Frank Marotta, Executive Secretary

W.O. A. of Section 5


As the long time Secretary of the Wrestling Officials of Section 5, I was asked many years ago about the history of our organization and it was suggested that I document that history. I have been inspired by the great archives on and have finally put together as much of our association’s history as I could from our written records.

Those involved in Section 5 high school wrestling today are proud of the accomplishments of our wrestlers at the local, state and even national levels. Few are aware of the early history of high school wrestling, especially wrestling officiating, in our area. As the old timers pass, a lot of information will leave with them. Few of the people who are now responsible for keeping Section 5 wrestling in the forefront know about the early developments that paved the way. That is why I think it is important to share the information I found after looking at old records of the Wrestling Coaches and Officials Association of Section Five.

In the early days of high school wrestling in Section 5, the sport was not formally organized as it is today. Although a number of schools throughout the area had teams, the City of Rochester Interscholastic League with 9 teams was the best organized. As the sport developed, Sectional champions were crowned at the annual Winter Sports Carnival. A number of men took leadership in the development of our fast growing sport and organized the Wrestling Coaches and Officials Association of Section Five for that purpose. This organization was responsible for taking initiative and leading Section 5 to take the steps that paved the way to greatness for Section 5 wrestling. They established the groundwork for the organization of Sectional tournaments and the development of an officials’ organization. The following information has been taken from the minutes and other records of that organization. A number of outstanding people made valuable contributions to the early development of high school wrestling in Section 5 over the past 50 years and we owe a debt of gratitude to those who took the initial steps in getting this organized and who paved the way for what we have today. Using this information along with the outstanding archives available on provides us with the history of our sport in Section 5.

I want to emphasize that this is not a history of all high school wrestling in Section 5, but rather a history of the Wrestling Coaches and Officials Association of Section 5 and its successor the Wrestling Officials Association of Section 5. Both organizations had a great impact of the development of high school wrestling, especially on officiating in our area and members have had an impact on the state and national levels as well. Wrestling started in the Section 5 schools long before these associations were organized and that history is best found on .

Association records have been kept in organized folders and notebooks. The following is a summary of the highlights of what the officials association did as well as the names of those members who were most involved. These were taken from meeting minutes and other association records. In cases where an official was involved in an ethics violation or non payment of dues, the official’s name was not listed but it is listed in the official association records. There would be no merit in listing those names in this narrative. The officers, committee chairmen and names of people who were given awards by the WCOA or WOA are listed. In the beginning, high schools followed NCAA rules with a few modifications for high schools. The National Federation started to publish separate high school rules in the 1970’s. Most of the major rule changes are listed so that one can see ways that the sport has changed over the years. The names of members and even probationary officials who completed the association training program are listed as well. Appendix A gives lists of our association’s officers, NYSWOA officers, WOA officials who refereed or evaluated at the State Tournament and winners of the Bernabi Award, Coach of the Year Award, Ordiway Memorial Award recipients, Sportsmanship Awards to Section 5 wrestling programs, and a listing of Special Awards given to WOA members from outside the association. Appendix B contains copies of photos.


The first meeting held to establish the Wrestling Coaches and Officials Association of Section Five was held at the home of Leo Bernabi on December 9, 1956. Those present were President Leo Bernabi (Spencerport), Earl Fuller (RIT), Tony Beisman (East High), Ray Dougherty (Alexander) and Secretary Bob Lays (Rochester). According to the minutes of the first meeting, “The WCOA was roughly defined as an association to work independently of but always in cooperation with Section V to improve the status of and to further interest in wrestling in this area.” The representatives decided on their objectives and delegated the writing of a constitution to Leo Bernabi and Earl Fuller. The organization would include both coaches and officials because they shared a common interest in promoting the sport. Each representative was given an assignment to make contacts with other people who could be of assistance. Earl Fuller was to contact the American Wrestling Coaches and Officials Association.

At the second meeting on January 6, 1957, held at Alexander Central School, those present were President Leo Bernabi (Spencerport), Tony Beisman (East High), Ray Dougherty (Alexander) and Secretary Bob Lays (Rochester) and Ray Southard (Attica). The proposed constitution was discussed as was the offer of assistance from Bob Jacobson, President of Niagara Frontier Wrestling Officials and Coaches.

The third meeting, February 17, 1957, at Spencerport Central was attended by President Leo Bernabi (Spencerport), Earl Fuller (RIT), Tony Beisman (East High), Ray Dougherty (Alexander) and Secretary Bob Lays (Rochester)and Ray Southard (Attica). Bob Jacobson, President of Niagara Frontier Wrestling Officials and Coaches, was a guest and he gave many important details regarding the operation of the Niagara Frontier group, with emphasis on rules interpretations, administration of exams, dues, membership in the AWCOA and officiating assignments. The WCOA found this information to be very valuable. There was considerable discussion which resulted in the suggestion to the Sectional Chairman and the present county chairmen regarding the reorganization of wrestling in Section V. These included organizing the Section into 5 leagues or districts each with a chairman who would be responsible for setting up a league schedule and for setting up a tournament to select champions in each weight class who would then compete in the Sectional Tournament Championships. It was decided to invite county chairmen to the next meeting. Fifty cents was collected from Southard, Beisman, Bernabi, Fuller and Lays for stamps and envelopes.

It was at the fourth meeting, February 24, 1957, that the WCOA Constitution was finally approved. Attending were Leo Bernabi, Bob Baker (Geneseo), TonyBeisman, Ray Daugherty, Bob Lays, Joe Corcoran (Geneva), Joe Manly (Wellsville), Sidney Miles (Allegany County Chairman) and Bob Terbush (Webster & Monroe County Chairman). It was reported that 47 of 119 Section 5 schools had wrestling, that Mike Spieridonis would be contacted about getting permission to appear before the Section 5 Council and that the next meeting would be with all coaches and officials following the Class B Sectional Finals at RIT on March 2. About 35 coaches and officials attended that meeting and they agreed to collect $1 dues for the year.

The following is the first list of paid WCOA members as of March, 1957.

W.C.O.A. PAID MEMBERS ($1.00) 1957

1. Hauck,, Alton J, Athletic Director Perry C.S.

2. Spierdonis, Mike Athletic Director Albion C.S.

3. Smith, Walter Coach Corning Free Academy

4. Southard, Ray Coach Attica

5. Auble, Harry Coach Corning North

6. Quinane, Richard Coach Hornell

7. Baier, Joe Coach Rush-Henrietta

8. Cole, Dave Official Rochester

9. Spencer, John Coach Madison Rochester

10. Graine Ed Asst. Coach R.I.T.

11. Fuller, Earl Coach R. I.T.

12. Nelson, Kelly Coach Letchworth

13. Bernabi, Leo Coach Spencerport C. S.

14. Lays, Bob Coach-Official Rochester

15. DeBottis, Peter Coach Mynderse Seneca Falls

16. Corcoran, Joe Coach-Official Geneva

17. Ottley, Frank Official Geneva

18. Manly John Geneva

19. Davis: Ken Coach Marshall Rochester

20 Teamerson, Art Coach Charlotte Rochester

21: Beisman, Anthony Coach East High Rochester

22. Reddy, Frank Official Rochester

23. Terbush, Bob Coach Webster C.S.

24. Baker, Bob Coach Geneseo

25. Abraham, George Official Geneva

26. Strassner, John Coach Monroe Rochester

27. Shafer., Jack Coach Perry C. S.

28. Daugherty, Bob Coach Albion C.S.

29. Daugherty, Ray Coach Alexander C. S.

30. Ravazhieu, ____ Official Geneva,

31. Soleman, Official Geneva

32. Abraham, Joe Official Hobart, Geneva

33. DeMuth, Ray Official Hobart, Geneva

34. Dunning, Dutch Coach-Official Bolivar C. S.

35. Snyder, Bob Coach- Official Waterloo C.S.

The First Annual Spring Dinner Meeting was held at Marco Inn, Perry, N .Y. on April 6, 1957. Present for dinner were 25 members who were served 23 steak dinners at $2 each and 2 chicken dinners at $2.00 each. Mike Spierdonis, Section 5 Wrestling Chairman, spoke and commended the WCOA for its fine purpose and planning. New Officers were elected: Tony Beisman, President; Dave Cole, Vice President; Pete DeBottis, Secretary; and Joe Corcoran, Treasurer. Clarence Campbell (Canisteo) and Ray Daugherty (Alexander) were appointed to the Executive Committee. Standing Committee chairmen were appointed as follows: Public Relations – Ray Daugherty, Rules and Tournaments – Earl Fuller, Officials – Frank Reddy, Amendments – Bob Baker. The secretary was directed to send a letter to John Archer, Malverne, NY, requesting approval or steps necessary to secure approval of the NYSPHSAA.

An Executive Committee meeting was held on May 3, 1957 at the home of President Tony Beisman. Others present were Frank Reddy, Earl Fuller, Dave Cole, Ray Daugherty, John Spencer and Bob Lays. Ray Daugherty submitted an extensive report on Section V Wrestling which included a map of schools in Section V and a list of those schools that have wrestling and a list of association members. Of the 120 schools surveyed, 82 responded. The responses from schools that did not have wrestling listed facilities and/or lack of a coach as the main problem. This was a detailed survey and it took a lot of time and effort on the part of Ray Daugherty. His outstanding work provided valuable information. It is unfortunate for us that Ray moved to California soon after this to live, coach and teach at Cal Poly. Bob Lays replaced him as Public Relations Chairman.

When the Executive Committee members Earl Fuller, Bob and Ray Daugherty, Mike Spierdonis, Frank Reddy, Henry Auble, Dave Cole, Joe Corcoran John Spencer and Pete DeBottis met in Geneva on May 17, 1957, they reviewed the steps that were given to them by Bob Woodruff, State Wrestling Committee Chairman, for organizing a “qualified and recognized organization,” with emphasis on the 5 Point Plan, rules exams, interpretation meetings and certification. Not all teams were part of leagues so they also discussed setting up division that would then send their champion in each class to a sectional classification, AA, A, B, CD.

At the annual association business meeting in Geneseo on June 7, 1957 all these were discussed. Not all coaches agreed on the divisional set up because of travel or other reasons. Steps were taken to meet with the Section 5 Athletic Committee. Earl Fuller was given responsibility for developing a membership application form and a report form on wrestling officials as well as an interpretation meeting for coaches and officials at RIT in September and clinic at RIT in November. The form developed by Earl contained basically the same types of items that are on the forms now used by the WOA of Section 5 to evaluate probationary candidates at the mat test for promotion. Earl Fuller led the discussion that organization of the Sectional Tournament with groups of schools in each class holding elimination tournaments to determine a team of 12 finalists. Those teams of finalists would then meet for the championship.

The Executive Committee met on June 26, 1957 in Seneca Falls at the home of Pete DeBottis. Present were President Tony Beisman, Earl Fuller, Bob Lays, Joe Corcoran and Pete DeBottis.

The group was told that there were specific steps the WCOA must follow to be accepted by the Section as a bona fide organization plans were made to meet with the Section 5 Athletic Committee.

At a dinner meeting at the home of President Beisman on August 28, 1957, Pete DeBottis, Bob Lays, Dave Cole, Leo Bernabi met with Al Hauck of the Section V Athletic Committee. The WCOA pointed out what it would like to see accomplished in wrestling in Section Five. Mr. Hauck explained the machinery of the athletic set up from the State Department down through the Section and to the individual leagues and schools and pointed out that any Sectional tournament would have to come from the Section Athletic Council. The WCOA could make recommendations but the final word would rest with the Section. Mr. Hauck suggested that the WCOA try to gain recognition from the Section primarily an officials group and secondly as an organization that would recommend ideas for the betterment of wrestling. He pointed out that unless the WCOA worked through the proper channels of County Chairmen and school administrators, little would be accomplished.

In a letter to President Tony Beisman from Harold “Doc” Bonesteel (Geneva), President of Section 5, Bonesteel wrote “I am amazed at the amount of information and (am) impressed with your suggestions. I am asking Mike Spierdonis to boil it down and present it at our September meeting. For the Section and myself, may I express our appreciation of your work and interest. It is a sport that is growing so rapidly that we need all the help we can get.”

On September 16, 1957, Tony Beisman and Pete DeBottis attended a Section V Athletic Council dinner where Al Hauck (Perry) recommended that the Sectional Tournament be held for wrestling teams only and the wrestling tournament be divided into 2 classifications. All AA schools would be in the A Classification and all other schools with wrestling teams would compete in the B Classification. This motion was passed. It was also stated that a representative of the WCOA would have to be determined to sit in on Council meetings of Section 5. (Note: I wonder what ever became of that.)

At the October 3, 1957 Executive Committee meeting at Geneseo High, the following were present: President Tony Beisman, Dave Cole, Joe Corcoran, Frank Mielnicki, Leo Bernabi, Earl Fuller, Frank Reddy, Dutch Dunning, Clarence Campbell, Bob Lays, Don Mahon, Bob Daugherty, Bob Baker and Pete DeBottis. It was reported that the WCOA roster listed 48 paid members and 16 qualified as officials with more to be tested. It was decided that the WCOA would submit a list of approved officials to the schools and schools would use the list to select officials. Earl Fuller agreed to conduct clinics. He used his wrestlers at Canisteo, Perry and RIT in November. All recognized that these clinics were instrumental in the development of wrestling in Section 5 with special credit to Earl Fuller. President Tony Beisman sent a letter to RIT President Dr. Mark Ellingson that included the large numbers of coaches and wrestlers who benefited from Earl’s efforts. The WCOA agreed to recommend a fee of $12.50 for a Varsity meet plus .10 a mile one way. Schools voted 28-15 to approve this recommendation.

The Section 5 Athletic Council approved the WCOA and also decided that wresting was to be considered a winter sport with the “A” classification made up of 24 of the largest schools and the “B” classification made up of the remaining schools.

The 1958 WCOA membership list had 49 members. Many were coaches and officials. Over half were involved in officiating. The list covers the 1957-1958 season.


0 – Official

1. Anderson, Jack RIT

2. Abraham, Joe Hobart College

3. Auble, Harry Corning Northside HS

4. Baier, Joe Rush Henrietta HS

5. Baker, Bob 0 Geneseo High

6. Beisman, Tony East High

7. Bernabi, Leo 0 Spencerport Central

8. Campbell, Clarence Canisteo Central

9. Cole, Dave Webster, NY

10. Corcoran, Joe Corning Free Academy

11. Daugherty, Bob 0 Perry Central

12. Davis, Ken 0 Marshall HS

13. Dunning, Bob 0 Bolivar Central

14. DeBottis. Pete Mynderse Academy

15. Fuller, Earl 0 RIT

16. Hauck, Al Perry Central

17. Johnston, Fred Andover Central

18. Lays, Bob 0 Rochester, NY

19. Manley, John Wellsville Central

20. Mielnicki, Frank Spencerport Central

21. Modrak, James 0 RIT

22. Nelson, Kelly Letchworth Central

23. Quinane, Dick 0 Hornell HS

24. Reddy, Frank 0 Rochester, NY

25. Ravashieu, Tom Geneva, NY

26. Schafer, Jack Perry Central

27. Southard, Ray 0 Attica Central

28. Snyder, Robert Waterloo High

29. Spierdonis, Mike 0 Albion Central

30. Spencer, John 0 Madison High

31. Teamerson, Art Charlotte High

32. Terbush, Bob 0 Webster Central

33. Thomas, Don 0 Rochester, NY

34. Thompson, Jim Hammondsport High

35. Wilson Lawrence 0 Rochester, NY

36. Gentile, Al 0 Wayne Central

37. Conlon, J.T. Mynderse Academy

38. Cali, Vince Perry Central

39. Mahon, Don 0 Campbell Central

40. Davis, Gene 0 Warsaw Central

41. Jordan, Ralph 0 Spencerport Central

42. Bunce, Roger 0 Rochester, NY

43. D’Ambrosia, Joe 0 Rochester, NY

44. Emmi, Al 0 Painted Post, NY

45. Smith, Ron 0 Castile, NY

46. Yunevich, Alex 0 Alfred University

47. Schmidt, Chick Monroe HS

48. Pike, Ed Rochester, NY

49. Benz, William Edison Tech

A special meeting was held on January 2, 1958. Present were President Tony Beisman, Bob Terbush, Frank Reddy, Bob Baker, Mike Spierdonis, Earl Fuller, Clarence Campbell and Dave Cole, who acted as secretary. Discussion centered on organizing a future dinner meeting, a positive evaluation of the fall clinics which Clarence Campbell said “was the best thing we have ever done,” publication of a January newsletter, the need for greater publicity, and a proposal to have a consolation round at the Sectionals.

At the January, 1958 NYSPHSAA Wrestling Committee meeting, it was reported that many sections had officials groups that fulfilled the 5 point program. However, there was no N.Y. State officials’ organization at this time. Members of the NYSPHSAA campaigned to secure National Federation High School Rules for wrestling, possibly in one volume. (This was not accomplished until the 1972-1973 season., so everyone continued to use the NCAA Rules Book which had high school modifications indicated under a few rules.) In the absence of a Federation Rules Exam it was decided that Lonnie Kittle, Long Island Commissioner for Wrestling, submit an exam based on NCAA Rules.

On February 15, 1958, 23 of the 29 members of the WCOA attended a dinner meeting ($3 for steak or $2.50 for chicken) at the Marco Inn in Perry. Frank Reddy reported that 29 of the members were officials. The business is summarized as follows: decided to join the AWCOA, help to promote the Niagara District AAU Tournament at RIT which high school wrestlers could enter unattached, approved the idea of each new official having a sponsor who will observe that official a minimum of 3 times, send out a rating card for all officials so the results could be used by schools to select officials for the following year, that a system of rotating officers be put in place so that a completely new slate would not take office at one time, and that the offices of secretary and treasurer be combined because this would facilitate conducting association business.

The March 19, 1958 Executive Council Meeting addressed some important issues such as the lack of publicity from the Rochester papers, the definite need for a doctor to be present at all tourney meets, the fact that high school wrestlers could compete only against other high school boys at an AAU Tournament, the need for a method of assigning officials for all dual meets and a recommendation that officials pay $3 in dues and non-officiating members would pay $1. This was accepted at a later meeting.

The WCOA received communication from Bob Woodruff, State Wrestling Chairman, on efforts to improve wrestling by continuing to push for a National Federation Rule Book, requesting that an additional tournament to approved , concern about complaints regarding weight reduction and a suggestion that state wide minimum weights be established. By this time 7 sections had officials’ organizations and the WCOA was asked make provisions for a wrestling clinic, run by Earl Fuller, at the upcoming NYPHSAA Conference to be held in Rochester.

At the October 5, 1958 Executive Council meeting attended by President Tony Beisman, Clarence Campbell,, Mike Spierdonis, Bob Lays, Earl Fuller, Leo Bernabi, Bob Baker, Harry Auble, Bob Terbush and Pete DeBotts, it was decided that the officials uniform for WCOA officials would be white shirt with sleeves rolled down and buttoned, white trousers an the official WCOA emblem worn over the left pocket of the shirt. The list of clinics to be conducted by Earl Fuller was also discussed. Effective, November, 1959, the dues for active officials were raised to $4 and included 2 WCOA emblems and a rule book.

A meeting was held on October 28, 1958 at Brighton High and attended by President Tony Beisman, Earl Fuller, Jim Modrak, Leo Bernabi, Bob Daugherty, Bob Baker, Bob Lays, Ralph Jordan, Dave Cole Frank Mielnicki, Frank Reddy, Clarence Campbell, Mike Spierdonis, Ron Smith, Bob Terbush, Roger Bunce and Pete DeBottis. The meetings and clinics for the season were set up as was the Sectional Tournament and a novice tournament as a part of the Winter Carnival for schools that had 5 boys or less. It was noted that Section 5 would pay mileage expenses and a meal for the finalists and consolation wrestlers only.

The WCOA issued a Newsletter in December, 1958 that included the following information:

• A listing of the coaches and schools represented at each of the clinics attended by nearly 500 coaches and wrestlers at 3 clinics held at Perry, Corning Northside and RIT in November and December,

• Special thanks to the following: Section 5 Chairman Mike Spierdonis for making those clinics possible though Section 5; RIT Coach Earl Fuller and 4 of his wrestlers, Aceto, Hoffman, Cullen and West; to those who helped conduct clinics: Frank Mielnicki, Bob Baker, Clarence Campbell, Leo Bernabi, Tony Beisman, Bob Lays, Bob Daugherty, Harry Auble and Jim Modrak.

• The estimated total attendance at the 32 matches reported before Christmas was 3542. Average attendance at each match was over 110.

• Protection Equipment, manufacturer of Polvonite mats moved its sales office from Pennsylvania to Rochester (No high school in Section 5 had one yet and RIT was the first to get an Ensolite mat in our area and Madison High in Rochester was the first city school to purchase one in the early 1960’s.)

• Amateur wrestling is the fastest growing sport in the U.S. New York leads with approximately 300 teams of which 225 are high school, Pennsylvania has about 225 and California about 160.

The membership for the 1958-1959 season included 33 officials, many of whom coached also.


0 – Official

1. Baker, Bob - 0 Geneseo High

2. Bernabi, Leo - 0 Spencerport Central

3. Bunce, Roger - 0 Rochester, NY

4. Clark, John - 0 Naples Central

5. Cole, Dave - 0 Webster, NY

6. Daugherty, Bob - 0 Perry Central

7. Davis, Gene - 0 Warsaw, NY

8. Davis, Ken - 0 Marshall HS

9. DeBottis. Pete - 0 Mynderse Academy

10. Dunning Bob - 0 Bolivar Central

11. Emmi, Al - 0 Painted Post, NY

12. Fuller, Earl - 0 RIT

13. Gentile, Al - 0 Wayne Central

14. Jordan, Ralph - 0 Spencerport Central

15. Lays, Bob - 0 Rochester, NY

16. Mahon, Don - 0 Bath, NY

17. Modrak, James - 0 RIT

18. Reddy, Frank - 0 Rochester, NY

19. Smith, Ron -0 Castile, NY

20. Southard, Ray - 0 Attica Central

21. Spencer, John - 0 Madison High

22. Spierdonis, Mike -0 Albion Central

23. Terbush, Bob - 0 Webster Central

24. Thomas, Don - 0 Rochester, NY

25. Yunevich, Alex - 0 Alfred University

26. Mashano, Hank - 0 Belmont Central

27. Wilson, Larry – 0 Scottsville, NY

28. Damon, Walter - 0 Industry, NY

29. Cheski, Wm. - 0 Hornell, NY

30. Hackemer, John - 0 Warsaw, NY

31. Nelson, Kelly - 0 Pike, NY

32. Van Horn, Clarence - 0 Savonna, NY

33. Aceto, Rudy Brockport Central

34. Auble, Henry Corning Northside

35. Picciarillo, Joe Hornell

36. Beisman, Tony East High

37. D’Ambrosia, Joe - 0 Rochester, NY

An association meeting was held at RIT on January 17, 1959 and attended by President Tony Beisman, Frank Reddy, Dave Cole, Bob Lays, Bob Terbush, Leo Bernabi, Mike Spierdonis, Walt Damon, Jean Davis, Bob Daugherty Roger Aceto, John Spencer and Pete DeBottis. They planned and discussed organization of Sectionals for Classes A and B the Spring Meeting.

On April 11, 1959, President Tony Beisman conducted the Spring Business meeting after a dinner attended by 23 members. Discussion included many thanks to Earl Fuller for his valuable clinics, the concerns about insurance and age factor for officials under 21, the idea seeking permission from Section 5 to host a Christmas tournament and centralizing the location on a specific date for the administration of the written exam. The new officers were elected as follows: President, Pete DeBottis; Vice President, Henry Auble; Secretary, Bob Lays.

The WCOA made plans for the 1959-1960 season at an October Executive meeting and finalized at a Fall Luncheon Meeting at the Marco Inn in Perry on October 18. It was decided to have a more balanced representation on the Executive Council with a coach and official representing each division of the section. President Pete DeBottis made the following appointments:

• Division I – Wyoming, Genesee, Orleans Counties – Coach Bob Daugherty and Official Ray Southard

• Division II – Monroe and Livingston Counties – Coach Bob Terbush and Official Dave Cole

• Division III – City of Rochester – Coach John Spencer and Official Frank Reddy

• Division IV – Wayne, Seneca, Ontario, Yates Counties – Coach Elmer Leach and Official Al Gentile

• Division V – Allegany and Steuben Counties – Coach Harold Hackett and Official Don Mahon

They also discussed the organization of the Sectional Tournaments for March. Even though these had to be approved by the Section, the WCOA really did the thinking and their proposals were accepted.

They made plans for clinics that would be held at different parts of the Section. Attendance at the 4 jointly sponsored clinics by Section 5 and the WCOA at the start of the 1959 season showed the tremendous wrestling interest that had been generated in our area. Once again Earl Fuller and his RIT wrestlers were responsible for the success of the clinics. At Canisteo on November 20, 44 coaches and officials attended and 138 wrestlers were dressed to participate. At Perry on November 23, 19 coaches and officials attended and 159 wrestlers were dressed to participate. At Geneva on November 24, 9 coaches and officials attended and 77 wrestlers were dressed to participate. The clinic at RIT had 28 coaches and officials attended and 270 wrestlers dressed to participate. At the RIT clinic on December 12, Earl Fuller was assisted by Clarkson coach Jack Hantz, John Spencer of Madison, Pat Augustine of Geneva, George Hart of Franklin, Bob Terbush of Webster, Leo Bernabi of Spencerport and Bob Lays of Rochester. All of the clinics had spectators also, with RIT having the most with 150. Once again, it was the hard work and dedication of Earl Fuller that was instrumental in the development of fundamental wrestling skills for Section 5 wrestlers.

This was also the first year that all wrestling officials organizations were to operate under the NY State “5 point plan” and that schools were obligated to use certified officials. Leo Bernabi was put in charge of certification and meetings were established for testing and rules interpretation. NCAA rules were used and officials were directed to “CLOSELY ADHERE to the rules AS WRITTEN.”

The officials, many of whom coached also, were certified with NY State for the 1959-1960 wrestling season.


1. Baker, Bob, Geneseo

2. Bernabi, Leo, Spencerport

3. Bunce, Roger, Rochester

4. Clark, John, Naples

5. Cole, Dave, Webster

6. Connell, Ray, Livonia

7. D’Ambrosia, Joe, Rochester

8. Davis, Gene, Warsaw

9. Davis, Ken, Rochester

10. DeBottis. Pete, Seneca Falls

11. Dunning Bob, Bolivar

12. Augustine, Pat, Canandaigua

13. Fuller, Earl, Rochester

14. Gentile, Al, Wayne

15. Jordan, Ralph, Spencerport

16. Lays, Bob, Rochester

17. Mahon, Don, Bath

18. Mosgrove, Bill, Hornell

19. Reddy, Frank, Rochester

20. Smith, Ron, Castile

21. Southard, Ray, Attica

22. Spencer, John, Rochester

23. Snider, Gordon, Rochester

24. Terbush, Bob, Webster

25. Thomas, Don, Rochester

26. Yunevich, Alex, Alfred

27. Hackett, Harold, Almond

28. Incardona, Frank, Rochester

29. Damon, Walter, Industry

30. Cheski, Wm., Hornell

31. Linkner, Wm., Snyder

32. Nelson, Kelly, Letchworth

33. Lyndaker, Harvey, Medina

34. Ordiway, John, Dansville

35. Palmieri, Anthony, Rochester

36. Picciarillo, Joe, Hornell

37. Sykela, Andy, Rush

38. Wilcox Robert, Almond

COACH MEMBERS 1959-1960 (not officials)

Beisman, Tony, East High

Boylan, Stan, Addison

Brown, Wm., Honeoye Falls

Carlberg, Herb, Brighton

King, Paul, Avoca

McCrum, Larry, Friendship CS

Mielnicki, Frank, Spencerport

Quinn, Don, East Rochester

Spink, Ed, Painted Post

The annual Spring Meeting, attended by 25 members, was held on April 10, 1960 and as conducted after a dinner at the Marco Inn in Perry. (Dinner was $3 for shrimp cocktail, relish tray, rolls and butter, tossed salad, T-Bone steak smothered in mushrooms, hand cut French fries, French cut green beans, home baked apple pie and choice of beverage.) Items discussed were as follows: concern about wrestling competition taking place according to weight classes rather than age, the fact that the cost of special insurance for officials was prohibitive, discussion regarding what was appropriate dress for officials, the process for maintaining certification , a recommendation that all wrestlers in tournaments should wear shirts, tights and legal uniforms and the need for a Section 5 policy regarding participation by high school students in outside competition beyond the season. The report from the Section 5 Wrestling Chairman, Mike Spierdonis included words of appreciation to the WCOA for working so hard to make the season successful and a request to meet with the Executive Committee to plan the next season. This emphasized the significant role played by the WCOA in Section 5 wrestling. A list of 37 members was submitted to NY State as wrestling officials who met the certification requirements. The candidates proposed by the nominating committee were President, Harry Auble, Vice President, Bob Terbush and Secretary, Bob Lays. Election was unanimous.

The Fall Meeting, attended by 47, was conducted by President Harry Auble after dinner at the Mt. Morris Inn. There was a great deal of discussion about Sectionals, the process of certifying officials and the types of meetings needed to accomplish that and a request that coaches submit suggestions on weight control. A complimentary letter from a former Section 5 member who had moved to Section 7 was read. It pointed out how advanced wrestling was in Section 5 compared to his new area and how this was due to the work done by the WCOA. The following officials were certified.


Augustine, Pat, Canandaigua

Austin, Blaine, Wellsville

Baker, Bob, Geneseo

Bellardini, Henry. Corning

Bernabi, Leo, Spencerport

Bunce, Roger, Rochester

Cheski, Wm., Hornell

Clark, John, Naples

Cole, Dave, Webster

Connell, Ray, Livonia

D’Ambrosia, Joe, Rochester

Damon, Walter, Industry

Davis, Jean, Warsaw

Davis, Ken, Rochester

DeBottis. Pete, Seneca Falls

Dunning Bob, Bolivar

Fuller, Earl, Rochester

Gentile, Al, Wayne

Greibus, Vic, Rochester

Hackemer, John, Warsaw

Hackett, Harold, Almond

Hunt, Roy, Brockport

Incardona, Frank, Rochester

Jordan, Ralph, Spencerport

Lays, Bob, Rochester

Linkner, Wm., Snyder

Lyndaker, Harvey, Medina

Mahon, Don, Bath

Manioci, Dominic, Rochester

Mosgrove, Bill, Hornell

McMullen Charles, Brockport

Obrochta, James, Hammondsport

Ordiway, John, Dansville

Nelson, Kelly, Gainesville

Picciarillo, Joe, Hornell

Reddy, Frank, Rochester

Smith, Ron, Castile

Snider, Gordon, Rochester

Southard, Ray, Attica

Spencer, John, Rochester

Sykela, Andy, Henrietta

Terbush, Bob, Webster

Thomas, Don, Rochester

Williams, James, Union Springs

Wilcox Robert, Almond

Yunevich, Alex, Alfred

COACH MEMBERS 1960-1961 (not officials)

Aceto, Rudy, Brockport CS

Auble, Harry, Corning Northside

Baier, Joe, Rush Henrietta CS

Beisman, Tony, East High

Bergh, Richard, Canisteo CS

Boylan. Glen, Addison CS

Brown, Willliam, Honeoye Falls CS

Campbell, Clarence, Canisteo CS

Capozzi, Armand, Geneva

Connorton, Art, Irondequoit

Currier, Dan, Penn Yan

Dwiegel, Maurice, Hilton CS

Gilfilian, Gordon, Waterloo CS

Hart, George, Franklin

Hunter, Jack, Penfield

King, Paul, Avoca CS

Leach, Elmer, Geneva High

Nacca, Tom, Greece Olympia

Neuhard, Nick, Newark High

Quinn, Don, East Rochester High

Ricci, Tom, Batavia HS

Sinabaldi, Larry, Spencerport CS

Spierdonis, Mike, Section 5 Chairman, Albion

Teamerson, Art, Charlotte High

Teike, Walt, Pittsford CS

The 1960-1961 season brought some major rules changes.

• “The costume shall consist of full length tights and close flitting outside short trunks. Trunks may be worn without tights if they are fitted so as to prevent unseemly exposure. However, full length tights and covering sleeveless shirts are recommended. When trunks are worn without tights, shirts shall be required. The one-piece uniform is illegal.”

• “Nosebleeds or other excessive bleeding shall not be interpreted as an injury. The number and length of time outs … will be at the discretion of the referee.”

• “Disqualification for technical or illegal holds does not eliminate the competitor from the tournament.”

• “A Referee’s verbal warning shall precede the first penalty for stalling.”

The WCOA and Section 5 continued cooperating in the planning, organization and operation of the Section 5 Wrestling Tournament. The Section 5 Chairman requested that the WCOA assign officials for all Section 5 Tournaments. Once again, Earl Fuller and his wrestlers conducted clinics at Corning Free Academy, Warsaw Central, RIT and Canandaigua Academy and attendance exceeded 1100 wrestlers, coaches and officials. There were also spectators. The RIT Clinic was responsible for abut half of that total. In addition to Earl Fuller, the RIT clinic featured Leo Bernabi (U of R coach), Larry Sinabaldi (Spencerport coach) and Dr. Robert Hoke (NCAA champion and son of Jess Hoke, publisher of Amateur Wrestling News)) who was training at Strong in preparation for assignment to a nuclear submarine.

Twelve of 14 passed the written exam at Warsaw and then completed a short practical exam by officiating a match that consisted of 3 periods of 30 seconds each. A panel of judges agreed that all were well acquainted with the rules and they were added to the list of probationary officials.

On January 21, 1961 at the NYSPHSAA Convention, Bob Lays represented the WCOA. The wrestling officials’ chapters in NY State voted unanimously to form a state organization and elected Pat Phillips of Watertown as the first president. Ron Roch was elected secretary.

At the request of the State Association the WCOA sent a rating sheet in February to each coach with a listing 49 officials. They were asked to rate they had seen during the season and to make comments about each and were not required to sign their names, but had to indicate either Class A or B. The ratings ranged from 3 = Superior to 0 = Poor. They were also asked to circle the names of 3 officials they wanted for Sectionals. Of the 64 forms sent out, 35 were returned by the deadline and 7 more arrived later. Earl Fuller received the highest overall average of 2.73 on 12 ratings.

The annual Spring Meeting was held on April 16, 1961 at Miller’s Colonial Inn in Canandaigua. Again, the meeting followed a great dinner. President Harry Auble announced the retirement of Sectional Chairman, Mike Spierdonis and the WCOA presented him with a small gift. Discussion centered around the poor newspaper coverage for the Sectionals, a report about weight control which suggested a uniform plan that would be followed by the entire section, a proposal for testing new officials which would include passing a written exam, a short oral test on match procedures and the officiating of a match of three 30 second periods observed by a panel. It was agreed that the 90 second match was insufficient time to give a valid indication of the candidate’s ability. At this time, there was no state wide requirement for officials’ uniforms (the local determined the uniform) and the membership failed to agree on the penalty for an official who was out of uniform. There was a lot of discussion about the organization of Sectional Tournaments and suggestions were forwarded to Section 5 along with a request that the WCOA be given representation at Section 5 Council meetings. There were some suggestions regarding the 5 point plan for officials:

1. Better publicity about meeting times and dates (there was no list)

2. Officials should dress for work at the interpretation meetings and have more practical work on the mat and less discussion.

The members elected officers for the 1961-1962 season as follows: President, Bob Terbush; Vice President, Don Mahon; Secretary, Bob Lays.

There were some major rules changes for the 1961-1962 season. These included:

• All personnel other than the participating contestants shall be restricted to an area well removed from the actual mat area

• Takedowns: 2 points for the first takedown by each wrestler and 1 point for each subsequent takedown during the regular match and in overtime matches, 2 points also awarded for the first takedown by each wrestler and 1 for each subsequent takedown.

• Two points awarded for a predicament

• Split scissors to be classified as potentially dangerous

• Referee may award points to opponent for unnecessary roughness in addition to points earned in the action.

• Recommendation that each state formulate a weight control program

• Mandatory for wrestlers to wear a shirt in 1962-1963

• Overhead double bar is illegal

The WCOA Fall Business meeting was held on October 29, 1961 following dinner at the Mt. Morris Inn. President Bob Terbush announced the resignation of Secretary Bob Lays (inactive and at Denver University) and the members elected Bob Baker in accordance with the constitution. He introduced the new Section 5 Chairman, Pete DeBottis. There was discussion of clinics and the suggestion of a match between the Class A and Class B champions. Members agreed to raise dues for officials to $5 which included $1 for the dues paid to the newly formed NYSWOA. Earl Fuller was appointed as the WCOA representative to the first state rules interpretation meeting in Syracuse. NYSWOA President Pat Phillips, who was scheduled to attend the National Federation meeting in Chicago, conducted the NY State meeting with the objective of having standardized rules interpretations throughout the state.

Once again, Earl Fuller and his wrestlers conducted 4 clinics at Hammondsport, Attica, Geneva and RIT with nearly 600 wrestlers taking part. Alex Yunevich in conjunction with Don Mahan announced plans for clinics following wrestling matches at Alfred University. It appears that rules interpretation meetings for officials to make the 5 point plan were held in conjunction with college meets at RIT, U of R and Alfred. There was no published list of special meetings.

There was no published contract that had a list of fees so they had to be clarified. A varsity match was $12.50 plus mileage (Note: a probationary was allowed to referee a varsity match and would receive the same fee). If an official handled JV in addition to the varsity match, he was paid $1 per bout up to 6 bouts and a full fee if there were more than 6 bouts. Probationary officials received $.50 a bout for JV or exhibition bouts with a minimum fee of $5.00.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. – includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Augustine, Pat, Canandaigua

Austin, Blaine, Wellsville

Baker, Bob, Geneseo

Bellardini, Henry. Corning

Bernabi, Leo, Spencerport

Cheski, Wm., Hornell

D’Ambrosia, Joe, Rochester

Damon, Walter, Industry

*Darcangelo, Robert, Corning

Davis, Jean, Warsaw

DeBottis. Pete, Seneca Falls

Fuller, Earl, Rochester

Gentile, Al, Ontario

Greibus, Vic, Rochester

*Gutierrez, Carlos, Bath

*Hackemer, John, Warsaw

Hagberg, Len, Fairport

Incardona, Frank, Rochester

Jordan, Ralph, Spencerport

*Krach, Fred, Rush

Mahon, Don, Bath

Mosgrove, Bill, Hornell

Ordiway, John, Dansville

Nelson, Kelly, Gainesville

Picciarillo, Joe, Hornell

Reddy, Frank, Rochester

*Shaw, Henry, Wellsville

Smith, Ron, Castile

Snider, Gordon, Rochester

Southard, Ray, Attica

Spencer, John, Rochester

Sykela, Andy, Henrietta

Terbush, Bob, Webster

*Trauscht, Mike, Attica

*Weisenreder, Gerald, Ontario

Wilcox Robert, Almond

Yunevich, Alex, Alfred

The annual Spring Meeting was held after dinner at the Mt. Morris Inn on April 1, 1962. The new officers elected were President, Don Mahon; Vice President, Don Quinn; and Secretary, Bob Baker. Topics discussed were the rating forms for officials and their use in selecting officials for Sectional Tournaments and recommending to Section 5 that Sectional officials be paid $15 per session and $5 per session to any officials who worked as scorers, timers, etc. John Spencer suggested that Section 5 champions be entered in the NY State Tournament but this had to be approved by the Section 5 Council. They did not approve.

For the 1962-1963 season the major rules changes stated that the competition in dual meets was to be conducted in the weight order listed unless changes were mutually agreed upon and that a 2 point predicament would be scored when the offensive wrestler had control of his opponent in a pinning combination and both shoulders of the defensive wrestler were held momentarily (stopped) within approximately four inches of the mat.

The Fall Business Meeting was held on October 21, 1962. Clinic dates were set for Canisteo, Attica, Waterloo and RIT. Chairmen were appointed for each of 4 sites in Class A and in Class B to provide semifinalists for the Sectional Tournaments to be held at R. L. Thomas (Webster) for Class A and Attica for Class B. Those appointed for each area of Class A were John Spencer, Rochester; Don Quinn, Monroe County; Joe Morrisette, Batavia and Finger Lakes and Joe Corcoran, Southern Tier. Those appointed for each area of Class B were Ray Southard, Wyoming-Genesee-Orleans; Weldon Canough, Monroe and Livingston; Gordon Gilfilian, Wayne-Finger Lakes and Clarence Campbell, Allegany-Steuben Counties. Ten officials and one probationary official were dropped from the list of certified officials because they failed to make the 5 Point Plan during the 1961-1962 season.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. – includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Austin, Blaine, Wellsville

Baier, Joe, Henrietta

Baker, Bob, Geneseo

Bernabi, Leo, Spencerport

*Boozer, Bob, Brockport

Bunce, Roger, Rochester

Cheski, Wm., Hornell

Connell, Ray, Livonia

D’Ambrosia, Joe, Rochester

Damon, Walt, Industry

*Daugherty, Bob, Rochester

Davis, Jean, Warsaw

Davis, Ken, Rochester

DeBottis. Pete, Seneca Falls

Fuller, Earl, Rochester

Gentile, Al, Ontario

Greibus, Vic, Rochester

Hackemer, John, Warsaw

Hagberg, Len, Fairport

*Harter, Howard, Dansville

Incardona, Frank, Rochester

Jordan, Ralph, Spencerport

Krach, Fred, Rush

Lays, Bob, Rochester

Mahon, Don, Bath

*Molino, Joe, Batavia

*Marotta, Frank, Rochester

Mosgrove, Bill, Hornell

Ordiway, John, Dansville

Nelson, Kelly, Gainesville

Picciarillo, Joe, Andover

Reddy, Frank, Rochester

Shaw, Henry, Wellsville

*Sinibaldi, Larry, Spencerport

Smith, Ron, Castile

Snider, Gordon, Rochester

Southard, Ray, Attica

Spencer, John, Rochester

Sykela, Andy, Henrietta

Terbush, Bob, Webster

Trauscht, Mike, Attica

*Traver, Don Webster

Weisenreder, Gerald, Ontario

Wilcox Robert, Almond


The Spring Business meeting was held at the Mt. Morris Inn on April 7, 1963. There were the usual reports and discussions about clinics, evaluating new candidates, weight control, participation in post season tournaments, Sectionals and a that a request be made to the NCAA Rules Committee to designate an official score book at dual meets because there is no such rule in the current rules book. It was also announced that Section 5 Chairman, Pete DeBottis was resigning. New officers were elected as follows: President, Don Quinn; Vice President, Glenn Boylan; Secretary, Bob Terbush.

The Fall Business meeting was held at Mt Morris Inn on October 27, 1963. It was conducted by President Don Quinn who had been appointed Section 5 Wrestling Chairman. The dates and locations of 4 clinics were announced by Earl Fuller and Sectional dates and locations were announced by Sectional Chairman Don Quinn. New state regulations were given to coaches. They included that wrestlers had to pass a required physical exam, have a weight permit card properly signed by a physician prior to the first practice, and a rule that a student could not wrestle below the weight class recommended by the physician. The heavyweight class became 235 lb. and there was still an Unlimited. There was concern about the rating system. A card system that had been used was not adequate and a new rating sheet would be devised for circulation at the end of the year. There was discussion about the officials’ uniform and members voted to continue to use the white uniform described in the national rules.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. – includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Austin, Blaine, Wellsville

Baier, Joe, Henrietta

Baker, Bob, Henrietta

*Bentivegna, Seb, Rochester

Bernabi, Leo, Spencerport

Boozer, Bob, Brockport

*Boylan, Glen, Addison

*Brogowski, Dick, Geneseo

Bunce, Roger, Rochester

*Capone, Ralph, Seneca Falls

Cheski, Wm, Hornell

Connell, Ray, Livonia

*Cook, Clesson, Bath

*Curry, Bob, Rochester

D’Ambrosia, Joe, Rochester

Daugherty, Bob, Rochester

Davis, Ken, Rochester

DeBottis. Pete, Seneca Falls

*Dimitroff, Tom, Corning

*Doorley, Joe, Alfred

*Drake, Lee, North Rose

Fuller, Earl, Rochester

Gentile, Al, Ontario

*Gilfilian, Gordon, Waterloo

Hackemer, John, Warsaw

Hackett, Harold, Almond

Hagberg, Len, East Rochester

Harter, Howard, Dansville

Hawk, Wm., Bath

Incardona, Frank, Rochester

Jordon, Ralph, Spencerport

Lays, Bob, Rochester

*Mills, Bob

Molino, Joe, Batavia

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

*McMaster, Carl, Castile

*Mills, Robert, Bath

*Moracco, Francis, Geneva

Mosgrove, Wm. Corfu

Nelson, Kelly, Gainesville

Ordiway, John, Dansville

Nelson, Kelly, Gainesville

Picciarillo, Joe, Andover

Reddy, Frank, Rochester

Shaw, Henry, Wellsville

Sinibaldi, Larry, Spencerport

Smith, Ron, Castile

Snider, Gordon, Rochester

Southard, Ray, Attica

Spencer, John, Rochester

Sykela, Andy, Henrietta

Terbush, Bob, Webster

*Thompson, Gary, Ontario

Trauscht, Mike, Attica

Traver, Don Webster

Weisenreder, Gerald, Ontario

Wilcox, Robert, Almond

Yunevich, Alex, Alfred

The 1964 Spring Business meeting was held at Mt. Morris Inn. WCOA President and Section 5 Wrestling Chairman Don Quinn reported that although the last questionnaire sent to coaches showed very little support for Intersectional competition, that he referred his request for Intersectional competition to Section 5. Ideas were suggested that wrestling might get more coverage if the press was invited to our dinner meetings, if there was more cooperation from coaches and wrestling put on a binger show by using bands, doubleheaders, etc. Members agreed to raise dues for officials to $12.50 to cover rule books, state dues and the Spring dinner meeting. Coach membership was kept at $1.00 but was very low in numbers. It was also reported that the NYSPHSAA established 235 as the maximum weight and a 13th weight over 235 would be an optional class but would be a regular class in all Sectional and Intersectional tournaments. The officers for 1964-1965 were elected as follows: President, John Spencer; Vice President, Tom McIntyre; Secretary, Bob Terbush.

The 1964-1965 rules changed the definitions or near fall and predicament wording to read “control of his opponent in a pinning situation and stated that the match was not to be stopped when the defensive wrestler was warned for stalling. In addition, there were some major changes that applied only to high school. They prohibited the use of sweat boxes, made the key lock illegal and required the official to stop the match (potentially dangerous) when the defensive wrestler stood up when a scissors had been placed on him. For the first time, the NCAA Rules Book devoted a page and a half to a chart pointing out the differences between college and high school rules and recognized to members of the National Federation of State High Schools as part of the NCAA Wrestling Rules Committee.

The minutes an Executive Council Meeting held at RIT on October 21, 1964 indicated that it was attended by President John Spencer, Vice President, Tom McIntrye, Secretary, Bob Terbush, Earl Fuller, Bob Daugherty, Ron Smith, Walt Tieke, Al Gentile and Frank Marotta. An interpretation, test and informational meeting was held at RIT on November 23. Information discussed at the Executive meeting was passed on to all the members at the RIT meeting. It included a list of meetings, one of which was the combined Spring Dinner and Business Meeting. Meeting dates were set for both the Northern Division and Southern Divisions of Section 5. Earl Fuller would act as the interpreter at the meetings held at RIT and Henry Shaw would be the interpreter for meetings at Wellsville High. A significant change was that N. Y. State would allow a 13th weight class above 235 lb and it would be known as the Unlimited Class

Correspondence found in the WCOA files indicates that there was a lack of communication and some difficulty in the organization, specifically between the members who lived in the Southern Tier area and the northern part of Section 5. There was a request by some from the Southern Tier to have a separate organization and steps were being taken to form a separate West Central chapter.

The Southern Tier members had difficulty getting to Rochester for the written exam and meetings. By 1966, they succeeded in forming a separate chapter recognized by the State.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. – includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Austin, Blaine, Wellsville

Baier, Joe, Henrietta

Bentivegna, Seb, Rochester

Bernabi, Leo, Spencerport

Boozer, Bob, Brockport

Boylan, Glen, Addison

*Boyle, Bill, Canandaigua

Capone, Ralph, Seneca Falls

Cook, Clesson, Bath

Curry, Bob, Rochester

Davis, Ken, Rochester

DeBottis. Pete, Seneca Falls

Dimitroff, Tom, Corning

Drake, Lee, North Rose

Fuller, Earl, Rochester

*Furano, Don, Geneva

*Ganley, Tom, Hilton

Gentile, Al, Ontario

Gilfilian, Gordon, Waterloo

Hackemer, John, Warsaw

Hackett, Harold, Almond

Hagberg, Len, East Rochester

Harter, Howard, Dansville

Hill, Harry, Ontario

Incardona, Frank, Rochester

*LaMonica, Tony, Spencerport

Lays, Bob, Rochester

Molino, Joe, Batavia

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

McMaster, Carl, Castile

Mills, Robert, Bath

Moracco, Francis, Geneva

Morgan, Dean, Bath

Mosgrove, Wm. Corfu

Nelson, Kelly, Gainesville

Ordiway, John, Dansville

Nelson, Kelly, Gainesville

*Quethera, Lou, Geneva

Picciarillo, Joe, Andover

Reddy, Frank, Rochester

Shaw, Henry, Wellsville

Smith, Ron, Castile

Snider, Gordon, Rochester

Southard, Ray, Attica

Spencer, John, Rochester

Terbush, Bob, Webster

Trauscht, Mike, Attica

Traver, Don Webster

Weisenreder, Gerald, Ontario

Wilcox, Robert, Almond

The 1965 Spring dinner meeting was held on April 2 at RIT Nathanial Rochester Hall. A proposal presented by Leo Bernabi to adopt revision the WCOA Constitution was defeated (18-17) and members proposed the writing of a new constitution which would allow the organization to retain its function of serving both coaches and officials. It was further agreed that the association would be composed of split divisions of coaches and officials each carrying its own slate of officers. President John Spencer appointed the following committee to revise the constitution: The appointed officials were Leo Bernabi, Al Gentile, Pete DeBottis and Bob Lays. The appointed coaches were Tom McIntyre, Bob Daugherty, Bob Grunwald, Don Quinn, Art Connorton and Ed Ahonen. John Spencer also reported that our organization submit a request to Section 5 that our officiating fee be raised from $12.50 to $18. (Section 5 did not grant the raise.)

The WCOA Executive Council met September 23, 1965 at the home of President John Spencer. In attendance were Spencer, Leo Bernabi, Earl Fuller, Art Connorton and Frank Marotta. Secretary Bob Terbush had informed the other officers that he was resigning. Frank Marotta was asked to accept the position for the 1965-1966 season. Frank reluctantly agreed. This was the first season that Section 5 required the wrestling officials to be “drawn” for varsity assignments just as they were in basketball. As acting WCOA Secretary, Frank was assigned to sent each member a copy of the proposed revision of the WCOA Constitution and obtain availability from officials learn about the draw process as well as to be prepared for our first draw. The first draw took forever, but paved the way for significant changes such as a master draw chart and copies for each person who was selecting officials and having 2 representatives from each league so that each could draw half the schedule.

The 1965-1966 rules changed the referees’ attire to a black and white striped shirt, black pants and black shoes. Most referees were very happy to see the end of wearing white pants and white shirts. All takedowns were once again worth two points and a wrestler could earn a maximum of two points riding time per match. The method of announcing the winner was changed so the referee would order the wrestlers to shake hands, touch the shoulder of the winning wrestler and raise his own arm. The rule for overtime matches in tournaments was changed so there would be a 1 minute rest if a match ended in a tie and this would be followed by 3 periods of 1 minute each, with the first period on the feet. Only the points and time advantage in the overtime counted and if there was still a tie, the winner was determined by signed ballots of the referee and 2 judges. Prior to this change, only 2 overtime periods were wrestled and both started from the referee’s position.

The WCOA Fall meeting was held on November 12, 1965 at RIT. All officials took the exam and the business meeting was conducted afterward. The new WCOA Constitution was officially approved. A schedule of interpretation meetings to be held throughout Section 5 and an interpreter would be designated for each one. When officiating assignment sheets from the first draw were distributed, several members expressed discontent because they received few matches.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. – includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Austin, Blaine, Wellsville

Baier, Joe, Henrietta

Bentivegna, Seb, Rochester

Bernabi, Leo, Spencerport

*Bonnes, Bob, Brockport

Boylan, Glen, Addison

Boyle, Bill, Canandaigua

Capone, Ralph, Seneca Falls

Cook, Clesson, Bath

Curry, Bob, Rochester

*Curtice, Alex, Rochester

*Daniels, John, Pittsford

Davis, Ken, Rochester

DeBottis. Pete, Seneca Falls

Dimitroff, Tom, Corning

*Dollar, Tom, Rochester

Drake, Lee, North Rose

*Everling, Jerry, Henrietta

Fuller, Earl, Rochester

Furano, Don, Geneva

Ganley, Tom, Hilton

Gentile, Al, Ontario

*Giagios, Mike, Rochester

Gilfilian, Gordon, Waterloo

Hackemer, John, Warsaw

Hackett, Harold, Almond

Hagberg, Len, East Rochester

Hill, Harry, Ontario

*Huff, Tim, Churchville

Incardona, Frank, Rochester

*Johnston. Dan, Rochester

LaMonica, Tony, Spencerport

Lays, Bob, Rochester

Mahan, Don, Painted Post

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

*Maxwell, Mike, Brockport

Molino, Carmon, Groton

Molino, Joe, Batavia

Mills, Robert, Bath

Moracco, Francis, Geneva

Morgan, Dean, Bath

Nelson, Kelly, Gainesville

Ordiway, John, Dansville

Palmieri, Tony, Rochester

*Petri, Gill. Pittsford

Picciarillo, Joe, Andover

*Pogal, Ira, Rochester

Quethera, Lou, Geneva

*Shafer, John, Rochester

Shaw, Henry, Wellsville

Smith, Ron, Castile

Snider, Gordon, Rochester

Southard, Ray, Attica

Spencer, John, Rochester

Terbush, Bob, Webster

Trauscht, Mike, Attica


The WCOA Spring meeting was held on April 1, 1966 at RIT. Vice President Leo Bernabi suggested some improvements be made in the probationary officials program such as judging performance at a JV tournament at the conclusion of the season, a 2 year probationary period, officiating a minimum of 20 matches, a minimum age of 21, wrestling experience and establishing a maximum number of varsity officials. These recommendations were referred to committee by President John Spencer. There was considerable discussion about the draw and the need to make improvements. The draw was used by other sports and was implemented by Section 5 at the request of many coaches and officials. It was pointed out that the draw was really a selection process and not a random picking of officials, that coaches needed to discuss their preferences in advance with their representatives and that officials had to make known their time and travel restrictions. Once again the topic of officiating fees and the difficulty in getting Section 5 approval was discussed. In accordance with the new constitution, officers for the next season were elected as follows: President, Leo Bernabi; Vice President, Art Connorton; and Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta. For the divisional vice presidents: Coaches Division – Walt Teike and Officials Division – Francis “Chico” Morracco.

The 1966-1967 rules required wrestlers to weigh in without clothing. The overhead double arm bar and headlock without the arm included were illegal. To declare the winner of a match, the referee was required to lift the arm of the winning wrestler. Prior to this time, the referee ordered the wrestlers to shake hands, touched the shoulder of the winning wrestler and raised his own arm.

At the Fall Meeting in 1966, President Leo Bernabi proposed that the WCOA award Life Membership to those people who were not longer active in the association but had contributed to the association’s success over the years. The membership approved and the first Life Members, Tony Beisman, John McNab and Frank Reddy, were selected and were to be honored at the Spring Banquet in 1967.

Under the provisions of the new WCOA Constitution, the Coaches and Officials conducted separate divisional meetings. Divisional Vice President Walt Tieke presided over the Coaches Division on November 10, 1966 at Eastridge High with 30 coaches in attendance. This was a far greater number than in the past. The coaches agreed that they wanted to remain part of the WCOA but would pay an additional $1 for Coaches Division expenses. There was discussion of the idea of an area wrestling newspaper that would include the results of individual bouts with names of winners and losers, league standings and JV scores and would require the cooperation of all coaches. Wrestling Clinics were set up at Eastridge, to be conducted by Earl Fuller and at Rush Henrietta, to be conducted by Jim Howard. Terry Mather was in charge of a party for coaches to be held at Bishop Kearney in January.

In 1967, the WOA Executive Council established a list of requirements for all wrestling officials.

These included that candidates had to complete 3 training session and pass a written exam. There was a minimum one year probationary period. A JV official had to have a minimum of 15 meets but could have fewer if he had years of coaching and wrestling experience. To be considered active, an official had to work a minimum of 5 meets but could work fewer if coaching.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. – includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Bentivegna, Seb, Rochester

Bernabi, Leo, Spencerport

Bonnes, Bob, Brockport

Boyle, Bill, Canandaigua

Connell, Ray, Livonia

Capone, Ralph, Seneca Falls

Curry, Bob, Rochester

Curtice, Alex, Rochester

Daniels, John, Pittsford

*Dart, Roger, Churchville

Davis, Ken, Rochester

Dollar, Tom, Rochester

*Elter, John, Webster

*Feuz, Al, Brockport

*Focht, Ron, Seneca Falls

Fuller, Earl, Rochester

Furano, Don, Geneva

Ganley, Tom, Hilton

*Gathard, Jim, Victor

Gentile, Al, Ontario

Giagios, Mike, Rochester

Gilfilian, Gordon, Waterloo

Hackemer, John, Warsaw

Hagberg, Len, East Rochester

Incardona, Frank, Rochester

Johnston. Dan, Rochester

*Kenny, Ray, Geneva

LaMonica, Tony, Spencerport

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

*Maxwell, Tom, East Rochester

*McElligott, Bill, Rochester

*McLaren, Tom, Rochester

Molino, Joe, Batavia

Moracco, Francis, Geneva

Ordiway, John, Honeoye Falls

Palmieri, Tony, Rochester

Quethera, Lou, Geneva

*Serafine, Ralph, Spencerport

Smith, Ron, Castile

Southard, Ray, Attica

Spencer, John, Rochester

*Stelljes, Mike, Rochester

Trauscht, Mike, Attica

Weisenreder, Gerald, Ontario

The Spring Meeting was held on April 14, 1967. This was a meeting of the Officials Division. The varsity fee of $15.50 and JV fee of $7.50 approved by the Section 5 Council was approved by our membership. President Leo Bernabi reported on getting an insurance program for officials, the criticism of some officials for turning back assignments at the last minute and the fact that invitational tournament officials would not be drawn and could be hired in advance of the draw. The current officers – Leo Bernabi, Art Connorton and Frank Marotta were reelected. Al Gentile was elected as Vice President of the Officials Division.

The rules for 1967-1968 recommended 12 inch red and green arcs on the 10-foot circle where wrestlers started the match (mandatory the following season), made the properly cut one-piece uniform legal, required all personnel other than the actual participants to be in a restricted area at least 10 feet from the mat area and scoring table and provided for a one team point deduction when a coach, contestant or spectator was removed from the premises for flagrant misconduct. N.Y. State adopted a 215 lb. class.

The Officials Division meeting was held on November 16, 1967 at East Rochester High and was presided over by Vice President Art Connorton because President Leo Bernabi was in Europe.

Once again the draw was a major topic because lesser known officials did not draw as many assignments as other officials. The same complaints were aired but it was pointed out that the draw did a better job of distributing matches than had existed in prior years and that it did succeed in preventing some officials from working too many matches and from always working at the same school. Clarifications were need about procedures such as confirmation of acceptance of assignments in writing, an officials never sending his own substitute, the difference between a tournament and a double dual in terms of fees and payment of a varsity fee for each match if an official does both varsity and JV. The latter was to encourage the hiring of a separate official for JV meets. Al Gentile reported on the 3 practical sessions held for new candidates.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. – includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Baker, Bob, Scottsville

*Bentivegna, Seb, Rochester

Bernabi, Leo, Spencerport

Bonnes, Bob, Brockport

*Boyle, Bill, Canandaigua

Capone, Ralph, Seneca Falls

*Cargoni, Jim, Rochester

Connell, Ray, Livonia

Curry, Bob, Rochester

Curtice, Alex, Rochester

Daniels, John, Pittsford

Davis, Ken, Rochester

DeBottis. Peter, Seneca Falls

Elter, John, Webster

*Feuz, Alfred, Brockport

Fuller, Earl, Rochester

Furano, Don, Geneva

Ganley, Tom, Hilton

Gathard, Jim, Victor

Gentile, Al, Ontario

Giagios, Mike, Rochester

Gilfilian, Gordon, Waterloo

*Granzin, Dave, Rochester

*Green, Harold, Rochester

Hackemer, John, Warsaw

Hagberg, Len, East Rochester

Hill, Roger, Rush Henrietta

*Imhoff, Charles, Williamson

Incardona, Frank, Rochester

Johnston. Dan, Rochester

LaMonica, Tony, Spencerport

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

Maxwell, Mike, East Rochester

Maxwell, Tom, East Rochester

*McElligott, Bill, Rochester

McLaren, Tom, Rochester

Molino, Joe, Batavia

Moracco, Francis, Geneva

Ordiway, John, Honeoye Falls

Palmieri, Tony, Rochester

*Quethera, Lou, Geneva

*Shafer, John, Rochester

Smith, Ron, Castile

Southard, Ray, Attica

Spencer, John, Rochester

Stelljes, Mike, Rochester

Trauscht, Mike, Attica

Weisenreder,Gerald, Ontario

Discussion at the March 18, 1968 Spring Business meeting was centered on the WCOA’s financial situation. There were fewer members, increased costs and increased expenses despite the “free” items we have be fortunate to get and this was a concern. The members agreed to amend the WCOA By-laws to increase the dues for all active members to $20 and $10 for probationaries. Dues included cost of rule book, association membership, state membership and the annual dinner. It was also voted to give the Executive Secretary a stipend of $200 per year. It was announced that Executive Council had decided to honor Pete DeBottis and Bob Terbush at the spring banquet and present them with Life Membership. The following officers were elected: President, Al Gentile; Vice President, John Ordiway; Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta and Officials Division Vice President, Ken Davis.

Leo Bernabi was elected to serve as President of the NYSWOA from 1968 to 1970. He was he first person from Section 5 to serve in that capacity and this was the start of a “rotation of the NYSWOA presidency” so that all sections would have the opportunity to hold that office. Leo was also the N.Y. State Official Rules Interpreter during his presidency and set the standard for disseminating information by future interpreters. He also was part of the NYSWOA Executive Committee from 1966-1972.

The 1968-1969 rules required contestants to be clean shaven, required the minimum weight of 175 lb. for the Unlimited Class and revised the starting position of the offensive wrestler that required only one knee on the mat. The college rules provided for 2 consultant officials to assist the referee in tournament championship and consolation matches. In future years, they were called mat judges.

President Al Gentile conducted the Fall Business meeting at RIT on December 9, 1968. Members expressed concern that not enough meetings were available to meet the 5 point plan.

Officials would be having an additional meeting to prepare as table workers for the State Tournament which would be at RIT in March. As in the past, there were concerns about the draw. Leo Bernabi was commended for traveling to the various areas to give official interpretations and for the first time, Section 5 agreed to pay the official interpreter’s mileage for this. The secretary was instructed to contact the Section 5 Chairman to request the use of 2 judges and 1 official on Sectional Tournament Finals. Because of John Ordiway’s death and the desire of the membership to honor his memory, the members agreed to present an Ordiway Memorial Award at the Section 5 Championships. A committee was appointed to establish criteria. Bill Boyle was appointed chairman and other members were Gerald Weisenreder and Frank Incardona.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. – includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Baker, Bob, Scottsville

Bentivegna, Seb, Rochester

Bernabi, Leo, Spencerport

*Billitier, Jim, Rochester

Bonnes, Bob, Brockport

*Boyle, Bill, Canandaigua

*Brown, Bob, Pittsford

*Capone, Joe, Newark

Capone, Ralph, Seneca Falls

Cargoni, Jim, Rochester

*Clintsman, Richard, Rochester

*Churchill, Doug, Ontario

Connell, Ray, Livonia

Davis, Ken, Rochester

*DeBadts, Don, Geneseo

Feuz, Alfred, Brockport

Fuller, Earl, Rochester

Furano, Don, Geneva

Ganley, Tom, Hilton

Gathard, Jim, Victor

Gentile, Al, Ontario

Giagios, Mike, Rochester

Gilfilian, Gordon, Waterloo

*Habecker, Steve, Marion

Hackemer, John, Warsaw

Hagberg, Len, East Rochester

Hastings,Roscoe,Rochester (from Sec. 2)

Incardona, Frank, Rochester

*Jermyn, Dick, Rochester

Johnston. Dan, Rochester

LaMonica, Tony, Spencerport

*Long, Bob, Romulus

Mandelare, John, Geneseo (from Sec. 6)

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

Maxwell, Mike, East Rochester

Maxwell, Tom, Rochester

McElligott, Bill, Rochester

*McLean, Roy, Pittsford

Molino, Joe, Ontario

*Moore, Dave, Warsaw

Peterson, Paul, Rochester (from N. Eng.)

*Richelson, John, Rochester

Smith, Ron, Castile

Spencer, John, Rochester

Stelljes, Mike, Rochester

Trauscht, Mike, Attica

*Urbanski, Stan, Rochester


The Spring Business meeting was held on March 18, 1969 at Rush Henrietta Sperry High. President Al Gentile commended Bill Boyle for the find job designing the John Ordiway Memorial Plaque which was presented to Mike Duffy of East Rochester at the Section 5 Finals at Hobart College. The membership requested that a committee be established to review the process for selecting the Outstanding Wrestler and to establish criteria for the award. Other reports were made as follows: need to establish new tournament fees and guidelines on the number of mats to be used was referred to Executive Council, reelection of Leo Bernabi as NYSWOA President and praise for the WCOA members who worked as timers and scorers at the State Tournament. The officers for 1969-1970 were elected as follows: President, Al Gentile; Vice President, Dan Johnston; Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta and Vice President of the Officials Division, Tom Ganley.

The 1969-1970 rules required wrestlers to wear protective headgear. The out of bounds rule was simplified to allow wrestling to continue if either wrestler had supporting points inside the boundary line. Continually grasping or interlocking hands around one leg and causing a stalemate was to be interpreted as stalling. Wresting was to continue while warning and penalizing the defensive wrestler for stalling.

The Mat Judge Procedure was more clearly defined. They were to be seated at opposite sides of the mat and the rules indicated how they should indicate disagreement with the referee. There were some changes in the weight classes starting with 98 lb. and 250 lb. replaced Unlimited.

The Fall Business meeting was held on December 10, 1969 at Rush Henrietta Sperry High. The members agreed that all varsity officials would wear a specially designed WCOA patch on the left shoulder. President Al Gentile reported that there were problems implementing increased tournament fees for the coming season. Officials Division Vice President Tom Ganley reported that 6 men successfully completed the training course for probationary candidates.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. – includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Baker, Bob, Scottsville

Bentivegna, Seb, Rochester

Bernabi, Leo, Spencerport

*Billitier, Jim, Rochester

Boyle, Bill, Canandaigua

*Brown, Bob, Pittsford

*Capone, Joe, Newark

Capone, Ralph, Seneca Falls

Cargoni, Jim, Rochester

*Chadwick, Brian, Rochester

*Choffin, Phil, Geneva

*Clintsman, Richard, Rochester

*Churchill, Doug, Ontario

*Cole, Tom, East Rochester

Davis, Ken, Rochester

DeBadts, Don, Geneseo

Drake, Lee, E. Bloomfield (transfer)

Eaton, Bob, Geneseo

Feuz, Alfred, Brockport

Fuller, Earl, Rochester

Furano, Don, Geneva

Ganley, Tom, Hilton

Gathard, Jim, Victor

Gentile, Al, Ontario

Giagios, Mike, Rochester

Gilfilian, Gordon, Waterloo

Habecker, Steve, Marion

Hackemer, John, Warsaw

Hagberg, Len, East Rochester

*Harris, Jim, Rochester

Hastings,Roscoe, Rochester

Henzler,Fred,Rochester (transfer)

Incardona, Frank, Rochester

Jermyn, Dick, Rochester

Johnston. Dan, Rochester

Krach,Fred,Rochester (transfer)

LaMonica, Tony, Spencerport

*Long, Bob, Romulus

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

McElligott, Bill, Rochester

*McLean, Roy, Pittsford

Molino, Joe, Ontario

*Neill, Donald, Marion

*Niedzwick, John, Caledonia

Peterson, Paul, Rochester

*Piscitelli, Ron, Seneca Falls

*Quethera, Lou, Geneva

*Richelson, John, Rochester

Smith, Ron, Castile

Stelljes, Mike, Rochester

Trauscht, Mike, Attica

*Traver, Don, Webster

Weisenreder, Gerald, Ontario

*Widener, Pete, Spencerport

The Spring Business meeting was held at Rush Henrietta Sperry High on March 25, 1970.

Ordiway Award Chairman, Bill Boyle, reported that the Outstanding Wrestler and the A vs. B State Qualifier was determined by a point system. The voting committee consisted of Lynn Tewksbury, Steve Habecker, Ed Ahonen, Bill Boyle and the meet officials. Don Jones of Canandaigua won the award. It was reported that new varsity tournament fees would go into effect and the Executive Council would work to establish JV Tournament fees. It was recommended that future meetings be held each week on alternate Mondays and Tuesdays, that we spread out meetings geographically in an effort to reach more coaches, that some meetings be held at RIT and MCC so we could use their wrestlers for demonstration purposes and that officials be given lists of coaches and phone numbers in the event of emergencies. Al Gentile, Dan Johnston and Frank Marotta were reelected to their WCOA offices. Joe Molino was elected as Vice President of the Officials Division.

The rules changes for 1970-1971 allowed the coach to request a conference with the referee if he believed a rule had been misapplied. Intentionally releasing an opponent was not to be considered stalling as long as the contestant continued to wrestle aggressively. The conduct of a coach or contestant that became abusive or unsportsmanlike was subject to penalty without warning. N.Y. State adopted the 177 lb. class instead of 185 lb. and added the 215lb. class. The Unlimited class wrestler had to weigh in excess of 177 lb. and minimum weight recommendations were made for the 98 lb. and 105 lb. classes.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. – includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Baker, Bob, Scottsville

*Barnett, Fred, Rochester

Bentivegna, Seb, Rochester

Bernabi, Leo, Spencerport

Billitier, Jim, Rochester

Boyle, Bill, Canandaigua

Brown, Bob, Pittsford

*Brown, Charles, Mumford

*Bush, Lance, Warsaw

Capone, Joe, Newark

Capone, Ralph, Seneca Falls

*Cardon, Frank, Rochester

Cargoni, Jim, Rochester

*Chadwick, Brian, Rochester

Clintsman, Richard, Rochester

Churchill, Doug, Ontario

*Cole, Tom, East Rochester

DeBadts, Don, Geneseo

Drake, Lee, E. Bloomfield

*Eaton, Bob, Geneseo

*Fales, Wm., Victor

Feuz, Alfred, Brockport

*Freischlag, Jerry, Clarendon

Fuller, Earl, Rochester

Furano, Don, Geneva

Gathard, Jim, Victor

Gentile, Al, Ontario

Giagios, Mike, Rochester

Gilfilian, Gordon, Waterloo

*Guido, Rick, Fairport

Habecker, Steve, Marion

Hackemer, John, Warsaw

Hagberg, Len, East Rochester

Harris, Jim, Rochester

Hastings, Roscoe, Rochester

* Henzler, Fred, Rochester

*Herman, Mike, Rochester

Incardona, Frank, Rochester

Jermyn, Dick, Rochester

Johnston. Dan, Rochester

LaMonica, Tony, Spencerport

*Long, Bob, Romulus

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

McElligott, Bill, Rochester

McLean, Roy, Pittsford

Molino, Joe, Ontario

*Niedzwick, John, Caledonia

Peterson, Paul, Rochester

*Quethera, Lou, Geneva

*Richelson, John, Rochester

*Rolland, Bruce, Webster

*Shaw, Albert, Seneca Falls

Smith, Ron, Castile

Trauscht, Mike, Attica

Traver, Don, Webster

*Trout, Tom, Marion

*Vacchetto, Richard, Rochester

Weisenreder, Gerald, Ontario

*Wennberg, Hans, Rochester

*Widener, Pete, Spencerport

The Spring Business Meeting was held at Rush Henrietta Sperry High on April 19, 1971. Ordiway Award Chairman Bill Boyle announced that his committee selected Dewight Cartwright of Keshequa as the Outstanding Wrestler at the Sectional Final. Members were told that the NYSWOA voted to have all chapters covered by liability insurance at the cost of $1 per member and that the NYSWOA, NYSPHSAA and Long Island Officials Association were taken to court regarding the clean shaven rule for officials and there was a legal fee of $1600. The cased had not yet been decided. The WCOA membership voted to have the following amendment to the WCOA By-laws: “All officials are to be clean shaven and well groomed as of their first officiating assignment, pending the decision in the current court case.” Because of past discussions regarding the draw, the WCOA recommended to the Section 5 Chairman, Don Quinn that changes be made. The suggestions included the following: random draw from a hat, only one drawn assignment per official on a day and having the WCOA make assignments. President Al Gentile reported that these recommendations were rejected by Section 5 and that they would continue the method of league representatives choosing the officials for their schools because schools have the right to hire officials. He also announced that the referendum to increase fees had been defeated by one vote and that officials for tournaments would be paid the same as for a dual meet with 2 officials for each mat. It was obvious that they did not understand the operation of a wrestling tournament and the WCOA leadership indicated they would be discussing this further. There was considerable debate at what action the WCOA should take but no decision was made. Two additional By-laws were adopted: “A WCOA officials is allowed to work only one high school or college dual meet or tournament per day. In addition a JV meet at the same location may be worked in an emergency” “The WCOA President, or special Executive Council member designated by him, shall be present an each business or interpretation meeting.” The following officers were elected for 1971-1972: President, Dan Johnston; Vice President, Roscoe Hastings; Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta; Vice President of the Officials Division, Len Hagberg.

The 1971-1972 rules required that hair in the back could not extend below the top of an ordinary shirt collar and on the sides the hair could not extend over the ears. Special medication during a match because of a pre-existent condition such as asthma or diabetes was not permitted. The offensive wrestler was allowed to have one foot to the rear of the defensive wrestler. There was a maximum of one point for riding time advantage. Dual meet scoring was revised so that 6 team points were scored for a fall, default or forfeit and 4 team points were scored for a decision with a margin of 10 or more points. N.Y. State approved the 250 lb. class to replace the Unlimited and contestants had to weigh in excess of 215 lb.

For the first time, candidates to become probationary officials had to complete an application form, pay an application fee to cover the cost of the rule book and submit 2 letters of recommendation regarding their wrestling background. Leo Bernabi designed the application form. At that time, our training program was not as developed and new candidates were trained by taking them to high school practice sessions and helping them while they worked on officiating techniques. Most had already officiated wrestle off matches while in high school so they had some limited experience. However, when we had an applicant who had never seen a match and did not have a clue about points or the referee’s position, it was obvious that we needed to screen applicants more carefully. When Leo Bernabi and I asked the person why he sought to become a wrestling referee, he replied that “it was too late to join basketball and wrestling would be easy.” He thought that “all you had to do was slap the mat when one guy put down the other guy.” It was good that this happened because it started us on the path to improving our program.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. – includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

*Barnett, Fred, Rochester

*Bentivegna, Seb, Rochester

Bernabi, Leo, Spencerport

Billitier, Jim, Rochester

Boyle, Bill, Canandaigua

Brown, Bob, Pittsford

*Brown, Charles, Mumford

*Bush, Lance, Warsaw

Capone, Joe, Newark

Capone, Ralph, Seneca Falls

*Cardon, Frank, Rochester

Cargoni, Jim, Rochester

Chadwick, Brian, Rochester

Churchill, Doug, Ontario

Clintsman, Richard, Rochester

*Cole, Tom, East Rochester

*Curry, Bob, Rochester

DeBadts, Don, Geneseo

*Dunn, Darwin, Ontario

Eaton, Bob, Geneseo

*Fales, Wm., Victor

Feuz, Alfred, Brockport

*French, Ernie, Kent

Fuller, Earl, Rochester

Furano, Don, Geneva

Gathard, Jim, Victor

Gentile, Al, Ontario

Giagios, Mike, Rochester

Gilfilian, Gordon, Waterloo

*Gillard, George

*Guido, Rick, Fairport

Habecker, Steve, Marion

Hackemer, John, Warsaw

Hagberg, Len, East Rochester

Harris, Jim, Rochester

Hastings, Roscoe, Rochester

Henzler, Fred, Rochester

Incardona, Frank, Rochester

Jermyn, Dick, Rochester

Johnston. Dan, Rochester

LaMonica, Tony, Spencerport

*Libby, Clifford, Fairport

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

McElligott, Bill, Rochester

McLean, Roy, Pittsford

Molino, Joe, Ontario

*Piedmonte, Dennis, Holley

*Quethera, Lou, Geneva

*Richelson, John, Rochester

*Rolland, Bruce, Webster

*Rosier, Robert, Rochester

*Stiehler, Richard, Rochester

Smith, Ron, Castile

Traver, Don, Webster

*Trout, Tom, Marion

*Vacchetto, Richard, Rochester

Weisenreder, Gerald, Ontario

*Wennberg, Hans, Rochester

*Williams, Thomas, Rochester

This was the first season in which the association was “stiffed” by two JV officials who did not pay their dues despite many attempts to collect. Although most members paid their dues at the start of the season, some JV officials waited until they collected some fees but paid prior to the end of the season. Obviously, they did not return.

The Spring Business Meeting was held at Rush Henrietta Sperry High on April 12, 1972. President Dan Johnston reported that Section 5 proposed to increase our dual meet fees to $19, $1.75 per bout for tournaments (a cut from the present rate) and to reduce the mileage rate. Members present found this unacceptable and suggested that our officials be unavailable if our proposed fees were not accepted. The current WCOA officers, Dan Johnston, Roscoe Hastings, Frank Marotta and Len Hagberg were reelected.

At the Spring Banquet, members signed a resolution drafted by the Executive Council. The resolution listed the WCOA position and protested the manner in which Section 5 dealt with fees. Essentially, Section 5 did not negotiate. The signed resolution gave the Executive Council the right to inform Section 5 that our officials would not be available for work for the 1972-1973 season unless the fees for dual meets, tournaments and mileage met with our satisfaction.

The Fall Business Meeting on November 8, 1972 at M.C.C. was devoted to the problem of officiating fees. President Dan Johnston reviewed the following facts:

1. Wrestling officials in Section 5 are not paid as much as those from other sections or as much as officials of some other sports in Section 5 (Football officials are paid $23).

2. Last year’s proposal from Section 5 would have cut tournament and mileage fees.

3. The WCOA informed Section 5 that their proposal for 1972-1973 was unacceptable and recommended higher fees which would fit into the federal “wage freeze” guidelines. (You may have to do a little historical research to totally understand this one. The President’s Wage and Price Commission set up guidelines for maximum increases.

4. The WCOA request was denied by Section 5.

After considerable discussion, the members unanimously voted that the WCOA of Section 5 members would not officiate unless our proposed fees for 1972-1973 were adopted. (Duals: Varsity = $20, JV = $11.50, Tournaments: Varsity = $1.85, JV = $1.00). Members also approved by a 33-1 vote that the penalty of any officials working high school matches without WCOA approval would be suspension as an officials for the remainder of the season, loss of membership and application again to return as a new official. President Johnston told the members he would send a registered letter to Section 5 President Carl Palumbo informing him of the WCOA position.

The 1972 season started on an uneasy note. Section 5 did not agree to our fee proposal and an article in the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle on November 22, 1972 reported that our officials had voted unanimously not to work if our fees were not increased. WCOA President Dan Johnston was quoted as saying that “members of the organization would not show up for the first meets unless their demands are met. Our fee is among the lowest in the state, despite the fact Section 5 has many more schools in wrestling than any of the others and despite the fact that the Rochester area is among the most prosperous in the state. We don’t particularly like this course of action, but we’ve been frustrated trying to get a $20 fee every year since 1966.” It was estimated that the increase would cost the City School district about $80 more for the season to cover requested increases.

School authorities said they would continue meets with non-certified officials but Roger Bunce, West Irondequoit Athletic Director, agreed “that in itself would raise a lot of problems. The State Association (NYSPHSAA) requires certified people for all varsity and JV meets. If we went to other school people, we would have to declare all our meets scrimmages. Then there’s the problem of eligibility for Sectionals and the State meet, as well as the added risk of liability in the event of injury to a wrestler”.

The Democrat and Chronicle article, written by Jim Castor, was a good one. It pointed out how the WCOA did not even know what the fees would be until fall, despite a June request for written information. The article listed the fees paid to wrestling officials in other sections of New York and this showed that 7 of the other sections had higher fees for wrestling officials and 6 of those were well over $20. The article also listed the fees for other Section 5 sports and this was another sore spot because football officials were getting $23 and basketball officials were getting $21. Wrestling wanted to close the gap by getting at least $20.

The following article has been duplicated so you can read all of it. Our officers really did not want this type of coverage but there was no choice. Fortunately, it showed that we did have a legitimate gripe.


Our officials really did not want to “strike” but the discrepancy in fees was big sore spot. Actually, there was no negotiation with the Sectional Fees Committee which represented the schools. Each sport would have representatives who met separately with the Sectional Committee to state the reasons why they deserved an increase and then the Committee would decide what to submit in the referendum to the schools. Our feeling is that they never understood or respected our arguments such as the pressure of working alone, the improvements in the caliber of wrestling and the need to recruit and retain very competent people because the potential for injury that wrestlers faced in a split second with potentially dangerous or illegal holds required the best officials. I recall that in one of those meetings I was “berated” by one committee member (who had no clue about wrestling) with the statement that refereeing wrestling was not all that difficult. Also, the fact that the gap between the highest paid (football) and wrestling was not closing caused concern, especially when the Section 5 President, and the Chairman of the Section 5 Fee Committee were both football officials. Wrestling officials had no gripe with football getting the high fee. Wrestling just wanted equality.

Our association had the support of the NYWSOA. President Bill Tschirhart sent a letter to the other sections explaining the situation and asked them to refrain from accepting any officiating assignments in our area so there would be a solid front. However, some coaches and league chairmen were planning to use other personnel to officiate. Obviously, they did not understand the liability issues or state regulations. To the best of our knowledge, only one non-league match was wrestled and officiated by a former probationary official. Kendall defeated Holley at Holley by the score of 49-21 according to the Democrat and Chronicle.

In the meantime, everyone was a work trying to solve the problem. Section 5 Fee Committee Chairman Roger Bunce arranged a meeting with included Section 5 Wrestling Chairman Don Quinn, WCOA officers Dan Johnston, Roscoe Hastings and Frank Marotta. As I recall, WCOA members Len Hagberg and Earl Fuller and Section 5 President Carl Palumbo also attended. After the meeting, I was directed to poll our members by telephone and to issue a statement to the press when I had a majority one way or the other. I released the following prepared statement which appeared in another article authored by Jim Castor of the Democrat and Chronicle. “After considerable negotiations Monday night and a telephone poll last night of our membership, we agree to officiate for the present fee and to continue negotiations for acceptable fees next year. The vote was no where near unanimous, but it passed by a majority vote of the association’s 48 members, 40 of whom were contacted. We’ve been assured by the Section 5 people that they will try their utmost to help us again next year. We accept that and because we also have the best interest of wrestlers in mind, we chose to work the season as scheduled.” A couple of important points need to be emphasized: this was the first time anyone ever referred to fees being “negotiated” and they said they would “bargain in good faith.” Our officers felt these points were very significant, so this was a victory of sorts.


Perhaps one of the significant positive outcomes of this unfortunate situation is that it led to discussion by leaders from different sports associations, namely basketball, soccer and wrestling. All had complained about way about the way “fee negotiations” took place but wrestling was the only group that took a strong stand. This is what led to meetings at MCC and the eventual formation of the Association of Greater Rochester Sports Officials Association (later called United Sports Board Council) in 1973.

The 1972-1973 rules eliminated the word predicament and allowed for either a 2 or 3 point near fall. The rules also clarified that a fall or near fall could be earned only while the shoulders of the defensive wrestler were in bounds but allowed wrestling to continue even when the vertical plane of the boundary line was intercepted by the shoulder or shoulders of the defensive wrestler. Prior to this, wrestling was stopped if the wrestler had earned predicament or near fall points inbounds and then the vertical plane of the boundary was intercepted. The time out period granted because of injury from an illegal hold was no longer to be deducted from the wrestler’s injury time allowance. There would be a separate 3 minutes to recover. Officials were also told by the NYSWOA President and State Rules Interpreter, Bill Tschirhart, that it was potentially dangerous when the defensive wrestler stood up while the offensive wrestler applied a half nelson and “pump handle.” The State Wrestling Committee requested the match to be stopped in this situation. They referred to a fatality that had occurred several years ago.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. – includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Barnett, Fred, Rochester

Bentivegna, Seb, Rochester

Billitier, Jim, Rochester

Boyle, Bill, Canandaigua

Brown, Bob, Pittsford

Brown, Charles, Mumford

*Bush, Lance, Warsaw

Capone, Joe, Newark

Capone, Ralph, Seneca Falls

Cargoni, Jim, Rochester

*Catalano, Charles, Ontario

Chadwick, Brian, Rochester

*Chamberlain, Ron, Rochester

*Churchill, Doug, Ontario

Clintsman, Richard, Rochester

*Curry, Bob, Rochester

DeBadts, Don, Geneseo

Eaton, Bob, Geneseo

Fales, Wm., Victor

Feuz, Alfred, Brockport

*Frank, John, Brockport

*French, Ernie, Kent

Fuller, Earl, Rochester

Furano, Don, Geneva

Gathard, Jim, Victor

Gentile, Al, Ontario

Giagios, Mike, Rochester

Gilfilian, Gordon, Waterloo

*Greth, Bob, Victor

Habecker, Steve, Marion

Hackemer, John, Warsaw

Hagberg, Len, East Rochester

*Hall, Bob, Scottsville

Harris, Jim, Rochester

Hastings, Roscoe, Rochester

*Hunter, Jack, Pittsford

Incardona, Frank, Rochester

Jermyn, Dick, Rochester

*Johnson, Moody, Rochester

Johnston. Dan, Rochester

Jones, Bob, Penn Yan (transfer)

Knisley, Don, Seneca Falls

LaMonica, Tony, Spencerport

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

McElligott, Bill, Rochester

McLean, Roy, Pittsford

Molino, Joe, Ontario

*Mosley, Bob, Rochester

*Quethera, Lou, Geneva

Rolland, Bruce, Webster

*Rosier, Robert, Rochester

*Serafine, Ralph, Webster

*Skiptunas, John, N. Chili

Smith, Ron, Castile

Stiehler, Richard, Rochester

Traver, Don, Webster

Trout, Tom, Marion

*Wilson, Mike, Spencerport

For the first and only time, the association was “stiffed” by a varsity official who did not pay his $20 dues despite many reminders during the season.

The Spring Business Meeting was held at Rush Henrietta Sperry High on April 2, 1973. The report from the NYSWOA meeting included the following:

• All sections were encouraged to experiment with the use of red and green armbands for officials. They are expected to become mandatory. (It should be noted that some of our members led by Al Feuz and Sam Williams, who was a dual member from Section 6, really initiated the use of armbands and were instrumental in getting our members on board. Our section was really the leader in initiating this change which was not only adopted by N.Y. State and later by the National Federation, although the Federation did resist it at the beginning.)

• Ideas about guidelines for mat judging were to be submitted in writing to Dan Johnston and Frank Marotta who had been appointed by the NYSWOA to develop a state wide list. (Our list was adopted and was officials used by the entire state for the years that mat judges were used. Again, Section 5 played a leadership role.)

• Officials were advised to keep a record of serious or unusual injuries suffered by contestants for insurance purposes.

• The Executive Council proposed and the membership agreed that Leo Bernabi and Bob Baker be made Life Members and honored at the annual banquet on May 4.

• The members also approved a By-law that any official who violated the WCOA rule of working more than one match in one day would be forfeiture of the higher fee to the association and failure to pay would result in loss of the right to officiate on the varsity level for the following season. Members also voted to increase JV dues to $15 because current dues did not cover their expenses.

• The fees for 1973-74 were approved by Section 5 as follows: Duals – Varsity = $22, JV = 11.50; Tournaments – Varsity = .90 per bout, JV = $1.00 per bout; Modified = $9.00 per official (Note that there was no limit on the number of bouts.) Mileage would be paid at .15 per mile, one way after the first 10 miles.

The officers for 1973-74 were elected. President, Roscoe Hastings; Vice President, Len Hagberg; and Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta. There were two nominations for Vice President of the Officials Division, Jim Harris and Joe Molino. The vote by ballot was 14-13 in favor of Harris.

For 1973-1974, the high school rules were published in a separate National Federation Wrestling Rule Book for the first time. Major rules changes were that matches would not be stopped when warning either wrestler for stalling but would be stopped when penalizing either wrestler, that wrestling would be allowed to continue when the defensive man was on his back near the boundary as long as there was a possibility that the offensive man could bring him inbounds, eliminated the awarding of 1 point for riding time and established 3 degrees of unacceptable conduct on the part of either wrestler: misconduct, abusive or unsportsmanlike and flagrant.

The Fall Business Meeting was held at M.C.C. on November 27, 1973. Members agreed to donate $100 to the Section 5 Wrestling Coaches Clinic which was held at the Flagship Hotel and featured Coach Stan Abel of Oklahoma and two Oklahoma NCAA champions, Jerry Stanley and Mike Saeger. It was an outstanding clinic but it lost money. Members also approved raising the varsity dues to be equal to the fee received for one varsity dual meet. A report from the NYSWOA informed members that they no longer had to abide by the clean shaven rule but had to comply with the same hair rule as competitors. President Roscoe Hastings informed the members that during the past summer, the Association of Greater Rochester Sports Officials had been organized with the purpose of protesting mileage fees and negotiating a fee package for all member associations. Hastings was elected president of the group. The WCOA membership voted that we join and that Hastings, Marotta, Hagberg and Fuller would be delegates. It should be noted that this organization was formed because of the frustrations that we had in previous “negotiations” with Section 5 and that Hastings and Marotta were instrumental in getting leaders of other sports, namely basketball and soccer, to organize such an association. This is another example of our association’s leadership in making improvements. At the start the group represented all male and female sports except football, which did not join because they had strong ties to the Section 5 leadership at the time and Section 5 initially was not happy with our demand that they negotiate with all sports for a contract. It is also noteworthy that this method of negotiation became required by the NYSPHSAA and is the method used for all sections in N.Y. State. Our group in Section 5 eventually changed its name to United Sports Boards Council and represented all high school sports officials in Section 5 even if they did not join the organization. WOA Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta, was the negotiator of two 3 year contracts lasting from 1987 to 1993 and has served as Vice President of the USBC since 2000.

The season was marred by a couple of controversial situations. One involved the use of a mat that did not meet specifications in size and safety area around the mat. There had been newspaper articles and school board arguments in January regarding the mat situation and our official was informed by the coaches that Livonia would forfeit the match because an illegal mat and that he should raise the hands of the winning Keshequa wrestlers. Actually, this was really a “political” situation aimed at providing leverage for those who wanted to get funds for a legal mat. The second situation occurred in a dual on February 1. The Spencerport and Canandaigua match started with questions about the size of the mat, some questionable sportsmanship antics during the introductions, some controversial calls regarding potentially dangerous and illegal holds, arguing between the coaches and the coaches and the official, unnecessary roughness, alleged biting and crowd tension. The meet ended during the 155 lb. match when the Canandaigua team left the gym. Needless to say, the Finger Lakes area newspapers had a field day with this one.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. – includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Barnett, Fred, Rochester

Bentivegna, Seb, Rochester

Billitier, Jim, Rochester

*Boyle, Bill, Canandaigua

Brown, Bob, Pittsford

Brown, Charles, Rochester

*Bush, Lance, Warsaw

Capone, Ralph, Seneca Falls

Cargoni, Jim, Rochester

*Carpenter, Mark, Albion

*Catalano, Charles, Ontario

Chadwick, Brian, Rochester

*Chamberlain, Ron, Rochester

*Churchill, Doug, Ontario

Clintsman, Richard, Rochester

*Corrigan, Mike, Rochester

Curry, Bob, Rochester

DeBadts, Don, Geneseo

Eaton, Bob, Geneseo

*Ferrington,Gerald,Honeoye Falls

Feuz, Alfred, Brockport

*Frank, John, Brockport

French, Ernie, Kent

Fuller, Earl, Rochester

Furano, Don, Geneva

Gathard, Jim, Victor

Gentile, Al, Ontario

Giagios, Mike, Rochester

Gilfilian, Gordon, Waterloo

*Greth, Bob, Victor

Habecker, Steve, Marion

Hackemer, John, Warsaw

Hagberg, Len, East Rochester

Harris, Jim, Rochester

Hastings, Roscoe, Rochester

*Hunter, Jack, Pittsford

Incardona, Frank, Rochester

Jermyn, Dick, Rochester

Johnson, Moody, Rochester

Johnston. Dan, Rochester

*Knapp, Bruce, Seneca Falls

Knisley, Don, Seneca Falls

LaMonica, Tony, Spencerport

*Lenowicz, Paul, Mt. Morris

*Lessard, Mark, N. Chili

*Marano, Gus, Nunda

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

McElligott, Bill, Rochester

McLean, Roy, Pittsford

Molino, Joe, Ontario

*O’Donoghue, James, Caledonia

*Quethera, Lou, Geneva

*Robinson, Ray, Caledonia

Rolland, Bruce, Webster

Rosier, Robert, Rochester

*Skiptunas, John, N. Chili

*Stevens, Bruce, Avon

Stiehler, Richard, Rochester

Trout, Tom, Marion

*Volkmer, James, Rochester

Williams,Sam,Tonawanda (transfer)

*Wilson, Mike, Spencerport

*Woodworth, Roger, Fairport

The Spring Business Meeting was held at M.C.C. on May 7, 1974. It was reported that the Association of Greater Rochester Sports Officials had negotiated a contract that had been approved by the Section 5 Executive Council but had to be voted on by the schools. President Roscoe Hastings appointed Dan Johnston, Tony LaMonica and Joe Molino to develop ideas for the Leo Bernabi Memorial Award and the suggestion that it be presented to the “Official of the Year” was approved. Leo suffered a heart attack while on vacation in Spain in February and was one of our founders. A committee made up of Mike Giagios, Bruce Rolland, Dick Jermyn, Steve Habecker and Jim Cargnoni was appointed to establish some criteria and to make a selection. There was considerable discussion about evaluation of officials and President Hastings appointed Len Hagberg as committee chairman to further investigate evaluation methods such as post cards, rating lists, dropping highest and lowest ratings, etc. Jim Gathard, Dick Jermyn, Jim Cargnoni and Don DeBadts made up the rest of the committee. Len Hagberg was reappointed as interpreter. The nomination committee, headed by Earl Fuller, recommended that the current officers (President Roscoe Hastings, Vice President Len Hagberg and Executive Secretary Frank Marotta) be retained and the members approved. Jim Harris was elected Vice President of Officials.

In June of 1974, President Roscoe Hastings received a letter from Fairport Athletic Director Dave Martens requesting that our association consider the assignment of officials to Monroe County League JV wrestling matches. We thought about this and we felt that this would be a good way to distribute assignments to be sure that all officials got enough work and would provide for a more equitable distribution. This would be done by the Executive Secretary and it did expand his duties and pace an additional burden on him because this would be done in addition to coordinating all the varsity availability and JV availability for other leagues. However, this was in the best interests of our members so it was worth doing.

The major National Federation rules changes for 1974-1975 limited a contestant to not more than 4 matches in one day, authorize the referee to stop the match when warning either wrestler for stalling in the neutral position, specified a procedure for penalizing a coach who repeatedly questioned the referee on judgment calls, defined the Salto and Suplay as illegal holds, prohibited a coach from overruling a doctor’s decision as to whether a wrestler should continue to wrestle after an injury and specified a signal to indicate a caution for a false start. It was also the first year that the National Federation published a separate manual or case book to further assist the referee in understanding and applying the rules and interpretations.

The Fall Business Meeting was held on November 25, 1974 at M.C. C. Members were informed that the required statewide liability insurance would cost $2 per member and that wrestling officials received the highest fee increase of all sports officials in Section 5. The Evaluation Committee recommended that pre-stamped post cards with a check list should be given to each coach prior to the match and members approved this procedure for one year. Members also approved an amendment to our bylaws which read “Dues for varsity officials shall be equal to the fee received for one varsity dual meet.” That was increase of $7 and was needed to cover our expenses.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. – includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Barnett, Fred, Rochester

*Bell, Dell, Perry

Bentivegna, Seb, Rochester

Billitier, Jim, Rochester

*Borgus, Craig, Dalton

Brown, Bob, Pittsford

Brown, Charles, Rochester

Bush, Lance, Warsaw

Cargnoni, Jim, Rochester

*Carpenter, Mark, Albion

Catalano, Charles, Ontario

Chadwick, Brian, Rochester

*Chamberlain, Ron, Rochester

Churchill, Doug, Ontario

*Collins, Bob, Rochester

*Compson, Larry, Rochester

*Corrigan, Mike, Rochester

*Cotton, Terry, Rochester

DeBadts, Don, Geneseo

Eaton, Bob, Geneseo

*Ehlers, Robert, Fairport

*Ferrington,Gerald,Hon. Falls

Feuz, Alfred, Brockport

*Frank, John, Brockport

French, Ernie, Kent

Fuller, Earl, Rochester

Furano, Don, Geneva

*Gates, Terry, Avon

Gentile, Al, Ontario

*Gentzke, Ken, Honeoye

Giagios, Mike, Rochester

Gilfilian, Gordon, Waterloo

*Greth, Bob, Victor

Habecker, Steve, Marion

Hackemer, John, Warsaw

Hagberg, Len, East Rochester

Harris, Jim, Rochester

Hastings, Roscoe, Rochester

Incardona, Frank, Rochester

Jermyn, Dick, Rochester

Johnson, Moody, Rochester

Johnston. Dan, Rochester

*Knapp, Bruce, Seneca Falls

Knisley, Don, Seneca Falls

LaMonica, Tony, Spencerport

Lang, Dick, Lockport (transfer)

*LaRonde, William, Rochester

*Lenowicz, Paul, Mt. Morris

*Lessard, Mark, N. Chili

*Marano, Gus, Nunda

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

McElligott, Bill, Rochester

*McDuff, John, East Rochester

McLean, Roy, Pittsford

*Miller, Dan, Attica

Molino, Joe, Ontario

*O’Donoghue, James, Caledonia

*Pierson, Norm, Waterloo

*Robinson, Ray, Geneseo

Rolland, Bruce, Webster

Rosier, Robert, Rochester

*Sentz, Mike, Rochester

*Shanly, Barry, Rochester

Skiptunas, John, N. Chili

*Stackus, Mike, Waterloo

*Stevens, Bruce, Avon

Stiehler, Richard, Rochester

Trout, Tom, Marion

*Volkmer, James, Rochester

Williams,Sam,Tonawanda (transfer)

Wilson, Mike, Spencerport

Woodworth, Roger, Fairport

The annual Spring Business Meeting was held at M.C.C. on April 14, 1975. The report from the NYSWOA informed members that arm bands would be mandatory in N.Y. State in 3 years, officials associations cannot discriminate because of sex, that the NYSWOA requested the use of mat judges on all bouts in the State Tournament and that the Officials Coordinating Agreement with the NYSPHSAA spells out procedures for handing complaints (e.g. legality of mats) and that officials are not to handle these things on their own but should go through the association President. The Officials Coordinating Agreement which every N.Y. State high school sports officials association signs and is bound to follow, has provisions such as requiring schools to use certified officials at all levels of competition, prohibiting officials from having a strike and a provision for settling contract disputes. However, there was concern about the make up of the grievance or fact finding committee provisions which were dominated by the schools. They agreed that this would be examined in the future if there were problems. That took quite a long time and it was finally changed, at our association’s strong request, after some obviously unfair fact finding and arbitration decisions involving our Section 5 contracts in the 1990’s.

President Roscoe Hastings reported that the fees negotiated will be sent to schools for a vote. If approved, a varsity dual would be $27.75 (50 % for JV). He reappointed Earl Fuller as Chairman of the Coach of the Year Committee as well as other members Brian Chadwick, Roscoe Hastings and Don DeBadts. Mike Giagios was reappointed as Chairman of the Bernabi Committee along with other committee members Steve Habecker, Jim Cargnoni, Dick Jermyn and Bruce Rolland. Both awards will be presented at the banquet. Len Hagberg reported that in his opinion the evaluation card system worked well and members agreed to continue the system for another year. President Hastings said there was a need to revise our constitution and appointed Frank Marotta as committee chairman and Fred Barnett, Jim Harris and Mike Wilson as other committee members.

In other business, a By-law was adopted to establish a maximum number of active varsity wrestling officials at 45, Ron Smith was approved for induction as a Life Member, and the secretary’s stipend was increased to $300. Officers for 1975-1976 were elected as follows: Len Hagberg, President; Jim Harris, Vice President; and Frank Marotta, Executive Secretary. On a separate ballot, Al Fuez was elected Vice President of Officials.

The major National Federation rules changes for 1975-1976 permitted mat judges to move into the wrestling area, if necessary; revised scoring to include a major decision of 4 team points when the winner’s score exceeded the loser’s by at least 8 but fewer than 12 points and a superior decision if there was a greater than 12 point difference; provided that a match would not be stopped in a pinning situation to penalize an infraction by the defensive wrestler; provided for technical violation penalties for false starts or assuming incorrect starting positions following a second caution and defined a headlock as illegal if the opponent’s arm or leg were not included. N.Y. State added an optional 91 lb. class.

The Fall Business Meeting was held at Rush Henrietta Sperry High on November 19, 1975. The report from the NYSWOA informed members that our liability coverage was increased to $250,000 at a cost of $2.60 per member, that officials had to follow the same hair rule as wrestlers but could have facial hair that was no longer than 2 inches from the face and that mat judges would be used at all matches at the State Tournament. Because of our previous problems involving payment by the City, officials were directed to turn in one voucher at the end of the season to Frank Marotta for any varsity or JV matches officiated.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. – includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

*Baker, Terry, Brockport

Barnett, Fred, Rochester

*Bell, Dell, Perry

Billitier, Jim, Rochester

*Borgus, Craig, Dalton

Brown, Bob, Pittsford

Brown, Charles, Rochester

*Brown, Mike, Geneseo

Bush, Lance, Warsaw

*Campbell, Dan, Pavilion

*Cappadonia, Sam, Mt. Morris

Cargnoni, Jim, Rochester

*Carpenter, Mark, Albion

Catalano, Charles, Ontario

Chadwick, Brian, Rochester

Chamberlain, Ron, Rochester

Churchill, Doug, Ontario

*Cianfarano, Sam, E. Rochester

*Ciavarri, Sam, Rochester

*Collins, Bob, Rochester

*Cohen,Sam,Rochester (transfer)

*Compson, Larry, Rochester

*Coon, David, Nunda

*Corrigan, Mike, Rochester

*Dawes, Gary, Fairport

DeBadts, Don, Geneseo

Eaton, Bob, Geneseo

Ehlers, Robert, Fairport

English,Tom,Brockport (transfer)

Everling,Jerry,HonFalls (transfer)

*Ferrington, Gerald, Hon Falls

Feuz, Alfred, Brockport

*Frank, John, Brockport

*Fronczak, Steve, Perry

Fuller, Earl, Rochester

Furano, Don, Geneva

*Gates, Terry, Avon

Gentile, Al, Ontario

*Gentzke, Ken, Honeoye

*Giagios, Evangelos

Giagios, Mike, Rochester

Gilfilian, Gordon, Waterloo

Greth, Bob, Victor

*Gustainis, Joe, Caledonia

Habecker, Steve, Marion

Hagberg, Len, East Rochester

Harris, Jim, Rochester

Hastings, Roscoe, Rochester

*Johnson, Jeff, Lyndonville

Johnson, Moody, Rochester

Johnston, Dan, Rochester

*Keller, Robert, Perry

Knapp, Bruce, Seneca Falls

Knisley, Don, Seneca Falls

LaMonica, Tony, Spencerport

Lang, Dick, Lockport (transfer)

*Large, Fred, Lyndonville

*LaRonde, William, Rochester

*Lenowicz, Paul, Mt. Morris

Marano, Gus, Nunda

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

*McDuff, John, East Rochester

McLean, Roy, Pittsford

*Miller, Dan, Attica

Molino, Joe, Ontario

*Moriarty, Dave, Rochester

*Niedzwick, John, Churchville

*O’Donoghue, James, Caledonia

*Patrick, Wade, Rochester

*Pierson, Norm, Waterloo

*Robinson, Ray, Geneseo

Rolland, Bruce, Webster

*Sacchitella, Gene, Brockport

*Serry, James, Pittsford

*Sentz, Mike, Rochester

*Shanly, Barry, Rochester

Shoup, Bob, Rochester (transfer)

Skiptunas, John, N. Chili

*Stackus, Mike, Waterloo

*Szkolnik, John, Rochester

Stiehler, Richard, Rochester

*Thomas, John, Medina

Trout, Tom, Marion

*Tryka, Robert, Perry

*Volkmer, James, Rochester

*Westervelt, Dave, Ovid

Williams, Sam, Tonawanda

Wilson, Mike, Spencerport

Woodworth, Roger, Fairport

This season, we had a JV official who did not pay dues and a probationary candidate who did not pay his dues balance despite many reminders.

The Spring Business Meeting was held at Rush Henrietta Sperry High on April 8, 1976. The report from the NYSWOA informed members that officials should be aware that the IRS is inquiring about payments to officials, a state code of ethics is being developed and Frank Marotta was elected Vice President of the NYSWOA. Al Feuz, Chairman of the Ordiway Memorial Award Committee reported that Bruce Hadsell of Canandaigua received the Ordiway Outstanding Wrestler Award. President Len Hagberg reported that there was a 65% return of evaluation cards this season and that he received a refreshing letter commending Charles Brown, Bob Ehlers, Mike Giagios, Don Furano and Charles Catalano for their work a the Victor Tournament. The current officers Len Hagberg, President; Jim Harris, Vice President; Frank Marotta, Executive Secretary; Al Fuez was elected Vice President of Officials were reelected.

The following awards were presented at the annual banquet: Coach of the Year – John Roselli of McQuaid; Bernabi Award – Al Gentile.

Major National Federation rules changes for 1976-1977 allowed for an allowance of one pound for the second day of dual meet competition held on two consecutive days, clarified a slam as lifting and returning an opponent to the mat with unnecessary force either inadvertently or purposely, defined the neck wrench as an illegal hold, provided a list of criteria for determining the winner of an overtime match if a jury was not used by the State Association and had the referee rotate his hands in front of the body to signal a reversal and tap the back of his shoulder to signal a near fall. In N.Y. State, the wrestler had to exceed 175 lb. to wrestle 215 lb. and exceed 215 lb. to wrestle 250 lb.

The Fall Business Meeting was held at M.C.C. on November 20, 1976. The NYSWOA examined training programs for new officials in the state chapters and indicated that our association exceeded the minimum standards they recommend. The Constitution Committee presented a revised constitution to the Executive Council to be given to the membership for the Spring Business Meeting. A major recommendation was the changing of the name to Wrestling Officials Association of Section 5 and omitting the Coaches. The Coaches Division was not actively operating and the officials were required to follow certification regulations from the NYSPHSAA and NYSWOA so many members felt that there should be a total separate officials organization.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. – includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Alvarez, Mario, Rochester

Bell, Dell, Perry

Billitier, Jim, Rochester

*Borgus, Craig, Dalton

Brown, Bob, Pittsford

Brown, Charles, Rochester

*Brown, Mike, Geneseo

Bush, Lance, Warsaw

*Cappadonia, Sam, Mt. Morris

Cargnoni, Jim, Rochester

Catalano, Charles, Ontario

Chadwick, Brian, Rochester

Churchill, Doug, Ontario

*Cianfarano, Sam, E. Rochester

*Ciavarri, Sam, Rochester

*Collins, Bob, Rochester

Corrigan, Mike, Rochester

*Dalberth, Steve, Marion

*Dawes, Gary, Fairport

DeBadts, Don, Geneseo

Eaton, Bob, Geneseo

Ehlers, Robert, Fairport

*English, Tom, Brockport

Everling, Gerald, Honeoye Falls

Feuz, Alfred, Fancher

*Frey, Rich, East Rochester

*Fronczak, Steve, Perry

Fuller, Earl, Rochester

Furano, Don, Geneva

Gates, Terry, Avon

Gentile, Al, Ontario

Gentzke, Ken, Honeoye

Giagios, Mike, Rochester

Greth, Bob, Victor

*Gustainis, Joe, Caledonia

Habecker, Steve, Marion

Hagberg, Len, East Rochester

Harris, Jim, Rochester

Hastings, Roscoe, Rochester

*Johnson, Jeff, Lyndonville

Johnson, Moody, Rochester

Johnston, Dan, Rochester

Jones, Bob, Penn Yan (transfer)

*Jordan, Jeff, Fairport

*Keller, Robert, Perry

*Kemp, Mike, Brockport

Knapp, Bruce, Seneca Falls

Knisley, Don, Seneca Falls

LaMonica, Tony, Spencerport

Lang, Dick, Lockport

*Large, Fred, Lyndonville

*LaRonde, William, Rochester

*Lays, Bob, Rochester

*Lenowicz, Paul, Mt. Morris

*Linsnser, Sam, Warsaw

Marano, Gus, Nunda

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

*McDuff, John, East Rochester

McLean, Roy, Pittsford

*Miller, Dan, Attica

Molino, Joe, Ontario

*Moriarty, Dave, Rochester

*Niedzwick, John, Churchville

*O’Donoghue, James, Caledonia

*ONeil, Jack, Rochester

*Patrick, Wade, Rochester

*Proctor, James, Conesus

Rolland, Bruce, Webster

*Scott, Walter, Walworth

*Schnieder, Greg, Alexander

*Shoup, Robert, Rochester

Skiptunas, John, N. Chili

*Smith, Paul, Churchville

*Stackus, Mike, Waterloo

*Szkolnik, John, Rochester

Stiehler, Richard, Rochester

*Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

Trout, Tom, Marion

*Tryka, Robert, Perry

Volkmer, James, Rochester

*Westervelt, Dave, Ovid

*Wild, Jim, Candandaigua

*Welch, Bill, Rochester

Williams, Sam, Tonawanda

The Spring Business Meeting was held at M.C.C. on May 16, 1977. The NYSWOA informed officials that a handbook of N.Y. Rules Interpretations was being developed that would include interpretations that were used over the years but not printed anywhere in the National Federation Rules Book. (This was the first effort and putting such a handbook together and it was being done by Don Wishart from the Southern Tier Chapter of Section 6. In later years, this was expanded into what was known as the “Green Book.”) Chapters were told to either adopt or modify the Code of Ethics from the NYSWOA. (The NYSWOA Code of Ethics was developed by WCOA Executive Secretary and NYSWOA Vice President, Frank Marotta.) Ordiway Memorial Committee Chairman, Al Feuz reported that Dave Halliday of Fairport was named the Outstanding Wrestler at the Qualifier and he credited member Fred Barnett for his contributions to the process put in place this year that helped to make the selection easier.

The proposed revision of our association’s constitution, which had been mailed in advance to members, was discussed and the new constitution was unanimously approved. The name of the organization was now the WRESTLING OFFICIALS ASSOCIATION OF SECTION 5. The members also approved to retroactively increasing the stipend for the Executive Secretary by $100. Earl Fuller, Chairman of the Nominating Committee, submitted a slate of officers for 1977-1978 and it was unanimously approved. The elected officers were Jim Harris, President; Al Feuz, First Vice President; and Frank Marotta, Executive Secretary. In a separate ballot Bob Eaton was elected as Second Vice President, an office established in the newly adopted constitution.

A major National Federation rules changes for 1977-1978 allowed mat judges to move along the outside edge of the mat rather than remain seated or on a knee, required wrestlers to start in the neutral position with one foot on the red or green arc and the other inside the 10 foot circle. It should be noted that in N.Y State we had already established a list of mat judge guidelines that provided for greater verbal communication with the referee and the guidelines provided with procedures that helped the mat judge system work as it was intended. Other changes restricted coaches to team benches while the clock was running, prohibited the use of drugs or diuretics for weight reduction and clarified situations involving supporting points, forcing opponents out of bounds misconduct penalties and incorrect starting positions.

The 1977 season began with a change in the administrative leadership of the Wrestling Officials Association of Section 5. The newly elected president, Jim Harris, moved from our area to take a job in Virginia and in accordance with our constitution, Al Feuz, who had been elected First Vice President, assumed the office of W.O.A. President. At the Fall Business Meeting held at M.C.C. on December 1, 1977, he appointed Mike Giagios as First Vice President and Tom Trout as Second Vice President to replace Bob Eaton who resigned. He also appointed committees for the 1978-1979 season as follows:

Ordiway Memorial – Tony LaMonica, Chairman; Bob Collins, Fred Barnett

Bernabi Award – Jim Cargnoni, Chairman; Mike Giagios, Steve Habecker

Coach of the Year – Earl Fuller, Chairman; Roscoe Hastings, Don DeBadts

Evaluation – Fred Barnett, Chairman

There was discussion about a request that officials conduct weigh ins at tournaments in order to eliminate violations of unauthorized weight allowances. Finally, the majority of members did vote to approve that our officials conduct weigh ins at all Sectional Tournaments.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not

meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status


Ardillo, Sam, Rochester

*Barnett, Fred, East Rochester

Bell, Dell, Perry

Billitier, Jim, Rochester

*Borgus, Craig, Dalton

Brown, Bob, Pittsford

Brown, Charles, Scottsville

Bush, Lance, Warsaw

*Cappadonia, Sam, Mt. Morris

Cargnoni, Jim, Rochester

*Carnrike, C.L. (Brockport)

Catalano, Charles, Ontario

Chadwick, Brian, Rochester

Collins, Bob, Rochester

Corrigan, Mike, Rochester

*Dalberth, Steve, Marion

*Dawes, Gary, Fairport

DeBadts, Don, Geneseo

Ehlers, Robert, Fairport

*English, Tom, Brockport

Everling, Gerald, Honeoye Falls

Feuz, Alfred, Fancher

*Frey, Rich, East Rochester

*Fronczak, Steve, Perry

Fuller, Earl, Rochester

Gates, Terry, Avon

Gentile, Al, Ontario

Gentzke, Ken, Honeoye

Giagios, Mike, Rochester

*Goodrich, Gary, Victor

*Gugino, Joe, Rochester

Greth, Bob, Victor

Gustainis, Joe, Caledonia

Habecker, Steve, Marion

Hagberg, Len, East Rochester

Harris, Jim, Rochester

Hastings, Roscoe, Rochester

*Hibsch, John, Varysburg

*Johnson, Jeff, Lyndonville

Johnson, Moody, Rochester

Jones, Bob, Penn Yan

*Kemp, Mike, Brockport

Knapp, Bruce, Seneca Falls

Knisley, Don, Seneca Falls

*Kruetter, Tim, Perry

LaMonica, Tony, Spencerport

Lang, Dick, Lockport

*Large, Fred, Lyndonville

*Lays, Bob, Rochester

*Lembo, Rick, Rochester

*Linsner, Sam, Warsaw

*Mandara, Tom, Rochester

Marano, Gus, Nunda

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

McDuff, John, East Rochester

McLean, Roy, Pittsford

Molino, Joe, Ontario

*Moriarty, Dave, Rochester

*ONeil, Jack, Rochester

*Patrick, Wade, Rochester

*Perez, Orlando, Rochester

*Proctor, James, Conesus

*Prong, Chuck, East Rochester

*Richir, Kim, Brockport

*Smith, Paul, Churchville

*Spring, Tim, Churchville

Stackus, Mike, Waterloo

*Stelljes, Mike, Rochester

*Szkolnik, John, Rochester

*Teike, Lou, Spencerport

*Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

Trout, Tom, Marion

*Tryka, Robert, Perry

Volkmer, James, Rochester

*Westervelt, Dave, Ovid

*Wild, Jim, Candandaigua

*Welch, Bill, Rochester

*Williams, Don, East Rochester

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at M.C.C. on April 27, 1978. It was reported that Frank Marotta was elected President of the NYSWOA and the March meeting and would serve as N.Y. State Rules Interpreter. This is only the second time a Section 5 person has held a NYSWOA office. Don St. James of Rush Henrietta Sperry High was the recipient of the Ordiway Award at the Qualifier. President Al Feuz commended Fred Barnett for his outstanding job in handling our evaluation card system which had over a 50% return. Fred put in time and effort to contact coaches who had not returned cards. Earl Fuller, Chairman of the Nominating Committee moved that the current officers be retained for another year but there was no vote because we lacked a quorum. Practically all members had already attended enough rules meetings to make the 5 Point Plan so they did not take the time to attend the last business meeting.

The major National Federation rules changes for 1978-1979 expanded the rule of mat judges to make technical violations calls involving locked hands and grasping clothing and to call a fall or delete a fall called by the referee by majority vote, allowed a one piece uniform (with several stipulations) to be worn without tights and allowed competition with artificial limbs that had State Association approval. The rules changes included an increased use of “shall” throughout the book, meaning the rule was to be enforced that way. The N.Y. State Wrestling Committee (Sectional Chairmen) adopted a procedure for weighing in at the conclusion of wrestling at the first day of a two day tournament. The term “recovery time” was officially adopted along with procedures for its use.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at M.C.C. on November 27, 1978. President Al Feuz reappointed committees for Ordiway Memorial, Bernabi Award, Coach of the Year and

Evaluation. He also appointed Len Hagberg as AGRSO Negotiator and established an Ethics Committee with Charles Brown, Chairman, and Don DeBadts and Joe Gustainis as committee members.

The report from the NYSWOA informed members that red and green armbands were now mandatory for all high school wrestling officials in N.Y. State this season and that the rate for our compulsory liability insurance cost $3.90 per member. Considerable discussion revolved around the use of the evaluation card system. It ranged from revising it to eliminating it. In a vote to eliminate the card, the tie vote (22-22) was broken when President Al Feuz voted to continue the present system. He appointed a committee, with himself as chairman. The other committee members were Jerry Everling, Mike Giagios, Bob Brown, Steve Habecker and Tom English.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did

not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

*Amore, Tom, Rochester

*Ardillo, Sam, Rochester

*Barnett, Fred, East Rochester

Bell, Dell, Perry

*Benner, Mike, Rochester

Billitier, Jim, Rochester

*Borgus, Craig, Dalton

Brown, Bob, Pittsford

Brown, Charles, Scottsville

*Cappadonia, Sam, Mt. Morris

Cargnoni, Jim, Rochester

*Carnrike, C.L. (Brockport)

Catalano, Charles, Ontario

*Cella, Steve, Ontario

Chadwick, Brian, Rochester

Collins, Bob, Rochester

Corrigan, Mike, Rochester

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

Dawes, Gary, Fairport

DeBadts, Don, Geneseo

Ehlers, Robert, Fairport

*English, Tom, Rochester

Everling, Gerald, Honeoye Falls

Feuz, Alfred, Fancher

*Frey, Rich, East Rochester

Fuller, Earl, Rochester

*Gallagher, Craig, Elba

Gates, Terry, Avon

Gentile, Al, Ontario

Giagios, Mike, Rochester

*Gugino, Joe, Rochester

Gustainis, Joe, Caledonia

Habecker, Steve, Marion

Hagberg, Len, East Rochester

Hastings, Roscoe, Rochester

*Hibsch, John, Varysburg

*Johnson, Jeff, Lyndonville

Johnson, Moody, Rochester

Jones, Bob, Penn Yan

*Kemp, Mike, Brockport

Knapp, Bruce, Seneca Falls

Knisley, Don, Seneca Falls

*Kruetter, Tim, Perry

LaMonica, Tony, Spencerport

Lang, Dick, Lockport

*Large, Fred, Lyndonville

*Lawlor, Bill, Rochester

*Lays, Bob, Rochester

*Lembo, Rick, Rochester

Linsner, Sam, Warsaw

Marano, Gus, Nunda

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

McDuff, John, East Rochester

*McLean, Kevin, Pittsford

McLean, Roy, Pittsford

Meyle, Gene (transfer)

Molino, Joe, Ontario

Moriarty, Dave, Rochester

*ONeil, Jack, Rochester

*Pannoni, Al, Rochester

*Proctor, James, Conesus

*Prong, Chuck, East Rochester

*Randisi, Mike, Rochester

*Seward, Dave, Bergen

*Spring, Tim, Churchville

Stackus, Mike, Waterloo

*Stelljes, Mike, Rochester

*Teike, Walt, Spencerport

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

Trout, Tom, Marion

Tryka, Robert, Perry

Volkmer, James, Rochester

Westervelt, Dave, Ovid

*Wild, Jim, Candandaigua

There were two JV officials who did not pay their dues. It should be noted that in these cases, both wanted to return in later years and they were reminded of their previous debt. They paid the previous dues before starting the new training sessions.

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at M.C.C. on April 25, 1979 and was conducted by First Vice President Mike Giagios. The report from the NYSWOA emphasized that the State Tournament was the smoothest ever because of improvements made on the floor operation and the high quality of officials because of the new method of nominating and selecting. Our officials who worked, Jerry Everling, Al Feuz and Gene Meyle (who actually represented Section 3), received very high ratings form the state evaluators. Tony LaMonica, Ordiway Memorial Award Chairman, reported that Matt King of Canandaigua received the Outstanding Wrestler Award at the State Qualifier and gave thanks to Fred Barnett for supplying data to assist in the selection. Members discussed reports from the Ethics Committee and Executive Council but no action was taken because there was no quorum. The Executive Secretary was directed to send out information prior to the Fall Business Meeting with proposed amendments to redefine a quorum. Election of officers could not be conducted so it was ruled that the banquet could be considered the Spring Meeting and the election could be held at that time.

The annual banquet was held at The Party House on May 3, 1979. President Al Feuz presided over the only item of business – election of officers. Earl Fuller, Chairman of the Nominating Committee proposed the slate of Mike Giagios, President; Tom Trout, First Vice President and Frank Marotta, Executive Secretary. They were approved unanimously. Tony LaMonica was elected as Second Vice President in a separate vote.

The major National Federation rules changes for 1979-1980 included a revision of the misconduct, unsportsmanlike and flagrant sections of the book, the establishment of a minimum of 24 hour notification in order to have an additional pound for consecutive days of dual meet competition and a provision that the overtime criteria now was to be applied to the regular match as well as the overtime.

The words “without hesitation” were added to the rule for calling a slam. The Sectional Chairmen clarified the Honor Weigh In system used in N.Y. State by stating that the morning or noon weigh in was the official weigh in and placed the wrestler in a weight class. This helped eliminate weight class controversies that were usually dumped on referees. All sections would be required to use the honor weigh in for dual meets in 1980.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at Brighton High on November 26, 1979 and conducted by First Vice President Tom Trout who presided in the absence of President Mike Giagios whose son was undergoing surgery. It was reported that liability coverage was now $1 million at $1.30 per member. The cost is lower because all sports officials organizations now participate. The “quorum problem” was addressed and members approved a constitutional amendment that sated that “Any business can be transacted by a majority of the members present.” In other business, the Executive Council was directed to meet with the Sectional Chairman, Walt Teike, with the purpose of developing a rating system to be implemented this year. Joe Gugino was appointed to replace Charlie Brown on the Ethics Committee but there was no time to discuss the committee’s proposal because of the National Federation Exam.

As First Vice President, Tom Trout was responsible for the training of new candidates. He announced that there would be a significant change in the training procedure. All candidates would have several classroom rule book sessions and then take a written exam in order to qualify to continue into the practical mat sessions where they would be evaluated. After successful completion of those sessions, it would be determined if the candidate would be granted probationary status. All of our previous officers who were responsible for training new official had made improvements each year, but this started years of even greater improvement in the way both our instructors and our candidates were prepared. Tom and his successor, Tony LaMonica, both had reputations for being outstanding school teachers and they applied the same methods that had made them successful in the classroom to improve what our association was doing to prepare our candidates. They introduced lesson plans that were passed on to later instructors. Our officers still continue to make improvements and our association’s training program has great respect and has served as a model for other officials groups.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did

not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

*Amore, Tom, Rochester

*Anthony, Bill, Rochester

*Ardillo, Sam, Rochester

Bell, Dell, Perry

*Benner, Mike, Rochester

Billitier, Jim, Rochester

Brown, Bob, Pittsford

Cargnoni, Jim, Macedon

*Carnrike, C.L. (Brockport)

Catalano, Charles, Ontario

Chadwick, Brian, Spencerport

Corrigan, Mike, Rochester

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

Dawes, Gary, Fairport

DeBadts, Don, Geneseo

*English, Tom, Rochester

Everling, Gerald, Honeoye Falls

*Fess, John, Rochester

*Frey, Rich, East Rochester

Fuller, Earl, Rochester

*Gallagher, Craig, Elba

Gates, Terry, Avon

Gentile, Al, Ontario

Giagios, Mike, Rochester

Gugino, Joe, Rochester

Gustainis, Joe, Caledonia

Habecker, Steve, Marion

Hagberg, Len, East Rochester

*Hanna, Ernie, Rochester

Hastings, Roscoe, Rochester

*Helfer, Brad, Newark

*Hibsch, John, Varysburg

*Hillman, Lloyd, Rochester

*Johnson, Jeff, Lyndonville

Johnson, Moody, Rochester

Jones, Bob, Penn Yan

Kemp, Mike, Brockport

Knapp, Bruce, Seneca Falls

Knisley, Don, Seneca Falls

*Kruetter, Tim, Perry

LaMonica, Tony, Spencerport

Lang, Dick, Lockport

Large, Fred, Lyndonville

*Lawlor, Bill, Rochester

*Lays, Bob, Rochester

*Lembo, Rick, Rochester

Linsner, Sam, Warsaw

Marano, Gus, Nunda

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

McDuff, John, East Rochester

McLean, Roy, Pittsford

*Mesolella, Jerry, Rochester

Meyle, Gene, Savannah

Molino, Joe, Ontario

Moriarty, Dave, Rochester

*ONeil, Jack, Rochester

*Pignato, Gary, Webster

*Proctor, James, Conesus

*Prong, Chuck, East Rochester

*Rehberg, Garth, Rochester

*Seward, Dave, Bergen

*Spencer, Eric, Brockport

Spring, Tim, Churchville

Stackus, Mike, Waterloo

*Stelljes, Mike, Rochester

*Teike, Walt, Spencerport

*Terranova, Mike, Rochester

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

Trout, Tom, Marion

Tryka, Robert, Perry

*Vandetti, Gerald, Scottsville

Volkmer, James, Rochester

*Walker, Rich, Batavia

*Welch, Bill, Rochester

Westervelt, Dave, Ovid

Wild, Jim, Candandaigua

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at M.C.C. on April 1, 1980 and conducted by President Mike Giagios. The report from the NYSWOA informed members that an updated Rules Interpretation Supplement would be issued and that Bob Bagnall of Section 4 had been elected president. As NYSWOA past president, Frank Marotta would continue to serve on the Executive Committee and as Chairman of the Evaluation Committee. The following announcements were made:

• Ordiway Awards Committee Chairman Tony LaMonica announced that Larry Kane of Penfield was voted the Outstanding Wrestler at the State Qualifier by the WOA members who were in attendance

• Earl Fuller announced that Weldon Canough of Canandaigua was selected as Coach of the year

• The procedure for evaluation developed by the WOA Executive Committee and the Sectional Chairman, Walt Teike was to use one sheet on which coaches rated those officials they saw during the season and checked under numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 which ranged from strongly preferred to reject. Members received copies of the responses but there were no averages or rankings.

• The Ethics Committee report was discussed and the proposed Code of Ethics was approved.

• Earl Fuller, Chairman of the Nominating Committee, suggested that the present officers continue and members approved. Reelected were Mike Giagios, President; Tom Trout, First Vice President and Frank Marotta, Executive Secretary. They were approved unanimously. Tony LaMonica was elected as Second Vice President in a separate vote.

• The procedure for evaluation developed by the WOA Executive Committee and the Sectional Chairman, Walt Teike was to use one sheet on which coaches rated those officials they saw during the season and checked under numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 which ranged from strongly preferred to reject. Members received copies of the responses but there were no averages or rankings.

The major National Federation rules changes for 1980-1981 allowed State Associations to use a referee and an assistant referee or a referee and mat judges, reduced injury time from 3 minutes to 2 minutes with no limit regarding the number of time outs, prohibited the double stalling call and stated that if a contestant’s initial step took him out of the 10 foot circle, it was to be considered stalling.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at M.C.C. on December 1, 1980 and conducted by. President Mike Giagios reappointed all committee members for another season. The NYSWOA informed members that all officials must provide social security numbers, if requested, that the NYSWOA is considering incorporation and that our $1 million policy will continue. Members were also informed that a $750,000 legal action has been started by a wrestler who allegedly sustained an injury. He is suing Lyons Central School District and one of our officials and the WOA were named as third party defendants.

In January, 1981, a Section 5 wrestler died after a match. Our information came from newspaper reports, coaches Gary Clark and Steve Habecker and official Mike Giagios. Craig Strizel, captain of the Williamson wrestling team, suddenly put his hands against his head after he and his opponent went out of bounds and both wrestlers were standing up. There was nothing to indicate that any action had caused a head injury. Strizel was unable to continue, was standing and appeared to be conscious when taken by ambulance. He later died at the hospital. As usual, there were rumors which the coaches and Craig’s parents were quick to dispel. We never received any information about the cause of death. This unfortunate event helped to further emphasize the need for officials to be vigilant in all situations and when requested, grant injury time without hesitation as was done in this case. There were several newspaper articles that covered this tragic event.





(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did

not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

*Ahonen, Brad, Canandaigua *Alvarez,Joe, Rochester

*Amore, Tom, Rochester

*Anna, Ed, Batavia

*Anthony, Bill, Rochester

*Bailey, Jeff, Gainesville

Bell, Dell, Perry

*Benner, Mike, Rochester

*Berner, Jim, Rochester

Billitier, Jim, Rochester

*Binggeli, Bob, Penfield

Cargnoni, Jim, Macedon

*Carman, Dan, Geneseo

*Carnrike, C.L. (Brockport)

Catalano, Charles, Ontario

Chadwick, Brian, Spencerport

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

Dawes, Gary, Fairport

DeBadts, Don, Geneseo

*DeRidder, Jeff, Williamson

*DeWind, Jeff, Marion

*Eick, Lynn, Batavia

*English, Tom, Rochester

Everling, Gerald, Honeoye Falls

*Fisher, Dick, Caledonia

Frey, Rich, East Rochester

Fuller, Earl, Rochester

*Gallagher, Craig, Elba

Gates, Terry, Avon

Gentile, Al, Ontario

*George, Dan, Canandaigua

*Germano, Tony, Rochester

Giagios, Mike, Rochester

*Gillman Jeff, Fairport

*Graham, Shane, Spencerport

Gugino, Joe, Rochester

Gustainis, Joe, Caledonia

*Gustin, Gary, Ontario

Habecker, Steve, Marion

Hagberg, Len, East Rochester

*Hanna, Ernie, Rochester

*Hart, Larry, Ontario

Hastings, Roscoe, Rochester

*Helfer, Brad, Newark

*Hillman, Lloyd, Rochester

*Johnson, Jeff, Lyndonville

Johnson, Moody, Rochester

Jones, Bob, Penn Yan

Kemp, Mike, Brockport

Knapp, Bruce, Seneca Falls

Knisley, Don, Seneca Falls

Kruetter, Tim, Perry

LaMonica, Tony, Spencerport

Lang, Dick, Lockport

Large, Fred, Lyndonville

Lawlor, Bill, Rochester

*Lays, Bob, Rochester

*Lembo, Rick, Rochester

Linsner, Sam, Geneseo

*Longo, Bruce, Williamson

*Magee, Ray, Groveland

Marano, Gus, Nunda

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

McLean, Roy, Rochester

*Mesolella, Jerry, Rochester

Meyle, Gene, Savannah

Molino, Joe, Ontario

*Moriarty, Dave, Rochester

*ONeil, Jack, Rochester

*Perry, Rick, Marion

*Pignato, Gary, Webster

*Poirier, Mike, Rochester

*Polsinelli, Tom, Rochester

*Prong, Chuck, East Rochester

*Prong, Dave, East Rochester

*Seward, Dave, Bergen

*Spencer, Eric, Brockport

Spring, Tim, Churchville

Stackus, Mike, Waterloo

Teike, Walt, Spencerport

*Terranova, Mike, Rochester

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

Trout, Tom, Marion

Tryka, Robert, Perry

*Vandetti, Gerald, Scottsville

Westervelt, Dave, Ovid


A probationary candidate did not pay his dues balance. This had happened in the past so the Executive Council decided that the dues balance for future candidates had to be paid at the last training session or in order to be on the list of officials.

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at M.C.C. on March 25, 1981. The report from the NYSWOA Spring meeting informed members that each chapter would be assessed $1 per member to cover the deficit in the NYSWOA treasury and that the NYSWOA will incorporate.

There was an obvious difference in rules interpretations between sections and that had to be dealt with next year. Tom Trout represented our chapter at the State tournament and did a fine job.

The various committees reported as follows:

• Ordiway Award – Chairman Tony LaMonica reported that Bob Button of Newark was selected as the Outstanding Wrestler at the State Qualifier by the WOA members present and that John McDuff did a great job of coordinating the voting.

• Coach of the Year- Chairman Earl Fuller announced that Larry Reynolds of Canandaigua was selected and will be honored at our banquet.

• Bernabi Award – The committee of past recipients selected Bob Jones

• Executive – In memory of Sam Cappadonia, one of our JV officials who died in an electrocution accident during the season, it was recommended that the WOA purchase a permanent engraved plaque to be donated to Mt. Morris High and that the school authorities annually select an outstanding Mt. Morris wrestler to be honored. The members approved unanimously. (Since that time Mt, Morris has discontinued wrestling.)

President Mike Giagios announced that the Executive Committee selected Gordon Gilfilian for Life Membership. The ratings were returned by 61% coaches prior to the Sectionals.

The following officers were elected: Tom Trout, President; Tony LaMonica, First Vice President; Frank Marotta, Executive Secretary and on a separate ballot, Joe Gustainis was elected Second Vice President.

For the 1981-1982 season, the National Federation finally saw the wisdom of permitting State Associations to allow officials to wear red and green armbands. We had been doing that for years in N.Y. State but had been chastised for doing so. The new rules required hard and/or abrasive equipment to be covered, categorized the figure 4 body scissors as a technical violation, allowed wrestling to continue when penalty points were awarded for locked hands when the defensive wrestler completed a reversal or escape, changed recovery time following an illegal hold as well as the time to remove a greasy substance to 2 minutes and provided that overtime criteria would be applied first to the overtime and then to the regular match.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at M.C.C. on November 30, 1981. President Tom Trout announced that:

• NYSWOA dues have increased to $5 per member plus the $2.95 for liability insurance

• 8 of the 18 eligible probationary officials took the mat test last spring at Kearney and were rated by 8 evaluators. The 4 who were promoted are Bill Anthony, Chick Carnrike, Jerry Mesolella and Mike Terranova

• Tom Trout and the WOA have been named in a $850,000 law suit and it is in the hands of the insurance company attorneys

In other business, First Vice President Tony LaMonica announced that 8 of 12 candidates successfully completed the training course. Bob Jones was not able to attend the banquet last spring to accept the Bernabi Award but was present at the meeting, so Roscoe Hastings repeated many of Bob’s outstanding achievements at the local, state and national levels and made the presentation.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did

not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

*Ahonen, Brad, Canandaigua

*Alvarez, Joe, Rochester

*Anna, Ed, Batavia

Anthony, Bill, Rochester

Bell, Dell, Perry

*Berner, Jim, Rochester

Billitier, Jim, Rochester

*Binggeli, Bob, Penfield

*Carman, Dan, Geneseo

Carnrike, C.L. (Brockport)

Chadwick, Brian, Spencerport

*Chavez, James, Waterloo

*Dailey, Mark, Rochester

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

Dawes, Gary, Fairport

DeBadts, Don, Geneseo

*DeRidder, Jeff, Williamson

*DeWind, Jeff, Marion

*Eick, Lynn, Batavia

*English, Tom, Rochester

Everling, Gerald, Honeoye Falls

*Fay, Brian, Seneca Falls

*Fisher, Dick, Caledonia

Frey, Rich, East Rochester

Fuller, Earl, Rochester

*Gager, Eric, Rochester

*Gallagher, Craig, Elba

Gates, Terry, Avon

Gentile, Al, Ontario

*George, Dan, Canandaigua

*Germano, Tony, Rochester

Giagios, Mike, Rochester

*Gillman Jeff, Fairport

*Graham, Shane, Spencerport

Gugino, Joe, Rochester

Gustainis, Joe, Caledonia

*Gustin, Gary, Ontario

Habecker, Steve, Marion

Hagberg, Len, East Rochester

*Hanna, Ernie, Rochester

*Hart, Larry, Ontario

Hastings, Roscoe, Rochester

*Hendrickson, Nick, Leicester

*Hillman, Lloyd, Rochester

Johnson, Moody, Rochester

Jones, Bob, Penn Yan

Kemp, Mike, Brockport

Knapp, Bruce, Seneca Falls

Knisley, Don, Seneca Falls

Kruetter, Tim, Perry

LaMonica, Tony, Spencerport

Lang, Dick, Lockport

Large, Fred, Lyndonville

Lawlor, Bill, Rochester

*Lembo, Rick, Rochester

Linsner, Sam, Geneseo

*Longo, Bruce, Williamson

*Magee, Ray, Groveland

Marano, Gus, Nunda

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

McLean, Roy, Rochester

Mesolella, Jerry, Rochester

Meyle, Gene, Savannah

*Miller, Dan, Rochester

Molino, Joe, Ontario

Moriarty, Dave, Rochester

*Oberst, Gene, Rochester

*Pignato, Gary, Webster

*Poirier, Mike, Rochester

*Polsinelli, Tom, Rochester

*Prong, Chuck, East Rochester

*Prong, Dave, East Rochester

*Seward, Dave, Bergen

*Spencer, Eric, Brockport

Spina,Peter, Hon Falls (transfer)

Stackus, Mike, Waterloo

Teike, Walt, Spencerport

Terranova, Mike, Rochester

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

Trout, Tom, Marion

Tryka, Robert, Perry

*Vandetti, Gerald, Scottsville

Westervelt, Dave, Ovid

Wild, Jim, Candandaigua

*Zuniga, Joe, Rochester

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at M.C.C. on March 29, 1982. The major announcements were:

• Jerry Everling represented Section 5 at the State Tournament and was rated the #2 official (difference between #1 and #2 was .06) and the top rated assistant.

• Ordiway Memorial Award Chairman, Tony LaMonica announced that Chris Kane of Penfield was voted the Outstanding Wrestler at the State Qualifier by the WOA members who were present and once again acknowledged John McDuff, a former member, who tabulated the ballots. There was a mystery, however. The large Ordiway Plaque that rotates to the schools was missing!

• Coach of the Year Committee Chairman, Earl Fuller, announced that Jeff Brown of Brockport was the selection and would be honored at our banquet.

• Don DeBadts announced that there were some problems in establishing the Cappadonia Memorial Award and this was in limbo.

President Tom Trout updated the members that he and Frank Marotta attended a pre-trial hearing involving the law suit against Lyons, Trout and the WOA. He also suggested that our association establish some criteria, such as those used by the Long Island WOA, to determine which officials should be nominated to work the State Tournament.

Earl Fuller, Chairman of the Nominating Committee, suggested that the present officers continue and members approved. Reelected were Tom Trout, President; Tony LaMonica, First Vice President; and Frank Marotta, Executive Secretary and on a separate ballot, Joe Gustainis was elected Second Vice President.

The major National Federation rules changes for 1982-1983 stated that the exact weight for a contestant had to be recorded at the weigh in in order to move up a weight class, the 1 pound allowance for consecutive days would also apply from a dual meet to a tournament, the double arm bar from the front would be illegal in either the neutral or control position, the referee would be allowed to give a double stalling call and it would be stalling if the heel of the foot was held to the buttocks for more than 5 seconds.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at M.C.C. on November 29, 1982. President Tom Trout reported that 6 of the 18 candidates who took the mat test last spring were promoted to varsity. They were Brad Ahonen Jeff DeRidder Gary Gustin, Lloyd Hillman, Ray Magee and Jerry Vandetti. Our NYSWOA dues will be $5 per member plus $1.50 for liability insurance. He reported that the “lost” Ordiway Plaque was found in a closet at Newark High. He also reminded officials about some major points in our Code of Ethics such as not smoking at the meet site and the proper conduct for officials who are spectators or coaches at a wrestling event. First Vice President Tony LaMonica reported that 6 of 9 candidates successfully completed the training sessions.

February, 1983 marked the first time that the WOA had to deal with an ethics situation. According to a report filed by referee Al Gentile, a second year probationary official came down from the stands during a match and physically approached him on the mat but was restrained by the Mynderse Athletic Director. According to the letter filed by the Ethics Chairman Don DeBadts, the probationary in question was contacted and did not deny the allegation. DeBadts and the other members of the Ethics Committee, Steve Habecker and Gary Gustin, recommended indefinite suspension because it was considered a major violation of our Code of Ethics and the Executive Council concurred. The name has not been included in this summary, but details are in the WOA files.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did

not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Ahonen, Brad, Canandaigua

*Anna, Ed, Batavia

Anthony, Bill, Rochester

*Battoglia, Jim, Rochester

Bell, Dell, Perry

*Berner, Jim, Rochester

Billitier, Jim, Rochester

*Binggeli, Bob, Penfield

*Brown, Greg, Phelps

*Carman, Dan, Geneseo

Chadwick, Brian, Spencerport

*Dailey, Mark, Rochester

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

Dawes, Gary, Fairport

DeBadts, Don, Geneseo

DeRidder, Jeff, Williamson

*DeWind, Jeff, Marion

*Eick, Lynn, Batavia

*English, Tom, Rochester

Everling, Gerald, Honeoye Falls

*Fay, Brian, Seneca Falls

*Fisher, Dick, Caledonia

Frey, Rich, East Rochester

Fuller, Earl, Rochester

Gates, Terry, Avon

Gentile, Al, Ontario

Giagios, Mike, Rochester

*Goodenow, Al, Warsaw

*Graham, Shane, Spencerport

Gugino, Joe, Rochester

Gustainis, Joe, Caledonia

Gustin, Gary, Ontario

Habecker, Steve, Marion

Hagberg, Len, East Rochester

*Hart, Larry, Ontario

Hastings, Roscoe, Rochester

*Hendrickson, Nick, Leicester

Hillman, Lloyd, Rochester

Johnson, Moody, Rochester

Jones, Bob, Penn Yan

Kemp, Mike, Brockport

Knisley, Don, Seneca Falls

Kruetter, Tim, Perry

LaMonica, Tony, Spencerport

Lawlor, Bill, Rochester

*Lembo, Rick, Rochester

Linsner, Sam, Geneseo

*Longo, Bruce, Williamson

Magee, Ray, Geneseo

Marano, Gus, Nunda

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

Mesolella, Jerry, Rochester

Meyle, Gene, Savannah

Molino, Joe, Ontario

Moriarty, Dave, Rochester

*Notebaert, Ed, Geneva

*Oberst, Gene, Rochester

*Poirier, Mike, Rochester

*Polsinelli, Tom, Rochester

*Prong, Chuck, East Rochester

*Prong, Dave, East Rochester

*Richir, Ken, Brockport

*Seward, Dave, Bergen

Spina,Peter,HoneoyeFalls (transfer)

Stackus, Mike, Waterloo

Teike, Walt, Spencerport

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

Trout, Tom, Marion

*Turkow, Dave, Bergen

*Vandetti, Gerald, Scottsville

Westervelt, Dave, Ovid

Wild, Jim, Candandaigua

*Zarajczyk, Dave, LeRoy

*Zuniga, Joe, Rochester

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at M.C.C. on March 29, 1983. New Ordiway Award Chairman, Joe Gugino, announced that Angelo D’Angelis of Spencerport was voted Outstanding Wrestler at the State Qualifier and Earl Fuller announced that Bill Jacoutot of Spencerport was selected as Coach of the Year. The committee of past recipients decided not to present a Bernabi Award this year. Don DeBadts announced that the Cappadonia Award was presented to the Outstanding Wrestler of the Livingston County Tournament at paid for by the Geneseo Boosters in return for the volunteer officials at the Geneseo Kids Tournament. President Tom Trout read the letter from our insurance carrier that explained the settlement of the suit involving Jeff Coons of Lyons Central. The suit was originally for $850,000 but was settled out of court for $11,250 because of “insurance company economics” – what they thought was the cheapest way. Officials were reminded to be sure to grant injury time when requested no matter what you think may be the motive.

The report from the NYSWOA indicated that there would be a State Rules Interpreter appointed by the Executive Committee and serve at their pleasure. The goal is to have continual and consistent interpretations throughout the state. Mike Giagios represented the WOA as an official at the State Tournament and did an excellent job. Other members who served as volunteers were Jim Berner, Tom Polsinelli, Mike Poirier, Tony LaMonica and Jim Wild.

Ratings for the 1982-1983 season were submitted by 49 schools, compared to 44 from the previous year. Those ratings were used to determine Sectional and State Qualifier officials and the cooperation of Section 5 Wrestling Chairman, Walt Teike was noted with appreciation.

There was an awkward situation involving the Monroe County JV Tournament because the County Chairman, at the request of the coaches, wanted to use top rated varsity officials for the second day and pay them the varsity fee. The WOA was caught of guard and questioned this idea, but we could not refuse the request because schools have the right to hire any certified officials from our chapter.

The officers for 1983-1984 were elected as follows: Tony LaMonica, President; Joe Gustainis, First Vice President; and Frank Marotta, Executive Secretary. On a separate ballot, Don DeBadts was elected Second Vice President.

The major National Federation rules changes for 1983-84 stated that there must be at least a 1 hour rest between each match in multiple meets as well as tournaments. The neutral starting position was changed from opposite sides of the 10 foot circle to a 3 foot separation. Coaches who questioned the judgment of the referee or claimed the referee misapplied a rule but there was no error would be penalized 1 team point on the first offense and removed from the premises on the second offense. Following a caution for a false start, the opponent would receive 1 match point for each occurrence following the caution, but this was no longer a progressive penalty that could lead to disqualification. Starting in 1983, the NYSWOA appointed an official NY State Wrestling Rules Interpreter so there would be greater continuity and consistency from year to year. Prior to this, the President of the NYSWOA served as State Interpreter for two years. Lon Coven, from Long Island, was appointed and he adopted the model of handing out thorough, written interpretations that had been used by three earlier NYSWOA Presidents (Leo Bernabi, Lou Pettinelli and Frank Marotta). He also became the editor of the N.Y. State Rules Interpretation Handbook which became the “Green Book”. All sections benefited from his efforts.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at M.C.C. on November 28, 1983. President Tony LaMonica announced that Jim Berner, Lynn Eick, Dick Fisher, Shane Graham and Tom Polsinelli had been promoted to varsity status and that we had two transfers. They were Ray Hartley from Pennsylvania and Rich Walker, who returned to us from Virginia. Jerry Everling, Steve Habecker, Mike Kemp, Gus Marano and Dave Prong requested to be inactive. First Vice President, Joe Gustainis, had 12 of 13 candidates successfully completed the probationary training classes. Negotiator Len Hagberg informed the members that mileage was still the biggest problem in reaching a contract settlement with Section 5. The NYSWOA announced that commemorative coins will be presented to all officials who work the State Tournament from now on and the WOA agreed to purchase coins for our officials who worked in the past. Don DeBadts was appointed Section 5 Wrestling Chairman replacing Walt Teike who resigned. Walt was complimented for the outstanding job he did as chairman and especially for developing a close working relationship with the officials.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did

not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Ahonen, Brad, Candandaigua

*Anna, Ed, Batavia

Anthony, Bill, Rochester

Bell, Dell, Perry

*Bennett, Darrell, Warsaw

Berner, Jim, Rochester

Billitier, Jim, Rochester

*Binggeli, Bob, Wolcott

*Block, Mike, Newark

Chadwick, Brian, Spencerport

*Dailey, Mark, Rochester

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

Dawes, Gary, Fairport

DeBadts, Don, Geneseo

DeRidder, Jeff, Williamson

*DeWind, Jeff, Marion

Eick, Lynn, Batavia

*English, Tom, Rochester

Everling, Gerald, Honeoye Falls

*Ferrington, Gerald, Attica

*Finch, Greg. Penn Yan

Fisher, Dick, Caledonia

*Forman, John, Fairport

Frey, Rich, East Rochester

Fuller, Earl, Rochester

Gates, Terry, Avon

Gentile, Al, Ontario

*Germano, Tony, Rochester

Giagios, Mike, Rochester

*Goodenow, Al, Warsaw

Graham, Shane, Spencerport

Gugino, Joe, Rochester

Gustainis, Joe, Caledonia

Gustin, Gary, Ontario

Habecker, Steve, Marion

*Hadsell, Bill, Canandaigua

Hagberg, Len, East Rochester

Hartley, Ray, Hamlin (transfer)

*Hart, Larry, Ontario

Hastings, Roscoe, Rochester

*Hendrickson, Nick, Leicester

Hillman, Lloyd, Rochester

*Juda, Gary, Ontario

Kemp, Mike, Brockport

Knisley, Don, Seneca Falls

Kruetter, Tim, Perry

LaMonica, Tony, Spencerport

Lawlor, Bill, Rochester

Linsner, Sam, Geneseo

*Longo, Bruce, Williamson

*Lupisella, John, Brockport

*Lupisella, Rich, Brockport

Magee, Ray, Geneseo

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

*Maxfield, Rufus, N. Chili

Mesolella, Jerry, Rochester

Meyle, Gene, Savannah

Molino, Joe, Ontario

Moriarty, Dave, Rochester

*Notebaert, Ed, Geneva

*Oberst, Gene, Rochester

*Paternoster, Jim, Rochester

*Poirier, Mike, Rochester

Polsinelli, Tom, Rochester

*Prong, Chuck, East Rochester

*Prong, Dave, East Rochester

Stackus, Mike, Waterloo

Teike, Walt, Spencerport

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

Trout, Tom, Marion

*Turkow, Dave, Bergen

Vandetti, Gerald, Scottsville

Walker, Rich, Corfu (transfer)

Westervelt, Dave, Ovid

Wild, Jim, Candandaigua

*Zuniga, Joe, Rochester

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at M.C.C. on April 2, 1984 and presided over by President Tony LaMonica. Ordiway Memorial Award Chairman, Joe Gugino, reported that Marty King of Canandaigua was voted the Outstanding Wrestler at the State Qualifier by WOA members who were present. Section 5 Chairman, Don DeBadts received over 60 ratings which were used as a basis for Sectional assignments.

At the State Tournament, Mike Giagios represented our chapter and chapter member Gene Meyle also officiated as a Section 3 representative. Former member Al Feuz represented Section 6. Frank Marotta served as State Evaluation Committee Chairman and Joe Gustainis was an evaluator. Jim Berner, Tom Polsinelli, Mike Poirier and Tony LaMonica were volunteer table workers. Al Gentile was presented with the National Federation Distinguished Service Award for Wrestling in a ceremony prior to the State Tournament Finals and this was a proud moment for Al, his family and all of the WOA of Section 5.

The WOA Executive Council recommended that Bob Jones be made a Life Member and the members approved. Don DeBadts announced that the Sam Cappadonia Award was presented to Gary Dempsey of LeRoy and expenses were paid by the officials from Livingston County. A 3 year package was finally negotiated by United Sports Board Council and Section 5 and it provides a $1 per year increase in varsity fees, a proportionate increase in JV fees and retains payment for mileage. Coach of the Year Committee Chairman Earl Fuller announced that Don Quinn of East Rochester was selected and will be honored at our banquet. Because of increased expenses and declining membership, the members agreed to an Executive Council proposal to increase dues to $40 for varsity officials and 22 for JV officials. The members also agreed with the nominating committee’s recommendation to retain the current officers for the 1984-1985 season. They are Tony LaMonica, President; Joe Gustainis, First Vice President; Frank Marotta, Executive Secretary and Don DeBadts, Second Vice President.

The major 1984-1985 National Federation rules changes allowed contestants to compete in 5 full length matches per day, but N.Y. State did not adopt this. Near fall points could be scored in a high bridge or on both elbows. If injury occurred prior to near fall criteria being met or the defensive wrestler indicated injury (“scream rule”), a 2 point near fall would be scored. A warning was to be given before penalizing a coach for misconduct. Matches would not be stopped when warning for stalling in the neutral position or when warning or penalizing the defensive wrestler. Provision was made for a visual and audible 5 second count when either wrestler failed to improve his position.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at M.C.C. on November 27, 1984. President Tony LaMonica announced that Mark Dailey, Ed Notebaert and Dave Turkow were promoted to varsity status and that Dailey will be transferring to the Syracuse Chapter. Several officials decided to go inactive or possibly drop out. They are Del Bell, Jim Billitier, Gary Dawes, Dick Fisher, Jerry Everling, Shane Graham, Tim Kruetter and Bill Lawlor.

Tom Trout presented the new procedure that the Executive Council to be used to nominate candidates to officiate at the State Tournament. The system used on Long Island served as a starting point in developing our criteria. It assigned points for specific criteria, such as being in the top five of the previous year’s ratings and the number of times the official worked Sectionals and Qualifiers. It was a fair way to rank candidates to be submitted to the NYSWOA. Previously, the Executive Council examined ratings submitted by coaches and considered the qualifications of our members who were usually selected to officiate the “pressure” matches during the season, but there was no specific formula. Even though there was no “politics” in determining the nominations in previous years, the system was not really transparent. Frank Marotta has been the Chairman of the NYSWOA Selection and Evaluation Committees and has recommended that all chapters develop some type of fair procedure to determine their nominees, but this has not yet occurred. Our system has helped to avoid the political problems that have faced some other chapters.

All officials received copies of the NY State Rules Interpretation Handbook, a publication that will be edited every two years. Section 5 purchased copies for all wrestling coaches and this was viewed as a benefit to the coaches, wrestlers and officials.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did

not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Ahonen, Brad, Canandaigua

Anthony, Bill, Rochester

Bell, Del, Perry

*Bennett, Darrell, Warsaw

Berner, Jim, Rochester

*Burton, Steve, Hamlin

Chadwick, Brian, Spencerport

*Clark, John, Rochester

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

Dawes, Gary, Fairport

DeBadts, Don, Geneseo

DeRidder, Jeff, Williamson

*Dobstaff, Dave, Rochester

Eick, Lynn, Batavia

*Elter, Mike, Webster

*English, Tom, Rochester

Everling, Gerald, Honeoye Falls

*Ferrington, Gerald, Attica

*Finch, Greg. Gorham

Fisher, Dick, Caledonia

Frey, Rich, East Rochester

Fuller, Earl, Rochester

Gates, Terry, Avon

Gentile, Al, Ontario

Giagios, Mike, Rochester

*Goodenow, Al, Warsaw

Graham, Shane, Spencerport

*Gruschow, Dan, Henrietta

Gugino, Joe, Rochester

Gustainis, Joe, Caledonia

Gustin, Gary, Ontario

Habecker, Steve, Marion

*Hadsell, Bill, Canandaigua

Hagberg, Len, East Rochester

Hartley, Ray, Hamlin

Hastings, Roscoe, Rochester

Hillman, Lloyd, Rochester

*Juda, Gary, Ontario

Knisley, Don, Seneca Falls

LaMonica, Tony, Spencerport

*Lemmon, Mike, Palmyra

Linsner, Sam, Geneseo

*Lupisella, John, Brockport

*Lupisella, Rich, Brockport

Magee, Ray, Geneseo

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

*Marvantino, Rich, Brockport

*Maxfield, Rufus, N. Chili

*McAuliff, Mike, East Rochester

Mesolella, Jerry, Rochester

Meyle, Gene, Savannah

Molino, Joe, Ontario

Moriarty, Dave, Rochester

Notebaert, Ed, Geneva

*Oberst, Gene, Rochester

*Paternoster, Jim, Rochester

*Poirier, Mike, Rochester

*Poletta, Sam, Rochester

Polsinelli, Tom, Rochester

*Prong, Chuck, East Rochester

*Prong, Dave, East Rochester

Stackus, Mike, Waterloo

Teike, Walt, Spencerport

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

Trout, Tom, Marion

Turkow, Dave, Bergen

Vandetti, Gerald, Scottsville

Walker, Rich, Corfu (transfer)

*Watt, Ray, Geneva

*West, Tim, Macedon

Westervelt, Dave, Ovid

Wild, Jim, Candandaigua

*Zuniga, Joe, Rochester

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at M.C.C. on March 20, 1985. Ordiway Memorial Award Chairman reported that Joel Lamson of Waterloo was selected as the Outstanding Wrestler at the State Qualifier by the WOA members present and that this was the largest number of ballots cast to date.

Mike Giagios and Tom Trout officiated at the State Tournament and were outstanding. Jim Berner, Tom Polsinelli, Tony LaMonica and Mike Poirier served as volunteer table workers. Prior to the State Tournament Finals, Frank Marotta was presented with a National Federation Award for Distinguished Service for contributions to officiating. This was a surprise because it unusual for 2 people from the same chapter to receive such a national award in consecutive years. Al Gentile was honored last year.

President Tony LaMonica thanked members who, along with himself, evaluated candidates at the Mat Test. They were Mike Giagios, Terry Gates, Joe Gustainis, Jim Wild, Steve Habecker, Dave Moriarty, Don DeBadts. Tom Trout used those ratings in his computer program which provides data for the Executive Council. The varsity ratings were returned from 55 schools representing about 75% of the schools serviced by the WOA. Once again, the ratings determined the officials who worked the Sectionals.

The election of officers for 1985-1986 departed from the customary acceptance of the nominating committee’s recommendation which was to elect Joe Gustainis, President; Don DeBadts, First Vice President; and Frank Marotta, Executive Secretary. Additional nominations were made for two of the offices. The additional nominations were for President, Jim Wild and for First Vice President, Gary Gustin. A secret ballot was used and the results were in favor of Gustainis and DeBadts. Similarly, there was a contest for Second Vice President between Steve Dalberth and Joe Gugino. Dalberth was elected.

The major 1985-86 National Federation rules changes placed a 275 lb. maximum on the heavyweight class. Wrestlers were allowed to wear a neatly trimmed moustache. Rubber, vinyl and plastic type suits were prohibited for weight reduction purposes. The optional start was allowed for the referee’s position, the technical fall was to be awarded when a wrestler earned a 15 point advantage, a wrestler who has choice of position was allowed to select neutral, top or bottom at the start of the second or third period and the penalty for questioning the misapplication of a rule was to be assessed against the head coach.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at M.C.C. on December 4, 1985. Prior to that meeting all members had been notified that one of our officials and Geneva wrestling coach, Don Knisley, had died in a boating accident during the summer and that several of our members went to his funeral. Although the association has no specific policy for these types of situations, a floral piece was sent on behalf of the WOA and members voted that in the future, the Executive Secretary should use his judgment to do what is appropriate in the event of the death of an official or member of the immediate family. However, what has been done is that the Executive Council is consulted and decisions are made that way.

President Joe Gustainis announced that Al Goodenow, Rich Lupisella and Gene Oberst had been promoted to varsity status; Gary Dawes, Earl Fuller and Gary Gustin will be inactive; and Del Bell and Jerry Everling have retired from officiating. He appointed Tom Trout and Jim Wild to the Executive Committee and reappointed all other committees. Vice President Don DeBadts reported that Joe Baldo, Martin Buonanno, Tharon Juda, Greg Martin, Tom Vonglis and Phil Zickl successfully completed the training classes for probationary officials. NYSWOA dues increased from $5 to $10 per member. Tharon Juda was our first female probationary official.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Anthony, Bill, Rochester

*Baldo, Joe, East Rochester

Berner, Jim, Rochester

*Buonanno, Martin, Rochester

*Burton, Steve, Hamlin

Chadwick, Brian, Spencerport

*Clark, John, Rochester

Conway,John,Spencerport (transfer)

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

Dawes, Gary, Fairport

DeBadts, Don, Geneseo

DeRidder, Jeff, Williamson

*Dobstaff, Dave, Rochester

Eick, Lynn, Batavia

*English, Tom, East Rochester

*Ferrington, Gerald, Attica

*Finch, Greg. Gorham

Fisher, Dick, Caledonia

Frey, Rich, East Rochester

Fuller, Earl, Rochester

Gates, Terry, Avon

Gentile, Al, Ontario

Giagios, Mike, Rochester

Goodenow, Al, Warsaw

Graham, Shane, Spencerport

Grazul,Dave,Rochester (transfer)

Gugino, Joe, Rochester

Gustainis, Joe, Caledonia

Gustin, Gary, Ontario

Habecker, Steve, Marion

Hadsell, Bill, Canandaigua

Hagberg, Len, East Rochester

Hartley, Ray, Hamlin

Hastings, Roscoe, Rochester

Hillman, Lloyd, Rochester

*Juda, Gary, Ontario

*Juda, Theron, Ontario

LaMonica, Tony, Spencerport

Linsner, Sam, Geneseo

Lupisella, Rich, Brockport

Magee, Ray, Geneseo

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

*Martin, Greg. Rochester

*McAuliff, Mike, East Rochester

Mesolella, Jerry, Rochester

Meyle, Gene, Savannah

Molino, Joe, Ontario

Moriarty, Dave, Rochester

Notebaert, Ed, Geneva

Oberst, Gene, Rochester

*Paternoster, Jim, Rochester

*Poirier, Mike, Rochester

Polsinelli, Tom, Rochester

*Prong, Chuck, East Rochester

*Prong, Dave, East Rochester

Stackus, Mike, Waterloo

Teike, Walt, Spencerport

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

Trout, Tom, Marion

Turkow, Dave, Bergen

Vandetti, Gerald, Scottsville

*Vonglis, Tom, Avon

*Watt, Ray, Geneva

*West, Tim, Macedon

Westervelt, Dave, Ovid

Wild, Jim, Candandaigua

*Zickl, Phil, Batavia

*Zuniga, Joe, Rochester

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at M.C.C. on March 12, 1986 and conducted by President Joe Gustainis. Ordiway Memorial Award Chairman Joe Gugino reported that Rick Suhr of Spencerport was selected as the Outstanding Wrestler at the State Qualifier by the WOA members present. Once again, it was reported that our officials did an outstanding job at the State Tournament. They were Mike Giagios, Tom Trout and Gene Meyle, who represented Section 3. Jim Berner, Tom Polsinelli and Mike Poirier served as volunteer table workers. Starting with the next season, officials will be required to submit a special form for wrestlers who have been injured during a match.

Executive Secretary Frank Marotta was asked by the United Sports Board Council to negotiate a new 3 year contract with Section 5 for all sports (including football which has not yet decided to join USBC). This negotiating format is now a requirement and it is expected that new negotiators, Frank and the Section 5 negotiator, Don Cummings of Wheatland Chili, can amicably arrive at a fair settlement after several years of great difficulty between previous negotiators.

After much discussion of ways to increase our dues from a flat increase to assignment fees, the members voted to the following dues: Varsity dues = fee + $7 and JV dues = fee + $5. This should enable us to have enough in our treasury each year so that the Executive Secretary will not have to “advance” the association several hundred dollars each fall prior to dues being collected so that rule books can be purchased

The nominating committee proposed that the current officers President, Joe Gustainis;, First Vice President, Don DeBadts; and Frank Marotta, Executive Secretary continue for 1986-1987 and members agreed. In a separate ballot, Steve Dalberth was reelected as Second Vice President.

The major National Federation rules changes for 1986-1987 established the jurisdiction time for the referee, deleted references to mat judges and stated that only an assistant referee would be used, required a two second count for a near fall and provided the match would be stopped to warn and penalize for stalling in the neutral position. Bad time was defined and clarified in reference to correction of errors.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at M.C.C. on December 3, 1986. President Joe Gustainis announced that Dave Dobstaff, Dave Prong and Ray Watt had been promoted to varsity status. Vice Presidents Don DeBadts and Steve Dalberth conducted the training classes for new officials and Jon Campo, Charlie Catalano, Joe Cavallaro, Vinnie Chirico, Ken Darch, John Gleason, Bill Hadsell, Gary Heimlich, Keith Maxwell, Tim Nothnagle and Peter Vonglis successfully completed the program and are probationary officials.

This season, the annual Mat Test was held at Geneseo and the WOA shared in the profits. Frank Marotta, representing all Section 5 Sports for the USBC and Don Cummings, representing Section 5, successfully negotiated a 3 year contract for 1987 -1990 which will increase the variety dual meet fee $2 each year, increase JV and Modified fees to 60% and 50% of the varsity fees and pay mileage at the IRS rate.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Anthony, Bill, Rochester

*Baldo, Joe, East Rochester

Berner, Jim, Rochester

*Burton, Steve, Hamlin

*Campo, Jon, Rochester

*Catalano, Charlie, Marion

*Cavallaro, Joe, Rochester

Chadwick, Brian, Spencerport

*Chirico, Vinnie, Walworth

*Clark, John, Rochester

Conway,John,Spencerport (transfer)

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

*Darch, Ken, Batavia

Dawes, Gary, Fairport

DeBadts, Don, Geneseo

DeRidder, Jeff, Williamson

Dobstaff, Dave, Rochester

Eick, Lynn, Batavia

*English, Tom, East Rochester

*Finch, Greg. Gorham

Fisher, Dick, Caledonia

*Frey, Rich, East Rochester

Fuller, Earl, Rochester

Gates, Terry, Avon

Gentile, Al, Ontario

Giagios, Mike, Rochester

*Gleason, John, Penn Yan

Goodenow, Al, Warsaw

Graham, Shane, Spencerport

Grazul,Dave,Rochester (transfer)

Gugino, Joe, Churchville

Gustainis, Joe, Caledonia

Habecker, Steve, Marion

*Hadsell, Bill, Canandaigua

Hagberg, Len, East Rochester

Hartley, Ray, Hamlin

Hastings, Roscoe, Rochester

*Heimlich, Greg, Bergen

LaMonica, Tony, Spencerport

Linsner, Sam, Geneseo

Magee, Ray, Geneseo

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

*Martin, Greg. Rochester

*Maxwell, Keith, LeRoy

Mesolella, Jerry, Rochester

Meyle, Gene, Savannah

Molino, Joe, Ontario

Moriarty, Dave, Rochester

Notebaert, Ed, Geneva

*Nothnagle, Tim, Caledonia

Oberst, Gene, Rochester

*Poirier, Mike, Rochester

Polsinelli, Tom, Rochester

*Prong, Chuck, East Rochester

Prong, Dave, East Rochester

Stackus, Mike, Waterloo

Teike, Walt, Spencerport

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

Trout, Tom, Marion

Turkow, Dave, Bergen

Vandetti, Gerald, Scottsville

*Vonglis, Peter, Avon

*Vonglis, Tom, Avon

Watt, Ray, Geneva

*West, Tim, Macedon

Westervelt, Dave, Ovid

Wild, Jim, Candandaigua

*Zickl, Phil, Batavia


The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at M.C.C. on March 25, 1987 and conducted by President Joe Gustainis. Ordiway Memorial Award Chairman, Joe Gugino reported that Tim McKee of Bath was selected as the Outstanding Wrestler at the State Qualifier by a large number of WOA members present. It was reported that Jim Wild did an outstanding job officiating the State Tournament. He was an alternate and a last minute replacement for Steve Dalberth who was ill. Also commended were Jim Berner, Tom Polsinelli, Mike Porier and Dave Dobstaff, WOA members who worked as volunteer table help.

Don DeBadts announced that an appeals procedure which would include only officials would go into effect for the 1988 Sectionals. The procedure was drafted by the WOA Executive Council so that it would involve only officials because they know the rules interpretations. There has never been an official appeals procedure and an unfortunate situation involving a misunderstanding of a rule involving near fall points in a cradle situation could have been avoided this season if we had had an appeals procedure in place.

Earl Fuller, Chairman of the Nominating Committee proposed the following slate for 1987-1988 and the members approved”: President, Don DeBadts; First Vice President, Steve Dalberth, Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta. In a separate election, Jim Wild was elected as Second Vice President.

Members were saddened to learn that one of our former members and officers, Jim Harris died at the age of 44. He had been an All American football player at Ithaca College, and outstanding coach of several sports, including wrestling, and did an outstanding job officiating at the 1977 N.Y. State Tournament. He had relocated to Virginia as an employee of Champion Sportswear after being a victim of job cuts as a physical education teacher. As one of our officers, he was instrumental in leading the way to establishing the form of our current organization as a separate Wrestling Officials Association.

The 1987-1988 National Federation rules changes stated that a 3 point near fall would be awarded if the match was stopped for injury after criteria had been met. The chin wrench and leg block (cut back) were illegal and the coach would be penalized for unsportsmanlike conduct for coaching an injured contestant during a time out.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at M.C.C. on December 2, 1987. President Don DeBadts announced that Joe Baldo, Tom Vonglis and Phil Zickl had been promoted to varsity status and that Baldo has since moved to Arizona. Ear l Fuller, Al Gentile, Ray Hartley and Dave Westervelt will be inactive. Dick Fisher and Shane Graham have retired from the association. Don also reappointed all committee chairmen. New probationary officials who completed the training sessions run by Vice Presidents Steve Dalberth and Jim Wild were David Baker, Jeff Barker, John Hackemer and Tom Kwiatkowski.

There was an unfortunate situation at the 1988 State Qualifier after a wrestler was awarded the match after wrestling overtime. The losing Gates wrestler stormed off the mat and went to the locker room. It was later discovered that the match should not have even gone to overtime but no one had checked the score. Under the rules, it was no longer a correctable error. A judge refused to grant an injunction so the decision was upheld.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Anthony, Bill, Rochester

*Baker, David, Rochester

*Barker, Jeff, Rochester

Berner, Jim, Rochester

*Burton, Steve, Hamlin

*Campo, Jon, Rochester

Catalano, Charlie, Marion

*Cavallaro, Joe, Rochester

*Chirico, Vinnie, Penfield

*Clark, John, Rochester

Conway, John, Spencerport

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

*Darch, Ken, Batavia

DeBadts, Don, Geneseo

DeRidder, Jeff, Williamson

Dobstaff, Dave, Rochester

Eick, Lynn, Batavia

*English, Tom, East Rochester

*Finch, Greg. Gorham

Frey, Rich, East Rochester

Fuller, Earl, Rochester

Gates, Terry, Avon

Gentile, Al, Ontario

Giagios, Mike, Rochester

*Gleason, John, Penn Yan

Goodenow, Al, Warsaw

Grazul, Dave, East Rochester

Gugino, Joe, Churchville

Gustainis, Joe, Caledonia

Habecker, Steve, Marion

*Hackemer, John, Warsaw

Hagberg, Len, East Rochester

Hartley, Ray, Hamlin

Hastings, Roscoe, Rochester

*Heimlich, Greg, Bergen

*Kwiatkowski, Tom, Batavia

LaMonica, Tony, Spencerport

Linsner, Sam, Geneseo

Magee, Ray, Geneseo

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

Mesolella, Jerry, Rochester

Meyle, Gene, Savannah

Molino, Joe, Ontario

Moriarty, Dave, Rochester

Notebaert, Ed, Geneva

*Nothnagle, Tim, Caledonia

Oberst, Gene, Rochester

*Poirier, Mike, Rochester

Polsinelli, Tom, Rochester

*Prong, Chuck, East Rochester

Prong, Dave, East Rochester

Stackus, Mike, Waterloo

Teike, Walt, Spencerport

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

Trout, Tom, Marion

Turkow, Dave, Bergen

Vandetti, Gerald, Scottsville

*Vonglis, Peter, Avon

Vonglis, Tom, Avon

Watt, Ray, Geneva

Westervelt, Dave, Ovid

Wild, Jim, Candandaigua

Zickl, Phil, Batavia


The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at M.C.C. on March 23, 1988 and conducted by President Don DeBadts. Ordiway Memorial Award Chairman Joe Gugino reported that Andy Antonucci of Hilton was voted the Outstanding Wrestler of the State Qualifier by the WOA members who were present. There was discussion about whether or not the Ordiway Award should be continued and members voted that it should. The WOA was represented at the State Tournament by Steve Dalberth, Jim Wild and Gene Meyle, who represented Section 3, and all were rated highly by the NYSWOA Evaluation Committee. Jim Berner, Tom Polsinelli, Charlie Catalano, Tony LaMonica, Mike Poirier and Joe Gugino served as volunteer workers at scoring tables.

The Executive Committee recommended that Earl Fuller and Al Gentile be honored with Life Membership and this was approved. The Nominating Committee proposed that the current officers remain 1988-1989 and the members approved”: President, Don DeBadts; First Vice President, Steve Dalberth, Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta. In a separate election, Jim Wild was elected as Second Vice President.

The 1988-89 National Federation rules adopted new weight classes (103, 112, 119, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145, 152, 160, 171, 189, 275) but N.Y. State continued to use those that had been established by the NYSPHSAA. The back bow was added to the list of illegal holds, the 5 second count that preceded stalling calls was deleted and all points, penalties and injury time from a regular tournament match were carried into the overtime and if necessary, the criteria to determine the winner would be applied starting with the regular match.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at M.C.C. on December 1, 1988. President Don DeBadts announced that Steve Burton, Jon Campo, Vinnie Chirico, John Clark, Ken Darch and Tim Nothnagle had been promoted to varsity status. Steve Habecker, Ray Hartley and Mike Poirier were inactive. New probationary officials who completed training classes run by Steve Dalberth and Jim Wild: Rick Garbutt, Joe Hayek, Bill Hettrick, Chris Kidder, Ron Kidder, Jim Ludwig, Armand Marianetti, Mike Rhinhard, Tom Vergo, Ed Wing and Gus Young. Don DeBadts reappointed all committee chairmen for the season and appointed Walt Teike, Joe Gugino and Jim Berner to the Ethics Committee. Jim Wild reported that a newly designed WOA of Section 5 patch, which would replace the outdated black, red and white WCOA patch, would be available for the next season. He designed the shield which will have purple coloring to correspond to the purple uniform designation given to Section 5 at the State Tournament. It was recorded in the official minutes that Al Gentile was the first Life Member in history to attend a business meeting at to take the National Federation Exam.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Anthony, Bill, Rochester

*Baker, David, Rochester

*Barker, Jeff, Rochester

Berner, Jim, Rochester

Burton, Steve, Hamlin

Campo, Jon, Rochester

Catalano, Charlie, Marion

Chirico, Vinnie, Penfield

Clark, John, Rochester

Conway, John, Spencerport

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

Darch, Ken, Batavia

DeBadts, Don, Geneseo

DeRidder, Jeff, Williamson

Dobstaff, Dave, Rochester

Eick, Lynn, Batavia

*English, Tom, East Rochester

Frey, Rich, East Rochester

*Garbutt, Rick, Hilton

Gates, Terry, Conesus

Giagios, Mike, Rochester

*Gleason, John, Penn Yan

Goodenow, Al, Warsaw

Grazul, Dave, East Rochester

Gugino, Joe, Churchville

Gustainis, Joe, Caledonia

Habecker, Steve, Marion

Hagberg, Len, East Rochester

Hart, Tom, Penfield, (transfer)

Hartley, Ray, Hamlin

Hastings, Roscoe, Rochester

*Hayek, Joe, Rochester

*Heimlich, Greg, Bergen

*Hettrick, Bill, W. Henrietta

*Kidder, Chris, Lakeville

*Kidder, Ron, Rochester

LaMonica, Tony, Spencerport

Linsner, Sam, Geneseo

*Ludwig, Jim, Rochester

Magee, Ray, Geneseo

*Marianetti,Armand, Farmington

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

Mesolella, Jerry, Rochester

Meyle, Gene, Savannah

Molino, Joe, Ontario

Moriarty, Dave, Rochester

Notebaert, Ed, Geneva

Nothnagle, Tim, Caledonia

Oberst, Gene, Rochester

*Poirier, Mike, Rochester

Polsinelli, Tom, Rochester

*Prong, Chuck, East Rochester

Prong, Dave, East Rochester

*Rhinard, Mike, Rochester

Stackus, Mike, Waterloo

Teike, Walt, Spencerport

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

Trout, Tom, Marion

Turkow, Dave, Bergen

Vandetti, Gerald, Scottsville

*Vergo, Tom, Rochester

*Vonglis, Peter, Avon

Vonglis, Tom, Avon

*Walker, Rich, Corfu

Watt, Ray, Geneva

Wild, Jim, Candandaigua

*Wing, Ed, Portageville

*Young, Gus, Avon

Zickl, Phil, Batavia

*Zuniga, Joe, Rochester

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at M.C.C. on April 6, 1989 and conducted by President Don DeBadts. Ordiway Memorial Award Chairman Joe Gugino reported that John Welch of Canandaigua was voted the Outstanding Wrestler at the State Qualifier by the WOA members present. Wrestling officials’ associations throughout N.Y. State were asked to vote in favor of mandatory membership in the National Federation, especially to get extra insurance coverage. The WOA of Section 5 membership voted that our representatives should vote “No.”

Steve Dalberth and Mike Giagios officiated at the State Tournament and received high ratings from the NYSWOA Evaluation Committee. Jim Berner, Tom Polsinelli, Charlie Catalano and Tony LaMonica were table workers. Members were informed of an incident that occurred during the State Finals. While sitting in the area reserved for officials and waiting for his turn to officiate, Steve was struck from behind by a spectator who had gotten on to the floor. The person was a former Gates wrestler who said “that’s for screwing my buddy” in reference to a match that had occurred in the past. The attacker quickly fled over the boards. Frank Marotta was in pursuit and would have tackled him had not one of the other officials stepped in his way. Frank, NYSWOA President elect George Rogers (who was also a member of the U. S. Secret Service) and Syracuse War Memorial Security, continued the search and finally found him hiding behind the back row of seats on the upper level of the War Memorial. He was arrested, jailed and pleaded guilty to harassment on Monday morning and was fined $100.

Members expressed concern that not enough ratings were being returned. Don DeBadts added that some coaches did give valid reasons why they gave low ratings but he was upset that some made unprofessional remarks. It was suggested that the “4” rating, which was acceptable, be omitted and that league chairmen be more involved in collecting ratings in an effort to get more turned in.

The Nominating Committee’s proposed slate for 1988-1989 was accepted: President, Steve Dalberth; First Vice President, Jim Wild; and Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta. Ray Magee was elected Second Vice President on a separate ballot.

The major National Federation rules changes for 1989-1990 made the figure 4 overscissor an illegal hold, provided that the starting position could be corrected prior to a caution and did not allow coaching during a time out for bleeding. When a takedown or reversal straight was to the back and created a 15 point differential, the match was to continue until the near fall situation ended.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at M.C.C. on November 30, 1989. President Steve Dalberth announced that David Baker, Jack Gleason and Chuck Prong had been promoted to varsity status. Inactive officials were Terry Gates, Ray Hartley, John Clark, Joe Zuniga and Joe Gustainis. Jerry Mesolella, Tom Vonglis, Tom Trout and Phil Zickl retired from officiating. Scott Coapman transferred form Section 3 and will be a dual member. Frank Famiano transferred from Section 2. Vice Presidents Jim Wild and Ray Magee conducted training classes and Mike Block, Vince Delbrugge, Jeff Johnson, Jim Prentice, Lem Rogers and Mike Strong successfully completed the classes to become probationary officials. President Dalberth appointed Charlie Catalano, Earl Fuller and Jim Berner to the Executive Committee. Ray Magee and Don DeBadts became the Mat Test Committee. The Bernabi Award Committee was to be headed by Frank Marotta and all active members who won the award would make up the committee. All other committee chairmanships and memberships were reappointed.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Anthony, Bill, Rochester

Baker, David, Rochester

*Barker, Jeff, Rochester

Berner, Jim, Rochester

*Block, Mike, Newark

Burton, Steve, Hamlin

Campo, Jon, Rochester

Catalano, Charlie, Marion

Chirico, Vinnie, Penfield

Clark, John, Rochester

Coapman,Scott,Auburn (transfer)

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

DeBadts, Don, Geneseo

*Delbrugge, Vince, Rochester

DeRidder, Jeff, Williamson

Dobstaff, Dave, Rochester

Eick, Lynn, Batavia

*English, Tom, East Rochester

Famiano,Frank,Brockport (transfer)

Frey, Rich, East Rochester

*Garbutt, Rick, Hilton

Gates, Terry, Conesus

Giagios, Mike, Rochester

Gleason, John, Penn Yan

Goodenow, Al, Warsaw

Grazul, Dave, East Rochester

Gugino, Joe, Churchville

Gustainis, Joe, Caledonia

Hagberg, Len, East Rochester

Hart, Tom, Penfield

Hartley, Ray, Hamlin

Hastings, Roscoe, Rochester

*Hayek, Joe, Rochester

*Heimlich, Greg, Bergen

*Hettrick, Bill, W. Henrietta

*Johnson, Jeff, Lyndonville

*Kidder, Chris, Lakeville

*Kidder, Ron, Rochester

LaMonica, Tony, Spencerport

Linsner, Sam, Geneseo

*Ludwig, Jim, Rochester

Magee, Ray, Geneseo

*Marianetti,Armand, Farmington

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

Meyle, Gene, Savannah

Molino, Joe, Ontario

Moriarty, Dave, Rochester

Notebaert, Ed, Geneva

Nothnagle, Tim, Caledonia

Oberst, Gene, Rochester

*Poirier, Mike, Rochester

Polsinelli, Tom, Rochester

*Prentice, Jim, Webster

Prong, Chuck, Rochester

Prong, Dave, Rochester

*Rogers, Lem, Rochester

Stackus, Mike, Waterloo

*Strong, Mike, Rochester

Teike, Walt, Spencerport

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

Turkow, Dave, Bergen

Vandetti, Gerald, Scottsville

Walker, Rich, Corfu

Watt, Ray, Geneva

Wild, Jim, Candandaigua

*Wing, Ed, Portageville

*Young, Gus, Avon

Zickl, Phil, Batavia

*Zuniga, Joe, Rochester

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at M.C.C. on March 12, 1990 and conducted by President Steve Dalberth. Ordiway Memorial Award Chairman Joe Gugino reported that Bryant Ranger of Midlakes was voted the Outstanding Wrestler at the State Qualifier by the WOA members present. It was noted that Jim Wild and Mike Giagios did an outstanding job of officiating at the State Tournament. Jim Berner, Charlie Catalano, Joe Gugino, Tom Polsinelli and Mike Stackus volunteered as table workers.

The nominating committee recommended that the current officers, President, Steve Dalberth; First Vice President, Jim Wild; and Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta, be reelected and the members approved. Ray Magee was elected Second Vice President on a separate ballot.

Awards presented at the 1990 Spring Banquet held at the Party House: Bernabi Award – Joe Molino; Coach of the Year – Ron Whitcomb of East Rochester; Special Appreciation Award – Frank Mielnicki of Edison who retired as Edison coach and City-Catholic League Chairman. In a change from previous years, Jim Berner was assigned to provide some comedy entertainment for the members.

The major 1990-1991 National Federation rules changes allowed an individual with longer hair to contain it in a cover that was either part of the headgear or worn under the headgear so that the hair rule was satisfied. A takedown or reversal could be scored while at least the feet of the scoring contestant remained down on the mat inbounds. A coach was allowed to default a match and two cautions would be allowed for assuming an incorrect starting position or making a false start.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at M.C.C. on November 30, 1990. President Steve Dalberth announced that Ron Kidder, Jim Ludwig, Armand Marianetti and Ed Wing had been promoted to varsity. Roscoe Hastings retired. Dave Dobstaff moved to Ohio and Rich Walker moved from N.Y. He reappointed all the current committee chairmen and members. Vice Presidents Jim Wild and Ray Magee conducted the training program and reported that Tom Bayer, Kirt Bumbarger, Don Delaney, Joe Fisher, Gary Freedman, Moses Gilbert, Idris Kadrican, Scott Pegg, Todd Tribunella and Andy Waters successfully completed the classes and are probationary officials.

Members were issued copies of the new 3 year contract that included increases in fees, including an extra fee for Sectionals and a new grievance procedure. This was the second contract successfully negotiated by Frank Marotta, representing the USBC and Don Cummings representing Section 5.

Members approved the use of a Comment Card, proposed and designed by Charlie Catalano, which officials could give to coaches for constructive criticism. It was not a rating card, only a checklist of items from the coach.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Anthony, Bill, Rochester

Baker, David, Rochester

*Barker, Jeff, Rochester

*Bayer, Tom, Rochester

Berner, Jim, Rochester

*Bumbarger, Kirt, Bergen

Burton, Steve, Hamlin

Campo, Jon, Rochester

Catalano, Charlie, Marion

Chirico, Vinnie, Webster

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

DeBadts, Don, Geneseo

*Delaney, Don, Rochester

DeRidder, Jeff, Williamson

Eick, Lynn, Batavia

*English, Tom, East Rochester

Famiano, Frank, Brockport

*Fisher, Joe, Brockport

*Freedman, Gary, Rochester

Frey, Rich, East Rochester

*Garbutt, Rick, Hilton

Giagios, Mike, Rochester

*Gilbert, Moses, Victor

Gleason, John, Penn Yan

Goodenow, Al, Warsaw

Grazul, Dave, East Rochester

Gugino, Joe, Churchville

Hagberg, Len, East Rochester

Hart, Tom, Penfield

Hartley, Ray, Hamlin

*Hayek, Joe, Rochester

*Hettrick, Bill, W. Henrietta

*Johnson, Jeff, Lyndonville

*Kadircan, Idris, Penfield

*Kidder, Chris, Lakeville

Kidder, Ron, Rochester

LaMonica, Tony, Spencerport

Linsner, Sam, Geneseo

Ludwig, Jim, Holcomb

Magee, Ray, Geneseo

Marianetti,Armand, Farmington

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

Meyle, Gene, Savannah

Molino, Joe, Ontario

Moriarty, Dave, Rochester

Notebaert, Ed, Geneva

Nothnagle, Tim, Caledonia

Oberst, Gene, Rochester

*Pegg, Scott, Brockport

Polsinelli, Tom, Rochester

Prong, Chuck, Rochester

Prong, Dave, Rochester

*Rogers, Lem, Rochester

Stackus, Mike, Waterloo

Teike, Walt, Spencerport

*Tribunella, Todd, Fairport

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

Turkow, Dave, Bergen

Vandetti, Gerald, Rochester

Watt, Ray, Geneva

Wild, Jim, Farmington

Wing, Ed, Portageville

*Young, Gus, Avon

*Zuniga, Joe, Rochester

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at Brighton High on March 11, 1991 and conducted by President Steve Dalberth. Ordiway Memorial Award Chairman Joe Gugino reported that Ken Porter of Alfred Almond was voted the Outstanding Wrestler at the State Qualifier by the WOA members present. It was noted that Jim Wild, Steve Dalberth and Gene Meyle, who represented Section 3, did an outstanding job officiating at the State Tournament as did former member Al Feuz who represented Section 6. Mike Giagios served as an evaluator. Jim Berner, Tom Polsinelli and Charlie Catalano volunteered as table workers. Officials from Section 11 were not allowed to officiate at the State Tournament because it was claimed that they violated the contract with N.Y. State when they claimed to be unavailable after a tournament fee dispute in their area. Members were told that Life member Bob Jones passed away in January. Ray Magee was organizing a Pig Roast for members and their families in July.

Jim Berner, acting as representative of the Nominating Committee, presented a slate for 1990-1991 as follows: President, Jim Wild; First Vice President, Ray Magee; and Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta. Members approved the slate. In an election for Second Vice President between Joe Gugino and Charlie Catalano, Joe Gugino was elected.

The annual banquet was held at the Party House in April. The following award presentations were made: Bernabi Award – Tony LaMonica; Coach of the Year – Fred Ciaburri of Pal Mac; Life Membership – Roscoe Hastings and Tom Trout.

The major 1991-1992 National Federation rules changes required the offensive wrestler to make his intent known when selecting the optional start, allowed a headlock in a guillotine only after near fall criteria had been met and allowed a delayed call on a figure 4 scissors during an escape or reversal. In tournaments, there was greater flexibility in the correction of errors when no additional wrestling was required and the elimination of all points earned in the tournament if there was a disqualification for flagrant misconduct. A new overtime procedure was adopted which left everything up to the contestants on the mat and eliminated the list of criteria. Without rest, the contestants would wrestle a maximum of 2 minutes starting from the neutral position and the wrestler scoring the first points would win. If there was no winner, a 30 second tiebreaker, with the wrestler winning the coin toss selecting top or bottom, would be wrestled and if no points were scored, the offensive wrestler would be the winner. The N.Y. State Wrestling Committee (Sectional Chairmen) decided that there would be no coin toss at the prior to the start of a dual meet. The home team would out their wrestler on the mat first and have the choice at the beginning of the second period in the even matches.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at Brighton High on December 2, 1991. President Jim Wild announced that Joe Hayek and Joe Zuniga were promoted to varsity status. Len Hagberg, Chuck Prong and Al Goodenow retired from officiating. Frank Famiano returned to Section 2 where he is training for the Olympics. Vice Presidents Ray Magee and Joe Gugino reported that Bob Breidenstein, Tony Cotroneo, Jeff Hefner, Scott Hosbach, Lee Juby, Carmen Mouio, Gary Schojan, Don Singleton, Scott Smith, Mike Strasburger and David Weaver successfully completed the training program for probationary officials. Mike Giagios, Earl Fuller and Jim Berner were appointed to the Executive Committee and all other committee chairmen and members were reappointed. Thanks was given to Jeff Johnson who provided the pig for the roast for members and their families last July.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Anthony, Bill, Rochester

Baker, David, Rochester

*Barker, Jeff, Rochester

*Bayer, Tom, Rochester

Berner, Jim, Rochester

*Breidenstein, Bob, Batavia

*Bumbarger, Kirt, Bergen

Burton, Steve, LeRoy

Campo, Jon, Rochester

Catalano, Charlie, Marion

Chirico, Vinnie, Webster

*Cotroneo, Tony, Rochester

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

DeBadts, Don, Geneseo

*Delaney, Don, Rochester

DeRidder, Jeff, Williamson

Eick, Lynn, Batavia

*English, Tom, East Rochester

*Fisher, Joe, Brockport

*Freedman, Gary, Rochester

Frey, Rich, East Rochester

Giagios, Mike, Rochester

*Gilbert, Moses, Victor

*Gleason, John, Penn Yan

Grazul, Dave, Victor

Gugino, Joe, Churchville

Hart, Tom, Penfield

Hartley, Ray, Hamlin

Hayek, Joe, Rochester

*Hefner, Jeff, Holley

*Hettrick, Bill, W. Henrietta

*Hosbach, Scott, Marion

*Johnson, Jeff, Lyndonville

*Juby, Lee, Brockport

*Kadircan, Idris, Penfield

Kidder, Ron, Rochester

LaMonica, Tony, Spencerport

Linsner, Sam, Geneseo

Ludwig, Jim, Victor

Magee, Ray, Geneseo

Marianetti,Armand, Farmington

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

Meyle, Gene, Savannah

Molino, Joe, Ontario

Moriarty, Dave, Rochester

*Muoio, Carmen, Pavilion

Notebaert, Ed, Geneva

Nothnagle, Tim, Caledonia

Oberst, Gene, Rochester

*Pegg, Scott, Brockport

Polsinelli, Tom, Rochester

Prong, Dave, Rochester

*Rogers, Lem, Rochester

*Schojan, Gary, Marion

*Singleton, Don, Brockport

*Smith, Scott, Ovid

Stackus, Mike, Waterloo

*Strasburger, Mike, Rochester

Teike, Walt, Spencerport

*Tribunella, Todd, Fairport

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

Turkow, Dave, Bergen

Vandetti, Gerald, Rochester

*Waters, Andy, Palmyra

Watt, Ray, Geneva

*Weaver, David, Rochester

Wild, Jim, Farmington

Wing, Ed, Portageville

*Young, Gus, Avon

*Zuniga, Joe, Rochester

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at Brighton High on March 9, 1992 and was conducted by President Jim Wild. Ordiway Memorial Award Chairman Joe Gugino reported that Joe Barbera of Spencerport was voted the Outstanding Wrestler at the State Qualifier by the WOA members present. It was noted that Jeff DeRidder and Steve Dalberth did outstanding jobs as referees at the State Tournament. Jim Wild served as an evaluator. Jim Berner, Charlie Catalano, Lee Juby, Tom Polsinelli and Jerry Vandetti were table volunteers. Jim Wild was elected Vice President of the NYSWOA and is the third member of our association to hold a state wide office. The late Leo Bernabi and Frank Marotta previously served as NYSWOA Vice Presidents, Presidents, State Rules Interpreters and Executive Committee members. A measles epidemic in the Glen Falls area prompted the Onondaga Health Director to prohibit 2 wrestlers from that area from being at the Syracuse War Memorial so their matches had to be wrestled at Fowler High. Referees had to be shuttled to Fowler for bouts with no spectators allowed. This was an effort to discourage spectators from that area from coming to the Syracuse area and bringing measles. The 2 wrestlers placed in the tournament.

Earl Fuller, Chairman of the Nominating Committee, recommended that the current officers President, Jim Wild; First Vice President, Ray Magee; and Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta be retained for 1992-93 and the members approved the slate. In a separate ballot for Second Vice President, Joe Gugino was reelected.

The 1992 was held at the Party House. Entertainment Chairman, Jim Berner was not able to attend but sent a video presentation. The following awards were presented: Life Member – Len Hagberg; Coach of the Year – Chris Bourne of Canandaigua; Special Award for Contributions to Wrestling – Mark Hoyt. No Bernabi Award was presented.

The major 1992-1993 National Federation rules changes eliminated the rule addressing the use of medication during a match. A rule also required that written documentation from a physician must be provided to allow a wrestler to participate if there was suspicion that there was a communicable disease or condition. Overtime matches would be wrestled in dual meet competition and tournaments. Competitors that were rendered unconscious required written approval of a physician before returning to the event. If both wrestlers were penalized an equal number of points during the 2 minute overtime, the wrestlers would go immediately to the tiebreaker. The N.Y. State Wrestling Committee (Sectional Chairmen) received NYSPHSAA approval to change the rule regarding bleeding so that injury time was not to be counted for any bleeding and the number and duration of time outs was left to the discretion of the referee.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at Brighton High on December 2, 1992. President Jim Wild announced that Jeff Johnson and Todd Tribunella were promoted to varsity status. Dave Turkow retired from officiating. Jim Berner, Lynn Eick and Joe Molino would be inactive. Ken Darch, a former official was returning to the active JV list. Rick Payton transferred from Section 6 as a JV official. Vice Presidents Ray Magee and Joe Gugino conducted the training classes and Guy Bowers, Jason Clarcq, Mike Corcimiglia, Steve Dinehard, David Goodwin, Mike Smock, Gene Voci and Rick Rozzi successfully completed the program and are probationary officials.

In recent years, the annual Mat Test has been held in Geneseo and the WOA has shared in the proceeds. It was a win-win situation because we had some control over the time, had a good tournament to conduct the test and made some money. All members were expected to help but it seemed that only the same people did so each year. As a result, the following WOA by-law was approved by a vote of 54 in favor, none opposed, but there were several abstentions. “An active member not attending the annual mat test shall pay the WOA Treasury one varsity or JV dual meet fee….”

It was reported that an impasse had been declared in the contract negotiations with Section 5 and the next steps are Fact Finding and Arbitration, if necessary. Mort Wexler of the Track Officials was the USBC negotiator and Frank Marotta was to attend the Fact Finding as a consultant based on knowledge and experience in negotiating the previous two contracts.

The Executive Secretary gave members a letter explaining why a position of “Assignment Coordinator” should be established. Basically, it was becoming difficult for the Executive Secretary to handle both jobs, which he had done since 1965 when the draw started. A job description was issued and members had the opportunity to apply to the Executive Council for appointment for the 1993-1994 season.

President Jim Wild appointed Tom Hart to the Ethics Committee and expanded the Coach of the Year Committee. Earl Fuller remained as chairman and other members were Don DeBadts, Jim Wild, Mikc Stackus, Mike Giagios and Frank Marotta.

Section 5 required that a special Disqualification Form be completed whenever a coach or athlete is ejected or disqualified and officials are required to follow the procedure.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Anthony, Bill, Rochester

Baker, David, Rochester

*Bayer, Tom, Rochester

Berner, Jim, Rochester

*Breidenstein, Bob, Batavia

*Bowers, Guy, Willard

Burton, Steve, LeRoy

Campo, Jon, Rochester

Catalano, Charlie, Marion

Chirico, Vinnie, Webster

*Clarq, Jason, Rochester

*Corcimiglia, Mike, Rochester

*Cotroneo, Tony, Rochester

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

DeBadts, Don, Geneseo

*Darch, Ken, Batavia

*Delaney, Don, Rochester

DeRidder, Jeff, Ontario

*Dinehart, Steve, Seneca Falls

Eick, Lynn, Batavia

*English, Tom, East Rochester

*Fisher, Joe, Brockport

Frey, Rich, East Rochester

Giagios, Mike, Rochester

*Gilbert, Moses, Victor

*Goodwin, David, Rochester

Grazul, Dave, Victor

Gugino, Joe, Churchville

Hart, Tom, Penfield

Hartley, Ray, Hamlin

*Hettrick, Bill, W. Henrietta

*Hosbach, Scott, Marion

Johnson, Jeff, Lyndonville

*Juby, Lee, Brockport

*Kadircan, Idris, Rochester

LaMonica, Tony, Brockport

Linsner, Sam, Geneseo

Ludwig, Jim, Victor

Magee, Ray, Geneseo

Marianetti,Armand, Farmington

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

Meyle, Gene, Savannah

Molino, Joe, Ontario

Moriarty, Dave, Rochester

*Muoio, Carmen, Pavilion

Notebaert, Ed, Geneva

Nothnagle, Tim, Caledonia

Oberst, Gene, Rochester

*Payton, Rick, Pavilion

Polsinelli, Tom, Rochester

Prong, Dave, Rochester

*Rogers, Lem, Rochester

*Rozzi, Rick, Rochester

*Schojan, Gary, Marion

*Singleton, Don, Brockport

*Smith, Scott, Ovid

*Smock, Mike, Rochester

Stackus, Mike, Waterloo

*Strasburger, Mike, Rochester

Teike, Walt, Spencerport

Tribunella, Todd, Fairport

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

Vandetti, Gerald, Rochester

*Voci, Gene, Penfield

*Waters, Andy, Palmyra

Watt, Ray, Geneva

*Weaver, David, Rochester

Wild, Jim, Farmington

Wing, Ed, Portageville

Zuniga, Joe, Rochester

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at Brighton High on March 24, 1993 and conducted by President Jim Wild. Ordiway Memorial Award Chairman Joe Gugino reported that Sirrell Gissendaner of Spencerport was voted the Outstanding Wrestler at the State Qualifier by the WOA members present. It was noted that Jeff DeRidder and Jim Wild did an outstanding as State Tournament referees. Mike Giagios served as an evaluator. Jim Berner, Tom Polsinelli,

Jerry Vandetti, Joe Gugino, Russ Tronolone and Lee Juby served as table volunteers. Steve Dalberth was appointed by the NYSWOA Executive Committee as the Official State Rules Interpreter and will also be responsible for editing the NY State Rules Interpretation Handbook every two years.

The USBC rejected the Fact Finders Report which was ridiculous in that it actually lowered the amount officials would receive in mileage by requiring some free travel. Arbitration is the next step.

Nominating Committee Chairman Earl Fuller presented the following slate for election: President, Ray Magee; First Vice President, Joe Gugino; Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta. However, in an unusual occurrence, the entire slate presented by the nominating committee was not voted on because Steve Dalberth was nominated for First Vice President from the floor so there were two candidates for that office. The secret ballot for First Vice President was conducted and Dalberth was elected. Two candidates were nominated from the floor for Second Vice President, Russ Tronolone and Charlie Catalano. In a secret ballot for Second Vice President, Tronolone was elected.

The 1993 banquet was held at the Party House and the following awards were presented.

Bernabi Award – Jim Wild; Coach of the Year – Rick LaPaglia of Webster

The major National Federation rules changes for 1993-1994 allowed facial hair if covered by a face mask, limited the number of injury time outs to 3 per match and required that a match be stopped for any bleeding, open wound or excessive blood on the uniform. An entire page was devoted to communicable disease procedures because of concern about blood borne infectious diseases.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at Brighton High on December 1, 1993. President Ray Magee announced that Tom Bayer, Bob Briedenstein, Joe Fisher, Lee Juby, Idris Kadircan, Lem Rogers, Gary Schojan, Don Singleton, Scott Smith and Mike Strasburger were promoted to varsity. Scott Smith moved from the area. Lynn Eick, Tony LaMonica, Joe Molino and Walt Teike retired from officiating. Vice Presidents Steve Dalberth and Russ Tronolone conducted the training classes and the new probationary officials who successfully completed the sessions were Tony Cicccarello, Hector Dessis, Rick Garbutt, Sefer Kaircan, Keith Morton,Sr., Rick Moyer, Jim O’Neill, Rick Petralia, Steve Simons, Matt Smith and John Wright.

The new contract with Section 5 (1993-1996) contained mileage provisions that were the result of Arbitration. The Arbitrators used the Fact Finding report, which USBC had rejected, as the basis for their decision. For the first time, the WOA had to use the grievance procedure to resolve a conflict regarding payment of an official who reported to an assignment that was cancelled. The Arbitrator ruled in favor of our official.

The Executive Council conducted lengthy interviews with 3 candidates who applied for the new position of Assignment Coordinator. Over the years, more duties were added to the Executive Secretary, especially with the expansion of JV and Modified assignments so it was decided to create the new position of Assignment Coordinator. It was too much for one person to serve as secretary, treasurer and assignment coordinator. The Executive Council appointed Joe Gugino to the new position with no specific term. The Assignment Coordinator would serve at the pleasure of the Executive Council. Joe Gugino did an outstanding job in that position from 1994 until he retired from the WOA in 2002.

President Ray Magee retained the committee chairmen and members who were still active. Sam Linsner was appointed to the Ethics Committee. Frank Marotta and Sam Linsner were appointed to the Nomination Committee. A Constitution Revision Committee was established. The members were Ray Magee, Joe Gugino, Frank Marotta, Jim Berner, Sam Linsner, Russ Tronolone, Steve Dalberth, Mike Giagios and Jim Wild.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Anthony, Bill, Rochester

Baker, David, Basom

Bayer, Tom, Rochester

Berner, Jim, Rochester

Breidenstein, Bob, Batavia

*Bowers, Guy, Willard

Burton, Steve, LeRoy

Campo, Jon, Rochester

*Casserino, Tony, Rochester

Catalano, Charlie, Marion

Chirico, Vinnie, Webster

*Ciccarello, Tony, Rochester

*Clarq, Jason, Rochester

*Corcimiglia, Mike, Rochester

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

DeBadts, Don, Geneseo

*Darch, Ken, Batavia

*Delaney, Don, Rochester

*Dessis, Hector, Geneva

DeRidder, Jeff, Ontario

*English, Tom, East Rochester

Fisher, Joe, Brockport

Frey, Rich, East Rochester

*Garbutt, Rick, Hilton

Giagios, Mike, Rochester

*Goodwin, David, Rochester

Grazul, Dave, Victor

Gugino, Joe, Churchville

Hart, Tom, Farmington

Hartley, Ray, Hamlin

Johnson, Jeff, Lyndonville

Juby, Lee, Brockport

Kadircan, Idris, Rochester

*Kadircan, Sefer, Rochester

LaMonica, Tony, Brockport

Linsner, Sam, Livonia

Ludwig, Jim, Victor

Magee, Ray, Geneseo

Marianetti,Armand, Farmington

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

Meyle, Gene, Savannah

Moriarty, Dave, Rochester

*Morton, Keith, Sr., Alexander

*Moyer, Rick,Spencerport

*Muoio, Carmen, Pavilion

Notebaert, Ed, Geneva

Nothnagle, Tim, Caledonia

Oberst, Gene, Rochester

*O”Neill, Jim, Rochester

*Payton, Rick, Pavilion

*Petralia, Rick, Rochester

Polsinelli, Tom, Rochester

Prong, Dave, Rochester

Rogers, Lem, Rochester

Schojan, Gary, Marion

Singleton, Don, Brockport

*Simons, Steve, Rochester

*Smith, Matt, Rochester

*Smock, Mike, Rochester

Stackus, Mike, Waterloo

Strasburger, Mike, Rochester

Teike, Walt, Spencerport

Tribunella, Todd, Fairport

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

Vandetti, Gerald, Rochester

*Voci, Gene, Penfield

Watt, Ray, Geneva

*Weaver, David, Rochester

Wild, Jim, Farmington

Wing, Ed, Portageville

*Wright, John, Rochester

Zuniga, Joe, Rochester

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at Brighton High on March 14, 1994 and was conducted by President Ray Magee. Ordiway Memorial Award Chairman Joe Gugino reported that Brian Aparo of Victor was voted the Outstanding Wrestler at the State Qualifier by the WOA members present. It was noted that Jim Wild did an outstanding job as a referee at the State Tournament and was ranked first by the Evaluation Committee. Jim was elected NYSWOA President, only the third person from our area to hold that office. Jim Berner, Tom Polsinelli, Joe Gugino, Lee Juby and Bob Briedenstein served as volunteer table workers. The proposed revision of the WOA of Section 5 Constitution, which was strongly pushed by President Ray Magee and had been worked on for many months, was mailed in advance to members and was approved by the membership by a vote of 40 in favor, none opposed and 1 abstention. The Consitution Revison Committee was made up of Ray Magee, Steve Dalberth, Russ Tronolone, Jim Wild, Don DeBadts, Mike Giagios, Joe Gugino, Sam Linsner, Jim Berner and Frank Marotta. A major addition to this constitution is the provision that any member wishing to run for office must submit his name in writing by February 1 so the membership can be notified of the names on the ballot in advance of the Spring Meeting and this will provide for a fair election process.

Nominating Committee Chairman Earl Fuller recommended that the current officers be retained and the members approved President, Ray Magee; First Vice President Steve Dalberth; Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta. In a separate ballot, Second Vice President Russ Tronolone was reelected.

The 1994 banquet was held at the Party House. The following awards were given.

Bernabi Award – Steve Dalberth; Coach of the Year – Tom Notebaert of Geneva; Life Member – Joe Molino

The major National Federation rules changes for 1994-1995 contained new weight classes 100, 106, 112, 119, 126, 134, 142, 151, 160, 172, 185, 215, 275) but N.Y. State continued to use those that had been established by the NYSPHSAA. Contestants were to report to the scorer’s table, but N.Y. State continued to send wrestlers to the mat as in the past. A 48 hour limit was placed on the correction of recording or computation of team score. During a tie breaker, stalling was to be called only when it was unquestionably occurring. Continuing acts of unsportsmanlike conduct or unnecessary roughness could be considered flagrant misconduct.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at Brighton High on November 30, 1994. President Ray Magee announced that Mike Corcimiglia, David Goodwin, Carmen Muoio and Gene Voci were promoted to varsity. Tom Corcoran transferred from Section 4 and Tom Green from Section 3. Jon Campo, Charlie Catalano and Mike Stackus retired from officiating. Committee chairmen and members who are still part of the association were reappointed. Dave Grazul was appointed to the Coach of the Year Committee and Jim Berner was appointed to the Nominating Committee. Vice Presidents Steve Dalberth and Russ Tronolone conducted the training classes and Barry Barkland, Greg Day, Jeff Howard, James Pontello and Anthony Russo successfully completed the sessions and are probationary officials. Members were informed that local officials’ chapters were required to submit an evaluator nomination or their nominees for State Tournament officials would not be accepted. Members approved the use of the same jacket for all officials and approved paying Dave Prong $75 for the start up feed for the initial set up for the embroidered patch.

Information from the NYSPHSAA informed us that on Sunday following the 1995 State Tournament, the Federation Tournament would be held with competition between the PSAL, Catholic and NY State champions. As it turned out this was the first and last time for this event was held. It was held at Fowler High School in Syracuse. The only people who attended were the wrestlers, their coaches and parents, State Wrestling Chairman Reed Hawke and his wife, NYSPHSAA Director Sandra Scott, NYSWOA Executive Committee member Frank Marotta and two referees from the Syracuse chapter. Only one N.Y. State champion Nick Muzashvili from Section 4 competed and he won easily.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Anthony, Bill, Rochester

Baker, David, Basom

Bayer, Tom, Rochester

Berner, Jim, Rochester

Breidenstein, Bob, Batavia

*Bowers, Guy, Willard

Burton, Steve, LeRoy

*Casserino, Tony, Rochester

Chirico, Vinnie, Webster

*Ciccarello, Tony, Rochester

Corcimiglia, Mike, Rochester

Corcoran,Tom,PennYan (transfer)

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

*Day, Greg, Batavia

DeBadts, Don, Geneseo

*Delaney, Don, Rochester

*Dessis, Hector, Geneva

DeRidder, Jeff, Ontario

*English, Tom, East Rochester

Fisher, Joe, Brockport

Frey, Rich, East Rochester

*Garbutt, Rick, Hilton

Giagios, Mike, Rochester

Goodwin, David, Rochester

Grazul, Dave, Victor

Green,Tom,PortByron (transfer)

Gugino, Joe, Churchville

Hart, Tom, Farmington

*Howard, Jeff, Canandaigua

Johnson, Jeff, Lyndonville

Juby, Lee, Brockport

Kadircan, Idris, Rochester

*Kadircan, Sefer, Rochesster

Linsner, Sam, Livonia

Ludwig, Jim, Victor

Magee, Ray, Geneseo

Marianetti,Armand, Farmington

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

Meyle, Gene, Savannah

Moriarty, Dave, Rochester

*Morton, Keith, Sr., Alexander

*Moyer, Rick, Spencerport

Muoio, Carmen, Pavilion

Notebaert, Ed, Geneva

Nothnagle, Tim, Caledonia

Oberst, Gene, Rochester

*Payton, Rick, Pavilion

*Petralia, Rick, Rochester

Polsinelli, Tom, Rochester

*Pontello, James, Rochester

Prong, Dave, Rochester

Rogers, Lem, Rochester

*Russo, Anthony, Waterloo

Schojan, Gary, Marion

Singleton, Don, Rochester

*Simons, Steve, Rochester

*Smock, Mike, Rochester

Strasburger, Mike, Rochester

Tribunella, Todd, Fairport

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

Vandetti, Gerald, Rochester

Voci, Gene, Penfield

Watt, Ray, Geneva

Wild, Jim, Farmington

Wing, Ed, Portageville

*Wright, John, Rochester

Zuniga, Joe, Rochester

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at Brighton High on March 20, 1995 and conducted by President Ray Magee. Ordiway Memorial Award Chairman Joe Gugino reported that Charlie Voorhees of Warsaw was voted the Outstanding Wrestler at the State Qualifier by the WOA members present. It was noted that Sam Linsner and Gene Meyle, representing Section 3, did an outstanding job as referees at the State Tournament. Ray Magee served as an evaluator. Jim Berner, Tom Polsinelli, Bob Briedenstein, Carmen Muoio, Lee Juby, Russ Tronolone, Mike Corcimiglia and Tom Green were volunteer table workers. Our chapter was also represented by Steve Dalberth, the NY State Official Rules Interpreter, and Frank Marotta, Chairman of the Selection and Evaluation Committees. WOA member and NYSWOA President, Jim Wild, presented several former NYSWOA Presidents with commemorative gifts at the NYSWOA Business Meeting prior to the tournament.

Earl Fuller is one of our association’s founders and currently a Life Member as well as Chairman of our Nominating and Coach of the Year Committees, will be inducted into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame. Members voted to donate $100 in Earl’s name.

In accordance with the new WOA Constitution, the nominating committee presented a slate of officers for 1995-1996 as follows: President, Ray Magee; First Vice President, Russ Tronolone, Second Vice President, Dave Grazul,; and Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta. Members approved the slate.

The 1995 banquet was held at the Party House. Awards presented were as follows:

Bernabi Award – Ray Magee; Coach of the Year Award – Rob Thomas of Penfield;

Life Member – Tony LaMonica

In August, 1995, a Pig Roast was held for WOA members and their families. Russ Tronolone expertly cooked the pig. All expenses were covered by those who attended, not by the WOA.

The major National Federation rules changes for 1995-1996 required current documentation for communicable disease documentation, added taunting and use of tobacco products to unsportsmanlike conduct and added language regarding special equipment to include hair covers, braces and face masks.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at Brighton High on November 29, 1995. President Ray Magee announced that Guy Bowers was promoted to varsity status. Dave Baker, Idris Kadircan and Joe Fisher either moved or retired from wrestling officiating. Vice Presidents Russ Tronolone and Dave Grazul conducted the training classes and reported that Dave Cain, Bob Collins, James Hull, Gary Marianetti, Scott Pegg, Roger Rouse, Steve Siegfried, Brian Southcott and John Watkins successfully completed the program and have probationary status.

NYSWOA President Jim Wild reported that the Federation Tournament will no longer be held and that the Catholic and PSAL champions will again participate in the NY State Wrestling Tournament. The NYSWOA sent Secretary Fred Brown and Executive Committee member Frank Marotta to the NYSPHSAA Sportsmanship Summit and we can expect an increased emphasis of sportsmanship for all sports on a statewide basis. State Tournament officials will get a higher fee and the NYSWOA will provide them with a gift package that contains wrist bands, hats, coins photo, program and a golf shirt. A jacket will be given to each official, but only the first time that official works the State Tournament.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Anthony, Bill, Rochester

Bayer, Tom, Rochester

Berner, Jim, Rochester

Bowers, Guy, Willard

Breidenstein, Bob, Batavia

Burton, Steve, LeRoy

*Cain, Dave, Walworth

*Casserino, Tony, Rochester

Chirico, Vinnie, Webster

*Ciccarello, Tony, Rochester

*Collins, Bob, Rochester

Corcimiglia, Mike, Rochester

Corcoran, Tom, Penn Yan

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

*Day, Greg, Batavia

DeBadts, Don, Geneseo

*Delaney, Don, Rochester

*Dessis, Hector, Geneva

DeRidder, Jeff, Ontario

*English, Tom, East Rochester

Frey, Rich, East Rochester

*Garbutt, Rick, Hilton

Giagios, Mike, Rochester

Goodwin, David, Rochester

Grazul, Dave, Victor

Green, Tom, Port Byron

Gugino, Joe, Churchville

Hart, Tom, Farmington

*Howard, Jeff, Canandaigua

*Hull, James, Wolcott

Johnson, Jeff, Lyndonville

Juby, Lee, Brockport

*Kadircan, Sefer, Rochester

Linsner, Sam, Livonia

Ludwig, Jim, Victor

Magee, Ray, Geneseo

Marianetti,Armand, Farmington

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

Moriarty, Dave, Rochester

*Morton, Keith, Sr., Alexander

Muoio, Carmen, Pavilion

Notebaert, Ed, Geneva

Nothnagle, Tim, Caledonia

Oberst, Gene, Rochester

*Pegg, Scott, Brockport

Polsinelli, Tom, Rochester

Prong, Dave, Rochester

Rogers, Lem, Rochester

*Rouse, Roger, Rochester

*Russo, Anthony, Waterloo

Schojan, Gary, Marion

Singleton, Don, Rochester

*Siegfried, Steve, Seneca Falls

*Southcott, Brian, Rochester

Strasburger, Mike, Rochester

Tribunella, Todd, Fairport

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

Vandetti, Gerald, Pittsford

Voci, Gene, Penfield

*Watkins, John, Rochester

Watt, Ray, Geneva

Wild, Jim, Farmington

Wing, Ed, Portageville

Zuniga, Joe, Rochester

This season marked the second time in WOA history that the Executive Council requested that the Ethics Committee conduct an investigation and file a report regarding the conduct of one of our probationary officials who was a spectator at a match. The match involved his son who was a gentleman throughout the situation. The Ethics Committee, made up of members Sam Linsner, Tom Polsinelli and Tom Hart, found that the official was in violation and issued a “very stern warning” letter for the unacceptable conduct. The official decided not to continue membership.

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at Brighton High on March 11, 1996 and conducted by President Ray Magee. Ordiway Memorial Award Chairman Joe Gugino reported that Otto House of Hornell was voted the Outstanding Wrestler at the State Qualifier by the WOA members present. At the State Tournament, Jim Wild and Mike Giagios represented our chapter and did an outstanding job, as did former member Frank Famiano who represented Section 2. Joe Gugino served as an evaluator. Jim Berner, Tom Polsinelli, Lee Juby, Bob Briedenstein, Tom Corcoran Russ Tronolone, Ray Magee, Don Singleton and Dave Grazul were volunteer table workers. Prior to the finals, Jim Wild was presented the National Federation Award as an Outstanding N.Y. State Wrestling Official.

During the preceding year, much worked was done to improve the Section 5 evaluation system for wrestling officials. Many of the past complaints revolved around the few ratings returned by coaches. Many coaches could not look at a list of names and remember which ones refereed their matches. President Ray Magee suggested that the use of photographs would help coaches recall officials and convinced the Executive Committee that it would be worth the expense if we could get more of our officials rated. However, this was an expensive procedure, especially if the photos were to be duplicated with good quality. We could save money if we could get the evaluation packets duplicated by a “donation” and mailed by the Section 5 Wrestling Chairman. Frank Marotta was assigned to design the evaluation packet, take and develop the photographs and put together the evaluation packet. WOA member Tom Hart was able to duplicate the photos using the most up to date Xerox technology and print evaluation packets. Section 5 Chairman Don DeBadts distributed the packets to the coaches and the ratings were returned to him. The return was very good with only 6 officials receiving less than the 10 ratings necessary for ranking and consideration for an assignment at the Sectionals. It should be noted that the WOA continues to use this process and other wrestling chapters, namely Long Island, have copied this procedure.

Nominating Committee Chairman Earl Fuller presented the slate of officers for 1996-1997 and they were approved by the members. President, Russ Tronolone; First Vice President, Dave Grazul; Second Vice President, Tom Polsinelli; Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta.

The 1996 banquet was held at the Party House. The following awards were presented:

Coach of the Year – Bill Hadsell of Geneva; Life Member – Mike Stackus; There was no Bernabi Award.

In August, 1996, a Pig Roast was held for WOA members and their families as a social event, not a WOA sponsored event. All expenses were covered by those who attended, not by the WOA.

The major National Federation rules changes for 1996-1997 advised that the square mat would be removed in 1999. The figure 4 body scissor was categorized as an illegal hold and the figure 4 head scissors was a technical violation from the neutral position with a delayed call if a takedown was imminent. Five minutes was the maximum time to control bleeding. The match would not be stopped to warn or penalize for stalling in the neutral position. A 4 point near fall was to be awarded if the defensive wrestler was injured or bleeding occurred after a 3 point near fall had been earned. The NYSPHSAA approved new weight classes and conditions. The 96 lb. class, with the wrestler weighing in excess of 88 lb., and 275 lb. class, with the wrestler weighing in excess of 220 lb., would be optional and the 220 lb., with the wrestler weighing in excess of 180 lb., would replace the 215lb. class. In addition, to wrestle at 103 lb. the wrestler had to be in excess of 93 lb.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at Brighton High on November 25, 1996. President Russ Tronlone announced that Tony Ciccarello, Greg Day and Jeff Howard were promoted to varsity status. Gene Voci, Keith Morton and Anthony Russo either moved or retired from active wrestling officiating. He reappointed the current committees and added David Goodwin to the Executive Council. Vice Presidents Dave Grazul and Tom Polsinelli conducted the training classes and Dave Grasdorf, Leo Rhodes, Matt Smith, John Williams and Bob Zoeke successfully completed the program to become probationary officials.

Members were informed about the new contract with Section 5 for 1996-1999. The mileage provision is a drastic change from previous years and is a result of the Arbitration Panel’s decision to accept the Fact Finders report after the USBC and Section 5 were at an impasse for the second straight contract. The mileage provision was something that came out of the blue from the Fact Finders because it was not something that either Section 5 or the USBC proposed. In fact, now that it is in the contract, most Athletic Directors don’t like it because it is a nuisance and makes for more difficult bookkeeping. According to the new mileage provision, “for an official’s first assignment each school year in a particular sport at a particular level, mileage will be paid at $.25 after 20 miles. For all subsequent assignments to that same school in that sport at the same level, full mileage at $.25 will be paid.” This is actually a reduction in pay to any official because the 20 free miles represented $5.00 less that would have been for the same assignment during the previous year.

WOA Executive Secretary Frank Marotta was present at the Fact Finding and Arbitration Panel meetings as a consultant to the USBC negotiator. He pointed out that the Fact Finding group’s membership was partial toward the schools because it contained only 2 people, both of whom represented the schools. One was a NYSPHSAA Assistant Director, Walter Eaton and the other was Mr. Green who was the Section 4 representative. According to the Coordinating Federation Agreement which all officials and schools must follow, the NYSPHSAA appoints the members so it was legal but there was no representation for the officials. This was the second time that we were victims of this flawed procedure and Frank Marotta petitioned the Officials Coordinating Federation through our wrestling representative, Lou Pettinelli, for a change in the agreement so that future Fact Finders must include a representative of the officials because the current method was unfair. It should be noted that this change has since been approved and is now included in the Officials Coordinating Agreement which is in the NYSPHSAA Handbook.

Members were also informed that the NYSPHSAA obligates all officials to read the Sportsmanship Card. All were issued copies. Members also approved four amendments to the WOA By-laws that involved “dissolution, non-inurement, restrictive legislation and restrictive purposes and activities.” Adoption of these was required in order to get our application for tax exempt status approved. Our application had been rejected previously.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Anthony, Bill, Rochester

Bayer, Tom, Rochester

Bowers, Guy, Willard

Breidenstein, Bob, W. Seneca

Burton, Steve, LeRoy

*Cain, Dave, Walworth

Chirico, Vinnie, Webster

Ciccarello, Tony, Rochester

*Collins, Bob, Rochester

Corcimiglia, Mike, Rochester

Corcoran, Tom, Dundee

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

DeBadts, Don, Geneseo

*Delaney, Don, Rochester

*Dessis, Hector, Geneva

DeRidder, Jeff, Ontario

*English, Tom, East Rochester

Frey, Rich, East Rochester

*Garbutt, Rick, Hilton

Giagios, Mike, Rochester

Goodwin, David, Rochester

*Grasdorf, Dan, Churchville

Grazul, Dave, Victor

Green, Tom, Port Byron

Gugino, Joe, Churchville

Hart, Tom, Farmington

Howard, Jeff, Canandaigua

Johnson, Jeff, Lyndonville

Juby, Lee, Brockport

*Kadircan, Sefer, Rochester

Linsner, Sam, Livonia

Ludwig, Jim, Victor

Magee, Ray, Geneseo

Marianetti,Armand, Farmington

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

Moriarty, Dave, Rochester

*Morton, Keith, Sr., Alexander

Muoio, Carmen, Pavilion

Notebaert, Ed, Geneva

Nothnagle, Tim, Caledonia

Oberst, Gene, Rochester

*Pegg, Scott, Brockport

Polsinelli, Tom, Rochester

Prong, Dave, Rochester

*Rhodes, Leo, Henrietta

Rogers, Lem, Rochester

*Rouse, Roger, Rochester

Schojan, Gary, Ontario

Singleton, Don, Rochester

*Siegfried, Steve, Seneca Falls

*Smith, Matt, Honeoye Falls

*Southcott, Brian, Rochester

Strasburger, Mike, Rochester

Tribunella, Todd, Fairport

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

Vandetti, Gerald, Pittsford

*Watkins, John, Rochester

Watt, Ray, Geneva

Wild, Jim, Farmington

*Williams, John, Rochester

Wing, Ed, Portageville

*Zoeke, Bob, Henrietta

Zuniga, Joe, Rochester

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at Brighton High on March 3, 1997 and conducted by President Russ Tronolone. Ordiway Memorial Award Chairman Joe Gugino reported that Jason DeBruin of Spencerport was voted the Outstanding Wrestler at the State Qualifier by the WOA members present. At the State Tournament, our chapter had two officials selected, but Jim Wild was unable to officiate because of illness. Jeff DeRidder did an outstanding job. Russ Tronolone served as an evaluator. Jim Berner, Tom Polsinelli, Ray Magee, Tom Green, Tom Corcoran, Mike Strasburger, Jerry Vandetti, Mike Giagios and Dave Grazul worked as volunteers. Steve Dalberth served as NY State Rules Interpreter and Frank Marotta as Evaluation Committee Chairman. Prior to the finals, Frank Marotta was inducted into the N.Y. State High School Wrestling Hall of Fame.

For the second year, photos were used for the evaluation of officials and 58 ratings were returned. The association expressed gratitude to Tom Hart for his role in getting the photo packets duplicated.

The nominating committee recommended that the current officers be retained for 1997-1998 and the members approved the slate of: President, Russ Tronolone; First Vice President, Dave Grazul; Second Vice President, Tom Polsinelli; Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta.

The 1997 banquet was held at the Party House the following awards were presented:

Bernabi Award – Joe Gugino; Coach of the Year – Bill Jacoutot of Spencerport ; Special Service Award – Walt Peterson, former Avoca Coach and Southern Tier Chairman; Special plaque from NYSWOA to Frank Marotta in recognition of NY State Wrestling Hall of Fame Induction in March.

Once again, a Pig Roast was held for WOA members and their families as a social event, not a WOA sponsored event. All expenses were covered by those who attended, not by the WOA.

There were few major National Federation rules changes for 1997-1998. Coaching was to be allowed during bleeding time. The rule concerning communicable disease was expanded to include the referee who was given the authority to make the final decision regarding a contestant’s participation.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at Brighton High on Dec. 1, 1997. President Russ Tronolone announced that Sefer Kadircan, Steve Siegfried and Brian Southcott were promoted to varsity status. Bob Briedenstein, Mike Giagios, Tom Green, Vinnie Chirico, Hector Dessis, Lee Juby and Jim Ludwig either retired, relocated or would be inactive. The committees were reappointed. In addition, Don Singleton was appointed to the Ethics Committee and Mike Corcimiglia was added as a non-voting member of the Executive Council. Vice Presidents Dave Grazul and Tom Polsinelli announced that Ken Cleveland, William Dempsey, Dave Fisher, Frank Patricelli, Rob Peters, Jack Phalen and Lon Smith successfully completed the training program and have probationary status.

Members were informed that some chapters will not be allowed to send officials to referee at the State Tournament this season because they were not represented at the Fall Meetings of the NYSWOA. Russ Tronolone, Dave Grazul and Frank Marotta represented the WOA at those meetings. Steve Dalberth conducted the state rules meeting.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Anthony, Bill, Rochester

Bayer, Tom, Rochester

Bowers, Guy, Willard

Burton, Steve, LeRoy

*Cain, Dave, Walworth

Ciccarello, Tony, Rochester

*Cleveland, Ken Dansville

Corcimiglia, Mike, Rochester

Corcoran, Tom, Dundee

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

DeBadts, Don, Geneseo

*Delaney, Don, Rochester

*Dempsey, William, Geneseo

*Dessis, Hector, Geneva

DeRidder, Jeff, Ontario

*English, Tom, East Rochester

Frey, Rich, East Rochester

*Garbutt, Rick, Hilton

Goodwin, David, Rochester

*Grasdorf, Dan, Churchville

Grazul, Dave, Victor

Gugino, Joe, Churchville

Hart, Tom, Farmington

Howard, Jeff, Canandaigua

Johnson, Jeff, Lyndonville

Kadircan, Sefer, Rochester

Linsner, Sam, Livonia

Magee, Ray, Geneseo

Marianetti,Armand, Farmington

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

Moriarty, Dave, Rochester

Muoio, Carmen, Pavilion

Notebaert, Ed, Geneva

Nothnagle, Tim, Caledonia

Oberst, Gene, Rochester

*Patricelli, Frank, Rochester

*Peters, Rob, Rochester

Polsinelli, Tom, Rochester

Prong, Dave, Rochester

*Rhodes, Leo, Henrietta

Rogers, Lem, Rochester

*Rouse, Roger, Rochester

Schojan, Gary, Ontario

Siegfried, Steve, Seneca Falls

Singleton, Don, Olcott

*Smith, Lon, Rochester

*Smith, Matt, Honeoye Falls

Southcott, Brian, Rochester

Strasburger, Mike, Rochester

Tribunella, Todd, Fairport

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

Vandetti, Gerald, Pittsford

*Watkins, John, Rochester

Watt, Ray, Geneva

Wild, Jim, Farmington

*Williams, John, Rochester

Wing, Ed, Portageville

Zuniga, Joe, Rochester

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at Brighton High on March 9, 1998 and conducted by President Russ Tronolone. Ordiway Memorial Award Chairman Joe Gugino reported that Keith Pittinaro of East Rochester was voted the Outstanding Wrestler at the State Qualifier by the WOA members present. At the State Tournament, Russ Tronolone officiated and did an outstanding job. Dave Grazul served as second alternate and did not have to officiate. Joe Gugino served as an evaluator. Jim Berner, Tom Polsinelli, Jerry Vandetti, Steve Siegfried and Mike Strasburger volunteered as table workers. Retired member Gene Meyle was presented with the NYSWOA Award prior to the finals.

The evaluation system which contained photos of officials had the best return to date with 65 schools participating.

The nominating committee presented a slate of officers for 1997-1998 which was approved by the members. President, Dave Grazul; First Vice President, Tom Polsinelli; Second Vice President, Ray Watt; Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta.

The 1998 banquet was held at the Party House. The following awards were given:

Bernabi Award – Russ Tronolone; Coach of the Year – Mickey Marlowe of Rush Henrietta

The major National Federation rules changes for 1998-1999 reduced injury time to a maximum of 1 and 1/2 minutes with a maximum of two time outs. After a second time out, the opponent would have chose of neutral, top or bottom on the restart. The prohibition of the use of sweat boxes and similar artificial methods of quick weight reduction was expanded with the words at any time, so the violation was not limited to the match site. An unsportsmanlike conduct penalty could not be deleted because of bad time.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at Brighton High on November 30, 1998. First Vice President Tom Polsinelli conducted the meeting because President Dave Grazul had an officiating assignment and he announced that Leo Rhodes and Matt Smith were promoted to varsity status. The following officials retired, relocated or were inactive: Jeff DeRidder, Tim Nothnagle, Vinnie Chirico, Ed Wing, Jerry Vandetti, Bill Dempsey, Jeff Johnson, Joe Gugino, Sam Linsner and Gary Schojan. Life Member John McNab passed away in July at the age of 95. John enjoyed attending our annual banquet for many years and continued to attend when he was in his nineties. Committee chairmen and members were reappointed and Mike Corcimiglia was added to the Coach of the Year Committee.

Vice Presidents Tom Polsinelli and Ray Watt conducted the training classes and announced that Bob Asento, Garry Freedman, Pat Hughes, Brian Jones, Steve Kelley, Rich Mitchell, Rick Petralia, Rich Spaulding, Jim Spencer, Ignacy Urbanski and Chris Vigliotti successfully completed the sessions and have probationary status.

It was reported that Frank Marotta’s request to change the make up of the Fact Finding Committee in the event of any contract impasse was finally approved and added to the Coordinating Agreement. From now on, any Fact Finding committee will be made up of one appointee from the NYSPHSAA and one appointee from the officials so the bias in favor of schools that existed in prior situations will no longer exist.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Anthony, Bill, Rochester

*Assento, Bob, Rochester

Bayer, Tom, Rochester

Bowers, Guy, Willard

Burton, Steve, LeRoy

*Cain, Dave, Walworth

Ciccarello, Tony, Rochester

*Cleveland, Ken Dansville

Corcimiglia, Mike, Rochester

Corcoran, Tom, Dundee

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

DeBadts, Don, Geneseo

*Delaney, Don, Rochester

*Dempsey, William, Geneseo

*English, Tom, East Rochester

*Fisher, Dave, Rochester

*Freedman, Gary, Rochester

Frey, Rich, East Rochester

Goodwin, David, Rochester

*Grasdorf, Dan, Churchville

Grazul, Dave, Victor

Hainey,Pete,Mt.Morris (transfer)

Hart, Tom, Farmington

Howard, Jeff, Canandaigua

*Hughes, Pat, Spencerport

Johnson, Jeff, Lyndonville

*Jones, Brian, Batavia

Kadircan, Sefer, Rochester

*Kelly, Steve, Seneca Falls

Linsner, Sam, Livonia

Magee, Ray, Geneseo

Marianetti,Armand, Farmington

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

*Mitchell, Rich, Bergen

Moriarty, Dave, Rochester

Muoio, Carmen, Pavilion

Notebaert, Ed, Geneva

Oberst, Gene, Rochester

*Patricelli, Frank, Rochester

*Peters, Rob, Rochester

*Petralia, Rick, Rochester

*Phalen, Jack, Rochester

Polsinelli, Tom, Rochester

Prong, Dave, Rochester

Rhodes, Leo, Henrietta

Rogers, Lem, Rochester

*Rouse, Roger, Rochester

Schojan, Gary, Ontario

Siegfried, Steve, Seneca Falls

Singleton, Don, Lockport

*Smith, Lon, Rochester

Smith, Matt, Pittsford

Southcott, Brian, Rochester

*Spaulding, Rich, Geneva

*Spencer, James, Rochester

Strasburger, Mike, Rochester

Tribunella, Todd, Fairport

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

*Urbanski, Iggy, Rochester

*Vigliotti, Chris, Rochester

*Watkins, John, Rochester

Watt, Ray, Geneva

*Williams, John, Rochester

Zuniga, Joe, Rochester

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at Brighton High on March 8, 1999 and conducted by President Dave Grazul. Ordiway Memorial Award Chairman Joe Gugino reported that Gary Borrelli of Spencerport was voted the Outstanding Wrestler at the State Qualifier by the WOA members present. At the State Tournament, Russ Tronolone officiated and did an outstanding job. Joe Gugino served as an evaluator. Jim Berner, Tom Polsinellli, Dave Grazul, Tom Corcoran, Leo Rhodes and Matt Smith were volunteer table workers.

The return of varsity ratings was down compared to the previous year. Only 49 were returned.

The nominating committee submitted the present officers for reelection for 1999-2000 and the members approved President, Dave Grazul; First Vice President, Tom Polsinelli; Second Vice President, Ray Watt; Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta.

The 1999 banquet was held at the Party House. The following awards were given: Coach of the Year: Dean Salvaggio, Webster; Bernabi Award: Sam Linsner; Life Membership: Mike Giagios and Jim Wild.

The major National Federation rules changes for 1999-2000 provided that grasping of clothing would be a delayed call when a takedown was imminent. Penalties for unsportsmanlike conduct would be carried over in a multi-day event but misconduct penalties on a coach would not. If an injury time out was taken at the end of the first period, the opponent would get choice at the start of the second and third periods. Unnecessary roughness, illegal holds and bleeding time were added to the items that could not be deleted because of bad time.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at Brighton High on November 29, 1999. President Dave Grazul announced that Dave Fisher, Rob Peters and John Williams were promoted to varsity status. The following varsity and JV officials either retired, relocated or decided not to officiate wrestling: Bill Anthony (moved to Colorado), Dave Moriarty (back problem), Carmen Muoio (moved to Michigan), Steve Siegfried (moved to Wisconsin), Dave Cain (moved to Virginia), Sam Linsner (retired), Tom Bayer, Ken Cleveland, Gary Freedman, Frank Patricelli, Lon Smith and Iggy Urbanski, All committees were reappointed. David Goodwin and Ray Magee were appointed to the Executive Committee and Joe Zuniga was appointed to a 3 year term on the Ethics Committee. Russ Tronolone was appointed to the Nominating Committee.

WOA members were instrumental in the successful operation of the Brockport/Oklahoma Tournament in November. Frank Marotta coordinated the table crews of John Watkins, Bill Dempsey, Brian Jones, Todd Tribunella, John Williams, Rob Peters, Rick Payton, Lem Rogers, Leo Rhodes, Corcimiglia, Chris Vigilotti and Don DeBadts.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Alvarez, Joe, Rochester

*Assento, Bob, Rochester

Bowers, Guy, Willard

Burton, Steve, LeRoy

Ciccarello, Tony, Rochester

Corcimiglia, Mike, Rochester

Corcoran, Tom, Dundee

*Currie, David, Livonia

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

DeBadts, Don, Geneseo

*Delaney, Don, Rochester

*Dempsey, William, Geneseo

*English, Tom,

Fisher, Dave, Rochester

Frey, Rich, East Rochester

*Gietler, Chris, Farmington

Goodwin, David, Rochester

*Grasdorf, Dan, Churchville

Grazul, Dave, Victor

Hainey, Pete, Mt. Morris

Hart, Tom, Farmington

Howard, Jeff, Canandaigua

*Hughes, Pat, Spencerport

Johnson, Jeff, Lyndonville

*Jones, Brian, Batavia

Kadircan, Sefer, Rochester

Magee, Ray, Geneseo

Marianetti,Armand, Farmington

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

*Munson, Larry, Seneca Falls

Notebaert, Ed, Geneva

Oberst, Gene, Rochester

*Payton, Rick, Pavilion

Peters, Rob, Rochester

*Petralia, Rick, Rochester

*Phalen, Jack, Rochester

Polsinelli, Tom, Rochester

Prong, Dave, Rochester

Rhodes, Leo, Henrietta

*Riley, Dennis, Spencerport

Rogers, Lem, Rochester

*Rouse, Roger, Rochester

Singleton, Don, Lockport

Smith, Matt, Honeoye Falls

Southcott, Brian, Rochester

*Spencer, James, Rochester

Strasburger, Mike, Rochester

Tribunella, Todd, Fairport

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

*Vigliotti, Chris, Rochester

*Watkins, John, Rochester

Watt, Ray, Geneva

Williams, John, Rochester

Zuniga, Joe, Rochester

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at Brighton High on March 6, 2000 and conducted by President Dave Grazul. Ordiway Memorial Award Chairman Joe Gugino reported that Dan Chase of Rush Henrietta was voted the Outstanding Wrestler at the State Qualifier by the WOA members present. At the State Tournament, Dave Grazul officiated and did an outstanding job. Ray Magee served as an evaluator. Jim Berner, Tom Polsinellli, Tom Corcoran, Leo Rhodes, Roger Rouse, Brian Southcott, Russ Tronolone and Matt Smith were volunteer table workers.

Prior to the State Tournament Finals, Earl Fuller, one of the founders of our association and a Life Member, was inducted into the N.Y. State High School Wrestling Hall of Fame because of his great contributions to the early development of high school wrestling.

Don DeBadts reported that the varsity ratings were returned by 55 schools which were more than last year. Nominating Committee Chairman, Earl Fuller, presented the slate for 2000-2001 and the members approved President, Tom Polsinelli; First Vice President, Ray Watt; Second Vice President, David Goodwin; and Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta.

The 2000 banquet was held at the Party House. The following awards were presented:

Life Membership – Jeff DeRidder and Sam Linsner; Bernabi Award – Dave Grazul; Coach of the Year – Dave Poulsen of South Seneca.

The major 2000-2001 National Federation rules changes required officials to address coaches and captains concerning good sportsmanship, required shoelaces to be taped, categorized the double underhook snapback from a standing position as illegal and stated that the use of tobacco products for contestants, coaches and other team personnel was flagrant misconduct.

If no supervision was available for a student who was to be removed from the premises because of unsportsmanlike or flagrant misconduct, that student would be confined to the team bench for supervision.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at Brighton High on November 29, 2000 and was conducted by First Vice President Ray Watt because President Tom Polsinelli had an officiating assignment. He announced that Rick Petralia, Jim Spencer, Chris Vigliotti and John Watkins were promoted to varsity status. Brian Jones was promoted also but moved to Philadelphia.

Mike Fox transferred from the Southern Tier and is a dual member. All committees were reappointed. Matt Smith and Ray Magee were appointed to the Executive Committee and Tom Polsinelli was appointed to the Coach of the Year Committee. The following either retired from officiating or relocated: Jeff Johnson, Todd Tribunella, Bill Dempsey, Sefer Kadircan, Bob Asento, Pat Hughes, Pete Hainey and Mike Strasburger. Jack Phalen will be inactive.

First Vice President Ray Watt conducted the training program with the help of Dave Grazul, Tom Polsinelli and Matt Smith. Mike Bart, Andre Dunlap, Jerry LaMonica, Bob Plate, Ray Porteus and Scott Wessel successfully completed the program and have probationary status.

Once again our members were instrumental in the smooth operation of the Brockport/Oklahoma Tournament. Those who volunteered to work at tables were John Williams, Rob Peters, Leo Rhodes, Rick Payton, Mike Corcimiglia, Chris Vigliotti, Don DeBadts, Tom English, Ray Porteus, Dennis Riley, Joe Alvarez, Steve Burton and Tony Ciccarello. Our officials had the opportunity to meet and be photographed with Olympic Champion Rulon Gardner who attended.

In other news, one wrestling officials’ chapter was not allowed to submit a nomination for an official to referee the State Tournament because the chapter was not represented at the State Meeting in October. Leo Rhodes provided our members with WOA cards for identification as a certified wrestling official for the season. Schools were not obligated to honor it for admission of officials not working the match. The card was not to be used for any other person than the named official.

Prior to the start of the 2000 season, the WOA dealt with potential mat lighting problems. Some coaches attempted to duplicate the type of overhead mat lighting used in large sports areas by merely lowering a single ceiling light over the mat and turning off or dimming other lights in the gym. The WOA Executive Council checked this and found this to be questionable. Also, contact was made with the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America and an engineer who designed lighting for the wrestling facilities used at the Olympics in Los Angeles so we had some guidelines which our president, Tom Polsinelli, sent to all schools. Those guidelines have become part of the NY State Interpretation Handbook.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

*Alvarez, Joe, Rochester

*Bart, Mike, Rochester

Bowers, Guy, Willard

Burton, Steve, LeRoy

Ciccarello, Tony, Rochester

Corcimiglia, Mike, Webster

Corcoran, Tom, Dundee

*Currie, David, Livonia

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

*Delaney, Don, Rochester

*Dunlap, Andre, Attica

*English, Tom, Painted Post

Fisher, Dave, Rochester

Fox, Mike, Bath (transfer)

Frey, Rich, East Rochester

*Gietler, Chris, Farmington

Goodwin, David, Rochester

Grazul, Dave, Victor

Hart, Tom, Farmington

Howard, Jeff, Canandaigua

*LaMonica, Jerry, Spencerport

Magee, Ray, Geneseo

Marianetti,Armand, Farmington

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

*Munson, Larry, Seneca Falls

Notebaert, Ed, Geneva

Oberst, Gene, Rochester

*Payton, Rick, Pavilion

Peters, Rob, Rochester

Petralia, Rick, Rochester

*Phalen, Jack, Rochester

*Plate, Bob, Seneca Falls

Polsinelli, Tom, Rochester

*Porteus, Ray, Albion

Prong, Dave, Rochester

Rhodes, Leo, Henrietta

*Riley, Dennis, Spencerport

Rogers, Lem, Rochester

*Rolfe, Robert, Rochester

*Rouse, Roger, Rochester

Singleton, Don, Lockport

Smith, Matt, Pittsford

Southcott, Brian, Rochester

Spencer, James, Rochester

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

Vigliotti, Chris, Rochester

Watkins, John, Rochester

Watt, Ray, Geneva

*Wessel, Scott, Geneseo

Williams, John, Rochester

Zuniga, Joe, Rochester

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at Geneseo on March 10, 2001 prior to the annual Mat Test because bad weather caused postponement of the meeting scheduled earlier in the week. President Tom Polsinelli conducted the brief meeting. The following announcements were made: Dan Ames of Northstar was voted the Outstanding Wrestler at the Sate Qualifier and received the Ordiway Memorial Award. Russ Tronolone and Mike Corcimiglia did a great job as referees at the State Tournament. Joe Gugino was an evaluator. Jim Berner, Tom Polsinelli, Leo Rhodes, Steve Burton and Dave Grazul were volunteer table workers. The current officers were reelected for 2001-2002 - President, Tom Polsinelli; First Vice President, Ray Watt; Second Vice President, David Goodwin; Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta.

The 2001 banquet was held at the Party House. The following awards were presented:

Bernabi Award – Jim Berner; Coach of the Year – Jim Sauberan of Kendall; Special award to Jim Wild, past president and Life Member, for his induction into the Section 5 Wrestling Hall of Fame in February.

The major National Federation rules changes for 2001-2002 required the random draw to be conducted to determine the first weight class to be competed in dual meets. Electronic communication between coach and contestant was prohibited. Failure of an official to give the opponent choice after a second injury time out was added to bad time. The overtime period was reduced to 1 minute and the wrestler who scored first during the regular match would be given choice of position for the 30 second tie breaker.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at Brighton on November 29, 2001. President Tom Polsinelli announced that Joe Alvarez, Dave Currie and Rick Payton were promoted to varsity status. Pat Hughes and Jack Phalen returned to active status. Tom Hart, Don Singleton, Ray Porteus and RayWatt will not be officiating. Armand Marianetti and Gene Oberst were appointed to fill vacancies on the Ethics Committee. Other committees remained the same.

Vice Presidents Ray Watt and David Goodwin conducted the training classes and Wayne Brockman, Charles Dove, Dave Hauf, Pete Kalish, Scott Lazarek and Gary Payne successfully completed the program and have probationary status.

Once again our members were instrumental in the smooth operation of the Brockport/Oklahoma Tournament. Those who volunteered to work at tables were John Williams, Rob Peters, Leo Rhodes, Dave Currie, Chris Vigliotti, Don DeBadts, Tom English, Dennis Riley, Joe Alvarez, Steve Burton, Jerry LaMonica, Gene Oberst and Tony Ciccarello.

The NYSWOA voted to require all officials to wear a U.S. flag on the back of the shirt and furnished each official with 2 flags.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Alvarez, Joe, Rochester

*Bart, Mike, Rochester

Bowers, Guy, Willard

*Brockman, Wayne, Rochester

Burton, Steve, LeRoy

Ciccarello, Tony, Rochester

Corcimiglia, Mike, Webster

Corcoran, Tom, Dundee

Currie, David, Livonia

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

*Delaney, Don, Henrietta

*Dove, Charles, Seneca Falls

*Dunlop, Andre, Attica

*English, Tom, Painted Post

Fisher, Dave, Rochester

Fox, Mike, Bath

Frey, Rich, East Rochester

*Gietler, Chris, Farmington

Goodwin, David, Rochester

Grazul, Dave, Victor

Hart, Tom, Farmington

*Hauf, Dave, Seneca Falls

Howard, Jeff, Canandaigua

*Hughes, Pat, Rochester

*Kalish, Pete, Brockport

LaMonica, Jerry, Spencerport

*Lazarek, Scott, Rochester

Magee, Ray, Geneseo

Marianetti,Armand, Farmington

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

*Munson, Larry, Seneca Falls

Notebaert, Ed, Geneva

Oberst, Gene, Rochester

*Payne, Gary, Henrietta

Payton, Rick, Pavilion

Peters, Rob, Rochester

Petralia, Rick, Rochester

*Phalen, Jack, Rochester

*Plate, Bob, Seneca Falls

Polsinelli, Tom, Victor

Prong, Dave, Rochester

Rhodes, Leo, Henrietta

*Riley, Dennis, Spencerport

Rogers, Lem, Rochester

*Rolfe, Robert, Rochester

*Rouse, Roger, Rochester

Smith, Matt, Pittsford

Southcott, Brian, Rochester

Spencer, James, Rochester

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

Vigliotti, Chris, Rochester

Watkins, John, Rochester

Watt, Ray, Geneva

*Wessel, Scott, Geneseo

Williams, John, Rochester

Zuniga, Joe, Rochester

The WOA became increasingly concerned about security at high school wrestling events and contacted Section 5 regarding these. There were 2 incidents where a fan or parent walked directly on to the wrestling area and startled the official by approaching him from behind. A third incident occurred at the Genesee Valley Tournament on December 29, 2001 when a parent of a Wayland Cohocton wrestler threw a full bottle of Gatorade on to the mat from a point high in the bleachers. The bottle narrowly missed hitting a wrestler and glanced off the leg of official Dave Fisher. He was identified to police by spectators and charged with reckless endangerment. We were pleased that the school authorities banned him from all future school activities. Again, the name has not been included in this summary, but details are in the WOA files.

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at Brighton on March 4, 2002 and conducted by President Tom Polsinelli. Dan Ames of Northstar Christian Academy was voted the Outstanding Wrestler at the State Qualifier and received the Ordiway Memorial Award. Dave Grazul was an alternate official at the State Tournament. Section 5 was represented by Mike Fox from the West Central Chapter. Joe Gugino served as evaluator. Leo Rhodes, Steve Burton, Jim Berner, Rob Peters, Chris Vigliottti and Joe Alvarez were volunteer table workers. Prior to the State Finals, Jim Wild, past president of both the WOA and NYSWOA, received the NYSWOA Award. Jim Berner, member of the nominating committee, presented the slate of officers for 2002-2003 and members accepted President, Ray Watt; First Vice President, David Goodwin; Second Vice President, Matt Smith; and Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta.

The annual banquet was held on April 5, 2002 at the Party House. The following awards were presented: Life Membership – Jim Berner and Don DeBadts; Bernabi Award – Tom Polsinelli; Coach of the Year – James Cannon of Brockport.

Letters were sent to area N.Y. State legislators, Joe Robach, David Gantt, Joe Morelle, Richard Dollinger and Michael Nozzolio regarding the interpretation of the SAVE legislation that would require sports officials to be fingerprinted. We pointed out the many flaws in the process, but nobody was willing to sponsor legislation to correct this. Some did not even respond. Robach gave us a response that showed he really read the letter.

The major National Federation rules changes for 2002-2003 allowed the coaching of an injured wrestler and added specific language that throwing anything such as an elbow pad or ankle band was unsportsmanlike conduct. Procedures were also outlined for the weighing in of female wrestlers. The hair rule was expanded to cover shaved heads that were abrasive.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at Brighton on November 25, 2002. President Ray Watt announced that Mike Bart, Andre Dunlap, Chris Gietler, Pat Hughes, Jerry LaMonica, Larry Munson and Scott Wessel were promoted to varsity status. Mike Corcimiglia, Dave Fisher and Rick Petralia have inactive status. Dave Currie moved to Texas. Probationaries Gary Payne and Robert Rolfe will not be officiating. Dave Grazul and Ray Magee were appointed to the Executive Council. Joe Zuniga was appointed to the Ethics Committee. Other committees remained as in the past. The Executive Council appointed Russ Tronolone as the Assignment Coordinator to replace Joe Gugino who retired.

Vice Presidents David Goodwin and Matt Smith conducted the training classes and Paul Carlo-Clauss, Robert Currie, Shawn Gerber, Jeremy Marshall, Dan Patterson, Rodney Richenberg, Chris Tomaszewski and Chris Zerniak successfully completed the sessions and are probationary officials.

Our members were instrumental in the smooth operation of the Brockport/Oklahoma Tournament of November, 2002. Those who volunteered to work at score tables were John Watkins, Rob Peters, Leo Rhodes, Chris Vigliotti, Don DeBadts, Tom English, Dennis Riley, Joe Alvarez, Steve Burton, Jerry LaMonica, Pete Kalish, Chris Gietler, Lem Rogers and Tony Ciccarello.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Alvarez, Joe, Rochester

Bart, Mike, Rochester

Bowers, Guy, Willard

*Brockman, Wayne, Rochester

Burton, Steve, LeRoy

*Carlo-Clauss, Paul, Rochester

Ciccarello, Tony, Hamlin

Corcimiglia, Mike, Webster

Corcoran, Tom, Dundee

*Currie, Robert, Hilton

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

*Delaney, Don, Henrietta

*Dove, Charles, Seneca Falls

Dunlop, Andre, Attica

*English, Tom, Painted Post

Fisher, Dave, Rochester

Fox, Mike, Bath

Frey, Rich, East Rochester

*Gerber, Shawn, Macedon

Gietler, Chris, Farmington

Goodwin, David, Rochester

Grazul, Dave, Victor

*Hauf, Dave, Seneca Falls

Howard, Jeff, Canandaigua

Hughes, Pat, Rochester

*Kalish, Pete, Brockport

LaMonica, Jerry, Spencerport

*Lazarek, Scott, Rochester

Magee, Ray, Geneseo

Marianetti,Armand, Farmington

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

*Marshall, Jeremy, Rochester

Munson, Larry, Seneca Falls

Notebaert, Ed, Geneva

Oberst, Gene, Rochester

*Patterson, Dan, Ontario

Payton, Rick, Pavilion

Peters, Rob, Rochester

Petralia, Rick, Rochester

*Plate, Bob, Seneca Falls

Polsinelli, Tom, Victor

Prong, Dave, Rochester

*Richenberg, Rod, Batavia

Rhodes, Leo, Henrietta

*Riley, Dennis, Spencerport

Rogers, Lem, Rochester

*Rouse, Roger, Rochester

Smith, Matt, Pittsford

Southcott, Brian, Rochester

Spencer, James, Rochester

*Tomasewski,Chris, Churchville

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

Vigliotti, Chris, Rochester

Watkins, John, Rochester

Watt, Ray, Geneva

Wessel, Scott, Geneseo

Williams, John, Rochester

*Zerniak, Chris, Rose

Zuniga, Joe, Rochester

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at Brighton on March 10, 2003 and was conducted by President Ray Watt. Steve Stulpin of Spencerport was voted the Outstanding Wrestler at the State Qualifier and received the Ordiway Memorial Award. Russ Tronolone officiated at the State Tournament and Dave Grazul was an evaluator. Leo Rhodes, Joe Alvarez, Steve Burton, Chris Zerniak, Rob Peters Chris Vigliotti, Matt Smith, Ray Watt, Mike Fox and Tom Corcoran volunteered to work at score tables.

Don DeBadts was selected by the NYSPHSAA to become the new State Wrestling Chairman, replacing Reed Hawke who retired. Don reported that 49 schools returned ratings for our officials.

Earl Fuller, chairman of the nominating committee, presented the current slate of officers be reelected for 2003-2004 and members accepted President, Ray Watt; First Vice President, David Goodwin; Second Vice President, Matt Smith; and Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta.

The 2003 banquet was held at the Party House. The following awards were presented:

Life Membership – Joe Gugino; Coach of the Year – James Prentice of North Rose-Wolcott.

On September 21, 2003, the NY State Chapter of the National Wrestling Hall of Fame held a banquet and induction ceremony at the RIT Inn and Conference Center. Inductees for Lifetime Service to Wrestling with ties to the WOA of Section 5 were Don DeBadts, Frank Marotta and Walt Teike. A large number of former and current WOA members were part of the more than 350 people who attended.

The major National Federation rules changes for 2003-2004 stated that if an on-site physician could overrule the diagnosis of a physician who had provided a written statement that an apparent skin condition was not communicable and that if a physician/medical staff determined that an injured wrestler should not continue, even though consciousness was not involved, they could not be overruled. The time frame for correcting the computation of match or team scores was reduced to 30 minutes. If near fall criteria were met and the defensive wrestler applied and illegal hold, committed unnecessary roughness or an unsportsmanlike act, the near fall points and penalty points would be awarded. There were also provisions for earning points during match stoppage in near fall situations where bleeding or injury occurred. A tie breaking system to determine a winner for dual meets was added.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at Brighton on November 24, 2003. President Ray Watt announced that Charles Dove, Pete Kalish, Scott Lazarek and Bob Plate were promoted to varsity status. Mike Corcimiglia, Jeff Howard, Dave Fisher, Jim Spencer and Dave Prong retired from wrestling officiating. Armand Marianetti and Wayne Brockman requested to be inactive. Chris Vigliotti was appointed to the Ethics Committee and Joe Alvarez to the Coach of the Year Committee. Other committees were reappointed. Vice Presidents David Goodwin and Matt Smith conducted the training classes and Shawn Briggs, Tim Davis, Joe Kopetchny, Peter LaDuca, Eugene Lundfelt, Jack Phalen, Ray Porteus, Steve Simons, Nick Tomaszewski and Jamie Trovato successfully completed the sessions and have probationary status. Phalen returned from inactive.

Our members were instrumental in the smooth operation of the Brockport/Oklahoma Tournament of November, 2003. Those who volunteered to work at score tables were John Watkins, Rob Peters, Leo Rhodes, Chris Vigliotti, Don DeBadts, Tom English, Dennis Riley, Jerry LaMonica, Joe Alvarez, Steve Burton, Chris Zerniak, Pete Kalish, Chris Gietler, Lem Rogers, Dave Hauf, Tom Polsinelli, Ray Porteus, Rodney Richenberg, Roger Rouse and Tony Ciccarello. Coaches Rich Romeo, Dale Oliver, Bill Hadsell and Robert Hadsell helped also. An amendment to the WOA By-laws was approved by the members. It stated that at the Spring Meeting, the Executive Council will recommend to the membership a stipend for the WOA Secretary.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Alvarez, Joe, Rochester

Bart, Mike, Rochester

Bowers, Guy, Willard

*Briggs, Shawn, Manchester

Burton, Steve, LeRoy

*Carlo-Clauss, Paul, Rochester

Ciccarello, Tony, Hamlin

Corcoran, Tom, Dundee

*Currie, Robert, Rochester

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

*Delaney, Don, Henrietta

Dove, Charles, Seneca Falls

*English, Tom, Painted Post

Frey, Rich, East Rochester

*Gerber, Shawn, Macedon

Gietler, Chris, Farmington

Goodwin, David, Rochester

Grazul, Dave, Victor

*Hauf, Dave, Seneca Falls

Hughes, Pat, Rochester

Kalish, Pete, Brockport

*Kopetchny, Joe, Waterloo

*LaDuca, Peter, Rochester

LaMonica, Jerry, Spencerport

Lazarek, Scott, Rochester

*Lundfelt, Eugene, Bergen

Magee, Ray, Geneseo

Marianetti,Armand, Farmington

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

*Marshall, Jeremy, Rochester

Munson, Larry, Seneca Falls

Notebaert, Ed, Geneva

Oberst, Gene, Rochester

*Patterson, Dan, Ontario

Payton, Rick, Pavilion

Peters, Rob, Rochester

*Phalen, Jack, Rochester

Plate, Bob, Seneca Falls

Polsinelli, Tom, Victor

*Porteus, Ray, Albion

*Richenberg, Rod, Batavia

Rhodes, Leo, Henrietta

*Riley, Dennis, Spencerport

Rogers, Lem, Rochester

*Rouse, Roger, Rochester

*Simons, Steve, Rochester

Smith, Matt, Pittsford

Southcott, Brian, Rochester

*Tomasewski,Chris, Churchville

*Tomasewski, Nick, Rochester

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

*Trovato, Jamie, Rochester

Vigliotti, Chris, Rochester

Watkins, John, Rochester

Watt, Ray, Geneva

Wessel, Scott, Geneseo

Williams, John, Rochester

*Zerniak, Chris, Rose


Although our association’s does have records of controversies we have had over the years, this historical summary only includes those that are most severe. One occurred at the Hilton tournament in January, 2004 when a disgruntled parent acted inappropriately and made contact with one of our officials who was seated in front of the head table. The WOA conducted its own investigation and our goal was to minimize the adverse publicity to wrestling. Vice President Matt Smith and Executive Secretary Frank Marotta met with the Spencerport Athletic Director and reviewed a video tape. We supported our official and our association was pleased with the manner in which the Spencerport administration handled the situation. Again, the name has not been included in this summary, but details are in the WOA files.

We trusted a second year official who told us that “the dues check for $58.75 was in the mail” along with some other excuses. However, he turned back his assignments during mid season and moved from the area, so we never collected. Unfortunately, our association had already paid N.Y. State dues and insurance because we were required to do so by December 1.

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at Brighton on March 1, 2004 and conducted by President Ray Watt. Trevor Chinn of Canandaigua (Division I) and Andrew Grillo of Holly

(Division II) were voted the Outstanding Wrestlers at the State Qualifier and received the Ordiway Memorial Award. Russ Tronolone and Dave Grazul officiated at the State Tournament and Steve Burton was an evaluator. Leo Rhodes, Joe Alvarez, Chris Zerniak, Rob Peters, Chris Vigliotti, Matt Smith, Ray Watt, Tom Polsinelli, Rodney Richenberg, Dave Hauf and Larry Munson volunteered to work at score tables. Jim Berner was the announcer. Ray Magee assisted State Chairman Don DeBadts in the operation of the tournament. Prior to the State Finals, Steve Dalberth received the National Federation Award.

In accordance with the WOA Constitution, members were notified in advance of the slate of officers for 2004-2005. The members approved President, David Goodwin; First Vice President, Matt Smith and Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta. The candidates for Second Vice President were Steve Burton, Rich Frey and Leo Rhodes and in a secret ballot, Leo Rhodes was elected.

The 2004 banquet was held at the Party House. The following awards were presented:

Bernabi Award – Ray Watt; Coach of the Year – Eric Roemesser of Attica; Official of the Year (presented by Friends of Wrestling based on ratings) – Guy Bowers.

The major National Federation rules changes for 2004-2005 increased the deduction for disqualification or second unsportsmanlike conduct violation to 2 team points. When the tie breaking system was used, the prevailing team would have 1 point added to its team score. When no scoring occurred during the tiebreaker period, the offensive wrestler would be declared the winner and have 1 point added to his score. Because there were questions and confusion about the reason for stopping matches and awarding points, Matt Smith drew up a valuable chart which helped to clarify different scenarios in which match were stopped for infractions, screaming or bleeding and how many points should be awarded in each case. This helped to make it clearer for our officials and coaches.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at Brighton on November 29, 2004. Vice President Matt Smith conducted the meeting because President David Goodwin was out of the area because of his job. Paul Carlo-Clauss, Shawn Gerber, Dan Patterson, Rodney Richenberg and Chris Zerniak were promoted to varsity status. However, Gerber was not going to officiate because of a business venture. Pat Hughes moved to Vermont, Nick Tomasewski was coaching and Robert Curry left officiating. Don DeBadts, Tom Polsinelli and Jim Berner were appointed as non-voting members of the Executive Council. Joe Zuniga was appointed to the Ordiway Committee. Matt Smith and Leo Rhodes were added to the Coach of the Year Committee. Vice Presidents Matt Smith and Leo Rhodes conducted the training classes and Tony Burkinshaw, Steve Ezell, John Kaderli, Gary Novack, Rob Salzbrenner Patrick Schill, Don Singleton and Mark Thurston successfully completed the training sessions and have probationary status. Singleton was a former official. In response to concerns expressed by some members that they did not get enough assignments from the draw, the secretary distributed a chart showing the total number of assignments for each official. This included those tournaments for which officials were hired prior to the draw.

Our members were instrumental in the smooth operation of the Brockport/Oklahoma Tournament of November, 2004. Those who volunteered to work at score tables were John Watkins, Rob Peters, Leo Rhodes, Chris Vigliotti, Don DeBadts, Tom English, Jerry LaMonica, Joe Alvarez, Chris Zerniak, Lem Rogers, John Williams, Rodney Richenberg, Coaches Rich Romeo, Dale Oliver, Bill Hadsell and Robert Hadsell helped also.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Alvarez, Joe, Rochester

Bart, Mike, Rochester

Bowers, Guy, Willard

*Briggs, Shawn, Manchester

*Burkinshaw, Tony, Rochester

Burton, Steve, LeRoy

Carlo-Clauss, Paul, Rochester

Ciccarello, Tony, Hamlin

Corcoran, Tom, Dundee

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

*Delaney, Don, Henrietta

Dove, Charles, Seneca Falls

*English, Tom, Painted Post

*Ezell, Steve, Albion

Frey, Rich, East Rochester

Gietler, Chris, Farmington

Goodwin, David, Rochester

Grazul, Dave, Victor

*Hauf, Dave, Seneca Falls

*Kaderli, John, Holley

Kalish, Pete, Brockport

*Kopetchny, Joe, Waterloo

*LaDuca, Peter, Rochester

LaMonica, Jerry, Spencerport

Lazarek, Scott, Rochester

Magee, Ray, Geneseo

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

Munson, Larry, Seneca Falls

Notebaert, Ed, Geneva

*Novack, Gary, Rochester

Oberst, Gene, Rochester

Patterson, Dan, Ontario

Payton, Rick, Pavilion

Peters, Rob, Rochester

*Phalen, Jack, Rochester

Plate, Bob, Seneca Falls

Polsinelli, Tom, Victor

*Porteus, Ray, Albion

Rhodes, Leo, Henrietta

Richenberg, Rod, Batavia

*Riley, Dennis, Spencerport

Rogers, Lem, Rochester

*Rouse, Roger, Rochester

*Salzbrenner, Rob, Rochester

*Schill, Patrick, Rochester

*Simons, Steve, Rochester

*Singleton, Don, Bergen

Smith, Matt, Pittsford

Southcott, Brian, Rochester

*Thurston, Mark, Rochester

Tomasewski, Chris, Churchville

*Tomasewski, Nick, Rochester

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

*Trovato, Jamie, Rochester

Vigliotti, Chris, Rochester

Watkins, John, Rochester

Watt, Ray, Geneva

Wessel, Scott, Geneseo

Williams, John, Rochester

Zerniak, Chris, Rose

Zuniga, Joe, Rochester

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at Brighton on March 7, 2005 and conducted by President David Goodwin. Gregor Gillespie of Webster Schroeder (Division I) and Zac Condidorio of LeRoy (Division II) were voted the Outstanding Wrestlers at the State Qualifier and received the Ordiway Memorial Award. Guy Bowers and Dave Grazul officiated at the State Tournament. Russ Tronolone and Ray Watt were evaluators. Leo Rhodes, Joe Alvarez, Steve Burton, Chris Zerniak, Rob Peters, David Goodwin, Matt Smith, Rodney Richenberg, John Watkins and Larry Munson volunteered to work at score tables. Jim Berner was the announcer. Ray Magee assisted State Chairman Don DeBadts in the operation of the tournament. Three officials who failed to attend the required rules interpretation meeting on Thursday prior to the State Tournament were disciplined by the NYSWOA and will not be allowed to referee or participate in the State Tournament for a period of time.

The slate for 2005-2006 was presented by the nominating committee and approved by the membership as follows: President, David Goodwin; First Vice President, Matt Smith; Second Vice President, Leo Rhodes and Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta.

The 2005 banquet was held at the Party House and the following awards were presented:

Bernabi Award – Don Delaney; Coach of the Year – Bob Gately of LeRoy; Official of the Year (presented by Friends of Wrestling based on ratings) – Guy Bowers.

The major National Federation rules changes for 2005-2006 increased the penalty for flagrant misconduct to 3 team points. During a tiebreaker, the wrestler with choice of position following the opponent’s second injury time out was restricted to offensive, defensive or defer choices. An exception was added that the match was not to be stopped to warn the offensive wrestler when the defensive wrestler came to the standing position.

Prior to the start of the WOA Fall Business Meeting, all members were fingerprinted in accordance with the NY State law that required this. We had avoided this for a few years and Section 5 had not enforced the requirement. Pressure had been placed on the Section to comply and in order to facilitate the procedure and the Monroe County League agreed to pay for all fingerprinting for this one season. This saved us about $100 per official. For the future, USBC and Section 5 reached agreement and added to the contract that the schools and the sports officials groups would contribute $50 to a fund and that each sports group would be reimbursed by Section 5 for half the cost of the fingerprinting for each season. The contribution was scheduled to be paid annually, but would not be paid unless the fund dropped below $10,000. To be reimbursed, the officials group had to be in good standing with the USBC and submit proper forms to USBC verifying that fingerprinting had been completed and filed with the N.Y. State Department of Education.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at Brighton on November 28, 2005 and conducted by Vice President Matt Smith in place of President David Goodwin who was inactive and moving to North Carolina. Shawn Briggs, Ray Porteus, Steve Simons and Don Singleton were promoted to varsity status. In addition to David Goodwin, Paul Carlo-Clauss, Rick Payton, Dan Patterson, John Watkins and Mark Thurston will not be officiating. Tony Burkinshaw transferred to the Syracuse chapter. Life Member Earl Fuller requested that he be replaced as chairman of two committees. Don DeBadts was appointed chairman of the Coach of the Year Committee and Russ Tronolone was appointed Chairman of the Nominating Committee. Other committees were reappointed. Vice Presidents Matt Smith and Leo Rhodes conducted the training classes and Bob Binggeli, Gary Inzana, Kevin Johnson, Paul Kane, Mike Maxwell, Chris Purtell and Richard Williams successfully completed the sessions and have probationary status. Assignment Coordinator Russ Tronolone explained the use of Arbiter which will be used for accepting assignments. The Executive Council drew up a list of the responsibilities for a head official and those assignments were issued. It was emphasized that this was an administrative job to provide for a smoother operation of a tournament and not a supervisory position.

The 2005-2006 season marked the start of a major change in the assignment process. Assignment Coordinator, Russ Tronolone, introduced a software program called Arbiter to our association. It was used by several other officials’ groups and should make it easier to deal with assignments that would still be drawn but had to be confirmed or changed. The WOA would have to pay and annul license fee to Arbiter.

Our members were instrumental in the smooth operation of the Brockport/Oklahoma Tournament of November, 2005. Those who volunteered to work at score tables were Rob Peters, Chris Vigliotti, Don DeBadts, Tom English, Leo Rhodes, Steve Burton, Joe Alvarez, Chris Zerniak, Lem Rogers, John Kaderli, Lem Rogers, Rodney Richenberg and Dennis Riley. Coach Rich Romeo helped also.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Alvarez, Joe, Rochester

Bart, Mike, Rochester

*Bingelli, Bob, Lyons

Bowers, Guy, Willard

Briggs, Shawn, Manchester

Burton, Steve, LeRoy

Ciccarello, Tony, Hamlin

Corcoran, Tom, Dundee

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

*Davis, Tim, Churchville

*Delaney, Don, Henrietta

Dove, Charles, Seneca Falls

*English, Tom, Painted Post

*Ezell, Steve, Albion

Frey, Rich, East Rochester

Gietler, Chris, Farmington

Grazul, Dave, Victor

*Hauf, Dave, Seneca Falls

*Inzana, Gary, Rochester

*Johnson, Kevin, Churchville

*Kaderli, John, Holley

Kalish, Pete, Brockport

*Kane, Paul, Canandaigua

*Kopetchny, Joe, Waterloo

*LaDuca, Peter, Rochester

LaMonica, Jerry, Spencerport

Lazarek, Scott, Rochester

Magee, Ray, Geneseo

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

*Maxwell, Mike, Fairport

Munson, Larry, Seneca Falls

Notebaert, Ed, Geneva

*Novack, Gary, Rochester

Oberst, Gene, Rochester

*Patterson, Dan, Ontario

Peters, Rob, Rochester

*Phalen, Jack, Rochester

Plate, Bob, Seneca Falls

Polsinelli, Tom, Victor

Porteus, Ray, Albion

*Purtell, Chris, Rochester

Rhodes, Leo, Henrietta

Richenberg, Rod, Batavia

*Riley, Dennis, Spencerport

Rogers, Lem, Rochester

*Rouse, Roger, Rochester

*Salzbrenner, Rob, Rochester

*Schill, Patrick, Rochester

Simons, Steve, Rochester

Singleton, Don, Bergen

Smith, Matt, Pittsford

Southcott, Brian, Rochester

Tomasewski, Chris, Churchville

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

*Trovato, Jamie, Rochester

Vigliotti, Chris, Rochester

*Watkins, John, Rochester

Watt, Ray, Geneva

Wessel, Scott, Geneseo

Williams, John, Rochester

*Williams, Richard, Kendall

Zerniak, Chris, Rose

Zuniga, Joe, Rochester

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at Brighton on February 27, 2006 and conducted by Vice President Matt Smith. Joe Zuniga coordinated the Ordiway Memorial Award and announced that Josh Patterson of Wayne (Division I) and Sammy Damthongmivanh of Pembroke (Division II) were voted the Outstanding Wrestlers at the State Qualifier and received the award. Guy Bowers and Matt Smith officiated at the State Tournament held at Nassau Coliseum on Long Island. Mike Fox of West Central also represented Section 5. Russ Tronolone was an evaluator. Leo Rhodes, Chris Zerniak, Rodney Richenberg and Joe Alvarez volunteered to work at score tables. Jim Berner was the announcer. Ray Magee assisted State Chairman Don DeBadts in the operation of the tournament.

In accordance with the WOA Constitution, members were notified in advance of the slate of officers for 2006-2007. The members approved President, Matt Smith; First Vice President, Leo Rhodes and Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta. The candidates for Second Vice President were Joe Alvarez, Steve Burton, and Chris Vigliotti and in a secret ballot, Joe Alvarez was elected.

The 2006 banquet was held at the Party House. The following awards were presented:

Bernabi Award – David Goodwin; Coach of the Year – Neil Cook of Webster Thomas; Official of the Year (presented by Friends of Wrestling based on ratings) – Guy Bowers; Special Plaques to Life Member John Spencer.

The major National Federation rules changes for 2006-2007 required the referee and assistant referee to confer away from the scorer’s table. The 275lb. class was increased to 285 lb. but N.Y. State did not adopt this yet. The rules were clarified to state that the match begins when the proper wrestler reports and that wrestler could not be withdrawn or replaced without causing the individual to be disqualified and the weight class forfeited. Hands to the face and/or raking the eyes were added to the list of illegal holds. The overtime procedure was changed to consist of a 1 minute sudden victory period, and if necessary, two 30 second tiebreakers would be wrestled. If the score was still tied, a 30 second ultimate tiebreaker would be wrestled with the wrestler who scored first declared the winner. Otherwise, the offensive wrestler would be the winner.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at Brighton on November 27, 2006. President Matt Smith announced that Joe Kopetchny and Jamie Trovato were promoted to varsity status. Tom Corcoran, John Watkins, Patrick Schill, Ray Porteus and Tim Davis would not be officiating.

Chris Vigliotti and Steve Burton were added to the Executive Council as non-voting members. Other committees were reappointed. Vice Presidents Leo Rhodes and Joe Alvarez conducted the training classes and Austin Blair, Joe Christopher, Jeremy Denisi, Don Gugel, Peter Lagueras, Matt Palermo and Frank Redden successfully completed the sessions and have probationary status.

The members approved a proposal from the Executive Council that each official would pay to the WOA $1 for each assignment to help cover the additional annual WOA expenses and to enable the Executive Council to increase the amount paid to the Assignment Coordinator. The members also approved an amendment to the WOA By-laws which specified that the Secretary’s stipend would be determined annually by the Executive Council.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Alvarez, Joe, Rochester

Bart, Mike, Rochester

*Bingelli, Bob, Lyons

*Blair, Austin, Canandaigua

Bowers, Guy, Willard

Briggs, Shawn, Manchester

Burton, Steve, LeRoy

*Christopher, Joe, Batavia

Ciccarello, Tony, Hamlin

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

*Davis, Tim, Churchville

*Delaney, Don, Henrietta

*Denisi, Jeremy, Newark

Dove, Charles, Seneca Falls

*English, Tom, Painted Post

Frey, Rich, East Rochester

Gietler, Chris, Farmington

Grazul, Dave, Victor

*Gugel, Don, Batavia

*Hauf, Dave, Seneca Falls

*Johnson, Kevin, Churchville

*Kaderli, John, Holley

Kalish, Pete, Brockport

*Kane, Paul, Canandaigua

Kopetchny, Joe, Waterloo

*LaDuca, Peter, Rochester

*Lagueras, Peter, Rochester

LaMonica, Jerry, Spencerport

Lazarek, Scott, Rochester

Magee, Ray, Geneseo

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

*Maxwell, Mike, Fairport

Munson, Larry, Seneca Falls

Notebaert, Ed, Geneva

*Novack, Gary, Rochester

Oberst, Gene, Rochester

*Palermo, Matt, Pittsford

Patterson, Dan, Ontario

Peters, Rob, Rochester

*Phalen, Jack, Rochester

Plate, Bob, Seneca Falls

Polsinelli, Tom, Victor

*Purtell, Chris, Rochester

*Redden, Frank, Rochester

Rhodes, Leo, Henrietta

Richenberg, Rod, Batavia

*Riley, Dennis, Spencerport

Rogers, Lem, Rochester

*Rouse, Roger, Rochester

*Salzbrenner, Rob, Rochester

Simons, Steve, Rochester

Singleton, Don, Bergen

Smith, Matt, Pittsford

Southcott, Brian, Rochester

Tomasewski, Chris, Churchville

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

Trovato, Jamie, Rochester

Vigliotti, Chris, Rochester

Watt, Ray, Geneva

Wessel, Scott, Geneseo

Williams, John, Rochester

*Williams, Richard, Kendall

Zerniak, Chris, Rose

Zuniga, Joe, Rochester

Early in the season, there was an incident where an assistant coach put his hands on the shoulders of one of our officials during an exhibition match. Separate interviews by WOA President Matt Smith and Secretary Frank Marotta verified this as they testified at a Section 5 hearing. The Section and Batavia School District accepted our recommendation of a 30 suspension.

The WOA Ethics Committee, Chris Vigliotti, Joe Zuniga and Gene Oberst, along with Sectional Chairman Chris Bourne and the WOA Executive Council jointly dealt with a complaint from Bryon Bergen that an official had made inappropriate comments to female table workers. As a result, the official was required to undergo a sensitivity training program and was not to be assigned to matches involving that school.

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at Brighton on March 5, 2007 and conducted by President Matt Smith. Brian Bourne of Spencerport (Division I) and Alex Ekstrom of Pal Mac (Division II) were voted the Outstanding Wrestlers at the State Qualifier and received the Ordiway Memorial Award. Matt Smith and Dave Grazul officiated at the State Tournament. Guy Bowers was an evaluator. Leo Rhodes, Chris Zerniak, Gary Novack, Jamie Trovato, Joe Alvarez, Steve Burton, Shawn Briggs, Bob Binggeli, and Chris Vigliotti volunteered to work at score tables. Jim Berner was the announcer. Ray Magee assisted State Chairman Don DeBadts in the operation of the tournament.

In accordance with the WOA Constitution, members were notified in advance of the slate of officers for 2007-2008. The members approved President, Matt Smith; First Vice President, Leo Rhodes; Second Vice President, Joe Alvarez; and Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta.

The 2007 banquet was held at Red Fedele’s Brook House, Home of the Section 5 Wrestling Hall of Fame. The Party House, which had been our banquet location for many years, closed its doors on March 1 so we had to relocate. The following awards were made: Bernabi Award – Steve Burton; Coach of the Year – Brian Quick of Pal Mac; Official of the Year (presented by Friends of Wrestling based on ratings) – Guy Bowers.

The major National Federation rules changes for 2007-2008 allowed referees to wear a gray short sleeve knit shirt with black pinstripes. With regard to communicable skin conditions, the current written documentation had to be provided by a physician on an approved form, something we had been doing in N.Y. State for some time. Contestants were required to wear a tooth and mouth protector if they had braces. Prior to assuming the offensive position, wrestlers were allowed to signal to the referee that they wanted the neutral position and the defensive wrestler would be awarded an escape.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at Brighton on November 26, 2007. President Matt Smith announced that John Kaderli, Paul Kane, Paul LaDuca, Mike Maxwell and Richard Williams were promoted to varsity status. LaDuca will not be officiating because of work obligations. Guy Bowers and Rob Peters have inactive status. Don Singleton moved to Section 6. Those not returning are Austin Blair, Jeremy Denisi, Peter Lagueras Frank Redden, Rich Salzbrenner and Tm Davis. Joe Zuniga was appointed chairman of the Ordiway Memorial Award Committee. All other committees were reappointed.

Vice Presidents Leo Rhodes and Joe Alvarez conducted the training classes and Jacob Baxter, Mike Collura, Jeremy Daum, Rich Davis, Donald Peake and Tim Youells successfully completed the sessions and have probationary status.

Our members were instrumental in the smooth operation of the Brockport/Oklahoma Tournament of November, 2007. Those who volunteered to work at score tables were Rob Peters, Paul Kane, John Williams, Don DeBadts, Tom English, Matt Palermo, Joe Alvarez, Mike Maxwell, John Williams and, Rodney Richenberg.

Assignment fees were increased to $1.50 by vote of the membership.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Alvarez, Joe, Rochester

Bart, Mike, Rochester

*Baxter, Jacob, Brockport

*Bingelli, Bob, Lyons

Bowers, Guy, Willard

Briggs, Shawn, Manchester

Burton, Steve, LeRoy

*Christopher, Joe, Batavia

Ciccarello, Tony, Hamlin

*Collura, Mike, Spencerport

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

*Daum, Jeremy, Spencerport

*Davis, Rich, Rochester

*Delaney, Don, Henrietta

Dove, Charles, Seneca Falls

*English, Tom, Painted Post

Frey, Rich, East Rochester

Gietler, Chris, Farmington

Grazul, Dave, Victor

*Gugel, Don, Batavia

*Hauf, Dave, Seneca Falls

*Johnson, Kevin, Churchville

Kaderli, John, Holley

Kalish, Pete, Brockport

Kane, Paul, Canandaigua

Kopetchny, Joe, Waterloo

LaMonica, Jerry, Spencerport

Lazarek, Scott, Rochester

Magee, Ray, Geneseo

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

Maxwell, Mike, Fairport

Munson, Larry, Seneca Falls

Notebaert, Ed, Geneva

*Novack, Gary, Rochester

Oberst, Gene, Rochester

*Palermo, Matt, Pittsford

Patterson, Dan, Ontario

*Peake, Donald, Hilton

Peters, Rob, Rochester

*Phalen, Jack, Rochester

Plate, Bob, Seneca Falls

Polsinelli, Tom, Victor

Rhodes, Leo, Henrietta

Richenberg, Rod, Batavia

*Riley, Dennis, Spencerport

Rogers, Lem, Rochester

*Rouse, Roger, Rochester

Simons, Steve, Rochester

Smith, Matt, Pittsford

Southcott, Brian, Rochester

Tomasewski, Chris, Churchville

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

Trovato, Jamie, Rochester

Vigliotti, Chris, Rochester

Watt, Ray, Geneva

Wessel, Scott, Geneseo

Williams, John, Rochester

Williams, Richard, Kendall

*Youells, Tim, North Rose

Zerniak, Chris, Rose


The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at Brighton on March 11, 2008 and conducted by President Matt Smith.

Brian Bourne of Spencerport (Division I) and Alex Ekstrom of Pal Mac (Division II) were voted the Outstanding Wrestlers at the State Qualifier and received the Ordiway Memorial Award. Both wrestlers received the award last year. Russ Tronolone and Leo Rhodes officiated at the State Tournament which was held at Blue Cross Arena in Rochester. Steve Burton was an evaluator. Because our section was the host, our association was obligated to furnish the table workers and our entire membership did so. Jim Berner was the announcer. Ray Magee assisted State Chairman Don DeBadts in the operation of the tournament.

At the NYSWOA meeting, a new state constitution was adopted. Dave Grazul was elected Vice President of the NYSWOA and he is the fourth W/OA member to be elected to a state office. Don DeBadts was inducted into the NY State High School Wrestling Hall of Fame prior to the State Finals. Don will be retiring as NY State Wrestling Chairman.

Mark Hoyt compiled the ratings once again. There was a great effort to increase the return of ratings and 68 schools responded, which is the highest number ever.

In accordance with the WOA Constitution, members were notified in advance of the slate of officers for 2008-2009. The members approved President, Leo Rhodes; First Vice President, Joe Alvarez; Second Vice President, Chris Vigliotti; and Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta.

The 2008 banquet was held at Red Fedele’s Brook House, Home of the Section 5 Wrestling Hall of Fame. The following awards were made: Bernabi Award – Matt Smith; Coach of the Year – Mike Kohl of Fairport; Official of the Year (presented by Friends of Wrestling based on ratings) – Guy Bowers.

Collecting the assignment fees for 2007-2008 was not as smooth as the previous year. There were 4 officials, 3 who were varsity, who did not pay. None returned for the next season.

The major National Federation rules changes for 2008-2009 added that a wrestler’s hair in its natural state, in the front shall not extend below the eyebrows. Written skin condition forms from physicians had to be presented at the weigh in. A 1 pound weight allowance was added in the event of a school closing due to inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances. The back flip from the standing position was listed as illegal. A wrestler whose opponent was penalized for unsportsmanlike conduct at any time during a match would get choice of position in the ultimate tiebreaker, superseding the first points scored during the regulation match.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at Brighton on November 24, 2008 and conducted by President Leo Rhodes. He announced that Gary Novack and Matt Palermo were promoted to varsity status and that Palermo had relocated to Colorado. Mike Fox and Chris McCann transferred from West Central and will be dual members. Guy Bowers and Rob Peters returned to active status. Chris Gietler, Pete Kalish, Jerry Lamonica and Ray Watt retired. JV officials Mike Collura and Donald Peake did not return. Dan Patterson, Brian Southcott and Kevin Johnson (JV) may be inactive or drop out. The president reappointed all committees and announced that Sportsmanship Award Committee would be announced later.

Vice Presidents Joe Alvarez and Chris Vigliotti conducted the training classes. Continuing the pattern established by officers since the association started organized training sessions for new candidates, the program was expanded to require participation at 3 multi team scrimmages. This along with the video critiques that had been used in past years helped to produce an outstanding group of probationary officials. Jon Aponte Louis Comenale, Tony Costanza, Daniel Greco, Kyle Hegedorn, Ken Jarrell, Jason Kern, Michael New, Richard Pappert and Brandon Taylor successfully completed the program.

Our members were again instrumental in the smooth operation of the Brockport/Oklahoma Tournament of November, 2008. Those who volunteered to work at score tables were Tom Polsinelli, Rob Peters, Paul Kane, John Williams, Don DeBadts, Tom English, Chris Zerniak, Jeremy Daum, Roger Rouse and Chris Vigliotti.

The NYSWOA adopted a new constitution at their 2008 Spring Meeting and members were advised that there was now a due process procedure, a procedure for review of any alleged incidents of unprofessional behavior or immoral character, a dress code of officials which prohibited jewelry except for a wedding band, medical ID or timing device, that State dues were increased and that the liability insurance deductible would be $15,000.

WOA members voted to increase annual dues by $10 and to increase the assignment fee to $2 per assignment.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Alvarez, Joe, Rochester

*Aponte, Jon, Rochester

Bart, Mike, Rochester

*Baxter, Jacob, Brockport

Bowers, Guy, Willard

Briggs, Shawn, Manchester

Burton, Steve, LeRoy

*Christopher, Joe, Batavia

Ciccarello, Tony, Hamlin

*Comenale, Louis, Rochester

*Costanza, Tony Webster

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

*Daum, Jeremy, Spencerport

*Davis, Rich, Rochester

*Delaney, Don, Henrietta

Dove, Charles, Seneca Falls

*English, Tom, Painted Post

Fox, Mike, Bath, (transfer)

Frey, Rich, East Rochester

Grazul, Dave, Victor

*Greco, Dan, Rochester

*Gugel, Don, Batavia

*Hauf, Dave, Seneca Falls

*Hegedorn, Kyle, Webster

*Jarrell, Ken, Rochester

Kaderli, John, Holley

Kane, Paul, Canandaigua

*Kern, Jason, Conesus

Kopetchny, Joe, Waterloo

Lazarek, Scott, Rochester

Magee, Ray, Geneseo

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

Maxwell, Mike, Fairport

McCann,Chris,Savona (transfer)

Munson, Larry, Seneca Falls

*New, Mike, Victor

Notebaert, Ed, Geneva

Novack, Gary, Rochester

Oberst, Gene, Rochester

*Pappert, Richard, Rochester

Peters, Rob, Rochester

*Phalen, Jack, Rochester

Plate, Bob, Seneca Falls

Polsinelli, Tom, Victor

Rhodes, Leo, Henrietta

Richenberg, Rod, Batavia

*Riley, Dennis, Spencerport

Rogers, Lem, Rochester

*Rouse, Roger, Rochester

Simons, Steve, Rochester

Smith, Matt, Pittsford

*Taylor, Brandon, Phelps

Tomasewski, Chris, Churchville

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

Trovato, Jamie, Rochester

Vigliotti, Chris, Rochester

Wessel, Scott, Geneseo

Williams, John, Rochester

Williams, Richard, Kendall

*Youells, Tim, North Rose

Zerniak, Chris, Rose

Zuniga, Joe, Rochester

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at Brighton on March 11, 2009 and conducted by President Leo Rhodes. Scott Lazarek substituted for Chairman Joe Zuniga and coordinated the voting for the Ordiway Award at the State Qualifier. Christian Boley of Brockport (Division I) and Ian Paddock of Warsaw (Division II) were voted the Outstanding Wrestlers. The first Earl Fuller/Frank Marotta Sportsmanship Award was presented to the wrestling programs of Rush Henrietta (Division 1) and Palmyra Macedon (Division 2).

Leo Rhodes, Matt Smith and Tom Polsinelli officiated at the State Tournament which was held at the Pepsi Arena in Albany. Mike Fox, who is also a member of the WOA, officiated also but represented West Central. Joe Alvarez was an evaluator. Chris Zerniak, Dave Hauf, Guy Bowers, Richard Williams, Chris McCann, Jeremy Daum, Paul Kane, Mike New, Rod Richenberg and Russ Tronolone volunteered to work at score tables. Jim Berner was the announcer. Ray Magee assisted the State Chairman in the operation of the tournament as did other WOA members, Dave Grazul (Vice President of NYSWOA), Steve Dalberth (NYS Rules Interpreter) and Frank Marotta (NYSWOA Evaluation Chairman).

This season marked the first time the WOA used a league tournament, the Monroe County JV Tournament, to evaluate candidates for promotion. Mark Hoyt compiled the ratings once again. There was a great effort to increase the return of ratings and 68 schools responded, which tied with last season for the highest return.

In accordance with the WOA Constitution, members were notified in advance of the slate of officers for 2009-2010. The members approved President, Leo Rhodes; First Vice President, Joe Alvarez; Second Vice President, Chris Vigliotti; and Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta.

The 2009 banquet was held at Red Fedele’s Brook House, Home of the Section 5 Wrestling Hall of Fame. The following awards were made: Coach of the Year – Bill Jacoutot of Spencerport, and Official the Year (presented by Friends of Wrestling based on Section 5 ratings) – Guy Bowers. President Leo Rhodes wanted to honor some members with “Length of Service” Awards. Receiving plaques were Tom English (34 years), Steve Dalberth (33 years), Russ Tronolone (33 years), Rich Frey (32 years) and Steve Burton (25 years). Certificates were presented to Joe Alvarez, Larry Munson and Dennis Riley for 10 years and John Kaderli, Gary Novack and Jamie Trovato for 5 years.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at Brighton on November 23, 2009 and conducted by President Leo Rhodes. He announced that Jacob Baxter and Don Gugel were promoted to varsity status. Committees were reappointed and Shawn Briggs was appointed to a 3 year term on the Ethics Committee to replace Vice President Chris Vigliotti. The WOA Bylaws were amended to include that special recognition be given to officials who reached 25, 20 and 10 years of service. Ed Notebaert retired from officiating.JV officials Ken Jarrell and Brandon Taylor elected not to return. Scott Lazarek, Larry Munson, Bob Plate, Jamie Trovato, Tom English and Tim Youells have incactive status. Although the training sessions for new candidates had not been completed by the Fall Business Meeting, Vice President Joe Alvarez stated that 9 will successfully complete the program. (These candidates did complete the compulsory scrimmage on the following night: Wilfredo Colon, Tom Fuchs. Shawn Gerber, David LeBerth, Nick Lock, Dan Moak, Richard O’Lena, Joe Palmateer and Tom White.

Our members were again instrumental in the smooth operation of the Brockport/Oklahoma Tournament of November, 2009. Those who volunteered to work at score tables were Leo Rhodes, Rob Peters, Paul Kane, John Williams, Don DeBadts, Tom English, Chris Zerniak, Roger Rouse, Jon Aponte, Mike Maxwell, Dan Moak and Tom White.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Alvarez, Joe, Rochester

*Aponte, Jon, Rochester

Bart, Mike, Rochester

Baxter, Jacob, Brockport

Bowers, Guy, Willard

Briggs, Shawn, Manchester

Burton, Steve, LeRoy

*Christopher, Joe, Batavia

Ciccarello, Tony, Hamlin

*Colon, Wilfredo, Rochester

*Comenale, Louis, Rochester

*Costanza, Tony, Webster

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

*Daum, Jeremy, Spencerport

*Davis, Rich, Rochester

*Delaney, Don, Henrietta

Dove, Charles, Seneca Falls

*English, Tom, Painted Post

Fox, Mike, Bath,

Frey, Rich, East Rochester

*Fuchs, Tom, Clifton Springs

*Gerber, Shawn, Palmyra

Grazul, Dave, Victor

*Greco, Dan, Rochester

Gugel, Don, Batavia

*Hauf, Dave, Seneca Falls

*Hegedorn, Kyle, Webster

Kaderli, John, Holley

Kane, Paul, Victor

*Kern, Jason, Conesus

Kopetchny, Joe, Waterloo

Lazarek, Scott, Rochester

*LeBerth, David, Ontario

*Lock, Nick, Perry

Magee, Ray, Geneseo

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

Maxwell, Mike, Fairport

McCann, Chris, Savona

*Moak, Dan, Webster

Munson, Larry, Seneca Falls

*New, Mike, Victor

Novack, Gary, Rochester

Oberst, Gene, Rochester

*O’Lena, Richard, Macedon

*Palmateer, Joe, Webster

*Pappert, Richard, Rochester

Peters, Rob, Rochester

*Phalen, Jack, Rochester

Plate, Bob, Seneca Falls

Polsinelli, Tom, Victor

Rhodes, Leo, Henrietta

Richenberg, Rod, Batavia

*Riley, Dennis, Spencerport

Rogers, Lem, Rochester

*Rouse, Roger, Rochester

Simons, Steve, Rochester

Smith, Matt, Pittsford

Tomasewski, Chris, Churchville

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

Trovato, Jamie, Rochester

Vigliotti, Chris, Rochester

Wessel, Scott, Geneseo

*White, Tom, Mumford

Williams, John, Rochester

Williams, Richard, Kendall

*Youells, Tim, North Rose

Zerniak, Chris, Rose

Zuniga, Joe, Rochester

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at Brighton on March 8, 2010 and conducted by President Leo Rhodes. Chairman Joe Zuniga coordinated the voting for the Ordiway Award at the State Qualifier. Bob Dierna of Wayne (Division I) and Colton Dalberth of Marion (Division II) were voted the Outstanding Wrestlers. The second Earl Fuller/Frank Marotta Sportsmanship Award was presented to the wrestling programs of Brockport (Division 1) and Attica (Division 2).

At the NYSWOA Spring Meeting, Dave Grazul was elected president and became the fourth member of the WOA of Section 5 to hold that office. Representatives also voted to assess each member $5 for an emergency insurance fund. Guy Bowers and Matt Smith officiated at the State Tournament in Albany. Mike Fox, who is also a member of the WOA, officiated also but represented West Central. Chris McCann, representing the West Central WOA, was an evaluator. Richard Williams, Jeremy Daum, Paul Kane, Mike New, Joe Alvarez, Leo Rhodes, Rob Peters and Steve Burton volunteered to work at score tables. . Ray Magee assisted the State Chairman in the operation of the tournament as did other WOA members, Dave Grazul , Steve Dalberth (NYS Rules Interpreter) and Frank Marotta (NYSWOA Evaluation Chairman).

In accordance with the WOA Constitution, members were notified in advance of the slate of officers for 2010-11. The members approved President, Joe Alvarez; First Vice President, Chris Vigliotti and Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta. Rob Peters and Steve Burton were nominated for Second Vice President and after a secret ballot, Burton was elected.

The 2010 banquet was held at Red Fedele’s Brook House, Home of the Section 5 Wrestling Hall of Fame. The following awards were made: Coach of the Year – Mike Ferris of Brockport, and Official the Year (presented by Friends of Wrestling based on Section 5 ratings) – Guy Bowers.

Life Membership plaques were presented to Joe Gustainis and Ray Watt, both of whom had bee presidents of the WOA. President Leo Rhodes presented “Length of Service” Award plaques to Dave Grazul (25 years), Ed Notebaert (26 years), Ray Magee (30 years), Tom Polsinelli (30 years), Joe Zuniga (29 years) and Gene Oberst (29 years).

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at Brighton on November 22, 2010 and conducted by President Joe Alvarez. He announced that Jon Aponte, Lou Comenale, Dan Grco, Jason Kern and Kyle Hegedorn were promoted to varsity status. However, Greco moved to S. Carolina and Kern had to retire because of an injury. Committees were reappointed. Tom English and Bob Plate retired from officiating. Scott Lazarek and Tom Polsinelli have inactive status. The training sessions for new candidates had not been completed by the Fall Business Meeting, but the following were expected to fulfill the requirements: Greg Avery, Alex Cerone, Brad Dove, Casey Hegedorn, Tim Meagher, Matt Palmer, Wally Sackett, and Joel Smith.

Members were notified of the following:

• The NYSPHSAA published a booklet, “Program of Wrestling” which contains state rules and regulations that must be followed. The purpose is to provide clarificiation on items not written in the rule book. It is a good supplement to our “Green Book.”All coaches were given copies and officials can view in at the NYSPHSAA web site.

• Two WOA past presidents, Leo Bernabi (posthumously) and Tony LaMonica, will be inducted into the Section 5 Wrestling Hall of Fame at the annual banquet sponsored by the Section 5 Friends of Wrestling and their names will be inscribed on the Hall of Fame plaque on the wall at Red Fedele’s Brook House.

Our members were again instrumental in the smooth operation of the Brockport/Oklahoma Tournament of November, 2010. Those who volunteered to work at score tables were Leo Rhodes, Joe Alvarez, Chris Vigliotti, John Kaderli, Tony Ciccarello, Mike Maxwell, Paul Kane, John Williams, Tom English, Chris Zerniak, Dan Moak, Alex Cerone, Tim Meagher, and Dick O’Lena.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Alvarez, Joe, Rochester

Aponte, Jon, Rochester

*Avery, Greg, Brockport

Bart, Mike, Rochester

Baxter, Jacob, Brockport

Bowers, Guy, Willard

Briggs, Shawn, Manchester

Burton, Steve, LeRoy

*Cerone, Alex, Rochester

*Christopher, Joe, Batavia

Ciccarello, Tony, Hamlin

*Colon, Wilfredo, Rochester

Comenale, Louis, Rochester

*Costanza, Tony, Webster

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

*Daum, Jeremy, Spencerport

*Davis, Rich, Rochester

*Delaney, Don, Henrietta

Dove, Charles, Seneca Falls

*Dove, Brad, Seneca Falls

*English, Tom, Painted Post

Fox, Mike, Bath,

Frey, Rich, East Rochester

*Fuchs, Tom, Clifton Springs

*Gerber, Shawn, Palmyra

Grazul, Dave, Victor

Gugel, Don, Batavia

*Hauf, Dave, Seneca Falls

*Hegedorn, Casey, Ontario

Hegedorn, Kyle, Webster

Kaderli, John, Holley

Kane, Paul, Victor

Kopetchny, Joe, Waterloo

Lazarek, Scott, Rochester

*LeBerth, David, Ontario

*Lock, Nick, Perry

Magee, Ray, Geneseo

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

Maxwell, Mike, Fairport


*Meagher, Tim, Rochester

*Moak, Dan, Webster

Munson, Larry, Seneca Falls

*New, Mike, Victor

Novack, Gary, Rochester

Oberst, Gene, Rochester

*O’Lena, Richard, Macedon

*Palmateer, Joe, Webster

*Palmer, Matt, Rochester

*Pappert, Richard, Rochester

Peters, Rob, Rochester

Polsinelli, Tom, Victor

Rhodes, Leo, Henrietta

Richenberg, Rod, Batavia

*Riley, Dennis, Spencerport

Rogers, Lem, Rochester

*Rouse, Roger, Rochester

*Sackett, Walter, Fairport

Simons, Steve, Rochester

*Smith, Joel, Victor

Smith, Matt, Pittsford

Tomasewski, hris, Churchville

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

Vigliotti, Chris, Rochester

Wessel, Scott, Geneseo

*White, Tom, Mumford

Williams, John, Rochester

Williams, Richard, Kendall

*Wu, Steve, Henrietta

*Youells, Tim, North Rose

Zerniak, Chris, Rose

Zuniga, Joe, Rochest

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at Brighton on March 7, 2011 and conducted by President Joe Alvarez. Chairman Joe Zuniga coordinated the voting for the Ordiway Award at the State Qualifier. Joe Bonaldi of Greece Olympia (Division I) and Jon Miller of Wayland Cohocton (Division II) were voted the Outstanding Wrestlers. The third Earl Fuller/Frank Marotta Sportsmanship Award was presented to the wrestling programs of McQuaid (Division 1) and Midlakes (Division 2).

From the NYSWOA Spring Meeting, President Dave Grazul announced that the $5 assessment would be suspended because there is enough money in the insurance reserve fund. Guy Bowers, Leo Rhodes and Russ Tronolone officiated at the State Tournament in Albany and Joe Alvarez was an alternate. Don Singleton, a former member who now works in Section 6, also served as an alternate official. Mike Fox was an evaluator. Richard Williams, Jeremy Daum, Paul Kane, Matt Smith, Jon Aponte, Rob Peters and Steve Burton were volunteer workers. Ray Magee assisted the State Chairman in the operation of the tournament as did other WOA members, Dave Grazul , Steve Dalberth (NYS Rules Interpreter) and Frank Marotta (NYSWOA Evaluation Chairman).

In accordance with the WOA Constitution, members were notified in advance of the slate of officers for 2011-12. The members approved President, Joe Alvarez; First Vice President, Chris Vigliotti, Second Vice President, Steve Burton and Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta.

The 2011 banquet was held at Red Fedele’s Brook House, Home of the Section 5 Wrestling Hall of Fame. President Joe Alvarez asked for a moment of silence for Dick O’Lena, one of our JV officials who had died that week after a battle with cancer. Dick had been an outstanding wrestler at East Rochester under Don Quinn and it was noted that he had been a hard working, conscientious and dedicated official. The following awards were made: Coach of the Year – Bill Hadsell of Pal Mac and Official the Year (presented by Friends of Wrestling based on Section 5 ratings) – Guy Bowers. Life Membership was awarded to Ed Notebaert. President Joe Alvarez presented “Ten Year Service”certificates to Charles Dove, Dave Hauf, Scott Lazarek and Mike Maxwell.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at Brighton on November 21, 2011 and conducted by President Joe Alvarez. He announced that Wilfredo Colon, Tony Costanza, Tom Fuchs and Shawn Gerber were promoted to varsity status. However, Gerber will be inactive until he recovers from an injury. Joe announced that Chris Vigliotti resigned as First Vice President and Steve Burton was elevated to that position. He did not appoint a new second Vice President so that office will be filled by election at the Spring Meeting. Committees were reappointed. . Scott Lazarek, Lem Rogers, Paul Kane and Tom Polsinelli have inactive status and inactive status is pending for Mike Maxwell and Joe Christopher. Chris McCann elected to work only as part of the West Central group. Some JV officials did not return: Alex Cerone (moved out of state)and Joel Smith (retired). Because of meeting requirements, David LeBerth, Joe Palmateer, Rick Pappert and Tim Youells were not re-certified. One of our largest groups of candidates will be completing their training. They are Brian Harvey, Jon Harvey, Pat Huges, Chad Kessler, Kevin Kinnear, Charles Nix, Adam Orlopp, John Pangia, Alec Panipinto, Jarett Rhoads, Chris Sinopoli, Michael West, Jason Wiegert and Mark Wood. Members also voted to add a $10 penalty to assignment assessments not paid by the due date.

Once again our members worked at score tables at the Brockport/Oklahoma Tournament in November, 2011. Those who volunteered to work at score tables were Jon Aponte, Tom English, Chris Zerniak, Dan Moak, Tim Meagher, John Pangia, Roger Rouse and Mark Wood. Leo Rhodes worked as a mat official.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Alvarez, Joe, Rochester

Aponte, Jon, Rochester

*Avery, Greg, Brockport

Bart, Mike, Rochester

Baxter, Jacob, Brockport

Bowers, Guy, Willard

Briggs, Shawn, Manchester

Burton, Steve, LeRoy

Ciccarello, Tony, Hamlin

Colon, Wilfredo, Rochester

Comenale, Louis, Rochester

Costanza, Tony, Webster

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

*Daum, Jeremy, Spencerport

*Davis, Rich, Rochester

*Delaney, Don, Henrietta

Dove, Charles, Seneca Falls

*Dove, Brad, Seneca Falls

*Dwyer, Adam, Brockport

Fox, Mike, Bath,

Frey, Rich, East Rochester

*Fuchs, Tom, Clifton Springs

*Gerber, Shawn, Palmyra

Grazul, Dave, Victor

Gugel, Don, Batavia

*Harvey, Brian, Geneseo

*Harvey, Jon, LeRoy

*Hauf, Dave, Seneca Falls

*Hegedorn, Casey, Webster

Hegedorn, Kyle, Webster

*Hughes, Pat, Rochester

Kaderli, John, Holley

Kane, Paul, Victor

*Kessler, Chad, Newark

*Kinnear, Kevin, Rochester

Kopetchny, Joe, Waterloo

Lazarek, Scott, Rochester

*Lock, Nick, Perry

Magee, Ray, Geneseo

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

*Meagher, Tim, Rochester

*Moak, Dan, Webster

Munson, Larry, Seneca Falls

*Nix, Charles, Rochester

Novack, Gary, Rochester

Oberst, Gene, Rochester

*Orlopp, Adam, Newark

*Palmer, Matt, Rochester

*Pangia, John, Lima

*Panipinto, Alec, Webster

Peters, Rob, Rochester

Polsinelli, Tom, Victor

*Rhoads, Jarett, Canandaigua

Rhodes, Leo, Henrietta

Richenberg, Rod, Batavia

*Riley, Dennis, Spencerport

Rogers, Lem, Rochester

*Rouse, Roger, Rochester

*Sackett, Walter, Fairport

Simons, Steve, Rochester

*Sinopoli, Chris, Marion

Smith, Matt, Pittsford

Tomasewski, Chris, Churchville

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

Vigliotti, Chris, Rochester

Wessel, Scott, Geneseo

*West, Michael, Rochester

*White, Tom, Mumford

*Wiegert, Jason, Newark

Williams, John, Rochester

Williams, Richard, Kendall

*Wood, Mark, Webster

*Wu, Steve, Henrietta

Zerniak, Chris, Rose

Zuniga, Joe, Rochester

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at Brighton on March 5, 2012 and conducted by President Joe Alvarez. Chairman Joe Zuniga coordinated the voting for the Ordiway Award at the State Qualifier. Vincent DePrez of Hilton (Division I) and Quinton Murphy of Holley (Division II) were voted the Outstanding Wrestlers. The Earl Fuller/Frank Marotta Sportsmanship Award was presented to the wrestling programs of both Pittsford and Honeoye Falls who were tied (Division 1) and Midlakes (Division 2). Midlakes won the award for the second consecutive year.

Prior to the finals of the NY State Wrestling Tournament, NYSWOA President Dave Grazul presented Steve Dalberth with the NYSWOA Award. Matt Smith, Leo Rhodes and Russ Tronolone officiated at the State Tournament in Albany. Mike Fox was an evaluator. Richard Williams, Jeremy Daum, Tim Meagher, Guy Bowers, Jon Aponte, Joe Alvarez, Rob Peters and Dave Hauf were volunteer workers. Ray Magee assisted the State Chairman in the operation of the tournament as did other WOA members, Dave Grazul, Steve Dalberth (NYS Rules Interpreter) and Frank Marotta (NYSWOA Evaluation Chairman).

In accordance with the WOA Constitution, members were notified in advance of the slate of officers for 2012-13. The members approved President, Joe Alvarez; First Vice President, Steve Burton, Steve Burton and Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta. There were four candidates for Second Vice President: Mike Fox, Rich Frey, Rod Richenberg and Steve Simons. The WOA Constitution states that to be elected, a peson must receive a majority of the votes. When none of the candidates received a majority, the office was considered vacant and in accordance with the WOA Constitlution, President Joe Alvarez appointed Steve Simons to the office.

The 2012 banquet was held at Red Fedele’s Brook House, Home of the Section 5 Wrestling Hall of Fame. The following awards were made: Coach of the Year – Steve Howcroft of Midlakes and Official the Year (presented by Friends of Wrestling based on Section 5 ratings) – Matt Smith. Life Membership was awarded to Tom English. President Joe Alvarez was presented with the Bernabi Award. “Ten Year Service”certificates were presented to Rod Richenberg, Chris Tomasewski and Chris Zerniak.

The WOA Fall Business Meeting was held at Brighton on November 13, 2012 and conducted by President Joe Alvarez. He announced that Jeremy Daum, Adam Dwyer and Roger Rouse werer were promoted to probationary varsity status in accordance with that provision in our revised constitution. Casey Hegedorn was also promoted but decided not to return. Committees were reappointed. Lem Rogers has inactive status and inactive status is pending for Rich Davis. Guy Bowers, Tom Polsinelli and Chris Vigliotti retired. Shawn Gerber, Paul Kane and Scott Lazarek decided not to return after having inactive status. JV officials Brad Dove, Wally Sackett, Tom White and Steve Wu decided not to return and 4 first year probationary officials were dropped because they failed to meet their financial obligations.

Many members volunteered to work the “Friday Night Lights” Tournament in July. They were not paid directly for their services. The organizers donated $1411 to the WOA treasury.

The Executive Coucil recommended that Tom Polsinelli be awarded Life Membership. The members approved unanimously. Tom will be honored at the Spring Banquet.

A new contract (2012-2015) between USBC and Section 5 was adopted. When negotiators failed to reach an agreement, Fact Finding was the next step and both sides accepted their findings. It was also announced that Leo Rhodes was elected Vice President of United Sports Board Council, replacing Frank Marotta who had served in that capacity for many years. USBC has representatives from all high school sports and negotiates with Section 5

The members present unanimously approved the revised WOA Contitution and Bylaw that had been provided them in advance of the meeting. The new document updated our previous document and included our Code of Ethics and more detailed provisions for due process.

The following new candidates were announced as on track to complete the training program: Ben Antonucci, Ken Gores, Brian Kruger, Peter Lagueras, Scott Lipitz, Wesley Miles and Mark Roselli.

Some of our members worked at score tables at the Brockport/Oklahoma Tournament in November, 2012. Those who volunteered to work at score tables were Jon Aponte, Roger Rous, John Kaderli, Dan Moak, Tim Meagher, Joe Alvarez and Mark Wood. Leo Rhodes worked as a mat official.


(List includes inactive officials who meet certification requirements)

*Probationary and J.V. - includes first year officials, JV officials and officials who did not meet 5 point plan in previous year or were returning from inactive status

Alvarez, Joe, Rochester

*Antonucci, Ben, Rochester

Aponte, Jon, Rochester

*Avery, Greg, Brockport

Bart, Mike, Rochester

Baxter, Jacob, Brockport

Briggs, Shawn, Manchester

Burton, Steve, LeRoy

Ciccarello, Tony, Hamlin

Colon, Wilfredo, Rochester

Comenale, Louis, Rochester

Costanza, Tony, Webster

Dalberth, Steve, Marion

Daum, Jeremy, Spencerport

*Delaney, Don, Henrietta

Dove, Charles, Seneca Falls

Dwyer, Adam, Brockport

Fox, Mike, Bath,

Frey, Rich, East Rochester

Fuchs, Tom, Sodus

*Gores, Ken, Holley

Grazul, Dave, Victor

Gugel, Don, Batavia

*Harvey, Brian, Geneseo

*Harvey, Jon, LeRoy

*Hauf, Dave, Seneca Falls

Hegedorn, Kyle, Webster

*Hughes, Pat, Rochester

Kaderli, John, Holley

*Kessler, Chad, Newark

*Kinnear, Kevin, Rochester

Kopetchny, Joe, Waterloo

*Kruger, Brian, Batavia

*Lagueras, Peter, Rochester

*Lipitz, Scott, Rochester

*Lock, Nick, Perry

Magee, Ray, Geneseo

Marotta, Frank, Rochester

*Meagher, Tim, Rochester

*Miles, Wesley, Penfield

*Moak, Dan, Webster

Munson, Larry, Seneca Falls

Novack, Gary, Rochester

Oberst, Gene, Rochester

*Palmer, Matt, Rochester

*Pangia, John, Lima

*Panipinto, Alec, Webster

Peters, Rob, Rochester

*Rhoads, Jarett, Canandaigua

Rhodes, Leo, Henrietta

Richenberg, Rod, Batavia

*Riley, Dennis, Spencerport

Rogers, Lem, Rochester

*Roselli, Mark, Fairport

Rouse, Roger, Rochester

Simons, Steve, Rochester

Smith, Matt, Pittsford

Tomasewski, Chris, Churchville

Tronolone, Russ, Spencerport

Wessel, Scott, Geneseo

*West, Michael, Rochester

Williams, John, Rochester

Williams, Richard, Kendall

*Wood, Mark, Webster

Zerniak, Chris, Rose

Zuniga, Joe, Rochester

The WOA Spring Business Meeting was held at Brighton on March 4, 2013 and conducted by President Joe Alvarez. Chairman Joe Zuniga coordinated the voting for the Ordiway Award at the State Qualifier and announced the Outstanding Wrestlers voting selections were Frankie Gissendanner, Penfield 7th grader (Division 1) and Sean Peacock of Midlakes (Division 2). The Earl Fuller/Frank Marotta Sportsmanship Award was presented to the wrestling programs of Hilton (Division 1) and Keshequa (Division 2).

Matt Smith, Mike Fox and Joe Alvarez officiated at the State Tournament in Albany. Leo Rhodes was an evaluator. Richard Williams, Jacob Baxter, Dave Hauf, Tim Meagher, Guy Bowers, Jon Aponte, Roger Rouse, Adam Dwyer, Austin Dwyer (S. Tier), Rob Peters, Chris and Mike Zerniak were volunteer workers. Ray Magee assisted the State Chairman in the operation of the tournament as did other WOA members, Dave Grazul, Steve Dalberth (NYS Rules Interpreter) and Frank Marotta (NYSWOA Evaluation Chairman).

In accordance with the WOA Constitution, members were notified in advance of the slate of officers for 2013-14. The members approved President, Steve Burton; First Vice President, Steve Simons, Second Vice President, Rob Peters and Executive Secretary, Frank Marotta.

As in past years, the 2013 banquet was held at Red Fedele’s Brook House, Home of the Section 5 Wrestling Hall of Fame. The following awards were made: Coach of the Year – Craig Gross of Hilton and Official the Year (presented by Friends of Wrestling based on Section 5 ratings) – Leo Rhodes. Life Membership was awarded to Tom Polsinelli. Gene Oberst was presented with the Bernabi Award. “Ten Year Service”certificates were presented to Shawn Briggs and Joe Kopetchney.

Insert 2013 fall mtg

Insert 2013 brockport okla

Insert 2013-14 list of officials

Insert 2014 spring meeting

Insert 2014 banquet


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