Dana Gregory Rose

Dana Gregory Rose106 Second StreetRadford, VA 24141Home: 540-731-0099 Cell: 540-230-9099dgrose4@radford.eduEDUCATION2005Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum and InstructionVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VirginiaEmphases: Critical Multicultural Studies, Literacy Education, Teacher Education, and Qualitative ResearchGraduation: December 16, 2005Dissertation Topic: A Study of Student Teacher Experiences in a Multicultural School: Learning to Teach Teachers Who Will Teach “Other People’s Children”Dissertation Defense: November 4, 2005Chair: Dr. Ann PottsDissertation Nominated by Doctoral Committee for the AERA (Division K Teacher andTeacher Education) Dissertation of the Year AwardCitizen Scholar Recognition by Graduate School of Virginia Tech based onDissertation research1977Master of Science in ReadingGeorge Peabody College for Teachers, now of Vanderbilt University; Nashville, TN Emphases: Reading assessment and instruction, curriculum integration 1973Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education Minor: MusicOklahoma Baptist University; Shawnee, OklahomaGraduated magna cum laudeRESEARCH2007-present Critical Cultural Reflection-in-Action: Research Project . Authored by D. G. Rose and conducted by Elementary Education Program Faculty, Radford University, Radford, Virginia.2007-present Collaborative Teaching Model. Research Project conducted by Special Education and Elementary Education Faculty, Radford University, Radford, Virginia.2006-2007 Critical Cultural Reflection-in-Action: Pilot Research Project . Authored by D. G. Rose and conducted by Elementary Education Program Faculty, Radford University, Radford, Virginia.CV_d.g. rose, p. 1 of 10Dissertation Research. Funded by VA Tech’s Department of Teaching and Learning Doctorate Graduate Student Mini-Grant ProgramTitle: A Study of Student Teacher Experiences in a Multicultural School: Learning to Teach Teachers Who Will Teach “Other People’s Children”Description: A year-long qualitative ethnographic case study of four student teachers’ experiences in a multicultural school. The researcher assumed a participant observer role in the study and volunteered in an elementary classroom for three days a week during the academic year so as to gain insider knowledge of the student teachers’ experiences.2004-2005 Research Assistant for VA Tech Faculty Research Study Title: Preparing Pre-service Teachers for Urban and Rural Contexts Investigators: Dr. Ann Potts and Dr. Cheri Triplett Funded by VA Tech’s Department of Teaching and Learning Faculty Research Mini-Grant Program2003Research Study: New Teacher Practices for Literacy Instruction after a Year-Long Internship Program Research designed in partial fulfillment for graduate courseInterviews of new teachers who graduated from University-Public School Partnership and Year Long ProgramAnalysis of new teacher pedagogical choices for reading instruction ADDITIONAL EDUCATION2002-2004Graduate Assistant, Department of Teaching and LearningSupervision of graduate student interns during field workInstructor for Early Literacy graduate coursesParticipation and guidance during student intern seminars Additional Coursework University of VA Continuing Education Program1992Assertive Discipline and Communication. One hour credit. 1992Teaching Critical Thinking Skills in Reading and Math. One hour credit. 1991Teaching Science through Inquiry. One hour credit. Radford University1991Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary Music. Three hours credit. UNIVERSITY TEACHING AND SUPERVISION2006- PresentAssistant Professor, School of Teacher Education and Leadership, Radford University,Radford, VA2005-2006 Instructor, School of Teacher Education and Leadership, Radford University, Radford, VA.2003, 2004Instructor, Department of Teaching and Learning. VA Tech, Blacksburg, VA.CV_d.g. rose, p. 2 of 10Supervisor and Mentor of Student Interns, Department of Teaching and Learning. Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.1998-2002Adjunct Faculty, College of Education and Human Development. Radford University. Radford, VA.Associate Member Graduate Faculty, Radford University, Radford, VA.Supervisor of Student Interns, Radford University. Supervised student interns in Roanoke City, Roanoke County, Salem City, Montgomery County, Pulaski County, and Wythe County, VA.COURSES TAUGHT2008 SpringEDUC 670: Principles and Practices of Multicultural Education, Graduate College, Radford University2005 - PresentEDRD 630 Content Area Reading, Graduate College, Radford University.EDUC 404: Foundations of Teaching Language Arts. Radford University.EDUC 640 Student Teaching K-5 Seminar, Graduate College Radford UniversityEDUC 450: Student Teaching K-5 Seminar, Radford University. EDUC 430: Developing a Community of Learners, Radford University.2005EDUC 425: Curriculum, Teaching and Learning: Social Studies Connections, Radford University. 2004EDCI 5414: Theory and Practices for Early Literacy (PK-3) with a ServiceLearning Component. VA Tech, Blacksburg, VA 2003EDCI 5414: Theory and Practices for Early Literacy (PK-3) with a field experience component. VA Tech, Blacksburg, VA. (Leader of collaborative team of three graduate assistant instructors. Similar design to EDCI 5414 above.)1998-2002 EDUC 404: Children’s Literature and Language Arts in the ElementaryClassroom. Five semesters. Radford University, Radford, VA. Adjunct Faculty.EDUC 450: Student Teaching Seminar (K-5) and/or Student Teaching Supervision. Six semesters. Radford University, Radford, VA. Planned as support for student interns’ work in the classroom and for their application and interview processes. Co-teach with Dr. Sandra J. Moore.EDUC 430: Teaching Assistant Program Seminar. Five semesters. Radford University,Radford, VA. Co-teach with Dr. Sandra J. Moore.PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SCHOOLSMonttgomery County Schools-Radford University Partnership: Two year assignment with Radford University to explore and establish relationships with several Montgomery County Public Schools with the intent of creating a long-term partnership relationship. 2007Held first Advisory Board meeting with Montgomery County School RepresentativesCo-Cohort Leader for twenty three Radford University interns completing field work in Montgomery County Schools.CV_d._g. rose, p. 3 of 102005-2006 Cohort Leader for twenty Radford University interns completing field work in Montgomery County SchoolsVirginia Tech partnership with Montgomery County and Roanoke City Schools: Acted as University Supervisor for interns from Virginia Tech in Partnership Schools.Auburn Elementary School-Radford University Partnership and Year Long Program, Riner, VA.University instructor and supervisor for student interns in the Year LongProgram.Assistant to Director of the AES-RU Partnership.Pulaski County Year Long Project: Radford University Professional Development SchoolProject with Pulaski County Public SchoolsSupervised and mentored student interns at Professional Development School sites.Attended and assisted with “block” course sessions and mentored student teachers inmaking theory-to-practice connections.UNIVERSITY SERVICE2006-PresentCo-Chair, McGlothlin Celebration of Teaching Committee, Radford University2006-2007Member, Field Experiences Committee, College of Education and HumanDevelopment, Radford University, Radford, VA2006-2007Member, Search Committee for Reading Positions, College of Education and HumanDevelopment2003-2005Member of Graduate Student Governance Council for School of Education, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.2000Task Force on Part-time Faculty. Radford University, Radford, VA.Charged with the mission of investigating policies and practices regarding employment, salary, course load and benefits of part-time faculty and to make recommendations to university based on findings.FUNDED GRANTS Rose, D. G., (2007).Summer 2007 Scholarship Grant Proposal: Theory-to-PracticeConnections in Learning to Teach Diverse Learner2007Robbins, H. & Rose, D. (2007). Summer 2007 Scholarship Grant Proposal; Teachers’ Perceptions of Collaborative Teaching Placements2006Moore, S., Robbins, H., Rose, D., & Wallace, T. (2006). Summer 2006 Scholarship Grant Proposal: Elementary Education: A Focus on the Scholarship of Teaching and LearningRobbins, H., Morrison, K., & Rose, D. (2006). Summer 2006 Scholarship GrantProposal: Culturally Responsive Teaching: Coherence, Contradictions, and Conundrums2004-2005Rose, D. G., Doctoral Graduate Student Research Mini-Grant, Pre-service Teacher Experiences in and Reflections on Multicultural Schools, VA Tech Department ofTeaching and Learning. $2,250CV_d._g. rose, 4 of 10Local Government Challenge Grants, City of Radford and VA Commission for theArts to Council for Community Enrichment. $5,000 1990 and 1991General Operating Support Grant awarded by VA Commission for the Arts toCouncil for Community Enrichment. $10,000 1990 and 1991Technical Assistance Grant awarded by VA Commission for the Artsto Council for Community Enrichment. $1,750 On the Road. In-kind grant from VA Commission for the Arts to Councilfor Community Enrichment’s pilot performing arts series in the community. GRANT PARTICIPATIONClinical Faculty Mentoring Grant. VA Tech, Blacksburg, VAMoore, S., & Zeakes. S. (2000-2001). Restructuring Professional Elementary Education Courses through University/Public School Partnership Work. A seed grant funded by the Radford University Foundation. I participated by collaborating on development of integrated literacy and science university coursework and workshops for AES-RU Year Long Program.1999-2000Moore, S., Brand, B., & Barylske, J. (1999-2000). Enhancing inquiry-based science instruction through partnership work. A Dwight D. Eisenhower Professional Development Grant, funded through the State Council of Higher Education for VA.Active participant in summer workshops on science inquiry. August 1999, June 2000.On-going consultation with faculty and student interns regarding science inquiry units.1999-2001Clinical Faculty Mentoring Grant. (1999-2001). Radford University, Radford, VAMonthly seminars with cooperating teachersDialogue regarding the role of the mentor with student internsDialogue related to Year Long Program PUBLICATIONSPotts, A., Triplett, C., & Rose, D. G. (2008). An infused approach to multicultural education in a pre-service teacher program: Perspectives of teacher educators. International Journal of Multicultural Education, 10(1), 1-15, Electronic version.Morrison, K., Robbins, H., & Rose, D. G. (2008). Operationalizing culturally relevant pedagogy: A synthesis of classroom-based research. Equity and Excellence in Education, 41(4), 433-452.Rose, D. G., & Potts, A. (submitted 2008). Learning from Student Teacher Experiences in a MulticulturalSchool: Are we all the “same” or all “different”?. Equity and Excellence in Education.CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONSRose, D., Morrison, K.,& Robbins, H. (November 2008). ReACTivating Equitable Educationthrough Culturally Relevant Classroom Practices: A Research Synthesis and Dialogue. National Association of Multicultural Education Conference. New Orleans, LA.CV_d._g. rose, 5 of 10Rose, D. G., Dembele, G., Gustafson, G., Moore, S., Robbins, H., Talbott, P., and Wallace, T. (October2007). Immigration and Migration: Cultivating empathy and critique through perspective-taking Preconference Institute. National Association of Multicultural Education. Baltimore, MD.Rose, D. G., Robbins, H., and Gustafson, G. (November 2007). Using Critical Literacy Approaches and Multicultural Literature to Understand the Complexity of Migrant Workers’ Lives. National Association of Multicultural Education. Baltimore, MD.Robbins, H., Morrison, K., and Rose, D. G. (November 2007). Enacting Culturally Relevant Teaching: What Does It Look Like in Real Classrooms? National Association of Multicultural Education, Baltimore, MD.Robbins, H., Gustafson, G., Moore, S., Rose, D., Smith, M., & Wallace, T. (November 2006). FromRhetoric to Reality: Helping Future Teachers Understand and Implement Culturally Responsive. National Association of Multicultural Education. Phoenix, VA. Potts, A., Triplett, C. F., Rose, D. G., & Wallace, T. (November 2006). Ways of Being: The Importance Tone and Talk in Pre-Service Teacher Education. National Association of Multicultural Education. Phoenix, Arizona.Morrison, K., Robbins, H., & Rose, D. G. (October 2006). Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers for Equity Pedagogy – Theory, Research, and Unanswered Questions. 2006 Summit on Public Education. Phi Delta Kappa International. Washington, DC.Rose, D. G. (April 2006). Analysis of Resistance: Learning about Multicultural Teacher Education and Beliefs about Diversity through a Study of Resistance. American Educational Research Association Conference. San Francisco, CA.Rose, D. G. (February 2006). Narrative Inquiry in Understanding Student Teacher Experiences in aMulticultural School. Eastern Educational Research Association Conference. Hilton Head, SC.Moore, S., Barber, L, Robbins, H., Rose, D., Kile, M., & Martin, P. (November 2005). Critical Literacy as a Lens into Culturally Responsive Practice: Preparing preservice teachers for a diverse world. National Association of Multicultural Education Conference. Atlanta, GA.Potts, A., Triplett, C., & Rose, D. (November 2005) Investigating an Infused Approach: Perspectives of Teacher Educators. National Association for Multicultural Education Conference. Atlanta, GA.Rose, D. G. (March 2005). The Complexity in Student Teacher Dialogue and Narratives about Multicultural School Experiences. Eastern Educational Research Association, Sarasota, FL. Moore, S. et. al. (May 2003). 63 of Us Learning Together: A Five-Year Commitment to LiteracyInstruction within a Public School/University Partnership. International Reading Association, Orlando, FL.Moore, S., Gregory, D. Rose, Jackman, D. and AES/RU Advisory Board Members. (March 2001). Stories of Change: The influence of shared governance on university/public schoolpartnerships. American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, Dallas, TX. Moore, S., Gregory, D. Rose, and AES/RU Advisory Board Members. (February 2001). Creating Common Ground: An Advisory Board’s Role in Developing and Sustaining a University/Public School Partnership. Association of Teacher Educators; New Orleans, LA. CV_d._g. rose, p. 6 of 10Moore, S., Small, R., Gregory, D. Rose, Perry, J., Vengrin, J., Hawley, J., and Hancock, B. (March 2000). Shaping the future: Teaching and learning within a public school/university partnership. National Council of Teachers of English. New York City.Moore, S., Gregory, D. Rose, Cohen, J., Perry. J., Barylske, J., Ireland, R., Williams, V., Vengrin, J., Miller, S., Hawley, J., and Pilgrim, A. (March 1999). Insiders’ Perspectives: Creating a Public School/University Partnership from the Ground-Up. George Mason/Fairfax Education Association’s Symposium: Recruiting and Preparing New Teachers: Partnerships That Work; Fairfax, VA. Moore, S., Shoemaker, P., Gregory, D. Rose. (December 1997). Learning to Put Discomfort on the Table: University/Public School Collaboration. National Reading Conference; Scottsdale, AZ. Moore, S., and Potts, A., with McNeil, M., Johnson, P., and Mumaw, A. (teachers from theMontgomery County Masters in Reading Cohort) and Forrest, S., Pierce, L., andSidorick., K. (student teachers from the Pulaski County Year Long Project). (March1997). Teacher Research as Transformative Practice: Learning to Read and Write the Texts of Our Lives. D. Rose Gregory served as narrator of presentation created as “Readers’ Theater.” Virginia State Reading Association Conference. Crystal City, VA.Moore, S., Simpson, P., Olinger, N., Lalik., R. with Gregory, D. Rose, Shoemaker, P., Potts, A., Ely, J., Myers, R. (December 1996). Learning to Read and Write the Texts of Our Lives:Collaboration between Public School and University Education. National Reading Conference; Charleston, SC.REGIONAL PRESENTATIONSRose, D., Robbins, H., Morrison, K. (December 2008). How Classroom Teachers Use Culturally Relevant Teaching to Educate the Whole Child: What Research Suggests. Virginia Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Conference. Williamsburg, VA.Robbins, H., Altieri, E., Colley, K., & Rose, D. (September 2008). When Teachers Work Together: Co-Teaching Models for Engaging All Learners. Virginia Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Southwest Conference. Abingdon, VA.Altieri, E., Colley, K., Robbins, H., Rose, D. G., and Wallace, T. (September 2007). Merging Fields of Practice: Special Education & Elementary Education Combine Strengths to Meet the Needs of Diverse Learners through Collaborative Teaching. Southwest Virginia Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development. Abingdon, VA.Rose, D. G., Robbins, H., Gustafson, G., & Wallace, T. (March 2007). Fostering Critical Literacy Skills through an Integrated Study of Esperanza Rising and Related Multicultural Texts. Virginia State Reading Association Conference. Roanoke, Virginia. Moore, S.J., Robbins H., Rose, D. G. (September 2006). From Rhetoric to Reality: Integrating Culturally Responsive Practices into the Curriculum. Provost Lecture Series, Radford University, Radford, VA. Rose, D. G. (March 2005). Student Teacher Questions about Experiences in Diverse Schools. The MidAtlantic Conference on the Scholarship of Diversity. Roanoke, VA.CV_d._g. rose, p. 7 of 10Groenke, S., Buryl-Graves, C., Landon, K., with Gregory, D. Rose, Norris, M. (July 2004). Partners in Teaching and Learning: William Fleming High School, The West End Center, andVA Tech. Envisioning Partnership: The First Annual Conference hosted by theVA Tech Service-Learning Center; Blacksburg, VA.Gregory, D. Rose. (Spring 2003). Writers workshop: Writing pedagogy for the elementary classroom. Two hour presentation for graduate student intern seminar. Department of Teaching and Learning.VA Tech, Blacksburg, VA.Gregory, D. Rose (October 2002). Classroom Management Seminar. Three hour seminar conducted for graduate student interns, Department of Teaching and Learning. VA Tech, Blacksburg, VA.Moore, S., & Gregory, D. Rose. (January 2001). Word Study in the Classroom. Montgomery County Public Schools Staff Development at Auburn Elementary School, Riner, VA.PROFESSIONAL TEACHING LICENSURE Professional Licensure, Department of Education, State of TennesseeEndorsements: Elementary Grades 1-9, Special Teacher of Reading K-8, School Music K-12.CLASSROOM TEACHING EXPERIENCE2004-2005Experience as volunteer “student teacher” and researcher in third grade classroom in Southwest VA school. This was my dissertation research on student teacher experiences in multicultural schools. By teaching in a third grade classroom I positioned myself as a participant-observer alongside the student teachers that I interviewed. I volunteered in a third grade classroom for two to three days each week for the academic year. 1992-1994 Substitute Teacher. Montgomery County, Pulaski County, and Radford CitySchools, VA. 1980-1981 Classroom Teacher. Jere Baxter Elementary School, Metropolitan-Davidson County Public Schools, Nashville, TN. Third-fourth grade “split” class. Special Assignment: Music Coordinator.One year maternity leave.1978-1979Classroom Teacher. Jere Baxter Elementary School, Metropolitan-Davidson County Public Schools, Nashville, TN. Fourth grade class, same students as AY 1977-1978. 1977-1978 Classroom teacher. Jere Baxter Elementary School, Metropolitan-Davidson County Public Schools, Nashville, TN. Third grade.1975-1977 Classroom Teacher. Dalewood Elementary School, Metropolitan-Davidson County Public Schools, Nashville, TN. Third grade.1974-1975 Classroom Teacher. Richland Elementary School, Metropolitan-DavidsonCounty Public Schools, Nashville, TN. 74 days as interim substitute. Third grade.1973-1974 Classroom Teacher. Nichols Elementary School, Bullitt County, KY. Fourth grade.CV_d._g. rose, p. 8 of 10EDUCATIONAL ADVOCACY AND ADMINISTRATIONPresident, Radford High School Band Boosters Committee to organize Radford High School PTSA. Year long work to establishPTSA organization for Radford High School, Radford, VA.1992-1994Member, Board of Directors. DiscoveryWorks.....A Children's Museum. 1987-1992President and Founding Member, Board of Directors of Council for CommunityEnrichment, a non-profit, community-based organization that provided educational and enrichment programs for children and youth of the New River Valley of VA in the arts and sciences. Programs includedGifted Advisory Committee. Radford City Public Schools. 1985 Long Range Planning Committee, McHarg Elementary School, Radford CitySchools, Radford, MUNITY SERVICE1999-2001 Co-Chair, Radford Kosovo Resettlement Project. Planned for and implemented resettlement of three families from Kosovo to Radford, VA. 1994-1996Children’s Choir Director (Grades 4-6). First Baptist Church, Radford, VA.Coordinator, Grove United Methodist Youth Fellowship (Grades 7-12). Radford, VA.Children’s Music Program Director (Grades PK-6). Grove United MethodistChurch, RadfordChildren’s Choir Director (Grades K-6). First Christian Church, Radford, VA.Women’s Resource Center Volunteer. Crisis center volunteer and hot-line telephone support.1983-1985 Children’s Choir Director (Grades 3-6). Presbyterian Church. Radford, VA.Children’s Educational Coordinator (PK-6). Glendale Baptist Church, Nashville, TN.1976-1978 Children’s Choir Director (K-3). Glendale Baptist Church, Nashville, TN.BUSINESS EXPERIENCE1982-1986 Co-Owner, The Rose Trellis. Small business venture in English smocking andfine hand-sewing. CONTINUING EDUCATION2000Audited “block” course: Introduction to Educational Media and Technology alongside AES/RU Year Long Cohort.Participated in Curriculum Redesign Faculty Development. Project C.A.R.E.E.R.:Creating Accessible and Responsive Educational Environments at Radford. Radford University, Radford, VA.1985 Orff-Schulwerk Workshop. One week workshop in Orff-Schulwerk pedagogy for elementary music education. Oklahoma Baptist University. Shawnee, OK.CV_d._g. rose, p. 9 of 10AWARDS2008Outstanding Service Award, College of Education and Human Development. Radford University, Radford, VA.2008Early Career Preconference Institute. Selected and invited to to participate in this institute based on a competitive national application process. Sponsored by Division K of the American Education Research Association. National Conference, New York City. Presenters: Drs. Etta Hollins and Linda Darling-Hammond. 2005Recognized as a Citizen Scholar by the Graduate School of Virginia Tech.Service to the Community Award by Radford Chamber of Commerce to Council for Community Enrichment.1992Contribution to the Community Award by Kappa Delta Pi to Council for Community Enrichment.1981Teacher of the Year Award, Jere Baxter Elementary School, Nashville, TN. PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONSAmerican Educational Research Association National Association of Multicultural EducationVirginia Chapter of the National Association of Multicultural EducationPhi Kappa Phi, VA Tech ChapterPhi Delta Kappa, VA Tech Chapter Association of Supervision and Curriculum DevelopmentInternational Reading AssociationVirginia State Reading Association New River Valley Reading CouncilCV_d._g. rose, p. 10 of 10 ................

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