Examples - AU Student Affairs

INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET Hiring a Graduate Assistant ManualStudent Affairs Human Resources Table of Contents Requesting a Graduate Assistant 3Hiring Seasons Placement for Graduate Assistants (PGA)4Graduate Assistant Policies 5Enrollment Fees6Limitations6Paid Leave6Workload Policy7Administrative Action7Guidelines for the Graduate Assistant Fellowship9Compensation and Conversion 9Background check link, tax paperwork9International Requirements 10FTE Guidelines10Graduate Health Care Program12Tuition Fellowship System12Resources for Graduate Assistants 13Professional DevelopmentHousing Student Affairs GA Offer Letter Template 14-15Background Check Analysis Explained16Requesting a Graduate AssistantWhen looking to hire a graduate student within Auburn University Student Affairs, it is required that the Student Affairs Human Resources be contacted to set up a meeting to review guidelines, stipulations, and begin the onboarding process. To schedule a meeting, please contact either Trey Lightner (lightjl@auburn.edu) or Andrea Brothers (mcabeac@auburn.edu). In the email please provide the following information:Department requestingExpected Direct Supervisor Job description including expected duties Degree programs applicable to the specific job dutiesThe following stipulations are considered when hiring a graduate student worker:Students working on Auburn University’s campus are not allowed to exceed 20 hours per week. This includes responsibilities during assigned business hours. Any modification to hours should be discussed with the Student Affairs Human Resources. Departments wishing to hire a graduate assistant must provide the necessary compensation within the parameters of their departmental budget. Assistantships are temporary, and their continuation depends on the availability of funds, levels of enrollment, and research needs in the department as well as maintenance of good academic standing and steady progress toward the degree. The student’s degree must be in conjunction to related work responsibilities and may be determined by the Graduate School.All paperwork for hiring a Graduate Assistant must be submitted to Student Affairs Human Resources.Hiring SeasonsIf and when a department wishes to pursue hiring a graduate student within their department, the department is able to initiate that process with Student Affairs Human Resources. The hiring department requesting the GA is responsible for coordinating with the candidate and confirming their acceptance to the Auburn Graduate School. Assistantships may be offered over the summer, however, unless that student is enrolled in courses, the individual will be paid on temporary status until that graduate student is enrolled in classes. The student must be accepted to a graduate program in order to receive temporary status for the graduate assistantship. For questions or concerns please contact the following:Trey Lightner at 334-844-1308 or lightjl@auburn.eduAndrea Brothers at 334-844-1310 or mcabeac@auburn.edu Placement for Graduate Assistants (PGA)The Placement for Graduate Assistantships (PGA) is designed as an option to facilitate the process of hiring graduate assistants in Student Affairs at Auburn University. Most students are looking to continue after their graduate assistantships in the same or similar fields. This practical experience balances education, practice, challenge, and support to allow students to reach their career goals while improving programs and departments. PGA is open to any potential graduate student who is considering graduate studies at Auburn University and has the desire to work in a student-centered environment. As Human Resources and the Graduate School continue to review positions, the student’s academic degree program should connect to their assistantship for tuition waiver purposes. Most graduate assistants in Student Affairs are in the following programs: Higher Education, Adult Ed, Counseling, Educational Psychology, etc. ?Other positions may lend themselves to other degree programs. Use of PGA is encouraged but not required when hiring a graduate assistant. The placement exchange takes place over one business day in mid-spring where candidates may receive interviews for multiple departments. A review board of representatives from each department determines where the student may best fit. Other duties and recruitment efforts are performed by the Higher Education Student Association. Contact for PGA hiring process: please email pga@auburn.edu. Graduate Assistant Policies Students with a?qualifying assistantship appointment of 0.33 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) or?higher will automatically receive a Graduate Tuition Fellowship that?pays?resident and non-resident tuition?each semester during which the qualifying assistantship is?held until a maximum level of support has been received. Students with a?qualifying assistantship appointment of 0.25-0.32 FTE will receive tuition?support totaling 50% of in-state tuition rates. University funded in-state tuition support will be limited to?110% of the number of hours required for a graduate degree. Exceptions to this?limit can be provided with documentation of the academic need and demonstration of good stewardship of the support already provided, with the approval of the graduate dean. Students may keep up with the amount of support available to them by logging onto the?Graduate Tuition Fellowship System (GTUFS) on AU Access. This online system is useful to graduate assistants for keeping a record of the support used and remaining. Students are charged a?Graduate Assistant Enrollment Fee?each semester in which their?fellowship is usedAn assistantship?is qualified for a full Graduate Tuition Fellowship regardless of the type under the following conditions:The Fellow has a minimum appointment of .33 FTE?(i.e., at least 13.2 hours per week).The Fellow is in the assistantship for the full semester?(no later than the 8th?class day [5th class day in Summer semester], through the last day of classes).The Fellow receives an assistantship stipend greater than or equal to the minimum set by the Provost. *Please see page 9 for hourly rate/salaryThe Fellow is a degree-seeking student?(although provisionally accepted students are eligible for their first semester).The Fellow is in good academic standing?(cumulative graduate GPA of at least 3.0). Students on academic probation lose the benefit of the full tuition waiver.? Non-resident students on probation retain the out-of-state waiver, but both non-resident and resident students on probation lose the resident tuition waiver and must pay tuition at the in-state rate.? When the student is again in good academic standing, with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0, the full tuition waiver will again be awarded.The Fellow is registered for at least 1 hour, but not more than 15 hours, of academic credit.Attempted hours are defined as any hours for which the University charges tuition or fees, regardless of level (undergraduate versus graduate) or grade type (graded, pass/fail, or ungraded). The fellowship, however, does NOT pay for distance education courses or any related fees.The Graduate Assistant Enrollment fee is $615 per semester for the academic year. (number reflects 2018-19 academic year and is subject to change)When the support available to students through the tuition fellowship program is exhausted, they will continue to receive a waiver for the non-resident portion of tuition as long as they maintain their assistantship. Graduate assistants who have received a 0.33 FTE or higher assistantship for two semesters of a given academic year and are not on assistantship for the third semester will receive tuition support during that corresponding third semester.ExamplesA doctoral student continuously supported with a qualifying assistantship is in a program that requires a minimum of 65 hours to complete. The maximum Graduate Tuition Fellowship support available to this student is 110% of 65 hours, which is 71.5 hours. If the student has not completed the degree in 72 supported hours and they retain an assistantship, tuition and fees will be charged at in-state rates thereafter.A master’s or specialist degree student continuously supported with a qualifying assistantship is in a program that requires a minimum of 33 hours. The maximum Graduate Tuition Fellowship support available is 110% of 33 hours, which is 36.3 hours. After 36 supported hours, tuition and fees are charged to students holding a qualifying assistantship at in-state rates.LimitationsDistance education:?The Graduate Tuition Fellowship does NOT pay for courses for which a distance education fee is charged.Number of degrees:?Tuition support will be provided for one of the following:One master’s degree or recognized dual-degree master’s program;One PhD degree; orOne master’s degree plus one PhD degree within the same or acomplementary field.Number of semesters:?Students must be enrolled each semester they receive the tuition fellowship, but they are not required to be enrolled full-time. No student will receive more than 12 semesters (36 hours) of support while remaining a master’s student, even if they have taken less than the maximum number of hours for which they are eligible, given their degree program. Likewise, no doctoral student will receive more than 24 semesters (72 hours) of support (inclusive of master’s study supported at Auburn).Students Supported on Extra-Mural FellowshipsA number of departments have students supported on extra-mural fellowships that perform duties as a requirement of their degree programs that are equivalent to the duties performed by graduate research assistants. Their work contributes directly to the performance of research in the laboratory in which they are assigned and to the overall University research mission. As such, it is University policy to treat such fellowships as the equivalent of graduate research assistantships for the purposes of the Graduate Tuition Fellowship Program. However, these students are not automatically included for the program. Therefore, each Semester, each department with such fellowships should supply the list of fellows to the Graduate School so that they may receive the Graduate Tuition Fellowship.Policy on Paid Leave for Graduate Assistants (GAs)All Graduate Assistants within student affairs are exempt employees, meaning they are paid on a monthly basis for 20 hours a week (1044hr per year). It is Auburn University policy that hourly-paid Graduate Assistants be paid during official University holidays and breaks, including Fall Break, Spring Break, and/or official University closures.Graduate Assistantship Workload PolicyRegular University office hours are 7:45 to 11:45 a.m. and 12:45 to 4:45 p.m., Monday through Friday. These times may vary depending on the departmental schedule or position. It may be necessary for students to work outside normal schedule because of emergency situations. If there have any questions concerning work schedule, please direct them to Student Affairs Human ResourcesSupervisors have the right to establish the graduate assistant’s schedule which may periodically fluctuate based on special projects, events, or other pertinent reasons. However, these changes should be an exception. The priority should still be placed on the student’s degree progress and should not inhibit class attendance. Graduate students may not normally hold an appointment of more than 50 percent, whether the appointment is from a single unit or multiple units. This policy also applies to internship appointments (whether called an internship or externship). Graduate students may hold multiple assistantships (assistantships and/or hourly employment) from one or more units on campus, but the cumulative appointments cannot add up to more than a 0.50 FTE (20 hours per week) appointment. This allows the students the time needed to devote to their academic programs. Exceptions may be requested, with compelling academic justification, in writing to the Provost by the dean. For multiple assistantships from different units, coordinating approval memos from the home unit and the hiring units are required. Please note that federal regulations limit the cumulative appointment for international graduate students to no more than a 0.50 FTE (20 hours per week) appointment.Graduate Assistant Performance Improvement and Administrative Action PolicyFailure to Satisfy Performance StandardsPerformance Improvement Meetings?– In addition to regularly scheduled performance reviews, when a supervisor determines that a graduate assistant is failing to meet satisfactory performance standards, the supervisor will meet with the graduate assistant. Together, they will review the duties and responsibilities expected of the graduate assistant, and the supervisor will identify those areas in which the performance of those duties and responsibilities is judged to be unsatisfactory. The supervisor will then advise the graduate assistant that if performance does not improve to a satisfactory level within a time period specified by the supervisor, the assistantship will be terminated. The time period established by the supervisor should provide a sufficient and reasonable time for the graduate assistant to demonstrate a satisfactory level of performance. In some instances, the graduate assistant’s failure to meet satisfactory standards of performance may be disruptive of the educational process. In such instances, the graduate student should be advised that any subsequent failure to meet satisfactory performance standards may result in termination of the assistantship. As soon as possible following this meeting (generally within three working days) the supervisor will provide the assistant with a written summary of the meeting, including notice of areas of unsatisfactory performance and the time period specified for improvement to a satisfactory level. A copy will be sent to the leadership staff of the department for review/approval and to the dean of the Graduate School.Termination of an AssistantshipIf a graduate assistant fails to meet acceptable standards of performance as prescribed in the performance improvement meeting, the supervisor will notify the appropriate staff within the department and Student Affairs HR. The leadership team and/or professional staff will schedule a meeting with the supervisor and graduate assistant as soon as possible, generally within three working days. At that meeting, the graduate assistant’s performance will again be reviewed. If it is concluded that the graduate assistant has failed to meet acceptable performance standards, the supervisor may terminate the graduate assistantship appointment. The supervisor will provide a written notice summarizing the meeting and the action taken to the supervisor, graduate assistant, the dean of the college, and the dean of the Graduate School within five working days of the meeting.Acts of misconduct or unprofessionalism may require prompt action. Such acts may include, but are not limited toRefusing to obey reasonable and necessary instructions or job assignments, insubordination, or using abusive or unprofessional language in the workplace.Indulging in offensive or obscene manner.Drinking intoxicants on University property, with exception of events acting in accordance with the University Campus Alcohol Policy.Using illegal drugs on University property.?Stealing or misappropriating University property or property belonging to students or University employees.Scientific misconductAppropriate actions include termination of an assistantship, suspension of an assistantship for a specified period, and reduction of the FTE and/or benefits associated with that assistantship.??If a supervisor believes a graduate assistant has engaged in such an act of misconduct or unprofessionalism, the following steps are to be taken.For incident(s) of unprofessional acts or behavior which violate accepted norms of professional conduct, the supervisor will provide notice of the proposed administrative action to the graduate assistant and document the situation in a written report.? In such cases, the graduate assistant may be placed on immediate administrative leave with pay from the assistantship duties, at the discretion of the supervisor. The report will be provided to the leadership team or professional staff to whom the supervisor reports, who will schedule a meeting with the supervisor and graduate assistant as soon as possible, generally within three working?days. At that meeting, the incident(s) will be reviewed, and the proposed administrative action may be affirmed, amended, or overturned by the professional staff.? The professional staff will provide a written notice summarizing the meeting and his/her decision regarding administrative action to the supervisor, graduate assistant, the dean of the college, and the dean of the Graduate School within five working days of the meeting.Additionally, for misconduct covered by the Student Code of Conduct or the Sexual Misconduct Policy, the case will also be referred to the Office of Student Conduct. Acts of misconduct may include, but are not limited to, theft, fraud, physical altercation, and sexual harassment, as defined in the?Student Code of Conduct?and the?Sexual Misconduct Policy.Supervisors and students should be aware that termination or reduction of the FTE of an assistantship, will have large financial impacts, which can be particularly problematic for a student if termination or FTE reduction occurs before the last class day of a semester. Appealing?Action Regarding an AssistantshipIf a graduate assistant wishes to appeal a decision of administrative action regarding an assistantship, including termination, they may file a written appeal within five working?days of receipt of the professional staff’s written notice with the assistant director/director of the department. The graduate assistant will be notified in writing of the result of the appeal within five working days of the submission of the written appeal. The decision resulting from this process is final and not subject to further appeal.For any appeal or termination of a graduate assistantship, Student Affairs Human Resources must be notified. Guidelines for the Graduate Assistant FellowshipCompensation & ConversionsAll Graduate Assistants within Student Affairs will follow the below salary schedule:Degree Seeking StudentHourlyAnnualFirst Year Master’s Student$15.25/20hr week$15,860Second Year Master’s Student$15.50/20hr week$16,120First Year Ph.D. Student$16.25/20hr week$16,900Second Year Ph.D. Student$16.50/20hr week$17,160Third Year Ph.D. Student$17.00/20hr week$17,680Fourth Year Ph.D. Student$17.50/20hr week$18,200Please complete the following administrative documents for hiring and submit all the completed documents to the Student Affairs Human Resources via email (lightjl@auburn.edu) or delivered to 255 Heisman Drive, Suite 3248 ? Auburn, AL 36849Administrative DocumentsAuburn Background Check Authorization and release for the procurement of aConsumer and/or investigative consumer report *see page 16 of offer letter. Authorization for release for use of criminal background check to confirm accuracy of information provided—Check to confirm accuracy of information provided—Both are available and may be completed on the Verified Credentials, Inc website. I-9 Section 1Auburn University Employer Code: 18850Forms of Identification for ArrivalForm W-4 Federal WithholdingForm A4 AL State WithholdingPersonal Data Form (Auburn)Graduate Assistantship Position DescriptionCurrent Class Schedule Completion of Gender Specific Harassment Training Graduate School GA OrientationInternational Students Only: Please see the hiring department regarding completion of Certificate of Eligibility for Employment FormFull Time Equivalent System (FTE)As a demonstration of its commitment to graduate education and to the critical role that graduate assistants play in supporting the University’s priorities and mission, Auburn University provides Graduate Tuition Fellowships to its graduate assistants who meet or exceed specific requirements. The fellowships are administered through the Graduate School. There is no application process associated with this program. All contact and any questions concerning availability of assistantships should be directed to specific academic departments or the deans’ offices of the respective academic colleges or schools. Questions pertaining to the Graduate Tuition Fellowship Program that are not answered fully by the material below or by the?FAQs?should contact the Graduate School.To be on assistantship, a graduate student must:be in a degree-seeking program. Students in degree-seeking programs will be classified as MST, EDS, PHD, or GPR.be registered for at least one course (anything carrying an Auburn University course number) during each academic term of the assistantship.satisfy the minimum course load specifications of the individual departments and be making satisfactory progress toward the degree.Assistantships meeting certain criteria are eligible for the?Graduate Tuition Fellowship. To be on assistantship AND receive a Graduate Tuition Fellowship, a graduate student must meet the above criteria and the criteria outlined on the Graduate Tuition Fellowship Web page. Assistantship appointments should be 0.25, 0.33, or 0.50 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE).Graduate students may hold multiple assistantships (assistantships and/or hourly employment) from one or more units on campus, but together the cumulative appointment should be 0.25, 0.33, or 0.50 FTE and cannot add up to more than a 0.50 FTE (20 hours per week) appointment. This allows the students the time needed to devote to their academic programs. Exceptions may be requested, with compelling academic justification, in writing to the Provost by the dean. For multiple assistantships from different units, coordinating approval memos from the home unit and the hiring units are required.International graduate students on F1 visas cannot hold a greater than 50 percent work appointment. Rules for summer terms are different. Please check with the?Office of International Programs?in Foy Hall.All international graduate assistants are required to submit evidence of satisfactory speaking skills. This can be demonstrated with a score of 23 or higher on the Speaking Section of the Internet-based TOEFL (iBT), or a score of 7 on the Speaking section of the IELTS, or a score of 4.4 and above in the Speaking section of the iTEP (replaced the SPEAK test), which is administered at Auburn University prior to the start of classes. A student may be asked to enroll in a course designed to improve the oral communication skills of international graduate assistants. Both department and SAHR are responsible for making sure that international Graduate Assistants meet the minimum requirements for employment, including but not limited to a satisfactory background check and proficiency in English. All graduate assistants registered for at least one hour are exempt from FICA and Medicare (Section 218 of the Social Security Act).Graduate assistants who meet the requirements for GRAD7900 (Thesis Completion) or GRAD8900 (Dissertation Completion) and register concurrently for at least one hour of the Research and Thesis course or the Research and Dissertation course are considered full-time students and are exempt from FICA and Medicare on graduate assistant stipends.Effective January 1, 2014, all new graduate student employees (including hourly paid) must have an approved consumer report and/or investigative consumer report (background check) as a condition for appointment. The information contained in these reports may be used to deny an individual employment or continued employment with Auburn University. The background report and its contents are deemed private and confidential and shall be disclosed only for the purposes described in “Procedures for Securing Background Reports for Graduate Students Before Hiring” to those University employees who have a need to know, or as otherwise required or permitted by law.Health Insurance Program All graduate assistants with assignments of 10 hours (0.25 FTE) or greater for the full semester in the fall and/or spring semesters, who meet the minimum monthly stipend established by the Office of the Provost and are in good academic standing are required to have health insurance coverage.If one has equivalent/greater prior coverage and can so demonstrate, that person may choose to opt out of the University plan.?Those who wish to opt out must complete the?required form. Waiver applications are accepted for two months following the waiver deadline but are subject to prorated insurance costs. Example if you turn in your waiver in March for a spring waiver you are susceptible to paying for January and February’s insurance. Graduate assistants will be automatically enrolled in the Auburn University Graduate Student Group Health Plan (GSGHP). The 2018-19 premium is $2,028, which will be billed in two installments of $1,022 for fall and $1,006 for spring/summer.International graduate students and dependents in F or J immigration status will continue to be covered and billed similarly under the Mandatory International Student and Scholar Health Plan —check with the Office of International Programs (insurance@auburn.edu) for details.Those graduate students who do not qualify for the automatic enrollment may opt-in to the program. They must complete a request form and submit it to the Graduate School. For further information on optional enrollment, please visit the?Detailed Enrollment Information?page.To find out more about the GSGHP or to get enrolled, please contact Aime McCorcle at 334-844-5012 or by email at?insurance@auburn.edu.Health Care Premium Rates for 2018-2019GSGHP2018-2019AnnualPremiumPremium for Fall SemesterPremium for Spring/Summer semesterPremium for Summer semester onlyStudent$2,028$1,022$1,006$512Spouse$2,028$1,022$1,006$512Child$2,028$1,022$1,006$5122+ children$3,998$2,015$1,983$1,009All dependents$5,968$3,008$2,960$1,506Tuition Fellowship SystemGTUFS provides Auburn University graduate students with a record of their Graduate Assistantship and Tuition Fellowship Program (tuition waiver). GTUFS shows students the number of hours taken toward their degree as of the current semester, the number of hours allowed under the tuition waiver, and the number of tuition hours remaining to be covered by the waiver.In order to access GTUFS:Log-In to?AU AccessClick-on the?Student Menu?option of the My Academics tab.On the “Student” tab, click Graduate Tuition Fellowship System (GTUFS).If you have any questions, contact?Julie Reece?in the Graduate School?(334-844-2125).FAQsResources for Graduate AssistantsProfessional Development:Higher Education Students Association (HESA)Graduate School Professional Development Calendar Graduate School Council Academics Master Student Checklist Ph.D. Student Checklist Professional Development Course GRAD8100Housing Off-Campus Housing SearchFind housing, roommates, and off-campus resources OFFER LETTER DOWNLOAD PDF[Date] [candidate name][candidate email] Dear [name], Congratulations! I am pleased to inform you that a graduate assistantship with the office of [insert office name] is pending to be offered to you for one year beginning [season semester of year]. Pending approval from the Graduate school regarding plan of study in association with this graduate assistantship, you have been recommended to receive an FTE 0.50 assistantship with an annual salary of [insert appropriate experience option] for an average of 20 hours a week. This position is [insert exemption status option]. Your start date will be [ Month, Date, Year] ****Options: - Experience: o First year GA hrly-$15.25: y: $15,860, o Second year GA: hrly-$15.50, yr-$16,120, o First year Ph.D. Student GA: hrly-16.25: yr-$16,900o Second year Ph.D. Student GA: hrly- $16.50, yr-$17,160- Exemption Status: o Exempt in that you will not be required to keep log of hours according to your supervisor’s expectations. Non-exempt in that you will be required to keep an accurate time record utilizing Kronos Timekeeping Software and will only be compensated for hours worked.) ****With your assistantship, you will also receive a full-tuition fellowship that covers your tuition and fees (except for a fee of approximately $615 for each semester you are on the assistantship up to a maximum of 12 credit hours). Assistantships are temporary and continuation depends on the availability of funds, levels of enrollment, and needs of the department, as well as your maintenance of good academic standing and steady progress toward your degree. The exact nature of this assistantship will be to [insert job description]. This offer of employment is contingent upon the receipt of acceptable results on a background report through Auburn University’s Human Resources. As an additional benefit linked to your assistantship, you will be enrolled automatically in the Graduate Student Health Insurance plan. Graduate assistants receive a $500 supplement toward the total annual premium of approximately $1,400. You will be billed for the difference in your bursar bill. Learn more about the plan at the following url: If you already have health insurance, you may opt out of the Graduate Student Health Insurance plan by completing the “Waiver Request” found at the above URL and providing proof of current insurance Please complete the Standard Release Forms for Graduate Student Employees:AUTHORIZATION AND RELEASE FOR THE PROCUREMENT OF A CONSUMER AND/OR INVESTIGATIVE CONSUMER REPORT; andAUTHORIZATION FOR RELEASE FOR USE OF CRIMINAL BACKGROUNDCHECK TO CONFIRM ACCURACY OF INFORMATION PROVIDED—Both are available and may be completed on the Verified Credentials, Inc website: contact me if you have any questions about this offer. Sincerely,[Supervisor Name][Title][Address 1][Address 2][contact info]This appointment is subject to Auburn University’s policies and procedures. This offer does not constitute an expressed or implied contract of employment. Any provision contained herein may be modified and/or revoked without notice. Either party may terminate this employment relationship at any time for any reason or for no reason, in accordance with AU policies and procedures. Auburn University is an at-will employer; this document does not constitute a guarantee of continuing employment for any term.__________________________________________________________________________________Signature – [Student Name] Date255 Heisman Drive, Auburn, AL 36849-5278; Telephone: 334-844-1304; Fax: 334-844-2354auburn.edu/studentaffairsAuburn UniversityStudent AffairsRequired Qualifications for Your ProgramTIME SENSITIVEDO NOT DELAYATTENTION Students:We’ve partnered with Verified Credentials, Inc. to help you supply the required qualifications for your program. To get started, carefully follow the instructions below:How it Works: IMPORTANT – Use the CODE that matches your phase:Program:Code:Background Check - Student AffairsDDYCP-39268Background Check and Driving - Student AffairsDFJVB-34827GET STARTED NOW at: Best Results - Use a laptop or desktop computer to complete this process. Background Check Process 1.0 General 1.1 As a matter of routine, Auburn University (AU) obtains background reports, also known as consumer reports and investigative consumer reports, on many of its employees. Pursuant to the Graduate Student Employee Background Check Policy, this will now include all graduate student employees (including hourly paid). The background report will include the results of: ? ID Trace: The ID Trace search, also called an address trace, reveals current/former residences and aliases. Unlimited matches can be returned from a vast database from government and private sources. Reported addresses and aliases are often used to perform other background searches, such as county criminal history checks. ? Alabama Statewide Criminal History: A statewide Alabama criminal search provides an overview of criminal history for students that have resided in the state of Alabama ? County Criminal History: This search provides the most current, complete criminal information directly from county courthouses. Results include: number of years searched, case number, charges, disposition, dates, sentencing details and more. The ID Trace and other searches can provide additional jurisdictions for county criminal history searches. The standard scope for the county criminal search is seven years, with extended searches available in some jurisdictions. ? National Sex Offender Public Registry: This registry includes sex offender information from the federal government and agencies from all 50 individual states. Maintained by the U.S. Department of Justice, the public registry search returns sex offender profiles, including up to level 3 offenders. Results and details available vary by state. ? Driving Records (If Applicable): A report of the candidate’s driving history is accessed through state Departments of Motor Vehicles. Results may include: driver’s license number, status of license, state, class, issue/expiration dates, violations, incidents, convictions, DUI information and more. Driving record information that is reported varies by state. 1.2 Background reports are required for all hourly paid student assistants and all temporary short-term appointments but excluding those students on monthly-paid fellowships or scholarships. 1.3 In order to maintain confidentiality and privacy for all applicants, only whether or not the background report was approved, but not the report’s details, will be released to hiring departments. 1.4 The Graduate School dean retains ultimate discretion and authority for approving or not approving graduate student employee applicants based on information in background reports. The dean will be responsible for determining under this policy the appropriate responses to each category of background disclosure; including acceptances, rejections, and which background reports must be reviewed by the Graduate Student Employee Background Review Committee (GS Committee). 1.5 All approved background reports will result in approval for potential hire. 1.6 For all adverse background reports, a “pre-adverse action letter” (PAAL) will be sent by the Graduate School to the prospective graduate student employee advising him or her of the adverse background report. This will provide the potential graduate student employee the opportunity to respond (within five business days) to verify the accuracy of the background report and/or submit additional information if needed or requested. 1.7 The GS Committee will review adverse background reports for potential graduate student employees and any responses from the same to the PAAL and decide whether or not to approve a hire. Background reports will not be used to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religious creed, gender, sexual orientation, disability or handicap, age, or veteran’s status. Moreover, the existence of a conviction does not automatically disqualify a graduate student from employment. Relevant considerations by the GS Committee may include, but are not limited to, truthfulness in disclosing the offense(s) or conduct; the facts or circumstances surrounding the offence(s) or conduct; the length of time since the offence(s) or conduct and the age of the applicant at the time of the offence(s) or conduct; relevance of the offence(s) or conduct to the position for which the applicant is being considered; whether the offence(s) or conduct arose in connection with the applicant’s prior employment; the sentence or sanction for the offence(s) or conduct; whether the applicant made full restitution and/or participated in any rehabilitation programs; subsequent criminal activity; whether there is a pattern of offence(s) or conduct; work record and references subsequent to the offence(s) or conduct; evidence that the individual performed the same type of work, post-conviction, with the same or a different employer, with no known incidents of criminal conduct; the length and consistency of employment history before and after the offence(s) or conduct; whether the individual is bonded under a federal, state, or local bonding program; discrepancies between the background report and information self-reported by the applicant to the Graduate School and/or Auburn University on the Graduate School application and/or in any other communications or documents. Any decision to accept or reject for employment a graduate student with a conviction is solely at the discretion of the Dean upon the recommendation of the GS Committee. In addition, if the criminal background report obtained suggests that the graduate student provided false or inaccurate information on the Graduate School application, the matter will be referred to the Dean of the Graduate School to determine whether the student may be deemed ineligible for admission and enrollment or subject to suspension, as the student had acknowledged when signing the Graduate School admissions application. 1.8 Where the applicant does not respond to the PAAL or where the Dean, on the recommendation of the GS Committee, rejects the graduate student’s response to a PAAL, the Graduate School will issue an “Adverse action letter” (AAL) to the graduate student stating they will not be hired by AU. 1.9 The background report and its contents are deemed private and confidential and shall be disclosed only for the purposes described in these Procedures for Securing Background Reports for Graduate Student Employees Before Hiring, to those University employees who have a need to know, or as otherwise required or permitted by law. ................

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