What is Procurement and what is their role?

Procurement is the acquisition of goods and services from an external source at the best possible cost to meet the needs of the end user. Procurement Services is responsible for internal controls to assure that Lander University adheres to the SC Consolidated Procurement Code, which determines our level of certification. We help you purchase what you need for your department by creating purchase orders from requisitions.

What is a requisition?

A requisition is the form used to request exactly what your department wants to purchase. Typically, it contains a description and quantity of the goods or services to be purchased, a required delivery date, account number and the amount of money that the purchasing department is authorized to spend for the purchase. It requires your department’s Banner index number, the G/L code number and signature of the department head. This form can be found on the Business Office website and Procurement Services website.

When do I need to use a requisition?

To make any purchase that you are unable to use the purchasing card for or for reimbursements over $50 you must submit a requisition.

Exactly what information should I put on a requisition?

Vendor name

*****Vendor ID or FEIN (if known)

Vendor address

Vendor phone and fax number

Quantity and detailed description of what you want to order

Cost per item

7% South Carolina sales tax

Freight and/or Shipping costs

Department Banner number and account code

Appropriate authorization signature(s)

What is the turn around time from requisition to purchase order?

On a regular order requisition that is correctly completed when received, a purchase order is usually created within 3 working days.

What is a purchase order?

The purchase order is a legal and binding agreement between Lander University and the vendor. Procurement Services is the only office authorized to issue a purchase order on behalf of the University.

Can I get reimbursed if I used my own money to buy something for my department?

Yes. Tape the original (copy not acceptable) receipt to standard letter size copy paper. If the purchase is more than $50.00 attach the receipt page to a completed requisition and submit to Procurement Services. Be sure to include your Lander ID number and CPO or mailing address on the requisition. If the purchase is under $50.00 take the receipt page directly to the Business Office.

Why do I have to tape my receipts to standard letter size paper?

Procurement Services and the Business Office scan all paper work for our files; smaller pieces of paper can not be scanned nor can staples.

What do we do to have our copier replaced or want to order a new model?

All copier requests go to Procurement Services.

What do we need to know before purchasing a new computer?

All computer’s must be approved through ITS.

What does State certification mean?

Any State agency may make direct procurements above $50,000 only if they are certified to do so by the Materials Management Office in accordance with the provisions of the Procurement Code. The Materials Management Office shall conduct a thorough review of the agency's internal procurement procedures for all areas of procurement designated by the code. Subject to the findings of that review, the Materials Management Office may authorize the agency to make direct procurements up to an assigned dollar limit for certain commodities and services. All certified procurements shall be subject to the appropriate provisions of the code and regulations, especially regarding competitive procurement methods, non-restrictive specifications, and audit requirements and findings.

What is Lander’s certification?

As of June 2010 it is $200,000. This means requisitions for any purchase costing more than $200,000 must be sent to State Procurement in Columbia for processing.

Why should I shop first with vendors on state contract?

It is a state requirement. If a vendor is on state contract it means that the state has already done the leg work. They seek vendors willing to give state agencies the lowest prices on goods and services. Items purchased on state contract regardless of the cost are exempt from State Procurement Code Regulations.

What is an unauthorized procurement?

When a purchase is made by any person without the requisite authority to do so by an appointment of delegation under the South Carolina Consolidated Procurement Code is an unauthorized procurement. Any unauthorized purchase must be ratified.

What does “ratification” mean?

Ratification is a written determination concerning the facts and circumstances surrounding the act, the corrective action taken to prevent recurrence, action against the individual responsible for the commitment, and documentation that the price paid is fair and reasonable. If an unauthorized procurement occurs, it will be reviewed initially by the Director of Procurement Services, followed by the VP for Business and Administration and finally, the President of the University. Now as a result of the 2007 regulations change and approval by the State General Assembly any ratification must be reported to the State.

What does the term “split order” mean?

Procurement requirements must not be artificially divided so as to constitute a small purchase. For instance if you need items that will total more than the credit card transaction limit of $2,500; you may not purchase half now and half next week or next month.

If I need to purchase something under $2,500 what do I do?

Purchases costing less that $2,500 should be made with the VISA card. Procurement will not create a purchase order for items costing less than $2,500. Exceptions are made when a vendor does not accept credit cards; a requisition must be submitted.

I need to make a purchase that is $2,501 to $10,000, what do I do?

You must solicit at least 3 written quotes from qualified sources. Quote forms can be found on the procurement website. You will complete a requisition for the vendor that quotes the lowest price; attach all the quotes and submit to Procurement Services. A non- responsive vendor can also count as 1 of the 3 solicitations if you include proof that they declined to quote to show evidence of competition.

What if my purchase will be $10,001 to $50,000?

Complete a requisition with the exception of listing a source and submit to Procurement Services. Procurement Services must solicit written quotes from qualified sources. This procurement must be advertised at least once in the South Carolina Business Opportunities publication.

How can I make a purchase for over $50,001?

Procurement Services must make these purchases by the Sealed Bid process. This process begins with the submission of a requisition from the department to Procurement Services.

How do you know that I received my order and that it is okay to pay the invoice?

When Procurement Services receives the invoice you will be sent an email with a copy of the invoice. You must approve the invoice to be paid by replying to that email in a timely manner.


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