Asia Automotive Intelligence 2009

Asia Automotive Intelligence 2009.8 No.8

Special Report

• Analy[pic]sis of Global Market

■ Global Auto Industry: Slump Brings Strategy Rethink, Response to Growing Emerging Markets

The automotive industry is currently being pressured to transform its previously-held growth strategies. Although mainly developed countries recorded full year sales in 2008 below those of the previous year, in 2009 it appears that automobile sales in almost all countries will not reach the figures set a year earlier. Meanwhile, it has become clear that due to the growth of the global automobile market over the past ten years, there has been a shift from developed to emerging countries. Moreover, a major influence on competitiveness from recovery/growth rebuilding will come from environmental issues and finding a new cost/quality balance.

• [pic]Analysis of Free Trade in the Asian Region

■ Asia Vehicle Trade: Increased FTAs, Improved Cost Competitiveness and Quality Boost Exports

Bilateral, multi-country and area free trade agreements (FTA) are being utilized to boost Asia’s export levels. Due to improved cost’s and quality in the ASEAN region, exports of CBU and automotive parts are increasing due to the growing number of FTAs with various countries and regions. Korea is also actively holding FTA negotiations with other countries and economic blocs to further develop its economy including the automotive industry. Meanwhile, India is similarly looking to conclude more FTAs, although at the same time it is looks to secure its automotive sector from the perspective of development and protection of the country’s own industry

[pic]Financial Summary of Japanese Vehicle Manufacturers

Financial Summary of Japanese Vehicle Manufacturers

■ Ten Japanese Automakers: 341 Bil. JPY Operating Loss in 2008, Forecast to Worsen in 2009

Consolidated FY2008 financial results of a total of ten Japanese automakers show that economic conditions which rapidly deteriorated from the second half of the year significantly lowered vehicle demand primarily in Japan, North America and Europe. As a result, total net revenues for FY2008 decreased by 20.7% compared with a year earlier to 49.4 trillion JPY. Compounding the drop in demand, a rapidly appreciating Japanese currency which climbed by more than 10 JPY year-on-year against the US dollar and Euro eroded earnings, bringing an operating loss of 341.0 billion JPY, an ordinary loss of 514.7 billion JPY and net loss of 729.4 billion JPY.

Sales of Japanese Manufacturers in China

■ Japanese New Car Registrations in China Rise in 2008 and 1Q 2009, Share Falls in 2009

Total new registrations in China of domestically-built and imported cars by nine Japanese automakers rose during 2008. In the four years from 2005 to 2008, new car registrations approximately doubled. By manufacturer, all manufacturers except Mitsubishi Motors increased by more than 10%. Notably, Toyota, Nissan and Fuji Heavy Industries all expanded by over 30%. New registrations by month show that February was lower compared with a year earlier, however, expansion of over 10% was recorded each month between May and October. Nevertheless, after November 2008, the flow-on effects of the global recession also became noticeable.

[pic]Collapse of Big Three

■ SPECIAL - 'Collapse of Big Three' - Chapter 2

Serialized publication of FOURIN’s original publication, 'Collapse of Big Three' continues in this month's issue of the Asia Automotive Intelligence, giving an in-depth exposure to the demise of the Detroit Big Three, along with analysis into the future impact and vital importance of a strategic response to the envisaged outcome of a global automotive industry without the Big Three. This month examines the management strategy of the Big Three which placed a priority on capturing short term earnings and acquiring a source of added value. It also covers the increase in protective policies, high-profit structure, legacy costs and the decline in product competitiveness.


• [pic]Japan: Mitsubishi Motors: Boost to Eco-Car Lineup under Reduced Tax Scheme Expected to Lift Sales in Japan

• [pic]Korea : Auto Parts Industry: Boosting HEV Battery R&D Competitiveness; Hyundai Continues Overseas Expansion

• [pic]Taiwan Auto Parts Industry: Aims for Growth During Stagnation by Lifting China Business and Electronics Sector

• [pic]Indonesia Auto Parts Industry: Domestic Demand Growth Boosts Prod. Revenue; Steady Two-Wheeler Investment

• [pic]Thailand Auto Parts Industry: Exports Climb from 2007; Japanese Makers Aim for Rationalization and R&D Capability

• [pic]India Japanese Parts Makers: Continuing Investment to Lift Small/Low-Cost Car Prod., Honda Suppliers Face Delays

Industry Report

• [pic]Parts Industry: Steering: Active Investment for Electric Power Steering in India and Thailand by Japanese Suppliers

• [pic]Parts Makers: AAPICO: Proactive Tie-ups with Foreign Firms for Eco Car Business in Thailand and China Production


• [pic]Outlook: Monthly Statistics Overview (January to May 2009)

• [pic]Production: Vehicle Production by Country, Type and Brand in Six Asian Nations (January to May 2009)

• [pic]Sales: Vehicle Sales by Country, Type and Brand in Ten Asian Nations (January to May 2009)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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