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Community Access Committee

Notice of Meeting & Agenda

Friday 4th April 2014; Ocean Room, City of Bunbury Administration Building, 4 Stephen Street, Bunbury

Committee Terms of Reference

The City of Bunbury Community Access Committee exists to guide the Bunbury City Council towards attaining best practice on matters of access. The Community Access Committee is to make recommendations to Council based on the following Terms of Reference:

1. To develop proposals and make recommendations to Council on matters of access to City of Bunbury buildings, facilities, services and information.

2. To seek funding opportunities that improves access to all areas within the City of Bunbury.

3. To guide City of Bunbury departments and Councillors on decisions of best practice on matters of access to the City of Bunbury buildings, facilities, services or information.

4. To monitor the implementation of the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan for the City of Bunbury buildings, facilities, services and information.

Community Access Committee

Notice of Meeting

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for the benefit of committee members with visual impairment

Dear Committee members,

The next Ordinary Meeting of the Community Access Committee will be held in the Ocean Room, City of Bunbury Administration Building, 4 Stephen Street, Bunbury on Friday 4th April 2014 from 1:00pm – 3:00pm.


Stephanie Addison-Brown

Director Community Development

(Issued on: Monday 31st March 2014)

|Agenda |

|Friday 4th April 2014 |

|Members of the public to note that recommendations made by this committee are not final and will be subject to adoption (or otherwise) at a future|

|meeting of the Bunbury City Council. |

Committee Members:

|Member Name |Representing |

|Deputy Mayor Brendan Kelly |City of Bunbury |

|Councillor Murray Cook |City of Bunbury |

|Adam Johnson |Advocacy South West |

|Kathryn Hewitt |Short on Sight Group |

|Margaret Holden |Short on Sight Group |

|Tracey Slattery |Disability Services Commission |

|Andrew McClean |Community Representative |

|Anthony Bertone |Community Representative |

|Peter Sears |Community Representative |

|Rhonda Alman |Community Representative |

|Thomas Blair |Community Representative |

|Vacant Position | |

Ex-officio Member:

|Member Name |Title |

|Stephanie Addison-Brown |Director Community Development |

Support Staff:

|Name |Title |

|Elizabeth Larkin |Community Development Support Officer |

|Isabell Evans |Community Development Officer |

Members of the Public:

|Name |Representing |

|Gillian Fry |Association for the Blind of Western Australia |

1. Declaration of Opening

2. Disclaimer

Not applicable to this committee.

3. Announcements from the Presiding Member

4. Attendances

1. Apologies

Deanna Sullivan.

4.2 Approved Leave of Absence

5. Declaration of Interest

|IMPORTANT: Committee members to complete a “Disclosure of Interest” form for each item on the agenda in which they wish to disclose a |

|financial/proximity/impartiality interest. They should give the form to the Presiding Member before the meeting commences. After the |

|meeting, the form is to be forwarded to the Administration Services Section for inclusion in the Corporate Financial Disclosures |

|Register. |

6. Public Question Time

7. Confirmation of Minutes

Committee Decision: Moved ___________ Seconded ___________

The minutes of the Community Access Committee meeting held on Friday 7th February 2014, are confirmed as a true and accurate record.


8. Presentations

8.1 Petitions

8.2 Presentations

8.3 Deputations

9. Method of Dealing with Agenda Business

Actions arisen from previous meetings are discussed in a permanent item in 10.3: Any other General Business.

In the absence of any 10.2: Members Reports, a roundtable update will take place following the discussion of all 10.3: General Business items.

10. Reports

10.1 Officer Reports

10.1.1 Approval of revised Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2012 – 2017

|File Ref: |A05850 |

|Applicant/Proponent: |Officer Report |

|Author: |Isabell Evans, Community Development Officer |

|Executive: |Stephanie Addison-Brown, Director Community Development |


The purpose of this report is for the Community Access Committee to consider supporting the revised Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2012 – 2017.

Following amendments to the Disability Services Act 1993 Western Australian public authorities have until July 1 2014 to amend their current Disability Access and Inclusion Plans to incorporate a seventh Outcome.

Executive Recommendation

That the Community Access Committee notes and supports the revised Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2012 – 2017 to be presented to Council at their Ordinary Meeting on Tuesday 15 April.


As the Committee is aware, the City of Bunbury has in place a Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2012 – 2017 (the “DAIP”) which encompasses six Outcomes outlining the various ways the City is working to improve access to its various services and facilities.

Amendments to the Disability Services Act and Regulations gazetted on 11 June 2013 require local government organisations to incorporate a seventh Outcome into their respective DAIPs prior to July 1 2014.

DAIPs must now include information about how public authorities will increase the employment opportunities for people with disability, and how potential barriers to employment will be addressed.

At their meeting dated Friday 7 February 2014, the Committee provided feedback to the Community Development Officer – Access on potential tasks and strategies to be included in this seventh Outcome. Following this meeting, additional consultation methods were implemented including an online and hard copy survey.

As a result of this consultation, a revised DAIP with a draft Outcome has been developed (see Attachment A).

This Outcome contains numerous strategies and tasks to be completed over the remaining life of the DAIP, with the Human Resources and Community Development teams holding primary responsibility for this.

Council Policy Compliance

There is no Council policy applicable to this report.

Legislative Compliance

The Disability Services Act and Regulations 1993 require all Western Australian local governments to introduce a seventh outcome into their Disability Access and Inclusion Plans by July 1 2014.

Officer Comments

Through the consultation process (see “Community Consultation” below), including the Committee round table brainstorm conducted at the previous meeting, a number of specific actions were identified as potential components of the new Outcome Seven.

Concurrent with the structure of the DAIP, these specific actions have been incorporated into broader tasks and strategies. These actions have been internally noted against the tasks for consideration at the time the tasks are scheduled for completion. For example, the action “Include a disclaimer at the bottom of job advertisements encouraging applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and people with disability” will be considered as part of work to complete the task “Review job advertisement template and process for accessibility.”

Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications

There are no financial and budget implications applicable to this report.

Community Consultation

A number of targeted and generalised consultation processes have been undertaken as follows:

• Round-table brainstorm discussion at Community Access Committee meeting dated Friday 7 February 2014;

• Survey developed and distributed to Community Development Team industry networks as well as being made available on the City of Bunbury website and in hard-copy at the Administration Centre;

• Local Disability Employment Services (DES) individually contacted;

• Face-to-face meeting held with one DES.

Councillor/Officer Consultation

The Human Resources department have been consulted as have staff who operate volunteer programs within the City (the Manager Wildlife Park, Senior Visitor Centre Officer and Senior Library Officer Programs & Engagement).

Deputy Mayor Brendan Kelly and Councillor Murray Cook are aware of this report.

10.2 Members Reports

3. Any other General Business

1. ‘Most Accessible Regional City’ workshop debrief;

2. Disability Services Commission Board meeting debrief;

3. Update of actions from last meeting (see attached minutes);

4. Member round table update.

11. Applications for Leave of Absence

Tracey Slattery; 11 April – 22 October 2014.

12. Motions of Which Previous Notice has been given

13. Questions from Members

13.1 Response to Previous Questions from Members taken on Notice

13.2 Questions from Members

14. Urgent Business

15. Date of Next Meeting

Friday 6th June 2014; 1:00pm – 3:00pm; City of Bunbury Administration Building, 4 Stephen Street, Bunbury.

16. Close of Meeting

Actions Required after Meeting

1. Minutes of meeting to be sent to Council for noting

2. Items to be raised for Council following requests/recommendations/motions by committee

3. Any other actions required


City of Bunbury

4 Stephen Street

Bunbury WA 6230

Western Australia

Correspondence to:

Post Office Box 21

Bunbury WA 6231

Telephone: (08) 9792 7000[pic] #@GHJPUW¦¨©ÅÇËòåÖÄÖµ¡µ’ƒ’Äq_P? hÏ



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