Australian Flora and Fauna

Lesson plan 1Class: Stage 3- Year 6Duration: 60 minutesPrior Learning and Rationale: This lesson is the first in stage 3’s unit of work ‘Australian Flora and Fauna.’ This lesson aims to introduce the unit by identifying Australia’s natural physical environment in which native flora and fauna live.KLA (s): Science and English Objectives: For stage three to develop knowledge of the Natural Environment through understanding the Physical World and Living World.Outcomes & IndicatorsST3-10LW- Describes how structural features and other adaptations of living things help them to survive in their environment (Board of Studies, NSW, 2012)-Observe and describe the structural features of some native Australian animals and plants ST3-11LW- Describes some physical conditions of the environment and how these affect the growth and survival of living things-Identify that growth and survival of living things are affected by the physical conditions of their environment. -Make predictions about how changing the physical conditions of the environment impacts on the growth and survival of living thingsEN3-6B- Uses knowledge of sentence structure, grammar, punctuation and vocabulary to respond to and compose clear and cohesive texts in different media and technologies (Board of Studies, NSW, 2012)-Understand the use of vocabulary to express greater precision of meaningKey Scientific Knowledge:Students will need to have sufficiently met outcome ST2-10LW being capable of recognising that living things have life cycles and can group things into living things and non-living things (Board of Studies, 2012). Students will also be able to describe ways that people effect both the environment and living things through their actions from meeting outcome ST1-11LW (Board of Studies, 2012). Furthermore they are required to understand that various environments provide different needs for living things as well as describing their external features and changes in growth. Terms, definitions and concepts Terms: Physical environment Definitions:-Flora: Plants of a certain region, habitat, or geological area.-Fauna: Animals of a certain region, habitat or geological area.-Climate: Weather circumstances dominant in an area.Concepts:-Climate and Australia’s physical environment effect flora and fauna-Australia is comprised of a range of climatesResources & Equipment:SMART notebook fileAppendix 1aAppendix 1b2 desks out the front one with a range of flora such as eucalyptus, banksias and wattle and the other with laminated photos of animals (Appendix 1b)Classroom organisation:Students will begin by interacting with the set up tables before sitting down on the floor as a whole class group. They will then disperse outside in peers before returning to the sit on the floor in front of the SMART board as a whole class. To conclude the lesson students will in pairs seated in the floor.Lesson Overview:Introduction:Students will be introduced to the lesson through viewing two tables out the front of the class (Appendix 1b). In groups of 4, students can approach the tables and quickly observe the fauna and touch the flora. The SMART board will show a map of Australia under the heading ‘Australian Flora and Fauna’ (Slide 1).Centre:-Seated as a class group, students will be asked what they think we are going to learn about in our next science unit retrieving the answer “Flora and fauna in Australia” explaining that flora refers to plants and fauna refers to animals.-A discussion on what plants and animals are found in Australia will be implemented before students share what they see around their home, in their community and other places they go. -Information about Indigenous flora and fauna will be integrated into the discussion (See Appendix 1a).-Once these have been identified the physical environment of Australia will be focused on referring to the map. Chosen students will approach the board and colour the regions they think are wet (in blue) and dry (in red) (Slide 2). Students can provide examples of where they have been in Australia and the climate there. -Students will form pairs to go outside for 5 minutes to identify any animals or plants they see.-Students will then return inside and engage in a brief discussion with their partner of where they think this animal likes to live and why recording on a mind map (Slide 3).-The class will return as a whole group one student at a time to come to the board and write on the map the name of the plant or animal they think comes from that area providing a reason. Conclusion:The lesson will conclude by students having 2 minutes to quietly discuss what else they know about flora and fauna with the person next to them. Support:To support students who are finding this lesson challenging I would provide them with more information on how flora and fauna differentiate.Extend:Students who find it too simple could be asked to discuss the found flora or fauna in greater depth such as providing what they know of Australia’s climate and how that could impact plants and animals.(Appendix 1a)Indigenous use of Flora and fauna information sheetFlora used as a food source:OrchidsGeraniumsAcaciaFlora used as medicine:EucalyptusAmyemaMentha australisFauna that is eaten:The burrowing frogBeetlesBandicootsFauna used to make clothing:KangaroosEmusFlora and fauna used to make weapons:TreesEchidna quillsFish(Appendix 1b) ................

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