47 - paulding.k12.ga.us

Maintenance and Light Repair – BMLR-2 & 3

(Automotive Technology –Year 2)

Instructor- Mr. James Bouwens

Full Year Course--- This course will be taught on the block schedule (two block semesters)

Course Description

This course includes classroom instruction and hands-on laboratory performance of the basic tasks included in the initial training required for employment in the automotive service field as identified by the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF). The course includes the development of basic technical skills requiring coverage of thirteen areas of automobile training. The development of core/soft employment skills that students should master are integrated throughout the course. Minimum performance requirements for the course are based on successful completion according to the NATEF Automobile Program Standards. The following 13 standards are: Employability-Auto Intro-& Parts, Safety, Tools & Equipment, Vehicle Information, Engines, Transmissions, Steering & Suspension, Brakes, Electrical, HVAC, Engine Performance, Careers, and Skills USA.


Important Message From The Teacher

Due to the intense pacing and highly difficult nature of the curriculum we cover; with a mind on student success, safety, and providing the best education I can for each student, SPHS does not/will not do daily repair work on student or teacher owned vehicles. While I believe repair and maintenance work is crucial in training students, SPHS provides school/shop owned vehicles for all projects and tasks we complete. It is true that in the past, I would allow students to work on their own vehicles, but the liability and insurance issues that arose from this were too many to overcome as of this date. I will be available on a limited basis (as my schedule allows) after the last class of the day to access safety concerns or complete damage or repair assessments to help your student, but my primary job is to educate all students and deliver the entire curriculum each year. Personal projects are very unpredictable in time needed, are a liability and safety hazard, and do not allow all students to participate in them. I will approve certain long-term loan vehicles from dealerships when needed. We pride ourselves here at SPHS to stay with the current trends; the proceeding policy matches many other secondary and post-secondary facilities as-well-as industry/manufacturer training that we see today.

Student Evaluation/Grading Procedures

Formative (Class related--Quizzes, Activity/Task Sheets, Articles) 25%

Summative (Shop related---Unit Tests, Projects, Shop Tasks, etc.) 55%

Semester Exam 20%

Assignments- Late work and Makeup Procedures

Assignments will be given a due date (typically 2-5 days) upon which I will pull and grade those assignments 24 hours after the due date. This ensures every student has a built in 24-hour grace period for such things as absences, illness, etc. Given this policy, I do not accept late work. If a student is absent for more than one day; the school’s absence policy will be in effect, “the student must initiate contact with the teacher and has up to 5 days to complete the missed assignments according to the policy of the excused absences procedure”

End of Pathway Tests

Near the end of the three-course pathway, the students will take an EOPT (End of Pathway Test). The test (as well as all training time/activities) is developed and given to the students to assess learning objectives in accordance of industry standards. If a student passes this test they will receive an industry accreditation from ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) and NATEF (National Automotive Technician Education Foundation). This will give the student a tremendous advantage with job and college opportunities. We prepare the students from day one for this goal so attendance and proper attention and attitude is paramount in pursuit of this endeavor.


Other Important Items

*School procedures will be posted and incorporated in each student’s folders. (The student also receives school rules in their student handbook.)

*Please refer to the website for complete course documents including: Syllabus, Student Information Sheet, Parental Release and Shop Procedures.

*The instructor, James Bouwens, may be reached from 7:30 am through 8:30 am and from 3:30 pm to 4:00 pm each school day at 770-949-9921

*Textbooks are provided for classroom use only. They will not be assigned to students to take home.

Required Materials: Pen and pencil everyday. Closed-toed and closed heel shoes.

Recommended Materials: Working shoes, season specific clothing (it can be hot or cold any given day). We have very cold A.C. and very warm heat. (It is not unusual for me to wear a hooded sweatshirt in August. I cannot control the ac from class to class or day to day in a quick-change fashion.

The SPHS automotive program is nationally certified and endorsed by ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) and NATEF (National Automotive Technician Education Foundation).

Please utilize my teacher website using the following link:


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