APPLIES TO: All employees of Northpointe Behavioral Healthcare Systems.

POLICY: It is the policy of Northpointe Behavioral Healthcare Systems that employees shall report promptly for work and remain at work until the end of the scheduled work day.

PURPOSE: To maintain a productive work environment, Northpointe expects employees to be reliable and punctual in reporting for scheduled work.


A. Absence - The failure of an employee to report during the hours they are scheduled to work.

B. Tardiness - This occurs when an employee is not on the job at the time work is normally scheduled to begin.

C. Excused Absence - This occurs when an employee notifies their immediate supervisor of an upcoming absence for an acceptable reason such as illness or personal or family emergency. The supervisor must give the employee permission to be absent and note such permission in writing for the absence to be considered "excused". Rare exceptions are permitted in cases where employee notification cannot occur.

D. Unexcused Absence - This is defined as an employee's failure to notify the immediate supervisor of absence prior to the normally scheduled work time, or an employee's decision to be absent even though supervisory permission was not granted (i.e., unapproved leave), or an employee’s refusal to submit a request for leave.


A. Employees shall endeavor to ensure coverage for their planned absence(s). However, responsibility does lie with the supervisor to ensure that disruption of services does not occur.

B. Employees who fail to comply with the attendance and punctuality policy including employees who are tardy or have an unexcused absence, are subject to corrective action.

C. In the event that a supervisor believes that an employee is abusing leave policies for reported illness or injury, a physician’s certificate setting forth the reasons for the employee’s absence from work may be required as a condition of excusing and/or approving the leave.

D. In the event that employees are unable to report for work, they must notify their supervisor as soon as possible. Employees working in a 24/7 setting shall notify supervisors at least four (4) hour before the beginning of the work shift. All other employees shall notify supervisors at least one (1) hour before beginning of the work day. Rare exceptions are permitted in cases where employee notification cannot occur.


Northpointe Policies:

• Paid Sick Leave

• Vacations


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