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|Lesson Plan |

|Prep/PreAP -Spanish 2 |

|Capítulo 2A: ¿Cómo te Preparas? |

|10/21 through 10/25 |

|Teacher: Magda L. Garcia |

Learning Activities:

Target: The student will compare daily routines in the United States with those in Spanish speaking countries.

The student will express possession, describe clothing and fashion, and point out specific objects in target language.

Date Essential Question Objective Teacher/student

| | |I can recall, listen to, and |Warm-up: Making Comparisons practice |

|Monday |How are daily routines in Spanish |understand vocabulary for body|Opening: Teacher will go over previous chapter test/clarify questions. |

| |speaking countries different than |parts and vocabulary related |*1st period class (only) will finish chapter test. |

| |in the United States? |to shopping. |Independent Practice: Students will recall and fill out vocabulary handout |

|10/21 | | |from Spanish I. Compare and share answers with partner. |

| | |I can learn new vocabulary |Guided Practice #1: Students will repeat new vocabulary from chapter 2A and |

| | |related to daily routines and |will complete vocabulary notes through a PPT. |

| | |for getting ready to go out. |Assessment/Closing: Share opinions about one’s daily routine in America. |

| | | | Warm-up: Matching vocabulary 2A. |

| |What clothes do I wear in different|I can learn new vocabulary |Opening: Recall previous vocabulary (2A) by looking at the pictures from a |

| |types of situations? |related to daily routines and |PPT and vocabulary handout. |

|Tuesday | |for getting ready to go out. |Guided Practice #1: Students will repeat new vocabulary from chapter 2B and |

|10/22 |How what I wear is a reflection of | |will complete vocabulary notes through a PPT. |

| |my own culture? | |Independent Practice: Students will complete Pictionary packet for vocabulary|

| | | |2A&B. |

| | | |Assessment/Closing: write 3 complete sentences about how what I wear is a |

| | | |reflection of my own culture. |

| |How clothes and fashion differ from|I can illustrate or categorize|Warm-up: Matching vocabulary 2B. |

| |one culture to another? |new vocabulary according with |Opening: Recall previous vocabulary (2B) by looking at the pictures and |

| | |themes. |vocabulary handout. |

|Wed/Th | | |Independent Practice: In pairs students, will categorize vocabulary 2A and |

|10/23/24 | |I can learn new vocabulary |vocabulary 2B according with their own themes. |

| | |related to daily routines and |Guided Practice #1: Using vocabulary flash cards students will talk, learn, |

| | |for getting ready to go out. |and recognize the new vocabulary. Students will take oral quiz over |

| | | |vocabulary 1A. (if time) |

| | | |Assessment/Closing: Students will do a listening practice from the listening |

| | | |workbook-vocab. 2A |

|Friday |How clothes and fashion differ from| |Warm-up: Matching v0cabulary 2A&B |

| |one culture to another? |I can speak about clothing |Guided Practice #1: Using vocabulary flash cards students will talk, learn, |

| | |items and daily routines. |and recognize the new vocabulary 2A. Students will take oral quiz over |

|10/25 | | |vocabulary 2A. |

| | | |Assessment/Closing: Oral Quiz vocabulary 2B Tuesday. |


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