1. What are Macros and where are they located?

a. This presentation is is about the DCAL Macros found in the Toolbox side and pulldown menus; not the Keyboard Macros.

b. DCAL is a programming language used by DataCAD the macros are automated routines.

i. Many old macros still work with the newer versions of DataCAD.

ii. Few new Macros have been written or updated.

iii. Some macros do not work or partially work with newer versions. (mainly because of the changes to the menu structure of DataCAD).

c. A few Macros are included with the DataCAD Program Located in the Macros Subdirectory of DataCAD V12. Older Versions of DataCAD have the DCAL Macros located in the DCX subfolder.

d. You can have your most-used macros available in the Pulldown Menu TOOLBOX by selecting Configure at the very top of the menu. Alternatively setting up the Program Preferences –Macros Tab and then selecting the macros and adding them to the pull down menu. You can have Macros that are located in different directory locations in a single location. The macros will be in the order selected shown at the right. You can move them up and down to arrange them in order of most used or alphabetical order, etc.

2. Additional Third party Macros are available for purchase or download for free from a number of sources:

a. Located on the DataCAD Website, and through 3rd party providers at:

Free downloads:

3. You can also write your own Macros using the DCAL programming language.

a. There is a tutorial on the DataCAD website to get you started.

b. The DCAL Programming files are located on the original DataCAD CD.

c. The Original Source Code is available for some of the free macros located at the Datacad LLC website and

d. A Manual for DCAL is available for download at

4. A sampling of some macros:

a. 3D Tools – Manny will be demonstrating this one in more detail later.

b. BLOCKER – Schematics and in tracking area changes in preliminary design.

c. POLYLINE Macro vs Curves Menu Polyline

i. Macro requires selection of polyline and it flashes upon selection. This is good if you have multiple polylines so yiu know you selected the correct one.

ii. Macro does not have Covered Polyline function

iii. Macro has Find Centroid function – why that would be useful!

iv. The curves Polyline has more robust editing features.


e. CMD_Edit

f. DC_Sprint Labels similar to DCAD_AEC Room Labels but Room labels has more control over fonts and colors you can select SHX fonts not just the old chr fonts.



Macros (DCAL) Available on Cheap tricks ware CD#3

2LineBreak V1.4by John Fornaro, Design/Program Associates. (B66) Quickly cleans up drain pipes in front of siding, pickets in front of a brick wall, ceiling grid lines at wall intersections, etc., as well as your typical section breaks. 

3D Plane Editor by Bill D'Amico. (B019) Edit 3D planes and slabs in place, performing such functions as adding and moving vertices and putting in voids without modifying the plane/slab orientation or incline. Very useful for roof constructions. 

AddText Macro by John Fornaro, Design/Program Associates. (R082)Inserts text above or below existing text, matching existing text parameters and line spacing. Includes trapdoor to DataCAD Text, Erase and Move menus. Improved flow of operation. 

Align Macro by Ted Blockley (B059) Justifies anything in any direction to points, lines, arcs or circles with selective undo. 

Beamage Macro V1.0by John Fornaro, Design/Program Assocs. (P151) Useful macro draws beam lines (with PermaColor feature) for use in structural drawings, especially steel buildings. Also adds user specified beam size, number, and elevation. Select one of seven styles to display beam nomenclature in plan. 

Centerline Macro v1.1by Patrick B. McConnell. (R156) This macro will automatically draw a user-specified line with its spacing set to equal its length or a fraction of the length. Includes linetype definitions for new CenterLine, Section and Property lines. Handy for section or beam lines with break centered in the line. 

ChangeCase V1.0 by John Fornaro, Design / Program Associates. (R117) This DataCAD macro changes the case of text (UPPER vs. lower) by Entity, Group, Area, Fence. Choose ALL CAPS, lower-case, or Initial Caps. 

Clouds Macro by John Fornaro, Design/Program Associates. (P079) Use the mouse to draw revision clouds as three point arcs with only 2 mouse picks (50% faster). Adjustable Bulge Factor. Draws clouds in PermaColor, ensuring drawing consistency. PermaLayer draws clouds on the correct layer automatically, then returns to the original layer. Also draws clouds as polylines. Trapdoor to Templates menu for revision symbols. 

CLX Macro by Ted Blockley. (B47) Macro allows you to change associative dimension extension lines to any linetype of your choosing. Be frustrated no longer; make associative dimensions look the way you want them to. For DataCAD 5 and later. 

Control-Joint Macro V1.0by John Fornaro, Design/Program Assocs. (R134) Handy macro (with PermaColor feature) which draws a control joint line and identifying text for use in plan depictions of concrete slabs in structural drawings. 

Curved Slab Macro by Bruce Kaplan, ARCHsoft. (B036) Dynamically draw curved 3D slabs with either arc or circle format and put snap point on the center of the curve. Use division control to draw polygonal slabs. 

CurvLeder Macro by John Fornaro, Design/Program Associates. (P080) Point-and-shoot to draw curved leaders for a French-curve look. Adds arrowheads automatically. PermaColor feature differentiates color of leader and arrowhead for ease of use and consistency. Allows drawing curved leaders as 3PtArcs. Has online help. 

Deflection Macro V1.0by John Fornaro, D/P Associates. (R151) Handy macro that calculates the span to deflection ratio (i.e. L/360) in fewer keystrokes than most scientific calculators. Includes source code! 

Detailer by ARCHSoft. (M13) Detailer allows you to create your own smart building components (symbols) and edit both the graphics and the text on the fly without the symbol losing its smarts. Use your symbol library to build your details then let Detailer do the rest. Use Detailer's smart explode to edit symbol graphics, then pick the symbol with your mouse and the pre-defined note will appear on screen, and you can edit or accept it. Place the note by dragging the text along with the grid that the Detailer sets up for you based on your text size, and the text leader is auto-magically drawn for you! Comes with a sectioned 2x Lumber template. Detailer will work with your current symbol library. Detailer eliminates the drudgery of drawing and detail notation. 

Drawing Documentation Macro by Bill D'Amico. (B031) Document your drawing layer information for transfer to consultants or for in-house management of drawings. Loads existing layer names with on/off and color noted. Add or edit remark information to explain use of each layer. 

DXF-Prep Macro by Bruce Kaplan, ARCHSoft. (B026) Prepares DataCAD drawings for export to DXF file. Caps layer names, checks for invalid layer name characters, converts entities to layer color, converts text fonts to DXF compatible fonts, squashes 2D entities so that Z-height is equal to Z-base, and explodes all symbols. All settings customizable. Detects and fixes the "DXF killer" (single point polylines error.) 

GetHatch Macro by John Fornaro, Design/Program Associates. (P081) Selects only non-associative hatch lines and changes them by Entity, Group, Area, or Fence. Erases, moves to layer, changes color of hatch lines or changes line type. Has online help. 

Global Edit Macro by Ted Blockley. (B021) Supplements DataCAD's Change and Change Text menus to reassign multiple colors/linetypes, explode entities, search and replace text, manipulate layers (e.g. change to all caps), and much more all from one location. Setting preferences can be saved. 

Golden Mean Rectangle Macroby Ken Lambert, CADD, Etc. (P097) Automatically draws any given golden mean rectangle when you input either the long or short side. Ensure that your designs will have classic proportions and beauty. 

Layer Manager 2.0 by Design / Program Associates (M8) Create drawings with racks of similar layers from an ASCII text file, complete with all layer settings -- automatically. Excellent for use by offices with multi-story building projects or with different project types requiring quick and easy layer naming standards: Walls-1, Walls-2, etc. Up to 999 layers! Saves and loads ALL 17 layer settings for each set of layers into ASCII files for easy transfer and nearly instantaneous creation of new drawings. Features an easy to use spreadsheet-like user interface. Includes three new D/PA macros: Copy Layer, Move Layer and Insert Layer, combined with previous D/PA macros Insert Layer, Merge Layer, Partial Layer Save and LayerStar. Sample drawing and DPA file to get you started quickly plus full documentation. Fills in all the layer gaps DataCAD left behind! 

Mimic Macro by Sets, Ltd. (B056) Gives you extensive control over all line parameters by allowing you to select all entities with certain line characteristics then change them to match another entity's parameters. Faster and more powerful than EditSets. Plot sensitive and supports metric. 

PlatTool Macro by John Fornaro, Design/Program Assocs. (P084) Point and shoot to create and dimension plats clockwise around the plat. Prompts you with the correct dimension and bearing. Rotates plats by user selection to match a given site line and fit to standard sheets easily. 

Revision Symbol Macro 1.0by Design/Program Associates. (P124) This macro draws a standard revision triangle symbol of user-specified size, color, and text numeral and places them in your drawing in a point-and-shoot fashion. Automatic numeric incrementing up to 99. 

SetSnap Macro v1.1by Patrick B. McConnell. (R157) This macro will globally change the snap setting to a user specified setting on all layers or only on those layers that are on. Can also reset the snap angle divisions on all layers. Great for "fixing" AutoCAD imports. 

Stamp Plot MM Suiteby Ted Blockley. (B20) This classic is now better than ever as a suite of 3 macros: SPLOTMM, SPLOTCFM, and SPLOTDAT. SPLOTMM returns the correct date after 12/31/99 (provided your computer provides the correct date!); the number of "seeds" has been doubled to 8, which allows completely different sets of formats (between preliminary and working drawings, for instance); months in editable text format have been added (Jan, January); works with long filenames (when DataCAD returns them). SPLOTCFM allows menu tags to be edited to match uses. For example, if you rarely add time or scale to your drawings, one or both of those items can be labeled and used for other purposes. The SPLOTDAT macro provides dumb text to match SPLOTMM; good for MSP drawings. 

Steel Beam Sizer by John Fornaro, D/P Associates. (B85) Very useful macro which aids designer in sizing simple span steel beams with uniform load; top flange laterally supported conditions. Macro compares maximum and minimum allowable moments, calculates reactions and deflections, and even allows "what-if" scenarios with different spans, loads, etc. 175 WF steel shapes. 

StretchPoint Macroby John Fornaro, Design/Program Associates. (R088) Selectively stretches lines with a common endpoint. Previews the results of each stretch, one at a time, with a confirmation before performing stretch. Improved flow of control in macro. 

StringInc V1.2 by John Fornaro, Design / Program Associates. (P85) This numeric text string incrementing macro works with text and numeric suffixes. Delete door #37 and automatically bump doors #38-67 down one notch. Copy rooms 401, 402, 403, etc., to the fifth floor, and fence the group to create rooms 501, 502, 503, etc. Very useful for schedules and anyplace where greater control over sequential integers is desired. 

Stud Macro by DATACAD LLC from DCAL Samples. (S040) Allows you to draw continuous runs of stud walls at any standard spacing and in 3D. 

Symbol Template Macroby DATACAD LLC from DCAL Samples. (S041) Examines all of the symbols in a drawing and creates a new template file from those symbols for easy future use. Very useful when reading in DXF files. 

Template Manager Macro by John Fornaro/Design Program Associates. (B043) Allows you to read template files, create maps of color changes, and automatically change colors and resave symbols associated with that template. Maps linetypes, lineweights, and line spacing and maps colors to new linetypes. Easily edits symbol attributes. Has online help. 

Tick Style Arrowheads Macroby Ted Blockley. (P095) Produce architecturally correct tick-style arrowheads with total color and size control. Curved leaders and ticks also supported. 

Underline Macro V1.0by John Fornaro, Design/Program Associates. (R122) Handy macro will automatically underline your text in a point-and-shoot fashion. PermaColor feature draws underline in a user selected color. You can specify offset beneath text and a trapdoor to the Text menu is provided. 

Write Macro by DATACAD LLC from DCAL Samples. (S042) Demonstrates scanning a database and writing out the contents of each entity to a text file. Useful for understanding how CAD files work as well as a foundation for other macro work.  

Macros (DCAL) Available on Cheap tricks ware CD#4

 3D Bayroof Macroby John Lindsay, Pearl City Software. (P188) This elegant macro will create a roof over your bay windows with user-definable settings for overhang, pitch, plate height, soffit and rafter condition. Quick time saver tool for the residential architect. 

3D Line Convert Macroby UniQue Software. (S070) Converts 3D lines to 2D for easy editing. Excellent for dealing with AutoCAD DXF/DWG imports. 

3D Quick Walls by Eric Zetterberg. (B100) This macro builds true 3D walls that automatically slope up to your roof pitch. 

3D Railing Macro by John Lindsay, Pearl City Software. (B99) Creates true 3D railings with user-definable posts and railing parameters. Help file included. Also creates curved railings! 

3D Siding Macro by John, Lindsay, Pearl City Software. (B98) Quickly applies true 3D siding to any 3D polygon face on your model, including gable ends. End caps can be added, and the siding has cutouts for windows and doors. 

Annotate Macro from DATACAD LLC and JB CAD Services. (S92) A collection of macros that help you quickly and efficiently place annotation symbols on the drawing. Use for titles, section cuts, elevation markers, area markers, room names and numbers, spot elevations, cut lines, pipe cut lines, column bubble indicators, and note markers. 

Arc Arrow Macro from DATACAD LLC and JB CAD Services. (S95) Macro draws arcs with either open or closed arrow heads at the end. Turn off the arrowhead, daisy-chain arcs together, and then turn on the arrow head to draw it at the end of the last arc. Great for electrical plans! 

ArcText V1.0 by John Fornaro, Design/Program Assocs. (P171) This handy macro draws text along an arc at user-specified interletter spacing and offset from the arc. 

Beam Master V1.0 by Patrick McConnell. (P157) Fully customizable macro draws and labels 2D beam lines with center ticks automatically centered. Inserts round or rectangular columns and/or footings as desired, with each item (column, beam, text, etc.) drawn on its own layer with it own color as specified. 

Breakdown by Patrick McConnell. (P206) Select entities and move or copy them to either new or existing layers. Useful for creating base plans or multi-story building plans with repetitive plans. Can also create a layer for every entity selected, and place each entity on its own layer. 

Break Macro from DATACAD LLC and JB CAD Services. (S96) Macro allows you to break a line at a given point and leave a user-defined space in the line; or set it to an arc drawn at the break location to indicate one line "jumping" over another. 

BrkLines V1.1 by John Fornaro, Design/Program Associates. (P172) Macro breaks lines about the intersection of a given line. Much quicker than a partial erase of a zero length segment. GapLines feature breaks lines around a given line by a user-specified amount. 

ClipBox Macro by John Fornaro, Design/Program Associates. (R083) Inside/outside erasing shield macro (v 1.6) for placing notes in the middle of hatch patterns, cutting window holes in siding, etc. Now improved with draw box feature to include clipbox in drawing as border for note, or to create drop shadow type boxes. PermaColor feature maintains box color. 

Color Filter Converterby John Lindsay, Pearl City Software. (P186) This macro will convert any of the 256 colors possible in a DWG file to one of DataCAD's standard 15 colors. (Any "0" color will be converted to white to be visible.) 

Command Edit Macros by John Fornaro, Design/Program Associates. (B064) Collection of 9 macros (some are not most current version): AddText v2.1, Clouds v1.3, ClipBox v1.2, CurvLedr v2.5, GetHatch v1.4, PlatTool v2.1, Schema v1.1, SlctRfsh v1.1, and StrchPt v1.1. (v2.0) 

Command Utility Macros by John Fornaro, Design/Program Associates. (B065) Collection of 9 macros (some are not most current version): JetPlot v1.3, LayerStar v1.2, MergeLyr v1.3, ReadFile v1.2, ShowPens v1.1, StringInc v1.0, ToSymbol v1.0, and UnSymbol v1.0. (v2.0) 

Count Sym Macro from DATACAD LLC and JB CAD Services. (S97) Counts symbols on your drawing and place the description, number found, and cost into an ASCII text file which can then be printed; append the file later to add new symbol count information. 

Delete Empty Layers Macro by Patrick McConnell. (R162) Delete all empty layers in a DWG or DXF import. 

Door Dots Macro by Ted Blockley. (R150) Places snapping points at fixed distances from desired reference points for accurate door and frame placement at fixed distances on wall (e.g. 6" from wall corner). Corresponds to common door and frame sizes. 

DuctPRO Macro from DATACAD LLC and JB CAD Services. (S90) DuctPRO is an easy-to-use drafting package for inserting HVAC ductwork on your drawings. By simply selecting a width and depth (for rectangular ductwork) or a diameter (for round ductwork), and then locating the points on the duct run, the user can create a full 2D or 3D ductwork drawing. The ductwork elbows, reductions, branches, vanes, and text are all drawn as you select points. 

Dynamic Enlarge by Patrick B. McConnell. (P184) This macro simplifies the enlargement process by eliminating the numerical factors that must be calculated for the standard enlarge command. Now enlargement factors can be determined in a point-and-click dynamic method. Includes functions to enlarge entities to match other entities as well as to enlarge by scale. 

EditMesh by D. S. Bidwell. (P170) This macro is a simple means of identifying and editing X,Y, and Z coordinate values of 3D mesh surfaces in either orthogonal or 3D views via a pick menu. 

Elevation by John Lindsay, Pearl City Software. (R171) This macro automatically generates hidden views of each of the four elevations of your model and places each on a separate layer for your viewing. 

Font Master V 1.55by Patrick McConnell. (M22) Create, edit, and compile your own fonts for DataCAD from within DataCAD. This macro can create enitre font sets or just one character. Includes an ASCII code checker and key number reference to determine extended key codes, as well as Font Viewer Macro (P185) to generate a sample of your creations. 

Font Viewer by Patrick B. McConnell. (P185) This macro allows viewing and printing of a sample of the entire character set, including extended characters, of any DataCAD font. 

Global Grid Lock from DATACAD LLC and JB CAD Services. (S99) Locks every layer grid setting to the current active layer grid setting. 

Layer Flip Macro by Patrick McConnell. (R176) Turns all layers that are on off and vice versa. Very useful for global operations. 

Layer Lister by John Lindsay, Pearl City Software. (P187) This macro lets you either print a list of your drawing's layers or save the list to a text file for editing. A simple but essential tool for drawing documentation. 

Layer Off Macro by Patrick McConnell. (R175) Turn off layers by selecting entities. Select entities by Entity, Group, Area, Fence or Selset. 

LayrStar Macro by John Fornaro, Design/Program Assocsiates. (P083) Selectively turn on/off a collection of layers with a common prefix or suffix, using the asterisk wildcard. Simplifies management of drawings with racks of related layers, such as Plans-1, Notes-1, Dims-1, Plans-2, Notes-2, Dims-2, etc. Trapdoor to Layers menu. (v1.2) 

Lettering Case Utility's Fonts by Bill D'Amico. (B032) Converts drawing file text from all lowercase to all uppercase letters and vice versa, or to Title Case. Five all caps fonts of the standard DataCAD Block, Orig, Orig2, Roman and Roman2 lettering fonts. 

Light Fixture Calculatorfrom DATACAD LLC and JB CAD Services. (S100) Calculates the number of light fixtures required for a selected space by setting the lumens, number of lamps, foot candles, etc. Results can be stored in an ASCII text file. 

Line Master by Patrick McConnell. (B94) Create custom linetypes for DataCAD by simply tracing the pattern and naming it. No black magic editing of text files or tedious trigonometry or calculus. 

MergeLyr Macro by John Fornaro, Design/Program Associates. (R084) Macro (v1.3) to load a layer from a saved layer file in the current drawing without erasing the target layer or settings. For DataCAD 3.x. 

Multi-Line Macroby Sets, Ltd. (B055) Plot-sensitive macro creates multi-line definitions to draw up to 12 lines with unique attributes. Define and draw complex building walls in plan or section. Includes a line mitering fixture. Save multi-line definitions for future use. Includes an extensive set of sample standard wall, floor and foundation multi-line definitions. 

Multiple Offset Macrofrom DATACAD LLC and JB CAD Services. (S98) Utility macro designed for generating multiple offset lines. GenOff eliminates the need for offsetting multiple lines and then trimming them, and also allows for multiple repetitions of offset lines. Offset distances can be changed at any line segment to allow for unequal offset lines. 

Normals Macro by Bill D'Amico, UniQue Software. (M24) If your finished rendering has ever seemed to be missing certain 3D planes, you need this macro. The Normals macro allows you to view and manipulate the front/back face of these 3D planes (normals) directly within DataCAD. Normals can be oriented towards or away from a 3D marker placed within the model. 

Pitch Macro 2.0 by Patrick McConnell. (P205) Set cursor to preset angles such as 1/8":12 or 5:12. Great for roofs and ramps. No math required! NEW version 2.0 allows full customization of settings. Set any desired pitch and the macro will remember your settings. Save groups of pitches to a text file for loading later. 

Polyline Rectangle Macroby Bill D'Amico. (P068) Draw a rectangle in polyline format via the two corner method, rather than corner by corner. Works directly with the Polyline macro. 

ReadFile Macro by John Fornaro, Design/Program Associates. (R085) Macro (v1.3) reads ASCII text files before importing into DataCAD. Page through files to preview before using File I/O to import. Includes on-line help. 

Regen and Redraw Macros by Bruce Kaplan. (R058) Useful for evaluating whether you should use the display list function or not, as well as testing different video boards and computer setups. Standard Victorian house drawing is provided as measuring standard. Macros will automatically perform 10 regenerations or refreshes and measure total elapsed time. 

Schedule Maker Macrofrom DATACAD LLC and JB CAD Services. (S93) Macro for processing ASCII text files into schedule form on your drawings. Let your secretary create the text file, while you continue producing drawings! Simply load the completed text file into AsciiMAX and insert it on your drawings in seconds. All lines, titles, sub-titles, and text are calculated and placed in their proper locations within the schedule. 

Schema Macro by John Fornaro, Design/Program Assocsiates. (B042) Draws circles, squares or rectangles given area. Great schematic design aid. Room naming and numbering feature with automatic incrementation. PermaColor feature for rectangle, text box, and text settings saves time. Trapdoors to 99% of DataCAD functions. Works well with wiggle line. (v1.1) 

Speller Macro by Ted Blockley. (B082) Spell checker for DataCAD with a 50,000 word architectural dictionary. Allows addition of custom dictionaries or words. Use on screen directly inside DataCAD drawing file. 

SteelPRO from DATACAD LLC and JB CAD Services. (S91) SteelPRO accesses virtually all shapes currently listed in the AISC Manual of Steel Construction. All wide flanges, tees, channels, angles, tubes and pipes are available. All steel sections can be input into your drawing in either top, side or section view. 

Structural Arrow by Eric Zetterberg. (P189) This macro dynamically creates framing direction arrows and roof span direction notations for your framing plans. Simply define the span by inserting two points on your plan, and the macro inserts arrows and centerpoint and distance indicators automatically for wood truss or conventional framing. 

SubLine Macro from DATACAD LLC and JB CAD Services. (S101) Substitutes all 3D lines selected into 2D lines using the 3D lines X and Y coordinates. Changing the lines to 2D lines allows you to use DataCAD's trimming functions. Useful for AutoCAD drawing files containing 3D lines. 

SubText Macro from DATACAD LLC and JB CAD Services. (S102) Text-editing macro enhances DataCAD's text editing functions. The macro allows character- and word-substituting within a line of multiple lines of text using DataCAD's selection commands. SubText also allows the user to substitute text with text strings which are longer than the DataCAD change text content maximum. 

SYMDOC (v. 10) by John Lindsay, Pearl City Software. (B101) This macro will methodically go through a symbol directory and create pictorial catalog pages of your templates to send to your printer. It even includes an "orphaned" feature to find those floating symbols that aren't specified in any template and catalogs those too. Now updated for DataCAD 8.06 and later to include a settings menu to add white space around the symbol document for better fit to page and for manual binding, and printed symbol path font size can now be set. 

Tags Macro v1.1 by Patrick B. McConnell. (P173) Drawing labels produced in point-and-click fashion with scale inputted automatcially. User-specified settings for colors, fonts, layers are "memorized" to ensure correct tag specifications. 

Text Fix by Don Bidwell, Cobi Consultants. (P174) This time-saving text editor macro complements the Change/Text function. It amends case and size and changes line feed for easy text editing for plotting, office standards, and error correction. 

Text Line Macro from DATACAD LLC and JB CAD Services. (S94) TxtLine is a very useful macro which virtually eliminates the need for line fonts with text in them. Change text size, text-to-text spacing, and text and line colors, and select any line font for the line portion of TxtLine. Gain room in your font file for other line fonts by eliminating line fonts with text. Uses for the TxtLine program range from site plans to HVAC plans to plumbing plans, etc. 

Text Man Macro by Ted Blockley. (B083) Text manipulation macro gives you search and replace, reformat, justification, upper- and lowercase, bold, italic, underline, and break/join text string commands. One click provides boxes around text. 

Travel Distance Macroby John Fornaro, D/P Associates. (P167) Macro calculates the travel distance down such things as exit corridors via point-and-shoot method. Each leg is drawn, its length displayed, and the total distance calculated at the end of the run.  



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