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All Saints' Anglican Church

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Sunday August 13th, 2017

Upcoming Services

Wednesday August 16th ? 10:00am ? Holy Communion

11:00am ? Bible Study Sunday August 20th ? 8:30am ? Holy Eucharist

10:30am ? Holy Eucharist

Cycle of Prayer

In our Parish we pray for Gwen, Stephen Tkatch; Victoria, Anastacia, Joseph, Christopher Tkatch; Shelby Torgis, Skylar, Squires

In our Diocesan we pray for Flemingdon Park Ministry In our Anglican Church we pray for Remo - (Lagos, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Michael Fape

`Please take this list home & pray for these people during the week' Jack Bonwick, John Hill, Ayako & Kosei Yoden, Birdie Anderson, Kathleen, Gord M, Kim Parody, Shirley Normore, Erin, Jill, Sam N, Jennifer Spencer, Judy, Neil Crowe, Samuel N, Robert Anderson, Janie Parody, Lori G, Helmut Moses, Marg Powell, Mary Lou Henderson, David Wilby, Sherri Pryce, Les Foster, Hilary Astley, Lyndsey Mcfarland, David Monkton, Gwen Parody 'We are often told by the people on the list that our prayers bring them a wonderful sense of

peace, love and support.' Please help us to keep this list up to date by notifying the office of changes. Thank you

Psalm 85:8-13 Let me hear what God the Lord will speak, for he will speak peace to his people, to his faithful, to those who turn to him in their hearts. Surely his salvation is at hand for those who fear him, that his glory may dwell in our land. Steadfast love and faithfulness will meet; righteousness and peace will kiss each other. Faithfulness will spring up from the ground, and righteousness will look down from the sky. The Lord will give what is good, and our land will yield its increase. Righteousness will go before him, and will make a path for his steps.

Flowers This week the flowers on the Chancel Steps are given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of George Girdle by Sandra and the family.

ACW Summer Potluck Monday, August 21st, 5pm. Bring a dish to pass. We are planning on having a representative from First Nations to speak with our group on Ministry to the Indigenous Peoples of the North. Please join us for food, fellowship and a great time. Sign up sheet in the parish Hall.

Save the Date All Saints' Anglican

ACW Presents 1st Annual Luncheon and Purse Auction October 21st, 2017 at 11:30am to 1:30pm

Luncheon Menu Wrap, Salad, Fruit, Dessert, Coffee or Tea

Luncheon Cost TBA More details to follow Come join us for great fellowship, food and fun Proceeds will go toward the All Saints' Anglican Church roof repair For more information contact Elaine Cunningham, Meryl White or Pam Hawkins


August Side Launch Day ? Today Sun

Aug 13th ? 10am Co3 ? Thurs August 17th, 24th, 31st

? 10am ACW Luncheon ? Mon Aug 21st

? 5pm

Fall Newsletter The cut off for the Fall Newsletter is Wednesday August 16 10am. We are asking that you keep your article 1/4 of a page in length.

Bulletin/Announcements All Information and items for the Aug 27 & Sept 3 bulletin/announcements must be submitted to the office by Wed Aug 23 10am.

Spiritual Book Clubs

At All Saints', we have two spiritual book clubs which meet on a regular basis to discuss and reflect on book selections intended to grow and develop our faith. Our upcoming selection for the Fall is the best seller Being Mortal by Atul Gawande. Our meetings are open to all, whether members of our church or not. We meet on the first and third weeks of each month, on Wednesdays from 1 -3 pm and on Thursdays from 7-9 pm, in the church library. We will begin our Fall sessions on the 20th and 21st of September. We welcome new members and invite you to join us by contacting

Ann Chisholm at 705-812-3063 or ann.chisholm@

GREEN TEAM GARDEN UPDATE The moist and cool weather so far this summer has provided an excellent crop of lettuce, spinach, kale and radicchio which have already allowed the Green Team to supply multiple salads for Friendship Dinners and Co3 lunches. Green beans and Swiss Chard are ready for distribution now and tomatoes are coming along well and will also be ready for salads and distribution at Friendship Dinners and Co3 shortly. Green Team will also be distributing rebate coupons for the purchase of LED lighting at the August 20th service coffee hours.

THANK YOU Ms. Susan Connolly for playing a violin at 10:30am service today. Originally from England, Susan holds a B.A. Hons (Music) degree from Bath University in England and an ARCT in clarinet from the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto. She has played violin and viola with the Georgian Bay Symphony Orchestra and clarinet with the Huronia Symphony Orchestra. She also plays Bass with the Georgian Sound Big Band and the Regal Jazz Band. She enjoys sharing the Joy of Many genres of music through teaching students of all ages and by participating in Community Concerts. Thank you Susan for sharing your gift of music with us today.

Forward Day by Day booklets (Aug through Oct) and extra copies are at the front of the Church on the cupboard by the font. We hope that you enjoy these readings and that they are helpful in your daily lives.

Contact person Ann Bye 705-445-4924


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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