Faculty Roster Form

Faculty Roster Form

Qualifications of Full-Time and Part-Time Faculty

Name of Institution: Kennesaw State University

Name of Academic Area, Discipline, Department/School: Department of Secondary & Middle Grades Education

Academic Term(s) Included: Date Form Completed: 2/10/06

|Name |Courses to be Taught |Relevant Academic Degrees and course Credits Earned |Other Qualifications |

|Cole, Pamela |EDAD 8200 Supervision, Mentoring & Advocacy in Middle and Secondary |Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction – English |Middle & High School Teaching |

|(F) |Schools |Education/Reading – Virginia Tech University |Experience |

| |EDAD 8400 Internship in Teacher Development & Teacher Education | | |

| |EDUC 9500 Doctoral Seminar |M.S., English, Radford University | |

| | | | |

| | |B.A., English, Emory and Henry College | |

|Gray, Kimberly (F) |EDAD 8100 Curriculum Theory & Development |Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction-University of Virginia |Middle & High School Teaching |

| |EDAD 8200 Supervision, Mentoring & Advocacy in Middle and Secondary | |Experience |

| |Schools |M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction-University of Virginia | |

| |EDAD 8400 Internship in Teacher Development & Teacher Education | | |

| |EDUC 9500 Doctoral Seminar |B.A., History Education (grades 9-12), Teacher Certification | |

| | |grades 4-8 Social studies/language arts concentrations- Mary | |

| | |Baldwin College | |

|Paris, Nita |EDUC 8100 Advanced Study of Learning |Ph.D. in Educational Psychology-Minor in Science |30 Hours in graduate research |

|(F) |EDRS 8000 Applied Quantitative & Qualitative Research |Education-The University of Georgia |courses. |

| |EDRS 8900 Applied Field Research | | |

| |EDRS 9200 Advanced Quantitative Research Methods |M.Ed. in Educational Administration-Minor in Computer |Middle & High School Teaching |

| |EDAD 8300 Critical Issues & Educational Policy for Teacher Leaders |Education and Cognitive Systems-University of North Texas |Experience |

| |EDAD 8400 Internship in Teacher Development & Teacher Education | |(14 years) |

| |EDUC 9500 Doctoral Seminar |M.A. Health & PE | |

| | | |School Administrative Experience |

| | |B.S. in Education – Minor in Biology – Texas Woman’s | |

| | |University | |

|Stallings, Lynn |EDAD 8200 Supervision, Mentoring & Advocacy in Middle and Secondary |Ph.D. in Mathematics Education-University of Georgia |Middle & High School Teaching |

|(F) |Schools | |Experience |

| |EDAD 8400 Internship in Teacher Development & Teacher Education |M.Ed. in Mathematics Education-Auburn University at |(6 years) |

| |MAED 7751 Survey of Mathematics Teaching and Learning |Montgomery | |

| |MAED 7719 Technology & Mathematics | | |

| |MAED 7900 Special Topics |B.S. in Education-Auburn University | |

| |MAED 7950 Directed Study | | |

| |MAED 8890 Research Methods & Critique in Mathematics Education | | |

| |EDUC 9500 Doctoral Seminar | | |

|Stockdale, Susan |EDAD 8200 Supervision, Mentoring & Advocacy in Middle and Secondary |Ph.D. in Educational Psychology (Psychometric Research) |Middle School Teaching Experience |

|(F) |Schools |Specializations in Research and Measurement and Adult |(7 years) |

| |EDAD 8400 Internship in Teacher Development & Teacher Education |Learning-University of Tennessee | |

| |EDUC 8100 Advanced Study of Learning | | |

| |EDRS 8000 Applied Quantitative & Qualitative Research |M.S. in Special Education-University of North Dakota | |

| |EDRS 8900 Applied Field Research | | |

| |EDRS 9200 Advanced Quantitative Research Methods |B.S. in Education; Middle School Math and Science- University| |

| |EDUC 9500 Doctoral Seminar |of North Dakota | |

|Terry, Alice |EDAD 8400 Internship in Teacher Development & Teacher Education |Ed.D. in Gifted and Creative Education- University of Georgia|Middle & High School Teaching |

|(F) | | |Experience |

| |EDUC 9500 Doctoral Seminar |M.Ed. in Social Science-University of Georgia |(27 years) |

| | | | |

| | |B.S. in Social Science Education – University of Georgia | |

|Whitlock, Reta |EDAD 8100 Curriculum Theory & Development |Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction – Curriculum |Middle & High School Teaching |

|(F) |EDAD 8200 Supervision, Mentoring & Advocacy in Middle and Secondary |Theory-Louisiana State University |Experience |

| |Schools | |(13 years) |

| |EDAD 8400 Internship in Teacher Development & Teacher Education |M.Ed. –Curriculum and Instruction-Coppin State College | |

| |EDUC 9500 Doctoral Seminar | |State Department of Education |

| | |B.S. in Education-Secondary Education, English, History – |Supervisory Experience |

| | |Athens State University | |

|Zheng, Binyao |EDRS 8000 Applied Quantitative & Qualitative Research |Ph.D. Educational Psychology and Research-The University of |Middle & High School Teaching |

|(F) |EDRS 8900 Applied Field Research |Memphis |Experience |

| |EDRS 9200 Advanced Quantitative Research Methods | | |

| |EDUC 8100 Advanced Study of Learning |M.S., Foundations of Education – | |

| |EDUC 9300 Comparative International Education |The University of Memphis | |

| |EDUC 9500 Doctoral Seminar | | |

| | |B.A., English Language and Literature – Central China Normal | |

| | |University | |

Faculty Roster Form

Qualifications of Full-Time and Part-Time Faculty

Name of Institution: Kennesaw State University

Name of Academic Area, Discipline, Department/School: Special Education/ TESOL/Department of Special Education/BCOE

Academic Term(s) Included: Date Form Completed: February 27, 2006

|1 |2 |3 |4 |

|Name |Courses Taught |Relevant Academic Degrees and Course Credits |Other Qualifications |

| | |Earned | |

| | | |Graduate quantitative hours=10 |

|Dr. Barry Bogan (100%) |EDRD 8365, EDRD 7717, EDUC 7060, EDUC 7065, |Ph.D. in Special Education |Graduate hours in reading: M.Ed = 21; Ph.D.= 24 |

| |EXC 7715, EDUC 7705 |M.S. Ed. Early Childhood Education |Dissertation Topic: “Text-level Effect of a |

| | |B.A. Business Administration |Work-level Decoding Accuracy & Automaticity |

| | | |Intervention” |

| | | |UF Learning Initiative: Increasing Fluency Through |

| | | |Encoding & Decoding |

| | | |University of Florida (UF), Intern Supervisor, |

| | | |Department of Special Education Aug 2001-May 2002 |

| | | |Courses Taught Preventing Reading Disabilities |

| | | |(TA)Spring 2002 |

| | | |Field Reviewer, Beyond Behavior, Council for |

| | | |Children with Behavioral Disorders August |

| | | |2004-present |

| | | |Distinguished Teaching Award Nominee, KSU January |

| | | |2005 |

| | | |Minority Education Scholarship (dissertation |

| | | |funding) August 2003-2004 |

| | | |Lane, H. B., League, M., Bogan, B. L., & Rentz, T. |

| | | |F. (2004, April). Reading Intervention Third-Grade|

| | | |Treatment Resisters. Paper presented at the annual|

| | | |meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children, |

| | | |Louisiana. |

| | | |Bogan, B. L. (2003, Oct.). Effects of Word Work |

| | | |on Passage Reading Fluency. Paper Presented at the|

| | | |annual meeting of the Alabama Reading Association: |

| | | |Alabama. |

| | | |Manuscripts Preparation: |

| | | |“Decoded v. Predictable Text” |

| | | |“Teaching Reading Through Manipulatives” |

| | | |“Efficacy & Improvements in Use of Cohort Model |

| | | |Graduate Programs” |

| | | |Graduate Hours in Human Growth & Development or |

|Dr. Susan Brown (25%) |EDUC 7970 |Ph.D. in Special Education |Abnormal Development = 18; Family Dynamics = 12 |

| | |M.Ed. in Special Education |Graduate Hours in Research = 15 |

| | |B.S.H.E. Home Economics |Member at Large: Teacher Education Division of the |

| | | |Council for Exceptional Children 2003-2005 |

| | | |State President of the Georgia Council of the |

| | | |Division for Children with Learning Disabilities. |

| | | |1995 |

| | | |State President of the Georgia Division of the |

| | | |Teacher Education Division of the Council for |

| | | |Exceptional Children 1997 |

| | | |Brown & Smith (2000). 100 Strategies for Single |

| | | |Parenting, Biloxi, MS: Child Development. |

| | | |Brown & Smith (1995). The Absent Father & the |

| | | |Child: 50 Strategies to Heal the Hurt, Biloxi MS: |

| | | |Child Development. |

| | | |Assistant Professor of Special Education, Central |

| | | |Michigan State 1979-1990 |

| | | |Part-time Instructor at Georgia State University, |

| | | |West Georgia College & Mercer University |

| | | |Special Education Teacher |

| | | |AJC Honor Teacher Award in Special Education 1992 |

| | | |Metro Atlanta Council for Exceptional Children |

| | | |Outstanding Teacher Award 1977, Marietta-Cobb |

| | | |County Council Award for Exceptional Children |

| | | |Outstanding Teacher Award 1977 |

| | | |US Dept of Education/OSERS consultant on Attention |

| | | |Deficit Disorders |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Graduate hours in research = 24: Research design = |

|Dr. Patty Crawford (100%) |EXC 8350, EDUC 6100 & EDUC 6100L, EXC 7020, |Ph.D. Special Education |6; Statistics = 12; Qualitative research = 3; |

| |EDUC 7050, |M.Ed. Special Education |Single subject = 3 |

| |EDUC 7780, EDUC 7741, EDUC 7030 |B.S. Psychology |University of Virginia Dissertation Award |

| | | |1999-2000. |

| | | |Consulting Editor, Behavior Disorders |

| | | |Editorial Review Board, Education & Treatment of |

| | | |Children. |

| | | |Assistant Professor, University of Virginia, |

| | | |Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Special |

| | | |Education, Teachers for a New Era, 2003-2005 |

| | | |Evidence-Based Assessment: A Practical Guide for |

| | | |Teachers on the Use of Formative Assessment |

| | | |Techniques (Book Submitted for Publication) |

| | | |“Teaching Students with Disabilities to Succeed: |

| | | |Promoting Resilience, Attributions, Independence, |

| | | |and Self-Efficacy (PRAISE)”, Depart of Ed, Outreach|

| | | |Competition, 3 years, $184,783, Approved not funded|

| | | |Crawford, P. M., Brigham, F. J. & Agran, M., |

| | | |Projecting success or failure: Measuring the |

| | | |attribution profiles of middle school students. |

| | | |Manuscript under revision for publication. |

| | | |Crawford, P. M., & Brigham, F. J. (2000). |

| | | |Perceptions of causality in middle school. Journal |

| | | |of Research and Development in Education |

| | | |Duchmann, E. G., Williamson, D. A., & Stricker, P. |

| | | |M. (1989). Bulimia, dietary restraint, and concern |

| | | |for dieting. Journal of Psychopathology and |

| | | |Behavioral Assessment |

| | | |Co-Director of Project for Meeting the Needs of |

| | | |Diverse Learners in Classrooms, Univ of Northern |

| | | |Iowa. |

|Dr. Leigh Funk (50%) |EDUC 7741, EDUC 7015, EXC 7720, EXC 7950, EDUC|Ph.D. in Instructional Technology |Graduate Hours in Research = 12 |

| |8900 |M.Ed. in Special Education |Funk (2002-2004) 4 program evaluation reports for |

| | |B.S. in Criminal Justice |the State of Georgia or KSU |

| | | |Dissertation Topic: The use of electronic |

| | | |portfolios in teacher education by Renaissance |

| | | |Group Institutions |

| | | |AACTE Best Practice Award for Innovative Use of |

| | | |Technology in Ed |

| | | |Outstanding Service and Support |

| | | |Award-Education/Humanities Future Scholars Program |

| | | |Proposal Reviewer for CEC & AACTE |

| | | |Special Education Coordinator, Halifax County |

| | | |Schools, NC |

| | | |Post-doctoral study at Harvard University on CAST: |

| | | |Technology, Teaching & Learning for Disabled. |

| | | |Director of KSU Ed Tech Training |

| | | |Curriculum Coordinator-Network for Education and |

| | | |Assistive Technology |

| | | |Dominich & Funk (2003) Creating the college |

| | | |learning portfolio: Hone, understand & connect |

| | | |adult learning to productive citizenship |

| | | |Grant writing consultant to Dekalb County Schools |

| | | |for Title II funding. $175,000.00, Marietta City |

| | | |$75,000.00 |

| | | | |

|Dr. Karen Harris (100%) |EXC 8375, EDUC 7781, EDUC 7782, EDUC 7783, |Ph.D. in Special Education |Graduate hours in research = 35: Research design = |

| |EDUC 7010, EDUC 7035, EDUC 7015, EXC 7770 |M.S. in special Education |9; Statistics = 8; Qualitative research = 6; |

| | |BA in Communication |Research seminars & internship = 12 |

| | |CCC-SLP |Graduate hours in culture, language & linguistics |

| | | |Cross-Cultural Leadership in Preparation for |

| | | |Special Education (ECLIPSE), University of South |

| | | |Florida, August 2002 |

| | | |Speech-Language Pathology: Culturally Relevant |

| | | |Practices for the New Millennium, Florida Journal |

| | | |of Communication Disorders |

| | | |The Intersection of Speech-Language Pathology and |

| | | |Special Education: Common Concerns for Cultural |

| | | |Competence, Multicultural Perspectives |

| | | |Speech-Language Professional Efficacy Beliefs about|

| | | |Assessing the Language Skills of |

| | | |Bilingual/Bicultural/Bidialectal Students” The |

| | | |Eighth Annual McKnight Graduate School Conference, |

| | | |Tampa, Fl., (November 6, 2004 |

| | | |Culturally Responsive Practices in the Context of |

| | | |Literacy Instruction, University of South Florida, |

| | | |Fall 2002 |

| | | |ESOL Core Leadership Group, Georgia Department of |

| | | |Education |

| | | |Speech pathologist 6 yrs. |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Graduate hours in research=6 |

|Dr. Judy Holzman (100%) |EDUC 9300, EDUC 7781, EDUC 7782, EDUC 7783 |Ph.D. in Comparative & International Education |Graduate hours in comparative education = 21; hours|

| | |M.A. in Spanish |in ESOL = 9; language acquisition=15. |

| | |B.A. in Political Science |Fullbright-Hays Grant to Brazil to complete |

| | | |research for Ph.D. dissertation |

| | |Certificado, Cursos Para Extranjeros, University|Grant from the Partners of the Americas for study |

| | |of Madrid |and research in Pernambuco, |

| | | |Brazil |

| | | |Director of the Board of Regents, University System|

| | | |of Georgia Studies Abroad Program in Spain with |

| | | |Global Resource Grant $36,000 |

| | | |U.S. Department of Education Grant (Office of |

| | | |Bilingual Education) $198,000 |

| | | |U.S. Department of Education Grant (Office of |

| | | |English Acquisition) $804,000 |

| | | |4 nominations KSU Teacher of the Year |

| | | |Hispanic liaison for Cobb County |

| | | |Presenter at Educational Intentions and Practices |

| | | |of the Presbyterian Church of the United States in |

| | | |Northeast Brazil, Southern Conference on |

| | | |Comparative and International Education |

| | | |Presenter: New Challenges in Brazilian Education, |

| | | |Southern Conference on Comparative and |

| | | |International Education |

| | | |Presenter: Developing and Delivering an on-site, |

| | | |on-line English as a Second Language Endorsement |

| | | |Program, National Association of Bilingual |

| | | |Education, Philadelphia, Pa. |

| | | |Presenter: Training Mainstream Teachers to Educate |

| | | |Limited English Proficient Students, National |

| | | |Teaching English as a Second Language Conference, |

| | | |Baltimore, Maryland |

| | | |A review of Education for a Changing Spain, Journal|

| | | |of Educational Studies, Vol. 17, Num, 4, Winter, |

| | | |1986, p. 606-610. |

| | | |“The Works of Judith Ortiz Cofer and Ana Castillos,|

| | | |Hispanic Views of the United States”in Together We |

| | | |Can Make a Difference, a book of selected |

| | | |proceedings of the National Hispanic Culture |

| | | |Association, ed. Lemuel Berry, |

| | | | |

|Dr. Karen Kuhel (100%) |EXC 8360, EDUC 6100 & EDUC 6100L, EDUC 7010, |Ph.D. in Education |Graduate Hours in Research: Qualitative = 21; |

| |EDUC 7030, EDUC 7781, EDUC 7782, EDUC 7783, |M.A. in Education |Quantitative = 9; Seminar = 3 |

| | |BA in Liberal Arts |Graduate Hours in literacy: English literacy=15; |

| | | |TESOL=60 |

| | | |TESOL certificate |

| | | |Unified Special and Elementary Education Doctoral |

| | | |Program |

| | | |University of Florida Teaching: Teaching Foundation|

| | | |of ESOL, ESOL Content Strategies in Secondary |

| | | |Classrooms, Teachers & Learners in Inclusive |

| | | |Schools |

| | | |Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University. Dept. |

| | | |of Foreign Languages |

| | | |Assistant Coordinator of Academic Affairs, |

| | | |Asociacao Brasil-America, Recife, Pernambuco,Brazil|

| | | |Certificate in TESOL |

| | | |Adams, A., Bondy, E., & Kuhel, K. (2005) Preservice|

| | | |teacher learning in an unfamiliar setting: |

| | | |Responses, ranges, and reasons. Teacher Education |

| | | |Quarterly, 32(2), 41-60. |

| | | |Blanton, L. B., Sindelar, P. T., Correa, V., |

| | | |Hardman, M., McDonnell, J., & Kuhel, K. (2003). |

| | | |Conceptions of beginning teacher quality: Models of|

| | | |conducting research |

| | | |Hancock, S., Hudson, R., Kuhel, K., & Nelson, M. A.|

| | | |(2001). Teachers and Learners in Inclusive Schools:|

| | | |A collection of readings. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt|

| | | |Kuhel, K. & Bodeman, L. (2000). Making your |

| | | |coursebooks work for you and not you for them. |

| | | |Proceedings of the 7th Annual International LAURELS|

| | | |Conference, Brazil, 78-85. |

| | | |Kuhel, K. (1996) What works: teaching pragmatics in|

| | | |the ESL classroom. WATESOL News |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Graduate Hours in Research = 8 |

|Dr. Toni Strieker (100%) |EXC 7065, EXC 8300, EXC 8310, EXC 7780, EDUC |Ph.D. in Educational Leadership with Dual |Lead author of quantitative studies published in |

| |8900 |concentration in Special Education & General |the Journal of Learning Disabilities and Remedial |

| | |Education |and Special Education |

| | | |Served as member on doctoral committees at |

| | |Post-doctoral certification as Family Therapist |University of Missouri-St. Louis. |

| | | |Director of the Georgia LRE Project: A state wide |

| | |M.S. in Special Education |training to assist schools that failed AYP in the |

| | | |No Child Left Behind assessments. Funded: |

| | |B.A. in Education with Dual concentration in |$250,000.00 |

| | |Special Education and Elementary Education |Co-Director of Project Winning Team: A statewide |

| | | |training and technical assistance to promote |

| | | |inclusive schools. Funded $500,000.00 |

| | | |Director of Project WINS: A statewide training and |

| | | |technical assistance for inclusive schools. Funded|

| | | |1,350,000.00 |

| | | |Conducted Program evaluation of all three projects |

| | | |over eight year period. |

| | | |Special education consultant to the National |

| | | |Association for State Boards of Education and the |

| | | |Consortium on Inclusive Schooling Practices (CISP).|

| | | | |

| | | |Conducted qualitative program evaluation of CISP |

| | | |over six year period. |

| | | |Ten yrs of public school administration, focusing |

| | | |on inclusive policy to practices |

| | | |Strieker, T. & Logan, K. “Everybody WINS!” The |

| | | |State Education Standard. National Association of |

| | | |State Boards of Education. Alexandria, VA. |

| | | |Salisbury, C., Strieker, T., Roach, V. & McGregor, |

| | | |G. (2001) “Pathways to Inclusive Practices: |

| | | |Systems-Oriented, Policy-Linked, and Research-Based|

| | | |Strategies that Work. |

| | | |Strieker, Salisbury, & Roach. Policy Support for |

| | | |Inclusive Schools. Consortium on Inclusive |

| | | |Schooling Practices, Erikson Institute, Chicago: IL|

| | | | |

| | | |Strieker, T. & Logan, K. “Using State Approved |

| | | |Standards to Assess Students With Disabilities and |

| | | |Develop Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)”, |

| | | |Oxford Roundtable on Special Education, Oxford |

| | | |University, Oxford |

| | | | |

|Dr. Deborah Wallace (100%) |EDUC 9500, EXC 7950, EXC 7791, EXC 7705, EXC |Ph.D. in Special Education |Dean, Bagwell College of Education and Professor of|

| |7990, EXC 7720, EXC 7790, EXC 7970 |Major: Learning and Behavior Disorders |Education, KSU |

| | |Minor: Educational Administration |Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dean|

| | | |of Graduate Studies, and Professor of Education, |

| | |M.A. in Special Education |KSU |

| | |B.S. in Education |Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs, |

| | |Major in Elementary Education |Director of Academic Services and Professor of |

| | |Minor in Mathematics |Education, KSU |

| | | |Regent's Administrative Fellow, Board of Regents, |

| | | |University System of Georgia with the Institute for|

| | | |Higher Education, UGA; Supervisor: Dr. Betty |

| | | |Siegel, |

| | | |Associate Professor and Coordinator, Special |

| | | |Education Administration Program, Department of |

| | | |Special Education, GA State University (GSU) |

| | | |Served on doctoral committees as chair and member |

| | | |at GSU |

| | | |Seven years classroom experience as special |

| | | |education teacher |

| | | |Wallace, D. & Xin, J. “Using Action Research to |

| | | |Evaluate Candidate Performance Impacting Student |

| | | |Learning: An Outcome Assessment of Teacher |

| | | |Education in Special Education”, AACTE Conference, |

| | | |San Diego, CA |

| | | |Wallace, D. “Functional Behavioral Assessment & |

| | | |Positive Behavior Support Plan”, Preparing Highly |

| | | |Qualified Teachers: Professional |

| | | |Learning Series offered by KSU. |

| | | |Wallace, D. “Functional Behavioral Assessment & |

| | | |Positive Behavior Support Plan”. Preparing Highly |

| | | |Qualified Teachers: Professional Learning Series, |

| | | |Special Education, Kennesaw State University |

| | | |Atlanta, Georgia. |

Faculty Roster Form

Qualifications of Full-Time and Part-Time Faculty

Name of Institution: Kennesaw State University

Name of Academic Area, Discipline, Department/School: Elementary and Early Childhood Education

Academic Term(s) Included: Date Form Completed: March 2, 2006

|1 |2 |3 |4 |

|Name |Courses to be Taught |Relevant Academic Degrees and Course Credit Earned |Other Qualifications |

|Linda Akanbi |ECE 9120 Ethics & Excellence in the |Ed.D. in Reading Education |Graduate Professor, 12 Journal Articles, 18 |

| |Classroom (3 hrs) | |Presentations and $55,000 in grants |

|Rick Breault |ECE 9110 Philosophic Inquiry in Education |Ed.D. in Curriculum & Assessment & Social Studies |7 Journal Articles, 16 Presentations and $4500 in |

| |(3 hrs) | |grants |

|Ronghua Ouyang (F) |ECE 8120 Advanced Educational Technology |Ed.D. in Language Arts and Social Studies |Graduate Professor, Graduate Program Coordinator, |

| | | |43 Journal Articles, 2 Books, 37 Presentations and|

| | | |$11,000 in grants |

|Ikechukwu Ukeje |ECE 9330 Authentic Assessment in Content |Ed.D in Educational Psychology and Early Childhood |Graduate Professor and Interim Department Chair, 5|

| |Areas (3 hrs) |Educaiton |Articles, 15 Presentations and $1,200,000 in |

| | | |grants |

|Anita VanBrackle |ECE 8340 The Classroom Community (3 hrs) |Ed.D. in Early Childhood Education, Special Education |Graduate Professor, 5 Journal Articles, 2 Books, |

| |ECE 9330 Cognitive Processes and Educational|and Mathematics |30 Presentations and $18,918.83 in grants |

| |Practice (3hrs) | | |

| |ECE 9340 Stand Up and Be Counted: Teacher | | |

| |as Decision Maker (3 hrs) | | |

|Maurice Wilson |EDRS 8000 Qualitative and Quantitative |Ed.D. in Mathematics |Undergraduate Coordinator, 2 Journal Articles, and|

| |Research | |5 Presentations |

|Elizabeth Lilly |ECE 8130 Curriculum Inquiry |Ph.D. in Reading and Language Arts |1 Book, 2 Journal Articles, 12 Presentations and |

| | | |$405 in grants |

|Loretta Howell |ECE 8320 School Reform through Classroom |Ph D. Educational Administration with cognate |25 + journal articles; 7 invited presentation and |

| |Practice (K-5th) (3 hrs) |Multicultural Education |26+ presentations; over $200,000 in grants and |

| | | |helped obtain Goizueta Endowed Chair position |

|Sandra Bryan |ECE 8110 Global Education: Issues and |Ed.D. in Language Arts and Social Studies |International Student Supervisor, 4 Articles and 6|

| |Perspectives (3) | |Presentations |

|Feland Meadows |ECE 8321 School Reform through Classroom |PhD in Philosophy and Science of Early Childhood |Goizueta Endowed Chair |

| |Practice (Birth – 8 yrs) |Education; cognate in Higher Education Administration |25+ journal articles and $5 million + in funds |

| | |and Problems of University Reform |from California; Dekalb County and GA Dept of |

| | | |Education |

|Robert DeVillar |ECE 8110 Global Education: Issues and |PhD Curriculum & Teacher Education; Emphasis |Director of Hispanic Studies |

| |Perspectives (3) |Bilingual, Cross-Cultural Education |Grants > $400,000; 13 books; presentations > 60 |

|Mark Warner |ECE 8120 Advanced Educational Technology |Ed.D. in Elementary Education |Associate Dean of the Bagwell College of |

| | | |Education, 10 Journal Articles, 2 Books and 60 |

| | | |Presentations |

Faculty Roster Form

Qualifications of Full-Time and Part-Time Faculty

Name of Institution: Kennesaw State University

Name of Academic Area, Discipline, Department/School: Educational Leadership

Academic Term(s) Included: Date Form Completed: February 24, 2006

|1 |2 |3 |4 |

|Name |Courses To Be Taught |Relevant Academic Degrees and Course Credits Earned |Other Qualifications |

| | | | |

|Harriet Bessette (F) |EDRS 9100 |PHD (Boston College) in educational leadership and special |Qualitative research methodology |

| |Advanced Qualitative Research Methods |education | |

| |EDRS 8000 | | |

| |Aplied Quantitative & Qualitative Research | | |

| |EDRS 8900 | | |

| |Field Research | | |

| |EDL 8450 | | |

| |Educational Evaluation | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Student success, counseling |

|Charles Bowen (P) |EDL 9000 |PHD (Florida State University) in educational psychology | |

|(Dean of Student Success) |Advanced Study of School Transformation | | |

| | | | |

|Tak Cheung Chan (F) (Coordinator | |EDD (University of Georgia) in Educational Administration |Educational planning, |

|of Doctoral Program) |EDUC 9500 | |Facilities Planning |

| |Doctoral Seminar | |Doctoral dissertation chair |

| |EDUC 9900 | | |

| |Dissertation | | |

| |EDL 8825 | | |

| |Educational Facilities | | |

| |EDL 8725 School Finance | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Henry E. Holliday (F) | |PHD (Ohio State University) in Educational Leadership | |

| | | |Principalship, Central office |

| |EDL 8000 | |administration, politics of education|

| |Leadership for Systemic Change | | |

| |EDL 9325 | | |

| |Politics of Education | | |

| |EDL 9480 | | |

| |Executive Leadership in Education | |Multiculturalism, International |

| | |EDD (Davis and California State University) in Educational |education, research methodology |

|Binbin Jiang (F) | |Leadership | |

| | | | |

| |EDUC 9300 | | |

| |Comparative International Education | | |

| |EDRS 8000 | | |

| |Aplied Quantitative & Qualitative Research | | |

| |EDRS 8900 | |Personnel administration, |

| |Field Research | |Central office administration |

| | |EDD (University of Georgia) in Educational Administration and| |

|Judith Patterson (F) | |Supervision | |

| | | | |

| |EDL 8000 | | |

| |Leadership for Systemic Change | | |

| |EDL 8450 | | |

| |Educational Evaluation | |Principalship, Higher education |

| |EDL 9260 | |administration |

| |School Policies and Practices |EDD (Duke University) | |

|Roy Rowe (P) | |in Educational Leadership |Higher education administration |

|(Department Chair) | | | |

| |EDL 9100 |PHD (Florida State University) in Child Psychology and | |

|Betty Siegel (P) |Educational Planning |Administration | |

|(KSU President) | | |Principalship, instructional |

| |EDL 9000 | |supervision, personnel management |

| |Advanced Study of School Transformation |EDD (University of Sarasota) in Educational Leadership | |

|Eric J. Tubbs (F) | | | |

| | | | |

| |EDL 8000 | | |

| |Leadership for Systemic Change | | |

| |EDL 8980 | |I |

| |Field Experience | |instructional supervision, higher |

| | | |education administration |

| | |EDD (Temple University) in Educational Administration and | |

| | |Supervision | |

|Linda Webb (F) | | | |

|(Coordinator of M.ED. and Add-on | | |Legal issues in education, |

|Program) |EDL 9325 | |policy studies |

| |Politics of Education | | |

| |EDL 8000 |JD (University of Mississippi) in Educational Law | |

| |Leadership for Systemic Change | | |

|Mike L. Dishman (P) | | |Higher education administration |

| | | |Dissertation chair |

| |EDL 8730 |EDD (Auburn University) in Educational Administration | |

| |Advanced School Law | | |

| |EDL 9260 | | |

|Foster Watkins (P) (Associate |School Policies and Practices | | |

|Dean of Graduate Education) | | | |

| |EDRS 8900 | |Higher education administration |

| |Applied Field Research |PHD (University of Texas) in Educational Administration |Dissertation chair |

| |EDL 9000 | | |

| |Advanced Study of School Transformation | | |

|Yiping Wan (P) |EDUC 9900 Dissertation | | |

|(Dean, Bagwell College of | | | |

|Education) | | | |

| |EDL 8000 | | |

| |Leadership for Systemic Change | | |

| |EDUC 9500 | | |

| |Doctoral Seminar, | | |

| |Dissertation | | |

| | | | |

Faculty Roster Form

Qualifications of Full-Time and Part-Time Faculty

Name of Institution: Kennesaw State University

Name of Academic Area, Discipline, Department/School: Instructional Technology

Academic Term(s) Included: Date Form Completed:

|1 |2 |3 |4 |

|Name |Courses Taught |Relevant Academic Degrees and Course Credits |Other Qualifications |

| | |Earned | |

|Traci Redish |ITEC 8400, 8410, 8420, 8430, 8440, 9400, 9410,|Masters, Ed.S., Ph.D. in Comprehensive Business |Served as an Instructional Technology Specialist for the |

| |9420, 9430 |Education |Educational Technology Training Center at KSU for 8 years. |

| |EDL 8000, 8500, 8510, 8520, 8530, 8540, 9000, | |Developed 50-60 Instructional Technology workshops for K-12 |

| |9500, 9510, 9520, 9530 |Dissertation Topic and Research completely in |educators. |

| | |the area of Instructional Technology and |Serve as the Director of the Educational Technology Training|

| | |Professional Development |Center for KSU. |

| | | |Developed the state-wide Instructional Technology |

| | |Completed the Educational Leadership Add-On |Professional Development Program for Georgia which serves as|

| | |Program at KSU |one acceptable path for meeting the Georgia Special |

| | | |Technology Requirement-InTech Program. |

| | | |Serve on the Professional Standards Commission (PSC) |

| | | |Committee to review Technology Courses that meet the Georgia|

| | | |Special Technology Requirement |

| | | |Serve as the Georgia Educational Technology Conference |

| | | |Associate Chair |

| | | |Serve as the National Educational Computing Conference |

| | | |Regional Chair |

| | | |Present locally, regionally, and nationally on various |

| | | |technology-related topics |

| | | |Publish articles on Technology Leadership |

|Jo Williamson |ITEC 8400, 8410, 8420, 8430, 8440, 9400, 9410,|Masters, Ph.D. in Curriculum & Instruction, |Program Manager and Director, Instructional Technology & |

| |9420, 9430 |specializations: Writing Studies, Instructional |Media Division, GA Dept. of Eduction. July 2001-June 2005. |

| |EDL 8000, 8500, 8510, 8520, 8530, 8540, 9000, |Technology, Qualitative Research |Research Assistant, National Center for Supercomputing |

| |9500, 9510, 9520, 9530 | |Applications, University of Illinois |

| |EDUC 8100 |Completed the Educational Leadership Add-On |Designed/piloted Engaged Learning with Technology Training |

| |EDRS 9100 |Program at KSU |and co-developed EnGauge Framework for evaluating K-12 |

| | | |Technology Programs with North Central Regional Educational |

| | | |Laboratory. July 2000-June 2001. |

| | | |Program Specialist and Director, Area One Learning |

| | | |Technology Center, Northeastern Illinois. Oct. 1987-June |

| | | |2000. |

| | | |Technology Coordinator and Director, Waukegan Public |

| | | |Schools, July 1995-Oct. 1997. Managed Federal Technology |

| | | |Challenge Grant. |

| | | |Assistant Professor of English/Journalism, Olivet Nazarene |

| | | |University, Aug. 1991-May 1995. Educational Technology |

| | | |Committee, technology in print journalism, piloted |

| | | |electronic writing lab courses. |

| | | |Secondary Teacher, Aug. 1987-June 1991. Used technology in |

| | | |instruction. |

|Mark Warner |ITEC 8400, 8410, 8420, 8430, 8440, 9400, 9410,|M.Ed. in Educational Psychology |Developed and taught both the undergrad and grad PSC |

| |9420, 9430 |Ed.D. in Educational Leadership |approved Instructional Technology Management Courses for |

| |EDL 8000, 8500, 8510, 8520, 8530, 8540, 9000, |Doctoral Dissertation in the area of Computer |Augusta State University |

| |9500, 9510, 9520, 9530 |Assisted Education |Published author of book chapters and articles on Technology|

| | | |in Education |

| | | |Developed E-portfolios for Augusta State undergrad and grad |

| | | |programs |

| | | |Technology Grant reader for Georgia DOE |

| | | |Webmaster for Department of Teacher Development, Augusta |

| | | |State University |

| | | |Initiated and supervised the development of the ECE online |

| | | |journal, Taking Teaching and Learning Seriously |

| | | |Present locally, regionally, and nationally on various |

| | | |technology-related topics |

| | | |Project Manager for Fifth Dimension Computer Based |

| | | |After-school Program, Appalachian State University |

| | | |Developed 30 Technology Infused Problem Based Learning |

| | | |Workshops for Georgia School Districts |

| | | |Technology and Problem Based learning Consultant for Georgia|

| | | |Geographic Alliance grant awarded by National Geographic |

|Jim Wright |ITEC 8400, 8410, 8420, 8430, 8440, 9400, 9410,|Ed. S. in Instructional Technology |Served as an Instructional Technology Specialist for the |

| |9420, 9430 |and Instructional Design |Educational Technology Training Center at KSU for 5 years |

| |EDL 8000, 8500, 8510, 8520, 8530, 8540, 9000, | |focused on web technologies and on-line learning. |

| |9500, 9510, 9520, 9530 | |Served as the webmaster and technology advisor for the |

| | | |College of Education at KSU for the past 5 years |

| | | |Designed and developed the web design certificated program |

| | | |for the Technology Center and the primary instructor in this|

| | | |program. |

| | | |Projected managed and help developed the State of Georgia |

| | | |web based report card system to deliver web based test |

| | | |results for all public K-12 schools- 6 year project for the |

| | | |Georgia Office of Student Achievement. |

| | | |Designed several private sector web applications that |

| | | |currently in production. |

| | | |Served on many technology committees including: North Cobb |

| | | |High School Business and Technology advisory committee, |

| | | |Houghton Mifflin Web Content Advisory Board – Boston, MA, |

| | | |Georgia Technology Conference Website Committee |

|Ronghua Ouyang |ITEC 8400, 8410, 8420, 8430, 8440, 9400, 9410,|BA in English, Nanjing University; |Serve as ECE Graduate program coordinator; |

| |9420, 9430 | |Served as PT3 grants reviewer, and chaired review sections; |

| |EDL 8000, 8500, 8510, 8520, 8530, 8540, 9000, |MA in Linguistics and Rhetoric, Indiana |Served as 21st Century of Community Learning grants |

| |9500, 9510, 9520, 9530 |University of PA; |reviewer, and chaired review sections. |

| |ECE 7900, 8812, 7514, 7842, 8850 8860, 7771; | |Organized and chaired ACPSS, SINO-American Education |

| |EDUC 711, 742; 705; |Ed. D. in Elementary Education, Indiana |Consortium International conferences; |

| | |University of PA; |Organized and Chaired Education Technology Lecture teams to |

| | | |China in Summer 2005. |

| | |MS in Information Technology, Southern |Had teaching experience at K-16 and graduate levels in both |

| | |Polytechnic State University. |China and United States. |


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