An Audit on quality of radiographs - Somerset LDC


Dental Clinical Audit

2. Quality of Radiographs

CAP ref:      

Audit start date:      

Completion date:      

Panel member contact: Bernard Jones email - Bernardjones@

|Dental Clinical Audit report (tick) check list: All sections need to be completed and included when returning your report: |

|1. Completed data capture sheets pages: 4 – 7 | |

|2.1 NHS England Area Team Mandatory Aims & Objectives page: 8 | |

|2.2 NHS England Area Team Mandatory Action Plan page: 8 | |

|2.3 NHS England Area Team Mandatory Feedback section page: 8 | |

|(how useful you found the audit) | |

|3. Declaration Tick confirmation box and Date page: 9 | |

Please note –when returning your audit do not include any Dentist, Practice or Patient demographic details.

2013 Structured Dental Clinical Audit on the 2.Quality of Radiographs

Prepared by: South West Clinical Audit & Peer Review Assessment Panel,

South West Commissioning Support (SWCS), Mallard Court, Express Park, Bristol Road, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 4RN.


South West Clinical Audit and Peer Review Assessment Panel

2. Audit on the Quality of Radiographs


If radiographs are of good quality first time then, diagnosis can proceed, patients are not exposed to unnecessary radiation and practice time and resources are conserved.

Repeat radiographs because of poor quality are not to be confused with second radiographs taken because additional information is sought (often prompted by the first radiograph). Careful thought is needed during the audit, so that performance can be accurately measured and improvements to practice implemented.


The aims of the audit are:

1. To set criteria and standards for good practice in the taking of radiographs.

2. Compare current practice with the standard set.

3. To collect data which will help decide what action is to be taken to improve

performance. (e.g. improvement in technique, processing and performance of X-ray equipment).

4. To make changes where appropriate and to re-audit on a regular basis.


1. To reduce radiation exposure to patients.

2. To improve the diagnostic capabilities of radiographs.

Source material


The proposed standard

Each radiograph should be graded according to NRPB standards in quality, which are:

1. Excellent-no errors of exposure, positioning or processing.

2. Diagnostically acceptable-some errors, but these errors do not detract from the

diagnostic utility of the radiograph.

3. Unacceptable-errors present, which render the radiograph diagnostically unusable.

Initially an acceptable standard to aim for would be for all radiographs to reach:

>70% Grade 1


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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