PDF Communication Apps for Android - Disability & Aged Care ...

App Quick Talk AAC

Avaz ? AAC App for Autism

Price $27.78

Communication Apps for Android



Choice Board Apps

10 categories that allow up to 8 choices to be presented at a time on the screen. Includes Smarty Symbols library of 11,000


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Multi level/Dynamic Apps

A dynamic display AAC app. Fully customisable with symbols and text. Symbol library included. Integrated with social media ? Twitter, email and Facebook. Data logging/tracking available.


Talk Tablet


Dynamic Display AAC app. Fully customisable with symbols and text. In built Symbol Stix library. 9 starter vocabularies 16-48 buttons per page.

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Alexicom AAC Voice4u AAC Talking Tabs

AAC speech communicator

Free, Subsequent $40 for page editor every month

AAC app that allows multilevel pages and customisation with 2000+ custom symbols. Message window available. Synthesized voice output. Photos can be used. 20 AT&T voices available.

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AAC app that allows multilevel pages and customisation with 150+ custom symbols. Cell colours cannot be changed. No message window. Recorded voice output only. Photos can be used. No alternative access available.

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8 pre-set categories available. Some customisation

available. 2 modes: table mode (grid format AAC pages) and &feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsIml0LmFj

tales mode (allows short stories with pictures to be typed). MTkuYWFjIl0.

Synthesized speech. Switch access is available when paired

with Tecla Shield.


Not customisable. Comes with pre-made page sets. Colour

coding of images based on word category (e.g. names,


actions) for easy identification. Synthesized voice used,


additional voices can be purchased.


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JABtalk AAC Speech Buddy LetMeTalk

Free $26.76 Free

Customisable with photos and pictures from the internet. No symbol library available. Synthesized and recorded speech available. Vibrates when a word is touched. Password protected administrative tools. Online tutorials available.


The AACSpeechBuddy allows users to quickly and easily create customized Speech Sets using their own photos or collected images. Once the Speech Sets are loaded they DO NOT require a network connection to run


LetMeTalk is a free symbol based communication app which allows for customisation. Visuals can be selected to form a e.letmetalk sentence to be read out.

Niki Talk


Niki Talk is a picture based AAC app which can be

customised including page colours. Phrases are made by


selecting pictures which can be read aloud. This app was

designed by a father of a child with Autism.

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CoughDrop AAC

CommBoardsCommunication Assistant AAC

Free for all features for 2 months, additional features then $6 per month or $200 for lifetime purchase

CoughDrop is a picture based AAC app. CoughDrop provides starter boards for different communication levels. Buttons can be personalised using the symbol library or user photos.



CommBoards is a picture based AAC app. Create unlimited additional pages, cells and categories . Customise cells with images from CommBoards symbol library or from the users' photos.


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Text to speech

A text to speech app that includes word prediction, email/ social media, phrase banks, switch access, Australian voice output and ability to use handwriting.


Speech Assistant AAC






Speech Assistant is a text to speech based AAC app. With this app you can create categories, words and phrases, which are placed on large buttons. With these buttons you can create messages that can be shown or spoken. It is also possible to type any text using the keyboard.


Speaks whatever you type. Allows speed, pitch and language to be set. Download 35+ SVOX voices. Email audio letters. Save and load your favourite phrases. Compatible for switch use with Tecla Shield.

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Speaks what you type in. Reads contents of QR codes and other common barcodes scanned in conjunction with another app called Barcode Scanner by ZXING TEAM. Compatible for switch use with Tecla Shield.

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