How do SMEs attract new Customers to Sustain Future ...

How do SMEs attract new Customers to Sustain Future Business growth?

An exploratory study into acquisition practices of small companies

Thomas, J. H. Klaassen MSc in Business Administration 11-04-2016 UNIVERSITY OF TWENTE.


How do SMEs attract new Customers to Sustain Future Business growth?

An exploratory study into acquisition practices of small companies

Master Thesis Business Administration


T.J.H. Klaassen

Student number:


Educational institution: University of Twente, School of Management and Governance,

Enschede, the Netherlands


Behavioural, Management and Social sciences

Study program:

Business Administration (track: Financial Management)



Company: Location:

Green Orange Digital Marketing Haerstraat 43, 7573 AN Oldenzaal

Exam committee First supervisor: Second supervisor: External supervisor:

Dr. R.P.A. Loohuis Drs. P. Bliek T. Morselt, MSc.



Attracting new customers is important for SMEs to sustain future business growth. The purpose of this study is to examine how SMEs engage in attracting new customers, and by which practices, in the assumption that the majority of SMEs face resource constrains. Therefore, the research question is:

What are effective practices for SMEs to attract new customers, given the fact that, in general, smaller firms lack the resources to acquire customers professionally?

Because it was unknown what SMEs do to attract new customers, an exploratory research was conducted. The sample consisted of 13 small and medium sized digital marketing agencies. All 13 agencies are active in the business-to-business market. They were asked to be clear on their way of attracting new customers. Two different types of research were executed.

First, a multiple case study was conducted. 12 digital marketing SMEs participated in the semistructured face-to-face interviews. The interviews were conducted to understand patterns in the acquisition practices. These interviews were conducted at two digital marketing events: DMexco in Cologne and Emerce eDay in Amsterdam. The results of the interviews provided data about customer acquisition practices, lacking resources, problems within the customer acquisition process and about success factors. The results of the multiple case studies created new insights in the field of customer acquisition.

Secondly, we conducted an ethnographic study to understand the dynamics and the lived experience of acquiring customers. This has led to a more in-depth understanding of customer acquisition at SMEs. Green Orange, a small and medium sized full service digital marketing agency, was the source of output of this ethnographic study. The results of this research provide insights in the meaning of the behavior of sales and marketing managers and made clear how a digital marketing SME deals with customer acquisition issues.

The results of this study indicate that SMEs make use of one main practice of attracting customers. Visiting events is apparently the road to success, and is therefore the most effective acquisition practice. Within this practice, SMEs are fulfilling different roles. SMEs can choose to visit an event by walking around, but a lot of the firms are also present with a stand, giving presentations, and so on. Their role at digital marketing events partly depends on their lacking resources. Limited marketing personnel, limited marketing budget and limited marketing expertise influence the way how the SME is doing customer acquisition. Visiting events is probably the most effective way for digital marketing SMEs to attract customers due to the fact that demand meets supply.

Next to events, other acquisition practices are effective as well. These other practices are mainly online channels. LinkedIn is used to make connections with professionals of potential customers. Thereby, this social network site enables digital marketing SMEs to send messages to potential customers about their way of doing business. Next to this, also writing blogs, the focus on SEO and the application of SEA are effective acquisition practices for SMEs. Because attracting customers is very important for long term profitability, SMEs should consider the application of the acquisition practices which are identified by this research.



My period at the University of Twente has come to an end. In June 2014 I completed the bachelor International Business administration by writing a bachelor thesis. At that time, I realized that writing such a thesis is the ultimate test of combining your skills and knowledge in order to write a paper which make you feel proud. I have this same feeling right now. Writing a master thesis is satisfying to do because you are making your own product. Thereby, it is the last thing which has to be done to earn the `'Master of Science'' degree.

I wanted to write a master thesis which can be practically used. For that reason I was searching for an organization which could help me achieving this. Green Orange, the best digital marketing agency in Oldenzaal, was the company where I was looking for. I learned a lot about digital marketing and about the way how such an agency is doing business. They invested both time and money in me. I would like to thank Green Orange for giving me the chance to develop myself in order to produce this master thesis. Especially Thomas Morselt, as my external supervisor, triggered me at moments when it was needed. I would like to thank him for his support.

Because I constantly wanted to know if I was on the right track, Raymond Loohuis as my first internal supervisor, was always be there to provide me with relevant feedback. He guided me in carrying out my research. In the past few months Patrick Bliek, as my second internal supervisor, helped me to fine-tune my thesis. I would like to thank Raymond and Patrick for their advice and their clear comments.

Zenderen, April 2016

Thomas Klaassen



MANAGEMENT SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................... 2 PREFACE .................................................................................................................................................. 3 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 6

1.1 Introduction to customer acquisition............................................................................................ 6 1.2 Research gap ................................................................................................................................. 6 1.3 Research scope.............................................................................................................................. 6 1.4 Practical and scientific relevance .................................................................................................. 7 1.5 Outline of the paper ...................................................................................................................... 7 2 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ................................................................................................................. 8 2.1 Customer acquisition process ....................................................................................................... 8 2.2 Customer acquisition practices ..................................................................................................... 8 2.3 Differences between large firms and SMEs .................................................................................. 9

2.3.1 Main problem of SMEs ........................................................................................................... 9 3 METHODOLOGY.................................................................................................................................. 11

3.1 Research strategy ........................................................................................................................ 11 3.2 Case selection and sampling ....................................................................................................... 11 3.3 Data collection............................................................................................................................. 12 3.4 Data analysis................................................................................................................................ 13 4 RESULTS .............................................................................................................................................. 15 4.1 Overview of the findings ............................................................................................................. 15 4.2 Analysis of the findings................................................................................................................ 20

4.2.1 Cross-case analysis |Customer acquisition practices| ......................................................... 20 4.2.2 Analysis category two |Lack of resources| .......................................................................... 22 4.2.3 Analysis category three |Problems customer acquisition process| .................................... 23 4.2.4 Analysis category four |Success factors| ............................................................................ 23 4.2.5 General analysis of the findings ........................................................................................... 23 4.3 Results ethnographic research .................................................................................................... 24 4.4 Answers to the sub-questions ..................................................................................................... 25 5 CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................................................... 28 5.1 Answer to the central research question .................................................................................... 28 6 DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................................................ 29 6.1 This study about Customer Acquisition....................................................................................... 29 6.2 Critical view: what about other perspectives.............................................................................. 29



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