Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices and ...

60960-25908000Open Hands, Open Access Deaf-Blind Intervener Learning Modules Module: Accessing the Curriculum and the EnvironmentAugmentative and Alternative Communication Devices and MaterialsInstructions Name: Date: Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices and materials evolve rapidly. Think about how often you are encouraged to get the most current phone or computer. The same is true for AAC. It is important for teams to stay informed and up to date about new devices and materials.For this assignment, you have the choice of researching:an AAC device ora communication app for an iPad or other tablet If you choose to research a device, select a device seen in the module or search online to read about devices that are available. Some companies that carry AAC devices/materials are:AblenetDon JohnstonEnabling DevicesHumanwareMayer-JohnsonAnother resource is Chapter 3, “Assistive Technology for Communication,” from the WATI Assessing Students’ Needs for Assistive Technology (ASNAT) Manual. Start on page 30 and scroll through the text for examples of devices/software. Pages 56-62 have a list of products and vendors and links to resources. There are a variety of communication apps available for iPads and other tablets. One example is Proloquo2go. More examples can be found at Friendship Circle. Feel free to research devices from other sources, too. Once you have selected a device/material/app to research, complete the assignment below. AssignmentName of device/app:URL of manufacturer’s site:Source or sources (e.g., document title or URL) where you found information: Type of device/app (no tech, low tech, mid tech, high tech): How does a person use the device/app?From your research, what might this device/app provide for a student who is deaf-blind in terms of access?In your opinion, would this device/app be appropriate for Christian, the student you saw in the previous slide presentation? Why or why not? Can you give evidence from the module to justify your opinion? ................

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