June – August 2009

Catholic Pro-Life Committee of North Texas

Respect Life Ministry of the Diocese of Dallas

Note: Pro-life activities / talks sponsored by other area organizations are included.

JUNE 2009

5 First Friday All-Night Adoration in prayer for the advancement of the culture of life will be held at the Discalced Carmelite Monastery, 600 Flowers Ave., Dallas 75211, located off of Jefferson Blvd. Security will be there throughout the night. Come as early as 5:00 p.m. Latin Masses at 8:00 p.m. Friday and 3:00 a.m. Saturday. Adoration ends just before the 7:00 a.m. Saturday Mass. These prayer vigils will be held every First Friday. The Cloistered Carmelites will also be praying all night. You may leave your personal prayer requests with them. There will be food and drink available in the evening. Request flyers & directions at carmelitevigil@ or contact Vicki Middleton, 214-542-4823.

6 Protest the Pill Day '09: The Pill Kills Women: Pro-lifers across the country will be participating in the largest protest against the birth control pill and other birth control products. Last year, participants across the U.S. educated the public on how the pill kills babies. This year, we will focus on how this same deadly poison can also kill women. There have been many studies done on the effects of oral contraceptives that show how women have died from taking them, not to mention the great amount of lawsuits that birth control companies have had to face due to the dangerous and deadly effects women have expreienced because of it. Please visit for “2009 Talking Points,” real life examples and much more.

7 Women’s Mini-Retreat led by Johnnette Benkovic: 1:00 - 7:30 p.m., at All Saints Catholic Church, Dallas. Johnnette is the host of “Women of Grace” heard on 910 AM Catholic Radio and “The Abundant Life” seen on EWTN. Registration cost is $30. Sign up forms are available online at , or by calling the All Saints Parish RE Department, 972-778-0313.

9 2nd Tuesday Night Rosary at Planned Parenthood abortion center, sponsored by TOPP (Texans Opposed to Planned Parenthood): 6:30 p.m., in front of Jason’s Deli, 7412 Greenville Ave., just south of Walnut Hill Ln., Dallas. After the rosary, we will go into Jason’s Deli for food, Christian fellowship and pro-life discussion. Park in the Jason’s Deli parking lot. This is a monthly event. Contact Daniel Vinzant, 214-566-2298.

13 CPLC Volunteer Appreciation Picnic & Swim Party: 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., at the home of Bill & Carol Orender. All CPLC volunteers, staff, and their families are invited to enjoy this day of fun and fellowship. Baby Bank prize winners will be announced! Please RSVP to Marisa at the CPLC office, 972-267-LIFE (5433) x301, or cplc@.

20 GEMS: Parenting I: 11:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., followed by a counseling session from 2:00 - 2:45, at St. Rita Catholic Church, 12521 Inwood Rd., Dallas, in Sweeney Lounge. GEMS (Gabriel Education Ministry & Support) classes are for Gabriel Angels, Gabriel moms, GEMS moms, and friends of Project Gabriel. This two-part series will help with effective parenting skills. Classes will address age-appropriate communication and discipline skills. Facilitator is Jeannette Goodman, B.A., M.E.C.Ed. We are also pleased to have guest speaker Therese Henry, R.N. and La Leche League counselor, who will discuss breastfeeding. Lunch is provided. Please arrange off-site childcare (infants are welcome). For more information or to register, contact Alison Morales, 214-986-1411, or amorales@, by June 15.

26-28 Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat™ in Spanish: Rachel’s Vineyard™ is an extraordinary opportunity for any person who struggles with the emotional and spiritual pain of abortion. The weekend is a unique and effective process designed specifically to help you experience the mercy and compassion of God. This process is extremely helpful for those who struggle with forgiving themselves or others. The weekend will help your soul find a voice, and transform the pain of the past into hope! For more information and to register, call the Abortion AfterCare-Healing helpline, 214-544-CARE (2273) in English, or 972-679-4760 in Spanish, or visit the web site at . All inquiries are kept strictly confidential.

27 GEMS: Parenting II: 11:30 a.m. -2:00 p.m., followed by a counseling session from 2:00 - 2:45, at St. Rita Catholic Church, 12521 Inwood Rd., Dallas, in Sweeney Lounge. GEMS (Gabriel Education Ministry & Support) classes are for Gabriel Angels, Gabriel moms, GEMS moms, and friends of Project Gabriel. This two-part series will help with effective parenting skills. Classes will address age-appropriate communication and discipline skills. Facilitator is Jeannette Goodman, B.A., M.E.C.Ed. We are also pleased to have guest speaker Therese Henry, R.N. and La Leche League counselor, who will discuss breastfeeding. Lunch is provided. Please arrange off-site childcare (infants are welcome). For more information or to register, contact Alison Morales, 214-986-1411, or amorales@, by June 22.

30 Deadline for Early Registration for 7th Annual Youth For Life Retreat and Boot Camp. See entry for July 24-29.

JULY 2009

3 First Friday All-Night Adoration in prayer for the advancement of the culture of life will be held at the Discalced Carmelite Monastery, 600 Flowers Ave., Dallas 75211, located off of Jefferson Blvd. Security will be there throughout the night. Come as early as 5:00 p.m. Latin Masses at 8:00 p.m. Friday and 3:00 a.m. Saturday. Adoration ends just before the 7:00 a.m. Saturday Mass. These prayer vigils will be held every First Friday. The Cloistered Carmelites will also be praying all night. You may leave your personal prayer requests with them. There will be food and drink available in the evening. Request flyers & directions at carmelitevigil@ or contact Vicki Middleton, 214-542-4823.

3-5 Crossroads: America’s Pro-Life Pilgrimage will be walking through Dallas. Crossroads is a national organization of mostly college-age students who walk across the country to proclaim the pro-life message. While they are in town they will need host homes and parish and youth events in which to participate. If you would like to host a college student or invite Crossroads to your parish, contact Youth For Life Director Jacquelyn Smith, 972-416-9591, or jsmith@. For more information on Crossroads, visit .

11 Quarterly Mass, Adoration & Rosary Procession for an End to Abortion in Dallas: 8:00 a.m. Mass at St. Monica Catholic Church, 9933 Midway Rd., Dallas, with special prayers for the unborn and an end to abortion. Mass will be followed by Eucharistic Adoration and a Rosary Procession by bus to Robinson’s abortion center, 1929 Record Crossing, Dallas 75235. We will return to St. Monica Church for Benediction. Following Benediction is a baby shower for Gabriel mothers in Room 109 of the Family Center. Light refreshments will be served. Please join us and bring a new or gently used item for the new babies. Extra gifts will be given by the Convert-to-Life Ministry to mothers who have chosen life! For more information on the baby shower, contact Antoinette Wilson, 972-217-0616, or awilson@. For information on the Mass, contact Jacqulyn Dudasko, 214-728-2902, or jdudasko@.


14 2nd Tuesday Night Rosary at Planned Parenthood abortion center, sponsored by TOPP (Texans Opposed to Planned Parenthood): 6:30 p.m., in front of Jason’s Deli, 7412 Greenville Ave., just south of Walnut Hill Ln., Dallas. After the rosary, we will go into Jason’s Deli for food, Christian fellowship and pro-life discussion. Park in the Jason’s Deli parking lot. This is a monthly event. Contact Daniel Vinzant, 214-566-2298.

18 Catholic Action Team (CAT) Training: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., at St. Joseph Catholic Church, 600 S. Jupiter Rd., Richardson, in the Cafeteria. Join the Catholic Action Team! Politics does not end with elections. Following our efforts in the Texas Legislature, now the work of passing pro-life bills in the 111th Congress begins. This training will provide an overview of Congress and how it works, as well as talks on prayer and some of the issues that are currently in play at the national level including FOCA, attacks on the rights of health care workers and other issues. The Catholic Pro-Life Committee is building a Catholic Action Team of Citizen Volunteers to become more involved in the work of public policy advocacy. Training and resources are provided for free. Contact Andrew Smith, 972-267-LIFE (5433), or asmith@, or go to CAT to register online.

23 Youth For Life Retreat and Boot Camp Staff Training: This is a required training session for all junior staff and adult chaperones, and will be held at the University of Dallas the evening before the start of the retreat. Contact Jacquelyn Smith, 972-416-9591, or jsmith@.

24-29   7th Annual Youth For Life Boot Camp: Youth For Life will hold the 7th Annual Boot Camp for high school youth age 14-17 from July 24-29 at the University of Dallas. Co-sponsored by the Dallas Catholic Pro-Life Committee’s YFL and the Fort Worth Catholics Respect Life’s YFL. Youth may attend for just the weekend or stay for the whole six-day event. Activities include praise and worship, youth-created pro-life skits, prayer time in front of abortion centers in both Dallas and Fort Worth, community service projects, and presentations from keynote speakers Fr. Frank Pavone, Jill Stanek and others on the topics of “Debunking the Myths: Overpopulation, Media Bias, Adoption, and Live-Birth Abortions.”

Come for the weekend, July 24-26, or come for the whole Boot Camp, July 24-29. The weekend costs $120; the whole Boot Camp costs $210. After June 30th prices will go up and space may be limited. Home schoolers welcome! Adult chaperones age 21 and up and Jr. Staff age 18-20 are needed, too! Chaperone and Jr. Staff online applications are due by June 1st. Contact Jacquelyn Smith, 972-416-9591, or jsmith@. Or, contact the CPLC office, 972-267-LIFE (5433), or cplc@. Register online at . 

24-26 Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat™ in Spanish: Rachel’s Vineyard™ is an extraordinary opportunity for any person who struggles with the emotional and spiritual pain of abortion. The weekend is a unique and effective process designed specifically to help you experience the mercy and compassion of God. This process is extremely helpful for those who struggle with forgiving themselves or others. The weekend will help your soul find a voice, and transform the pain of the past into hope! For more information and to register, call the Abortion AfterCare-Healing helpline, 214-544-CARE (2273) in English, or 972-679-4760 in Spanish, or visit the web site at . All inquiries are kept strictly confidential.


7 First Friday All-Night Adoration in prayer for the advancement of the culture of life will be held at the Discalced Carmelite Monastery, 600 Flowers Ave., Dallas 75211, located off of Jefferson Blvd. Security will be there throughout the night. Come as early as 5:00 p.m. Latin Masses at 8:00 p.m. Friday and 3:00 a.m. Saturday. Adoration ends just before the 7:00 a.m. Saturday Mass. These prayer vigils will be held every First Friday. The Cloistered Carmelites will also be praying all night. You may leave your personal prayer requests with them. There will be food and drink available in the evening. Request flyers & directions at carmelitevigil@ or contact Vicki Middleton, 214-542-4823.

8 Quarterly Parish Pro-Life Coordinators Meeting: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Location to be announced. If you cannot attend this meeting, please send a representative. Contact Jim Walker, 972-270-3019, or parcoor@.

11 2nd Tuesday Night Rosary at Planned Parenthood abortion center, sponsored by TOPP (Texans Opposed to Planned Parenthood): 6:30 p.m., in front of Jason’s Deli, 7412 Greenville Ave., just south of Walnut Hill Ln., Dallas. After the rosary, we will go into Jason’s Deli for food, Christian fellowship and pro-life discussion. Park in the Jason’s Deli parking lot. This is a monthly event. Contact Daniel Vinzant, 214-566-2298.


January 16, 2010: Roe Memorial Rosary, Mass and Dallas Rally & March for Life with Bishops Kevin Farrell and Kevin Vann

April 10, 2010: The Bishop’s 17th Annual Catholic Pro-Life Dinner, Hilton Anatole Dallas


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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