Plaza de Flores Condominium Association, Inc

Plaza de Flores Condominium Association, Inc.

Organizational Meeting of the Board of Directors

Plaza de Flores Clubhouse, 4202 Central Sarasota Pkwy

January 15, 2019 10:00 a.m.

Call Meeting to Order: Robert Ingraham called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.

Determination of a Quorum: Brian Glabb, Robert Ingraham, Constance Shaw & Frank Whitsura present in person. Mark Habermann was present via telephone conference call.

Owner’s Present: Jim Atherton (Unit 422), Carol Carter (Unit 524), Manny & Gloria da Cunha (Unit 1226), LeLand Fuller (Unit 1225), Deborah Newman & Arnold Galet (Unit 1424), David Herman (Unit 912), Greta Ingraham (Unit 416) and Marilyn Wachter (Unit 1026).

Proof of Notice: Notice was posted per FL Statute and Bylaws on January 10, 2019

Approval of the Agenda: Robert Ingraham made a motion to approve the agenda with the condition that some items on the agenda will be deferred to a later date. Brian Glabb seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Approval of the Minutes from the November 13, 2018 Board Meeting

Robert Ingraham made a motion to waive the reading and approve the minutes of the November 13, 2018 meeting. Brian Glabb seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Approval of the Minutes from the January 7, 2019 Board Meeting

Robert Ingraham made a motion to waive the reading and approve the minutes of the January 7, 2019 meeting. Brian Glabb seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Review of the Annual General Meeting:

Robert Ingraham gave a quick review of the Annual General Meeting. We had 79 owners present in person or by proxy. We needed 101 to reach a quorum.

Robert Ingraham and Frank Whitsura were elected to the board. The vote count was Ronald Bushwell 0 votes, Robert Ingraham 56 votes, Scott Kasler 17 votes, Gerald Ratzer 39 votes and Frank Whitsura 51 votes.

Mark Habermann made the following 2 comments on the Reserve Funding discussion at the Annual Meeting.

The pictures of the carports that were furnished from Absolute Aluminum were sent in reference to their scope of bid. They were a different design from what we currently have.

When the Capital Projects Committee was formed, John Stefanik put together a budget before we received any bids. We had a baseline cost but needed to determine the length of time remaining.

Mark said Steve Wisniewski has a 2nd estimate for replacing our roofs and he would like to see that estimate next week. Also, he would like the Engineer from Karins Engineering to meet with the Capital Project Committee to discuss the scope of work for the carports and discuss the roofs.


Election of Officers

Constance Shaw made a motion to nominate Robert Ingraham to serve as Board President. Frank Whitsura seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

The Board decided to postpone the nomination and election of Board Treasurer and Secretary. A special meeting will be held to fill those positions.

Board Member Certification

Robert Ingraham explained that as a new Board Member, Frank Whitsura will have to be certified to serve on the board. He can either sign a Board Member Certification form or he can take a course on condominium management and receive a certificate of completion of the course. Either the form or the certificate has to be on file in the office within 90 days of election to the board.

Old Business

End of Year Financial Report

The end of the year financial was received shortly before the Board Meeting and there are some issues that need to be corrected. Once the corrections are made, PCM can close the year out.

The Finance Committee is expecting us to end the year slightly over budget. Until all of the adjustments are made we are close to break even.

Centennial Bank Account Closure

Robert Ingraham would like to submit a cancellation form to close the account at Centennial Bank. In 2018, $120,000.00 was withdrawn from the account, leaving a balance of $3,528.12.

Robert Ingraham made a motion to close the Centennial Bank account and deposit $3,528.12 into the Morgan Stanley Smith Barney account. Frank Whitsura seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Morgan Stanley Smith Barney CD Purchases

Robert Ingraham explained various Morgan Stanley Smith Barney investment options to the board.

After a brief discussion, Mark Habermann made a motion to purchase a 3 year CD at 3.1% for $120,000.00 up to $125,000.00. Robert Ingraham seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Waste Management billing (Automated payments)

Robert Ingraham led a discussion about problems we have had with Waste Management billing. The invoices are difficult to understand and that has led to late fees. Robert Ingraham suggested that we pay the Waste Management invoice via auto-pay. The board unanimously agreed.

Mark Habermann made a motion to close the line of credit loan that was taken out to cover the sprinkler head replacement. After a brief discussion, the board decided to defer making a decision at this time.

Landscaping Contract

Robert Ingraham talked about going out for bid on the landscaping contract, due to complaints and Natural Designs being hard to deal with.

The bids received from other landscaping companies are much higher than we are currently paying.

Mark Habermann would like to delay a decision to change landscapers until he could review the contracts. Mark made a motion to request a 30 day contract extension from Natural Designs until the contracts can be reviewed by all Board Members. Brian Glabb seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Leasing Rules

The Plaza de Flores attorney recommended that the board establish standards for the approval and disapproval of leasing applications. Robert Ingraham would like to re-write the leasing rules and send a draft to the board for review.

New Business


Registered Agent – The Registered Agent is the representative of the corporation who receives all of the legal paperwork. Robert Ingraham has served as the Registered Agent over the last few years and will continue in that role.

Filing of Annual Report with Florida Department of State – Robert Ingraham and Gerald Ratzer have filed the Annual Report with the state in the past. Robert Ingraham will file the report in 2019.

Place for Posting Official Notices – The board adopted a rule to name the official posting site to be the locked display case by the mailboxes.

Property Manager

County Emergency Work – The board approved Steve Wisniewski as the Authorized Agent to work with Sarasota County to perform emergency cleanup work if necessary.

Purchase and Lease Application Approval/Disapproval – The Board approved Steve Wisniewski as the Authorized Agent to review and approve purchase and lease applications.

Palmer Ranch Master Association Representative – Robert Ingraham will serve as the Palmer Ranch Master Association Representative for Plaza de Flores.

Authorized Signers for Financial Institutions – The board approved Mark Habermann, Robert Ingraham and Constance Shaw as the authorized signers for our accounts.

Board Member responsible for Official Records Request – The board approved Robert Ingraham as the Board Member for Official Record Requests.

Robert Ingraham made a motion to approve the authorizations. Brian Glabb seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Required Committees

Penalty Evaluation Committee – Jim Atherton will continue to chair this committee with Lee Machado and John Ferrara as members of the committee. A replacement will be needed for Frank Whitsura who is now a Board member and not eligible to serve.

Policy Committee – The Policy Committee is responsible for the enforcement of rules. It will include Robert Ingraham, Constance Shaw, Frank Whitsura and Steve Wisniewski.

Robert Ingraham made a motion to approve the members of the Penalty Evaluation Committee and the Policy Committee. Constance Shaw seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

A discussion took place about the need to review the rules. Robert Ingraham would like to call a special board meeting to review the rules.

Existing Committees

Finance Committee – The Finance Committee will be David Herman.

Insurance Committee – The Insurance Committee will be Constance Shaw.

Emergency Planning Committee – The Emergency Planning Committee will be James Atherton.

Leasing Committee – The members of the Leasing Committee will continue to be Carol Carter, Greta Ingraham and Lee Machado.

Communications Committee – The Communications Committee will be Robert Ingraham and Frank Whitsura.

Landscaping Committee – The Landscaping Committee will include Brian Glabb, Mark Habermann and Robert Ingraham.

Social Committee – The Social Committee will remain the same and continue to operate with the same members who have been making it run successfully.

Legal Committee – The Legal Committee will be Robert Ingraham.

Robert would like to amend our Declaration to include “Kaufman” language, “as amended from time to time” so our Declaration will be governed by Florida as it exists today.

Cable TV Contract - The Cable TV Contract Committee will be Brian Glabb. The Comcast contract expires in October 2019. Plaza de Flores has to give 90 days’ notice of termination, otherwise it will automatically renew for 2 years.

Capital Projects Committee – The Capital Projects Committee will include Brian Glabb, Mark Habermann and John Stefanik.

Due to the meeting running long, the remainder of the agenda was tabled for the February 19, 2019 Board Meeting.

Manager’s Report

Insurance Appraisal – The onsite insurance appraisal was completed on January 11, 2019. The appraisal should be completed in about a week. Estimated cost $950.00.

Courtyard Pavers – Paver Mac completed repairing the trip hazards in the courtyards. They did not repair the two broken sidewalks. Estimated cost $5,700.00

Pond fountain at building 5 – Aquagenix repaired the fountain light in the pond fountain at building 5 on November 14, 2018. The fountain light is out again and before considering them to treat our pond water and maintain our fountains, they should find out why the light is not working.

Pool Repairs – Allstar Pools needs to make repairs to our pool filter system. Estimated cost $2,154.00.

Pressure clean building walkways before season – Hoover Pressure Washing completed the pressure washing of all building walkways and stairs. Estimated cost $1,695.00

Maintenance building & trash area – Received quotes from Justin DeMint to pressure wash and paint the maintenance building and trash enclosure. Estimated cost $2,798.00. Justin is a handyman who can be an option to using Southwest Services for handyman work.

Spa leak – The repair of the cracked spa jet line has been completed. Estimated cost is $1,600.00

Landscape lighting – The landscape lighting in the front island is in need of replacement. Request quotes for new lighting similar to buildings 12 & 15.

Building 5 roof leak – Christiaan Shallo of Disaster Restoration Specialists inspected the unit on January 11, 2019. Darren Eaton, the claims adjuster will inspect the unit on January 16, 2019.

Flooding Problem at Building 11 – We have been experiencing a flooding problem on the walkway at building 11. With heavy rain expected on January 20, 2019, the area will be sandbagged to prevent damage to units. Steve Wisniewski will discuss the problem with the landscaping company and a Building Engineer.

Fire Panels – There are 2 fire panels that are not enclosed in waterproof cases. They are located at buildings 4 and 12. Quotes will be requested to replace the cases.

Clubhouse main entrance light – Complaints have been received that the light outside of the main entrance to the clubhouse does not work. This entrance is not used and the light has never worked.

Replace front door – Waiting for a quote from Denham’s Aluminum & Screens, to replace the front door of unit 916.

Owner’s Comments

No owner comments

Next meeting dates

The next meeting dates were tentatively scheduled for February 19th, March 19th, April 16th, May 21st, June 18th, September 17th, October 15th and November 12th, 2019.


Brian Glabb made a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Prepared by Steve Wisniewski, Association Manager – Plaza de Flores


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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