Financial & Audit Report

[Pages:48]Financial & Audit Report

May 31, 2013 & 2012


FINANCIAL OVERVIEW 2012 - 2013 ...................................................................................................... 2 MANAGEMENT STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY .......................................................................... 3 REPORT OF INDEPENDENT CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ................................................. 4 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

Consolidated Statements of Financial Position................................................................................ 7 Consolidated Statements of Activities ............................................................................................. 8 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows ........................................................................................ 10 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.................................................................................. 11 INDEPENDENT CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT'S REPORT ON ADDITIONAL INFORMATION......................................................................................................................................... 36 OTHER FINANCIAL INFORMATION (not subjected to auditing procedures) Tuition and Fees, Room and Board 2004 - 2013 ........................................................................... 38 Student Enrollment 2003 - 2012 .................................................................................................... 39 Student Selectivity 2004 - 2013 ..................................................................................................... 40 Endowment Market Value 2004 - 2013 ......................................................................................... 41 Net Assets and Liabilities 2004 - 2013 .......................................................................................... 42


We are pleased to present to you the continued strong financial results of another productive year at Elon University. The institution's financial strength is indicative of accomplishments in all of its programs. The details of some of these achievements are located on our Annual Report website:


Elon University continues to receive top national rankings - one indication of the institution's strength and vitality. Elon earned a long list of top honors in the 2013 "America's Best Colleges" rankings by U.S. News & World Report, including the #1 "up-and-coming" university in the South and the #1 master'slevel university in the South with "an unusually strong commitment to undergraduate teaching." Elon also earned recognition in the U.S. News "Great Schools, Great Prices" rankings, rating among the top 15 Southern universities based on a combination of academic quality and net costs for students and their families. In addition, Elon is consistently ranked by Kiplinger's and Fiske as one of the nation's best values. For the 11th consecutive year The Princeton Review has included Elon in its list of the "Best 378 Colleges" in the nation. Bloomberg Businessweek named Elon's MBA program the nation's #1 part-time program and gave the undergraduate business program a top-50 national ranking. The President's Community Service Honor Roll recognized the university for the seventh year as a national leader in service-learning and civic engagement. Elon is also a leading producer of Peace Corps volunteers and one of the top universities for producing Fulbright scholars. The university's commitment to sustainability and other environmental initiatives has been recognized by U.S. News & World Report and the Sierra Club, and for the fourth consecutive year, The Princeton Review has named Elon one of the most "environmentally responsible green colleges" in the United States.

Elon University continues to invest in academic programs and facilities. The university continued its commitment to creating a premier residential campus with the opening of The Station at Mill Point neighborhood in August 2012. The 24 townhouse-style homes and commons building provide 324 juniors and seniors with an off-campus experience while remaining part of the university community. Lakeside Dining Hall, which opened in February 2013, provides 38,000 square feet of state-of-the-art dining and meeting space and includes international food options. Hunt Softball Park, which also opened in February 2013, is the newest addition to Elon's athletics facilities. The Numen Lumen Pavilion, the university's multifaith center, opened in March 2013 to nurture interfaith dialogue, reflection, and understanding.

Elon expanded its campus with the purchase of the 20-acre Snyder Campus of Elon Homes and Schools for Children, located adjacent to the university's South Campus. The land and buildings will provide expanded space for academic and student life programs, as well as health and wellness services for students, faculty, and staff.

Consistent with the university's sustainability efforts, the number of LEED-certified buildings on campus has increased to 17, including homes in The Station at Mill Point neighborhood.

Increasing enrollment in Elon's undergraduate and graduate programs provides a solid financial base for the institution. All major financial indicators moved in a favorable direction this past year, which is detailed in the following pages. Some highlights include an increase in assets and net assets (assets minus liabilities) of 20% and 14%, respectively, as well as a 6.7% growth in net tuition revenue (tuition minus financial aid). The university's endowment continued its recent growth and ended the year with a market value of $159 million as of May 31, 2013, the highest in Elon's history.

This strong financial foundation, combined with the significant program achievements noted on the website, places Elon in an excellent position to meet the aspirations of its strategic plan, the Elon Commitment.

Leo M. Lambert President

Gerald Whittington Senior Vice President for Business, Finance and Technology


ELON UNIVERSITY MANAGEMENT STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY The management of Elon University has prepared the accompanying consolidated financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and is responsible for their integrity, objectivity and fair presentation. The management of Elon University maintains a system of internal control designed to provide reasonable assurance, on a cost-effective basis, that assets are safeguarded, transactions are executed in accordance with management's authorization and financial records are reliable for preparing financial statements. This system of control provides reasonable assurance that errors or irregularities that could be material to the consolidated financial statements are prevented or detected within a timely period. Key elements in the system include the communication of policies and procedures, selection and training of qualified personnel, and organizational arrangements that provide an appropriated division of responsibility. Management believes that, as of May 31, 2013 and 2012, Elon University's system of internal control was adequate to accomplish the objectives discussed herein. Elon University's Board of Trustees addresses its oversight responsibility for the consolidated financial statements through its Audit Committee, which is composed of Trustees who are independent of Elon University management. The Audit Committee meets at least three times annually with the University's management and independent auditor to review matters relating to financial reporting, auditing and internal control. To ensure auditor independence, the independent auditor has full and free access to the Audit Committee during the meetings both with management present and in executive session without management present. The independent accounting firm is engaged to audit, in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America, the financial statements of Elon University. The auditor was given unrestricted access to all financial records and related data including minutes of all meetings of the Board of Trustees and its committees. All representations made to the independent auditor by University management during the audit were true and accurate and to the best of their knowledge and belief.

Leo M. Lambert President

Gerald Whittington Senior Vice President for Business, Finance and Technology



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T 704.632.3500 F 704.334.7701

Elon University:

Grant Thornton LLP

201 S College Street, Suite 2500





Charlotte, NC 28244-0100

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obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free from mAuadteitroira'lsmreisssptoantesmibeilnityt. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on

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Abansisaufodritoualrsoaudinitcloupdiensioenv.aluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the

reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management,

the overall presentation of Grant Thornton LLP

U.S. member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd









We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

Grant Thornton LLP


U.S. member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd


In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all mOpaitneiroianl respects, the financial position of the University as of May 31, 2013, and the results of iItns ooupreroaptiionniosna,ntdheitcsoncassohlidfaltoewdsfifnoarnctihael syteaatermtehnetns erenfdeerdredintoacacboordveanpcereswenitth faaicrclyo,uinntinalgl pmraintecriipallersegsepneecrtas,llythaeccfienpatnecdiainl ptohseitUionniteodf tShteatUesnoivfeArsmityeraicsao. f May 31, 2013, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with accounting Tprhinecfiipnlaens cgieanl esrtaaltleymaecncetsptoefd EinlotnheUUnniviteerdsiStytaatessooffaAnmd efroircat.he year ended May 31, 2012 were audited by other auditors. Those auditors expressed an unmodified opinion on those 2012 fTinhaenfciinaal nstcaiatel msteantetsmienntthseoirfrEeploonrt UdantievderSseitpyteams boefra2n1d, 2fo01r 2t.he year ended May 31, 2012 were audited by other auditors. Those auditors expressed an unmodified opinion on those 2012 financial statements in their report dated September 21, 2012.

Charlotte, North Carolina September 20, 2013 Charlotte, North Carolina September 20, 2013

Grant Thornton LLP


U.S. member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd

Grant Thornton LLP





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