Secretary of State of Washington

WASHINGTON TALKING BOOK AND BRAILLE LIBRARY FY15OUR MISSIONTHE WASHINGTON TALKING BOOK & BRAILLE LIBRARY builds community and provides equal access to information and reading materials for Washington residents unable to read standard print.We are proud of the library services we provide, including training and technology instruction, high-quality local production of audio and braille books, a vibrant youth services program, and community support through audio production of the state Voters’ Pamphlet and partnerships with agencies serving similar populations. Without your continued and generous support, financially and with your time spreading the word, advocating, and volunteering, we wouldn’t be able to provide the extent of services that we offer. Contributions allow us to innovate and push ourselves. We were one of the first four regional libraries to have our locally produced audio books become part of the BARD download site, allowing NLS patrons anywhere to read our books. We have a very popular pen pal program for children and teens that supports reading and writing skills, and forms connections with other kids around the state who may share similar experiences.Our volunteers give nearly 16,000 hours of work a year, essentially increasing our capacity by the equivalent of eight full-time employees. Patron Advisory Council members contribute in many ways, including disseminating brochures and making connections in their communities. Overall, your support contributes to one of the best services for people unable to read standard print in the country. Thank you for all you do. Danille MillerWE SERVE THOSE WHO: Are blindHave a visual impairmentHave a physical condition that makes holding a book and turning pages difficultHave a reading disabilityYour support contributes to one of the best services to people unable to read standard print in the country.“WTBBL is a vital part of the Office of Secretary of State and our overall efforts to work for the residents of Washington.” Kim Wyman, Secretary of StateIn 1931, after the passing of the Pratt-Smoot Act by the United States Congress, WTBBL became one of the first regional libraries in the United States serving the blind and physically handicapped. The Library of Congress created the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS) to facilitate nationwide service. Initially serving Washington, Montana, and Alaska, WTBBL now exclusively serves Washington, but provides interlibrary loan and book sharing services with the other 55 regional libraries. NLS provides the core of our collection, including all playback equipment and accessories. Under NLS, WTBBL’s service is administered under many federal regulations and standards including circulation and eligibility policies. Within Washington, WTBBL is a program of the Washington State Library, which administers state and federal funding for operations, allowing WTBBL to provide services beyond the requirements of the NLS program. WSL and the Office of the Secretary of State also allow us to connect with many more organizations throughout the state.The Washington Talking Book & Braille Library continues to provide meaningful services for its patrons, school and teacher accounts, and many other organizations throughout the state. WTBBL is a vital part of the Office of Secretary of State and our overall efforts to work for the residents of Washington.WTBBL is a the only library in Washington whose core focus is to help ensure that library services are accessible to all residents who are unable to read standard print by connecting people with the books, information and resources desired. WTBBL staff go the extra mile to make these connections for all who are eligible for its services and programs.I thank the hundreds of donors who collectively gave more than $210,000 to WTBBL in 2015. On behalf of our WTBBL patrons, we are grateful. These generous gifts, which include matched gifts from companies, patron bequests and individual gifts from patron and non-patron donors, allowed WTBBL to maintain its high standard of service. For instance, a portion of WTBBL donation funds support a youth services program, greatly expanding the literacy programming and braille materials available to children and teens. Your donations make a real difference! – Kym Wyman, Secretary of StateThis Annual Report not only recognizes our many donors, but also provides an in-depth look at WTBBL, the people it serves, its challenges and goals for the future. We hope you enjoy this report. Your financial support helps WTBBL do wonderful things. Thank you so much!CORE SERVICES NLS AUDIO & BRAILLE MATERIALSBooks in braille and audio, spanning many genres and age ranges, are sent to WTBBL on cartridge or embossed braille for circulation and available on BARD (Braille and Audio Reading Download) for download. Magazines in audio and braille can be accessed on BARD or mailed directly from NLS. Music scores and instructional materials in braille and audio are also a direct service by NLS.WTBBL Produced Audio and Braille BooksBooks produced at WTBBL typically focus on Northwest subjects or books by Northwest authors. Books outside that scope are produced to help supplement the national collection and meet patron demand. Titles are available on cartridge, in embossed braille, and by download from BARD.DOWNLOADABLE BOOKSAudio and web-braille books and magazines are available on BARD for download. Downloaded books can be read on an NLS talking book player, a number of commercial devices, or with an app for iOS, Android, and Kindle platforms. While 44 percent of our patrons do not have access to a computer or the Internet, WTBBL is committed to providing equitable service. We will continue to provide books by mail and duplicate copies of books as necessary to meet demand. We will not allow any WTBBL patron to get lost in the digital divide.YOUTH SERVICESWe provide books and materials are in all formats for children of all ages, from toddlers to teens, for home and school. We offer a by-mail summer reading program, varied programs and events for children and their families, and an accessible children’s room with toys, books, and places to read and play. We support and offer activities with a focus on pre-literacy, early literacy, and braille literacy. For example, our sponsorship of the National Braille Challenge, activities and writing programs, and more.READER ADVISORY AND REFERENCE SUPPORTWe tailor our services to each patron to help ensure the best service possible, regardless of reading format, genre preferences, or access to technology. Our staff works hard to support all of our patrons and deliver the books they want in the format they want.WTBBL SPOTLIGHTStaff Spotlight – Youth ServicesMarian MaysMarian Mays has always had a passion for working with children of all ages, which led her to become a youth librarian. Marian worked in public libraries before landing at WTBBL. Marian loves youth literature and is a current member of the Youth Stonewall Award Committee of the American Library Association. On an average day, you can find her planning creative youth programs, chatting with parents and students, or providing outreach services to Washington schools. Watch out for great activities for kids from birth through teens happening at the library and remotely.Patron Spotlight – Youth Services UserTrammell JohnsonAt only 7 years old, Tramell reads extremely well at a third-grade level, reads all the time, and loves every minute of it. “I like the library because it is organized, nice, and the place the books are kept is epic! I love reading because each book is a surprise. Reading helps make me smarter and grows my imagination. You can depend on the library to give you books and if it wasn’t here I would feel sad.” Tramell’s grandma, Sherry, who he calls mom, is extremely proud of him. WTBBL helps keep her connected, empowers Tramell, and is instrumental in her becoming the parent she wants to be.Patron Spotlight - Spanish Language Audio Book UserAda OllerWith the variety of audiobooks and excellent public service provided by WTBBL my days of boredom have been forgotten. I entertain myself by listening to my books, which I receive by mail. I thank the audio books program and the kind people who make this possible!Volunteer Spotlight – NarratorGregg PorterGregg Porter, a former WTBBL Evergreen Radio Reading Service broadcaster, rejoined WTBBL as a volunteer several years ago. His career in radio extends back 40 years, and he is currently the weekend announcer for an NPR-affiliated news and information station at the University of Washington, KUOW. He also acts with a local radio-theater ensemble, plays Hawaiian music for hula dancers throughout the region, and helps organize and leads gatherings of local ukulele players. Gregg has been the voice on several books about music, local history, children’s stories, reports, and voters’ guides.Supporter SpotlightJan AmesJan Ames, former director and longtime donor, supporter and friend of WTBBL was recently recognized by a group of staff, former staff, volunteers and patrons by the naming the WTBBL conference room the Jan Ames Meeting Room. Jan has been an integral part of WTBBL for many decades and we’re proud to have a piece of our library named after her.“The service you and your organization provide is a true gift for those who have extremely limited vision. Thank you all for your wonderful service! I have very much benefitted from your work, care, and offerings to us patrons.” – B.B.The Braille System, like the English language, is constantly evolving. This year we have new braille symbols, new braille formats, and new rules for transcribing literary material, general textbooks, and even music. These changes stem from the nation-wide adoption of Unified English Braille (UEB), the system used in most other English-speaking countries. The challenge for braille readers, proofreaders and transcribers is learning all of those new symbols!WTBBL BY THE NUMBERSFY15 Collection & Ciculation Stats9,270 active readers 529 deposit collections257 school accounts319,778 total circulation74,573 BARD downloads1,700 new patrons380,292 physical items in collection72,540 books available for download on BARD18,000 phone calls8,000 visitors16,000 volunteer hoursA Common Misconception is that libraries are less relevant because everything is available online. Of course not everything is online and libraries are and will remain an integral part of society. For people unable to read standard print, the value and availability of our libraries is as critical as ever. Access, delivery time, and portability of books have improved with technology. NLS BARD affords greater independence, immediate access to books, and eliminates issues related to speed and reliability of traditional postal delivery. New NLS books are added to BARD, and simultaneously, fewer hard copies are provided for circulation. This creates a service gap. Nearly 44% of WTBBL patrons are without internet access. Age, extremely high unemployment rates in the blind community, and fixed incomes all contribute to the inability of many to afford the technology needed to access BARD. Because of this digital divide, a significant number of patrons lack access to full library services. Insufficient physical titles paired with the inability to download requires dedicated action in order to ensure no patrons are left behind. WTBBL works hard to address service inequities and provide the best personalized service possible.Reaching OutDid you know you can help spread the word about WTBBL? We’ve heard we are one of the “best-kept secrets.” Knowing there are so many eligible residents, from children to seniors, we don’t want to remain a secret! We have outreach materials including, but not limited to, brochures, bookmarks, braille alphabet cards and “Read” posters. Request a packet of materials and then have fun. You may know eligible people who could benefit from our service, have clubs you belong to, or places you frequent that may be great places to leave materials. (Poster in your public library?) Tell people about us and help spread the word! Contact us today for your outreach packet. We also love opportunities to talk about our service. If you have suggestions for groups or venues in your area, please let us know.Funding SourcesDonor gifts are an important and integral source of funding for our library. We depend largely on donor gifts to help provide extended services to our patrons, for outreach, and adding materials to our collection. Last year, donor gifts helped WTBBL fund our youth services program as well as add needed materials such as new books for production, braillers and necessary technology. None of this could have been accomplished without the help of all of our donors.Thank you for your support and keeping our organization strong!$210,900 Donor Funds$315,207 Federal Funds$967,223 State FundsChanging FormatsWe are in the final stages of the elimination of the cassette books from our inventory, and are removing them from our shelves to create space for our growing digital and braille book collections. This is an exciting project, especially for our shipping department. Helping with this transition is Volunteer Coordinator David Junius who has been busy booking different volunteer group events to help take on this massive project. It’s a very fun and active time in Shipping!“It’s almost like getting a Christmas present every few weeks in the mail. It’s nice to know there are still people out there who care about others.” – Jeffrey“My years working at WTBBL were enjoyable, not only because I felt that the work here truly made a difference to and was appreciated by so many wonderful citizens throughout Washington State, but also due to the camaraderie of being a part of a handful of dedicated employees, a team that was happy to work alongside each other towards a clear and common goal under circumstances that could be difficult at times. It’s a highlight of my week to be a valued piece of the organization once again, in a completely different role.” - Volunteer Gregg Porter“I’m a quadrepeligic and have had to spend a great deal of my life in bed. The talking books are my companion a lot of the time, sometimes putting me to sleep. I am unable to hold a book, which is why talking books are so important to me – to enjoy so much and learn so much.” – KenDid You Know?The most circulated digital talking book last year was Second Watch by J.A. Jance (DB 78719)All the books circulated by the library in 2015 would stand over 20,500 feet tall – enough to reach the top of the Capitol dome in Olympia 71 times!Stacked in a cube, the library’s FY15 circulation would take up the same volume as about 250,000 venti cups of Starbucks coffee.“Thanks for the use of this wonderful digital player. He and I have learned may new things, reviewed a number of old memories, and traveled to countless faraway places…” - David“I love reading with my 5 year old daughter. It’s a great way to end the day and be present with her.” - Parent of a patron-534572-267677Geraldine AaronsBlanche AdamsMilton AdamsNancy AdamsShirley AdamsJames AdamsonEarl AdkinsLinda AdkinsLorraine AffekMarion AldrichAlexander Ventures LLCCarol AllenGina AllenTanya AllisonSteve AlmeidaNancy Jean AlspaughArnold AltoJanice AmesSue AmmeterMargaret AmrineDavid & Marian AndersenClaire AndersonDonna AndersonJames AndersonDeanne AndrewsAnonymous (19)Glenda & Merle ApitzGreg & Debbie ApplegateApplied Mental Health Solutions LLCMichael ArmstrongDavid & Lydia ArnoldSolveig ArnoldViola AtatlerMargaret AthensDaniel & Sandra AustinCarol Ayers00Geraldine AaronsBlanche AdamsMilton AdamsNancy AdamsShirley AdamsJames AdamsonEarl AdkinsLinda AdkinsLorraine AffekMarion AldrichAlexander Ventures LLCCarol AllenGina AllenTanya AllisonSteve AlmeidaNancy Jean AlspaughArnold AltoJanice AmesSue AmmeterMargaret AmrineDavid & Marian AndersenClaire AndersonDonna AndersonJames AndersonDeanne AndrewsAnonymous (19)Glenda & Merle ApitzGreg & Debbie ApplegateApplied Mental Health Solutions LLCMichael ArmstrongDavid & Lydia ArnoldSolveig ArnoldViola AtatlerMargaret AthensDaniel & Sandra AustinCarol AyersThank you! To our amazing donors who gave between July 1, 2014 and June 30th, 2015!-450166441John & Pat BabnikClyde & Elizabeth BachmanGary BachtoldLouis BacigalupiLois BackusJoan BaileyJohn & Edith BaileyRobert & Elanore BaileyBainbridge Island Visually Impaired PersonsJacquelyne BakerLynda BakerMarilyn BakerPeggy BakerPeter BakerDonald BakkenDonald & Betty BallouRosalie BarberMary BardenArthur BarnesBob & Doreen BarrDuane BarrPatricia BarryJudith BartonCarroll BatesJanice BattBarbara BauerGlen BaughmanNancy BeardsleyDiane BeckerDorothy BecksteadLaura Mae BeierleCharles BelangerMichelle BellConstance BenderAlton BennerRobert BennerRene BennettSuzanne BensonDonald BerdanGreg BergClaudia BergeRita BerginBarbara BergquistReinhold BergstromRichard BerndtHarold & Karen BernettJohn & Austra BerzinsRobert BessBethel HomeBrenda BiernatEileen BillingsBetty BirdRayma BirdsallBrad BishopShirley Bjur00John & Pat BabnikClyde & Elizabeth BachmanGary BachtoldLouis BacigalupiLois BackusJoan BaileyJohn & Edith BaileyRobert & Elanore BaileyBainbridge Island Visually Impaired PersonsJacquelyne BakerLynda BakerMarilyn BakerPeggy BakerPeter BakerDonald BakkenDonald & Betty BallouRosalie BarberMary BardenArthur BarnesBob & Doreen BarrDuane BarrPatricia BarryJudith BartonCarroll BatesJanice BattBarbara BauerGlen BaughmanNancy BeardsleyDiane BeckerDorothy BecksteadLaura Mae BeierleCharles BelangerMichelle BellConstance BenderAlton BennerRobert BennerRene BennettSuzanne BensonDonald BerdanGreg BergClaudia BergeRita BerginBarbara BergquistReinhold BergstromRichard BerndtHarold & Karen BernettJohn & Austra BerzinsRobert BessBethel HomeBrenda BiernatEileen BillingsBetty BirdRayma BirdsallBrad BishopShirley Bjur-3943350Roselyn BlakerCamille BlanchetteBlinded Veterans AssociationLinda BlockingerRobert & Wenona BlomgrenRichard BlueBlue Bird, Inc.Ruth BodinVirginia BoechlerJulianna BoettnerHelen BohomiJune BoskovichGeraldine BostonRichard & Sylvia BouillionWilliam BowmanEllen BoydHoward & Lucille BoyerEdward & Patricia BoylesShirley BrainArnold BrakkeRosario BransonElma BrashersGertrude BratzWilliam BrewerEugene BrightMargaret BrinsleyCecile BrissetteMillard & Linda BroaddusHenry & Marilyn BrockJanet BrooksAnn BrownClaire BrownRichard & Joan BrownRuth Ann BrownTracy BrownDuane BrunnerDorothy BryneRichard & Claudia BrysonAmelia BuckJohn BuckmasterBen BuddeDayna BuererBette-Jo BuhlerPatricia BullFrances BurbridgeMargret BurdegaElizabeth BurrowsEverett BurtsEllen BuskirkCordelia BusslerMartha Lu ButlerDorothy ByrneFrieda Byrnes00Roselyn BlakerCamille BlanchetteBlinded Veterans AssociationLinda BlockingerRobert & Wenona BlomgrenRichard BlueBlue Bird, Inc.Ruth BodinVirginia BoechlerJulianna BoettnerHelen BohomiJune BoskovichGeraldine BostonRichard & Sylvia BouillionWilliam BowmanEllen BoydHoward & Lucille BoyerEdward & Patricia BoylesShirley BrainArnold BrakkeRosario BransonElma BrashersGertrude BratzWilliam BrewerEugene BrightMargaret BrinsleyCecile BrissetteMillard & Linda BroaddusHenry & Marilyn BrockJanet BrooksAnn BrownClaire BrownRichard & Joan BrownRuth Ann BrownTracy BrownDuane BrunnerDorothy BryneRichard & Claudia BrysonAmelia BuckJohn BuckmasterBen BuddeDayna BuererBette-Jo BuhlerPatricia BullFrances BurbridgeMargret BurdegaElizabeth BurrowsEverett BurtsEllen BuskirkCordelia BusslerMartha Lu ButlerDorothy ByrneFrieda Byrnes-28194013970William CampKenneth CampbellBrian CantwellDonna CarbaryRuby CargoEdward CarlsonGloria CarlsonRuth CarlsonStanley CarrVirginia CarrBetty CarterGlenda CassuttDorothy CasuraDiane CavanaughRobert CavanaughChaix CompanyJune ChambersDianne & Mike ChaneyKyle ChaneyJudith ChapmanLille ChapmanLouise ChaseRobert ChenierJoseph & Georgia ChiarellaCarol ChipmanEsther ChipmanAlbert ChovitEgon & Lynn ChristensenHarold & Julene ChristensenJoel ChristensenSusan ChristensenBarbara ChristensonSteven ChristensonPhyllis ChristieM. Juanita ChristopherJennifer ChungAnthony & Phyllis CioccaAnna ClarkDavid & Katie ClarkJames ClarkJean ClarkKatie ClarkPaul & Dorie ClarkRachel ClarkJack ClausonJeanne CliftonMarilynn ClinganJordan ClodfelterBetty CloydCarol Cloyes00William CampKenneth CampbellBrian CantwellDonna CarbaryRuby CargoEdward CarlsonGloria CarlsonRuth CarlsonStanley CarrVirginia CarrBetty CarterGlenda CassuttDorothy CasuraDiane CavanaughRobert CavanaughChaix CompanyJune ChambersDianne & Mike ChaneyKyle ChaneyJudith ChapmanLille ChapmanLouise ChaseRobert ChenierJoseph & Georgia ChiarellaCarol ChipmanEsther ChipmanAlbert ChovitEgon & Lynn ChristensenHarold & Julene ChristensenJoel ChristensenSusan ChristensenBarbara ChristensonSteven ChristensonPhyllis ChristieM. Juanita ChristopherJennifer ChungAnthony & Phyllis CioccaAnna ClarkDavid & Katie ClarkJames ClarkJean ClarkKatie ClarkPaul & Dorie ClarkRachel ClarkJack ClausonJeanne CliftonMarilynn ClinganJordan ClodfelterBetty CloydCarol Cloyes left-83136Colette CochranWarren & Patricia CochraneLinda CodyMike CoeRobert & Josephine CoeCarol ColleranPhilip ColletteCommercial AirDavid ComptonDonald ConeJohn ConleeEdward ConlonBetty ConnoleMary ConnollyRiley ConstanceAlice CookDolores CooperEarl CooperCarl CorbinJasper CostelloJoanne CotyDavid & Mary CovertRuth CowanMaxine CoxOlivia CoynerEdna CransonBertha CreechTyler CrockettDagmar CronnJohn & Joyce CrooksCharles & Erma CrossPatricia CrossRuth CrossDarlene CrostickAugust CroyRonald & June CulverhouseEleanor CummingsEva CumminsKathleen CunninghamCris CydersReefa DahlLucille DanielKelly DaquilaCaryl DarstSteve DasselMary DaughertyHerbert & Darlene DaulTeri DavenportLynn DavidsonLawrence Davis00Colette CochranWarren & Patricia CochraneLinda CodyMike CoeRobert & Josephine CoeCarol ColleranPhilip ColletteCommercial AirDavid ComptonDonald ConeJohn ConleeEdward ConlonBetty ConnoleMary ConnollyRiley ConstanceAlice CookDolores CooperEarl CooperCarl CorbinJasper CostelloJoanne CotyDavid & Mary CovertRuth CowanMaxine CoxOlivia CoynerEdna CransonBertha CreechTyler CrockettDagmar CronnJohn & Joyce CrooksCharles & Erma CrossPatricia CrossRuth CrossDarlene CrostickAugust CroyRonald & June CulverhouseEleanor CummingsEva CumminsKathleen CunninghamCris CydersReefa DahlLucille DanielKelly DaquilaCaryl DarstSteve DasselMary DaughertyHerbert & Darlene DaulTeri DavenportLynn DavidsonLawrence Daviscenter182880John DavisonGerald DayHelen DayLauren DayJo DeatonNancy DebasteJoe DeckTanner DeckNancy Del PlainLillian DeLineCharles DepoeMargaret DevoltSharon DeyarmieAnn DiedeHelen DietrichMary DillBarbara DillardMarilyn DillardAdeline DingerFred & Carolyn DixonGunther DohseGerald DompierDavid DonnellanMichael & Jeanne DonnellyWilson DorothyDouglas DownsBert & Peggie DragooLeslie DreisSandra DriscollBarbara DrucquerMarion DugganMargaret DunbarStephanie DunnewindLaurine DyerCharles EagenRobert EarleyJosie EasthamFrancis EastmanBeneitta EatonStella EckleySophia EdwardsTommie Edwards4000020000John DavisonGerald DayHelen DayLauren DayJo DeatonNancy DebasteJoe DeckTanner DeckNancy Del PlainLillian DeLineCharles DepoeMargaret DevoltSharon DeyarmieAnn DiedeHelen DietrichMary DillBarbara DillardMarilyn DillardAdeline DingerFred & Carolyn DixonGunther DohseGerald DompierDavid DonnellanMichael & Jeanne DonnellyWilson DorothyDouglas DownsBert & Peggie DragooLeslie DreisSandra DriscollBarbara DrucquerMarion DugganMargaret DunbarStephanie DunnewindLaurine DyerCharles EagenRobert EarleyJosie EasthamFrancis EastmanBeneitta EatonStella EckleySophia EdwardsTommie Edwardscenter1828804000020000center182880Sydney & Charlotte EgglestonRobert & Rita EiseleBea ElderShirley ElfbrandtElla ElliottL. Carleen ElliottMichael ElliottPaul ElliottBurnedine ElmoreJudith EmeryKelly EngleBarbara EngstromJoel EngstromArvella EnseyGloria EricksonIsabel ErnestJennifer ErnstMary ErwinThelma EvansCarol EversollExtendicare Homes, Inc. Evergreen Nursing & Rehab CenterAnn FaganRobert & Julia FairchildLoretta FalkCharles & Betty FaungArlene FellowsBenjamin FellowsHoward FergusonEllen FettisHolly-Ann FeykMerlyn FifeKnute Figenshow4000020000Sydney & Charlotte EgglestonRobert & Rita EiseleBea ElderShirley ElfbrandtElla ElliottL. Carleen ElliottMichael ElliottPaul ElliottBurnedine ElmoreJudith EmeryKelly EngleBarbara EngstromJoel EngstromArvella EnseyGloria EricksonIsabel ErnestJennifer ErnstMary ErwinThelma EvansCarol EversollExtendicare Homes, Inc. Evergreen Nursing & Rehab CenterAnn FaganRobert & Julia FairchildLoretta FalkCharles & Betty FaungArlene FellowsBenjamin FellowsHoward FergusonEllen FettisHolly-Ann FeykMerlyn FifeKnute Figenshowcenter182880Steve FiksdalFinances & Business Operations Division Dept of Exec. Svcs.Jenilee FinleyWanda FittjeBetty FladagerDonald & Martha FlahertyVeronica FlakeShirley FleckensteinJanet FletcherLouise FletcherSusan FordHelen ForsheeDavid FowlerDonna FoxRuth FrafjordHelen FrainDavid FrankBarbara FranklinGeneva FrasherGeorge FrasierVincent FrazierRobert FreimundKathy FrodshamMollie FrommMargaret FrostBeatrice FultonLeroy & Patricia GamblePriscilla GardnerGloria GarlingRobert & Catherine GarrickJulia GarrisonErma GarstHelen GassBarbara GayRayona Gese4000020000Steve FiksdalFinances & Business Operations Division Dept of Exec. Svcs.Jenilee FinleyWanda FittjeBetty FladagerDonald & Martha FlahertyVeronica FlakeShirley FleckensteinJanet FletcherLouise FletcherSusan FordHelen ForsheeDavid FowlerDonna FoxRuth FrafjordHelen FrainDavid FrankBarbara FranklinGeneva FrasherGeorge FrasierVincent FrazierRobert FreimundKathy FrodshamMollie FrommMargaret FrostBeatrice FultonLeroy & Patricia GamblePriscilla GardnerGloria GarlingRobert & Catherine GarrickJulia GarrisonErma GarstHelen GassBarbara GayRayona Geseleft586Michelle GreenkyMattie GreenlowWalter GregoryWalter GrieserWilliam & Marjorie GriffinEarl GriffithMarie GrinsteadPenny GristEric GrobPaul GuilletteWayne GundersenJerome GutzwilerJoshua GutzwilerHenry HaasJohn & Mary HaaseMargaret HaleWayne HallWillard & Audry HallKenneth & Marilyn HallettJack HamiltonHilma HammerHerbert HammondMarianne HancockRonald HandMike & Elaine HanschLisa HansenElroy & Dorothy HapkeDeborah HardenCarson HardingEdith HardingAlexander & Sheila HargisJohn & Margaret HarkinsEmma HarmanEdward HarleyBrandon HarnischRollin HarperHolly HarrisDale & Veronica HarrisonDorothy HartmanSharon HartzellEstate of Eloise B. HaugSuzanne Harvey00Michelle GreenkyMattie GreenlowWalter GregoryWalter GrieserWilliam & Marjorie GriffinEarl GriffithMarie GrinsteadPenny GristEric GrobPaul GuilletteWayne GundersenJerome GutzwilerJoshua GutzwilerHenry HaasJohn & Mary HaaseMargaret HaleWayne HallWillard & Audry HallKenneth & Marilyn HallettJack HamiltonHilma HammerHerbert HammondMarianne HancockRonald HandMike & Elaine HanschLisa HansenElroy & Dorothy HapkeDeborah HardenCarson HardingEdith HardingAlexander & Sheila HargisJohn & Margaret HarkinsEmma HarmanEdward HarleyBrandon HarnischRollin HarperHolly HarrisDale & Veronica HarrisonDorothy HartmanSharon HartzellEstate of Eloise B. HaugSuzanne Harvey right97Gary GibaldiDiane GibbinsKeith & Elizabeth GibbonsAlberta GibbsKeith & Marilyn GibsonPamela GiecekBeverly GilbertBruce GilesHelen GilesPatricia GingreyLinda GingrichRichard GishJoan GitelmanHelen GjesdalAdam GlassJenny GlassJack & Betty GobelClarice GoldenRussell GollenMandy GonnsenLaverne GonzalesLinda GonzalesAdaline GoodWilliam GoodwynEllen GorchynskyDorothy GordonStephen GornickJohn GottJeanne GoughGreg GouldShirley GraceLouann GradyHelen GrafmyreKristine GrahamNancy GrahamWilliam & Janis GranvilleClement GrayGray Property, Inc.Mabel GreabyGen GreagerCalvin GreatsingerFrank Green00Gary GibaldiDiane GibbinsKeith & Elizabeth GibbonsAlberta GibbsKeith & Marilyn GibsonPamela GiecekBeverly GilbertBruce GilesHelen GilesPatricia GingreyLinda GingrichRichard GishJoan GitelmanHelen GjesdalAdam GlassJenny GlassJack & Betty GobelClarice GoldenRussell GollenMandy GonnsenLaverne GonzalesLinda GonzalesAdaline GoodWilliam GoodwynEllen GorchynskyDorothy GordonStephen GornickJohn GottJeanne GoughGreg GouldShirley GraceLouann GradyHelen GrafmyreKristine GrahamNancy GrahamWilliam & Janis GranvilleClement GrayGray Property, Inc.Mabel GreabyGen GreagerCalvin GreatsingerFrank Green154745-586David & Joanne HasbrookOdell HathawayRalph & Doris HatlenArdis HauserCatherine HayesDavid & Janet HayfordIsabelle HeatheringtonJudy HeberGuy HederGenevieve HedmanTom & Jean HeestandPearl HeiderNorman & Jacqueline HeimgartnerHerrick HeitmanDennis HelgestadElizabeth HelmsMary HeltsleySusan HendrickPhyllis HenricksonJean HenryRobert HenselMarjorie HerbergPaula HerbertEmily HershbergerJoyce HershbergerMarion HerthGloria HessBergith HiattBetty HibbettsEdith HigginsJeffrey HighlandMarit HighlandScott HighleymanKen & Elizabeth HildebrantDouglas HildieJanet HillDarlene HillaryJoanne HiltonPatricia HjortMary HobsonEugene HochwaltCurtis HockettDoris HoffArt HolbrookFrank & Katie HollandVirgil HollandMargaret HollowayJean HolmesMagdalena HolmesJean HolstonBettie HoltbyAllan HooverKaren HooverJoseph & Kathleen HopkinsWilliam Hopkins00David & Joanne HasbrookOdell HathawayRalph & Doris HatlenArdis HauserCatherine HayesDavid & Janet HayfordIsabelle HeatheringtonJudy HeberGuy HederGenevieve HedmanTom & Jean HeestandPearl HeiderNorman & Jacqueline HeimgartnerHerrick HeitmanDennis HelgestadElizabeth HelmsMary HeltsleySusan HendrickPhyllis HenricksonJean HenryRobert HenselMarjorie HerbergPaula HerbertEmily HershbergerJoyce HershbergerMarion HerthGloria HessBergith HiattBetty HibbettsEdith HigginsJeffrey HighlandMarit HighlandScott HighleymanKen & Elizabeth HildebrantDouglas HildieJanet HillDarlene HillaryJoanne HiltonPatricia HjortMary HobsonEugene HochwaltCurtis HockettDoris HoffArt HolbrookFrank & Katie HollandVirgil HollandMargaret HollowayJean HolmesMagdalena HolmesJean HolstonBettie HoltbyAllan HooverKaren HooverJoseph & Kathleen HopkinsWilliam Hopkinscenter182880Leon HopperShirleyann HorningBetty HowderChristine HowellsLynnette HoytJames HubbardDoris HuddellWren HudginsCarolyn HudsonRosemarie HudsonBilly HudspethJack HudspethDelwood HuffmanElaine Strong HughesFrancis HulburtDonna HumbertPatricia HuntRobert & Lynn HuntRosemary HuntJune HuntzingerViolet HuntzingerJonathan HurtsLeiba HusockRuth HutchinsonImanta IkstrumsMelvin & Dianna InchJoy IrvingAnne IsraelBetty IsselJane JacksonJerome JacksonMargaret JacksonLeola JacobsenLee JacobsonVerna JacobsonAlvin JarrettJeanne JeffersDarlene JenkinsAlice JenningsJames JenningsJeremy Jobling4000020000Leon HopperShirleyann HorningBetty HowderChristine HowellsLynnette HoytJames HubbardDoris HuddellWren HudginsCarolyn HudsonRosemarie HudsonBilly HudspethJack HudspethDelwood HuffmanElaine Strong HughesFrancis HulburtDonna HumbertPatricia HuntRobert & Lynn HuntRosemary HuntJune HuntzingerViolet HuntzingerJonathan HurtsLeiba HusockRuth HutchinsonImanta IkstrumsMelvin & Dianna InchJoy IrvingAnne IsraelBetty IsselJane JacksonJerome JacksonMargaret JacksonLeola JacobsenLee JacobsonVerna JacobsonAlvin JarrettJeanne JeffersDarlene JenkinsAlice JenningsJames JenningsJeremy Joblingcenter182880Barbara JohnsonBetty JohnsonDewey JohnsonFranklyn JohnsonJudith JohnsonKaren JohnsonPatricia JohnsonRonald JohnsonSue JohnsonSylvia JohnsonPatricia JohnstonElsie JonesJack JonesJack & Karen JonesShirley JonesTerrie & Thomas JonesDavid JuniusAgnes JunkinThomas & Helen JurisBernice KadeGeorge & Laura KaminishiTimothy KammererAmy KanaiHenry & Betty KarbDoris KatagiriVirginia KeatleyPatricia KeatorRuth KehlBernice KellerIrene KellerAllen KelleyDonald KelleyLyle & Laura KelloggFern KellyMartha KempJames KennedyPaige KenneyMichael KerstetterJacqueline KesterMargaret KickertJuana KillionTerry & Mary KimseyGwen KingGladys KinneyBrenda KirkEsther KligermanNancy KlingerNan KlixTheresa KochFaye KollmeyerVamshidhar Kommineni4000020000Barbara JohnsonBetty JohnsonDewey JohnsonFranklyn JohnsonJudith JohnsonKaren JohnsonPatricia JohnsonRonald JohnsonSue JohnsonSylvia JohnsonPatricia JohnstonElsie JonesJack JonesJack & Karen JonesShirley JonesTerrie & Thomas JonesDavid JuniusAgnes JunkinThomas & Helen JurisBernice KadeGeorge & Laura KaminishiTimothy KammererAmy KanaiHenry & Betty KarbDoris KatagiriVirginia KeatleyPatricia KeatorRuth KehlBernice KellerIrene KellerAllen KelleyDonald KelleyLyle & Laura KelloggFern KellyMartha KempJames KennedyPaige KenneyMichael KerstetterJacqueline KesterMargaret KickertJuana KillionTerry & Mary KimseyGwen KingGladys KinneyBrenda KirkEsther KligermanNancy KlingerNan KlixTheresa KochFaye KollmeyerVamshidhar Komminenicenter182880Robert KonenAngela KornSiobhan KotalArnold & Ardythe KovachHenry KraemerAlan KrauseBeverly KrembsWilfried KressnerCharles KrischanoPranav KrishnamoorthyDonald KrizanHenry KuhlmanJane KujaWalter KunschakVerna KusankeDonald & Barbara KuslerMorton & Loretta KuznetzJohn & Betty LaffawEileen LafondJon & Barbara LakinKen LalondeMarjorie LamontLeland LaneA.O. & Jan LanniganDudley LaphamJerome & Michelle LaRoccaJacquelyn LarsenJoel LathimMarion LattomusIrene LaubeJames LaurentCharles LawEleanor LawryGordon LedererT. Jack & Jacqueline LedgerwoodFrancina LeeLaneil & Lanelle LeeNancy LeePamela LeeDavid & Nancy LeedyLeonard LegerJerry LehrmanJanette LemmeLet Kids Be Kids, IncHerman & Marilyn LevinsohnAnn LewisDelores LewisT.J LeydenHelen Libolt4000020000Robert KonenAngela KornSiobhan KotalArnold & Ardythe KovachHenry KraemerAlan KrauseBeverly KrembsWilfried KressnerCharles KrischanoPranav KrishnamoorthyDonald KrizanHenry KuhlmanJane KujaWalter KunschakVerna KusankeDonald & Barbara KuslerMorton & Loretta KuznetzJohn & Betty LaffawEileen LafondJon & Barbara LakinKen LalondeMarjorie LamontLeland LaneA.O. & Jan LanniganDudley LaphamJerome & Michelle LaRoccaJacquelyn LarsenJoel LathimMarion LattomusIrene LaubeJames LaurentCharles LawEleanor LawryGordon LedererT. Jack & Jacqueline LedgerwoodFrancina LeeLaneil & Lanelle LeeNancy LeePamela LeeDavid & Nancy LeedyLeonard LegerJerry LehrmanJanette LemmeLet Kids Be Kids, IncHerman & Marilyn LevinsohnAnn LewisDelores LewisT.J LeydenHelen Liboltcenter182880Sandy LillengreenIna LindbomHoward LindsayMaxine LinialEdith LipsonDana LizotteChristine LlewellynMerlyn LocatiNancy LofgrenEdna LoganCalvin LongLois LongGloria LoudenNancy LoveringSandie Lukas-CarlyleDoris LundgrenFillepe LuskEdward LustIrene LyleJohn & Mabel LynchAlice MacDonaldPatricia MaddixTalmon & Marian MagerKatie MahoneyMary MahoneyNorma MahoneyBill & Gladis MalleyMargaret MalschBill MancinelliEvagean ManteyMarian ManzariDorothy MarksRichmond & Vicky MarshAudrey MarshallLinda MarshallPeggie MarshallPat MartonikIrene MasonMary MasonSherry MatheisCarol MatlockRobert & Mary MattsonVivian MatzLarry MayoCharles MaysEdwyna McAninchLeslie McAntoshMonte Jane McCallaDeborah McCallumRobert McCartneyMark McConneheyVerna McCoyGlen & Maria Ursula McCullyDixie McDanielRaydene McDanielsLarry & Elizabeth McDevittVeta McDonald4000020000Sandy LillengreenIna LindbomHoward LindsayMaxine LinialEdith LipsonDana LizotteChristine LlewellynMerlyn LocatiNancy LofgrenEdna LoganCalvin LongLois LongGloria LoudenNancy LoveringSandie Lukas-CarlyleDoris LundgrenFillepe LuskEdward LustIrene LyleJohn & Mabel LynchAlice MacDonaldPatricia MaddixTalmon & Marian MagerKatie MahoneyMary MahoneyNorma MahoneyBill & Gladis MalleyMargaret MalschBill MancinelliEvagean ManteyMarian ManzariDorothy MarksRichmond & Vicky MarshAudrey MarshallLinda MarshallPeggie MarshallPat MartonikIrene MasonMary MasonSherry MatheisCarol MatlockRobert & Mary MattsonVivian MatzLarry MayoCharles MaysEdwyna McAninchLeslie McAntoshMonte Jane McCallaDeborah McCallumRobert McCartneyMark McConneheyVerna McCoyGlen & Maria Ursula McCullyDixie McDanielRaydene McDanielsLarry & Elizabeth McDevittVeta McDonaldcenter182880Patricia McDougallLucille McElwainKelly McFaddenJune McGibbonLuci Lee McGintyHelen McGoughHarold McGuireJames & Patricia McIntoshMargot McIntyreFrances McKayWilliam McKenzieMyrlen McKinnonGary McLArenLucille McMeenM McMillanFlorence McMullinEva MeassickDon MehaffeyDonna MeisterMaria MekeAmanda MelgaardJack MelillZola MeltonHarriet MeltzerGeneva MercerDonald MeyerBetty MeyersMicrosoft Matching Gifts ProgramLouise MiddletonNeal MilburnLouis & Linda MileyBliss MillerCarolyn MillerDanielle MillerDixie MillerEthel MillerJeannine MillerJon & Solveig MillerLupine MillerWilliam MillerEsti MintzChristian MissHildegard MitchellMargaret MitchellShailendra MittalNorma MohoneyDonna MollerBarbara MondaKathleen MonnetteMarjorie MonschkeShirley MonsonGeorge & Winnie Moore4000020000Patricia McDougallLucille McElwainKelly McFaddenJune McGibbonLuci Lee McGintyHelen McGoughHarold McGuireJames & Patricia McIntoshMargot McIntyreFrances McKayWilliam McKenzieMyrlen McKinnonGary McLArenLucille McMeenM McMillanFlorence McMullinEva MeassickDon MehaffeyDonna MeisterMaria MekeAmanda MelgaardJack MelillZola MeltonHarriet MeltzerGeneva MercerDonald MeyerBetty MeyersMicrosoft Matching Gifts ProgramLouise MiddletonNeal MilburnLouis & Linda MileyBliss MillerCarolyn MillerDanielle MillerDixie MillerEthel MillerJeannine MillerJon & Solveig MillerLupine MillerWilliam MillerEsti MintzChristian MissHildegard MitchellMargaret MitchellShailendra MittalNorma MohoneyDonna MollerBarbara MondaKathleen MonnetteMarjorie MonschkeShirley MonsonGeorge & Winnie Moore182880182880Wallace MooreNancy MooreheadAdelheid MorganFern MorhousShirley MorrisonNancy MoserDarlean MosherGilbert MossLaura MottBernad & Carol MullerleileFlorence MunatDenise MurchisonKatherine MurphieAileen MurphyChristine MurphyDavid & Hali MyersHarold MyersTom & Ellenor NadenKeiko NamekataIrene NashJohn NaveValerie NavratilAlice NeffBeverly NeffAlbert NelsonBetty NelsonCathy NelsonElinor NelsonJane NelsonRhonda NelsonSI NelsonLindy NewellKenneth & Shirley NewmanDavid & Shirley NewtonEstelle NilsenKaren NoarKathryn NobleRuth NomuraJacqueline NorrisLillian NorthBeatrice NowogroskiMarian NuteJames NyborgJean O’BrienKelly O’Keefe00Wallace MooreNancy MooreheadAdelheid MorganFern MorhousShirley MorrisonNancy MoserDarlean MosherGilbert MossLaura MottBernad & Carol MullerleileFlorence MunatDenise MurchisonKatherine MurphieAileen MurphyChristine MurphyDavid & Hali MyersHarold MyersTom & Ellenor NadenKeiko NamekataIrene NashJohn NaveValerie NavratilAlice NeffBeverly NeffAlbert NelsonBetty NelsonCathy NelsonElinor NelsonJane NelsonRhonda NelsonSI NelsonLindy NewellKenneth & Shirley NewmanDavid & Shirley NewtonEstelle NilsenKaren NoarKathryn NobleRuth NomuraJacqueline NorrisLillian NorthBeatrice NowogroskiMarian NuteJames NyborgJean O’BrienKelly O’Keefe182880320040Linell O’NeilPatricia O’TooleIrene ObrastoffAdeline OgburnJohn OgiloreVeda OlsenJohn & Phyllis OlsonMarilyn OlsonPaul OlsonMartha OmanBetty Lou OrtizMartha OsborneBarbara OsbornePatricia O’TooleOut of Sight Low Vision Support GroupCharles & Marianne OveraaMary Lou PadburyMargaret PaganoJohn PaiWilliam & Evelyn PainterJune PancoastMary PankeyJal & Theresa ParakhKiTae ParkJames ParkerJanice ParkerR.G. & Dolores ParrettMaxine PaschallDagnija PaskovskisMerle PasternackKenneth PateJocelyn PaulsonDonalee PayneBetty PearceClarissa PearceArne PearsonDick & Barbara PearsonBeverly PearsonMarilyn PearsonNadene PedFlorence PedersenRichard Peek00Linell O’NeilPatricia O’TooleIrene ObrastoffAdeline OgburnJohn OgiloreVeda OlsenJohn & Phyllis OlsonMarilyn OlsonPaul OlsonMartha OmanBetty Lou OrtizMartha OsborneBarbara OsbornePatricia O’TooleOut of Sight Low Vision Support GroupCharles & Marianne OveraaMary Lou PadburyMargaret PaganoJohn PaiWilliam & Evelyn PainterJune PancoastMary PankeyJal & Theresa ParakhKiTae ParkJames ParkerJanice ParkerR.G. & Dolores ParrettMaxine PaschallDagnija PaskovskisMerle PasternackKenneth PateJocelyn PaulsonDonalee PayneBetty PearceClarissa PearceArne PearsonDick & Barbara PearsonBeverly PearsonMarilyn PearsonNadene PedFlorence PedersenRichard Peek15430580645Nadene PehlMike & Gloria PekolaArlene PellegriniPaula PendletonPeninsula Council of the BlindEileen PenningtonEvelyn PeratrovichJim PerryPete’s SupermarketWilliam PetersAlberta PetersonAugusta PetroffElinor PeytonWilla PharrMartin & Margaret PhillipsNancy PhillipsSylvia PhillipsMichael & Betty PhippsSteve & Tovi PickerAdele PickettElsie PicklesDeborah PierceyDella St. PierreEthelyn PimFlorence PimentelEmma PineEleanor PivonkaGladys PlemmonsThomas PlemmonsGeorge PoggemannPat PohlJohn PoindexterRudolf & Maida PojtingerLily PolakoffElinor PollockKatherine PomeroyJames PooleRoger PooleJanet PorterJanice PostMary PoulsenCharlotte PowellNorma Lee PrielMarjorie PriestHerbert PriorJeane ProudfitThomas PughFlorence Pung00Nadene PehlMike & Gloria PekolaArlene PellegriniPaula PendletonPeninsula Council of the BlindEileen PenningtonEvelyn PeratrovichJim PerryPete’s SupermarketWilliam PetersAlberta PetersonAugusta PetroffElinor PeytonWilla PharrMartin & Margaret PhillipsNancy PhillipsSylvia PhillipsMichael & Betty PhippsSteve & Tovi PickerAdele PickettElsie PicklesDeborah PierceyDella St. PierreEthelyn PimFlorence PimentelEmma PineEleanor PivonkaGladys PlemmonsThomas PlemmonsGeorge PoggemannPat PohlJohn PoindexterRudolf & Maida PojtingerLily PolakoffElinor PollockKatherine PomeroyJames PooleRoger PooleJanet PorterJanice PostMary PoulsenCharlotte PowellNorma Lee PrielMarjorie PriestHerbert PriorJeane ProudfitThomas PughFlorence Pung-135255-5050790Nina PurcellLouise PurvisPuyallup Evangelical ChurchHoward PuyearQueen Mariette Institute #55Severin RaaumLeonard RadeHelen RamatowskiHelen RamspeckPaula RandolphLadene RantalaAlyce RasmussonAmy RavenholtBetty RayDarlene ReddingShirley RedenbergJack & Yvonne RedmonLinda ReedRochelle ReedRobert ReeseEileen ReevesRobert ReintsmaLowell & Donna ReistadAnn ReiterRelay Application InnovationWilliam & Judy RenEvelyn RendonRuth RentzHelen RettigPatricia RexroadMichael ReynoldsSharon ReynoldsPeter & Barbara RiberJanet RichardMonty RichardsRobert & Rayanne RichardsonKathleen RidderbuschMaxine RiehlConstance RileyAmy RobersonEleanor RobertielloDonzell RobinsonShirley RodenbergBetty RodlandLillian RoedelGrace Rogge-BoydLou Ann Rollins00Nina PurcellLouise PurvisPuyallup Evangelical ChurchHoward PuyearQueen Mariette Institute #55Severin RaaumLeonard RadeHelen RamatowskiHelen RamspeckPaula RandolphLadene RantalaAlyce RasmussonAmy RavenholtBetty RayDarlene ReddingShirley RedenbergJack & Yvonne RedmonLinda ReedRochelle ReedRobert ReeseEileen ReevesRobert ReintsmaLowell & Donna ReistadAnn ReiterRelay Application InnovationWilliam & Judy RenEvelyn RendonRuth RentzHelen RettigPatricia RexroadMichael ReynoldsSharon ReynoldsPeter & Barbara RiberJanet RichardMonty RichardsRobert & Rayanne RichardsonKathleen RidderbuschMaxine RiehlConstance RileyAmy RobersonEleanor RobertielloDonzell RobinsonShirley RodenbergBetty RodlandLillian RoedelGrace Rogge-BoydLou Ann Rollinsright14068Chanoane RoseMary Lee RoseSigne RoseSusan RosenbaumTed & Teresa RothbauerIrene RoupeVanita RousarArolyn RoweBetty RowlandKristin RoyDevin RuffiniRuth RushmoreAnne RussellCharles & Linda RussellTiffany RussellEvelyn RyanLeona RybaAileen Ryder-McLaganJutta RykkenFrances SabineMargaret SabineShuri SaigusaNorma SaksSalmon Creek American Legion Post No. 176Janet SalomonsenBrian SandbergCatherine SantiniJanice SarsfieldNancy SavageKathy SavoryBetty ScallanBowen ScarffBarbara SchaplerShirley ScharmerPatricia SchaumbergFrances SchillingerMary SchlosserGrace SchmickMarie SchneiderSchoenfeld-Gardner FoundationWilliam SchollHarry SchultzAnne SchwendimanLynn Schwendiman00Chanoane RoseMary Lee RoseSigne RoseSusan RosenbaumTed & Teresa RothbauerIrene RoupeVanita RousarArolyn RoweBetty RowlandKristin RoyDevin RuffiniRuth RushmoreAnne RussellCharles & Linda RussellTiffany RussellEvelyn RyanLeona RybaAileen Ryder-McLaganJutta RykkenFrances SabineMargaret SabineShuri SaigusaNorma SaksSalmon Creek American Legion Post No. 176Janet SalomonsenBrian SandbergCatherine SantiniJanice SarsfieldNancy SavageKathy SavoryBetty ScallanBowen ScarffBarbara SchaplerShirley ScharmerPatricia SchaumbergFrances SchillingerMary SchlosserGrace SchmickMarie SchneiderSchoenfeld-Gardner FoundationWilliam SchollHarry SchultzAnne SchwendimanLynn Schwendiman18288092075Marilyn ScofieldEdgar & Wilma ScolesHarriet ScottLydia ScottMargaret ScottPatricia ScottRebecca ScottZoe ScottEarl & Joann SeagraveElsie SebensMarilyn SeggernCharlotte SeidlerElizabeth SekretaGlenna SelfDoris SeneySequim RehabilitationRene SeymourAlyce ShaferErma ShannonFlorence ShapiroSherwood Adult Family Home Martha ShinnersDeborah ShireyMatt & Cynthia ShivelyKhumnoan ShogrenRuth ShookPatricia ShortridgeCharles SickelsIsaac SickelsHelen SimonsHarold SimpsonFloyd & Noreen SingletonFletcher & Betty SkillernJudy SlaterTeresa SlaterRuth SmileyApryl SmithBetty SmithCarol SmithDonald SmithDorothy SmithElsey SmithJames & Cheri SmithLucille SmithMaurice SmithNorma SmithPhilip SmithRuth SmithStanley Smith00Marilyn ScofieldEdgar & Wilma ScolesHarriet ScottLydia ScottMargaret ScottPatricia ScottRebecca ScottZoe ScottEarl & Joann SeagraveElsie SebensMarilyn SeggernCharlotte SeidlerElizabeth SekretaGlenna SelfDoris SeneySequim RehabilitationRene SeymourAlyce ShaferErma ShannonFlorence ShapiroSherwood Adult Family Home Martha ShinnersDeborah ShireyMatt & Cynthia ShivelyKhumnoan ShogrenRuth ShookPatricia ShortridgeCharles SickelsIsaac SickelsHelen SimonsHarold SimpsonFloyd & Noreen SingletonFletcher & Betty SkillernJudy SlaterTeresa SlaterRuth SmileyApryl SmithBetty SmithCarol SmithDonald SmithDorothy SmithElsey SmithJames & Cheri SmithLucille SmithMaurice SmithNorma SmithPhilip SmithRuth SmithStanley Smith182880182880Marcella SnyderNancy SoderblomTaekja SongEdna SoperShirley SoperJessica SpacilMary SpencerGrace SpiceFred SpurrellGertrude StachofskyIsidore StarrViola StatlerJane StavertIola StecherMagdalena SteeleRobert StelmackBarbara StempFrances StensvoldLorna StevensonJoan StewartLola StickneyJames & Dorothy StittWalter StraightNorman StreutkerSusan StrobelGlenn & Marie StrombergKaren StrudwickEric StrutzelLaura StuartCarol StuderMonica StugelmeyerWilliam StulbargPeggy SuehiroSun-Up Bay ResortFerne SuplerEdith SuttonRandall & Lois SwanborgEstelle SwayzeeJeanne SwimmeNancy SynakowskiRosemarie SyrjalaTom TaggartSatora TakakuDebra TakamiLaura TalienteWendy TanowitzLeonard TarrMary TarrDave Tawatao00Marcella SnyderNancy SoderblomTaekja SongEdna SoperShirley SoperJessica SpacilMary SpencerGrace SpiceFred SpurrellGertrude StachofskyIsidore StarrViola StatlerJane StavertIola StecherMagdalena SteeleRobert StelmackBarbara StempFrances StensvoldLorna StevensonJoan StewartLola StickneyJames & Dorothy StittWalter StraightNorman StreutkerSusan StrobelGlenn & Marie StrombergKaren StrudwickEric StrutzelLaura StuartCarol StuderMonica StugelmeyerWilliam StulbargPeggy SuehiroSun-Up Bay ResortFerne SuplerEdith SuttonRandall & Lois SwanborgEstelle SwayzeeJeanne SwimmeNancy SynakowskiRosemarie SyrjalaTom TaggartSatora TakakuDebra TakamiLaura TalienteWendy TanowitzLeonard TarrMary TarrDave Tawataoleft49Raymond TayerHelene TaylorJane TaylorHelen TeepleTelecom PioneersKathleen TerryNorman TeshSherry TeschCharles ThamesRudolph & Freda ThautThe Seattle FoundationJohn & Sylvia ThiesHelen ThomasWalter & Ruth ThomasCarlotta ThompsonDonn & Marian ThompsonDorothy ThompsonLaura ThompsonMarjorie ThompsonNorma ThompsonJohn & Vada ThomsenRichard ThorkildsonDiana ThrasherDon & Joyce TisdelJoyce TisdelDolores ToddHerbert TollefsonRex & Jean TolstrupRoseann TorkelsonEileen TothNancy TottenMae TowerJeanne TowneElaine TownsendRaymond TracerBruce & Jeanette TravisEdward & Peg TreanorBrunhilde TrolsonFrances TrueTheodore TsoneffCharlotte TuckerLou TurnbullMyrrah TurrellaRobert TweitRobert & Mary TyersUnited Way of King CountyJohn & Cynthia UpthegroveLouise UrnessJohn & Betty VandenbergBeverly VanderyachtNancy VanlydegrafKenneth & Mary VanniceRocio VargasMax VasquezLillian VerstrateBetty ViaeneHarold & Shirley Vlist00Raymond TayerHelene TaylorJane TaylorHelen TeepleTelecom PioneersKathleen TerryNorman TeshSherry TeschCharles ThamesRudolph & Freda ThautThe Seattle FoundationJohn & Sylvia ThiesHelen ThomasWalter & Ruth ThomasCarlotta ThompsonDonn & Marian ThompsonDorothy ThompsonLaura ThompsonMarjorie ThompsonNorma ThompsonJohn & Vada ThomsenRichard ThorkildsonDiana ThrasherDon & Joyce TisdelJoyce TisdelDolores ToddHerbert TollefsonRex & Jean TolstrupRoseann TorkelsonEileen TothNancy TottenMae TowerJeanne TowneElaine TownsendRaymond TracerBruce & Jeanette TravisEdward & Peg TreanorBrunhilde TrolsonFrances TrueTheodore TsoneffCharlotte TuckerLou TurnbullMyrrah TurrellaRobert TweitRobert & Mary TyersUnited Way of King CountyJohn & Cynthia UpthegroveLouise UrnessJohn & Betty VandenbergBeverly VanderyachtNancy VanlydegrafKenneth & Mary VanniceRocio VargasMax VasquezLillian VerstrateBetty ViaeneHarold & Shirley Vlist308951244Vernon VonheederNadine VossJohn VromanMichael VromanEvelyn VullietDavid WadeDorothea WagnerLois WaiteHarriet WalkerKaren WallinJane WallisBeverly WalserVerna WalshMelvin & Maxine WarrenNaomi WarrenMary WarstlerWA Council of the BlindShirley WaskoElizabeth WatsonRobert WebberClyde WebberleyJack & Joan WeisenbloomDorothy WelchCarol WelkMaybelle WendlerRonald WentzDaniel WenzlaffRobert WenzlaffRuby WestSonia WestThelma WestWalter WestPreston WheatonPrestona WheatonVivian WheelerAnn WhiteCharles WhiteFrank & Mary WhiteJoyce WhiteLinda WhiteMargaret WhiteCharles & Katherine WhiteEunice WhitingMary WhitingDonna Lee WhittJanis WickardJoseph WicklundDonald & Mary WieckowiczBarbara WiemannShirley WilcoxDavid WilderThelma WilkesNaomi WilkinsMaria WilkinsonNan WilleVirginia WilleCarol Williams00Vernon VonheederNadine VossJohn VromanMichael VromanEvelyn VullietDavid WadeDorothea WagnerLois WaiteHarriet WalkerKaren WallinJane WallisBeverly WalserVerna WalshMelvin & Maxine WarrenNaomi WarrenMary WarstlerWA Council of the BlindShirley WaskoElizabeth WatsonRobert WebberClyde WebberleyJack & Joan WeisenbloomDorothy WelchCarol WelkMaybelle WendlerRonald WentzDaniel WenzlaffRobert WenzlaffRuby WestSonia WestThelma WestWalter WestPreston WheatonPrestona WheatonVivian WheelerAnn WhiteCharles WhiteFrank & Mary WhiteJoyce WhiteLinda WhiteMargaret WhiteCharles & Katherine WhiteEunice WhitingMary WhitingDonna Lee WhittJanis WickardJoseph WicklundDonald & Mary WieckowiczBarbara WiemannShirley WilcoxDavid WilderThelma WilkesNaomi WilkinsMaria WilkinsonNan WilleVirginia WilleCarol Williams182880534035Elizabeth WilliamsHuldah WilliamsJ Vernon WilliamsKathleen WilliamsJoyce WillisDorothy WilsonGerald & Margaret WilsonLeslie WilsonNorma WilsonPamela WilsonWallace WiseBeverly WitteBarbara WohlersMary WoicekRobert & Patricia WojcikStanley & Beth WolfSuzanne Wolf-FerrariJean & Gerald WolfleyDiane WolframGeorge & Ida WoodRose WoodallRaeleen WoodsAlvina WoodworthKaren WoodworthEdna WooldridgeClarice WrightGladys WrightJames & Martha WrightJanet WrightWilliam WyatteKim WymanDerek YadonLetha YakovacRuth YostLouise YoungsTodd YuzurihaFarhat ZiadehJean ZimmermanRobert & Agnes ZimmermanDorothy Zvolanek020000Elizabeth WilliamsHuldah WilliamsJ Vernon WilliamsKathleen WilliamsJoyce WillisDorothy WilsonGerald & Margaret WilsonLeslie WilsonNorma WilsonPamela WilsonWallace WiseBeverly WitteBarbara WohlersMary WoicekRobert & Patricia WojcikStanley & Beth WolfSuzanne Wolf-FerrariJean & Gerald WolfleyDiane WolframGeorge & Ida WoodRose WoodallRaeleen WoodsAlvina WoodworthKaren WoodworthEdna WooldridgeClarice WrightGladys WrightJames & Martha WrightJanet WrightWilliam WyatteKim WymanDerek YadonLetha YakovacRuth YostLouise YoungsTodd YuzurihaFarhat ZiadehJean ZimmermanRobert & Agnes ZimmermanDorothy Zvolanek44102210Bennie AllertLeonard AustinIsabelle BacigalupiAnna May BuddeFaith CallahanDonald CanarJoseph CantwellJean ClarkWesley Burtch DicksonDonald DiessWinifred Dodge-FowellsCharles DorianDexter Edge, Jr.Eleanor FrantzMay GutzwilerE. Rita HandMarit HighlandJon HobbsKay HoldawayPaige KenneyBob KepplerRuby KirkWayne KleinBetty KohlerAgnes LaushJohn McCallumJean MeyersMagdalena MillerJeanette MissWilliam MunroJean MyersKatie & Niel ParkerAnna SchneiderFrances SchwendimanJohn ScofieldRobert ShermanAlice SmokeK.C. StackBarbara StempGertrude WaughVivian WestPansy Zuercher4000020000Bennie AllertLeonard AustinIsabelle BacigalupiAnna May BuddeFaith CallahanDonald CanarJoseph CantwellJean ClarkWesley Burtch DicksonDonald DiessWinifred Dodge-FowellsCharles DorianDexter Edge, Jr.Eleanor FrantzMay GutzwilerE. Rita HandMarit HighlandJon HobbsKay HoldawayPaige KenneyBob KepplerRuby KirkWayne KleinBetty KohlerAgnes LaushJohn McCallumJean MeyersMagdalena MillerJeanette MissWilliam MunroJean MyersKatie & Niel ParkerAnna SchneiderFrances SchwendimanJohn ScofieldRobert ShermanAlice SmokeK.C. StackBarbara StempGertrude WaughVivian WestPansy Zuercher83820313690During fiscal year 2015, WTBBL received many donations in memory of a loved one or friend as a meaningful way of celebrating their life. We are honored by these gifts and will forever remember these dear friends, patrons, family members, donors, partners and colleagues. You are not forgotten:00During fiscal year 2015, WTBBL received many donations in memory of a loved one or friend as a meaningful way of celebrating their life. We are honored by these gifts and will forever remember these dear friends, patrons, family members, donors, partners and colleagues. You are not forgotten:IN MEMORIAMTHAT ALL MAY READWashington Talking Book and Braille Library2021 9th Ave., Seattle, WA 98121-2783206-615-04001-800-542-wtbbl@sos. ................

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