Christus Nostrum Vita | CHRIST OUR LIFE

The Life of Christ – Part 2Lesson 3Woes to the Scribes and PhariseesRead Matthew 23:1–39, Mark 12:38–44, Luke 20:45–21:4In Matthew 23:1-12, Jesus is speaking. Who was Jesus speaking to? What did He warn them against? What did He command them to pursue?What does “woe to you” mean? Try looking for other occurrences of the word “woe” in Matthew and then in the rest of the Bible to help you define it.Based on Matthew 23:1-12, what was the sin that produced such great hypocrisy in the scribes and Pharisees?Summarize each of the seven woes in your own words.First Woe (v 13): Second Woe (v 15): Third Woe (v 16): Fourth Woe (v 23):Fifth Woe (v 25): Sixth Woe (v 27): Seventh Woe (v 29): What time or event is Jesus referring to when He quotes Psalm 118:26 in Matthew 23:39? Jesus’ tone is unapologetically harsh in Matthew 23. Why do you think He took this tone with the scribes and Pharisees? Is it ever appropriate for Christians to use a severe tone like Jesus did? If so, when? If not, why not?Jesus accused the scribes and Pharisees of putting heavy burdens on men’s shoulders (23:4). Early in Matthew, Jesus invited the weary to trade their heavy burdens for His light yoke (11:28–30). What is “the heavy burden” in this context? How has Jesus removed this weight from your shoulders?List some modern equivalents to “places of honor”, “chief seats”, “respectful greetings”, and “being called Rabbi.” How are we tempted to seek after public approval rather than God’s?Is there any hypocrisy in our generation that Jesus would confront? How do people publicly display their “righteousness” today? What are the greatest sins of our generation that people attempt to excuse?Olivet Discourse, Part 1Read Matthew 24:1–41, Mark 13:1–32, Luke 21:5–33What is Jesus’ primary concern for His disciples in this section? Try to find two of the warnings and then summarize them in your own words.What kind of terrifying events or phenomena will occur before Christ returns? See Matthew 24:4-12, Mark 13:3-13, and Luke 21:7-19.Both Jesus and Matthew expected readers to know what the “the abomination of desolation” means (referred to in Matthew 24:15 and Mark 13:14.) An “abomination” refers to anything hateful or polluting. The phrase “of desolation” means that this abomination will cause many to flee. And the phrase “standing in the holy place” implies that this abomination will be in the temple. What else can we learn about this topic from Daniel 9:27 and 12:11? What should disciples do once they see the abomination of desolation?What is the lesson of the fig tree in Matthew 24:32? What do the leaves represent? Why is it important for disciples to recognize the signs of His coming during the Great Tribulation?What are some cataclysmic events that have occurred in history that people could have mistaken for the end of the world? How does that help us have perspective on the tumultuous events of our time?In Matthew 24:13, Jesus says, “the one who endures to the end will be saved.” What other passages in the Bible talk about the need to persevere? Does this mean you can lose your salvation?Jesus quotes Daniel 7:13 in Matthew 24:30, “They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory.” What does the passage in Daniel say about the Son of Man? Summarize any additional information from Daniel 7 that elaborates on the second coming of Christ. Based on Matthew 24, how will we know when Jesus returns?Based on this passage, what attributes of Jesus will be put on display in the second coming?Jesus warns the disciples about false prophets so they can recognize them. Who do you think are the most dangerous false prophets today? Why?What Scripture would you use to encourage a Christian who is worried about falling away from the faith because of persecution?Jesus says that “most people’s love will grow cold” in the last days (Matt 24:12). How do you keep your love warm toward Christ? What doctrines are helpful to meditate on for this purpose? What practical things do you do to grow your love for Christ?Optional Digging Deeper Create a timeline of the events mentioned in Matthew 24. ................

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