1 Directors' responsibility statement 1 Certificate by the company secretary 2 Directors' report 3 Audit and risk committee report 6 Independent auditor's report 10 Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 11 Consolidated statement of financial position 12 Consolidated statement of changes in equity 14 Consolidated statement of cash flows 15 Notes to the consolidated statement of cash flows 16 Segmental analysis 18 Accounting policies 31 Notes to the annual financial statements 66 Company statement of comprehensive income 66 Company statement of financial position 67 Company statement of changes in equity 68 Company statement of cash flows 68 Notes to the company statement of cash flows 69 Interest in subsidiary companies 70 Analysis of shareholders 72 Shareholders' diary 73 Corporate information


for the year ended 31 August 2017

These are the audited annual financial statements of the group and the company for the year ended 31 August 2017. They have been prepared under the supervision of the chief financial officer, M Fleming CA (SA).

Clicks Group Audited Annual Financial Statements 2017


The directors are responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the annual financial statements and group annual financial statements of Clicks Group Limited, comprising the statements of financial position at 31 August 2017, and the statements of comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows for the year then ended, and the notes to the financial statements which include a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes, in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and the requirements of the Companies Act of South Africa and including the audit and risk committee report on page 3. In addition, the directors are responsible for preparing the directors' report.

The directors are also responsible for such internal control as the directors determine is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and for maintaining adequate accounting records and an effective system of risk management.

The directors have made an assessment of the ability of the company and the group to continue as going concerns and have no reason to believe that the businesses will not be going concerns in the year ahead. The financial statements have accordingly been prepared on this basis.

The auditor is responsible for reporting on whether the financial statements are fairly presented in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework.


The consolidated and separate annual financial statements of Clicks Group Limited, as identified in the first paragraph, were approved by the board of directors on 10 November 2017 and signed by:

DM Nurek Independent non-executive chairman

Cape Town 10 November 2017

DA Kneale Chief executive officer


I certify that Clicks Group Limited has filed all Clicks Group returns and notices as required by a public company in terms of section 88(2)e of the Companies Act No. 71 of 2008, as amended, and that such returns and notices are, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, correct and up to date.

M Welz Company secretary

Cape Town 10 November 2017




The company is an investment holding company listed in the Food and Drug Retailers sector of the JSE Limited. Its subsidiaries include the country's leading provider of health and beauty merchandise through a network of 795 stores in southern Africa. The company's subsidiaries cover the pharmaceutical supply chain from wholesale and distribution to retail pharmacy, as well as beauty and cosmetic products. The company operates primarily in southern Africa.


The results of operations for the year are set out in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income on page 10. The profit attributable to ordinary shareholders for the year is R1 278 million (2016: R1 094 million).


During the year under review the company had the following movements in share capital:

9 612 240 shares held by subsidiaries of the company as treasury shares at 31 August 2016

(168 795) shares cancelled on 1 February 2017 9 443 445 shares held by subsidiaries of the company

as treasury shares at 31 August 2017


The directors approved an interim ordinary dividend of 88 cents per ordinary share (2016: 76 cents per ordinary share) from distributable reserves. The dividend was paid on 3 July 2017 to shareholders registered on 30 June 2017.

Final The directors have approved a final ordinary dividend of 234 cents per ordinary share (2016: 196 cents per ordinary share) and a dividend of 32.2 cents per "A" share (2016: 27.2 cents) for participants in the employee share ownership programme. The source of such dividends will be from distributable reserves. The dividend will be payable on 29 January 2018 to shareholders registered on 26 January 2018.


Other than the declaration of the final dividend, no significant events took place between the end of the financial year and the date of this report.


Dr Nkaki Matlala retired as a director with effect from 26 January 2017.

The names of the directors in office at the date of this report are:

Independent non-executive directors David Nurek (chairman) Fatima Abrahams

John Bester Fatima Jakoet Nonkululeko Gobodo (appointed 1 March 2017) Martin Rosen

Executive directors David Kneale (chief executive officer) Michael Fleming (chief financial officer) Bertina Engelbrecht

The company secretary's details are set out on the inside back cover.


In accordance with the company's memorandum of incorporation Fatima Abrahams, John Bester, Bertina Engelbrecht and Michael Fleming retire by rotation at the forthcoming annual general meeting. All of these directors, being eligible, offer themselves for re-election at the 2018 AGM. Nonkululeko Gobodo, having been appointed by the board in the course of the year, is also standing for election at the 2018 AGM.


In terms of the cash-settled long-term employee incentive scheme which requires all participants at the end of the three-year incentive performance period to purchase shares on the open market to the equivalent of 25% of the after-tax cash settlement value, the executive directors of the company made the following purchases on 1 December 2016 at an average price of R120.00 per share: David Kneale purchased 16 080 shares, Michael Fleming purchased 6 028 shares and Bertina Engelbrecht purchased 3 970 shares. On 2 December 2016 at an average price of R119.99 per share: David Kneale purchased 9 488 shares, Michael Fleming purchased 3 556 shares and Bertina Engelbrecht purchased 2 343 shares. Directors' shareholdings are set out on page 71.


Information relating to the incentive schemes is set out on pages 47 to 49.


Special resolutions passed at the annual general meeting held on 26 January 2017:

Special Resolution No. 1: General authority to repurchase shares

Special Resolution No. 2: Approval of directors' fees

Special Resolution No. 3: General approval to provide financial assistance

Special Resolution No. 4: Specific authority to repurchase shares from New Clicks Holdings Share Trust


The names of the company's main subsidiaries and financial information relating thereto appear on page 69.


Clicks Group Audited Annual Financial Statements 2017



The Clicks Group audit and risk committee is a formal statutory committee in terms of the Companies Act and sub-committee of the board. The committee functions within documented terms of reference and complies with relevant legislation, regulation and governance codes. This report of the audit and risk committee is presented to shareholders in compliance with the requirements of the Companies Act and the revised King Code of Governance Principles ("King IV").

Internal audit ?Oversee the functioning of the internal audit

department and approve the appointment and performance assessment of the group head of internal audit;

?Approve the annual internal audit plan; and

?Ensure the internal audit function is subject to independent quality review as appropriate.


The audit and risk committee ("the committee") has an independent role with accountability to both the board and to shareholders. The committee's responsibilities include the statutory duties prescribed by the Companies Act, activities recommended by King lV as well as additional responsibilities assigned by the board.

The responsibilities of the committee are as follows:

Integrated reporting ?Review the annual financial statements, interim

report, preliminary results announcement and summarised integrated information and ensure compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards;

?Consider the frequency of interim reports and whether interim results should be assured;

?Review and approve the appropriateness of accounting policies, disclosure policies and the effectiveness of internal financial controls;

?Perform an oversight role on the group's integrated reporting and consider factors and risks that could impact on the integrity of the integrated report;

?Review sustainability disclosure in the integrated report and ensure it does not conflict with financial information;

?Consider external assurance of material sustainability issues; and

?Recommend the integrated report for approval by the board.

Combined assurance ?Ensure the combined assurance model addresses

all significant risks facing the group; and

?Monitor the relationship between external and internal assurance providers and the group.

Finance function ?Consider the expertise and experience of the chief

financial officer; and

?Consider the expertise, experience and resources of the group's finance function.

Risk management ?Ensure the group has an effective policy and plan for

risk management;

?Oversee the development and annual review of the risk management policy and plan;

?Monitor implementation of the risk management policy and plan;

?Make recommendations to the board on levels of risk tolerance and risk appetite;

?Ensure risk management is integrated into business operations;

?Ensure risk management assessments are conducted on a continuous basis;

?Ensure frameworks and methodologies are implemented to increase the possibility of anticipating unpredictable risks;

?Ensure that management considers and implements appropriate risk responses;

?Express the committee's opinion in the effectiveness of the system and process of risk management; and

?Ensure risk management reporting in the integrated report is comprehensive and relevant.

External audit ?Nominate the external auditor for appointment by


?Approve the terms of engagement and remuneration of the auditor;

?Ensure the appointment of the auditor complies with relevant legislation;

?Monitor and report on the independence of the external auditor;

?Define a policy for non-audit services which the auditor may provide and approve non-audit service contracts;

?Review the quality and effectiveness of the external audit process; and

?Ensure a process is in place for the committee to be informed of any reportable irregularities identified by the external auditor.




The committee comprised three independent nonexecutive directors during the period. These directors include suitably skilled directors having recent and relevant financial experience. The committee is elected by shareholders at the annual general meeting.

The following directors served on the committee during the period under review:

Independent nonexecutive director John Bester (Chairman)

Fatima Jakoet

David Nurek (resigned March 2017) Nkaki Matlala (retired January 2017)


B Com (Hons), CA (SA), CMS (Oxon)

B Sc, CTA, CA (SA), Higher certificate in financial markets

Dip Law, Grad Dip Company Law

B Sc, M Sc, M D, M Med (Surgery), FCS

Nonkululeko Gobodo B Compt (Hons), CA (SA) (appointed March 2017)

Biographical details of the committee members appear on pages 46 and 47 of the Integrated Report, with supplementary information contained in annexure 2 to the notice of annual general meeting on page 8.

Fees paid to the committee members for 2017 and the proposed fees for 2018 are disclosed in the rewarding value creation report on pages 66 and 67 of the Integrated Report.

Nkaki Matlala retired as a non-executive director of the Clicks Group on 26 January 2017. Independent non-executive director David Nurek made himself available for election to the committee from this date until 1 March 2017, when Nonkululeko Gobodo was appointed by the board to the committee.

The executive directors, group head of internal audit and senior management attend meetings at the invitation of the committee, together with the external auditor.

The committee also meets separately with the external and internal auditors, without members of executive management being present.

The effectiveness of the committee is assessed as part of the annual board and committee self-evaluation process.


The internal audit function provides information to assist in the establishment and maintenance of an effective system of internal control to manage the risks associated with the business. The role of internal audit is contained in the internal audit charter. The charter is reviewed annually and is aligned with the recommendations of King lV.

Internal audit facilitates the combined assurance process and is responsible for the following:

?evaluating governance processes, including ethics;

?assessing the effectiveness of the risk methodology and internal financial controls; and

?evaluating business processes and associated controls in accordance with the annual audit plan and combined assurance model.

The internal audit function is established by the board and its responsibilities are determined by the committee. Administratively the group head of internal audit reports to the chief financial officer who, in turn, reports to the chief executive officer. The group head of internal audit has direct and unrestricted access to the chairman of the committee. The group head of internal audit is appointed and removed by the committee, which also determines and recommends remuneration for the position. The chairman of the committee meets with the group head of internal audit on a quarterly basis.


Systems of internal control are designed to manage, rather than eliminate, the risk of failure to achieve business objectives and to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance against misstatement or loss.

While the board is responsible for the internal control systems and for reviewing their effectiveness, responsibility for their actual implementation and maintenance rests with executive management. The systems of internal control are based on established organisational structures, together with written policies and procedures, and provide for suitably qualified employees, segregation of duties, clearly defined lines of authority and accountability. They also include cost and budgeting controls, and comprehensive management reporting.


The committee has considered the results of the formal documented review of the company's system of internal financial controls and risk management, including the design, implementation and effectiveness of the internal financial controls, conducted by the internal audit function during the 2017 year. The committee has also assessed information and explanations given by management and discussions with the external auditor on the results of the audit. Through this process no material matter has come to the attention of the audit and risk committee or the board that has caused the directors to believe that the company's system of internal controls and risk management is not effective and that the internal financial controls do not form a sound basis for the preparation of reliable financial statements.


Clicks Group Audited Annual Financial Statements 2017



The committee appraised the independence, expertise and objectivity of EY as the external auditor, as well as approving the terms of engagement and the fees paid to EY.

The external auditor has unrestricted access to the group's records and management. The auditor furnishes a written report to the committee on significant findings arising from the annual audit and is able to raise matters of concern directly with the chairman of the committee.

The audit partner in charge of the audit is rotated off the audit after 5 years. In terms of this policy, the current audit partner will be rotating next year and a new audit partner appointed in his stead. The group has received confirmation from the external auditor that the partners and staff responsible for the audit comply with all legal and professional requirements with regard to rotation and independence. The committee is satisfied that the external auditor is independent of the company and complies with the JSE Listings Requirements.


Non-audit services provided by the external auditor should not exceed 25% of the total auditors' remuneration. These services should exclude any work which may be subject to external audit and which could compromise the auditor's independence. All non-audit services undertaken during the year were approved in accordance with this policy.

During the year EY received fees of R495 069 (2016: R1 370 534) for non-audit services, equating to 12.2% (2016: 29.0%) of the total audit remuneration. These services related mainly to agreed upon procedures for third party confirmation and assurance on specified controls related to distribution services provided by UPD to third parties.

EY satisfied the committee that appropriate safeguards have been adopted to maintain the independence of the external auditor when providing non-audit services.


The committee met four times during the financial year and attendance at the meetings is detailed in creating value through good governance in the Integrated Annual Report on page 50. Members of the committee, the external auditor and the group head of internal audit may request a non-scheduled meeting if they consider this necessary. The chairman of the committee will determine if such a meeting should be convened.

Minutes of the meetings of the committee, except those recording private meetings with the external and internal auditors, are circulated to all directors and supplemented by an update from the committee chairman at each board meeting. Matters requiring action or improvement are identified and appropriate recommendations made to the board.

The chairman of the committee attends all statutory shareholder meetings to answer any questions on the committee's activities.

The committee performed the following activities relating to the audit function during the year under review, with certain of these duties being required in terms of the Companies Act:

?recommended to the board and shareholders the appointment of the external auditors, approved their terms of engagement and remuneration, and monitored their independence, objectivity and effectiveness;

?determined the nature and extent of any non-audit services which the external auditor may provide to the group and preapproved any proposed contracts with the external auditors;

?reviewed the group's internal financial control and financial risk management systems;

?monitored and reviewed the effectiveness of the group's internal audit functions;

?reviewed and recommended to the board for approval the integrated annual report and annual financial statements; and

?evaluated the effectiveness of the committee.

Refer to the corporate governance report on the website for an overview of the risk management process and function.


The committee is satisfied that the expertise and experience of the chief financial officer is appropriate to meet the responsibilities of the position. This is based on the qualifications, levels of experience, continuing professional education and the board's assessment of the financial knowledge of the chief financial officer.

The committee is also satisfied as to the appropriateness, expertise and adequacy of resources of the finance function and the experience of senior members of management responsible for the finance function.


The committee confirms that it has functioned in accordance with its terms of reference for the 2017 financial year and that its report to shareholders has been approved by the board.

John Bester Chairman: Audit and risk committee

10 November 2017



to the shareholders of Clicks Group Limited


Opinion We have audited the consolidated and separate financial statements of Clicks Group Limited and its subsidiaries (the group) set out on pages 10 to 69, which comprise the consolidated and separate statements of financial position as at 31 August 2017, and the consolidated and separate statements of comprehensive income, the consolidated and separate statements of changes in equity and the consolidated and separate statements of cash flows for the year then ended, and notes to the consolidated and separate financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies.

In our opinion, the consolidated and separate financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated and separate financial position of Clicks Group Limited as at 31 August 2017, and its consolidated and separate financial performance and consolidated and separate cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and the requirements of the Companies Act of South Africa.

Basis for opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISAs). Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements section of our report. We are independent of Clicks Group Limited in accordance with the Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors Code of Professional Conduct for

Registered Auditors (IRBA Code), the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (IESBA Code) and other independence requirements applicable to performing audits of Clicks Group Limited. We have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the IRBA Code, IESBA Code, and in accordance with other ethical requirements applicable to performing the audit of Clicks Group Limited. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

Key audit matters Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgement, were of most significance in our audit of the consolidated and separate financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the consolidated and separate financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters. For each matter below, our description of how our audit addressed the matter is provided in that context.

We have fulfilled the responsibilities described in the Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements section of our report, including in relation to these matters. Accordingly, our audit included the performance of procedures designed to respond to our assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements. The results of our audit procedures, including the procedures performed to address the matters below, provide the basis for our audit opinion on the accompanying financial statements.

Key audit matter Provisions against inventories Inventories are disclosed in note 17 ? Inventories.

How the matter was addressed in the audit Our procedures included, amongst others:

Management identifies slow moving, obsolete and damaged inventories on a regular basis and these are recorded at the lower of cost or estimated net realisable value.

Inventory provisions require management to make significant accounting estimates and judgements. These include identification of damaged, slow moving and obsolete inventory and assessing the level of provisions required including based on comparing the inventory holding to the projected likely future sales less estimated selling costs using factors existing at the reporting date.

Given this, and the quantum of the inventories balance we have considered the provisions against inventories to be a key audit matter.

?Assessing the reasonableness of the methodologies applied by management for consistency with prior years and our knowledge of industry practice.

?Evaluating the assumptions and estimates applied to the methodologies for slow moving, obsolete and damaged inventories by: ?testing the identification of such inventory for each business; ?testing the accuracy of historical information and data trends; ?assessing changing trends applied against the current inventory balances; and ?performing analytical procedures on obsolescence levels and write down rates.

?Testing the estimated future sales values, less estimated costs to sell against the carrying value of the inventories.

?Recalculating the arithmetical accuracy of the computations.



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