GB2RS News Script


Sunday the 25th of October 2020

The news headlines:

• Back to GMT today

• New Zealand loses 5MHz

• New RSGB Convention talks on YouTube

Don’t forget, in the UK, the clocks went back one hour at 2am today, Sunday the 25th of October. We are back to Greenwich Mean Time, or UTC, until they change again in March 2021.

The New Zealand national amateur society NZART reports that, unfortunately, the New Zealand Defence Force has advised they are not willing to approve another renewal of their 5MHz trial allocation and licence. As a result, all use by New Zealand amateurs of the two trial frequencies, 5353 and 5362kHz, cease from midnight on Saturday the 24th of October 2020. Although the trial is over, NZART will continue to work with the regulator to see if there are other ways of providing New Zealand amateurs with access to 5MHz frequencies.

The individual presentations from the Introduction To... stream at the successful RSGB 2020 Convention Online are now available on the Society’s YouTube channel. You can catch up on ones you missed, or take the opportunity to watch again the ones you enjoyed most. The keynote presentation and the individual talks in the Learn More About… stream will be released next week. Find them at theRSGB.

The German town of Bad Bentheim is taking nominations for the Golden Antenna Award. For 50 years, the town has hosted German-Dutch Amateur Radio Days, during which the town stresses the importance of amateur radio as a public service. A committee headed by the mayor of Bad Bentheim will choose the winner. The recipient will be invited to receive the award on the 28th of August 2021. They would favour candidates who did something special related to the Covid-19 pandemic, but other candidates are welcome. Send nominations via email to

The new IARU Monitoring Service Region 1 Coordinator Gaspar, EA6AMM has appointed Peter, HB9CET, as Vice-Coordinator. Both have been working together in IARUMS for more than a year. More on the work of the Monitoring Service can be found at iaru-.

The RSGB will once again be participating in the annual YOTA Month activities in December. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we will not be encouraging large group events. We do hope that smaller groups will be able to participate in the event, whilst remaining within national and local guidelines. GB20YOTA will be available for Full licence holders to book an appointment slot within a set calendar. This calendar will be available on the GB20YOTA page for you to choose when you want to operate. All operations should be focused with the intention to get young people on the air. To register your interest, or to reserve an operating slot, contact Jamie, M0SDV, via email to

Now the special event news

As a tribute to Eddie Van Halen passing on the 6th of October, PA5150EVH will be on air from the 28th of October until at least the 31st of January. It will be operated by Van Halen fan Frank, PF1SCT.

URE San Fernando, EA7URF, is participating in the official celebrations for the 500th anniversary of the first circumnavigation of the Earth. AM500ETS will be active from the 31st of October to the 8th of November.

During fighting around Ypres in WWI, much of Sanctuary Wood, Hill 62, Armagh Wood and Mount Sorrel was taken at the expense of many casualties. The Great Reconstruction in the Westhoek is commemorated during November with the callsign OP20FENIKS. The station is located in the immediate vicinity of the memorial of Hill 62, and will be on HF and VHF using SSB, CW and some datamodes. Full details are on

Larry, G4HLN will be active as GB4CKS between the 1st and the 14th of November. He will operate CW and some SSB on 40 to 10m, marking the 85th anniversary of the death of Australian record-setting aviator Sir Charles Kingsford Smith, who disappeared on the 8th of November 1935 off the coast of Myanmar, then known as Burma, whilst trying to break the England-Australia speed record. QSL via G4HLN, direct or via the bureau.

Now the DX news

Cezar, VE3LYC will be active as TX0T from one of the new IOTAs in French Polynesia, Tatakoto Atoll, OC-298, between the 29th of October and the 5th of November. He will be primarily on 40, 30, 20 and 17 metres CW and SSB. QSL via Club Log’s OQRS, or via VE3LYC.

Now the contest news

Please remember to check before the contest for new rules due to lockdown and social distancing, which may differ around the world. The RSGB strongly advises obeying your own national and local government’s advice first and foremost, especially in the instance of local lockdowns.

The CQWW DX SSB contest ends its 48 hour runs at 2359 today, the 25th. It’s SSB-only on the 1.8 to 28MHz contest bands. The exchange is signal report and Zone, which is 14 for the UK.

On Tuesday the SHF UK Activity Contest takes place between 1830 and 2130UTC. Using all modes on the 2.3 to 10GHz bands, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.

On Wednesday the UK EI Contest Club 80m contest runs from 2000 to 2130UTC. Using CW only, the exchange is your 6 digit locator.

On Thursday the 80m Autumn Series runs from 2000 to 2130UTC. Using SSB only, the exchange is signal report and serial number.

The UK EI Contest Club DX Contest takes place for 24 hours beginning at 1200UTC on Saturday the 31st of October. This is SSB only and also has a 12-hour option. UK and EI area codes are multipliers for DX stations and all QSOs made by UK or EI stations between the hours of 0100 and 0500UTC are worth double points. For the rules and other information, follow the links from .

Now the radio propagation report, compiled by G0KYA, G3YLA and G4BAO on Friday the 23rd of October.

The last week was dominated by sunspot region 2776, which pushed the solar flux index to 75. Geomagnetically, it was a mixed bag though, with the Kp index peaking at four on Wednesday, but otherwise being relatively quiet and showing zero on Tuesday. The sunspots, plus the October seasonal enhancement, meant that the HF bands were quite active. There were reports of Australia being worked from the UK on 10m FT8. Alek VK6APK was worked at 0920UTC by Tony, G4HZW. Mario, FR4QT on Reunion Island was also worked on 28.380MHz SSB by Gary, G0FWX, according to the 10m UK Net Facebook group. If you like 10 metre operation the group is definitely worth signing up to. These 10-metre contacts bode well for the future and we look forward to other reports of VK/ZL as the solar cycle progresses.

Next week, NOAA predicts the solar flux index will be the range 72-74. Sunspot region 2776 will have almost rotated off the visible disk by the time this report is published and there are no other spots at the moment. However, it does look like we are in for a disturbed weekend with poor geomagnetic conditions. This is due to a large polar coronal hole on the solar surface that has returned after a 27-day rotation and which could cause the Kp index to rise to five. The solar wind will likely increase in speed and density, resulting in an adverse effect on the ionosphere after a potential pre-auroral enhancement.

Expect maximum usable frequencies to decline and conditions to be poor this weekend. Do look out for potential 10 metre auroral contacts though.

And now the VHF and up propagation news.

We are about to enter a phase of very disturbed weather with a series of deep lows dominating the charts, especially in the nearby Atlantic. Their influence will bring strong winds and periods of heavy rain or showers. At long range it’s pointless to try to time such events precisely, but nonetheless the general characteristics suggest that Tropo will again be a rare feature in the coming week other than transient weak ridges between successive fronts or lows. On the upside, rain scatter could do rather well for the GHz bands.

The Moon’s declination is rising and goes positive on Thursday so Moon visibility windows will lengthen. The Moon reaches apogee on Friday where path losses are at maximum. 144MHz sky noise is low all week.

With the Kp index set to rise to five thanks to the returning coronal hole, it might be worth keeping an eye out for low-VHF auroral propagation again.

There are no significant meteor showers this week but get ready for the Leonids, peaking on 16th and 17th of November.

And that’s all from the propagation team this week.

Next, the Local News:

Please note that details of all RSGB-affiliated clubs and societies can be found on the RSGB website, including email addresses and website links where known.

[Note to Newsreaders: Please read the local news items appropriate to the service area of your transmission.]


Events mentioned here may be affected by fluctuating pandemic precautions. Please continue to observe all national or local restrictions that are in place.

Burton Amateur Radio Club has an open net on Sundays from 10am on 145.575MHz FM. Monday sees a slow CW exercise from 11am on 14.055MHz. On Wednesday there’s an open net from 7.30pm on 145.575MHz. Thursday sees an open net from 8pm on 145.575MHz. Contact Barry, M0ISZ, on 01283 540570.

Cheltenham Amateur Radio Association has daily nets from 8.10am via GB3CG & 145.4MHz, moving at 8.40am to 28.45MHz. Next Sunday sees a net from 8.30am on 50.220MHz. For details, email

Loughborough & District Amateur Radio Club has nets on Sundays and Tuesdays from 7.30pm around 145.425MHz. Contact Chris, G1ETZ, on 01509 504 319.

Wythall Radio Club has a net on Sundays and Thursdays from 8pm on 145.225MHz. Tuesday sees a virtual meeting from 8.30pm. More information from Chris, G3YHF, on 0795 839 5904.

Coventry Amateur Radio Society has open nets on Monday from 8pm on 145.375MHz FM and 7.175MHz SSB. On Wednesday there’s a DMR net from 8.30pm on Talk Group 2345974, and Thursday sees an open net from 8pm on 50.175MHz SSB. A Zoom meeting is on Friday from 8pm. Contact John, G8SEQ, on 0795 877 7363.

Rugby Amateur Transmitting Society has weekday nets on 144.275MHz SSB from 8.30am. On Saturday there’s a web conference from 2pm. More details from Steve, G8LYB on 01788 578 940.

Leicester Radio Society has an open net on Monday from 7.30pm on 145.300MHz. Friday sees an open net on 145.325MHz from 7.30pm. More information from Sandra Morley, G0MCV, on 0793 027 4044.

Midland Amateur Radio Society has open nets on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7.30pm on 145.425MHz. Wednesday also sees a Zoom meeting. Details from Norman, G8BHE, on 0780 807 8003.

Nunsfield House Amateur Radio Group has a net on Monday from 8pm on 433.450MHz. Thursday sees a net from 8pm on 145.325MHz and on Friday there’s a Zoom meeting from 8pm. For details, email

South Normanton Alfreton & District Amateur Radio Club plans a meeting on Monday. Tuesday sees the club net from 7pm on 145.450MHz. For details, email snadarcsec@,

Sutton Coldfield Amateur Radio Society has an open net on Monday from 7.30pm, starting on 145.250MHz. Tuesday sees an open DMR net from 7.30pm on slot/local 2 gb7fw Birmingham. A meeting is planned on Wednesday from 7.30pm at Sutton Coldfield Rugby Club. Details from Robert, via email to rob2e0zap@.

On Monday Stourbridge & District Amateur Radio Society has a net on 145.325MHz from 8pm. Details from John, M1EJG, on 01562 700 513.

Tamworth Amateur Radio Society has nets on Monday and Wednesday from 8pm that begin on GB3TH. Thursday meetings remain suspended. Details from Robbie, G0GUH, on 0779 457 6938.

Gloucester Amateur Radio & Electronics Society has a net on Tuesday from 8.30pm on 144.550MHz, then on Wednesday from 7.30pm on 145.475MHz FM. Thursday sees a net from 7.30pm on 145.475MHz FM, which moves to 80m SSB later. On Friday there’s a net from 7.30pm on 432.220MHz SSB. Contact Anne, 2E1GKY, on 01242 699 595, daytime.

Lincoln Short-Wave club has a net on Tuesday from 9.30am via GB3LM. Wednesday sees a Zoom meeting from 7.30pm and on Thursday there’s a net from 8pm on 145.375MHz. Contact Pam, G4STO, on 01427 788 356.

On Wednesday Malvern Hills RAC has a net on 145.350MHz FM from 8pm. Contact Dave, G4IDF, on 01905 351 568.

On Wednesday Mid-Warwickshire Amateur Radio Society has a net from 8pm on 145.275MHz. More info from Don, G4CYG, on 01926 424465.

On Wednesday Telford & District Amateur Radio Society has a presentation on the RSGB by RSGB Regional Representative Vinnie, M0TAV. Contact John, M0JZH, on 0782 473 7716.

On Thursday Kettering & District Amateur Radio Society has a net from 7pm on 145.300MHz FM. Details from Ed, M0TZX, via email to M0TZX@.

On Thursday Solihull Amateur Radio Society has a net on 145.450MHz from 8pm. For details, email solihullradioclub@.

Central Radio Amateur Circle has a net next Saturday from 12.30 on 145.575MHz. For details, text to 0737 552 3259.


Events mentioned here may be affected by fluctuating pandemic precautions. Please continue to observe all national or local restrictions that are in place.

Central Lancs Amateur Radio Club has an open net on Sundays from 11am on 1.940MHz. Most afternoons see CQ and a brew at half past two. On Tuesday there’s an open net beginning on 70.450MHz at 7.30pm. Contact Peter, G3UCA, on 01772 494 474.

Houghton-Le-Spring Amateur Radio Club has an open SSTV net on Sundays from 8pm on 144.700MHz FM. There’s Morse practice for beginner to expert levels at various times during the week on 144.700MHz FM. A socially distanced club night is listed for Tuesday from 6.30pm. There’s an open chat around 145.450MHz FM from 9pm on Friday. Details from George, M5GHT, on 0191 5488995.

Oldham Radio Club has a multimode net on XLX305A from 9.30am on Sundays. Monday sees a DMR net via GB7MR TG9 S2 from 9.30am and a C4FM simplex net beginning at 8pm on 144.6125MHz. Wednesday and Friday see nets from 8pm, beginning on 145.500MHz FM. Details from Mike, M1CVL, on 0740 276 3203.

Stockport Radio Society has a daily CW net at 4pm around 3.564MHz. On Tuesday there’s a virtual meeting via Webex and Wednesday sees a net from 7.30pm around 145.375MHz. Contact Heather, M6HNS, on 0750 690 4422.

Thornton Cleveleys Amateur Radio Society has a net on Sundays from 11am on 1.969MHz. On Monday and Thursday there’s a net around 145.450MHz from 8pm. Contact Bill, M0KBR, on 0780 858 8784.

Wakefield & District Radio Society holds the 2E0IPC Memorial net on Sundays from 10.15am on 144.600MHz FM. Friday sees an open net from 7pm via GB3HD. Details from Charles, M0OXO, on 0790 050 0775.

Bishop Auckland Radio Amateur club has a digital-only net on Monday via GB7CY from 7.30pm. Wednesday sees a net from 7.30pm via GB3CD. Thursday evening meetings have resumed, subject to Covid restrictions. Details are at .uk.

Hull & District Amateur Radio Society has a net on Monday from 7pm via GB3HS. There’s a Zoom meeting at 7pm on Wednesday and Friday. Thursday sees a net from 7pm around 145.350MHz. Contact Tony, G0WJK, on 0794 464 8924.

Halifax & District Amateur Radio Society has a net on Monday at 7pm on 144.390MHz USB, an open net from 7pm on Tuesday via GB3WY and an open net on GB3HD from 7pm on Wednesday. Thursday sees a SSTV net on 144.525MHz from 1pm and a joint net with RAFARS on 145.350MHz from 7pm. Contact Martin, M0GQB on 01422 341 317.

Wirral & District Amateur Radio Club has a net on Monday from 7pm on the 4m band. Tuesday sees a Zoom meeting and on Wednesday there’s a radio quiz meeting on 2m. Details from Simon, G6XHF, on 0151 601 3269.

Keighley Amateur Radio Society has a Zoom meeting on Tuesday. On Thursday there’s a socially distanced food night at the Flappit Pub, Cullingworth. Details from Geoff Priestley, G7JZM, on 0777 489 1641.

York Radio club has its net on Wednesday from 8pm on 145.450MHz. For details see

East Cleveland Amateur Radio Club is having an antique and unusual electrical equipment evening on Friday. Contact Alistair, G4OLK, on 01642 475 671.

On Friday Rochdale & District Amateur Radio Society has an open net from 8.30pm on 145.3875MHz FM. Contact Robert, M0NVQ, on 0777 811 3333.


No news items have been received for Northern Ireland this week.


Events mentioned here may be affected by fluctuating pandemic precautions. Please continue to observe all national or local restrictions that are in place.

The Viking Amateur Radio Net runs daily from 5am on 3.770MHz. Details are on their Facebook page.

Ayr ARG has a CW net on 144.295MHz from 7pm and on 145.450MHz FM from 7.30pm on Sundays. There are daily nets around 7.035MHz from 10.15am, moving to 7.065MHz and 145.450MHz at 10.30am. Contact Derek on 0744 793 1941 for more information.

This Sunday sees Stirling and District ARC competing in the CQWW DX SSB contest. Details from secretary@.

Kilmarnock & Loudoun ARC has a net on Sundays from 2pm around 3.720MHz SSB, later moving to around 3.540MHz for a CW net. Tuesday sees a net on 145.475MHz FM from 7.30pm. For details, email klarcinfo@.

Mid Lanarkshire ARS has a net on Sundays from 9pm on 28.475MHz. Wednesday sees the DMR Scotland net on TG23550 from 8pm and on Friday there’s a private club Zello chat from 7pm, which later moves to 2m. Details are at .

On Sunday Wigtownshire Amateur Radio Club Listen on GB3DG, especially around 12 noon for daily D&G RAYNET open net Clive, GM4FZH, info@

On Sunday Wigtownshire Amateur Radio Club net on GB3DG at 7.30pm and usually move online to Zoom at 8pm see for changes. Clive, GM4FZH, info@.

Wigtownshire ARC has a net on Sundays from 7.30pm on GB3DG, which usually moves to Zoom around 8pm. Thursday sees a net is on GB3DG from 7pm. There is also an open RAYNET net daily on GB3DG from noon. See for details.

Dundee Amateur Radio Club net on Sundays and Wednesdays from 7.30pm on GB3AG. A club night is scheduled for Tuesday, Covid-19 permitting. Contact Martin, 2M0KAU, on 0776 370 8933.

West of Scotland ARS has a daily net from 11am on 145.425MHz. There’s an experimental SSTV net at noon today on 144.500MHz FM. Wednesday sees a net from 8pm on 433.425MHz and on Friday there’s an open net on 145.425MHz, also from 8pm. Details of all known nets in Scotland are collated by RSGB Regional Representative Tony, MM0TMZ in association with GM4COX and the West of Scotland ARS, and published at .

Stirling and District ARS is participating in CQWWDX today and may stream their activities on YouTube. Sundays also see a chat from noon via GB3FE. Monday sees a net on GB3FE and 145.550MHz from 7pm. On Thursday there’s a net on 145.550MHz from 7pm. Email secretary@ for more information.

The West of Scotland net in the Dumbarton area runs on Sundays from 8pm via the MB7IBH gateway on 144.9625MHz and via EchoLink to the same gateway address. A DMR net follows from 9pm. Details are on the West of Scotland Net Facebook page by MM3DDQ.

On Monday Edinburgh & District ARC has its net from 8pm on 433.525MHz FM. Contact Norman, GM1CNH, on 0774 094 6192.

Glenrothes & District RC has open nets from 10am 3.790MHz every day except Sunday. On Tuesday and Thursday there’s a net from 7.30pm on 145.425MHz. Morse training is also available. Details from Tam on 0775 352 6498.

Paisley ARC has a net on Mondays from 8pm on 144.550MHz and Zello. Tuesday sees a DMR net in room 4415 from 8pm. On Thursday from 7.30pm there’s a net on 144.550MHz FM and Zello.

Livingston & District ARS has a net on Tuesdays from 7.30pm on 145.575MHz FM. Wednesday sees a net on DMR Scotland channel TG23550 from 8pm. Contact Cathie on 01506 433 846.

On Wednesday Lothians Radio Society has a net on 144.350MHz SSB from 8pm. For details, email secretary@.

Lomond Radio Club has a net in the Dumbarton area on Thursdays from 7.30pm on MB7IBH, 144.9625MHz, and there is also access via EchoLink to the same gateway. Contact gm0kzx@.

On Friday Strathclyde Park ARC runs a net from 7.30pm on 145.400MHz, and also on the BAT channel from 8pm. Contact Bill, MM0SFB at Strathclyde Fire & Rescue Amateur Radio Group by email to gm0syv@


Events mentioned here may be affected by fluctuating pandemic precautions. Please continue to observe all national or local restrictions that are in place.

South Essex Amateur Radio Society has a daily net at 4pm on 145.225MHz FM. Details from Terry, G1FBW, on 0798 607 0040.

Burnham Beeches Radio Club has a net on Sundays from 10.30am that settles on 145.275MHz, with a Zoom meeting running concurrently. For details, email Greg, G4EBY, via ebytronics@.

Braintree & District Amateur Radio Society has a net today from 8pm on 145.375MHz. Details are at

Colchester Radio Amateurs has an open net on 28.225MHz USB from 7pm on Sundays, then an open CW net on 144.163MHz from 9.30pm. Monday sees an open CW net on 144.163MHz from 9.30pm. On Tuesday there’s an open net from 7pm on 433.425MHz and from 8pm on 1.920MHz. On Wednesday there’s an open net on 145.350MHz from 7pm. Thursday sees an open net on 3.685MHz from 7pm. Contact Mark, M0LTG, on 0770 374 5369.

Edgware & District Radio Society runs a weekday open net, starting on 145.500MHz at 3pm. On Monday there’s a net from 9pm, commencing on 145.500MHz FM, then moving to around 1988kHz at 9.30pm. Thursday sees a net from 9pm around 50.140MHz. More information is at

Felixstowe & District Amateur Radio Society has an open net on Sundays from 10am on 145.400MHz. Monday sees an open net from 7.45pm on GB3IH, and on Tuesday there’s an open CW net from 7pm on 144.070MHz. Wednesday sees an open DMR net from 7pm on TG840. More information from Paul, G4YQC, by email to pjw@.

Lowestoft District & Pye Amateur Radio Club has a net on Sundays on 433.575MHz. Monday and Thursday see nets on both 70.400MHz and GB3YL. On Tuesday there’s a net on 145.475MHz and Friday’s net is on 51.490MHz. For details, email

Radio Society of Harrow has a net on Sundays from 2pm on 145.350MHz. Tuesday sees a net on GB3HR from 8pm. On Thursday there’s a net from 8.15pm on 145.350MHz. Details from Linda, G7RJL via email to lcasey100@.

Surrey Radio Contact Club has a net on Sundays from 9.30am on 1905kHz. Tuesday sees a net from 8pm on 51.55MHz FM and on Thursday there’s a net on 70.30MHz FM from 8pm. Friday sees an open D-Star net on 144.6125MHz from 7.30pm, followed at 8pm by a net on 145.350MHz FM. Contact John, G3MCX, on 020 8688 3322.

Verulam Amateur Radio Club has an open Morse conversion net on 50.040MHz from 8.30pm on Sundays. Send QRS for slow Morse. Details from Bob, on 01727 851809.

On Monday Fort Purbrook Amateur Radio Club has an open net from 8pm on 145.275MHz. Friday sees a Zoom meeting. Contact Rod, G4SPS, via email to

Guildford & District Radio Society Club has a net on Monday from 9pm on 28.535MHz. Next Sunday sees a net from 9.15pm on 145.525MHz. Contact Tim, G7JYQ, on 020 8241 9396.

Norfolk Amateur Radio Club has its net on GB3NB from 7.30pm on Monday. Wednesday is the NARC Live! show from 7.30pm on Facebook and the BATC stream. For details see .

Horndean & District Amateur Radio Club has a meeting via Zoom from 8pm on Tuesday. Friday sees a net from 7.30pm on 145.375MHz. Contact Stuart, G0FYX, on 02392 472 846.

Thurrock Acorns Amateur Radio Club has an open SSTV net on Tuesday from 7.30pm on 144.500MHz. Friday sees a net starting on 145.500MHz at 7.30pm. For details email

Loughton & Epping Forest Amateur Radio Society has its DMR net on 70.475MHz FM and Brandmeister TG23511 on Wednesday from 8pm. Thursday sees the club net on 144.725MHz FM from 8pm. On Friday there’s a Zoom meeting. For details, email

Whitton Amateur Radio Group has a Jitsi video conference on Wednesday and Friday from 8pm, accompanied by a net on 145.375MHz FM and/or 28.395MHz SSB. Contact Ian, G0OFN, on 0795 620 3495.

Bishop's Stortford Amateur Radio Society has its net on Wednesday from 8pm on 145.5625MHz FM. For details, see .

On Wednesday Bracknell Amateur Radio Club has a RF and DMR mixed net via MB7IBK and Brandmeister DMR TG23529 from 7.40pm. From 8pm it’s the club net on 145.375MHz FM. More info from David, M0XDF, via email to

Bromley & District Amateur Radio Society has its net on Wednesday from 9pm, usually settling around 145.400MHz. Contact Andy, G4WGZ, on 01689 878 089.

Crystal Palace Radio and Electronics Club has its net from 8pm on Wednesday around 145.525MHz. Contact Damien, 2E0EUI on 0790 024 2541.

Newbury & District Amateur Radio Society has an online meeting on Wednesday. Details from Rob, G4LMW, on 0797 088 5614.

Bredhurst Receiving and Transmitting Society has an open net on Thursday from 8pm via GB3DA. For details, email secretary@brats-.

Harlow & District Amateur Radio Society has its net on 145.425MHz from 7.30pm on Friday. Contact Matt, G7VAB, on 0790 824 2098.

Itchen Valley Amateur Radio Club has a Zoom meeting from 7.30pm on Friday. For details, email

Laindon Radio Club recommences meetings at 8pm on Friday. Details from Stuart, G6RAQ, on 0798 417 1333.

Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society has Morse training next Sunday from 8pm on 144.060MHz. Details from Jon, M0KGX, via email to jon@.


Events mentioned here may be affected by fluctuating pandemic precautions. Please continue to observe all national or local restrictions that are in place.

Thornbury & South Gloucestershire Amateur Radio Club has a daily net on GB3ZB from 10.30am. Wednesday sees a Zoom meeting from 8pm and Friday sees a net from 8pm around 145.450MHz. For details, email

Torbay Amateur Radio Society has nets on Sundays on 14.270MHz from 9.30am and on 145.575MHz from 12 noon. Monday’s nets are 3.663MHz from 10.30am, 1.982MHz from 8pm and 50.155MHz from 8.30pm. Wednesday sees nets on 14.270MHz from 9.30am and 3.663MHz from 10.30am. On Friday a club meeting with a guest speaker is planned, plus a net on 3.663MHz from 9.15pm. Saturday’s net is on 3.663MHz from 10am. Contact Kerry, M0KRE, on 0772 599 9973.

Weston Super Mare Radio Society reports it has resumed normal Monday meetings. Details from M0JOG, on 0750 066 8674.

Bath & District Amateur Radio Club has an open net on Tuesday from 7.30pm on 70.475MHz FM. Contact Paul, G4PDC, on 01761 412 994.

Cornish Radio Amateur Club has a net on Tuesdays on 70.425MHz FM and Thursdays on 29.150MHz FM. The Friday net is on 145.350MHz FM. Details from Steve, G7VOH, on 01209 844 939.

On Tuesday Exeter Amateur Radio Society has its net on GB3EW from 7.45pm. Contact Ivor, G6ATJ, on 0792 762 8685.

Isle of Avalon Amateur Radio Club has a digimode net on Tuesday from 9pm on 28.118MHz. There’s a net on Wednesday from 9pm on 2m FM, plus CW practice on 28.118MHz. On Thursday there’s a net on 433.475MHz from 9pm and Friday sees a net on 145.475MHz from 7pm. Contact Matt, 2E0FNT, on 0730 554 9614.


Events mentioned here may be affected by fluctuating pandemic precautions. Please continue to observe all national or local restrictions that are in place.

Carmarthen Amateur Radio Society has an 80m SSB net from 2.30pm on Sundays. On Wednesday there’s an FM or Fusion net via GB3CM from 7.30pm. Thursday sees a net via GB3FG from 8pm. Contact Andy, GW0JLX, on 0776 828 2880.

On Monday Dragon Amateur Radio Club has nets online, on 2m and 70cm. Details from Simon, MW0NWM, via email to

On Thursday North Wales Radio Society is having a talk by a club member on how they got into amateur radio. Contact Liz, GW0ETU, on 0776 019 0355.

Next Saturday Aberystwyth & District Amateur Radio Society has a club net starting on 145.500MHz then moving to 145.550MHz. Contact Ray, GW7AGG, on 01970 611 853.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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