Miami Norland Senior High School

 “REMOTE LEARNING” SYLLABUSUPDATE ON SITUATION3762375304800As many of you know, nearly the entire world has been heavily affected by the virus COVID-19. Since the United States has the most cases of the virus, many schools around the nation have transitioned to “remote learning” to make sure students, teachers, and other staff are safe during this time. As of April 19th, we are no longer coming back to school for this school year. Remote learning will still continue. The governor of Florida has also cancelled end-of-year exams so we will NOT be having a Biology EOC for this school year. ASSIGNMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONThe workload for this 4th nine weeks will be less than the other quarters. I recognize that many of you have other classes with work. I will be communicating with everyone via Remind, Edmodo, and Instagram (@biowithborrell). You can message me on any of these platforms. I will either assign work on Khan Academy or Edmodo. Codes for all of the platforms are listed below.-3571871590675Types of Assignments I will give you:Khan Academy Lessons on a chosen topic Edgenuity LessonsEdmodo Quiz or Discussion postVideos/Google Form with Questions ZOOM (PLEASE READ)3990975342900Due to the fact that this pandemic will likely continue for some time, we will be doing remote learning for a while. I would like to make myself available to you via video as well during this time. Zoom is an online website that allows you to speak and chat with me. It’s very similar to Skype or Facetime. I highly encourage you to join these video calls and ask me questions! You can enter and leave whenever you want. I will be holding virtual office hours weekly from 11am - 11:40am. I will send you all a message every week with more information. GRADES FOR THE 4TH NINE WEEKSYou will receive 1-2 assignments a week to complete and these will be your only grades for the 4th nine weeks. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQs)What is “Remote Learning”?Remote Learning is a fancy way of saying online learning. Teachers all around the nation are assigning virtual assignments so we can still teach you all. Education is a fundamental human right and during this time, teachers want to make sure all of you still have access to learn even amongst this pandemic. How dangerous is this virus? This virus is a novel virus in the coronavirus family. It attacks the lungs and causes an upper respiratory illness. People may be sick with the virus for 1 to 14 days before developing symptoms. The most common symptoms of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) are fever, tiredness, and dry cough. Most people (about 80%) recover from the disease without needing special treatment. However, the elderly and people with underlying health issues are prone to severe health complications. When are we coming back to school? We will not be coming back to school this school year. If I don’t have technology to do the assignments, where can I check out a laptop or tablet? Miami Norland Senior High School has tablets and laptops to check out. All you have to do is go to the school during the week and check one out. If you are still having a difficult time getting technology, contact me and I will assist you in any way I can. If I have free/reduced lunch, where can I still get food? Food will be served Monday-Friday between 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. until April 15th. Dinner will be served nightly (grab-n-go). Breakfast & lunch will be provided for the next day as well. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me!Note from Mr. Borrell: I miss you all more than you know. You all have taught me so much about myself and the world around me. I am very proud of ALL of your accomplishments and hard work this year and cannot wait to see you all again! Biology class forever <3 ................

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