Dear students,

You need to reflect upon your work and learning so far, so this handout is designed for that purpose. Feel free to attach extra pages if you need to do that. Remember that nothing in this assessment can actually influence your marks in the finals. This is just for you and me to gather information on your progress and needs, and on your achievement. You can add whatever else you wish to add, for your own knowledge and/or mine! Just some clarification: this is not to give you or this course a pass mark, but about your learning, so do include your work at home. The work you’ve shared happened in the classroom but everybody has been developing different kinds of activities and working with different materials at home, and this counts, because this course is meant to help you get motivated and learn to learn on your own. Thanks! Enjoy!

1. When you started this course in mid-September 2014, did you have the habit of using your English in different ways, for different purposes (not only work purposes, not only reading and writing but mostly listening), (almost) every day?

2. Have you developed the habit of listening to English (almost) every day (during this course)? (Or maintained it during this course)

3. Are you able to exploit the listening activity in different ways, depending on what you want to work on? (For instance, listen-n-repeat, listen to understand main ideas, to learn useful language, to find specific information…)

4. Are you keeping a listening log or diary?, Are you keeping a learning diary? If not, why? If so, in which ways is it helpful?

5. Are you following the Teacher’s online diary of what happened in class? Is it useful?

6. Materials. Receptive Skills. What have you been working on at home and in class since we started? To learn or practice what did you use these materials for? (audio, audiovisual).

Reading, Reading/Listening, Reading/Speaking

□ The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian, by Sherman Alexie

□ Orange Is the New Black. My Time in a Women’s Prison, by Piper Kerman

□ Poems (specify)

□ Short stories (specify)

□ Notes by your teacher

□ Textbook resources

□ Articles & Instructions

□ Course blog

□ Other (please, specify)


□ Podcasts (please, specify)

□ Teacher’s podcast

□ Textbook audios

□ Programs in English on the radio or TV (please, specify)

□ Audiovisuals: TV series & Movies/Films

□ Audiovisuals: presentations, talks & documentaries

□ Other (please, specify)

7. Activities. Productive Skills. What have you been working on at home and in class since we started? What did you learn in these activities for, mainly? (written, to speak).


□ minisagas (please, say how many)

□ 100-word reasoned opinions (idem)

□ 100-word descriptions (idem)

Exam format training (underline what you did):

□ #1 (Oct): free format, no word limit, topic: expectations for course

□ #2 (Nov): complaint letter, exam word limit for interaction, any situation

□ #3 (Dec): review, exam word limit for expression, any work or place

□ #4 (Jan): (business) proposals / reports, exam word limit for expression, any topic

□ #5 (Feb): (citizens) proposals in letter format, exam word limit for interaction, any topic

□ #6 (March): Magazine Articles - Informative or Argumentative, exam word limit for expression, any topic

project work (please, specify)

□ individual OP

□ teamwork OP

online blogs:

□ Course blog

□ Stories of My Life

□ Herstory

Speaking (please, specify)

□ Individual OPs at home (monologues)

□ Individual OPs in class (incl. Fridays)

□ Teamwork OPs (title, name of group, topic of your part)

□ Listen-n-repeat (with audios, videos)

□ retelling of what you heard

□ summaries of what you heard

□ recording your performance at home

□ listening to your performance to learn about your mistakes and learn to monitor your production so you can fix your mistakes as you speak

□ listening to people’s performance (audio, video, life) to learn about common mistakes, get ideas for language items to use and on structure and presentation, and learn to monitor your own production so as to fix your mistakes when you speak

Language work, List of Mistakes, Textual Structure Work, Communicative Strategies

8. What language items have you worked on, learned about, thought about, used for improving your fluency and accuracy…?

9. What language workshops or files have you worked on and what were they useful for?

10. What can you comment about the other issues?

Exam Training

□ Learning to control my fear (if needed!): (comment, please)

□ Timing yourself as you speak

□ Timing yourself as you write (Before-While-After)

□ Learning how much space your handwriting takes and the number of words you usually fit into lines and pages

□ Improving your proofreading skill

□ Learning to brainstorm for ideas and language

Learning about textual structure:

□ in timed monologues

□ in timed conversations

□ in different writing formats

February exercises I did and my results (include “out of” how many questions):

□ Reading Test 1 (PUC Madrid): Task 1 ____ /____ - Task 2 ____ /____ - Task 3 ____ /____

□ Listening Test 1: Task 1 ____ /____ - Task 2 ____ /____ - Task 3 ____ /____

□ Reading Test 2 (EOI Madrid): Task 1 ____ /____ - Task 2 ____ /____ - Task 3 ____ /____

□ Listening Test 2 (mock PUC – news extracts) Task 1 ____ /____

□ Reading Test 3 (Ciclo Superior): Task 1 ____ /____ - Task 2 ____ /____ - Task 3 ____ /____

□ Listening Test 3: Task 1 ____ /____ - Task 2 ____ /____ - Task 3 ____ /____

□ Reading Test 4 (C1 Andalucía): Task 1 ____ /____ - Task 2 ____ /____

□ Listening Test 4: Task 1 ____ /____ - Task 2 ____ /____

□ Timed Speaking Practice: dialogues (proposals)

□ Questions arising from reading the guide for PUC examinees

11. What’s your assessment on how you have worked at home with your English?

12. Have you worked in teams? If so, in which ways is teamwork interesting or good for you?

13. How did you feel about not having a textbook? Pros and cons of having a textbook.

14. Do you think workshops, projects and interactive lessons are good for language learning? If so, in which ways/why?

15. Has this course helped you? If not, why? If so, in which ways?

16. Has this course helped you to learn how to become an independent and resourceful lifelong learner? If so, in which ways? (What can you do to learn on your own?)

17. Have you learned things about the English-speaking world or cultures and lifestyles?

18. Have you learned or discovered anything about yourself or your own culture and lifestyle?

How can I improve this assessment sheet? Feel free to add whatever could make it more informative or useful, please.

Please, don’t forget to give me a copy of this as soon as you finish with it! (in March) Thanks!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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