the PowerPoint slideshow on SLIDE 1. Have teachers sign in and pick up handouts and log-in slips.

• SLIDE 1: Introduction

• SLIDE 2: Agenda

Presentation (20 minutes)

• SLIDE 3: What is DWA?

Explain the project as a whole, then the part that affects teachers. Explain that the district purchased a new student information system called Zangle.

• SLIDE 4: What is Zangle? What is TeacherConnection?

Explain the difference between the two. Emphasize that a teacher does not need special software, just access to the internet and an internet browser.

• SLIDE 5: What is the relationship between Zangle and TeacherConnection?

Explain that the information that a clerk enters about a student (like a change in phone number) instantaneously appears in TeacherConnection. Or if a teacher marks a student absent, then the attendance clerk sees that in Zangle.

• SLIDE 6: What is coming my way?

Explain that all teachers will be using TeacherConnection by 2005. Tell them that their start date is _____________________.

• SLIDE 7: Get “Profile” information

• SLIDE 8: Build a seating chart

• SLIDE 9: Submit grades to the office (only secondary schools are using this feature; grades for elementary schools will be done the same way as usual)

• SLIDE 10: Take attendance online

• SLIDE 11: View and print reports

• SLIDE 12: Tech skills

Explain that a teacher should be able to: turn on a computer, use a mouse, open a web browser, and navigate the web.

• SLIDE 13: What is the bottom line?

• SLIDE 14: Questions so far?

• SLIDE 15: Hands on time!

Tell the teachers that they are going to have a chance to use TeacherConnection in a “play” environment. Reassure them that they cannot mess anything up!

Logging in to a “fake” TeacherConnection (45 minutes)

Launching TeacherConnection (p.2)

1. Have the teachers sit at computers. They will need their TeacherConnection packets and log-in slips. Have them refer to page 2 of their packet.

2. Tell them that they will access TeacherConnection by opening Internet Explorer. Demonstrate how to open it. Have them open it and follow you through the following steps.

3. For training purposes, you will not use the real URL yet. Instead you will go to . This is written on their log-in slips. Once the webpage opens, click Downloads, then click Fake TeacherConnection. This will take you to the log-in page.

4. Explain that teachers will need to access this website on a daily basis and that later you will show them how to add it to their Favorites so that it is easy to access.

Logging in (p. 2)

1. Explain that teachers need to know two things to log in: their Employee IDs and passwords. Later they will use their own IDs to log into the real TeacherConnection. For now they will use fictitious teachers’ Employee IDs and passwords to log into a “fake” TeacherConnection. Have them refer to their log-in slips for the ID (a six-digit number that begins with 99) and password (everyone’s password is demo).

2. In the Identification field, enter the six-digit Employee ID.

3. Skip the Name field.

4. In the Password field, enter demo.

5. Note that the “fake” login screen looks a bit different than the real login screen shown on page 2.

Taking attendance (pp. 3-5)

1. Have the teachers refer to page 3 of their handouts. Explain that every day, within the first 15 minutes of each period, teachers will use TeacherConnection to take attendance.

2. Click on the Attendance tab. Walk through Steps A-E with the teachers. Address the Frequently Asked Questions on page 5. (For Step B, make sure they realize that they can view their classes by period rather than course.)

Exploration (If desired, guide the exploration rather than having teachers work on their own.)

1. Tell the teachers that there are other tabs: [pic]

Marks are used by secondary schools only. You will use TeacherConnection to submit marks. Class News is not used by the district.

2. Have them explore the other tabs, referring to their handouts as necessary. Encourage them to try the seating chart (pp. 5-6) and reports feature. (There is no “English Learner” report listed on the Reports tab. However, the report is available in the real TeacherConnection.)

3. After the teachers have had a chance to try things out, answer their questions.

Launching Student Profile (p. 9)

1. Have the teachers refer to page 9 of their handouts. Show them how to click the Profile link to launch Student Profile. Explain that Student Profile is a separate application that will open a new window on top of TeacherConnection.

2. Demonstrate how to find a student and select a view category.

3. Allow time for them to explore Student Profile.

4. Answer questions.

Logging Out (p. 10)

1. Explain the importance of logging out (clicking the link) versus closing or quitting the browser.

2. Have teachers log out of the “fake” Profile and TeacherConnection.

3. Before the break, tell the teachers that they will need to look up and know their Employee ID # for the next activity. Have a faculty list available.

Break (10 minutes)

Changing passwords (10 minutes)

1. Tell the teachers that they have an Employee ID#. It is printed at the top-center of their paychecks. It is not private information; it is like a second name. Tell the teachers that they have been given a default password. In order to use TeacherConnection, all teachers must first change their default password. Explain that you are going to guide them through the process of changing their passwords now. Explain that it is extremely important that they remember their passwords. If they forget their passwords, they will have to call the Help Desk to have it reset.

2. Have the teachers refer to the How to Create Your TeacherConnection Password handout. When they are done completing the steps they should have a new password.

Logging into the real TeacherConnection (20 minutes)

1. Once the teachers have changed their passwords, refer them to page 2 of their handouts. (You may want to have the teachers quit Internet Explorer so they can start from the beginning when they practice the real login.)

2. Have them open Internet Explorer. Then have them navigate to the TeacherConnection link written at the top of page 2 () and at the top of their log-in slip. Make sure the teachers type “https” rather than “http.”

3. Have the teachers use their Employee IDs and new passwords to log in to the real TeacherConnection. Assist teachers who are having difficulties. Encourage them to explore. Note: There may not be any student data when you conduct this training. However, the student information will be loaded prior to your TeacherConnection start date.

4. Advise the teachers to bookmark this website because they are going to access it frequently. Tell them that you are going to show them how to bookmark the site. Ask the teachers to get back to the login screen () by logging out of TeacherConnection. (This closes the TeacherConnection screen and leaves the login screen open.) Make sure the teachers do not close the login page!

5. Guide the teachers through the process of bookmarking a website in Internet Explorer:

a. Go to Favorites in the menu bar

b. Choose Add to Favorites. The bookmark will be stored in the Favorites menu and will look similar to this:


c. Upon opening Internet Explorer, go to Favorites to access TeacherConnection.

Closing and dismissal (10 minutes)

1. Show SLIDE 16. Explain what the teachers’ next steps are.

2. Confirm that the teachers know how to launch and log in to TeacherConnection.

3. Answer any remaining questions.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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