Clinton Public School District

August 11 – 15: Week One – Poetry, AP Exam, College Prep, Vocabulary, APFOMAugust 18 – 22: Week Two – Poetry, AP Exam, College Prep, Vocabulary, APFOMMonday 4A / Tuesday 4B – Introduction and orientation to AP examAnalysis of AP Language and Literature scores from 2010 – 2014A glance at the 2013 AP exam Essay #1 – Poetry, “The Black Walnut Tree” by Mary OliverEssay #2 – Prose, passage from The Rainbow by D. H. LawrenceEssay #3 – Open-ended, Bildungsroman questionPractice AP Multiple Choice from 1991 – “Lady With the Falcon” Top Ten Works that have appeared on the AP examA focus on the open-ended questionAnalysis of Top Ten Literary Terms and assignment – due Aug. 19 or Aug. 20A look at college application processes – College essays – Hugh Gallagher College Essay Assignment – due Sept. 2Recommendation letters (form to fill out)Wednesday 4A / Thursday 4B – Discussion of poetry and its presence on the AP Exam“Musee de Beaux Arts” by W.H. Auden Listen to sound recording of Auden reading the poemExamination of Breughel’s Icarus – Analysis of elements in the painting Questions that prompt discussion “Musee” AP multiple choice “Love” and art assignment – due Friday (handout)Vocabulary #1 dueVocabulary Quiz #1 (Return of Random Bonus!!!!)“Table Talk” by Billy Collins Examination of The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian by Guido Reni Questions that prompt discussion Friday 4A / Monday 4B – “Love” and art assignment Presentations of assignment and discussion of “Love”Group examination of AP essay prompt on poetry – Emily Dickinson 1991 Exam Group must write a thesis statement, identity the speaker’s attitude, identity specificExamples from the text that support the assertion“Ode On a Grecian Urn” by John Keats“I died for Beauty” by Emily DickinsonComparison and Contrast of the two poemsStudents write an AP essay question that deals with both poemsQuestions about Literary Terms assignmentTuesday 4A / Wednesday 4B – Literary Terms Poster DueStudents Present TermsEach student must give a short presentation that explains his/her literary termand the illustration that goes with itMake Emily Dickinson poem assignment – Essay Question from 1991 AP ExamBegin Emily Dickinson poetryShort video of Dickinson’s home“Because I could not stop for Death”“I Heard a Fly Buzz—When I Died—”“Hope is a thing with feathers”“My Life had stood—a Loaded Gun”“I felt a Funeral, in my Brain”Thursday 4A / Friday 4B – Vocabulary #2 dueVocabulary Quiz #2Emily Dickinson poetry continued“Taking Off Emily Dickinson’s Clothes” by Billy CollinsHow does he incorporate Dickinson’s poetry into his own?AP Exam PreparationPractice Multiple Choice – Poetry #1“A Dialogue Between the Soul and Body” by Andrew Marvell ................

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