GB2RS News Script


Sunday the 28th of February 2021

The news headlines:

• Landmark for Stay Safe net

• Share your views on Direct to Full Licence exam

• Tonight @ 8 looks at propagation tools

Last Thursday evening, Lowestoft District and Pye Amateur Radio Club held its 100th Stay Safe net hosted on GB3YL. The net has been running on Monday and Thursday nights since the first lockdown with James, M1TES, helped by some other local amateurs. Each week the number of participants has increased, and has even included amateurs from Holland joining in when conditions have allowed it. This is quite an achievement and has brought local amateurs together.

Have you given your views in the RSGB’s consultation on a new, Direct to Full licence exam? Nearly 800 people have responded already, so make sure your voice is heard by completing the Society’s survey. The background to this consultation, as well as links to the proposed syllabus and the survey, are on the RSGB website at direct-to-full.

The next RSGB Tonight @ 8 webinar takes place on Monday the 1st of March. RSGB Propagation Studies Committee Chair, Steve Nichols, G0KYA will look at Using Propagation Prediction Tools. You can find out more about all the Tonight @ 8 webinars as well as links to further information, books and videos on the webinar topics on the Society’s website at webinars.

From modest beginnings on the 31st of March 1921, the men and women of the Royal Australian Air Force have served Australia’s national interest. To mark this Centenary, the Wireless Institute of Australia will be celebrating with two callsigns. VI100AF will operate from the 1st of March to the 29th of May. It will be used by radio amateurs that are either current or veteran military personnel; some activities may be from military bases. VK100AF will be active from the 1st of March to the 31st of August. This callsign will be used by a team of over 40 radio amateurs across the bands around Australia. Full QSL information and detail on operations can be found on .

The RSGB has launched a new page on its website that includes a video outlining the benefits of Membership. To watch the video and find out more go to membership.

Radio amateurs serving in the Finnish military will be using the prefix OI [Newsreaders: that’s letters O – I] on Friday the 5th of March. There are only about 35 stations with an OI callsign, so it’s a rare prefix. There is an award available, just search online for OI Award Finland.

Now the DX news

Tom, NL7RR, is active as KH9/NL7RR from Wake Island, IOTA reference OC-053, for about 6 weeks. He hopes to be on the 40 and 20m bands, as time permits, using SSB.

5V7DE is the newly issued callsign for Daniel, HB9EHD, who is in Kara, Togo. He will operate on QO-100 SSB during his evenings, and on the 40 and 20m bands FT8. QSL via Logbook of The World and eQSL, or direct to his home call.

Now the Special Event news

Saint David is the patron saint of Wales. Saint David’s Day is celebrated by the Welsh around the world every 1st of March. Simon, GW0NVN will be operating GB0SDD on HF and 2m from 0000 to 2359UTC on the first of March. Club Log, Logbook of The World and eQSL will be used.

GB2VAX will be operational from the QTH of Andy, G4ISN of the Welland Valley ARS from the 1st to the 28th of March. Modes will be SSB / FT4 / FT8 on HF bands.

Coventry is The City of Culture in 2021. GB1COC is being operated until the 13th of March on behalf of Coventry ARS by Brian, G8GMU. He will be mainly on the 80m band using SSB, 2m FM and digital speech modes. See .

Now the contest news

Please remember to check before the contest for any new rules due to lockdown and social distancing, which may differ around the world. The RSGB strongly advises obeying your national and local government’s advice.

This weekend the CQ 160m DX contest ends it 48-hour run at 2200UTC today, the 28th. Using SSB only, the exchange is signal report and CQ Zone. American stations also exchange their State and Canadians their Province.

The REF Contest runs for 36 hours, ending at 1800UTC today, the 28th. Using SSB only on the 3.5 to 28MHz contest bands, the exchange is signal report and serial number. French stations also exchange their Department number or overseas prefix.

Today, the 28th, the First 70MHz Cumulative Contest runs from 1000 to 1200UTC. Using all modes, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.

On Monday the data leg of the 80m Club Championships will run from 2000 to 2130UTC. The exchange is signal report and serial number.

On Tuesday the 144MHz FM Activity Contest runs from 1900 to 1955UTC. It is followed by the all-mode UK 2m Activity Contest from 2000 to 2230UTC. The exchange for both is signal report, serial number and locator.

On Wednesday the 144MHz FT8 Activity Contest runs from 1900 to 2100UTC. The exchange is signal report and your 4-character locator.

Also on Wednesday the UK EI Contest Club 80m contest runs from 2000 to 2100UTC. Using SSB only, the exchange is your locator.

Next weekend it’s the ARRL International DX contest. It runs for 48 hours from 0000UTC on the 6th to 2359UTC on the 7th. Using SSB on the 1.8 to 28MHz contest bands, the exchange is signal report and transmit power. American stations will also exchange their State, and Canadian stations their Province.

The 144/432MHz contest also takes place next weekend. Running from 1400UTC on the 6th to 1400UTC on the 7th, all modes are permitted. The exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.

On Sunday the 7th, the UK Microwave Group Low Band Contest runs from 1000 to 1600UTC. Using the 1.3 to 3.4GHz bands, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.

The Worked All Britain 3.5MHz phone contest will take place next Sunday, the 7th from 1800 to 2200UTC. The exchange is signal report, serial number and WAB square. Entries should be with the QSL manager by the 17th of March. Due to Covid-19 restrictions there will be no mobile or portable categories, and entries will not be accepted from mobile or portable stations. However, there will be a club category, with members operating from their home QTH.

Now the radio propagation report, compiled by G0KYA, G3YLA & G4BAO on Friday the 26th of February.

We had a slightly better week in terms of solar activity, but the consensus is that HF propagation is still in the doldrums. Two sunspot groups made an appearance last week, although by now they may have vanished around the Sun’s edge again. Groups 2804 and 2805 pushed the solar flux index to 81 by Thursday, with a sunspot number of 33. Although group 2804 was quite large and also responsible for several low-level B-class solar flares, 2805 never really managed to appear as much more than a pinprick on the solar surface.

Last week was dominated by geomagnetic disturbances, with the Kp index staying at four for a lot of the time. This was mainly caused by the arrival of matter from a coronal mass ejection that was launched from the Sun on the 20th of February, and ongoing high-speed solar wind streams from coronal holes. The solar wind speed has been dropping, which suggests a return to more settled geomagnetic conditions this weekend. The US Air Force predicts the solar flux index will start at 82 on Sunday, but then decline to 74 as the week progresses. This reflects the lack of future sunspot activity currently being seen on the STEREO Ahead spacecraft.

Geomagnetic conditions are likely to start settled but become unsettled on the first, second and sixth of March, with a potential Kp index of five. This is due to matter arriving from a very large coronal hole on the solar surface. So it looks like a reasonable weekend for HF, but conditions and MUFs may decline early next week.

And note that we are now entering March. Spring is typically a time when HF favours North-South paths, such as the UK to South Africa and South America. Make the most of the next couple of months, before we enter the Summer season, which is characterised by lower F2-layer maximum usable frequencies. However, the bands will stay open longer, perhaps even 24 hours on 20 metres by mid Summer.

Short-skip Sporadic-E on 7 to 28MHz can make up for decreasing F2-layer propagation and activity, but we are still a couple of months away from the start of the Sporadic-E season.

And now the VHF and up propagation news.

As we ended the week, an area of high pressure extended towards southern Britain from the southwest. It should have become firmly established over the country by now and should produce a welcome return of Tropo conditions for the VHF and UHF bands.

This should dominate into next week, but during Tuesday a more summer-like area of low pressure drifts north from Biscay, and may produce some heavy spring showers over southern England, so possible rain scatter conditions coming up for midweek.

The high doesn’t go away and should bring further Tropo after this showery interlude, but eventually an Atlantic cold front will move into northwest Britain at the end of the week, starting a spell of unsettled, windy weather there, but leaving southern Britain under the Tropo ridge for another day or so.

We are now in an extended period where lowest EME path losses coincide with low Moon declination and hence short Moon visibility windows. This week, declination goes negative on Monday so Moon visibility windows and peak Moon elevations will reduce. Path losses continue to fall this week as we get to the Moon’s closest approach to Earth, called perigee, on Tuesday.

There are no major meteor showers until mid March, so pre-dawn continues to be the best time for random meteor scatter contacts.

And that’s all from the propagation team this week.

Next, the Local News:

Please note that details of all RSGB-affiliated clubs and societies can be found on the RSGB website, including email addresses and website links where known.

[Note to Newsreaders: Please read the local news items appropriate to the service area of your transmission.]


[Note to Newsreaders: We recognise that the length of Local News can be tricky to read in the available time, even when you use your discretion and omit news items from beyond your service area. From this week we are suggesting a new approach: omit contact details from the broadcast items, but be prepared to supply them on request during a post-broadcast net. If you chose to do this, we suggest you open this section with something like the following:


As an experiment, to shorten the Local News part of this broadcast, we are not reading out contact details for all clubs. If any listener needs contact details for a particular club, the full script can be downloaded from gb2rs or, alternatively, please ask during the net that follows this broadcast.


We invite feedback and comments to ]

Burton Amateur Radio Club has an open net on Sundays from 10am on 145.575MHz FM. Monday sees a slow CW exercise from 11am on 14.055MHz. On Wednesday there’s an open net on 145.575MHz from 7.30pm. Thursday sees an open net from 8pm on 145.575MHz. Contact Barry, M0ISZ, on 01283 540570. !!!

Loughborough & District Amateur Radio Club has a net on Sundays from 7.30pm around 145.425MHz. Tuesday sees a net from 7.30pm around 145.425MHz and a Zoom meeting from 8pm. More information from Chris, G1ETZ, on 01509 504 319. !!!

Rugby Amateur Transmitting Society has weekday nets on 144.275MHz SSB from 8.30am. Friday sees a net from 8pm on 1.913MHz. On Saturday there’s a web conference from 2pm. More details from Steve, G8LYB on 01788 578 940. !!!

Wythall Radio Club has a net on 145.225MHz from 8pm on Sundays. On Tuesday there’s a virtual meeting from 8.30pm with a net on 145.225MHz and/or GB3WL. Contact Chris, G3YHF, on 0795 839 5904. !!!

Northampton Radio club has daily nets on 145.3625MHz from 10.30am and a weekday net on 145.3625MHz from 6pm. For details, email

Midland Amateur Radio Society has an open net on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays on 145.425MHz. Wednesday also sees a Zoom meeting from 7pm. Details from Norman, G8BHE, on 0780 807 8003.

Bromsgrove & District Amateur Radio Club has nets on Monday and Friday from 7.30pm around 145.400MHz. Friday also sees a Zoom meeting. Contact John G8SH, on 0775 937 0544. !!!

Nunsfield House Amateur Radio Group has a net on Monday from 9.30am on 80m. Thursday sees a net from 8pm on 145.325MHz and on Friday there’s a Zoom meeting from 8pm. For details, email !!!

On Monday Stratford upon Avon & District Radio Society has a net on 145.275MHz FM from 8pm. Contact Clive, G0CHO, on 01608 664 488.

Sutton Coldfield Amateur Radio Society has an open net on Monday from 7.30pm around 145.250MHz. Details from Robert, via email to rob2e0zap@.

Welland Valley Amateur Radio Society has nets on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 4pm on 145.275MHz. Contact Peter, G4XEX, on 01858 432 105. !!!

Gloucester Amateur Radio & Electronics Society has a net on Tuesday from 8.30pm on 144.550MHz. Wednesday sees a net from 7.30pm on 145.475MHz. On Thursday there’s a net from 7.30pm on 145.475MHz FM, which move to 80m SSB later. Friday sees a net from 7.30pm on 432.220MHz SSB. Contact Anne, 2E1GKY, on 01242 699 595, daytime. !!!

South Birmingham Radio Society has an online coffee morning via Zoom on Tuesday from 11am. For details email Gemma, M6GKG, via gemmagordonm6gkg@.

South Normanton Alfreton & District Amateur Radio Club has its net on Tuesday from 7pm around 145.475MHz. The 2@2 net is on Thursday at 2pm on 145.450MHz. The Saturday net runs from 11am on 145.450MHz. For details, email, snadarcsec@. !!!

Bolsover Amateur Radio Society has a net on Wednesday from 2.20pm on 145.250MHz. Friday sees a net from 11am on 3.690MHz. Contact Alvey, G4KSY, on 01246 827 135. !!!

Central Radio Amateur Circle has a Google meeting from 7pm on Wednesday. Saturday sees the net from 12.30pm on 145.575MHz. For details, text to 0737 552 3259.

Lincoln Short-Wave Club has a net on Tuesday from 9.30am via GB3LM. Wednesday sees a Zoom meeting from 7.30pm. Thursday’s net via GB3LM starts at 8pm. Contact Pam, G4STO, on 01427 788 356. !!

Mid-Warwickshire Amateur Radio Society has its net on Wednesday from 8pm on 145.275MHz. Contact Don, G4CYG, on 01926 424465.

On Wednesday Telford & District Amateur Radio Society has a Webex committee meeting and a 2m FM net. Contact John, M0JZH, on 0782 473 7716.

On Thursday Solihull Amateur Radio Society has its net on 145.450MHz from 8pm. For details, email solihullradioclub@. !!!

On Thursday Stourbridge & District Amateur Radio Society has a Zoom meeting and net on 145.325MHz from 8pm. Contact John, M1EJG, on 01562 700 513.

Kettering & District Amateur Radio Society has its net on Thursday from 7pm on 145.300MHz. Details from Ed, M0TZX, via email to M0TZX@. !!!


[Note to Newsreaders: We recognise that the length of Local News can be tricky to read in the available time, even when you use your discretion and omit news items from beyond your service area. From this week we are suggesting a new approach: omit contact details from the broadcast items, but be prepared to supply them on request during a post-broadcast net. If you chose to do this, we suggest you open this section with something like the following:


As an experiment, to shorten the Local News part of this broadcast, we are not reading out contact details for all clubs. If any listener needs contact details for a particular club, the full script can be downloaded from gb2rs or, alternatively, please ask during the net that follows this broadcast.


We invite feedback and comments to ]

Central Lancs Amateur Radio Club has an open net on Sundays from 11am on 1.940MHz. Most afternoons see CQ and a brew at half past two around 70.450MHz FM. On Tuesday there’s an open net around 70.450MHz at 7.30pm. Saturday’s net is on 1.938MHz from 11am. Contact Peter, G3UCA, on 01772 494 474.

Houghton-Le-Spring Amateur Radio Club has a SSTV net on Sundays from 8pm on 144.700MHz FM. Monday, Wednesday and Friday see Morse tuition from 8pm on 144.700MHz FM. On Tuesday there’s a net on 145.450MHz from 7pm. Details from George, M5GHT, on 0191 548 8995.

Oldham Radio Club has its Sunday morning multimode net on XLX305A from 9.30am. Details from Mike, M1CVL, on 0740 276 3203.

Otley Amateur Radio Society has a net on Sundays from 8pm around 145.475MHz. Tuesday sees a net on GB3WF using FM from 7.30pm, switching to Fusion at 8pm. Contact David, M0HLL, on 01423 522618.

South Manchester Radio and Computer Club has a net on Sundays from 10.30am on 3637kHz SSB. On Monday there’s a DMR net from 8pm. Tuesday sees a Morse net from 7.15pm around 3553kHz, then a net from 8pm around 145.475MHz FM. On Wednesday there’s a net from 8pm on 51.530MHz. Thursday sees a net from 8pm around 145.475MHz. Details from Ron, G3SVW, on 0161 969 3999. !!!

With the lifting of COVID restrictions on the island, meetings at the club shack in Ballasalla have resumed. Meetings at Tromode are still suspended. The nets on Sundays will continue on 3.715MHz at 9.30am and 10pm, plus a net on the GB3IM repeater network after the 11am GB2RS news. All are welcome.

Thornton Cleveleys Amateur Radio Society has a net on Sundays from 11am on 1.969MHz. Monday and Thursday see nets from 8pm around 145.400MHz. Contact Bill, M0KBR, on 0780 858 8784.

Warrington Amateur Radio Club has an open meeting via Zoom on Sundays from 2pm. Weekends see nets from 10am around 145.350MHz. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday there’s a net from 7.30pm around 145.350MHz. Tuesday sees a virtual club talk via Zoom from 8pm. For details, email

Bishop Auckland Radio Amateurs Club has a digital-only net via GB7CY on Mondays from 7.30pm. Wednesday sees a net from 7.30pm via GB3CD, which is also accessible via Echolink. Details are at .uk.

Furness Amateur Radio Society has a net on 144.290MHz horizontal SSB from 7.30pm on Monday. Friday sees an open net on 145.325MHz from 7.30pm. Contact Dave, G3VUS, on 01229 825728.

Halifax & District Amateur Radio Society has a net on Monday at 7pm on 144.390MHz USB, an open net from 7pm on Tuesday via GB3WY and an open net on GB3HD from 7pm on Wednesday. Thursday sees a SSTV net on 144.525MHz from 1pm and a joint net with RAFARS on 145.350MHz from 7pm. Contact Martin, M0GQB on 01422 341 317.

Hull & District ARS is continuing to celebrate 100 years of amateur radio clubs in the area with its year-long special event station, GB1OOH [Newsreaders’ note: that’s Golf, Bravo, One, Oscar, Oscar, Hotel]. Details are on . On Monday there’s a net via GB3HS from 7pm. Wednesday and Friday see a Zoom chat from 7pm. Thursday’s net is on 145.350MHz± from 7pm. Details from Bryn, M0GPN, on 0747 115 6421.

Sheffield Amateur Radio Club has a Zoom meeting on Monday plus a net via GB7SH from 7.30pm. Contact David, G6DCT, via email to littlewood20@.

Stockport Radio Society has a net on 433.350MHz on Monday. Tuesday sees a contesting Q&A. Contact Heather, M6HNS, on 0750 690 4422.

Keighley Amateur Radio Society has a Zoom meeting on Tuesday and on Thursday instead of the usual pub night. Details from Geoff, G7JZM, on 0777 489 1641. !!!

Wear-side Electronics Amateur Radio Society has nets on Monday and Friday from 7pm via GB3TS. For details, email

Sheffield & District Wireless Society has an open net on 145.475MHz from 8pm on Wednesday. Next Sunday sees a Jitsi video meeting for members from 11am. Details from Peter, G3PHO, on 01246 260 308.

York Radio club has its net on Wednesday from 8pm on 145.450MHz. For info see !!!

Ormskirk Quantum Technology Club has an open meeting online from 7.30pm on Thursdays. For details, email

On Thursday Spen Valley Amateur Radio Society has a net from 8pm on 145.350MHz. Details from Russell, G0FOI, on 01274 875 038. !!!


Antrim and District Amateur Radio Club activates GB2CW on Tuesdays from 7pm on 145.250MHz FM. This is ideal for anyone interested in learning Morse, or wanting to brush up their CW skills. All are welcome to call in. Transmissions are from Co Down, covering greater Belfast and surrounding areas. It’s good fun and the sessions aren’t too long. There are voice nets on Friday and Saturday on 2m from 7pm. Zoom meetings are held at 8pm on the second and last Tuesday of the month. For details, email mi0wwb@.

Bushvalley Amateur Radio Club has an open net on Tuesdays from 8.30pm on 145.300MHz FM. There’s a bi-monthly quiz, and you’ll find info on that on the club Facebook page, plus details of the next Zoom meeting. For details, email bushvalleyarc@.

The Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club Tuesday Night Lectures take place on the second and fourth Tuesdays. All are welcome. For further information and the Zoom link, email Dave, 2I0SJV via dcparkinson@.

Strangford High frequency Enthusiasts Group is welcoming new members, especially visually impaired and disabled members for whom club lifetime membership is free. The group is able to offer many services including training, assistance with antennas, radio programming and access to antennas from 160 metres to 13cm including QO-100 satellite. If you have no radio, you can access the radioless Allstar node from Android phone or PC. Contact Robert at GI0VKP@.


[Note to Newsreaders: We recognise that the length of Local News can be tricky to read in the available time, even when you use your discretion and omit news items from beyond your service area. From this week we are suggesting a new approach: omit contact details from the broadcast items, but be prepared to supply them on request during a post-broadcast net. If you chose to do this, we suggest you open this section with something like the following:


As an experiment, to shorten the Local News part of this broadcast, we are not reading out contact details for all clubs. If any listener needs contact details for a particular club, the full script can be downloaded from gb2rs or, alternatively, please ask during the net that follows this broadcast.


We invite feedback and comments to ]

We start with good news for GMDX and Stirling and District ARS. They have been jointly awarded the Al Slater G3FXB Memorial Award. This award, originated and administered by the First Class CW Operators Club, or FOC, is in memory of the late Al Slater, G3FXB, one of the UK's top DXers and Contesters.

Now the listing of all known nets in Scotland, collated by RSGB Regional Rep Tony, MM0TMZ in association with Jack, GM4COX and the West of Scotland ARS and published at

West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society has a daily net from 11am on 145.425MHz. Wednesday sees a net from 8pm on 433.425MHz and on Friday there is an open net on 145.425MHz, also from 8pm. Details are at

Ayr Amateur Radio Group has a CW net on Sundays on 144.295MHz from 7pm and an FM net on 145.450MHz from 7.30pm. There are daily nets around 7.035MHz from 10.15am, moving to 7.065MHz and 145.450MHz at 10.30am. Friday sees a Zoom meeting. For details, email derek.secaarg@.

Kilmarnock & Loudoun Amateur Radio Club holds a net on Sundays from 2pm around 3.720MHz SSB, later moving to around 3.540MHz CW. Tuesday sees a net on 145.475MHz from 7.30pm. For further details, email klarcinfo@.

Mid Lanarkshire Amateur Radio Society has a net on Sundays from 9pm on 28.475MHz. Wednesday sees the DMR Scotland net on TG23550 from 8pm. On Friday there’s a club Zello chat from 7pm, which later moves to 2m. More info is at

The Viking Amateur Radio Net runs on Sundays from 6pm on 3.660 or 3.639MHz. Details are on their Facebook page.

Stirling and District Amateur Radio Society has a net from noon on Sundays via GB3FE. Monday and Thursday also see nets on GB3FE and 145.550MHz from 7pm. Email secretary@ for info.

The Loch Lomond net in the Vale of Leven takes place from 8pm on Sundays via the EchoLink-connected MB7IBH gateway on 144.9625MHz. At 9pm the net moves to DMR on TG23559 and also MB6IDG on 431.0975MHz. Contact Paul via email to

Dundee Amateur Radio Club has nets on Sundays and Wednesdays from 7.30pm on GB3AG and GB3DD. There is also a Skype meeting on Tuesday. Contact Martin, 2M0KAU on 07763 708 933.

Wigtownshire Amateur Radio Society has a net on Sundays from 7.30pm on GB3DG, which then usually moves to Zoom around 8pm. Thursday sees a net on GB3DG from 7pm. There is also an open RAYNET net daily on GB3DG from noon. See for further details.

Edinburgh & District Amateur Radio Club has its net on Monday from 8pm on 433.525MHz. Contact Norman, GM1CNH, on 07740 946 192.

Glenrothes & District Radio Club has open nets from 10am on 3.790MHz every day except Sunday. There are further nets on Tuesday and Thursday from 7.30pm on 145.425MHz. Morse training is also available. Details from Tam on 07753 526 498.

Paisley Amateur Radio Club has a net on Mondays from 8pm on 144.550MHz and Zello. Tuesday sees a DMR net in room 4415 from 8pm. On Thursday there’s a net on 144.550MHz and Zello from 7.30pm. Contact Stuart, MM0PAZ, on 07426 650 757.

Livingston & District Amateur Radio Society has a net on Tuesdays from 7.30pm on 145.575MHz FM. Wednesday sees a net on DMR Scotland TG23550 from 8pm. Contact Cathie, 2M0DIB on 01506 433 846.

On Wednesday Lothians Radio Society has an SSB net on 144.350MHz from 8pm. Email secretary@.

On Wednesday Falkirk Amateur Radio Club has its net from 8pm via GB3FE. Contact Peter, via email to

Lomond Radio Club has a net on Thursdays from 7.30pm using 144.9625MHz to the MB7IBH gateway and also via EchoLink. Contact gm0kzx@.

On Friday, Strathclyde Park Amateur Radio Club has an FM net from 7.30pm on 145.400MHz, and also on the BATC channel from 8pm. Further details from Bill, MM0SFB, via email to gm0syv@.

To have your net listed on the WoSARS website or to report any changes to existing nets please email Remember also to keep GB2RS updated via email to Please note that the deadline for submissions is 10am on Thursdays.


[Note to Newsreaders: We recognise that the length of Local News can be tricky to read in the available time, even when you use your discretion and omit news items from beyond your service area. From this week we are suggesting a new approach: omit contact details from the broadcast items, but be prepared to supply them on request during a post-broadcast net. If you chose to do this, we suggest you open this section with something like the following:


As an experiment, to shorten the Local News part of this broadcast, we are not reading out contact details for all clubs. If any listener needs contact details for a particular club, the full script can be downloaded from gb2rs or, alternatively, please ask during the net that follows this broadcast.


We invite feedback and comments to ]

Burnham Beeches Radio Club has a net on Sundays from 10.30am, starting on 145.500MHz then moving to 145.275MHz and Zoom. Monday sees the AGM, via Zoom. Contact Greg, G4EBY, via email to ebytronics@.

Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society has daily nets on 145.400MHz from 8.10am, moving to 28.45MHz at 8.40am. There’s Morse training on Sundays from 8pm on 144.060MHz and on Mondays on 3.542MHz from 7.30pm, moving at 8.15pm to 3.555MHz as GB2CW for slow Morse transmissions. On Tuesday there’s slow CW from 8pm around 3.545MHz plus a talk by John O’Connell, M0JOC on his role as an international tour manager, event planning, onstage requirements and wireless connectivity. For details, email

Cray Valley Radio Society has a net today from 10am on 145.350MHz. On Thursday there’s a Zoom talk by Chris Whitmarsh, G0FDZ on how to make your project a success. Friday sees a net on 70.425MHz FM from 8.30pm. Next Sunday sees a net from 10am on 145.350MHz. Details from Dave, G8ZZK, on 0773 954 9822.

Edgware & District Radio Society runs a weekday open net, starting on 145.500MHz at 3pm. On Monday there’s a net from 9pm, commencing on 145.500MHz FM, then moving to around 1988kHz at 9.30pm. Thursday sees a net from 9pm around 50.140MHz. More information is at !!!

Felixstowe & District Amateur Radio Society has an open net on Sundays from 10am on 145.400MHz. Monday sees an open net from 7.45pm via GB3IH, and on Tuesday there’s an open CW net from 7pm on 144.070MHz. Wednesday sees an open DMR net from 7pm on TG840. More information from Paul, G4YQC, by email to pjw@.

Hastings Electronics and Radio Club has daily nets from 10am on 144.575MHz, plus twice-weekly Zoom nights. Monday sees a CW net from 8pm on 3.563MHz. For details, email herc.hastings@.

Radio Society of Harrow has a net on Sundays from 2pm on 145.350MHz. Tuesday sees a net on GB3HR from 8pm. On Thursday there’s a net from 8.15pm on 145.350MHz. Details from Linda, G7RJL via email to lcasey100@.

Reading & District Amateur Radio Club has a post-GB2RS net on Sundays on 70.425MHz, 51.53MHz, GB3BN and 10.355GHz wideband FM. Tuesday sees a net from 8pm on 70.425MHz. On Thursday there’s a Zoom meeting. Contact Tom, M0LTE, via email to

South Essex Amateur Radio Society has weekday nets from 3.30pm on 145.325MHz. Details from Terry, G1FBW, on 0798 607 0040.

Aylesbury Vale Radio Society has its 2m FM net on Mondays from 8pm. For details, see .uk.

Braintree & District Amateur Radio Society has a welfare net on 145.375MHz from 10am on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Tuesday sees the club net from 8pm on 145.375MHz. For programme updates check

Colchester Radio Amateurs has an open CW net on 144.163MHz from 9.30pm on Monday. On Tuesday there’s an open net from 7pm on 433.425MHz FM and on 1.920MHz from 8pm. Wednesday sees an open net on 145.350MHz from 7pm and on Thursday there’s an open net on 3.685MHz from 7pm. Contact Mark, M0LTG, on 0770 374 5369. !!!

Fort Purbrook Amateur Radio Club has an open net on Monday from 8pm on 145.275MHz. Friday sees an open net from 7pm on 433.450MHz, moving at 7.30pm to GB3IW for a joint open net with IOW RS. Contact Rod, G4SPS, via email to

Norfolk Amateur Radio Club has a CW net on Mondays from 8.30pm. For more details, including info on Morse lessons, see .

Surrey Radio Contact Club has a net on Sundays from 9.30am on 1905kHz. On Monday there’s a video show and tell session. Tuesday sees a net from 8pm on 51.55MHz FM and on Wednesday there’s a JS8 net on 28.078MHz from 10am. Thursday sees a net on 70.30MHz FM from 8pm. On Friday there’s a D-Star net on 144.6125MHz from 7.30pm, followed by a net on 145.350MHz FM from 8pm. Contact John, G3MCX, on 020 8688 3322. !!

On Tuesday Camb-Hams has its net on GB3PI from 8pm. For details, see camb-.

Thurrock Acorns Amateur Radio Club has a SSTV net on Tuesday from 7.30pm on 144.500MHz SSB. On Friday there’s a net from 7.30pm, starting on 145.500MHz. For details, email

Bishop's Stortford Amateur Radio Society has its net on Wednesday from 8pm on 145.5625MHz FM. For details, see .

Bromley & District Amateur Radio Society has its net on Wednesday from 9pm, usually settling around 145.400MHz. Contact Andy, G4WGZ, on 01689 878 089. !!!

Chesham & District Amateur Radio Society has its net on GB3TU from 8pm on Wednesday. Contact Malcolm, G3ZNU, on 01494 890 840.

Crystal Palace Radio and Electronics Club has a net on Wednesday around 145.525MHz from 8pm. Saturday sees a net from 8pm on 51.55MHz. Contact Damien, 2E0EUI, on 0790 024 2541. !!!

Loughton & Epping Forest Amateur Radio Society has nets on Wednesdays from 8pm on Brandmeister DMR TG23511 plus 70.475MHz FM. Thursdays sees a net from 8pm on 144.725MHz FM. On Friday there’s a Zoom meeting. For details, email

Southdown Amateur Radio Society has nets on Wednesday on 145.275MHz FM from 8.30am, via GB3ZX from 2pm and a CW net on 144.060MHz from 7pm. For details, see .

Whitton Amateur Radio Group has a Jitsi video conference on Wednesday and Friday from 8pm, plus a net on 145.375MHz FM and/or 28.395MHz SSB. Contact Ian, G0OFN, on 0795 620 3495. !!!

Bittern DX Group has its net on Thursday from 7.30pm, commencing on 145.500MHz. Details are at !!!

Bredhurst Receiving & Transmitting Society has its bi-weekly net on Thursday from 8pm on GB3DA. For details, email secretary@brats-.

Shefford & District Amateur Radio Society has a net on Thursday from 8pm, starting on 145.500MHz. More information from David, G8UOD on 01234 742 757. !!!

Itchen Valley Amateur Radio Club has a Zoom meeting from 7.30pm on Friday. For details, email

Medway Amateur Receiving and Transmitting Society has a Zoom meeting from 7.30pm on Friday plus a net on 14.650MHz. Next Sunday sees a talk via Zoom from 11am. Contact Steve, G4HJE, on 0795 662 8432.

Silverthorn Radio Club has an open net on Friday from 7.30pm via GB3OY. Contact Colin, 2E1FQE, on 0797 335 0421.

Thames Amateur Radio Group has a net via GB3DA from 8pm on Friday. For information, email targradio@.


A new net for Cornwall and the surrounding area starts on Thursday at 7pm on 145.400MHz. Called the Operators Net it is open to all licensed amateurs with a focus on experimentation of equipment, power level tests, or just a chance to try a new microphone or antenna. Signal and audio reports freely given. Friendly and informal net for all. For more information contact Callum G5XDX at

Flight Refuelling Amateur Radio Society has nets on Sunday on 145.3875MHz from 7pm to 8pm, then from 8pm to 9pm on 50.180MHz. Thursday sees nets on 70.400MHz from 7pm to 8pm, then from 8pm to 9pm on 145.3875MHz. For details, email

Thornbury & South Gloucestershire Amateur Radio Club has a net on GB3ZB from 10.30am daily. Wednesday sees a Zoom meeting from 8pm and on Friday there’s a net on 145.450MHz at 8pm. For details, email

Weston Super Mare Radio Society has a Zoom meeting on Monday. The club net via GB3WB runs from 8pm on Thursday. Contact M0JOG, on 0750 066 8674.

Guernsey Amateur Radio Society has a net on 145.525MHz from 8pm on Tuesday. Friday sees a net from 7.30pm on 145.525MHz. Contact Tom, 2U0TKB, on 07781 405 083.

Trowbridge & District Amateur Radio Club has a Zoom evening on Wednesday from 8pm with Laurie, G3UML, including some interesting stories and a well-known news announcement from the early 1980s, Next Sunday sees an open net on 145.375MHz from 8pm. For details, email secretary.tdarc@.


Carmarthen Amateur Radio Society holds an 80m SSB net from 2.30pm every Sunday. Tuesday and Thursday see a net via GB3FG from 8pm. On Wednesdays there’s an FM or Fusion net from 7.30pm via GB3CM. Contact Andy, GW0JLX, on 0776 828 2880.

Dragon Amateur Radio Club has a Zoom talk on Monday by Andrew, G0VOM on the magnetic loop antenna. For details, email

On Tuesday Rhondda Amateur Radio Society has its net on GB3BC from 7pm, moving to around 7.090MHz at 8pm and followed by a Zoom meeting at 8.30pm. Contact John, GW4BUZ, on 01443 432 542.

Wrexham Amateur Radio Society is holding its AGM on Tuesday. Contact Mark, MW1MDH, via email to mw1mdh@.

Newport Amateur Radio Society is having a Zoom meeting on Thursday, using details posted at .uk/zoomdetails/. On Friday there’s a net on 144.700MHz from 8pm and Sunday sees a net around 3.705MHz from 10am. Contact Mike, GW8MER, on 0782 595 5140.

North Wales Radio Society has announced that its AGM planned for Thursday has been postponed. Contact Liz, GW0ETU, on 0776 019 0355.


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