School Attendance Grant Awards 2001/2002

School Attendance Grant Awards 2009/2010

Active Fiscal Year 09/10 June 2009

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|Connecticut Consortium on School Attendance: School Attendance Grants |

|These grants will support selected Consortium member districts in the implementation of data-driven plans for improving school attendance. The local |

|school district planning process for these grants included review of local attendance data provided by the Connecticut Consortium on School Attendance |

|and other district and school information by a district planning group. Funds under this program category will be used to support program strategies |

|in one of the following categories. |

|Making Attendance a Priority – building awareness and commitment to regular school attendance in school buildings, in homes, and in the broader |

|community. |

|Establishing Effective Attendance Policies – ensuring that effective attendance policies are in place and enforced consistently across the district and|

|within school buildings. |

|Implementing Programs – providing best practice prevention and intervention approaches. |

|Plainfield Public Schools |Plainfield has identified loss of credits as one significant reason for poor attendance at the high |

|Improving Attendance Through Credit Recovery|school. This project will provide an alternative plan for credit recovery that offers three options for |

|$64,798 |students to remain with their class and complete high school in four years. |

|Regional School District 13 |By training the full faculties and staffs of the middle and high schools in the “Capturing Kids’ Hearts” |

|Positive School Climate and |approach, this project will use research-supported methods to increase attendance of students with high |

|Student Connectedness |absence rates and decrease class time lost to behavioral issues. |

|$24,985 | |

|Vernon Public Schools |This multi-faceted approach will provide a modified school day including bus transportation and social |

|Reaching Higher for Student |workers for selected high school students, the use of NovaNET online learning for credit recovery, and |

|Success |training for staff in the Scientific Research-Based Intervention model. |

|$58,930 | |

|Waterbury Public Schools |To address attendance in the alternative education program known as the Enlightenment Program; a |

|Afterschool Enlightenment |high-interest, high-quality, high-impact afterschool program has been planned with extensive student |

|$34,018 |input. Themes include an entrepreneurial component and community service. |


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