Robmodel, ver.2.45



' ROBMODEL: model of the ROBOT text data file

' NOTE: this file is your guide for text file creation.

' To create a new example text file read the ROBMODEL file into the ROBOT V6

' internal editor (F9 key), and save it after editing under a new name (Alt + S)

' New options of the ROBOT Millennium are marked in bold, italic and in green

'Main syntax rules:

' comments are preceded by " ' " or " ; " characters

' character " = " is optional - may be replaced by space

' character ":" separates different commands in the same line

' character "_" allows to continue current line in the following line

' LABel : ROBOT keyword

' : numeric value

' : a list of nodes, elements or cases, of one of the following forms:

' - ....

' - TO BY EXCLuding

' : name

' [...] : block of commands

' (...) : OPTIONAL block of commands

' {...} : REPEATABLE block of commands

' / : multiple choice sign, a FEW parameters from the list may be used, at

' : least ONE

' | : exclusive choice sign, only ONE parameter from the list may be used


' Names:

' Names used in ROBOT must not contain digits. However, if such need arises,

' both the name and the number must be closed by double quotes

' for example, "Steel A36".


' Symbols:

' The following symbols are used in the text (d.o.f. shall be chosen according to the structure

' type).

' [F] [FX / FY / FZ / MX / MY / MZ]

' [F=] [FX= / FY= / FZ= / MX= / MY= / MZ=]

' [F=] [FX= / FY= / FZ= / CX= / CY= / CZ=]

' [K=] [KX= / KY= / KZ= / HX= / HY= / HZ=>hz>]

' [M=] [MX= / MY= / MZ=]

' [P] [PX / PY / PZ]

' [P=] [PX= / PY= / PZ=]

' [R=] [ALpha= / BEta= / GAmma=]

' [U] [UX / UY / UZ / RX / RY / RZ]

' [U=]] [UX= / UY= / UZ= / RX= / RY= / RZ=]

' [X=] [X= / Y= / Z=]

' [A=] [AX= / AY= / AZ= / BX= / BY= / BZ=], where:

‘ ax,ay,az,bx,by,bz - values from the range [0:1]

' Units:

' All physical values are entered in units specified in the unit block

' (global or local). All exceptions are formally marked.


' Calculator:

' It is possible to use the following arithmetic operations

' for the numerical values: +, -, *, /,^, Sin, Cos,Tg, ArcTg, ABS, SQRT

' For example : IZ=((5*6^3)/12)

' Remarks:

' 1/ formulas must be always closed in parentheses ( )

' 2/ arguments of all trigonometric functions must be in DEGREES

' CAUTION: The result values of the ArcTg function are also in degrees.

' 3/ the user may use multi-level parentheses

' 4/ the user may use such formulas in all ROBOT modules in the numerical fields.

ROBOT97 ' | < | | = ] for numerical variables, such as

' real numbers, integers, lists

' [ = | ] for others (texts)


' % | ""


'Syntax B:


' ...

' (#ELSE

' ...)


'----------------------------------------------< TEXT BLOCK >------------------------------------------------------------

‘ text block is used to transfer user’s comments between the phases of opening

‘ and saving a file in *.STR format


TEXt “text block name”






PROperties ' TYPe=[PLAte | SECtion] POSition=[UP | DOwn _

' [L=(RELative)/ BF=(RELative)/ HT=(RELative)/ _

' TW=(RELative)/ TF=(RELative)] (NAMe "< user_name >")

' note: parameter RELative concerns all the dimensions

' provided before this parameter

' or:

' () _

' [profile_block] ([gamma_block]) _

' (COMpression | TENsion) _

' (KY= KZ=_

' HX=)(NAMe= "")_

‘ (NAMe "< user_name >")

' or:

' () CABle _

' AX = (E = )_

' (RO = ) _

' [PREstress = | TIGht = _

' | LENgth = | [ DILatation = (RELative) ] ]

‘ (NAMe "< user_name >")



' The groups $TEN, $COM containing tensioned and

' compressedelements and the group $CABLE containing

‘ all cable elements are created automatically


' Where:

' [profile_block] is one of the followings:



' (TH=) (DIM=) | _

' x ( x )

' In the case of the conflict between the section name

' and the ROBOT's key-word, the following command

' could be used, to limit the search of the profile

' to the chosen database:

' BASe

' ; profile definition




' AX= / AY= / AZ= /_

' IX= / IY= / IZ= / _

' VY= / VPY=/ VZ=/VPZ= /_

' WX = / WY = / WZ =



' BF= HT= (TH=) _

' (VARiable (CHAin= ) ( BF= / _

‘ HT=))


' CMPLX BF= D= HT= _

' (VARiable (CHAin= ) _

‘ [BF=/D=/H=])



' DIAmeter = (TH=) _

' (VARiable (CHAin= ) DIAmeter = )



' BOX BF= HT= _

' TW= TF=-------------------------------------------------------------------

;MEMbers ‘ Ui = | Fi =

' where:

' a = [0, 1, 2]

' b = [1, 2]

' Ui = UX | UY | UZ | RX | RY | RZ

' Ki = KX | KY | KZ | HX | HY | HZ

' Fi = FX | FY | FZ | MX | MY | MZ

' file_name - support definition file, from USR sub-directory

' * - not fully operational




; RELeases ' --------------------------------------------------


LOAds ' )

' ; ; Default: SPEed = 0.0

' ; NV 65 :

' ; REGion 1 | 2 | 3

' ; SITe NORmal | EXPosed | PROtected

' ; NBE - AE-88:

' ; REGion X | Y | Z | W

' ; SITe NORmal | EXPosed | PROtected

' ; DIN 1055:

' ; REGion I | II | III | IV

' ; SITe NORmal | EXPosed


' ; Structure height:

' (HEIght )

' Default: HEIght = building height referenced to the ground level

' ; Declare elements permeability

' (PERmeability ELEments )

' ; Default: no permeability in any element

' ; FROnt and REAr permeability declaration

' (PERmeability FROnt )

' (PERmeability REAr )


' One line for each permeability value, maximum

' 2 values of permeability greater than 5%

' ; "Door" type openings definition (opened or closed)

' (DOOr )

' ; Pressure type along the height VARIABLE , CONSTANT

' ; or base pressure

' (PREssure VARiable | CONstant | )

' ; Default: PREssure VARiable

' ; Multiple roofing switch

' (ROOfing ACTive | INActive)

' ; Default: ROOfing MULtiple ACTive

' ; Loading multiplication coefficient

' (COEfficient (ELEments )

' Default: COEfficient = 1

' ELEments ALL

‘ ; Additional commands for NV 65 code

' ; Facade offset switch

' (OFFset ACTive | INActive)

' ; Default: OFFset ACTive

' ; Dynamic pressure reduction coefficient

' (DELta | AUTomatic)

' ; Default: DELta=AUTomatic

‘ ; Additional commands for NEN 6702 code

‘ ; Roughness of the surfaces for friction coefficients

‘ (FRIction LOW | MEDium | HIGh)

‘ ; Default: FRIction LOW

‘ ; Additional commands available for codes: NV 65, ASCE 7-88,

‘ ; NEN 6702 and PN-77 /B03011

‘ ; Definition of the dynamic characteristics for construction

‘ ( DYNamic ( PERiod | _

‘ PULsation | _

‘ FREquency ) _

‘ (DAMping ) )

‘ ; Default: PERiod = 0 [s]

‘ PULsation = 0 [deg/s]

‘ FREquency = 0 [1/s]

‘ DAMping = 0.01


' Syntax:

' ; Snow block activation

‘ ; Definition of snow type, region and site ( for all countries except

‘ ; SPAIN - no regions and HOLLAND - no regions and site )

' (SNOw ( )

' for ASCE 7-88 :

' < = > NORmal | EXTremal

' ; Default: SNOw NORmal

‘ ; Region number corresponds the snow pressure in [lb/sq ft]

‘ REGion 5 | 10 | 15 ... 35 | 40 | 50 | 60 .. 90 | 100

‘ SITe A | B | C | D | E


‘ for NV65, NV65 Carte Neige, NV65 – Serres, N84 – Add. 96 = NORmal | EXTremal

‘ for NV65 / N84 Mod. 96 = NORmal | ACCidental | NORACCidental

‘ for NV65 + Carte 96 there is no type of snow

‘ Default: SNOw NORmal

‘ REGion

‘ for NV65 = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

‘ for NV65 Carte Neige and for NV65 – Serres = A | B | C | D

‘ for NV65 + Carte 96 = I | II | IA | IB | IIA | IIB | III | IV

‘ for NV65 / N84 Mod. 96 and for N84 – Add. 96 = IA | IB | IIA | IIB | III | IV

' for NBE - AE-88:

‘ FREsh | WET | ICEd

' ; Default: SNOw FREsh

‘ for PN-80 / 02010:

' < = > NORmal | EXTremal

' ; Default: SNOw NORmal

' REGion I | II | III | IV

‘ for DIN 1055:

‘ FREsh | WET | ICEd

' ; Default: SNOw FREsh

' REGion I | II | III | IV


' ; Geographical elevation:

' (ELEVation )

' ; Default: ELEVation=0

' ; Gutters - list of envelope nodes where gutter is placed:

' (GUTter )

' ; Snow redistribution by wind:

' (REDistribution USE | SUPpress)

' ; Default: REDistribution USE

' ; Loading multiplication coefficient

' (COEfficient (ELEments )

' ; Default: COEfficient = 1

' ELEments ALL

; SW END ' « ] }

; Note: Robot V6 syntax is automatically accepted

‘ where:

‘ BASe - number of the load case for which the time function is defined

‘ - value of the coefficient by which the load values are multiplied

‘ - time of taking load time function inot consideration

‘ - consecutive time points

‘ - time function values in consecutive time points

‘ - time function value given as an expression

; DAMping ; for modal decomposition only

; { < mode_no > }

'-------------------------------------------< MOVING LOADS ANALYSIS >---------------------------------------------


' / “< function_definition >“ ] } }




;COMbination ' < length_unit > ) _

‘ ( DISplacements < displacement_unit > ) _

‘ ( STResses < force_unit > < length_unit > ) _

‘ ( ANGle < angle_unit > )

' Length: IN, FT...

' Force: LB, KIP, N , KN , KDAN , KG, ...

‘ Angle: deg, grad, rad


‘ Omitting the unit selection for data and results will cause accepting the units using the

‘ UNIts command located at the beginning of the data file

' data format:

; PREsentation [EXPonential | DECimal] (COLumns ) (POInt { [LENgth | _

; FORce | DISplacements | RESults | MOMents | STResses | ANGles ] _

; })


; COLumns set decimal POInt for all items at two digits after d.p.

' logical printer installed from the CONFIGURATION:

; PRInter

' new base of page numbering

; PAGe

' pagination and printout type:

; EDItion [PAGes | CONtinuous] (RECto (VERSo) )

' page break:

; BREak

' printout quality:

; [DRAft | LETter quality]

; Default:

; If a command has not been used the PREFERENCE value is obligatory.


; The use of these commands changes values for the current preferences.

'----------------------------------------------< DATA PRINTOUT>---------------------------------------------------

;INPut ' (TITle ””) (NAMe (END) ””)

; TITle - table title

; NAMe - note before a table

; NAMe END - note after a table.

' Analysis information printout:

; INFo

' Global results printout:

; ALL.

; PLOt ' ................

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