Wurtland Middle school big rocks


|In the first 30 days, we will know we are successful when: |

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|AP 30-1. Baseline map scores in reading and math exist for every student. |

|AP 30-2. 100% of teachers are using non-negotiable instructional strategies daily in their classrooms. |

|AP 30-3: Students are all placed in Reading and Math Intervention classes based on RIT scores |

|The measures/evidence we will use are: |

|Stated with activities listed below |

|30 days action strategies: |Who is on point? |By When? |How Communicated? |

|Student Focused | | | |

|MAP ASSESSMENTS |teachers and staff |Sept. 2-19 |email, sign, web page |

|EXPLORE Prep ACtivities in class |8th grade Team |August. 14-September|PLC meetings |

| | |18th | |

|Practice EXPLORE |8th grade Team |Sept. 3rd |PLC Meetings |

|EXPLORE Counseling Sessions |Leadership Team |SEpt. 11th |PLC meetings and email |

|After School EXPLORE Prep |8th grade Team |Sept. 4-16th |email, website, sign, and announcements |

|Behavior RTI Meeting |Powell, Campbell, Jacobs |Sept. 2 |email |

|REading and Math RTI Meetings |Powell and CAmpbell |Sept. 19 |emails and PLC agendas |

|30 days action strategies: |Who is on point? |By When? |How Communicated? |

|Open House |Leadership Team |Sept. 11 |website, email, school cast, |

|EXPLORE Prep Session at Open House |Conlin |Sept. 11 |email, |

|PD with Horsley over power verbs and lesson plans |Horsley |Sept. 16th |email |

|ALeks and CAtchup Math Ready to go |DO | |email |

|Quotes Activity for 4th period illustration |4th period |Sept. 8th |email, annoucements |

|7th and 8th to the fair (writing activity afterwards) |Becky Spencer |Aug. 29th |email and annoucemnts, letter |

|8th grade trip to Pioneer Village |Becky Spencer |Sept. 5th |email, annoucements, letter |

|Enduring Skills PD for Teachers |Campbell |Aug. 13 and 20 |email |

|Program Review and SBDMC committees formed |Powell and Campbell |Aug. 27th |email and faculty meetings |

|Suicide Prevention Training |Conlin |Sept. 3 |email |

|ADM. Code Training for faculty |Conlin |Sept. 10th |email, PLC, and Calendar |

|Data Analysis with faculty |Powell and Campbell |Aug. 28 |PLC |

|EXPLORE Prep Sessions after school |8th grade team |Sept. 4 ongoing |Annoucements, Sign, web page, parent email. |

| | |until Sept. 16 | |

|Lesson Plan expectations as well as the new template |Horsley and Campbell |Sept. 11 |PLC and email |

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|If we are not successful, we will: | | | |

|get feedback from on point and staff to determine what problems prohibited success | | | |

|address these setbacks | | | |

|adjust our goals for time, specificity, etc. | | | |

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|60 days action strategies: | | | |

|Lexia Licenses for students below Reading Plus |Powell |Sept. 26th |email, PLC |

|EXPLORE EXAM |Conlin, Powell, and Campbell |Sept. 18th |email, web page, announcements, |

| | | |school cast, school calendar. |

|Reading PD for Faculty |Wilson |OCt. 1st |email |

|Writing LDC Module PD |Lovins |Oct. 8th |email and PLC |

|EXPLORE Prep after school sessions |8th grade Team |Sept. 4-Sept. 16 |email, web page, announcements, sign|

|Math PLC with Dr Thomas |Math teachers and Dr. Thomas |SEpt. 24th |email and PLC |


|RTI Reading Data Analysis |Campbell and Powell and RTI Team |Sept. 19 |PLC and email |

|Plus Delta from District Leadership TEam walkthroughs |Powell and Campbell |SEpt. 19 |email and PLC |

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|Musketeer March |leadership Team |Oct. 17th |email, sign, annoucements, web page |

|Amy Marvin from KHEA will speak with kids about Keyes money |Conlin |Sept. 25th |email |

|Duke Talent search students were counseled |Conlin |Sept. 22 |counseling sessions |

|MSU Talent Search |Conlin |Oct. 9 |email |

|1st 9 weeks awards and Proficient Recognition |conlin |Oct. 22 |email, newsletter |

|Map Scores sent home with student grade cards |Conlin |Oct. 17 |email |

|Parent Volunteer Night |Leadership Team |Nov. 13 |email, Newsletter, School Cast |

|Program Review Committee Meetings |Campbell |Oct. 31 |email and PLC |

|Vocabulary and Questioning PD |horsley and Morsea |Sept. 16th |email and web Page |

|Budget Meeting for Program Reviews |Campbell and Powell |Oct. 31 |email and PLC |

|Coordinated School health Committee for Program Review |Campbell and Powell |Oct. 31 |email and PLC |

|Tier 2 RTI interventions in Math with Peters, Craft, and Shannon (targeting 15 |Campbell, Peters, Craft, Shannon |Oct. 13 |email and PLC |

|studens per grade) | | | |

|90 Days Plan | | | |

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|Math PLC NCTM |Londberg |November 12 |email and PLC |

|MDC Math PLC |Londberg |Dec. 17th |eamil and PLC |

|Distinguished Student Dinner |Leadership Team, and Craft and Peters |Nov. 20 |email, web page, letters home, |

| | | |school cast, sign, school calendar |

|Quotes Writing Assignments |4th period teachers |Nov. 25th |class discussions |

|Comprehensive Semester Exams |Powell, Campbell, and staff |Dec.8-12 |email, web page, school cast, |

| | | |annoucements |

|MSU Talent Search to Paramount |Conlin |Dec. 18th |email, annoucements |

|MAP Assessment 2nd Round |Campbell, Powell |Dec. 1-12 |email, sign, annoucements, web page |

|Map Rewards for Reading and Math |Powell, Campbell, Conlin |Dec. 15-19 |annoucements, email |

|ILP Work Begins with students and parents |conlin |Oct. 8th-ongoing |email |

|If we are not successful, we will: | | | |

|In 90 days, we will know we are successful when: | | | |

|get feedback from on point and staff to determine what problems prohibited success | | | |

|address these setbacks | | | |

|adjust our goals for time, specificity, etc. | | | |

|120 days action strategies: |Who is on point? |By When? |Communication? |

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|If we are not successful, we will: | | | |

|Revisit strategies and make adjustments, additional training and resources will be | | | |

|provided. | | | |

|150 days action strategies: |Who is on point? |By When? |Communication? |

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|AP- 180-3: | | | |

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Our Team’s Big Rock Plan for Progress

Wurtland Middle School’s Big Rock: School Culture

|In the first 30 days, we will know we are successful when: |

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|-Student Attendance goals are developed & begin to be monoitored. |

|-Building Environment Guidelines, Protocols are developed. |

|- Clubs have been Established |

|-Bulletin Boards are Kept Updated |

|- PASS program to improve student behavior |

|The measures/evidence we will use are: |

|Student attendance improves 5% from the previous school year (2012/2013). |

|Calendar is distributed for Bulletin Board Updates. |

|A list of clubs is generated through school leadership meetings. |

|PASS program provides successful interventions to Improve Student behavior |

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|30 days action strategies: |Who is on Point |By When? |How Communicated? |

|Open House |Leadership Team |Sept. 11 |website, email, school cast |

|4th period Quotes Activity illustration |4th period teachers |Sept. 8th |email, PLC, annoucements |

|Fair Booth |Shaffer |Aug. 29th |emal |

|Good Faith Effort Rewards for EXPLORE |Leadershp and 8th grade Team |Sept. 18th |annoucements and email |

|Rewards for Summer Assignments |Powell |Aug. 15th |annoucements, school cast, web page, |

| | | |email |

|Weekly Wldcat Newspaper |Wilson |ongoing |annoucements |

|Wildcat of the Week |Powell and Campbell |ongoing |announcements, sign, |

|teacher of the Week |Powell and Campbell |ongoing |announcement, and sign |

|Travel Club meetings |Powell |ongoing |annoucements, email, web page |

|8th grade Trip to Pioneer Village |8th grade team |Sept. 5th |annoucements and letter home. |

|Youth Advisory Council Meeting |Shaffer |Sept. 19th |annoucements, and email |

|6th grade Team Dance |6th grade Team |Sept. 19th |annoucements, web page, sign, email |

|Daly Quotes about character |entire staff |ongoing |annoucements , sign, plc |

|If we are not successful, we will: |

|Reexamine the school’s cultural focus & Goals for the 2013-2014 school year as well as the 30-60-90 Day Plan. |

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|60 days action strategies: |Who is on Point? |By When? |How Communicated? |

|PTO for WMS |Shaffer |Sept. 30th |phone calls, email web page |

|Musketeer March |Leadership Team |Oct. 17th |sign, email, web page, |

| | | |announcements |

|8th grade Explore Picture |CAmpbell |Oct. |leadership team meeting |

|Spirit Week |Leadership team |Sept. 29-Oct. 3 |announcements, email, |

| | | |newsletter |

|Decorate Lockers |Schaffer |Oct. |email |

|First 9 week awards |Conlin |Oct 27 |email |

|Red Ribbon Week Activities |Shaffer |Oct. 27-31 |annoucements |

|Distinguished and Proficient Reward Party |Powell |Oct. 31 |email and annoucements |

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|If we are not successful, we will: |

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|90 days action strategies: |Who is on Point? |By When? |How Communicated? |

|distinguished Dinner | | | |

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|120 day action strategies: | | | |

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|IN 180 days, we will know we are successful when: | | | |

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|The measures/evidence we will use are: | | | |

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|180 Day action strategies: | | | |

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Our Team’s Big Rock Plan for Progress

Big Rock: Writing

|In the first 30 days, we will know we are successful when: |

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|The measures/evidence we will use are: |

|MAP Assessments |

|KPREP Assessment |

|EXPLORE Assessment |

|30 days action strategies: |Who is on Point? |By When? |How Communicated? |

|Weekly Wildcat |Wilson |ongoing |annoucements |

|Instructional Practices (reflections, on demand, short answer, extended Responses.) Each week |Powell and Campbell and grade level teams |ongoing |PLC |

|in lessons | | | |

|Writing used for assessment daily (formative) |Powell and Campbell and grade level team |ongoing |PLC |

|Three forms of writing for assessments PLC |Powell and Campbell and teams |ongoing |PLC |

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|60 day action strategies: |Whom? |When? |Communicated? |

|WMS Writing Improvement Plan presented to faculty |Powell, Campbell |Sept. 24 |faculty meeting |

|Writing notebooks given to faculty |Powell and Campbell |Sept. 26th |faculty meeting |

|Transactive Writing Graphic Organizer presented to faculty |Powell and Campbell |Sept. 24 |faculty Meeting |

|PLC on Short Answer Questions |Powell and Campbell |Oct. 16 |PLC |

|PLC on Constructive Responses |Powell and Campbell |Oct. 30 |PLC |

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|If we are not successful, we will: |

|Schedule Faculty Meetings, department meetings and Team Leader Meetings for the first semester so that the vision of C/CR is comprehensively communicated and understood. |

|90 days action strategies: |Who is on point? |By When? |How Communicated? |

|Quotes ESSAY for 4th period and competitons |4th period teachers |Nov. 24 |IN class, annoucements, web page|

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|Provide additional opportunities to be successful, seek support from colleges and universities, continue to make | | | |

|parents and students aware and provide interventions. | | | |

|150 day action strategies: | | | |

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|In 150 days, we will know we are successful when: |

|Students show progress, implementation of programs and Participation |

|The measures/evidence we will use are: |

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|180 days action strategies: |Who is on point? |By When? |How Communicated? |

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|If we are not successful, we will: | | | |

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