Mr. Swynenburg's 7th Grade Global Studies - Home

Analyzing Economic Data 2020For this project, you be required to address the following scenario: You have won a grant that will enable your team to donate $1,000,000 to a nation in need. Ultimately, you will need to collect data from various countries to determine where and how the money will be spent. To do this, you will be analyzing both health and economic data of three different countries in the Eastern Hemisphere. You will need to create 6 graphs and answer questions involving the data that you and your team collect. To receive full credit, you must complete the following tasks:Choose one country from each of the three columns to “visit”:COLUMN ACOLUMN BCOLUMN CNew Zealand ChinaAfghanistanAustraliaIndiaNigerJapanVietnamSomaliaGermanyIranDemocratic Republic of the CongoYou will need to calculate the cost of traveling to each country in sequence (one after the other) with a travel budget of $6,000 for transportation (ALL types) and $3,000 for hotels and spending money. You will stay 10 days in each country. You will need to calculate the cost of your lodging (where you will sleep) in each country. Remember, you are there for 10 nights! - Use for your flights Use for hotelsLook at the Health Statistics section from the following web site: . Analyze these three items from the health statistics section: Life Expectancy at Birth (Male, Female, Total), Infant Mortality Rate (Total), Access to water and sanitation (urban, rural, & total; Total % Improved). Create a bar graph for EACH Health Statistic that compares the data from the three countries. You will therefore have THREE bar graphs for the health section. Use Microsoft Word to create this graph (insert, chart). Ask if you have questions. Look at the economic numbers section from the CIA World Factbook at the following website:. Go to Countries and click on Economy. Analyze these three items from the economic numbers section: GDP Purchasing Power Parity (be sure to convert to billions or trillions), GDP Per Capita, and Population below Poverty Line (do a Google search if you can’t find it). Create a bar graph for EACH Economic Statistic that compares the data from the three countries. You will therefore have THREE bar graphs for the economics section. Use Microsoft Word to create this graph (insert, chart). Ask if you have questions.After you have created your graphs, answer the following questions in complete sentences. Responses should be a 3-5 sentence paragraph and typed using Microsoft Word. BE SURE TO PROVIDE EVIDENCE FROM YOUR DATA! What factors might have impacted the cost of flights and hotels at various locations around the world?What countries do you feel have the best and worst economies? Use evidence from the data to explain your answer.What countries have the best and worst health care? Use evidence from the data to explain your answer. How does a countries economic strength contribute to the quality of its health care? Use data to support your response.Based on the data, what country would you donate the $1,000,000 to and what would you chose to spend the $1,000,000 on to help the country (Hospitals, wells, schools etc...) What led you to these conclusions? Include multiple data points for support. HOW TO CREATE A CHART IN MICROSOFT WORD Open a word documentGo to INSERT, CHARTClick on COLUMN or BAR GRAPHChange CATEGORIES to Countries (Delete CATEGORY 4, Right click on Cat. 4, delete, rowsChange SERIES 1 to the statistic you are analyzing and delete SERIES 2 & 3 (Right Click, Delete, Column)Under ADD CHART ELEMENT, add AXIS Labels and a TitleRight Click on the table, ADD DATA LABELAnalyzing Economic Data Information Sheet FLIGHT DATACity FromCity ToPrice Per TicketTotalINDIANAPOLISINDIANAPOLISTOTAL COST=HOTEL DATAName of City & HotelCost Per NightX 10 of NightsTotalTOTAL COST=HEALTH STATISTICSWRITE IN EACH STATISTIC BELOW!COUNTRY #1 (WRITE IN COUNTRY HERE):COUNTRY #2 (WRITE IN COUNTRY HERE):COUNTRY #3 (WRITE IN COUNTRY HERE):STAT #1:STAT #2:STAT #3:ECONOMIC STATISTICSWRITE IN EACH STATISTIC BELOW!COUNTRY #1 (WRITE IN COUNTRY HERE):COUNTRY #2 (WRITE IN COUNTRY HERE):COUNTRY #3 (WRITE IN COUNTRY HERE):STAT #1:STAT #2:STAT #3: ................

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